#they dont deserve all these sleeping gas and everything
Inazuma Eleven Orion in a nutshell
Inazuma Japan: please just one safe and fair match without any cheating or injuries, please just one safe and fair match without any cheating or injuries, please just one safe and fair match without any cheating or injuries, pLEASE JUST ONE SAFE AND FAIR MATCH WITHOUT ANY CHEATING OR INJURIES- Orion: we don't do that here
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fanaticbitchhh · 1 month
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jj maybank x reader
warnings: nervous!reader, forced proximity kinda?? shitty rushed writing, swearing, it drags on a little sorry!
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the pogues had decided to go on a little trip, after the horrific events of the gold and the drama inbetween, you all figured you deserved it. it was mainly you and kiara that planned it, you two were the only two who had even gone camping before. besides, you used to do girls brigade, you knew a thing or two.
a long twinkie ride, 4 gas station stops, and one instance of being pulled over was all it took to get to the campsite. it was beautiful, truly. it was surrounded by a few mountains and the woods, you'd definitely do some exploring in the later days. you could hear the faint sounds of water running, definitely a river around, maybe a waterfall if you were lucky.
you had packed with kiara, cleo, and sarah. you definitely had gotten sidetracked more than once. kiara insisted on having her own tent, she enjoyed the space. pope and cleo were obviously coupled up so they'd sleep in a tent together, the same went for john b and sarah. that left you and jj, which you decided to share.
you helped the blonde boy set the tent up, and after a lot of failure and laughs, you finally got it up. you made one last walk around the tent to make sure all the pegs were put in the ground properly. then you got your bag out of the twinkie, you didnt pack much, just clothes and swimsuits. you never knew when a swimming opportunity would show up.
john b had been preparing dinner for us, with the help of sarah so he wouldnt burn it. so you made your way outside to the others, grabbing a plate. you ate the food, complimenting the couple on their cooking skills (it was mainly sarah that cooked it). the others made jokes and laughed while they ate, you chimed in occasionally but you were mainly focused on finishing the food.
when you all finished your food, you started a fire. roasting marshmallows, making smores. anything you could think of really. you made conversation, mainly talking about the fun times in our friendships. it was nice, you really enjoyed it.
it was late at night when you realized it. your phone torch on, searching around your camp area. fuck, you thought. you forgot your goddamn sleeping bag. so much for girls brigade. jj looked at you in confusion, what the fuck were you looking for? you could practically hear his confused thoughts.
"i left my fucking sleeping bag back at the chateau." you huff, annoyed at yourself for your stupidity.
"seriously? out of everything you could've forgotten, you forget one of the most important things?! that's just unfortunate." he laughs heartily.
"yeah, get it all out of your system. so funny." you frown, he always found your misfortune funny.
he'd always try and help out though, that was what best friends were for.
"where the hell am i gonna sleep?" you groan, rubbing your face in frustration.
"we can always share mine?" he proposes.
"huh?" you ask, dumbfounded with your jaw a little slack.
he placed two fingers under your jaw and shut it. "dont wanna catch flies now, do ya cupcake?"
you could hear the smirk on his face, you wouldn't even need to look at him to know he was smirking.
"uh i-i guess we could share." you shrug, trying to act nonchalant.
it didnt work very well, your face felt a little hotter than normal and you coukd guarantee you were as red as a tomato. he unzips his sleeping bag, beckoning you over. you join him with a bright blush on your face, resting your head on the pillow he brought with.
"comfy?" he asked.
you nod in response, afraid your voice would betray your excitement. when you finally composed yourself, you spoke.
"thank you, by the way, for sharing the sleeping bag.." you smile shyly.
"'course, couldnt let ya sleep on the cold hard floor. that's no way to treat a pretty girl." he knew exactly what he was doing.
it was safe to say, when you came out of the tent the next morning you were quite literally ambushed with teasing. you and jj both seemed to forget that you could still hear through a tent. whoops?
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the-saddest-lesbian · 28 days
I am tired
I have told you this a million times but still you dont listen. Either that or tou dont care, and i dont know which one is worst.
I told you I cant sleep because you snore, and you don't try to fix it because it doesn't bother you.
I told you it bothers me an I feel so fucking lonely when all you do all day is sleep and I get home and still have a lot of stuff to do, but it doesn't bother you because I manage just fine to be up till 2 am cooking for you
I told you to lock my car but it also doesn't bother you and you keep forgetting it
I had to tell you to not eat all the bread all the time because I have nothing to eat in the morning. I HAD TO TELL YOU THAT.
The only time my mother came to our place you came home and treated me like shit because you wanted to be out with your friends and not be cleaning our house. My mother washes your dirty clothes and you think buying her a fucking soda is too much that you ask me to do it. You drive my car and when I ask help paying for gas you either look at me like "really?" or you ask if 20 reais is enough. You almost never offer to buy me anything, pay anything for me and I do that for you. I do anything for you. Maybe I am selfish but I don't think this relationship is balanced. It is comfortable for you but for me not so much.
It's like you don't care at all, so i am starting not to care as well.
I always think if I ever will meet someone who completes me the way you do, who thinks the same way and likes the same stuff. We do have a lot in common.
But it's what my father told me one day.
Doing the fun stuff with anyone is easy. Doing the obligations and being an adult is very very hard, and I think we are not on the same page about that.
The house is a fucking mess because we are a fucking mess, you said it.
I am suffering since forever. I never wanted this. I love you.
But I hate me. I hate who I have become. I hate what I have done.
I really love you. You are amazing and the best guy I have ever met. You deserve someone better than me. You deserve to have your will to live again, your will to love. I know I have taken that away from you and I will never ever forgive myself for it.
I also think you deserve someone who is capable of loving you enough to help you grow. I cannot do this anymore. I did what I could. I cannot go on. And I want so many things, I want everything... and I need someone who thinks and feels the same way. I know you will never be this person, just as I will never be this person for you.
I feel like our time together is slipping through my fingers like sand and I would do anything to get it back, even though I know it would end in this same exact way.
Sometimes I wish we had never met so neither of us would have to suffer like this.
We had A LOT of good times. We created so many memories and I really wish we stayed friends and in touch. I just cannot keep this thing going on forever... it's like we expired long ago. Before last year. Before all that. And I am just trying to see how long I can take it and the answer is "not much longer"
So either we both change and try to become a little bit what the other one needs or it's not gonna go well. And I think I know which path we are choosing on this one.
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brownietown05 · 2 months
A long way to go (new chapter 2)
Chapter 1 (a little Story after thanos 'killed' Loki and Thor settled with his people in Midgard. Loki gets a ship (on a planet or something i dont know yet) and is now in midgard. Everyone is alive)
A long way to go | Chapter 2 ⬇️
His left hand hung uselessly on the steering wheel while the other lay in his lap. He had been wandering through space for three days now and everything looked the same. And he hated it with a passion.
(Around 1000 words)
Loki knew that the moment would come, even hoped for it a little. Because it meant that Thor finally realized that he could not be helped. That he did not deserve trust and protection. Brother or not.
But right now he was unable to do anything about it. The broken nose barely let him sleep, even though he was able to heal it a little, and his last interaction with Thor kept swimming through his head. The anger that spread across Thor's face and the way Thor walked away resignedly, as if he had finally found some kind of peace in everything in which Loki did not exist.
Still. He was lonely and always would be.
But Loki admitted that the gun was a little unnecessary, but it was much more effective than a dagger, partly because human understood the threat of a gun and partly because Loki always wanted to shoot one of those things. Maybe in a less angry moment, but he had what he wanted.
Just a few hours after he started thinking about where to fly, the alarms in the ship went off.
Loki simply took the wire out for a while and hoped they weren't important. Then he carefully tried to get past the other cables and was finally able to turn off the alarm. And as soon as the annoying noises stopped, he breathed a sigh of relief and enjoyed the sudden, overwhelming silence.
Sirens screamed in shrill tones and glowed red, the ship's displays barely worked and Loki was about to freak out and smash the things to make them quiet. He crouched in front of the manual controls, a small box that was on the ceiling at the back of the ship, trying to figure out what the problem was. The access to the sirens was under all the cables, one of which was broken and sparking dangerously.
He stood there like that for a while.
He climbed down from the seats and went back to the desk to check that it was working. The screens were still only visible in a distorted way, as was the navigation. He decided to leave it like that for now and sat down exhausted in the seat, let his head fall against the support and closed his eyes.
Loki didn't know how to carry on. The controls barely worked, the provisions kept running out and there wouldn't be enough fuel left in the small ship forever.
He should have stolen a better ship. The thing was not designed for long space travel. Now in his defense, Loki had not wanted to fly around in that damned space for so long.
