#they haven't even eaten yet they're just talking in the kitchen
gravehags · 2 months
this dinner fic was supposed to be a silly little blurb and now it's 2,300+ words how does this always happen lmao
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Rhea's Friends (Part 7)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship, selfharm, eating disorder
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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Rhea opens the door to let in the three boys. The shortest one hugs Rhea, he didn't even notice you yet.
"Who is this?" a very tall and muscular man asks. He scares you a bit. Rhea smiles and puts an arms around you.
"Do you wanna introduce yourself or should I do it for you?" she whispers. "You please" you answer. You're scared she might tell them about what happened but you also didn't dare to speak for yourself just yet.
"So, this is y/n, she's staying at mine for some time so get used to it." Demi tells the boys.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Dominic but you can call me Dom like everyone else." the short one who hugged Rhea says.
"I'm Damian" says the tall one and reaches out to shake your hand. You shyly return the gesture.
"And I'm Finn" the third one who hasn't spoken yet says. You just nod and try to smile at them.
"Alright" Rhea says and grabs your hand. You follow her into the living room, they boys right behind you.
They sit down on the couch and Dominic turns on the TV. "Come here y/n" Demi says. Only now do you realize that you're the only one still standing.
You sit down next to her at the end of the couch. She puts her arm around you and leans back. "So what's the plan for today?" Rhea asks.
"What about we play some games and order pizza later. We could also watch a movie then" Finn says.
"Or we could make a horror movie marathon" Dom says enthusiastically. "No way, as much as I'd love to but y/n here can't stand horror." Rhea quickly throws in.
"What about we watch some stupid movies to laugh about" Damian suggests. "Oh yes, do you wanna watch barbie?" Demi says and looks at you. You shrug "fine by me"
"OK yeah, let's do it" Dom says and scrolls through a list of movies to find what they're looking for. "I'll order pizza, what do you guys want?" Finn says.
Everyone orders except for you. "What do you want y/n?" Damian says. "Nothing thanks" you reply shyly.
"y/n can we talk for a sec?" Rhea says and stands up. You're confused but follow her into the kitchen.
Demi leans against a counter and looks at you. "What is it that you wanna talk about?" "Are you hungry?" she asks.
You give her a confused look. "No why you asking?" you lie. "Because it's almost 2pm and you haven't eaten anything today except the little breakfast we had at around 9."
You sigh "I'm just not comfortable with eating in front of other men" Rhea gives you a sad smile "okay, but if you change your mind you can always take some of my pizza ok?" "thank you" you smile.
You return to the living room and join the boys who waited with the start of the film until you were back.
It was actually more fun than you originally thought. You were even comfortable enough to laugh out loud, even if it wasn't often, and steal one of Rhea's pizza slices.
It was around 10pm when Demi practically threw the boys out because they just wouldn't leave. "Byee" you both said before Rhea closed the door behind them.
"That wasn't as bad as I thought, they're pretty cool" you say and she grins at you. "Yea, I liked it too but I'm pretty tired now." Demi yawns.
You hesitate before asking "can you sleep with me in the bed again?" Rhea smirks, "sure" then grabs your hand and leads you to the bedroom.
You both get ready for bed and lay down. "Demi?" you whisper. "hm" she hums. "I know you're tired and everything but can we cuddle? I feel a bit lonely right now."
"Of course, come here love" she responds and stretches out her arm so you can snuggle up to her.
I like the feeling I get when we touch. You think. Damn I never felt this way with him, like, actually cared for and protected and comfortable and all that.
"Good night" Rhea whispers. You feel her lips slightly brushing the top of your head.
I wonder what it would be like to kiss her. "Good night Demi, thank you for everything!" "You're welcome" she says and pecks you on your head.
Heat rushes through your body. Something you never felt before. With your ex you always wished for things to be over as soon as possible, with Rhea you wanted them to never end.
Part sevennnn and many more planned ;)
Wishes, suggestions etc in the comments.
Taglist: @thatonepansexual2000
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slocumjoe · 1 year
companions work at a grocery store
Cait; Cart attendant and odd jobs. Does some cleaning, some stocking, gets paid for whatever she does. Nick's just happy she's staying out of trouble. If she were a worse person, she'd drink before driving to work. As if stands, drinks at work. She works with earbuds in, and it's a wonder she isn't deaf with how loud she blasts her music. Very grumpy, good luck getting help from her. Surprisingly doesn't steal. "Not from this store, anyway," she says. Will offer to walk lone women back to their cars if its dark out. Survives entirely off of Preston's reject cakes.
Curie; Pharmacist. Very fast, very knowledgeable. You won't spend more then 5 minutes at her counter. She'll notice things about you and recommend treatments which gets her in trouble. Some people get put off by her advice. Sometimes buys the other employees food when she thinks they haven't eaten yet. Buys veggies and makes a salad in-store for her own lunch. Always has an ice tea in her hand. Her coworkers are pretty sure she's won awards; not sure why she's there.
Danse; Loss prevention/security. When he first got the job, you would have thought it was a CIA position. But a few months into it, noticed that most shoplifters are stealing essentials. Had that moment of "hey, shouldn't this at least be cheaper, if not free?" and radicalized overnight. Nowadays, mostly throws out people throwing tantrums, makes sure Cait eats and sobers up before driving home, and keeps Hancock from getting them all sued. Takes migraine tablets like candy, will give you hugs if a customer is shitty to you. Mom to Nick's Dad.
