#they fit in the starlight lords sphere!!
wellthebardsdead · 9 months
Me finding out @pearsaregrossfightme killed the nice pretty mushroom people in baldurs gate:
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deltabrony7 · 5 years
MLP Season 9 Adventures: The Delta, The Omega and the Legion
*Delta Brony was flying over Equestria as he plans to meet Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Queen Chrysalis. He also mentions about Galeem and Nintendy.*
[Delta Brony] “Nintendy thinks that he could expose me by telling Twilight about my plan. Galeem is at 50% so he is halfway there. Looks like I’m gonna have to take things under my wing, by meeting Twilight’s old enemies.”
*Delta Brony looks down and sees Grogar’s lair.*
[Delta Brony] “I been there before because I was undercover. So now would be the perfect time to reveal myself to them.”
*At Grogar’s lair...*
[Cozy Glow] “Sorry to interrupt you Tirek. When Grogar retrieves the bell and we take over Equestria, what would be our next goal?”
[Lord Tirek] “A mere celebration we could have.”
[Queen Chrysalis] “Haven’t you forgot something you too. Grogar could be using us at his own game.”
[Cozy Glow] “He is very grumpy and mean to be honest.”
*Suddenly, Delta Brony arrives at the scene.*
[Delta Brony] “Hope I am not interrupting.”
*The three villains gasped and sees that the alicorn stallion is here.*
[Queen Chrysalis] “ANOTHER ALICORN?!!”
[Lord Tirek] “What is he doing here?!”
[Cozy Glow] “Hey, you look familiar. Aren’t you the same pony that became headmare Twilight’s substiture teacher?”
[Delta Brony] “In the flesh Cozy Glow.”
*Delta swoops down and walks close to the villains*
[Delta Brony] “Delta Brony, alicorn prince and guardian of Twilight Sparkle.”
[Lord Tirek] “Delta... Brony... oh yes. That name almost sound like Omega Brony.”
[Omega Brony] “You called?”
*Omega Brony arrives at Grogar’s lair to meet with Delta and the Legion.*
[Delta Brony] “Omega Brony, why am I not surprised. How’s Dar...”
[Omega Brony] “Shhhh...”
[Delta Brony] “Oh... sorry.”
[Queen Chrysalis] “Two alicorns? But this one has bat wings.”
[Cozy Glow] “Weird if you ask me.”
[Omega Brony] “Don’t be hasty with your words. i followed Delta here to tell you that...”
[Delta Brony] “..our training needs to be complete?”
[Omega Brony] “Whoa!! How did you know?”
[Delta Brony] “I can predict what you are about to say.”
[Omega Brony] “Intriguing  of you. You are quite intelligent just like me.”
[Lord Tirek] “Training you say? Well, we could help you become stronger than ever before until Grogar arrives.”
[Queen Chrysalis] “If you could join us of course.”
[Omega Brony] “Who you may be, oh lovely one?”
[Queen Chrysalis] “Chrysalis, the changeling queen. I could transform into anyone I choose like this one.”
*Queen Chrysalis changes into Delta Brony*
[Queen Chrysalis (Delta Brony)] “So, what do you think?”
[Omega Brony] “SWEET!!”
[Delta Brony] “I dealt with more of your kind when you invaded Canterlot long ago.”
*Queen Chrysalis changes back to her original form.*
[Queen Chrysalis] “It’s a shame that my army was turned against me because of Starlight Glimmer!! I will not let her get away with this!!”
[Delta Brony] “Oh you will, cause you and the other got something for Grogar to use against the ponies.”
[Cozy Glow] “You mean this bell?”
*Cozy Glow shows the bewitching bell to Delta Brony, and Omega Brony walks close to it.*
[Omega Brony] “Muahahahahaha!! So this is the bell that you retrieved for that ram of yours. I am impressed that he sent you on a mission, and you accomplished it.”
[Delta Brony] “Grogar will have unlimited power when he puts it on, and Twilight Sparkle will have no choice but to falter.”
[Omega Brony] “It is only a matter of time.”
[Lord Tirek] “So, are you in for some training lessons or not?”
[Delta Brony] “There’s are cue Omega.”
[Omega Brony] “I can really use a workout.”
*Meanwhile at the field...*
[Cozy Glow] “The first thing is all about offense and defense. One of you is gonna go one on one with Tirek.”
[Omega Brony] “Well well well, this could be my ultimate opportunity.”
[Lord Tirek] “So you want to face me? Alright then, although I’m gonna need some magic to match your power.”
