#they fuck and barclay's a nervous mess and it's not Great but barclay gets way too attached afterwards and really jealous when quark flirts
hooved · 10 months
just remembered that i've discussed, genuinely and in-depth, the possibility of barclay/quark (quarclay, if you will), and how horribly that'd go
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
Chemistry (Sternclay)
The last of the meet ugly requests. NSFW, because why not end with a bang?
# 33  you’re a nobody actor who comes in for a chemistry read for the part of my love interest but we end up arguing instead of reading [maybe I like that about you and demand for you to be hired or maybe I’m annoyed that you spoke to me like that so I say that I don’t want to work with you and they hire you anyway]
Stern is starting to feel self-conscious. 
He’s been drooled over in every tabloid from here to Tokyo, gets fanmail by the boatload, and once did a photo shoot for Out that nearly broke their website. 
But they’ve been doing chemistry reads for three days now and no one is clicking. True, up until now his action roles have never had a serious love interest. But is he so bad at flirting that he can’t even act appealing to someone?
He’s not the only frustrated one; Ned, the director, has chewed his nails down to stubs, Kirby has tweaked the test dialogue twice to try and help, and Mama, the producer, currently has her head down on the table. 
“Alright Chicane, who’s next?” She groans as she sits up. 
“Barclay Jones.”
Stern remembers his audition tape; for an actor with zero screen experience, he’s quite compelling on camera. Easy on the eyes, too. 
Boyd ushers the other man in. He’s even taller in person, which Stern isn’t expecting. Having to look up during this scene will be novel. 
“Lovely to make your acquaintance, dear boy.” Ned stands, shaking Barclay’s hand. 
“Uh, same to you. Mr. Chicane. It’s a huge honor to even get here.” The baritone is soft, nerves obvious.
“Now now Barclay, flattery will only get you somewhere.” Ned winks, turns to the table, “this is Kirby, our head writer, and Madeline Cobb, one of the top producers at Amnesty Studios. And of course, you know Joseph Stern.”
Barclay looks at him and his brown eyes go wide, “Holy shit. Uh, sorry, yeah, I mean, everyone does. I had no idea I’d be reading with you. I’m a huge fan. Uh, everyone probably says that don’t they?” He shakes Stern’s hand. Lord almighty, even his hands are big and strong. Stern wants to wrap himself up in that voice too.
“A lot do, yes. But it’s always nice to meet a fan, and a fellow actor at that.”
Kirby gets Barclay his pages, allows him a few minutes to read over them as Ned briefs him on the scene. 
“Now, your character and Agent X, that’s Joseph, have been working together to solve a string of mysterious disappearances in the southwest. The electricity between you two has been growing, and we’re only a scene away from you finally confessing your feelings for each other. I want to feel the tension in the air.”
They take their positions, Stern waiting for Ned’s cue to begin. 
“You almost got us killed out there!”
“Whose idea was it to try breaking into the compound without an escape route?” Rather than moving towards him like the script indicates, Barclay leans back against the provided couch, arms crossed, forcing Stern to stammer as he tries to keep the momentum of the blocking going. 
“If we’re playing that game, who got the car totaled in the first place?”
“I did because I was saving your ass, Lucky.” Barclay straightens up, but holds his ground. 
“I never asked you too.”
“Excuse me for not wanting to lose my partner.”
Goddamnit, why isn’t he moving, it’s throwing Stern off. 
“Uh, um..oh please, like you don’t see me as expendable too.”
A perfectly timed shift in facial expression, “I don’t.”
“I find that doubtful--is there a reason you’re not following the blocking?”
“Huh? Oh, uh,” Barclay tightens his hold on the script, turning to Ned, “I was reading through it, and it kinda feels like my character wants Agent X to come to him. Like, he knows Agent X kinda keeps things close to his chest, at least if your version is staying close to the books, so he wants to make him be the one to admit their shared feelings first. I thought, uh, kinda keeping me in one place and making him move would add to that balance.”