Deacon; Cashier. Much like X6 and Curie, why is he there? He has a lot of money. Like...way too much. Trust fund kid? Porn star? He's very chatty and friendly, will remember you even if you only shopped there once. He'll show up to work dressed as one of his coworkers and try to take over their job when someone calls out sick or something. They appreciate it, because money, but still...creepy. 'Yes, and's angry customers, baffles them by becoming more belligerent than they are. Tries to fight Danse and Hancock in a customer's stead.
Gage; Butcher. Legend has it he went to prison for hacking people, and wants a way to legally get his fix. No. He bought a pack of deli meat for sandwiches, and was disappointed with the consistency of the slices. If you want something done right, do it yourself. Rarely seen outside of the deli or his car. He's pretty sure the bakery guy has a crush on him. Materializes out of thin air to egg on Hancock. Shockingly, pretty good customer service. Needs maybe three, four words before he knows what they're asking for. Has never been wrong. Judges you if you make a big deal out of buying leaner cuts.
Hancock; Custodian. Work buddies with Cait. He doesn't work with earbuds in, prefers to think. If you catch him when he's not busy, talks your ear off about history and politics. Will call customers out on the spot if they're...y'know, doing customer things. Danse comes in before it can ever escalate to a fight. He cleans slowly, but thoroughly. Also comes from money, and definitely sells on the side. Open about being here just for realistic, proletarian experience. Thinks its good for the soul. Keeps you humble. Has tested every brand of brownie mix for weed and will recommend the best one for 'his people'.
MacCready; Part-time bagger, part-time overnight stocker. Mac takes his kid to school, comes to work as a bagger, goes and gets Duncan, brings him home, and stays with him until bedtime. Then he comes back as a stock clerk. He studies for better jobs on his breaks. So tired. Drinks so much coffee. His coworkers all but throw free food at him. He hates it, but knows better than to turn something down for his own pride. Keeps things customers leave in the store. If it was, like, a phone, he'd give it back. It's never a phone. It's shoes, socks. A set of kitchen knives, once. They don't sell knives.
Nick; Retired detective turned store manager who thought running a store would be less emotionally taxing than crime scenes. He was wrong. Ellie, the assistant manager, handles the actual numbers and paperwork. Handles belligerent folks, will blacklist without a care. Would give everyone raises if the corporate higher-ups would let him. Older problem shoppers get sent his way—they can't 'respect your elders' him. Calls the cops when people sexually harass his cashiers, Piper and Deacon disguised as Piper. Feels like he had a better opinion of humanity when he was working in crime. Cannot believe none of his employees are felons.
Preston; Bakery. Wants Gage dead. He gives 'reject' goods to his coworkers (not Gage). Very tired man, takes out frustration on bread dough. Will offer free samples even if the sign isn't up. Won't charge extra for wedding cakes, mostly because the final product never lives up up to his own expectations. Has perfected the 'this isn't a stupid idea' expression. He's a chain store baker, not Cake Boss. But he tries, bless him. Best customer service, naturally helpful, just wants you to be happy. The only employee to actually fight a customer.
Piper; Cashier as well, does her own bagging. Quick with her hands. Also very chatty, but not to Deacon's extent. She prefers to get her people in an out quickly. Will talk politics based on what she can glean from her customers. Sends extreme couponers to Deacon, she's not paid enough for that crap. Will smuggle small candy packages from storage if they're damaged in some way, takes them more openly since Danse eased up. Nick doesn't care. Makes the best instant Ramen in the breakroom's kitchenette, will make it for coworkers she likes.
X6-88; Florist. He wears nondescript black clothing and sunglasses indoors. If you Google them, they cost more than anyone's annual salary. He conceal-carries. Freaked out Danse when he brought it up months after his employment. "I need to know these things!" "I just told you, sir." His bouquets are...unnatural. Like, geometric, too perfect. Tsks when a customer puts in a request he doesn't approve of. Very judgemental. If you order a bouquet for your spouse, and another for a side piece, will purposefully mix them up. He used to work at a government facility and drives a vintage hearse. 100% has killed people. Gives flowers to whoever buys him sugary frappacinos.
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thechairanon · 8 months
It took me so long to post this dear god.
ANYWAY part two of sona lore! Takes place a week after the first part, and Chair is feeling the effects of the tapes pretty hard.
I don't know what warnings I should put for this, but there is a bit of... push for [Redacted] to get a partner from her family throughout this. They're not exactly nice to her about that. Another warning is that there's a bit of violence near the end, but it's not explicit.
[Redacted] was sitting in her grandfather’s chair at the family reunion, looking out the window, her back to the tv.
She could still hear it.
The static. The voices. The horror on the tapes.
She had watched all of them and then some within a week.
She flinched when someone put their hand on her arm.
“Are you all right, dear?” Her mother asked. “You’ve been sitting there for a while.”
[Redacted] tore her eyes away from watching the outside world. “What?”
Her mother sighed. “I’m worried about you, [Redacted]. Your brother told me you’ve been acting like this all week. Tell me what’s wrong.”
[Redacted] shrugged. “I’m fine, mom. Promise. I’m just… tired.”
Her mother sighed. “Can you at least join me in the kitchen? Your Grandma hasn’t seen you since Grandpa passed away. She wants to talk to you.”
“Yeah, I’ll- uh. I’ll be in soon.” [Redacted] turned back to the window. She blinked when she saw her two little cousins and {Missing} playing together in her front yard.
When did they get there?
[Redacted] sighed. She got up, grabbed her chair, and made her way to the kitchen.
“Hey, Puppet Girl!” Her uncle greeted when she walked into the kitchen. “How’ve you been, kiddo?”