[Delta Brony] “That’s fine with you.”
*Cozy Glow and Queen Chrysalis and Omega looks at Delta with a smug look*
[Delta Brony] (gasp) “No... you wouldn’t dare!!”
*Lord Tirek uses his magic to levitate Delta Brony and brings him here*
[Delta Brony] “Don’t do this. I know what you are capable on doing. You did this to Twilight and her friends once.”
[Lord Tirek] “Sorry Delta, but it has to be this way.”
*Lord Tirek opens his mouth wide and starts sucking up Delta’s magic*
*Lord Tirek finally has all of Delta’s alicorn magic and becomes strong. He puts him down to the ground.*
[Delta Brony] “That was... painful.”
[Omega Brony] “It won’t be long now Delta.”
[Lord Tirek] “Ready?”
[Omega Brony] “Ready when you are.”
*Tirek smashes the ground, causing the pillars to emerge. Omega Brony flies and evades them all. Then Tirek fires a beam at Omega, but he uses his magic shield.*
[Omega Brony] “Is that the best you got?”
[Lord Tirek] “Not bad. But can you handle this?”
*Lord Tirek begins to charge at Omega, he collides with him. Omega fights back by stopping the charge.*
[Omega Brony] “I was right when I said that I could use... A WORKOUT!!”
*Omega Brony slams Lord Tirek onto the ground.*
[Delta Brony] “Omega... he’s... doing it.”
[Queen Chsytalis] “How could he be this strong than Tirek?”
[Cozy Glow] “I was gonna ask the same thing.”
[Omega Brony] “Heh. Never underestimate the most powerful pony in Equestria.”
*But Tirek gets up and grabs Omega Brony*
[Lord Tirek] “Except you never turn your back on your opponent.”
[Omega Brony] “Heh. I was hoping you say that. LIGHTNING MASQUERADE!!”
*A storm cloud appears and surrounds the two in a barrage of lightning bolts. One bolt hits Tirek’s hand, causing him to let go.*
[Omega Brony] “Crimson Sphere!!”
*Omega fires a glowing red ball at Tirek and it explodes by contact. The smoke clears as Omega sees Tirek shielded himself just in time*
[Lord Tirek] “You are powerful than ever. Where did you get this magic?”
[Omega Brony] “It’s a long story Tirek. Very long story.”
[Lord Tirek] “Well then, on to the second lesson.”
*Lord Tirek returns all the magic to Delta Brony.*
[Delta Brony] “Thanks. Heh, now that I know how it felt to have my magic taken away.”
*A few minutes later...*
[Queen Chrysalis] “The next lesson is working together. Grogar taught us that.”
[Delta Brony] “Well, we are a duo. We totally got this.”
[Omega Brony] “If we can get the formations right, we can totally outsmart Twilight at our own game.”
*Delta and Omega begin their training, using every attack and magical ability that they could use against the Mane 6. After hours and hours of training, they become exhausted.*
[Omega Brony] “I could use a glass of water right now.”
[Delta Brony] “Me too.”
[Cozy Glow] “Wow, you are pretty banged up after all that training.”
[Lord Tirek] “Now you are ready for your final lesson.”
[Omega Brony] “I cannot wait for this day.”
[Delta Brony] “Ready for anything Omega.”
[Lord Tirek] “Your last lesson... is by joining us. So when Grogar returns, we could destroy Twilight Sparkle and her miserable friends.”
[Delta Brony] “That’s the lesson?”
[Omega Brony] “They are cunning than I thought.”
[Delta Brony] “Don’t you have the bell for Grogar? You might as well wait for him to arrive. We can truly leave him and the rest of you to your evil ways.”
[Queen Chrysalis] “If that’s the case, then that is all I can help you with.”
[Cozy Glow] “Unless you change your mind.”
[Delta Brony] “Haha!! Sure. After all, I’m the bad guy. If Grogar and the rest of you fall to Princess Twilight Sparkle and the ponies, I’ll finish what you started.”
[Lord Tirek] “What would be splendid if you did.”
[Delta Brony] “Welp, I guess I gotta go. Thanks for all the help guys.”
[Cozy Glow] “See you later Delta Brony.”
*Delta Brony leaves the scene, but Omega has something to say to the three.*
[Omega Brony] “Delta is very kind to you don’t you think?”
[Lord Tirek] “Very noble indeed. You decided to stay with us?”
[Omega Brony] “Not exactly, but I am counting on you three and Grogar. You’re the only ones that I am willing to root for. What can I say... Long Live Grogar.”