“It’s throwing the whole scene-”
“Into a new light!” Ned exclaims, “yes, I liked how that looked a great deal.”
“What? Ned, Agent X isn’t the kind to be, be, jerked around.”
“Not by most characters, but, like, think about it; when you’re really into someone but are trying to deny it, you’re often super-fucking open to them messing with you.”
“No offense, Barclay, but one of us has far more experience developing characters for the screen than the other.”
Fuck, that was uncalled for, even accounting for how exhausted and touchy he is. He should apologize. 
“Look, pretty boy, just because I don’t have a handsome face and a fucking porn-star body doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Do you think I’m coasting on my looks?”
Barclay holds up his hands, “you said it, not me.”
“Do I sense someone upset that all the hunky mountain parts passed him by because he can’t read his fucking blocking?”
“Gentlemen, please, that’s enough.” Ned waves Boyd over, “thank you so much for your time, Mr. Jones. We’ll be in touch in a few weeks.”
Barclay’s shoulders sag and he thanks them for the opportunity. Stern just thanks his lucky stars he’ll never have to see him again.
“You did what?!”
“I offered Barclay the part, and he accepted.”
“Lord almighty Ned, what did I do to get on your bad side?”
“Joseph” the director sets a hand on his shoulder, “I know how much this project means to you. So trust me when I say that, argument included, you and he had the best read out of all the other people we tried. If we want this movie to do well, we need him.”
“Fine. I’ll work with him. But I won’t like it.”
He still doesn’t like it. But even he has to admit Barclay portrays Agent A exactly as he should be. He takes direction well, is popular with the crew, and looks aggravatingly perfect in his black suit that matches Stern’s own. If he doesn’t end up a star after this comes out, Stern will eat his right arm. 
They have a lot in common, which Stern could enjoy more if they weren't constantly getting into arguments. He can’t remember what ninety percent of them are about, just that it feels necessary to have them.
They’ve been arguing a lot today, because they’re shooting the first kiss scene and it’s been fifteen takes with no success. Part of that is both of them want perfection in their craft. But the larger issue is…
“Joseph, kindly try to look like you actually want to be kissing him.” Ned massages his temples
“We all know why that’s difficult.” Stern mutters. 
“We’re actors, pretty boy, our job is to pretend.” Barclay snaps back.
“And Barclay, please make it look as if you’ve already made the decision to kiss rather than punch your partner, rather than as though you’re still torn.”
After two more failed takes, Ned calls them done for the day. Stern is pacing in his apartment near the studio when his co-star knocks on the door.
“We need to work on that scene.”
“Work is over for the day, and I just got off a phone interview with Empire. So, no, no we don't.”
“Joseph” Barclay steps into the living room, shutting the door, “look, I know things are weird between us, but you can afford to not nail every aspect of this performance. I can’t.”
“Don’t be so sure; fame is tenuous even for the best of us.”
“Think of yourself pretty highly, pretty boy?”
“No! And stop taking everything I say as being about me. I...I don’t even think I’m that good. Not compared to some people out there. I can’t even get a fucking kiss right.” He cards his fingers through his hair. 
“Neither can I. And I’ve had less practice. Uh, on camera, that is. I’m just so fucking nervous this’ll go wrong and I’ll blow my once chance at being in movies. So for both our sakes can we just fucking try to get this right?”
Stern holds his finger up, “One hour. Then I’m taking a bath and going to bed.”
Barclay sighs, the one he always makes when Stern reacts in a way other than what he hoped for, “Okay.”
They hit the midway point twice, working through some hiccups in tone, Barclay taking his suggestions and Stern following Barclays lead several times. Then they come to the kiss. 
“Damn it” Stern pulls away, “that didn’t feel right either.”
“No shit.” Barclay steps out of his embrace, “it’s because you kiss like you’re scared of something.”
“My kissing is not the problem here.”
“What, you think it’s mine?”