“Oh, --Unavailable--,” [Redacted]’s mother scolded. “Don’t you think she’s a little too old for that nickname?”
“Of course not!” (Removed) piped up. “I’ve been calling her Chair all week and she hasn’t said a thing about it!”
Everyone but [Redacted] laughed.
“How’s business?” Aunt /Censored/ asked.
“It’s been okay. I haven't…” [Redacted] glanced over at her brother. “I’ve… I think I’ve been working on a new project.”
(Removed) nodded. “It looks good! It’s definitely a new and interesting style, but it looks good.”
“[Redacted], you look tired,” [Redacted]’s Grandma \Effaced\ said kindly. “Have you been getting enough sleep?”
“Hmmm…” Had she? Every night this week, [Redacted] had eaten dinner, waited until her brother and {Missing} had gone to bed, and listened to a tape or two. Or three.
Okay, maybe [Redacted] hadn’t gotten the best sleep this week.
It was those damn tapes fault. They drew her in like quicksand and now she was trapped.
She couldn’t(wouldn’t?) stop watching them.
“-you going to propose to that girl?” \Effaced\ asked (Removed).
[Redacted] blinked. How much of this new conversation had she missed?
(Removed) glanced away. “Jeez, Grandma, we’re not ready for that kind of commitment yet.”
“At least you’re engaged,” \Effaced\ said snipishly, “little miss independent here hasn’t even looked for a man. When am I going to get grandchildren if you’re too cowardly to propose and [Redacted] refuses to look for a good man to take care of her!?”
[Redacted] took a sharp breath in. God damn it, not this again. She could hear the tapes in their box in the hallway closet rattling with anger.
[Redacted] couldn’t agree with them more.
[Redacted] stood quickly, bolted out the kitchen and out the back door. She slowed to a stop at the edge of the woods in her backyard.
The anger had knocked all sense of exhaustion out of her body. She trembled with rage.
“Chair! Hold up.” (Removed) yelled. He joined his sister in the backyard. “Where are you going?”
“For a walk,” [Redacted] answered coldly. “I’m going to go chop some wood.”
“Cool, I’m joining you.”
[Redacted] trudged into the woods with (Removed) following close behind.
They walked on a path that [Redacted] had carved into the ground from years of going back and forth between the stump she used to chop her wood and her house.
It was a nice spot in the woods right next to a creek. The previous owners of the house had built a shed there to keep gardening supplies, but [Redacted] used it to keep her logs dry and her ax from rusting.
Within moments, [Redacted] was bringing down her ax on some poor unsuspecting log of wood, completely splitting it in half. Krrk-thunk.
[Redacted] liked the sound of chopping wood. The crack of the ax splitting the log and then hitting then hitting the stump underneath was a familiar, comforting sound.
“I just don’t understand why she refuses to let it go,” [Redacted] snarled as she replaced her previous log with a new one.
“I’m sure she means only the best,” (Removed) said.
“She brought it up at Grandpa’s FUNERAL, (Removed)!” Krrk-thunk.
(Removed) hissed through his teeth. “Yeah, not the best time to bring that up. But you have to admit, she has a point.”
[Redacted] paused mid-swing. “What?”
“Well- think about it this way. You know I’m providing for {Missing}, right? What happens if you can’t provide for yourself anymore?”
“You’ll need someone to take care of you if your chair-making business doesn’t work out for you financially.”
“Chair- [Redacted], talk to me.”
Static sung in [Redacted]’s ears, building up behind her drooping eyes. She could hear the tapes in their box, begging to be let out.
They didn’t like all this nagging, and neither did she.
(Removed) sighed. “I have a buddy who I think you’ll like if you give him-”
“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” [Redacted] spun to face her brother and swung.
The noise that came next did not sound like it came from an ax hitting wood. In fact, it sounded like an ax hitting something much, much different.
Part 1 / Part 3
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🌙 Inscribed Nightmares 🌙
The Chefs
Age: 30 & 30
Height: 5'7 & 5'5
Born: JAN 1
Name(s): Beezal Obulb & Zaleeb Bulbo
Beezal's stats:
STAMINA: 💫💫💫⭐⭐
EPITHET: Mundie/no-epithet INFATUATE
ANIMAL: Chicken
LIKES: himself, horizontal pilot, hearing himself speak, talking.
Zaleeb's stats:
EPITHET: Mundie/No-Epithet
ANIMAL: Rooster
FAV FOOD: Noodles
Likes: Staying silent, Games revolved around teamwork, hearing other's speak, Listening, anywhere that isn't their brother's restaurant.
Two Chefs who recently moved to Sweet Jazz City to start and set up a restaurant business in the big city. In as little as a couple years, they practically took over the entire cooking scene! They have been on dozens and dozens of interviews and live shows with their careers and reach only growing exponentially! Beezal is the only brother who actively participates in the publicity. The other brother, Zaleeb, tends to leave as soon as crowds start to mention the food.
Many who have been interviewed went off into tangents about how delicious and great the chef's food, but one person claims otherwise. When asked about their cooking to Howie Honeyglow, he gave this wild response:
Howie Honeyglow: "I don't buy this. Something is off about their food. It looks like slob that only serve to be nutritious to prisoners to keep em alive, yet people keep hounding to their place like they're infatuated with the food. I had multiple bees that shared the same distain with their food as I. They try it, and the next time I see em, they can't shut up about the place. They stop eating anywhere else but that place and put all of their time into eating at that restaurant three times a day at the very least, even if it breaks their pockets. I've seen people literally walk miles to that place when a different place was literally a five minute walk away, people become addicted to their food, and dozens of hard working cooks lose their careers to these people. When chefs who actually know how to do their goddamn job are asked about their work practices, they can talk people's ears off, but anytime those two have one of their little interviews, they talk like they haven't been in a kitchen a day in their lives. Those two aren't doing their jobs. I know one of those chefs are hiding that they're inscribed, and I refuse to eat their slob. Now let me do my job."