*Omega Brony leaves the field*
[Omega Brony] “I like this Omega pony. He totally fits with us.”
[Lord Tirek] “We don’t have time. We must head back to Grogar’s lair immediately.”
*At the skies*
[Delta Brony] “So... how’s Dharkon?”
[Omega Brony] “55%”
[Delta Brony] “WHOA!! Nice!!”
[Omega Brony] “Darkness is the only thing that matter for Dharkon. As for Tirek, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and their leader Grogar, they won’t know what hit them after they defeat the Mane Six, cause they will be consumed by darkness.”
[Delta Brony] “I’m willing to give you a taste of your own medicine when Galeem coats Equestria in light.”
[Omega Brony] “A magnificent competition. Let’s see who will take control of Equestria.”
*Omega Brony returns back to the dark realm and Delta heads back to see Galeem,*
[Delta Brony] “Light vs. Darkness it is.”
To Be Continued...
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midnight-in-town · 7 years
John Brown as the mastermind behind the Blue Sect and the recent sad events?
Disclaimer: Spoilers and long post. As such, this theory will initially be a little chronological to try and make the explanation simpler. If any point is unclear, feel free to ask @thedarkestcrow or me about it as it is something we discussed together. :)
First of all, here’s what we know about the current arc (ch127 happens mid-November 1889):
Bravat (who’s most likely human) knew from the beginning that Ciel is the Watchdog (”Earl Phantomhive”), that Seb is a demon, that Lizzie is Ciel’s fiancée and that the Starlight Four committed crimes at Weston.
Bravat’s sect is at least one and a half year/two years old (ch125). However, seeing as there was no hint of massive blood collects and death before August/September 1889, we’ll assume for this theory that the 4 star lords were put in Bravat’s care at some point during Summer 1889, which is when Bravat started using the S4 to promote the Sphere music hall in order to collect as much blood as possible.
Othello said that, considering the anormal progress of the sect’s technology, a supernatural being is most likely behind it (ch119/ch125). This supernatural mastermind is very probably the reason Bravat knew about Sebastian being a demon (and about Lizzie and Ciel). 
While the reason tying Lizzie to the sect is still unclear, we’re going to assume for this theory that Bravat’s mention of her to Ciel (ch123) might mean that she’s seen as a possible hostage to use against him. 
Lastly, about the 2CT: it seems like it’s almost confirmed.
Lord Sirius being Ciel’s twin (aka Real!Ciel, a “bizarre doll”) is a popular theory
Agni’s reaction when he found the burnt picture of Ciel’s family (ch126) was quite telling that something was unexpected about this picture.
I hope all of this makes sense for you guys! Onto the theory about John Brown...
1) Going back in time...
...To December 1885, Vincent is killed and his sons are bought by a satanic cult that intends on using them as sacrifices in order to summon a demon. In January 1886, Real!Ciel is sacrificed on the altar and our!Ciel manages to summon Sebastian, selling his soul to him in order to survive and get revenge. He then becomes the new Queen’s Watchdog in March 1886.
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Fastforwarding a bit, ch125 told us that the old Lords whom Bravat used to transfuse regularly should have died more than one and a half year ago, meaning that Bravat’s sect has been at least existing ever since Winter 1887/Spring 1888.
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A possible link to Ryan’s Aurora Society or the mysterious Osiris company mentioned during the Campania arc is possible but we don’t have any hint vouching for it yet.
Fastforwarding again, it’s February 1889 and the Circus arc happens, resulting in a messy ending, with Ciel lying to the Queen about his report for this case, not knowing that the Double Charles and John Brown (as well as the Undertaker) witnessed what he truly did.
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As a result, Queen Victoria organizes a grand punishment in March 1889, starring Charles Grey killing an important German lord and trying to have Ciel take the fall for the murder in front of witnesses. This ends rather well though, as Ciel manages to trick Grey and blame someone else for the murder.
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In April 1889, it’s the Campania arc, where the Undertaker introduces for the first time his Bizarre Doll project, indirectly mass-murdering many people seemingly without a care in the world. He manages to run away, leaving his chain of lockets to Ciel and with Sebastian concluding the arc on...