“It’s like kissing tap water; flat and boring.”
“Take that back.” Barclay growls. 
“Make me.”
Another growl, so feral Stern’s neck prickles, and then Barclay grabs him, kissing him like he’s trying to smother him, large hands cupping his face and tongue shoving between his lips. Not to be outdone, Stern grips the back of his neck with one hand and his auburn hair with the other, as if he could force them closer than they are. 
“That brave enough for you, big guy?” He bites Barclay’s ear and gets a snarl in his own in return.
“Dunno, pretty boy, am I still boring you?” Barclay slams their lips together as Stern tries pulling him closer. What he manages to do instead is send himself backwards over the edge of the couch and onto the waiting cushions. 
“Shit, Joseph, are you okayAhnngmph” He’s on his feet before Barclay finishes the question, lunging into another kiss, the pair shoving and spinning, and groping their way down the hall to the bedroom. 
Barclay moans exactly the way he hoped when he bites his bare chest, shirt hitting the nearby chair along with Stern’s. Stern smirks up at him, savoring the sight of him panting and licking his lips, trails frantic kisses down his chest and belly, only stopping when his knees hit the floor. Barclay whimpers for the first time when he bites his hip, undoing his jeans as he sucks a hickey into it. He slips one hand into Barclay’s pants, drags it along his cock once, teasingly, before standing again. 
“I’m sure you can manage the rest, big guy.” He strips off his pants and underwear, is down to his undershirt and socks when Barclay chuckles and grabs him from behind. 
“Of course you wear fucking sock garters.” His beard tickles his neck, making him squirm in the hold. 
“I, I hate it when they fall down.”
“I don’t mind a little falling.” He shoves Stern forward onto the bed, climbing on behind him and running his fingers up his ass. 
“Fuck you look good like this, pretty boy.”
Barclay’s voice has never sounded like this; not a few moments ago, not on camera, not in Stern’s wildest fantasies. Stern is nothing if not versatile in bed, and right now he knows exactly what he wants. 
“C-condoms, bedside drawer, please.” He wiggles his ass in anticipation at the sounds of sliding wood and crinkling foil. 
Barclay pushes his legs apart, “trust me, you’re gonna need ‘em wider.”
“Someone confident about his siIIze! Fuck, oh my lord.” Stern buries his face in the nearest pillow.
“Like I said” Barclay snaps one of the garters, Stern yelping in response, “need you spread wide for me. Now what do you need, babe?” He snaps the other, slowly thrusting as he does. 
“Need, need you to fuck me, Barclay please, need it so bad.”
“Want it hard, or something else?”
“As hard as you can.” He whines, rolling his hips in hopes of speeding things up. 
“FUCK! Fuckfuckfuckfuckingfuck.”
“You wanted hard, babe, so you’re getting it fucking hard.” Barclay growls as he rams into him, bed hitting the wall with enough force to chip to the paint. Stings ripple up his legs as the garters are snapped, his cock aches for attention, and he’s drooling onto the pillow. 
In other words, he’s in heaven.
Barclay digs his nails into Stern’s hips, “fuck, shit, like to say I’m gonna fuck you like this all night, babe, but I’m close already. Comes with fucking the nicest hole in town.”
“Don’t, not yet, please, fuck-” tears of pleasure well up, his brain and body awash with ecstasy at Barclay’s words, “feels so good, want to come.”
Barclay pats his head, “don’t worry pretty boy, you will. Now be good and take me while I cum.”
“Yes, yesyes, BarclayAHhnn, fuck, fuck.” He whacks his hand into the bed as Barclay’s hips jerk violently, “please.” 
A drawn-out grown as Barclay thrusts all the way in and stays there, fingers clenching and unclenching in Stern’s skin. Then one hand slides down, rubbing his cock as Barclay’s lips find his shoulders. 