He just went back into work, ignoring any further questions. When Naven Nuknuk was asked about the place, while he didn't have as much to say as Howie, it was noted that he had never eaten there before and doesn't plan on doing so anytime in the near future. As the restaurant grew in popularity, Naven has claimed that he had to fire a decent amount of STEM employees due to them neglecting their responsibilities.
Some investigations about the restaurant went underway due to an increasing amount of customers spending unhealthy amounts of hours at the restaurant to the point where their lives have taken a sharp decline. Unfortunately, without any clear proof of foul play or abuse of epithet abilities as none of the brothers are shown to be inscribed on their records, the investigation went cold rather quickly.
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guessimate · 1 year
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Thank you all who voted in my poll! You seemed to want to have me find love for my founders... But the head of the Orange family (Ninurta) actually wanted to settle down for neither the Nature hobby instructor Kitty, nor the Arts&Crafts instructor Jenna. He rolled the want to go on 3 first dates...
I don't know if he's just not feeling these ladies (he must still love his wife!), or if it's just a Pleasure sim thing. There aren't enough townies in town for him to have any more first dates though, so maybe he'll settle for one of them some day. I'm going to have to say it was a mid-life crisis for him, as he was never really content as a Pleasure sim... I tried my best to make him happy, I swear! But I don't want him to interact in a romantic way with his son's peers.
Damu Orange (the heir) met Tefnut Bruni who was jogging by their lot and they went to the hobby lot together with Ninurta, as I needed to formally introduce them to Kitty.
Damu wanted to talk, flirt and ask Tefnut on a date. They both got crushes on each other, and she even fell in love with him during the date (but he never fell in love with her).
Damu is quite an ambitious teen (and definitely way more ambitious than his dad is!). wanted to max out creativity and sell a masterpiece, so he maxed out Arts&Crafts in the process. I didn't let him sell any more of his art for profit, but I wanted him to feel accomplished at least once.
Kitty, the Nature instructor, is a Romance sim, so she feared getting married. She didn't fall in love with Ninurta, and she wasn't interested in WooHooing, so I didn't force it. The couple seemed to have lost their interest after making out with each other, and just wanted to become BFF-s.
Since Ninurta wanted one more 1st date, I took the liberty of sending them to the Arts&Crafts Hobby lot... The Kaylynn Langerak's lookalike shook Damu's hand, congratulating him on his achievements after all, so they could go there. I just pretended I didn't see the modern appliances on the hobby lots (they didn't go inside, and I don't want to learn how to edit these lots for now).
Jenna, the Arts&Crafts instructor (Fortune aspiration) actually fell in love during the date, but Ninurta only wanted to become BFF-s with her too... It was harder to develop their relationship, as they initially had no bolts (later they ended up with one bolt of chemistry).
Ninurta doesn't seem to have serious plans regarding these ladies... Hopefully his son will be more serious about Tefnut. Damu seemed quite shocked by his father's advances on two ladies.
Also some CC recommendations from me! CAS here:
I just got a new body hair box that allows for 40 options (before I had one with just 5 options).
I got this hair box too while I was at it, though I haven't really used it much yet.
I also got this set of beards (they're unisex) and the stubbles from here (male only).
And I'm also trying to incorporate this set of eyebrows into my game.
And food here:
I broke my vow of not getting custom foods and got this mod that unlocks a Maxis dish, just because it's eaten with chopsticks and there are so few of these.
And this also helps with unlocking chopsticks for another dish (that's just a default and a mod)! You only need the file RamenOnStovetopMod+Chopsticks.rar & neosimi-default-ramen to make your ramen look better, use chopsticks, and for you to be able to prepare it on a stove, which is way more 'historical' than using a microwave for it.
For default dishes I suggest you all look here or here.
I also use a replacement for a pan (I don't claim that it's historical but I love the strawberry one). And in addition to the plate defaults, I use the mod that allows you to choose which family should get which dishes. Definitely also take a look at the Greek Kitchen set from here if you don't have it yet (there is also a vending machine replacement there)!
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Letters to those you hold dear, Fandom: Creepypasta/Marble Hornets Character: Tim/Masky Relationship: Romantic~
Dear Tim/Masky (whoever gets the letter),
How are you, love? It's been quite a while since I've heard from you. I am guessing work has been busy, same here for me, studies are..whack. Have you eaten yet? If you haven't by the time this letter is in your hand, you better do (or I will head to where you are and force you/jk) I've been..ok? It's in-between 'been better" and "haven't been better". Is that even a thing? The good thing is that now I have the time and passion to eat lunch. Usually, I would just skip it. So, on 'normal' days, I just eat breakfast and supper. I rarely skip dinner but it depends usually. How was your day? Did anything weird happen lately or is it still just obeying your boss. I feel like sending a letter to that man, ranting about him in Japanese so he won't understand. Unless he can translate it then...no way am I writing to him haha. Last night was one of the best. I received my favourite chocolate from an anonymous sender. (It was for valentines btw) They sent 10 of them X] And they're all dark chocolate. I'm sending you one with this letter! Also, a polaroid pic that my housemate took. There was a baby snake in the kitchen this morning and it was adorable~ I wanted to pet it but i was too late. It slithered away to its mum in the backyard. Now, I know what you're thinking. Call 911. Hell nah. I went to pet them but again, they slithered away. Andd,
Happy Valentines Day 💕🌹💖
Sigh, I can't even spend this with you. It's fine, work is life or...a living pain- pfft- lol- Anyways, kisses from me! When you come back to me, expect some muffins with 'I love you's on them and most probably a 2-course dinner (i've been cooking a lot of things lately). Muahah, also a teddy bear. Maybe we could have dinner or something at least. Or just send each other chocolates. I'm looking forward to your reply <3 貴方の愛 Kayte.