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They obviously did run into him again though, in June 1889, when they end up facing ameliorated BDs, because of several murders committed by 4 students (the Starlight 4).  At the end of this arc, Ciel makes his report to Queen Victoria, telling her about the S4′s crimes but also about the Undertaker’s Bizarre Dolls. Strangely enough though, she doesn’t find Ciel’s explanation to be senseless and once he left, this discussion about BDs happens between her and John Brown:
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So, Queen Victoria seems to find the idea of having BDs as “allies” to be very fancy. And, as the following arc happening in Germany in August 1889 will show, it seems that Queen Victoria finds that idea to be oh! so very interesting because she’s actually preparing for a war against Germany, which is also why she asks Ciel to bring Sieglinde and her latest deadly invention (the SULIN gas) back to England, so that Sieglinde can invent new war weapons that the Queen will then use against Germany.   
At least that was how the clever plan getting Victoria new deadly war weapons was supposed to go. 
Because two slight problems arose:
the Undertaker unfortunately doesn’t happen to be Victoria’s greatest fan (most likely because she’s the reason Vincent, and maybe Claudia Phantomhive, ended up dead thanks to the Watchdog duty), so trying to make friends with UT to get the BDs probably wouldn’t work at all.
Ciel unfortunately saw through Victoria’s plan for Sieglinde and the SULIN and he tasked Sebastian with getting rid of the very deadly gas in ch108, double crossing “his master” by doing so.
Unfortunately though, Ciel’s plan kind of backfired at him, since Queen Victoria and John Brown made it rather obvious in ch108 (late August 1889) that they saw through his little game, which means that it’s the second mistake (or act of defiance) that Ciel made as the Watchdog in less than a year, causing Brown/King Albert to...
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...compare him to his very murdered father. 
@thedarkestcrow​ and I (and other readers of course) took this as a rather serious threat against Ciel (something he probably realized as well), perfectly fitting with the theory that the Queen and John Brown might have something to do with the murders of Vincent and Rachel, for a reason that’s still unknown. [x] [x]
In any case, while Victoria saw through Ciel’s little game with the SULIN quite obviously, she doesn’t appear to have punished him (yet?) and anyway, ch114 told us that she was actually visiting Sieglinde often, probably because she hasn’t given up on Sieglinde creating something useful for her war. 
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As for her desire to get allies in the form of Bizarre Dolls, if the one who initially had the idea (the Undertaker) can’t be found and convinced to help her, maybe she could ask another supernatural being to make them for her?
One she already knows; one she trusts because he comforts her when she’s sad and missing her husband; one who knows about her war plans and who promised to protect her; one who traveled in record time from England to Germany without riding his horse and without triggering the traps in the forest; one whose eyes are always hidden, hinting that maybe they would give away his true nature should they be seen...
...Or maybe John Brown is making it all a surprise in this arc because he’s very dedicated to her...?
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2) John Brown (and Queen Victoria?) as the mastermind behind this arc
Starting from here, this is all hypothetical, but maybe I should say now that @thedarkestcrow​ and I started considering that the supernatural mastermind Othello hinted at had to be someone who was not the Undertaker ever since Ciel became targeted in the recent events. For now, it’s unclear whether Soma really was the target of the attack of ch126/127 or if Ciel was, but, even if the target was Soma, it most likely inherently had to do with Ciel. 
So, considering the Undertaker’s attachment to the P family, we tend to agree with Sebastian when he once said that the Undertaker “doesn’t seem to want to cause [Ciel] harm”. Besides, so far, the Undertaker’s BD project mostly was based on alterations of cinematic records, so the fact that the 4 Lords (if they’re indeed supposed to be BDs) seemed to be dependent of blood always made us wonder why he’d change his methods now (especially after BD!Algares who was almost perfect). 
However, John Brown if he’s the mastermind trying to “make things go according to her majesty’s wishes” (no matter what kind of supernatural being he is), wouldn’t know how UT managed to create his BDs, so maybe that’s why the 4 Lords seem to be different, needing blood when UT’s dolls didn’t. 
John Brown could also be behind Bravat’s technology ever since the old Lords started to be transfused at least two years ago, simply because Victoria is preparing for war and as Wolfram put it in ch114...
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So after researching about blood transfusion, Brown used these important old Lords to experiment his blood transfusion technique by the intermediary of Bravat’s sect, thanks to the technology he developed as a supernatural being (that device that Othello was impressed with in ch125). 
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Brown as Victoria’s footman and as the supernatural mastermind behind Bravat would also be aware of:
Ciel being the watchdog
Seb being a demon
Lizzie being Ciel’s fiancée
the S4 having committed crimes and making for useful pawns.
Finally, if we’re saying that the blue sect is a cover for Brown researching how to make bizarre doll-like beings that will be used as war weapons, I know it does sound strange (if she is aware of what he is doing) that Queen Victoria deliberately put Ciel on Bravat’s trail. 