“That’s it, so good, so good for me Joseph, fuck, love feeling you all wet and hard ‘cause of me, most flattering thing in the whole goddamn world. Mmmmm” he purrs, nuzzles Stern’s throat even as the smaller man desperately ruts into his palm, “fuck you’re amazing.”
Stern cums with a weak cry, collapsing onto the bed, muscles no longer interested in supporting him. A comforting weight leaves the bed, water runs in the bathroom, and Stern fights the urge to call Barclay back. 
It turns out he doesn’t have to. 
“You with me, Joseph?” Barclay rolls him over, running a washcloth over his sweaty forehead and neck.
“Yes. I, um, I, what, are we, gah it’s so hard to get my words out after sex like that.”
“Flattering.” Barclay smiles gently, kissing his cheek, “I guess, uh, what, what did that all mean to you? Were we just blowing off steam?”
“I...I don’t think so. Or it doesn’t feel like it was only that. What do you want from me, Barclay?”
“To be your friend. Or more, if you’d let me. Gotta say, I think part of the reason we kept fucking up that scene is that we do like each other lie that, but got off to such a bad start we don’t wanna admit it.”
“That about sums it up. I’ve wanted to tell you I’m sorry for awhile now but, well, pride has always been my chief sin.”
“Not lust?” Barclay bumps their noses together.
“If what we did was sinful, I’ll sin any day of the week.”
“Hate to say it, but my reason was kinda similar. I, uh, I’m always the one to apologize in life, I’m always trying to make things okay even when I’m still hurt and I just couldn’t do it this time. I didn’t want you thinking I was a pushover.”
“Mission accomplished. Lord, what duo we are.” Stern laughs. 
“Yeah. Do, uh, do you think we could try being a different kind of duo?”
“I would certainly like to try.” Stern kisses him tenderly, and the feeling of Barclay’s lips on his is so perfect, the way they fit in each other’s arms so snug that he wonders how he could have missed it for so many weeks. 
They talk in bed for hours, until Stern;s stomach rumbles and Barclay insists on making dinner. They fall asleep in bed, kissing lazily and lovingly until Barclay’s head flops into Stern’s chest. 
And in the morning, they nail their scene on the first take. 
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You Feel Like Home
I had to write a Danbrey wedding. Takes place in the Mama’s home universe, but could be read as a regular old human AU.  Ao3 link 
Aubrey fidgets with the hem of her skirt, leg bouncing nervously as Jake drives Mama’s truck out to the small botanical gardens between Kepler and Greenbank that her and Dani’s wedding is set to be. She wonders if she’s under dressed. Dani’s wearing a whole dress, she’s going to look so pretty, what if Dani wants to get a divorce because she can’t even dress nice on her wedding day? 
She’d thought her wedding outfit was cute, but maybe it’s not. She didn’t even go with a full suit! Just a black button up and tucked into a black tulle skirt. The most color on her is her tie, which is a nice fiery red, and the sequined cropped jacket that’s definitely way too hot right now, she’s burning alive-- 
“Aubrey. You’re going to be just fine.” 
Aubrey’s head whips up, eyes finding the rear view mirror, and finds Mama looking up at her. Mama’s wearing a suit. Aubrey should’ve worn a suit. 
“I-- I feel so stupid, Mama. What if I-- What if I don’t look good? I know it’s stupid to think about when I’m getting married, it’s not important in the long run, but what if--” 
“Aubrey Little, are you really scared right now? I don’t think I’ve seen you scared in all the years I’ve known you, even in that first year I had you.” 
Mama’s stern voice is enough to calm Aubrey down, or at least get her to stop word vomiting. She takes a deep breath, actually turns in her seat so she can face Mama. Jake makes a distressed noise, and she feels bad a moment because she knows how paranoid he gets while driving, but he doesn’t argue with her any. 
“I just love her so much, Mama. I don’t want to mess anything up on the first day of the rest of our lives.” She says, and her voice cracks, and no she can’t start crying now, her makeup is already done--
The car pulls to a stop, and Aubrey lifts her head again, confused. They still have a couple miles to go. Jake places a hand on her shoulder, smiling softly. 