When he tiredly opened his eyes again, he observed the stars that he had often been fascinated by. They were born when gas nebulae contracted into a sphere due to their gravity and rotated and died when they exploded in a supernova. Of course, there were millions of years between the two processes, but even a star died at some point.
He was drifting around in space. As he had before, but this time protected by the metal walls.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, searching his mind and wondering if he could teleport somewhere in the ship. Anywhere, just away from this damned endless emptiness.
He let small threads of his magic wander around the room, looking for a point to hold on to.
So he concentrated on a point in this world, directed all his remaining magic at it and shot it like an arrow as he teleported there. But as soon as he traveled through the space-time continuum, his lungs burned and all his internal organs seemed to contract while his head pounded in protest against the use of magic. And that happened within three seconds. Loki's foggy mind slowly cleared and he felt heavy rain pouring down on him. The entire ground was rocky and covered in mud, just like the sky with dark gray clouds.
And indeed. There was something. It was a world he couldn't name, but it was a thousand times better than the spaceship in which he would die if he didn't find anything better.
He had to force his muscles to obey as he struggled to stand up and look around.
Nothing far and wide.
Breathing heavily, he trudged towards a hill, hoping to have a better view from up there. The cold of the rain seeped through his already soaked clothes and made him shiver.
No house, no forest, just mountains and hills and endless landscape that looked the same everywhere. Great. Maybe the ship would have been better after all. This world looked far too similar to Alfheim and he hated to be reminded of what happened there back then.
In the distance, Loki could see a small patch of forest, with the faint outline of a house in front of it.
He struggled to keep his legs moving as they began to go numb, but he soon made it to the top of the hill.
No steam was flying out of the chimney, no light was burning through the windows to show that anyone was home.
So he closed his eyes, prayed to the Norns that someone was home, gathered his remaining strength and slid rather than walked down the muddy hill.
He would hate to have to break into anything.
The dark clouds seemed to have no end, as if the weather itself was mocking him, despite all the stress and trouble he had already been through.
But he was happy to see that the mud was gradually turning into halfway green, if flooded, grass.
He wrapped his arms around himself, trying to collect a bit of warmth, and almost left his boot in the mud.
The closer he got to the hut, the more lonely the area seemed to him. He couldn't see anything at all in the forest behind it, the wind howled loudly around him and the absence of any living creatures worried him
A smile still flashed across his face.
Maybe he could travel the galaxy? Visit cultures unknown to him and simply learn about them?
He would sit in the hut, cook some of his provisions if he found something to heat, maybe even sleep in a bed and think about where he should go next.
Adapting would not be difficult. But he had to take a long rest, his magic had to be restored and he had to make sure he didn't die of cold. Jotun heritage or not, it was freezing cold.
His next plans continued to flow through his head like a whirlpool, he had almost reached the door of the house and just before he could stretch out his hand, something heavy hit his head and he immediately fell to the ground.
Blood mixed with the rain and dripped down his face into the grass. His blurred gaze slid up to his attacker. He couldn't see who or what it was, only how the figure raised its arm again and the next dull blow knocked him unconscious.
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justcallmedust · 2 years
Saturday night ... I think I left a blurb about this already but I just remembered something...
He came in drunk, kneeled on the couch nd jammed his knee into my back while I was sleeping, scaring me awake. It was around 2 am. He was asking, then demanding I come into the bedroom with him because he sleeps better if I lay there next to him while he falls asleep, like a toddler. He did the whole thing, leaning into me pressing his face into mine and growling spitting at me. Ripped my blanket off of me and tossed it all the way out into the mudroom onto the mat everyone wipes their dirty shoes on. He then proceeded to tell me that he pays for me and I have to do what he says. He repeatedly asked me, while laughing maniacally, ‘how much money have you contributed to the house in the last 3 months?’ (which is exactly how long its been since I left my job). No answer was ok, and any sylable I uttered was instantly met with him yelling “see see, it’s nothing you contribute nothing”. There is no right way to deal with him when he is like this, I have to just take the abuse until he fizzles himself out and eventually falls asleep. 
4 years ago, when he forced me to go back to work even though my kids still actively needed me there, I thought maybe he will change his thoughts about me. I quickly learned that would never happen, I dont even understand how I thought it would.. I mean he has been abusive to me for so many years, why would he stop? So, I thought I’ll just work really hard and make enough to leave him. No matter how much I tried to save, it didnt matter because once he bought this house and we finally moved I had to spend all my savings on renting a truck and big things that needed fixing. Of course, just months after we moved everything got shut down and I was instantly losing money because the store had to close early and like most people I could not come in any earlier. Pair that with his inability to work with anyone and constantly switching jobs because ‘everyone else on the planet is an asshole’.. and even before gas prices rose we were just scraping by. Even though I had legit burnout and needed to seperate myself from that toxic work environment, the gas eventually made it a complete loss to keep driving there. Despite that, I probably would not have left if my daughter didnt get sexually assaulted by her boyfriend IN OUR HOUSE while I was at work and that man was outside somewhere doing his own thing, not paying a damn bit of attention to the vulnerable teenagers left alone inside the house. Nothing on earth will convince me to leave them alone again. I dont care how old they are, they deserve to feel safe in their own home.
Of course, how safe can they really feel when their father is a flaming abusive alcoholic who is constantly keeping everyone up at night with his bullshit? I vote for at least keeping them physically safe.. but that leaves me vulnerable. 
Funny thing is, he kept telling me to leave the job because it would allow him to be able to work longer and not have to rush back and be a ‘prison guard’ for his kids. He also really appreciated all of the household chores, I was not able to keep up with the entire time I worked there, actually getting done.
He also forgets how he made me lose my job when our oldest daughter was born. He was completely unable to care for her and when I went back to work he called during every shift and demanded I come home... even though it was my pay that supported us.
Conveniently, he has forgotten that I was an ebay seller which always brought in enough to cover food costs. When one of our kids turned out to be allergic to everything under the sun .. including disposable diapers .. I had to make laundry detergent and cleaning products. I made and then eventually opened 2 online shops selling cloth diapers - which more than covered the costs of diapering 3 children. That is no small thing. Most of this I did while renting an apartment without laundry facilities.. in fact, the entire town didnt even have a laundromat. So I also had to truck 3 or 4 kiddos with me to the laundromat 3 towns over at least twice a week, just to wash diapers. I’d call that a fucking huge thing.
I know I dont need the validation, but I forget these things and I need to keep reminding myself. The mental damage he has done to me over the years is criminal. 
I have to find a way out of this.
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Out For Blood
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Gif credit @afacelesschampion
Requested on wattpad.
Sorry I've been absent, it's been a crazy month. But hopefully I'm back, if the inspiration keeps up. Havent had much lately. So we'll see. Thanks for sticking around.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @leaalfred. @twistnet. @baylishh. @believinghurts. @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @mayans-mc @mypridefulsoul27.
WARNING: Kidnapping. Children abandonment. Murder. Blood. Assault on women. Killing. Hostage situation.
It was your normal routine, taking the kids to the market and getting fruits and vegetables for dinner. But something was different. You could smell it in the air.
Looking over your shoulder you saw two men looking at you. They weren't regulars around there and they weren't Miguel's people. They two were watching you.
"Alberto"? You called over to your security guard.
"Yes, Señora Galindo".
"Can you take our stuff to the car and get one of the others to get the kids? Cristobal is tired". You tell him and he nodded.  Grabbing the bags.
You held onto Melya, your two year old daughter and held Cristobals held as you walked along. The two men followed you. You knew not to panic or show fear. But deep down inside you knew you had to protect your kids.
Hurrying along you went to go to the car since your men havent showed up but as you got to the car there they were, laying dead on the ground their throats slit.
You cover your sons eyes with your hand and turned to run back into he market but you bumped into one of the men following you.
"Cual es la prisa"? The toothless man asked you with a snicker.
"Please. Dont hurt my babies. Please. I'll go with you just dont hurt them". You begged, tear falling down your face.
He nodded to another man that was behind you. You kissed both Cristobal and Melyas head and told them you loved them very much and sat them in the car. It was a beautiful day the sun was shining and the wind blew a cool  breeze.
"We wont hurt them. We came for you anyways". The toothless man spoke as you turned around.
"Can you call their father? Just for him to get them, please? I dont want them out here all alone. They're so little". You sobbed into your hands.
"Don't worry. He knows". The toothless man grabbed your upper arm, you let out a yelp. He dragged you away. You looked upon the kids as you walked. They were fine. Not crying. Just sitting in the back seat playing with they're toys. It killed you to know that this was the last time you would ever see them.