[sent with a bar of Belgium dark chocolate and a blurry polaroid picture of Kayte falling down the stairs head first ^^] [AND THANK YOU ELSIE <3]
[Disclaimer: Letters To Those You Hold Dear (Valentine's Edition) is a special event I'm holding from February 13th - February 23rd 11:59 PM. Find the guidelines HERE so you can send a letter or two to those you hold dear <3]
[Putting the AN up here because I don't think it warrants a full letter format from me, yes ofc!! np!! Glad you enjoy <3]
Hey there sweetheart,
I did eat today! We went to some super sketchy diner and got some brunch. Currently writing this because Smile coughed it up in the parking lot and well, Brian is talking to one of the waitresses. Don't know where Kate and Toby went though, so it's just me sitting here at the table. It's nice to catch up with you though, I've really missed hearing from you. It's better than falling downwards, y'know? I wish I was there to hold you though. It's been a while since I've actually seen you and I miss you.
He'd know. One time, he got so angry at Jeff, he started screaming at him in German! The operator's proxies span every country. But I don't know, it would be kind of funny to get some weird anime dub from him for a moment or so. Maybe you should just to see what happens. You know, fuck around and find out. Who gave you Valentine's shit?? Should just be me-. Speaking of, I have some things headed your way that I'll leave as surprise for now, but I'm attaching something sweet for you here too. Saw it earlier and it made me think of you.
You sound like Toby, wanting to pet snakes and stuff. We have to physically wrestle him to leave the raccoons and opossums alone. Do I need to do that for you too, baby? I should hope not.
Anyways, happy valentine's. We should do some baking when I get to see you again! Baking, movies, maybe a romantic dinner? Whatever you want really. What makes you happy makes me happy. And please be more careful... I saw the picture.
[Attached to the letter are a few freshly plucked wildflowers alongside a chocolate bar that has cartoonish hearts on it. There's also a sticky note that read "I love you!" in Tim's handwriting.]
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seraphicstrings-a · 3 years
the tea was not yet brewed, but that didn't stop the two from chatting in the dimly-lit kitchen anyway, the scent of tea leaves and honey accompanying their conversation. orin leaned against the counter and tilted their head to study the other, more inquisitive than anything. "we haven't talked in a while," they said, and in the silent way they seemed to communicate most things, they raised their brows to add: what have you been up to?
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"You were at least yay high last time I saw you." Gesturing a little above his short stature. "It's been what, a few years? Or has it been longer? Oh stars, I can barely keep track of the living anymore, it's so difficult!" He laughs, the sound resounding like a distant chime of a door being opened into a jury hall.
"Ah well."
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"As usual, everyone is a bunch of idiots. Aside from the people that I live with, of course. And you." He shrugs. "Do you know how hard it is being impassive towards people who always come to you when they're so awfully desperate for the same things? It REEKS of the same old game. It's boring. I'm kind of glad for having Delun around. They make this repetitive a little less inane. Make things fun for me. Make the nighttime, fun, in a way. I won't bombard you with that, because I know that flusters you." He chuckles.
"Or at least, I know you don't want to hear the sexual escapades of your elders again, for the third week in a row. As much as I love to talk about it."
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"Even so. One of my smaller deals got interrupted for no good reason. All because some girl didn't decide to talk it all the way through with me and then got upset when it wasn't what she wanted. Young dragons and their nonsense. I swear, I should just make it a personal rule to only deal with ancient dragons who KNOW what they talk about and how to make a deal. Their kids rush into things. And get this! That girl's friends got mad at me too. What a sore loser of a friend group. Like I'M the one at fault for her getting her britches in a twist over not being better at negotiating terms of agreement and reading through the fine print. I even did what I always do and offer to rearrange the whole deal at least once. She STILL got upset. Kids."
He rolls his eyes.
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"Now I have a stars-cursed void reality bender trying to get into my head with some psychology tricks or whatever, thinking that he's some hot shot or something. He's no better. Like I haven't been alive for the birth and death of more than a few universes. Like I haven't seen beings like him come into existence and then be killed and eaten and torn to bits. He is nothing to me. I'm more scared of that Pisces fellow than I am of him."
He shakes his head.
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"Anyway, how are you doing lately, Orin? Develop your powers yet?"
-- @thorrned
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Christmas in July
Synopsis- How did Hoshi, Taeyong and Y/N end up into bed together? Was it too many shots of whisket and eggnog Hoshi had? The flirty touches between Y/N and Taeyong as they helped set up a fake Christmas tree? Or Taeyong ruining an intimate moment?
Warnings - (Sort of a) Threesome, mentions of Christmas before Summer is even over, Light Bondage (pun possibly intended), Filmed sex, Unprotected sex, not really drunk sex
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"You look so gorgeous tied up in those lights. Too bad after this weekend, we have to wait until actual Christmas to do this," Hoshi wrapped the string of lights around Y/N's calves, the only source of light in the room illuminate her body.