So, this part is really a wild idea but what if it all was a part of her plan, because no one can know what she and John Brown tried to create using the Sphere music hall as a cover? After all, imagine the scandal if people were to learn that the Queen is indirectly responsible for bleeding to death a part of London, because she’s involved with senseless experiments! 
Which is why she asked Ciel to go investigate the Sphere music hall...
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...even giving him the list of these old Lords that were being transfused by Bravat over the last two years...
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...maybe hoping that Bravat purposedly endangering Lizzie by making her join the sect at the same time would be a good way for him to focus on settling this case with as much efficiency as possible?
Settling the case might not be what she’s expecting of him at all... Rather she wants him to get rid of Bravat and his sect, Lizzie used “as a hostage” being what should motivate Ciel to do anything to eliminate the ones who endangered her (and obviously Bravat wouldn’t know that he’s expandable). And it’s not such a crazy bet when we see how Ciel solved most of the other cases given to him.
Of course, if John Brown has his own agenda (or if the Queen doesn’t know that he might be supernatural), it’s possible that the Queen might not have known that Brown was trying to create the “bizarre dolls” that they talked about back in ch84, hence why she put Ciel on the case. That being said, considering how she didn’t seem surprised that things as strange as Bizarre Dolls could exist back in ch84, if Brown is supernatural then she might be aware of it.
3) About the events of ch126/127
A really hypothetical part yet again, just to point out that...
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...Whoever Agni’s killer is, he’s stronger than a normal human because Agni himself was a very good fighter and he almost couldn’t fight back. So, while we’re not 100% sure of who this man is yet (Lord Polaris? maybe John Brown himself?) and same for the gunman, it would make sense to think that they’re linked to the Sphere music hall.
If the two men who attacked Soma and Agni are Lord Polaris and Lord Sirius then, if they’re really supposed to be equivalents of UT’s BDs, maybe the fact they need a lot blood could also have to do with a possible enhancement of their physical capacities. That would explain the strength of Agni’s killer.
Take Finny for example. Do you remember where Finny is from? A German research institute that the Queen had Ciel raid, for the same reason she sent him to Sieglinde’s village. So if Germany had found a way to enhance physical capacities, it’s not impossible for England to have found it as well, especially since it would be very useful for war. 
In any case, the fact that Ciel’s house was targeted might have been for a simple reason: maybe it was a way to experiment if the “dolls” (Lord Polaris and Lord Sirius in that case) were following orders correctly as well as how they would manage against a strong fighter like Agni (or maybe even Sebastian). As for why choosing Ciel’s house as the target of the experimental attack... well, maybe this (hurting Soma and killing Agni) is Ciel’s punishment for taking the SULIN away from the Queen... Unless it’s an initiative by Bravat of course, because he’s tired of Ciel trying to stop him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks for reading and sorry that it was so long!
As always, this post could be totally off (the theory about Ciel’s twin wanting revenge still holds, even if I just can’t see UT as the mastermind behind the sect anymore after the events of ch126/127) especially since this theory doesn’t completely explain everything, so please take everything with a grain of salt and feel free to share your thoughts about this theory if you feel like it. 
We’ll see if this will go anywhere next month. :)
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abybweisse · 8 years
do you have any thoughts, theories or anything to do with blavat?
Thanks for the ask! I sure DO! Here are my two “biggies”. Warning: LONG POST!!
I. Blavat Sky: the manga parallel to the anime’s Drocell Keinz
I have posted before (several times) likening Blavat to the anime-only character Drocell Keinz. Once a clever doll-maker, Drocell dies but is turned into a sort of mechanized doll. He doesn’t know he’s dead and doesn’t know he’s being used as a pawn by Angela/Ash (the angel) until Sebastian and “Ciel” force him to realize the truth. He’s very confident in his artistic/crafting abilities and thinks he’s doing what is “right” or “must be done”.
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He draws people/victims in with music (performing as a street musician, basically) and then turns them into lifeless, mechanical dolls much like himself.
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He draws Lizzie into his shop (she hears the music and then sees dolls inside). She’s looking for the perfect gift for “Ciel” and wonders whether Drocell might have something else there that would suffice. Drocell promises her that he has the perfect gift for her “Ciel” – herself, as a doll.
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He begins the process of turning her into a doll, but “Ciel” and Sebastian save her just in time… after defeating Drocell and his army of previously-made dolls. It’s later revealed that he was just part of Angela/Ash’s plan to get hold of “Ciel”, apparently with the purpose of breaking the contract between “Ciel” and Sebastian.
