#they have been unleashed and now cannot be stopped X'D
howthesleeplesswander · 5 months
“👋 Good; you’re not busy.” And even if the CEO was (which was the more likely scenario for the freakin’ workaholic), he hardly has a choice but to suddenly be distracted, as Timothy’s already halfway across the office in a series of long and eager strides. When he makes it to Rhys, he wastes not a second more: a hand grips that unfairly distracting waist, yanks him forward, and Timmy claims that kiss he’s been craving since . . . well, probably ever since the last time he left Promethea. You know, totally not even slightly pathetic, but what’s a man to do?
// i wasn't kidding with my warning last night 〔´∇`〕
Answered! || @jackdup
((alkdfjskd weeps softly into hands over how cute these two are ;A; 💕))
Except that anyone who knew the Atlas CEO also knew that he was always busy. On this particular day, the last two hours of Rhys' afternoon had been spent on a call with an insufferable requisitions manager who refused to take "no" for an answer no matter how many different ways Rhys shut down his proposal. If he had to listen to one more half-assed argument he was liable to pull his hair out.
Thus the initial swoop of dread in his stomach when the door to his office burst open because ughhh, this clown's rambling would be ten times more excruciating in person. But a glance at the doorway brightened his expression from 'about to commit murder' to a genuine grin for the first time that day. Just seeing Timothy again worked such wonders at easing the weight from his shoulders that, not for the first time, Rhys wondered if he was the biggest sap in the galaxy. (The answer was a pretty solid probably.)
"Oh, hey! I wasn't expecting you! Not that that makes it less great to see you, obviously—lemme just..."
But by the time he hopped up from his chair, Tim had already crossed the vast office, and the intent in his eyes as he closed in short-circuited Rhys' brain. Oh, he knew that look. "Orrr not, ho-kay—" His voice fizzled into a super composed and not at all pathetic sound that he failed to swallow. At least he had the sense to put his line of the call on mute before he was swept into a passionate kiss.
The moment their lips met, it suddenly felt like it had been ages since he'd last had this instead of a few weeks. Equally eager (and fully accepting of his "sappiest bastard in the universe" title at this point), Rhys grasped at Tim's shirt to keep him close and kissed him with a fervor to make up for the time they'd spent apart.
...All while an obnoxious voice squawked from the screen on his desk. If Rhys hadn't cared before, he definitely didn't care now, so...Begrudgingly, one hand relinquished its hold in favor of slapping blindly at the desktop until the call clicked off. "I dunno what I'm more glad for," he murmured amid fleeting snatches of breath, "this, or finally having a reason to hang up on that guy."
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