#they had a nice heart to heart and vash was like 'ok that's enough feelings talk. if i dont deflect Right Now im going to break into hives'
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orcelito · 2 years ago
for the ITNL "Lying to strangers is Fun" moment
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i shared the first line b4. but i enjoy his follow-up too sldkfjsldkjf
& for another moment of Vash Being Obnoxious
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taken out of context. he kinda did deserve to be punched tho lmao but it's Meryl so it's not like she did much damage.
& then later,
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yeah <3
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ceylon-writes · 2 years ago
A vash x reader fic, or as I call it, how I react if I met vash the Tampede.
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There was silence in the room between the two occupants, after a heart beating chase by some bandits a man in a red coat pulled you into a alleyway and hid you in a little room, or a closet specifically, just big enough for two people to fit with a foot of spacing between them. One occupant, the man in the red coat, had his ear pressed to the door, listening if any of the loud men were nearby, an arm wrapped around the young lady he saved. The lady on the other hand, had her attention drawn to something else, the strange blue prosthetic that resembled a human skeletal arm and hand. Even though she was being chased a minute ago she deemed she’s safe now that her savior pulled her out of the bandits sight. She managed to have the hand gripping her arm let go so she could examine the mechanics closer.
“Ok, I think they’re gone, we can- uhhh whatcha doing?” The red clan man stammered, his attention finally on the small woman.
“I’m examining your arm, what’s it’s made of? Never seen anything made of this stuff?” She replies as she brings the hand she observing closer to her face, now looking at the mechanism between the palm and his wrist, moving his hand back and forth as she watches the tiny wheel move with her movement.
“I’m not sure, it’s ancient technology” he rubs the back of his head with his other hand.
The woman glanced up at him for a second before gazing back down at his hand, messing with the individual fingers, “ancient huh? For something ancient it’s conveniently fits you like a glove, someone had to have made it for you, who is it?”
Vash ears are flushed now, never had someone examine him that closely, sure people asked about his prosthetic but they never persisted like this lady did.
“Anyway, I’m vash, can I get your name little miss?” He attempts to gently shake his hand out of her grip but she holds on tighter, a small frown appearing on her face at his attempt to stop her scrutinizing of his hand.
“Y/n. Nice to meet you vash.” She turns the hand over and notices the fingernails on his fingers “you have fingernails too, and your hand is very flexible, can you move it easily or is it hard to do? What is connecting your prosthetic to your arm vash?” She looks up at him with wide eyes, curiosity and questions swimming in her eyes, her eyebrows raised in question as she patiently waits for his answers. Vash blushes more, she reminds him of a curious child that eagerly asks questions about the world around them. “Yeah I can move it around, I can even feel pressure, it’s connected to my nerves.”
“YOU CAN FEEL WITH THIS THING?!” A shout of excitement startled vash, y/n looks at him with shiny eyes, a small eager smile on her lips, like he just told her that theres a circus coming into town. He flexes his fingers in her hand as proof,causing her to gasp in surprise.
“Yeah, I can feel you holding my hand, to be honest I never had a girl be so eager to hold my hand, your the first one to be so forward with wanting to hold it” he sheepishly smiles, hoping she lets go of his hand soon. It’s nice to have his hand held but he can’t stay in this closet forever to let her examine him to her pleasure, he has to get supplies before he leaves town. “Listen, it was lovely to meet you but I gotta go”
“Wait what!? No! Where you going? I wanna ask more questions!” She whines at hearing he’s not staying longer. Her hold on his hand tightens, enough for vash to winch slightly at the increased pressure, she’s adamant on him not going isn’t she?
“Missy didn’t your mother never taught you to not talk to strange men? Especially hold their hand so eagerly? We haven’t even gone on a date and you already holding my hand like we a couple”
The woman smiles at him with a mischievous look in her eye.”your the one that pulled me in here with you, and you were already holding my hand, so I think it’s you that needs to learn not to drag strangers into small spaces~” she teases him, causing his face to go even redder.
“B-but I was simply saving you from those ruffians chasing you!” Stammering he tries to defend his actions
“And I thank you for your help but you still shouldn’t pull people into small spaces, because then you have this problem like right now” she retorts as her smile gets wider.
“Of a woman holding my hand hostage?” He quips back.
“Nooo~ of a woman eager to learn everything about your interesting limb here! I wonder what other interesting secrets you got hidden?” She leans in vash face a bit as emphasis, having to stand on her toes due to their height difference.