“I think you need a bear hug right now. Get in the back, and I’ll start the car up again.” 
“Thanks, Jake.” Aubrey kisses his cheek, leaving a bright red lipstick stain, and clambers in the back of the car without getting out. Mama doesn’t complain, only hugs her tight and tucks her hair back in place. 
“Aubrey, you and Dani are the first I’ve ever been able to see get married. Y’know that?” 
The car starts to move, and Aubrey takes a few deep breaths. They’ll be there in a couple of minutes. 
“You’re the only ones who’ve even made it close. That’s how in love you are. I’ve seen my kids have flings and hookups, but no one -- and I mean no one, not even Barclay -- has stayed together long enough with someone. You and Dani are meant to be, and I mean that with every fiber of my being. Jake and Barclay and I, we all watched you two from the beginning. There ain’t no doubt in my mind that you’re gonna make it through the first day, the next day, and every other day after that.” 
And just like that, Aubrey thinks she might cry again. She sniffles, hugging Mama closer and hiding her face against Mama’s shoulder. “You really mean that?” 
“Of course I do. But this stress ain’t about you lookin’ good, is it?” Mama asks. Aubrey stiffens a bit, before shaking her head. “If you think it’s better for your daddy to walk you down the aisle instead of Ned, that’s fine. I’m sure it won’t cause Ned no hard feelin’s and if it’ll keep your dad from causin’ a fuss...” 
“No, I want it to be Ned. Ned’s been more of a dad in the last few years than my dad has. I just...will you be there with me when I tell him, Mama?” 
Mama smiles, rubbing her back soothingly. “Of course I will. Then I’ll go check up on Dani, and give her the same talk because I’m sure she’s panicking just as much as you. Mama’s gotta take care of her girls today.” 
“Thanks, Mama.” Aubrey laughs a bit, smiling. She sits normally for the last minute of the car ride, and once the car is stopped she hops out and makes a beeline for Ned, who’s standing near the altar talking to the officiant. She knows Jake’ll help Mama out of the car, right now she just needs to talk to Ned. 
“You’re going to be just fine, Dani,” Moira’s almost done curling Dani’s hair, so she can’t do much to comfort Dani but make eye contact through the mirror and use her free hand to pat her shoulder. “Aubrey’s been snapping me all day, and she’s so excited she won’t stop asking about you.” 
“She looks gorgeous, too. Oh, you’re a lucky one.” 
“Hey, that’s my wife,” Dani laughs, tilting her head back, and Moira laughs along as the pushes her head gently back in place. She sighs happily as they settle down. “I’m so lucky. How do you think she’s doing?” 
“Probably equally as nervous. That’s how I know you guys are going to be the best gay wives.” 
Aubrey smiles as her father engulfs her in a hug, hugging back stiffly. “Dad, hi, how are--” 
“I waved when you got out of the car, but you must not have seen it, you ran straight to Edmund over there.” 
“Right. I must not’ve seen.” Aubrey says. Things are still awkward between them, and they don’t see each other often, so of course Aubrey would run to Ned. Right? It’s not weird. 
Aubrey’s father smiles at her, pats her shoulder. “I’m so happy to get to see you get married, baby girl. After-- After everything, I thought you’d never let me back in your life, let alone invite me to your wedding...” 
“We’re doing really great, dad. I wanted you here. Dani makes me really happy.” 
“Good. Good!” Her father pulls her in for another hug, laughing a bit. When he pulls away he has tears in his eyes. “Gosh, you look beautiful Aubrey. I always thought you’d wear a tux. Your mother wanted you to wear a dress. I guess we both got what we wanted, huh?” 
“Yeah, I, uh-- Neither of those felt right, but a little bit of both just...fit.” 
“That meant to be a bi joke there, Little?” 
Aubrey laughs as Duck’s hand finds the place behind her shoulder blades, the park ranger finding her side as Mama stands off to her other side. “Yeah, just a teeny one. Was it that obvious?” 
