Welcome To A World Of Crime
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Good afternoon. My name is not important but for now you may call me L. I am the World's Greatest Detective and can solve almost anything anyone decides to send my way. However, during my seemingly rare free time, I have found myself in need of a new way to exercise my brain so I have decided to venture onto the internet to see if any of you have the capability to keep me entertained. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. *Semi-Hiatus* (Independent ask (and occasional RP) blog for L from Death Note. I track the tag asklanything)
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asklanything · 9 years ago
The Final Page
“While I am sure a lot of you have noticed an increase in my absence over these past few months. I am obviously not as frequent on this page as I had previously been and I failed to reply to a lot of your messages without first providing a large delay in time.”
“However, during my absence you have all continued on with your lives. Friends who would once visit me every day moved on to different things in their lives, some disappeared off of the face of the earth, my female counterpart became too occupied with work, the Beyond I had reconnected with and whom I had grown to call a friend left without any real indication to his living status or whereabouts. Things changed. I have witnessed new L’s come into existence and seen many suitable candidates for my successors, but I have also seen you all grow as people as well.” 
“And while I may not have been here, you have clearly proven that that change is not necessarily a bad thing.” 
“My time on this site has come to an end. I am no longer needed by you, my followers, and it is time for me to move on and focus on the people who do need me. I will not stop being a detective and this is definitely not “the death of L” all over again - this is simply the death of me as L.” 
“To those of you out there who feel as though they may still need me, do not worry, I am still with you even if I’m not actively present. And to those L’s just starting out in the detective world, please be aware that it is not easy. You will get those who try to test you and those who try to put you down but do not let them get to you. You did not get where you are today and earn the name of “World’s Greatest Detective” overnight.” 
“I will not delete this blog because there may come a time where the world does need me again but until then I will not be active on it.” 
“So thank you to all of those who have made this experience an interesting one. I have made more friends than I ever thought possible and I even grew to rather like my mun’s company towards the end. Thank you to those who have been here from the start and to those who joined us along the way. I am grateful to you all who kept me entertained over these years.” 
“This may be my final page but there’s always the chance for a sequel.” 
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- L
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asklanything · 9 years ago
What's your favorite item on a chinese take-out menu?
“It can vary depending on my mood and my cravings for the day. At the moment I am rather enjoying pineapple fried rice. It has the pleasant sweet addition to a usually salty dish.”
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asklanything · 9 years ago
L L L L L L L! Tell me tell me, how would you feel if Kira was your best friend or father figure, would you work it out? Or hear the bells HeheheHAhehe
“If Kira was my father figure I would probably be mildly concerned considering the only father figure I believe myself to have would be Watari and I do not truly believe he would do something as rash and immoral as that. As for what I would do were he to be my best friend - I would simply have to find another friend, although that seems to have proven difficult over the years.”
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asklanything · 9 years ago
Did you ever had the thought of killing yourslef?
“I entertain the idea once in a while, but I’m sure everyone else does as well. I doubt there is a person here who can honestly say they haven’t planned how they would go or what they would do. It is a common pastime for me, surprisingly, but I didn’t believe I would ever go through with it until I met Light and I was met with the realisation that the only way we could win would be for me to die.” 
“So yes, I did and I still do. But that is nothing to be worried about.”
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asklanything · 9 years ago
who does your eyebrows L
“I do them myself. Which probably explains a lot.”
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asklanything · 9 years ago
Hi L,why do some people believe the holocaust never happened? This question came up in a conversation with my friends and we couldn't answer it.
“In some cases, it may be because they struggle to comprehend that something so terrible could have really happened - that someone could truly be so evil as to commit genocide just because they did not like the way one group of people acted or what they worshipped.”
“In others it may be simply because they enjoy the concept of a conspiracy theory. Whether it be the government hiding secrets of alien lifeforms, JFK’s murder or Hitler’s true intentions. Some people will simply not let facts be facts and not let the dead rest. So desperate for an aspect of mystery in their lives that they would fabricate something usually entirely unbelievable just to please themselves.”
“But in most cases the unfortunate answer has to be ignorance. They don’t believe it happened and therefore it couldn’t have happened.”
“Humans are baffling people. I tend to try not to get too involved…”
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asklanything · 9 years ago
what case did u enjoy the most?