Miguel fault through the crowd of the market. Someone left him a letter to come to the market or else. He didnt take threats to kindly.
He didnt see his wife or kids. Nestor made all his men scatter out and find you. But the only thing they found was the kids sleeping in the back seat.
"Mickey"? Nestor called over the walkie talkie.  Miguel's heart dropped as he ran. Nestor held Melya in his arms when Miguel got to the car.
"Where's Y/N"? Miguel grabbed up his son and daughter. Hugging them tightly.
"No sign. My men are checking". Nestor walked away, talking on the walkie talkie.
"My babies". Miguel kissed their faces.
"Where's momma"? Cristobal asked with a yawn.
"She's still shopping". Miguel put on a fake smile.
"What about the man? Is he still shopping"?
"Man? What man, Cristobal"?
"He was mean to mommy. No teeth. Rrr".
Miguel didn't know what to say. His mind was with you and all he could think about was getting you out before it was to late.
"Sir"? A young boy came over to Miguel and tapped on his shoulder. "I was told to give this to you". And the boy ran off.
Miguel opened the paper and it read "ten million or she dies". Along with a address.
"I'm going alone". Miguel picked up the kids and headed to the SUV.
"You can't. I'm going with you. It's to dangerous". Nestor followed.
"Take the kids home and watch them. Dont take your eyes off of them, Nestor". Miguel kissed their heads and buckled them up.
"Here, at least take this". Nestor handed Miguel a pistol. "It's small, discreet. Maybe they wont find it".
"Thanks. Watch over my kids". Miguel ordered Nestor as he walked away. Going back through the crowd to his car.
Nestor looked at the address and knew exactly where it was. He wasn't going to let Miguel get himself killed. So he told his men to watch over the kids. He had something to do.
Miguel pulled up to an empty house. It was falling apart, there were no windows or even a front door. But outside in the drive way was a nice brand new SUV with thirty day tags.
"Hold it". A older man came out of the house carrying a machine gun, pointed right at Miguel.
"Where's my wife"?
The man didnt say anything he patted down Miguel and pushed him along the drive way to the front door. Looking around making sure no one followed.
Miguel could hear talking and laughing. Music playing in the back ground.
"Jefe". The older man called out as he walked into the room. There wasnt a kitchen or livingroom. Just a big open space.
"Where's my money"? The toothless man came over. Cristobal was right, he was a monster.
"Where's my wife first"? Miguel gulped, but kept his cool.
"She's right there. Didn't you see her? She goes great with the floor". The toothless man stepped aside and Miguel couldnt keep his composure.
You were laying on the floor lifeless. Your face was unrecognizable. They had beaten you so badly that your eyes had swelled shut.
"Hijo de puta". Miguel went to lunge at the man in front of him but he was stopped by a gun to his head from a man behind him, that, he didn't notice before.
The toothless man clicked his tongue. "You should show some respect. Do you know who I am, pendejo"? He walked closer to your body.
"A fucking coward. Beating on women. My fucking wife". Miguel snapped.
"I'm the son of Jorge García. The man you murdered and my mother". The son of Jorge García took out his gun and placed it against your temple. Grabbing a fist full of hair and pulling you up. You let out a whimper but had no more fight left in you.
"Your father was a soplón, a rat. He deserved everything he got. Now your mother, she begged forgiveness and I was going to let her live but she decided to kill one of my men so I had to kill her. It was business". Miguel spoke outraged and heartbroken. He tried to hide his tears.
"Oh look, my father's killer has feelings for this puta. Where was that for my mother"? García jabbed the guns barrel harder into your temple.
"What do you want? Me to apologize for killing your parents? Fine I apologize. Now please let my wife go. We have two beautiful kids and they need their mother". Migue pleaded.
"Then they'll know how I felt my entire life. Living without my parents. But you, you'll live with the guilt of knowing you couldn't save your wife. You got her killed for your life choices, remember that". García laughed with a smirk as he pulled the trigger. With one quick move you were gone. Your body hit the ground with a thud and you blood splattered onto the wall, floor and Miguel.
Miguel screamed, dropping to his knees crawling to your body, tears were a flowing waterfall down his face. His face heated with anger.
He scooped up your head and placed it gently in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Mi Amor. I'm sorry. I couldn't save you. Please forgive me". Miguel kissed your cold lips.
"Where's my money"?
Miguel lifted his head slowly, with a sniffle. "It's in the trunk of my car". Miguel looked back down at your face. His hand slowly inching it's way to his boot, taking the small pistol in his hand. With one quick jerk he shot García in the leg. The man with the machine gun came running up and went to shoot but he was quickly taken out along with the other men in the room. Nestor, walked into the room, his gun drawn.
"Mickey". Nestor ran over to Miguel.
"Bring him to me". Miguel didnt look up as he gave orders to go get García who limped off during the gunfire.
Nestor took off and found his prey laying on the back steps, breathing heavy.
"Get up". Nestor, grabbed Garcías hair and dragged him in side. Miguel was waiting. He had taken off his dress shirt and placed it under his wife's head.
Nestor pushed García in front of Miguel.
"Tell your parents I said fuck you". Miguel shot García in the head right between the eyes.
"What do you want me to do about the bodies"? Nestor asked.
"Burn it all down". Miguel said emotionless. He handed Nestor the gun and went to his wife. Gently picking her up and carrying her out of the room. Placing her in the back seat of his car.
Nestor grabbed the gas cans that laid outside and poured it over the bodies and struck a match. The bodies were engulfed in flames soon the whole building was.
Miguel didn't want her to burn with her killer. She deserved better than that a proper burial. So his kids can have closer and he can have somewhere to come and talk with her about life.
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parismemes · 4 years
“tell me everythng.” “HEHEHEHEHEHEHE” “i have read every single one of them and do not intend to stop” “i on principle only like songs that go hard” “I DIDNT THINK IT WAS GOING TO BE THAT SAD WHAT THE FUCK” “heehoo. water boy.” “why i always sleep through this shit i hate it here” “gacha games count as gambling” “im also there. im laughing” “u r doing so much math and im just like hehe money” “what the fuck what the fuck NOOO what the fuck im dfgjhhfjgdhjfgkjdkghjd” “what a traumatic backstory” “I CAN SEE YOU READING MY MESSAGES IM GONAN GET FINESSED OUT THE FUCKIN WINDOW“ “THAT’S not good!” “if hes a fraid of dogs that sounds like a him problem” “i honestly deserve recognition for the absolute shit i just pulled off” “YES FUCK YEAH YEAH YEAH HELL YEAH FUCK YEAH HELL FUCKIN YEAH WOOOOOOOOO YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!” “why the fuck would you want that” “yeah hes my only one true love” “by a few i of course mean like 600″ “no one fucking appreciate me” “thank you ___ for being the only person who appreciate me” “i reveal it in pieces and make you put it together like a puzzle” “im smart and never regret it“ “see, i just dont think thats right” “i will continue dangling it in front of your face like a scientist dangling bait in front of a fish (who is also in a maze)” “hes actually like an absolute fucking nerd a complete fool a fucking dumbass” “sorry your message glitched and i cannot read. anyway back to my leverage over you which is forcing you into a corner,” “it's not extortion because i don't know what extortion means” “why do they talk like exes. its because they are exes” “TIME SENSITIVE QUESTION PLEASE RESPOND” “he's a content creator he'll be fine” “what does this mean? but yes” “NICE NICE NNICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE” “for future record ___ just used the word poggers” “look at all these fuckin blondes” “its only been like a week and a half at most” “hes doing it out of affection” “ISNT THIS THE FUNNIEST SHIT YOUVE EVER SEEN” “you are terrible and also the worst” “i was going to send it at midnight but i got distracted trying to figure out the most barebones way to say happy birthday without sounding weird” “do you think i get punished more or less if i do sins” “i dont think the sins count as extra points if you commit them on the way to hell” “run over pedestrians” “i am slowly descending into insanity today, as a hobby” “you are a shit boy. a little shit boy go eat boxes“ “it's ok. we can figure it out later” “i didnt notice at first but it is in fact All The Fuck Over” “ITS BEEN OVER 12 HOURS” “hey guys just turns out we might have a ✨ gas leak ✨” “im sure if we put our braincells together we can figure SOMETHING out” “curious georg” “thank god. i could and would have argued this for several hours” “i think the worst thing ive heard today is someone calling the movie enchanted a reverse isekai” “i should not and will not stop” “i was RIGHT AHHAHAHAHAHAGAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA” “that wasnt a question you read it wrong” “i have no idea who this is but that wont stop me” “THIS MAN REALLY SAID HEAD EMPTY WHAT IS MONEY” “sometimes i say things and its best to just pretend you know what i mean” “WOT THIS” “I DONT WANT PEE ON MY BED“ “tired of all these stupid fuckin plants” “could you even really consider jelly filled donuts donuts?” “actually everything is real” “if you eat cereal for dinner, you're not having fucking breakfast” “i think my in real life superpower is that i have freakishly fast metabolism” “i dont care if you are evil you are MY TYPE” “you dirty criminal” “is a dessert item a dessert if it isn't eaten after dinner? discuss” “ok im done for the Right Now” “found a concerning orb. in the sky.” “HOW DID YOU KILL THEM” “why do i do this to myself why do i keep doing this” “the only simp here is me” “I No Longer Wish To Know!