“I don’t have any! I swear! Miss you kinda creeping me out!” He’s now trying to shake his hand out of her tight grip
With a sigh she lets go of his hand, the stampede sighs in relief as he flexes his fingers, checking nothing got damaged in her strong grip.
“Apologies for the intrusiveness, I never seen someone with a cool arm, and there’s limited books in this town, which I already read multiple times but I still wanna Learn more about things.so seeing you had this ancient tech made me excited. It was rude of me to hold you hostage , your free to go.” She looks down at her shoes and twiddles her thumbs.
“That’s okay, thank you for freeing me, but I gotta leave now,bye!” Vash ignores her sad look in her eyes and skedaddles out of the closet, eager to be free from the strange woman.
‘What a weird lady’ he thinks as he heads on to get his errands done.
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gege-wondering-around · 9 months ago
I liked this question so much I'd love send it back! 🩵
What are your favorite tropes/plots in fanfics? And what are your fav ship to read each of the trope/plot with?
You are such a gorgeous person, I'll never thank you enough for being so kind and for helping me talk to people! Keep on shining ✨
I'm so glad you liked the ask @dontcallpanic I'll send more if you'd like, it would be so lovely to get to know you better🫂💕 (I had to think about the answer too, i didn’t think to find an answer to it myself🤣🩵)
So, my fav tropes/plots (with some specific ship related to them):
The 'to be loved is to be changed' kind of trope, which is not really what it's called, but it's like healing from trauma (or anything in general, really) through someone's love and closure (like A gets better cause B is always around) and I'm an absolute sucker for this trope, especially when it's well done and kinda realistic (I love realistic narrations, like teen wolf is supernatural but i love when the writer puts in the realistic aspect of their lives in such a universe). I like this with basically any ship I've ever read so far.
The 'true mates'. I'd go highs and lows to find this kinda trope in a fic, especially when they already kinds fit the naration of the canon or simply fits the dynamics. I love this one with Sterek, to me it's just a lovely way of being in love that makes it all look more and more lovey-dovey. (I know it's not realistc, but nothing is ever one sided, right?)
Angst with happy ending. I can't read angst if there's no happy ending, i would end up crying all day long and the fic would probably be stuck in my head forever. (I read them rarely, after i read one a long time ago it just got in my head and it still makes me cry, it was so beautiful and painful at the same time😭)
Generally, the 'first time' plot is one of the best for me. It could be sexual or not, but i always love readin them. I usually do this with Sterek and Henry and Alex from 'red, white and royal blue'. Warms my heart every time.
Gor the ships, i generally follow the same plots for every ship, like i read all of the above for Sterek (and I also write them myself) but the true mates is mostrly for the ships that ki da fits in my eyes. Like sometimes Hannigram when I'm feeling nostalgic.
For the 'to be loved is to be changed' (and yeah i took it from the tiktok trend but it fits so nicely and every single edit makes me cry) it's my favorite in basically every ship(?).
I got:
Destiel (supernatural)
Hannigram (hannibal nbc)
Sterek (teen wolf)
Vash and wolfwood (Trigun)
Newmas (maze runnner)
The oldest ad first I've ever followed, Klance (voltron)
Sherlock and Liam (moriaty the patriot - it's an anime)
Chreon (resident evil)
Let me correct myself, the oldest, first one that ever make me discover fandoms in general, Kaito and Shinichi (detective conan - yeah, I know, but it was the first one and i have to honor it by mentioning it here)
It just warms my heart cause it fits every single ship that you could think of cause it's basically what love is to its core (at least in my eyes). Like, you love someone and they love you, you two grow together and become someone else (usually a better version of who you already are) and just love each other through the whole progress and keep investing in one another. You decide to change some aspects of yourself (usually something that you don't like as well) to show your partner your love and the effort you put in your relationship.
Ok, i totally went off road with this😅
But anyway! I hope i reached some level of good with this answer, I'm glad it came from you, darling.
You're doing amazing @dontcallpanic, I'm so honored and glad my little asks (and so everyone else’s asks) are helping you talking to people! My dms are always open for you if you'll ever wanna drop something in them too, but regardless of it, my askbox welcomes you always and so do I💕🫂💕🫂
Wish you a wonderful, full of joy day, let me know if you have any more questions! I'll probably pass by your askbox again, so wait for me🫂💕💗
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