"Should we get her wrists?," Taeyong rubbed his covered bulge, his boxer adorned with a Rudolph cartoon, "I think we have more lights."
"I thought we were supposed to be setting up for the Christmas in July party for tonight," Y/N moaned as Hoshi kissed her chest, her bra the only barrier, "I promised we would have the light set up by 5 and it's 4:15 right now."
"We texted Woozi and Taeil, they're going to be late, about 5:15, 5:30 they said," Taeyong, amazed by the lights, lingered his touch along the wires around Y/N's legs, "I asked them to bring more eggnog and whiskey, seeing as we drank most of it."
Taeyong and Y/N had just finished putting up the tinsel and flat ornaments on a post-it notes, Hoshi placing a small bin of pens and sharpies on a side-table next to it.
"This was a really cute idea, Y/N, Christmas in July knowing that we're going to be touring or promoting. Thank you," Taeyong gave a side-hug to Y/N "No problem, I thought we would do something, and what better than early Christmas?"
"I think I'm going to go mix up the eggnog," Hoshi tensed up at Taeyong touching Y/N, excusing him to the bathroom, "Did Johnny bring the liquor?"
"Yeah, but only a bottle," Y/N followed him to the kitchen, "they'll bring more later."
Hoshi grabbed the bottle of golden liquor, pouring all the contents into a bowl as Y/N grabbed the eggnog from the fridge, stunned at the pace Hoshi poured the liquor.
"Whoa, whoa, hey, aren't you supposed to do the eggnog first, and then add the liquor? It's supposed to be spiked, not eggnog-flavored booze," Y/N chuckled as she grabbed a new bowl, pouring one carton of eggnog, "you're supposed to do it bit by bit, can you hand me a shotglass?"
Hoshi stammered, reaching for a tiny glass as Y/N stirred the liquid. Impure thoughts filled his head at her innocent actions. It was just Y/N's hand stirring, but the wooden spoon she was using, Hoshi couldn't help but imagine it was his shaft she was holding.
"Hey!" Hoshi came out of his daydream as Y/N grabbed the shotglass, measuring out 3 shots before throwing them in the eggnog, mixing it together, "here, try this one."
Hoshi threw back the shot, the liqour burning, the eggnog soothing it, "it needs a bit more."
He grabbed two more shotglasses, scooping up some liqour and downing it in one fluid motion.
"Whoa, Soonyoung," he lurched at the use of his real name, "you haven't eaten yet, that's going to hit you quick."
"It's all good, gotta save some space for pizza tonight," Hoshi scooted closer to Y/N, slamming another shot as Y/N tested the mixture, "now you don't get too fucked up either. I need someone to help me when Mingyu gets too hype. Or distract me when Taeyong gets too handsy with you."
Another shot.
"What?" Y/N dropped the spoon on the floor, "are you jealous because Taeyong hits on me?"
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," Hoshi scooped more liqour into the eggnog bowl, "I think there's enough booze in there now."
"No changing the subject, you're jealous!" Y/N chuckled, stepped towards Hoshi, their shoulders touching, "we've talked about it, but we decided to be friends since I had feelings for someone else."
Hoshi noticed the closeness between the two as Y/N reached for a red solo cup, filling it up and downing it, Hoshi grabbing the back her of neck and bringing her in for a messy kiss. He pulled her closer, his hands cupping her ass and her hands pulling his shirt up. Hoshi walked Y/N over to the island counter, backing her into it.
"Take your shorts and underwear off," Hoshi commanded as Y/N was working on the buttons of his dress shirt, "let's go in the hallway."
Y/N and Hoshi snuck by Taeyong, who was filling out his post-it for the paper tree. Y/N's shorts in Hoshi's arms while she took off her underwear, sticking them in Hoshi's back pocket as he gently pushed her against the wall.
"Those lights make you look so gorgeous. I wonder how you would look like tied up in them, the glow of the colors highlighting yo-" "Holy shit! Sorry! Fuck!" Taeyong shielded his eyes with a box, "I thought you guys were in the kitchen, I was going to finish hanging these up."
Hoshi chuckled as he reached over and opened the door leading to Y/N's room, "it's all good dude, why don't you join us? Seeing as you have the lights I need."
"Holy shit, I need to get a picture of this, Hoshi move," Taeyong grabbed his phone from the nightstand, opening the camera and snapping a picture of Y/N tied up in the lights as they shined against her skin, "I think I may make that my homescreen."
Y/N laughed, Hoshi moving her on top of his lap, and kissing her neck "why don't you just film it since I look so good?"
"I just might," Taeyong sat on the end of the bed, Hoshi teasing Y/N, rubbing his fingers up and down her slit, "I'll make sure just to get the good parts. Do you ha-"
"I'm on the pill, it's fine. Just hurry the fuck up please!"
Taeyong slipped his hand into his festival boxers, holding the camera in his free hand. Hoshi slipped in Y/N, moaning at the tightness as his hand went up to her breasts. Taeyong pulled out his cock, pumping as fast as he could as Hoshi begun thrusting. Hoshi put his face into Y/N's neck, containing his moans, Y/N throwing her head back.
"Rub her clit, dude. Have you never fucked a girl before?" Taeyong continued to try and balance filming the couple and his own pleasure, his hand pumping his cock in time with Hoshi and Y/N.
"Oh, fuck off," Hoshi took one of his hands off of Y/N's boobs, reaching for her clit, "you wish you could fuck her."
"Go harder, please, fuck me harder."