Similarly, I see Blavat Sky as a talented guy who is confident (even arrogant) in his abilities. 
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He is using his abilities (fake fortune-teller, lyricist, composer, choreographer, etc.) to draw people/donors/victims into Sphere Music Hall (and this “Blue Sect” cult). Instead of performing like a street musician, he performs as a fortune-teller and manages/produces/etc. an idol group – the Starlight Four.
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He might really think what he’s doing is important work, but he’s really just a pawn in someone else’s much bigger plans to ultimately get the earl in their clutches. Instead of Angela/Ash, it’s Lord Sirius (and probably Undertaker)… though an angel could make an appearance (I’m somewhat holding out for a big reveal from John Brown, the queen’s horsemaster and closest confidant). In both case, Lizzie’s presence (at Drocell’s shop in the anime, at Sphere Music Hall in the manga) lures “Ciel”/the earl (probably into a trap). 
The anime scene where Drocell talks Lizzie into staying/getting “Ciel” a gift there… is visually very similar to the manga scene in which Blavat convinces Lizzie to stay at Sphere Music Hall for the supposed purpose of finding her “radiance”:
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Like… really….
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In both cases, Lizzie is drawn in by her worries over “Ciel”/the earl. In the anime it’s her desire to find “Ciel” the perfect gift (to make him happy), while in the manga it’s also her desire to find out how to make him happy again (and then apparently hoping to “save” him (or real Ciel)….
And then for the other major theory….
II. Blavat Sky: the Black Butler parallel to Mother3′s Miracle Fassad/Locria (and Lord Passion)
Actually, my theory for Blavat’s purpose and fate is the same, but this is just another parallel that supports it.
In Mother3, Fassad is this decidedly bad person who is not as he seems at all.
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Fassad sounds like façade, French for “face” but used in English to mean an “exterior”, especially a “fake” one. In Arabic, fasad means “moral corruption”. Both associations are quite fitting because Fassad was once a Magypsy named Locria, but he rebels against the other Magypsies and becomes a pawn of King Porky. (Side note: Claus, Lucas’ twin brother, also becomes a pawn of King Porky and becomes known as the Masked Man.) Locria also suggests dissent (rebelling against the other Magypsies) because it is the musical mode known for extreme dissonance.
Instead of being a street musician (or managing an idol band), he controls a monkey (Salsa) and makes it deliver (to villagers) the Happy Boxes he’s selling. He’s a talented speaker and, as such, a successful salesman/merchant. He’s greedy, arrogant, and cruel.
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Fassad goes through some changes, being “upgraded” or “evolved” from Fassad to New Fassad, and again to Miracle Fassad.
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Fassad actually has three character parallels in Black Butler: Vanel (the drug dealer) is like the original Fassad… Harold West-Jebb (imports merchant) is like New Fassad… and Blavat Sky (essentially bartering for blood) is like Miracle Fassad.
Escapism, brainwashed contentment, this promise of “radiance”…. Is there much of a difference? Fassad (specifically Miracle Fassad), the poor “performing” monkey, and the brainwashing Happy Boxes are a bit like Blavat, the Starlight Four, and all they are “selling”… most-notably the concept of “radiance”. 
Fassad’s not specifically associated with music in his original disguise, but once he’s mechanized he can no longer “talk” in anything other than corrupted Magypsy leitmotif (musical notes that suggest he was once a Magypsy). Lucas eventually defeats Miracle Fassad (and later figures out that he used to be Locria). Before Miracle Fassad disappears for good, he admits/realizes he’s just being used by King Porky, and that he’s tired of/done with it all… even though it means his defeat (and death). He thought his purpose was to spread “happiness” while gaining status under the new regime, but it was really just to lure Lucas to King Porky (and the Masked Man). Neither King Porky nor the Masked Man cared about him at all – just a pawn.
Another, much more minor, Mother3 character is associated with Blavat in my theory. Mr. Passion is a music-conducting ghost who parallels the traditions of Weston College. However, his stronger version, Lord Passion, is more like a parallel to Blavat.
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TL;DR: The parallels to Drocell Keinz, Miracle Fassad, and Lord Passion suggest that Blavat Sky is arrogant, cruel, greedy, and attention-seeking. They also suggest he’s just being used by higher powers, and that he will be surprised and shamed in his eventual defeat.
Again, thanks for the ask! (Sorry it’s so long.)
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