“ “DID THEY JUST END AN ENTIRE SPECIES” “WE ARE DETERMINED” “this is also really funny by virtue of the fact that these people are all fucking british” “they throw rocks at me and say we want the himbo” “THE CONTEXT IS IMPORTANT HERE” “its something that i SPECIFICALLY am passionate about” “hanburnger?” “thats just what living with siblings is like” “howd she get there? fuckin beats me dude idk” “i remember everything i am like a shark with an abnormally good memory” “i am sorry that you are predictable” “Hey Guys, Just Checkiing In To Make Sure You Got My Joke, Just Making Sure, I Just Wanted To Check In And See If You Got The Joke, Because I Was Afraid You Wouldnt Get It, So Im Just Checking In,” “i marked your worm” “what are you gonna do. unsend whatever you send me? i am Shaking in my fuzzy socks rn” “you Know i hate the idea of being wrong” “You Did Not Need To Stroke His Ego” “i am too stupid to live and if i was not vaccinated my genes would have no chance of being passed on because i would be dead” “~the oldest anarchy server in minecraft history~” “am i shaking because of adrenaline or rage.... who can tell” “I HAVE SO MUCH ADRENALINE IN ME BUT ITS 1 AM IN THE MORNING” “jokes on u i fucking HATE ___ i think hes the worst” “JUST IMPULSE MADE BROWNIES AT 9 PM HEYOOOO” “cry about it more bitch boy maybe piss your pants while ur at it” “im getting so casually toxic back to toxic gamer boys” “itll be fiiiiiine” “we are all stupid mice who take turns being the piper” “queen of bargains is me i am the queen of bargaining and scoring deals” “its not TECHNICALLY a direct threat but also yes it is” “i see a demon i go possess me then bitch boy u wont” “AAAA THE FUCKIN VIIIIBES” “IM NOT GOING TO STOP BEING MAD ABOUT IT”
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
“dati” ver i - riddle, leona & azul
 A/N: This piece is something I was meaning to write and post after I open my ask box again... but I thought you all deserved some really good new fluff prompts from me! For this one, please assume that you, the Reader, is different from the actual MC of TWST! 
“Dati” is a pretty difficult word to translate, because it’s just one word but--it can mean so much.  For the sake of this story, you can interpret its meaning as “a long time ago”. 
Inspired by: 
“Dati” by Sam Concepcion, Tippy Dos Santos and Quest. (I encourage you to listen to it OR read the English lyrics.) 
“If You Can Dream” by the Disney Princesses. (I would link both but my posts dont appear if I do that ;u;) 
Please enjoy!
PS: I realized about halfway that I accidentally crafted the narrative for a female reader instead of a more gender neutral one. I do apologize.  PSS: This got so long, apparently I’m over word limit so I had to split it into two parts xD. The next part will come soon! 
Other versions: ver i (this), ver ii (kalim, vil, idia, malleus)
"--as you already know. We held a school-wide meeting about the week long exchange program with the all-females private school, Garden Academy. Professors Divus Crewel and Mozus Trein accompanied our delegates to Garden Academy this morning,” Dire Crowley peered at his students through his black mask, “while Professor Mozus Trein stayed with our delegates, Professor Divus Crewel escorted the delegates from Garden Academy to Night Raven College.” 
Excited whispers broke out in the crowd. Crowley cleared his throat once, then again--before everyone settled down. The Headmaster huffed audibly at that. 
“I’ll be using this morning meeting to introduce the delegates,” Crowley turned to the left side of the stage. He motioned at Crewel who was standing back stage with a Garden Academy professor and her students. “Now then, please give a hand for--” 
In the crowd, his eyes widened. 
In turn, you were pretty excited too. You had held off telling your friend about you coming to his school because you wanted to surprise him. 
All you girls had been assigned to a particular dorm, not to sleep in--but rather, to experience. Each dorm in NRC (much like GA), had their own unique culture. So, to truly experience the college meant you all needed to immerse yourselves in the different dorms and their cultures. You had to sneakily reconfirm with him what his dorm was, to make sure you got assigned to the correct one. 
And now that you were here...
“Alright ladies,” Professor Radcliffe said kindly, “we will reconvene here at 5PM to return to the dorm Headmaster Crowley so generously set aside for us.” 
“Yes Professor.” Radcliffe eyed all of you girls, before she sighed with an exasperated smile. You were all very excited, and doing very little to hide that. 
“Okay, I know you want to go--but one last thing,” you all let out loud, false and very unladylike groans that Radcliffe ignored. “Remember to be beautiful--” 
“At heart.” you all recited, familiar with your school’s motto.
“Go on then,” Radcliffe finally said, “the dorm heads and their assistants should be waiting outside for all of you.” 
With a cheer, you all parted ways. 
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Riddle watched with wide eyes, as he saw your familiar form--dressed in the yellow colors of House Cosmos, the House of Optimism--jump straight into Trey’s arms. 
“Hey there.” Trey laughed, and he raised a hand to mess with your hair. 
“Ow! Hey!” you grumbled up at Trey. “If Professor Radcliffe saw me...” you muttered, as you raised a hand to fix your hair. The girls who had followed behind giggled at your expression. 
Riddle could only stare in surprise. 
Oh he remembered you. 
You had been introduced to him through Chenya and Trey during one of the last times he had managed to escape his house during his free time. 
“Chenya! Trey! There you are!” your cheerful voice had rung loud and sweet in the Clover’s Bakery. “I thought we were meeting up at the park--?” you had paused in surprise as you took in the sight of an additional boy with your friends. He flinched, his shoulders rose as he ducked into himself. Were you going to get mad at him for stealing your friends?
“Oh--um, hello!” your surprised expression quickly melted into a friendly smile and you hopped over to sit next to Riddle. He flinched again, and Chenya snickered. 
“Don’t scare him, [Name].” 
“I’m not trying too.” you pouted at Chenya, who only laughed louder in response. 
“Ah [Name]. This is Riddle Rosehearts.” Trey jumped in, “he lives in the house with the roses you like.” 
“Oh!” you brightened up, and he flushed red as you drew even closer to him. “Hi! My name is [Name]. Let’s be friends!”
“I--we just met?” he said, weakly. Chenya laughed again.
“I think you just got rejected, [Name]!” 
“Oh shut it Chenya!” you turned back to him, and beamed. “Silly Riddle, there are no rules when it comes to making friends, you know?” you offered your hand, palms up, to him.
He looked up at Trey, who gave him an encouraging smile. He slowly placed his hand in yours, and mumbled a soft--
Riddle never forgot you. 
He never forgot the words you had spoke to him that day. 
He remembered clearly how hurt he was when his mother grew even more strict and didn’t allow him to see his first friends. He remembered being angry at you too--you told him there were no rules when it came to making friends--
‘Then why had mother been so mad at me?’ He remembered thinking. “Was [Name] lying? Maybe there really are rules in making friends?” 
Looking back on it--his anger was misplaced. He had just been sad--caught up in his mother’s expectations. He had suffered so much for her ideals, that a part of him wanted to believe it was real or...
He would’ve given up on Chenya... Trey... and you... for nothing. 
While he had eventually reunited with Trey in Night Raven College, and Chenya (ever the sneaky type) had met him again during breaks in the school year--he had never seen you again. 
He never asked about you. 
Trey or Chenya never mentioned you either. 
He wondered if you had just slipped away from them. 
‘Or maybe you just didn’t want to see me.’ 
He shouldn’t be surprised.
He should’ve expected it.
After all, he’s pretty sure friends can’t be friends if they don’t see each other in years. (His friendships with Trey and Chenya--these were things he felt that he had just recreated.)
“Wait... Riddle?” He flinched as he heard you call his name. He looked up, only to give you a weak smile. 
“Hi [Name].” your eyes widened, you looked up at Trey then back at him before a smile spread across your face. “Riddle!” you cheered happily, as you wrapped your arms around him. He sputtered, and Trey smirked in response.