"Oh look Kwon. I guess we have our own porn star here," Taeyong rolled his hips as some precum leaked out, helping his hand glide up and down.
"Fuck, it's so hot," Hoshi felt his high coming in as Y/N turned her head to bring Hoshi in for a kiss.
"Lemme get that in here," Taeyong leaned over as he filmed the hectic kissing, Y/N moaning out loud as Hoshi's fingers kept rubbing her clit, her orgasm hurrying.
Taeyong didn't realize his own orgasm came until he saw the white liquid covering Y/N's thighs, barely missing the decorative lights. Hoshi's thursts became more erratic as he came in Y/N, the cum leaking out as Taeyong lifted Y/N's legs on his shoulder to get a better angle.
Hoshi's fingers continued to play with Y/N's clit as she begun to shudder from the pleasure, Hoshi's cock still in her.
"That was hot as fuck," Taeyong placed Y/N's tied legs back on the bed as he stopped the recording, "this is definitely going to help on tour."
"Don't be thinking about my cock fucking my girl," Hoshi pulled out as Y/N laid down on the bed, catching her breath, "and I want that footage too."
"What else is he supposed to think about? His cock in me or Your cock in him?" Y/N raised a good point as Taeyong laughed, throwing his phone aside, Hoshi pouting at the statement.
"Here, let me help you," Hoshi reached for the plug of the lights as Taeyong got Y/N untied, "maybe I can film you two one day, but after that, no touching, only looking."
"Who said we were together yet?!" Y/N joked as she cuddled into Hoshi, the pout still prominent on his face "Kidding, but I want a date before we make it offical-offical."
After throwing the string of lights to the side, the younger male stretched as Taeyong put his pants on and threw Y/N her panties, putting them back on before she stood up. Y/N walked over to Hoshi, kissing his cheek.
"We should probably get cleaned up, party's going to start soon," Taeyong opened the bathroom door, Y/N slipping by him, "Hey!"
"I need to pee!" Y/N shouted, slamming the door in the older boy's voice, "use the guest room shower."
Now both clothed and Y/N getting cleaned up in the shower, Hoshi patted Taeyong's back, walking out to the kitchen, staring at the semi-empty bowl of eggnog.
"Maybe I should make a weaker batch next time."
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bruiserelliot · 7 years
Shamchat wouldn't let me post this, so yeah
This is a conversation between Pidge and yourself, Lance.
Lance: Lance walked into the green lion's hanger, seeing Pidge hunched over a computer, the screen's light reflecting in her glasses."Have you been here all night?"
Pidge: She glanced up at him briefly, then went back to looking at her screen. "Are you surprised?"
Lance: "Not really, but it was a good seg-way for this." He put himself between her and the computer."C'mon Pidge, you haven't been sleeping alot, don't try to deny it, your eyes have more baggage than Keith."
Pidge: Pidge sighed and reached around him for her laptop. "I'm busy, Lance. And I can take care of myself."
Lance: "You're always busy, you always have been busy, and you refuse to take a break." He replied, blocking the way to the laptop."One of these days you're gonna overwork yourself!" He crossed his arms as he finished speaking
Pidge: She stood. "Maybe. And it's none of your fucking business if I do. /Move/."
Lance: "Yes it is!" He retorted."You're my teammate, more importantly, my friend and I don't wanna see you hurt, especially because of yourself." He said. It was one of the most serious things he said to her since Shiro had gone missing.
Pidge: Pidge slowly closed her eyes. She didn't expect him to get it. "Lance, just fuck off."
Lance: Lance narrowed his eyes. He hated himself for what he was about to say, but then again he already hated himself for so many other things, and it was also probably the only way he'd get her to listen."What would your brother say if he knew you were overworking yourself?"
Pidge: She laughed humorlessly. "If I ever see him again, I'll ask him."
Lance: Lance's expression softened."Pidge don't say that." He sighed."Look, you're smart, definitely the smartest person on this ship, you're gonna find your family, but you still need to look after yourself."
Pidge: She put her hands on her hips. "And you need to stay out of it. Now get out."
Lance: Lance matched her pose."Not until you promise me that you'll at least get some sleep tonight." He retaliated.
Pidge: Pidge rolled her eyes. "Sure, Lance. Now leave."
Lance: Lance leaned forward."I'm being serious here for once, that should show just how much everyone's worried about you, they're just all scared of you blowing up at them if they say anything. So, please, promise me, for real this time, or I'll bring Hunk in here and he'll use the puppy dog eyes."
Pidge: Pidge groaned. "Okay, I don't have time for this right now, we'll talk about it later or something, just /move/."
Lance: Lance sighed."Fine..but we are definitely talking later." He told her as he got out of her way. The hunk threat was emptier than the healing pods at the moment, but he had thought she would have stopped fighting at that point. He put his hands in his pockets, glancing at her screen. it was the footage of Matt she'd found at the prison.
Lance: He stalked out of the hanger, closing the door behind him. He turned around, seeing the others hovering outside the door."Well?" Allura pressed. Lance sighed."She said we'd talk about it later. I don't think she meant it though." He frowned. Keith growled."Why is she doing this?" He refrained from punching the wall. Lance looked at him."Well what would you do if you had a lead on Shiro? Probably the same thing. Look, just, I'll talk to her later, she's gonna have to come outta there some time.