Aubrey’s father looks a bit uncomfortable-- they never really talked much about Aubrey’s sexuality, let alone joked about it, and so it’s quite odd for him to hear it happen. He smiles nonetheless, offering out a hand to Duck. “I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Aubrey’s father.” 
“Duck Newton, it’s a nickname,” Duck says, and Aubrey snorts. He’s sticking with that introduction, alright. “I was here Aubrey’s first night in Kepler, and I gotta say, she’s grown some even in the last few years. You must be very proud of her.” 
“Oh, the proudest. I can’t believe I’m walking my baby down the aisle tonight.” 
Aubrey sucks air through her teeth, cringing, and her father looks at her confused. 
“Aubrey?..What-- What was that?..” 
Aubrey looks at Duck for help. He squeezes her shoulder. She takes a deep breath. Duck’s right there. Mama’s right there. Jake’s nearby. Dani’s nearby. She can do this. Like a-- Like a bandaid. 
“Dad, you’re...not walking me down the aisle. Ned is.” 
“I’m sorry, wha-- Who’s doing what?” 
“...Ned is wa--” 
“I heard that. I just-- You-- Aubrey, I am your father!” Her father says sternly, and Aubrey flinches. Almost immediately Mama wraps a protective arm around Aubrey’s shoulder and Aubrey leans into her thankfully, tearing up a bit. Fuck, this is so stupid. Maybe she shouldn’t have invited him. “I am your father, Aubrey, and fathers walk their daughters down the aisle--” 
“Now Mr. Little, you ain’t gotta cause a scene.” 
“I quite think I do, Miss Cobb. My own daughter has decided that I’m not enough for her!” 
“That-- That’s not it at all, dad! I just-- Ned-- he--” 
“After everything I’ve done to get you back, Aubrey--” 
“That’s enough,” Duck’s deep drawl calls out over the shouting, and silences them all. Jake had come running up, and now leans against his legs panting. He reaches a hand out and Aubrey takes it, squeezing as she tries to figure out the right words to make him not so angry. Luckily, Duck and Mama have their own words ready apparently. “Mama? Got anythin’ to say to Mr. Little here, or should I?” 
“Oh, boy do I.” Mama hands off her cane to Jake and steps up to Aubrey’s father and for a moment Aubrey thinks she might punch him. “Mr. Little, I highly advise you don’t use any guilt trippin’ on my kids, and yes she’s my kid. You ain’t earned that right back yet. You say you fought to get her back in your life, well you’re fixin’ to lose her again you keep talkin’ like that. I’ve got four ‘r five big fellows around this venue who’d just love to throw you out, myself included, but Aubrey wanted you here. So be grateful you even got the invite.” 
Aubrey and her father both look at Mama in shock, though for two completely different reasons-- Aubrey’s father because no one’s ever spoken to him like that before, and Aubrey because Mama defended her so vehemently. Sure, Mama loves her like her own kid and has said it enough times, but hearing is different than witnessing. 
“Aubrey Little is one of the best people out there, and you’ve caused her a helluva lot of pain. I’d suggest apologizing to her and sittin’ pretty until the reception.” 
Mama returns to Aubrey’s side as Aubrey’s father processes her threat. He clears his throat and swallows thickly. 
“I...I’m sorry, Aubrey. It’s your decision, and I’m sure you have your reasons. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go...find my seat.” 
“Knock knock,” 
“Aubrey Little, don’t you dare, it’s bad luck!” 
“Well I’m sure glad I still sound young to you gals,” Mama teases as she peeks into the storm shelter Dani and Moira have set up shop in. She has a warm smile on her face as she steps all the way in, and she looks like she may cry again. “My, don’t you two look gorgeous. You especially, Dani.” 
“Thanks, Mama.” 
“Y’know, it seems like just yesterday I was lettin’ this scared little eighteen year old into my home, and now here she is at twenty-three and getting married.” 