“If I were to fully consider all of the cases I have ever been involved in, you would never have an answer. So, if I were to choose from the select few I can bring to the front of my mind instantly - I would have to say the LABB Murder Cases.”
“It was truly fascinating to be able to observe a case of my standards between one of the greatest minds to ever come from Wammys House and a ‘mere’ detective. I liked to see where he felt he had to give hints and clues and at what stages he grew bored with his own game. And it was interesting to see how Naomi fared against one of my own.”
“So if I were required to choose, it would be that one. You really should take a moment to read up on it if you haven’t already.”
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asklanything · 9 years ago
L, have you ever loved someone?
L - "No, I cannot say I have. I don't truly have the time for such things. But perhaps one day I will meet someone I shall be able to find the time for. I am not opposed to the idea, it is simply not a necessity in my life."
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asklanything · 9 years ago
Why did you post your profile photo? If kira sees this he will kill you again
L - "I have a number of faces and a number of appearances. I may have claimed to have never shown my true face before now but you have no way of being certain of that. Showing one of my faces will not seriously harm me, but it will provide followers such as yourself with a slight hint of comfort being able to put a face to the voice you speak to. So that is why I showed my 'face'. Besides, Kira is no longer a threat to me so I no longer need to worry."
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asklanything · 9 years ago
how can i become taller?
“There are many methods which others claim work such as a certain diet or perhaps an increased dosage of calcium or specific exercises and stretches daily. However, a person’s height is mostly effected by their genetics and family. Occasionally you will see the odd genetic mutation within the family tree where an offspring may exhibit abnormal height for their genetics - whether that result is the person being shorter or taller than the others.”
“Therefore, my answer to your question would be to introduce taller genes into your family so that your future offspring will have a higher percentage chance of inheriting the taller genes. However that would involve taking into account which would be the dominant gene and other factors which might effect the genetics your offspring inherits….”
“On second thoughts. Perhaps it would be easier to simply attempt to drink a higher quantity of milk and stretch every day.”
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asklanything · 9 years ago
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Artist: +
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asklanything · 9 years ago
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xDeath Note ep 7x ➞ L can be a bitch sometimes
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asklanything · 9 years ago
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asklanything · 9 years ago
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By  にれ [nireoekaki]  ※ Permission to upload this was given by the artist.
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asklanything · 10 years ago
*pokes your pantry door* ahh sweets in my eye
“….. I am not entirely sure how you managed to get sweets in your eye just by poking the door to my supply closet. Perhaps you need to be more careful in the future.” 
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asklanything · 10 years ago
Why is killing justifiable in Kira's eyes? Is there more punishments that are far more considerate than killing?
“That is a difficult question to answer, one I am still struggling with today. You see, it could be that, as Kira perceives himself to be a kind of God, he believes that killing is justifiable as he is only killing those whom have committed crimes and therefore removing those who have sinned from the Earth technically resulting in the Earth being a better place. This would mean he would be exempt from his own rules due to his adopted celestial status granting him protection in this ‘new world’.”
“However, it could also be that killing is the only method they believe is suitable for people who commit such crimes and that the only way you can purge the evil from the Earth is to remove it with more evil. Therefore he may be considering the ‘good deed’ he is doing to outweigh the evil crimes he is, in reality, committing while doing so.”
“Or perhaps it is simply because killing is the easiest route for him to obtain his goal due to the tools he has somehow been provided with. And therefore, as it was given to him in such a mysterious and potentially ‘celestial’ manner, he may perceive it to be a type of sign telling him how he needs to make his dream a relaity.”
“I am unable to truly answer for Kira as I am not Kira and therefore do not share the exact same mindset (although I will admit, there are some similarities). There could be any number of reasons why death is the punishment he chose over others and I am sure there are a lot of excuses Kira could offer up which would explain why killing was chosen as the most considerate and why he is exempt from his own punishment. I am sure we will hear all of these once he is brought to justice as he begs for his life before a court… if he even manages to go to trial.”
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asklanything · 10 years ago
L, do you think I'm cute?
“That is a difficult question to answer as I am unaware of your physical appearance or personality. Therefore, as I am unwilling to provide you with a truthful answer otherwise, I am afraid you will have to reveal your identity to me for me to be able to draw an accurate conclusion.”
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