“It’s been a really long time! How are you?” you pulled back and cupped his cheeks in your soft hands. Riddle immediately felt his face heat up in response to your attention. 
You had always been affectionate--and Riddle, who had been so starved of social connections--never got used to it. He never had the chance to.  
“I’m... okay.” he managed, and he didn’t know how you did it--but your smile somehow brightened even further. 
It was that same sweet smile you would give him when you were children. A smile that made his heart beat fast. 
“That’s good!” you easily laced your fingers together with his, and he felt himself blush harder. 
“You--you aren’t mad?” he stuttered out in response, and you tilted your head at that.
“Why... would I be mad?” 
“Because... I just... stopped being a friend.” he hesitated, worried that if he brought it up--you would remember that he had never tried to contact you. 
“That’s silly Riddle.” you said, “It’s not your fault! My family moved away after you stopped coming to see us--so I wasn’t able to keep in contact with you. I was able to with Trey and Chenya but... neither of them told me they met up with you again.” you tilted your head in the opposite direction. “I’m partly to blame. I didn’t ask about you either, you know?” 
“That is...”
“And who says we stopped being friends? I told you right? There aren’t rules when it comes to making friends. So to me, I never stopped thinking of you as my dear friend.” 
Riddle was overcome with the desire to cry. 
“You don’t want our friendship to end right?” your smiled dimmed slightly. “Or... at least I hope so...”
“No...” his lower lip wobbled, and you leant forward to press your forehead against his. “I’m sorry about back then... it was because...” he hesitated, he wasn’t sure he was ready to tell you everything now--about his mother, about the overblot, about his resolve--
He began to panic, unsure how to go about this. 
“Take your time Riddle.” you told him, eyes soft with affection. “As your friend, I’ll wait until you’re ready to tell me.” 
“Thank you.” His eyes slid shut, and he moved to embrace you in full--which you gladly reciprocated. You let go after a few moments, and smiled at Riddle. The boy shot you a weak smile. You then chose to shoot a glare at your other childhood friend 
“Well then, Trey--you better explain yourself.” you threatened the third year, who raised his hands defensively. 
“I thought it would be a good surprise.” 
“Boo! So you knew I’d be coming here?” 
“I had an idea.” Trey smirked in response to that. You huffed, before you turned back to Riddle with a grin.
“Then, shall we catch up now? I want to know all about Heartslabyul, while I’m here! You’ll tell me, won’t you Riddle?” 
“Yes he will. After all Riddle is the dorm leader for Heartslabyul.” Trey chimed in, and you blinked before you turned back to him.
“Woah! That’s amazing! That’s so cool! As expected of Riddle!” you laughed happily, he blushed again. You easily kept your hand laced with his as he began to tell you more about Night Raven College and the Heartslabyul dorm.
Unconsciously, his hand tightened around yours. 
He was more than thrilled that you two had found each other again. He was determined to make sure that this time--
He would be a better friend to you. 
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"Prince Leona!” Leona could barely stop the angry growl that came out of his mouth as you came to a stop in front of him. 
‘I should’ve known.’
“You.” he said, his lips curled downward. His ears and tail flicked in an irritated manner. 
“Me.” you leant forward, hand on your hips. “Why so hostile, Prince Leona?” 
“Stop calling me that.” He turned away, his ears twitched in annoyance. Beside him, Ruggie peered up at you curiously. You were a little taller than the hyena, dressed in the pale pink colors of House Peach Blossom--the House of Courage. He noticed that almost all students from Peach Blossom had their magic wands and sword at their waist--including you. 
“How do you know Leona?” Ruggie asked you, since he knew that Leona was likely not going to answer him.
“Oi, Ruggie--” Leona shot him a glare, but you didn’t seem to mind since you interrupted the prince. 
“That’s because he is my Prince.” you said with a grin. 
“What-!?” Ruggie sputtered, while Leona only groaned in response. 
“Prince Leona, you really should get up.” Leona’s visible ear twitched at the sound of your voice. He buried his head stubbornly into his pillow. “Come on, you have class soon!” 
Ever since you had arrived here, and essentially received permission to enter the Savanaclaw dorm--not even the dorm members could stop you from barging into Leona’s room. He had ordered them earlier to get in your way--not to beat you (he knew exactly how strong you were) but if there was one thing he could attempt to do--it was to delay you as much as possible. 
“That’s because he is my Prince.” you had said with a grin. Ruggie sputtered, and Leona groaned.
“She’s a member of Afterglow Savanna’s Royal Guard.” Leona had to explain through gritted teeth. 
“Yes, hence why he is my Prince.” You say with such blind honesty and devotion that Leona could barely look. He chose to avert his gaze instead, his tail flickered in embarrassment. 
As someone who had trained to be a part of the Royal Guard since your youth--the students of Savanaclaw were no match for you. You had easily wrestled them all to defeat. Once his dorm members realized that there was simply no beating you, they had all given up (their prides were badly bruised at it was already)--and Leona had mourned the fact that none of them were willing to buy him time to sleep in. 
‘What a bunch of dorm members really...’ he grumbled to himself. ‘Not willing to help their dorm leader...’ he thought, sarcastically. 
“Come on my Prince,” you said in a soft tone, despite the fact you were basically engaging Leona in a tug of war with his blanket. “You have to go to class.” 
“Do you have any idea how surprised my classmates and professors are, now that I’m actually coming to class?” he grumbled. 
“Then I’m doing my job right.” you said in a very matter-of-fact tone. He lifted his head to shoot a glare at you. “You are a Prince of Afterglow Savanna! You must--” 
“Don’t talk to me about crap like that.” he hissed. “Did the King and Queen put you up to his? Perhaps the First Prince? Is my position in the school making trouble for the royal family? So much so they sent you--?” 
“Prince Leona, that is not true!” You frowned, “your family is just concerned--”   
“And where was this concern when they could hear the people talk about me behind my back?” he growled as he grabbed your arm, and you yelped in surprise. “Back then they weren’t there but--” 
‘I had you. You were the only who saw me and now you--’
‘Are you choosing them over me?’ 
‘Are you... just going to chose them... like everyone else?’ 
Leona’s heart twisted, and he ignored it to focus on his anger instead.
“Le--my Prince that’s--” 
“Stop calling me that!” He snarled, “You’re just doing this for Farena, aren’t you? If you do your task well, maybe he’ll notice you and make you his second wife? Wouldn’t you--” 
“You... you think I chose to be a part of the Royal Guard... for Prince Farena?” 
He turned back to you, alarmed. In all the time he had known you--you had never sounded like that.
Your lips were twisted downward in a frown, the hand that had slapped him was now tenderly holding onto the forearm that he had squeezed earlier in his own hand. He could see that your skin had reddened from his tight hold. 
“A... are you an idiot?” you moved your hand onto your chest as your lower lip trembled. “I joined the guard for you, Leona. I joined because I believed in you, in Leona Kingscholar. Whatever role you might yet play—I believed in you! In your intelligence, in your capacity to understand people! I wanted to be there with you! I wanted to fight for what you believe in—because I believed in you.” You stepped back, and his mouth parted open in surprise.
“How could you say that? How could you even think that?” you asked him in a hoarse voice, “There’s no one I wanted to support as much as--as much as I wanted to support you. I--I always knew you were amazing Leona. I was only ever looking at you.” you sniffed, your eyes wet with tears. 
Leona realized that he was just about to loose the one person who ever acknowledged him.
“[Name]--” when he reached a hand out, you flinched, and he felt himself pale. 
When everyone else had flinched away from his powers...
You had always been the one who had--unfailingly--grabbed onto his hand without fear. 
“[Name]... I’m...” 
‘Come on--set your pride aside and apologize.’ he couldn’t help but hiss at himself. 
“You don’t have to say it Prince Leona.” you said, voice thick with emotions. “Your tail is giving it away.” At that statement, he shot you a weak glare as he stilled his tail. 
“How’d you know?” he asked. You looked up at him with an incredulous stare. 
“You were never good at saying sorry.” you muttered underneath your breath. “So I just figured it out from the way you acted around me.” you inhaled sharply, “just give me a moment... and I’ll be okay.” 
‘You... why...’ his fist clenched unconsciously. ‘Why do you have to understand me so well?’ He studied the way you ducked your head, the way you steadied your breath. ‘All that time you watched me... I... I know that what you’ve always wanted was an apology but--but I’ve always just taken all your forgiveness without trying harder.’
‘I don’t deserve you, do I? What have I done? That you--powerful, strong, fierce as you are--why have I let you think you don’t deserve an apology? Why have I let you think that it was okay for me to--not apologize?’ 
‘This is why I’m going to lose you.’ 
You always came to me... I--’
‘I never met you halfway.’ 