Pidge: Pidge went back to reviewing all five seconds of footage she had for the billionth time, the futility of the situation hitting her again. She'd analyzed everything there was to analyze. Twice. Unless she was missing something, there wasn't anything more she could do. It was /hell/. Sure, she knew he was alive, or he had been not long ago, but what then? Maybe he was safe, maybe he was being held captive, maybe the group who broke him out had pumped him for information and killed him. It was impossible to know and she had no way of figuring out where they'd taken him. At least with the Galra, she'd had a vague idea of what he was going through. Meanwhile, she hadn't found anything on her dad at all. The situation was bleak and she was exhausted and they'd lost Shiro and everything was a fucking mess and there was nothing she could do but pore over the same stupid clip over and over again for hours at a time. Lance was right, she'd have to come out some time, but not for a long while.
Lance: ~le magical timeskip to a few hours later~
Lance: Lance sat outside the door, looking at the green headphones in his lap. Back when they had first come, it had been much harder for him to get to sleep since he couldn't listen to his music without headphones. So, Pidge had given him her headphones, saying that since she could get a primary source of information, she wouldn't need them anymore. And god it had helped so much. He wanted to do something like that for her. He didn't want her to feel the way he did. She was too good for that. It's not like he could get her family back, but he did wanna show her that she had another family here on the ship, even if it was a little broken at the moment. He considered knocking on the door, but figured that would just end the same way it had that morning. It would be better to let her come to him.
Pidge: Hours later and Pidge couldn't focus anymore. She also hadn't eaten in... awhile. Oops. Totally exhausted and a little defeated, she decided it was probably time to eat breakfast (lunch? dinner? what time was it?). She yawned, stretched, then finally left Green's hangar.
Lance: Lance jumped as he heard the door open and turned to see Pidge."Uh..hey." He stood up and handed the headphones to her."I figured you might wanna hear Matt in better sound quality." He smiled a little bit, but it dropped a few seconds after."I-I'm sorry about earlier, I was probably just being annoying and that was definitely not a good way to go about trying to help." He rambled.
Pidge: Pidge hadn't really been expecting anyone to be waiting for her and she blinked at him as her brain caught up with the situation, then pressed her headphones back into Lance's hands. "Thanks, but you can't hear him anyway." She started off for the kitchen again. "Don't worry about it."
Lance: Lance smiled a little and put the headphones around his neck and followed her."So, no luck yet?" He asked. He already knew the answer, but if he got her talking maybe she'd consider trying to sleep.
Pidge: She tensed, just slightly. "No."
Lance: Lance frowned, then considerably brightened as he remembered the morning meeting Pidge had missed."Wait a sec, Coran mentioned something earlier about an overtaken galra base, what if he's there?!" He exclaimed.
Pidge: She shook her head. "That wouldn't make any sense. The group that took him was clearly well-organized. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to take over a Galra base and stay there. The Galra wouldn't stand for it, they'd annihilate the place."
Lance: Lance frowned at that."Oh...yeah, you have a point." He sighed as he opened the door to the kitchen, but jumped back as he saw everyone staring at him and Pidge. There was a second or two of silence, then everyone rushed forward, glad that Pidge was finally out of the hanger. Lance sort of stood to the side. He looked at Coran, who was doing the same."You're sure that base is still there?" He hissed. Coran shrugged."Dunno, we haven't received another message yet." Meanwhile, Hunk and Allura were practically Pushing Pidge to the table, while Keith laughed his ass off at their pushiness.
Pidge: Clearly, she'd timed her break incredibly poorly. Lance had been more than enough company on his own. She was /really/ not in the mood to contend with all of them all at once, especially when they were so eager. In truth, it all struck her as a little overdramatic; she'd been working, it wasn't a big deal. But she let herself be herded around and pretended to listen as they spoke, not saying much herself.
Lance: What Pidge probably hadn't realized, was that she'd been working for three days straight. It was hard to tell in space when you didn't have a perfectly timed sun. Lance had just happened to be the first one to notice. Said boy sat down at the table."C'mon guys leave her alone, you guys have done just as worse things before." He said, gladly shoveling in the food goo. Hunk looked at him."Oh yeah, name one time!" Lance swallowed, then looked up."When you slept in the kitchen for a week to figure out a new recipe." Allura laughed at that. Lance looked to her next."When you tried to reverse the gravity of the pool after Pidge changed it for us. It took you 9 hours to quit." He looked to Keith."And this one once spent two days in the simulator at the garrison." He was about to turn to Coran. "Alright alright, save me the embarrassment." The ginger replied.
Pidge: Pidge at her food goo without really tasting it and let the conversation swirl around her without actually joining in. Part of her brain was still back in the hangar, trying to work through anything else she could possibly be doing. Once she'd finished eating, she took care of her dishes and left for the hangar again. Maybe she'd take her laptop and move her base of operations to the lab. As much as she appreciated Green's company, it might've been time for a change in scenery.
Lance: The others watched as the youngest member of their team left. Keith turned to Lance."Does that count as a break to her?" He blinked. Lance shrugged."I guess so. But we'll just have to take what we can get." He stood up, shoving his hands back in his pcokets.
Lance: pockets*
Pidge: Pidge did wind up moving to the lab after all. She settled in and got to work, but only made it a few more hours before she finally passed out. Despite her best attempts, she was still only human.
Lance: Lance walked down the halls, looking for his young friend. He suddenly heard snoring, and followed the sound. When he found her in the lab, he chuckled and shut down her equipment, knowing she'd kill someone if they let it overheat. After that, he picked her up and, since he didn't know where her room was, took her to his room. He put her down on his bed and draped the covers over her. She heavily reminded him of his own little sister back on earth. He laid down on the floor, figuring that if Pidge could sleep sitting up, draped over a desk, he could deal with the floor.
Pidge: ((gotta go, sorry!
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