The look on Mama’s face alone has Dani tearing up, and she fans at her eyes so her mascara doesn’t start to run. “Mama, don’t go making me cry like that! I’m already on an emotional roller coaster right now! How’s Aubrey doing?” 
“She’s just fine. A bit shaken up after tellin’ her father he ain’t walkin’ her down the aisle, but she’s just fine. With Jake and Duck and Ned right now.” 
“I wish I could’ve been there for her when she did that, I know she’s been worried about it...” Dani sighs. “But she’s alright now?” 
“She’s gettin’ taken care of, don’t you worry.” Mama says, moving to sit down, and only then does Dani realize something. 
“Mama, where’s your cane? You know the doctor says you need to use it,” 
“Must’ve left it with Jake after chattin’ with Mr. Little. I’ll get it in a minute.” 
Dani turns to Moira, and she nods, kissing Dani and Mama on the cheek before disappearing to go grab Mama’s cane. That leaves them alone. 
“Is Aubrey really alright? If her dad made her cry, I swear I’ll go out there in my dress and--” 
“Dani, she’s just fine, sunshine. I promise.” Mama says exasperatedly, reaching over and grabbing Dani’s hand. She has the most fond look on her face, and Dani can’t help but smile. “How you doin’? Really?” 
“I’m good. Nervous. But that’s normal for your wedding day, right?” 
“Well, I don’t know from experience, but I think so,” Mama laughs. 
“I’m so happy, Mama. I love Aubrey so much.” 
Mama squeezes Dani’s hand with a soft smile. “Trust me, the feeling’s mutual. You two are one of the most well-rounded couple I’ve seen in a while, and it’s clear you’re crazy about each other. You’re gonna go far, and if you ever feel like you don’t like livin’ in your own place, Mama’s always got room for her favorite girls.” 
Dani laughs brightly, tossing her head back. “I think we wanna live on our own for at least the first year, but we’re both gonna miss you guys.” 
“Well I’m expectin’ you two to come over for dinner at least once a month. It’s gettin’ lonely with Jake spendin’ more time at Hollis and Keith’s.” 
Dani hums and nods. “Definitely. No need to worry about that, Mama.” 
Moira comes back in with Mama’s cane and Mama stands, taking it. 
“I’ll be back in a little while to walk you down the aisle, kiddo. You look gorgeous, you’re gonna do great. Now, I’m off to check on Barclay and make sure he gets here on time.” 
Dani stands, follows Mama to the door. “Thank you, Mama. It means a lot that you’re here.” 
Mama smiles. He puts a hand on Dani’s shoulder, squeezing. 
“You’re gonna do great, kid.” 
Oh god. Oh god, oh god. Aubrey’s heart is beating so fast. Dani looks so fucking beautiful. Oh god. 
One of Moira’s compositions plays from a speaker, and Aubrey bounces nervously at the altar, Jake on her side and Moira on the side Dani’ll be standing on; Ned, from his seat, gives her a quick thumbs up, but she doesn’t see it, she can’t take her eyes off of Dani. 
It looks as if they both decided on nontraditional outfits, because Dani’s dress is a light blush pink and reaches just below her knees, sweetheart neckline, a tasteful amount of sparkle. Her hair is down, long blonde hair pinned away from her face by some sparkly pins that Aubrey is for sure stealing after this, her makeup is impeccable. 
It feels like Dani will never reach her-- Aubrey almost runs down the aisle to meet her in the middle, but she does’t, she sits patiently until Dani is in front of her, Mama giving them both a kiss on the cheek before she finds her seat in the front row next to Ned. Aubrey tears up a bit, and she eagerly takes Dani’s hand. 
“You look beautiful,” She whispers, and Dani giggles. 
“You too, babe. Love the jacket.” 
Aubrey grins as the officiant clears his throat and begins the ceremony. 
It’s officially the start of the beginning of the rest of their lives. 
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