“I’m sorry.” your head shot up in response, and though you could tell from Leona’s expression that he’d rather be doing anything but this--he opened his mouth again. “I’m sorry [Name]... you got stuck with a selfish friend.” 
He began to panic inwardly when the sniffling that you had managed to calm down--rose again. 
However--you weren’t crying because you were sad--you were crying because you were happy.
All this time--a cruel whisper in the back of your head insisted you were the only one who cared about your relationship. Around you--people doubted your friendship with Leona. 
You tried--you did your best to ignore it, but sometimes in your lowest moments--it consumed you.
And Leona--unknowing, but effortlessly good and perfect as he was to you--always kept you afloat. 
He had been watching you too. 
Keeping an eye out. 
Looking on at you with some form of care--and dare you hope--love.
Because he had known that even if you told him you were okay--that you actually weren’t. That you wanted him to say sorry even if you pretended that you were used to it. 
“[Name]?” Leona was knelt in front of you--and you belatedly realized that you had slid to the ground. He studied your face, and hesitated to touch you after earlier. 
Kind. Understanding. Smart.
If people would just acknowledge Leona--they would see what you could see.
This is the king I know he is, the king I see inside. 
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. Give me a minute.” 
“When you get emotional, it doesn’t take you a minute.” he grumbled, but it was gentle, and your heart warmed as you recognized once more how much he knew you.
“Acting like a know-it-all already, huh, Prince Leona?” he winced at that.
“Why do you keep calling me that anyways?” he moved a hand to rub the back of his neck. “I don’t... like it.” 
“Because you are one, and my position in the guard...” 
“But not... not when it’s just the two of us.” he mumbled, and you blinked in surprise. “I want... I want you to remember that--when I’m with you I’m... I’m just Leona. To you I--I shouldn’t be a royal or a prince first I’m... I’m your friend.” You could feel your cheeks heat up at his statement. 
“Have you gotten sappy, my Prince?” you said--suddenly as you tried to change the mood. It was embarrassing. He bristled in response.  
“[Name].” he growled low, and you giggled. His heart eased at the sight of your smiling visage.
‘Good. I never want to see you cry again. If you were to cry then--let them be happy tears only.’ 
“Alright then... my friend... Leona.” your smile widened.
‘I have a lot to do. I have a lot to make up.’ he thought, but as he sees you smile at him--he knew that you were always going to be worth the effort. 
‘And perhaps one day you can simply be mine... and I can be solely just yours.’ 
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“Azul!” you waved happily as the octopus mermaid groaned, and held his temples in his hands. A step behind him, Jade chuckled. 
“Why... why are you here?”
“Aww, did you not want to see me?” you peered at him. You were dressed in the brilliant orange colors of House Hibiscus--the House of Tenacity--which, to his mind, suited you very well. 
“You’re just here to embarrass me.” Azul groaned, and you smirked. 
“I can’t help it, especially when you pretend to act so cool.” 
“I hate you. I want my octopus pot.” He groaned into his hand. 
“I love you too~” His face flushed red at that, and your heart skipped a beat at how adorable he was. 
You remembered it like it was yesterday. 
You had gone out to the beach, your toes dipped into the water as you gazed out toward the expanse of the ocean as the morning sky cleared. You sighed--there was nothing more beautiful that the ocean at sunrise. (You didn’t know how your younger self did it, but you were often able to wake up early just to see the sight.) 
Then, all of a sudden, one of your toes was nibbled on. You blinked in surprise then looked down to see a little fish nibble on your toe. When it noticed it had your attention, it began to swim around in a circle, before going off into a certain direction. You just stared at it for awhile, until it suddenly came back and bit your toe as hard as it could--before attempting to pull you off into a certain direction.
“Oh! Ah--but my grandmother isn’t with me.” you told the fish sadly, “I can’t just use my magic to explore without her...” The fish only became more panicked, and you quickly got the gist of what she might be worried about.
“What? There’s a merman stuck in some nets?” you hesitated for a moment. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, and you had a dagger with you for moments like this--but you really shouldn’t be going swimming unsupervised...
“Alright, I’ll come, but we can’t spend too much time or I might blot...” you stood up, and closed your eyes. 
“[I am the Ocean].” You whispered, and in the next second you dove deep into the water. 
Your affinity with water magic was obvious because of your lineage. Your unique magic was different in that it allowed you to turn your whole body into water. At a young age, it was impressed upon you how important it was that you learnt your limits and refined your control. Not only were you battling against overblot, but you were also battling with the possibility that you might accidentally disperse yourself into the water, and be unable to turn back. 
You trained as much as you can, so at that point you had been able to maintain your magic for a couple of minutes.
Because your whole body turned into water, you were nearly invisible underwater--the only clue that you were there was because your clothes were still on you. 
You followed after the fish, and she took you past the reef, into a deeper part of the ocean that you hadn’t explored before. 
“--Hngh!” you heard a loud, crying sound and you immediately began to swim faster. 
“Admit it Azul,” the voice seemed to be talking to himself. “no one is going to come save you. Even the fish from earlier just turned on it’s tail and swam away...” As you turned the corner, you caught sight of an octopus mermaid--who looked about your age--caught up in a large net. 
“Huh? You’re back?” the octopus mermaid moved underneath the netting once he caught sight of the fish, then he scampered back once he saw your floating clothes. “Wha--what the? Did you bring a ghost to kill me?” the mermaid wailed, and you would’ve giggled if you could. You swam closer, and pulled the knife from your thigh. The octopus mermaid screamed in response, and moved away in a frantic manner--only to get tangled in the nets further. 
“You really want me dead?” the mermaid cried. 
You shot a desperate look at the fish, who began to chirp at the merman. 
“Huh? It’s a person?” the mermaid turned his head, his violet eyes squinted. “she can turn into water...?” you moved your hands into an ‘okay’ sign, but judging from the way his gaze didn’t move meant that he probably couldn’t see it. “So she’s going to use the dagger to cut me out...?”
You decided to reach forward for one of his hands. He originally flinched, but he let you lace your fingers around his. You tightened your hold briefly, and hoped that it was enough. 
‘I won’t hurt you. Not now, not ever.’ 
“T-Thank you.” he mumbled out, and you couldn’t help but smile. You then let go of his hand and began to cut through the rope. 
‘I hope I have enough magic to last...’ 
As you cut through the last of the ropes, you could feel the way your magic flickered. There’s a sudden gasp from the mermaid, and you realized that your hands were now visible. You clenched your jaw tightly, one of the ropes was particularly difficult, and the mermaid called out worriedly.
“Hey--will you be okay?” you ignored him as you worked through the last ropes, even if your vision dimmed. As you finally freed him, your hands shook, and your mouth slipped open. You gulped in a lot of water, and began to panic--and so does the mermaid.
“Oh no! Why--?” the mermaid cried, “what do I do?” you hear him ask the fish as you lose your consciousness. You felt his arms wrapped around yours as he tried to propel himself up to the surface.
“Come on Azul, you need to be fast for once!” 
"So, I definitely get a free meal, right?” you peered at Azul. “Best friend perks, right?” 
“... Fine.” Azul grudgingly said. You were--perhaps--one of the only people who Azul couldn’t say no to. You cheered happily in response, as your classmates called you out for being unfair. 
He couldn’t help the fond smile that grows on his face as you laughed happily. 
That day that you saved him--almost at the cost of your life too!--despite not knowing who he was...
Then the way you stuck around and befriended him, long before he had found any confidence in himself...
That you had seen him--at what he considered--was his most terrible state and thought nothing of it...
‘My debt to you is greater than even the ocean.’ he thought, however unlike any other time when thinking of his debts made him feel terrible--he was only filled with the desire to make sure he paid you back properly for all your kindness.
He had once told you about how much he owed you, but you dismissed it immediately.
‘Azul, you’re my oldest and best friend.’ you had told him, sincerity shimmered in the depths of your eyes. ‘You don’t owe me anything--besides back then, you saved me too, yeah?’  
You would have to agree to disagree.
Even if he had saved your life too--it could not compare to how you saved him.
You had no idea how much you actually saved him... how much your friendship meant to him.
Azul could feel his tears stream down his face as managed to get you onto the beach of the island that the fish said was your home.
“Stupid Azul.” he frantically murmured to himself, “of course you managed to hurt the one person who cared to save you.” When he leant closer, he couldn’t tell if you were breathing or not and he was beginning to panic. 
“Oh no, oh no oh no.” He sobbed loudly. “Please don’t die. Please don’t die. I don’t even know your name. I want to be your friend. I’ve never had a friend before--what do I do?” he cried. He heard irritated chirps, and when he turned his head, he noticed that the fish from earlier had followed him. 
“Shake her.” the fish said. He did so, but you didn’t respond. “Tilt her chin and head back.” He did, and he heard you sputter, as water escape your mouth. You began to cough roughly, and you wearily opened your eyes to meet Azul’s. 
“You... saved me...” you wheezed.
“Of course I did!” Azul wailed, “you saved me!” 
You let out a laugh, before you began to cough again. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, give... me a moment...” you wheezed. He gave you a moment to breath, his tentacles curled around him nervously. 
“Well, that was an experience.”
“Please don’t shake it off just like that.” he whimpered, “that was traumatizing.” 
“Yeah sorry. I didn’t mean it.” you said with a wince. “... So what do we do now?” 
“I... I don’t know.” Azul confessed. 
“Then... shall we be friends?”
“R-really? You want to be friends with a useless octopus?”
“I’d love to be friends with you.” you frowned at him, “and you’re not useless. You saved my life. You couldn’t have done that if you were useless.” Azul wanted to argue, but you quickly moved on. 
“So what’s your name?” you asked him.
“A-Azul... Azul Ashengrotto.” 
“I’m [Name] [Surname].” you smiled as you stuck your hand out, pinky extended. “Let’s be friends for life Azul!” 
He looked at your hand then back up at your face. 
“What am I supposed to do?” he asked.
“You stick your pinky out, and...” you twisted your pinky with his, and his face flushed red at the sensation of your skin against his. Earlier, it had just felt like holding hands with a current moving the opposite way of the ocean...but your hand was warm. “Like this. We make a promise we can’t break!” 
“What promise?” he gulped, and you only giggled. His face reddened in response. Your giggle was cute.
“That we’ll be friends for life Azul!” 
“I... I’d like that...” he giggled too, and you beamed brightly.
“Azul, you’re finally smiling!” 
You leant your cheek against your palm as you watch Azul run Mostro Lounge. 
“Oh? You look deep in thought.” Your eyes flickered up to meet Jade’s eyes. 
“Hm. Just thinking about how much Azul has changed.” you said, a proud smile spread on your face. “I’m... really happy for him. I think he’s found the pace he should go at...and look at him do so well.” Jade turned to Azul, and saw him bark orders at a huffing Floyd. His lips curled up in response.
“Yes. He truly has changed a lot.” Azul turned his head to see the two of you eyeing him with identical smiles. His brow twitched lightly, before he approached you two.
“Jade, I need you on Table Eight.” Jade bowed elegantly, and shot you a quick wink before he walked off. 
“What were you talking about?”
“Just how amazing you are.” you said so nonchalantly, and gleefully watched his face turn red. 
“Y--you!” He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Please do not lie.” You giggled in response, before you gestured for him. to sit beside you. Azul did so and as he turned to you--you gave him a gentle smile. This time when he blushed, it reached his ears.
“I wasn’t lying Azul... I’m really happy for you. As someone whose watched you for a long time... I’m happy for how much you’ve grown. It makes me proud of you.” you sighed as you laced your fingers, “it makes me feel like you don’t need to rely on me anymore... It’s a little sad.”
“No.” he replied quickly, and you looked up surprised. Azul wasn’t meeting your gaze, but you could see his pale skin turn a bright crimson. 
“I will always rely on you.” he met your gaze, “knowing that your eyes are on me... It makes me want to keep improving.” Your eyes widened, before they softened once more.
“Mhm. Then I’ll keep on being someone you can rely on.” You raise your pinky, and with a soft laugh he raised his hand to link his pinky with yours. 
Extra A/N:
So... I had fun with this. I thought it would be much more interesting if I mixed and matched up the princesses and villains. 
Honestly, I genuinely got super into making the Garden Academy. I debated whether or not to include Alice, Nala, Megara, Anna and Elsa--but I chose not to. THOUGH I did end up giving them House Names and values haha. In the end, I settled with the Twelve Disney Princesses. Here’s a link to some notes I have for the Garden Academy and it’s houses! 
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slashiest-slasher · 4 years
fam idc if its been years gimme those bo and vinny hc's
im DRUNK, i JUST FINISHED WATCHING HOUSE OF WAX, lets GOOOOOOOOO \ \ \ (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง / / /
Bo Sinclair:
- Tbh Bo is a Perfect Gentleman, in that traditional southern redneck way. He will respectfully look away is ANYONE got their tiddies out. His mama may have been a piece of shit, but Bo still learned some manners.
- He is the annoying asshole sibling, but he is super overprotective of Vincent. in the “haha freak- wait he’s MY freak, dont you dare touch him!” So he will tie Vincents hair to the bedframe while he sleeps, but dont you dare lay a finger on Vinny.
- Tbh if his parents werent so awful he would’ve gone into wrestling in high school. Like he angey all the time? Wanna beat the shit out of people. Do it in a legal way and embarrass your foes by engaging in glorious melees and wipe them across the battlefield in combat.
- He kind of likes to just... Sleep in his truck or the Restraining Chair in the basement of the gas station, sometimes, cause of the freaky shit Vincent gets up to in the middle of the night, and also his truck and the restraining chair are comfy.
- NSFw but I dont care, Bo is an absolute champ at sucking dick and eating pussy. He is an oral KING and absolutely uses it as a way to control his partner. But he says no homo before suckin dick cause he aint gay or nothin (fellas is it gay to have anothers man dick in your mouth?)
Vincent Sinclair:
- Vincent is a very tactile and handsy guy. He’s just gotta... Listen, he has to touch everything. Like, tools, wall molding, doors, tables and counters, stuff laying around the house. Even faces, on occasion. Bo hates it.
- Another thing Bo hates is how Vincent will just stand there, watching him sleep. Or go as far to surround him with little wax figurines while he sleeps. Hey, Vincent isn’t malicious to his brother, he just annoys the shit out of him by doing shit like this.
- He used to put his hair up in braids or ponytails or buns, but Bo kept on making fun of him for it, so he stopped. Honestly he like having his hair out of his face. He already cant see so well because of his deformities, leave his other eye alone :(
- Vincent is very calculated when killing, which is why he targets ankles. Minimal injury to cover up, by practically immobilizes his targets. This paired with waxin people up means he has some weird fetishes, like ankles, wrists, the inside of elbows, and the crux of thighs and necks.
- Speaking of which, Vincent is the bisexual king we all deserve. From waxin up both men and women, he’s had ample time to become attracted to both forms. Both he’s nervous about Bo finding out he likes men so all his wankin material are of women.
if only these idiots would just talk to each other lol
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ratanslily · 4 years
Lover of Mine
pairing: Rafael Aveiro x f!mc (Grace Sullivan)
note: Rafael and all oph characters belong to pixelberry! Grace belongs to @inacrowdofchoices ❤️
genre: honestly i dont even know what this is, but ends with fluff.
warnings: death mention (no, there's no major character death!), some mentions of the gas leak taken place in chapter 11 (?) please dont read if you're uncomfortable with any of these topics!
summary: just a rewrite of chapter 11 and 12 but with more rafael moments!
words: 1,014+
song inspo: lover of mine by 5 seconds of summer. wanted to write it for bryce, but made more sense for rafael and i wanted to write for @inacrowdofchoices sometime so!
tagging @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
((didn't have much time to edit sorry!))
Grace saw her life flash before her eyes as she witnessed Rafael jumping in front of her to take all the hit of the gas leaked by senator's assistant.
but it was too late.
she had seen him on the verge of death before too, but not again, she couldn't take it anymore.
there was only one bed.
in fiction, it seems like a really romantic concept. but in real life, in situations like this, things were far from romantic. As she sat beside a sleeping Rafael, she couldn't help but think about her feelings for him and about what they could've been if he wasn't committed to Sora. Her instinct begged her to grab him in a hug and never let him go but her mind urged against it. She stole a glance at Rafael, whose face showed the after effects of being hit by the gas, he looked exhausted and troubled. Grace tried to hold back her tears as she took in the view of him, unsure whether they both would live to survive another day.
Sure about the fact that he was sleeping, she mumbled, "i love you, Raf, so much."
To her horror, his eyes fluttered open, and he asked her if she said anything to him. Stumbling with words, she replied,
"I er, owe you, Raf. so much. You've saved me, you shouldn't have to do that, you know.."
Rafael just smiled at her, saying, "Yes I shouldn't have to do that, but I needed to. Now Grace, rest. It's going to be good for you."
He watched her lie down and couldn't help but admire her ombre red hair as they rested on the pillow. She looked so pretty, even with the swollen nose and eyes. A hint of pain was seen in her forehead as she winced in pain. Rafael wanted to gently caress her face to comfort her but he couldn't.
it was wrong, wasn't it? having feelings for her even though he was dating Sora. He tried to convince himself that he loved Sora, not Grace but no matter how many times he uttered the word "love" only pictures and memories of Grace flashed in his mind.
them dancing on the street after visiting his abuela. the pure joy reflected on her face as they tried Indian food on their night-out. her head drooping on his shoulder as she sat beside him to watch a korean drama for the millionth time in solidarity even though she was exhausted. her bringing him fast food when he was bored sick of the hospital food. her holding his hand and never making him feel less or lonely on their group hangouts at the restaurant.
so many memories together but still he chose Sora over them. Sure she was his childhood sweetheart but he felt more at ease with Grace rather than Sora. With Sora he felt like he had to try to show that they were in a relationship whereas with Grace, everything,every feeling came to him naturally.
Grace woke up to Rafael trying to drink from a glass of water and offered to help him. She saw his eyes widen in surprise as he told her that ice cold water seemed like scorching water to him. She panicked and called everyone for help. Rafael turned to her, afraid.
"Grace, I don't really know if I'm gonna make it but please, take care and I-"
he fainted before he could complete his sentence, leaving Grace devasted. Thankfully she could feel his pulse so there was a sliver of hope for him.
Bryce and others rushed to the room as she narrated the events to them. As they took him away for inspection in other room, she couldn't help but cry as Bryce pat her back comforting her.
"Bryce, I am.. scared. He doesn't look so good, and god be damned if he loses his life over saving me! If i could, I'd trade my life so that he gets to live because i sure as hell cannot exist in a world without him.." He looked at her with sympathy in his eyes, "don't worry Grace, I'm going to make sure both of you get out of here, fully healed and healthy."
and he did.
Bryce entered her room a few days later, with a big grin on his face.
"Grace, you're fully heal-"
"Is he alright?"
"Yes, he-"
Grace didn't stop for him to continue and dashed to where Rafael was transferred to. She stopped in her tracks when she heard voices coming from the room. It was Sora. She turned back to walk away when she heard,
"you still like her, am i right?"
"im sorry, rafael its over for us. i wish you the best of luck and happiness with her"
"you too, Sora. im sorry it took so long but you deserve someone who has feelings just for you."
a few days later, Grace found herself strolling by the park with Rafael's hand in his.
they just returned from Bobby and Danny's funeral. She held his hand throughout the rituals to make sure he was coping with everything just alright.
"hey you can let go of my hand now.."
"no, nope. never."
Rafael smiled, for the first time that day.
"I'm sorry, Grace."
"hm? for..?"
"for taking so much time. I spent so much time wondering what we could be.. if i didnt ask Sora out, if i was clear with my feelings my feelings earlier.. if i had died before letting you know-"
"shh, enough of that. we're here. alive. with a fresh new second chance at life. don't you think we should appreciate the moments we've gotten together? to live each moment to the fullest? with the people we care about?"
He nodded his head in agreement and they resumed their walk together.
"by the way, i heard that."
"your.. love confession in the room"
Grace felt her cheeks heat up out of embarassment.
"um, i-"
"and when i told you to go rest, under my breath, so quiet that even my ears couldn't hear but with my heart approving every word, I said.."
"i love you too"
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insidethemindmyself · 4 years
I have been reading “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne for a couple of years now, on and off. I am the most sceptical person going and didn’t really buy into the whole change your mind set, give gratiute and you’ll recieve abundence. I’ve always been brought up with the sense of - Work hard and you’ll get what you achieve mindset, which gave me a great work ethic if anything, especially being a millenital in the world that clearly you have to fight for everything you get. 
Moving on, i worked hard - meaning i got my ass through university clearing my Bacholours degree and Masters degree, my thinking at this point was that,  i would get my dream job from this, working in consultancy in my chosen field, but sadly not, i work in an 9-5 job that i never thought i’d ever work in, i sit at a desk and type and oh i get screamed at.. alot. Doesn’t sound that great does it? but i’ll tell you what, its not the most glamourous job in the world, but i have a secure job, i am greatful for having a secure job. I also have a set amount of holidays every year that can be taken whenever i want - within reason obviously. Again i am greatful for this as most don’t have this privledge around the world, and finally i have a secure amount of money that comes in every month without fail which i cannot and will not ever take for granted because it is allowing me not only to pay my bills every month, it also allows me to go out with my friends - Not in lockdown, buy myself whatever i want and most importantly, it has enabled me to save up quickly for my own house! 
I believe this was the path laid out for me because of my negative beliefs in life, i had never really thought about if i deserved abundence, if i deserved to have a healthy relationship with a man or an endless amount of money because it wasn’t something that was placed in front of me. I sought out this priviledge to teach me how to be greatful to the universe for all that i have been given, the mindset i have is changing slightly, i listen to the universe guide me to what i should feel for what i have. Think about it, take alook around you, what do you have that others don’t? are you lucky to have a bed to sleep in? be greatful, have you got gas, electric and water to warm, feed and bathe you? be greatful others dont. Do you have a tv you can just watch, sky, now tv, netflix ect? BE GREATFUL because not everyone has that. - This thought took me a while to actually think about because realistically others may have more than what i have, but i also have more than others have, and i should and am greatful for everything my parent has provided me with, or what i have achieved in my life. 
Without changing your mindset, the universe will give you what you think, i am constantly trying to change this to seek the abundence i am worthy of, i just have to feel myself again because the old me without all of lifes negativity i have brought to myself. 
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inmyheadandheart · 4 years
It has been so long for me to feel something so deep about someone... and I was stuck in someone for years and years and eventho it was hard to deal with, i‘ve never thought about leaving him, leaving the situation that i was in because after some years, you feel like this is what love is. You think that he can hurt you sometimes, he can make you cry, he can leave your soul alone... and you just accept those because you believe this is the love.. this is the one. However, love is really blind, believe me in this. We never tend to see what is really going on, we don‘t wanna see the exit signs, we just wanna go full gas... but till where? Till you hit the wall that was standing there all the time that you refuse to believe there is a wall? You go non stop till you hit that wall... go into darkness. That‘s all.
Then you start to realize... maybe that was wrong, maybe he used my emotions, maybe he used jealousy as an excuse, maybe he was selfish, maybe i was naive, maybe, maybe, maybe...
I was lucky though. I always remember my weird, long dreams. Sometimes i loose connection but i mostly remember them. And i realized that I‘ve always believed this soulmates that leads me to believe in destiny. There is a comfort in this for me. There is a comfort in the thought of everything is settled for us and we are just living here.
In my darkness, i also realized that i was obsessed with my sadness, with my sad songs, with his sad songs that he wrote for other women.. that never helped me... i did not deserve to cry in those songs... but i became obsessed with the idea of the pain in love.
Until I met with my light.
I never realized him... never gave attention on this soul that was around me all the time but i knew something was different about him.
I dont know if i saw him in my dreams before but I for sure feel like my heart is running to the light that he is bringing with him...
Maybe we were in the same places while we were sleeping, maybe we met before, maybe we heard the rings when we pass by, maybe he was there for me but i never realized him...
but now from my dark hole.. i am slowly walking out... and he is so strong snd stubborn to save me...
Tumblr media
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itsjusta · 4 years
March 13, 2021
u knooow i was kulbaan when i asked u if u deleted our pics doeee cos ofc i didnt want u to delete it so when u said yes issa i was a little hurt but i understand doeee cos u have a gf naman and im not naman gyd in ur lifeee hahah and u said pd sauna not nimo delete huuuh 🤦🏻‍♀️ but its okay doe everything can change man gyd and dont wanna be disappointed and sad na cos of dat hahah dat was one of the things i wanted to look at doe if mubalik ko twitter puhon but atleast i know na doe para not nako look hahha i tried not to cry doeee but cry ko very smol laaang just tulo one tear hahah issa ion wanna be sad na uy but its hard sometimes gyd but das okay doeee atleast i think its getting better hehhe and maybe one day u wont have to deal with me na doeee and when that time comes i hope you’ll be happy doeee just continue being happy and inlove hehe
its 12:30 am na doe and i found something in tiktok na i think i can relate tooo and it made me cry doeee hahah aish idk doe so kapoy to think idk na with myself uy go with the flow nalang ko hahah issa idiot tiktoook but smol lang cry man hehhe
issa nag sleep ko 1 doe but nag 2 nalang wa pako ka sleep so nag mata nalang sako mga 30 mins nag shopee ko hahahaha so issa almost 3 nako ka sleep doeee huhu issa nag go man sila laguindingan doe but wala ko uban cos so sleepy pakooo huhuhu and sge pajd ko mata2 sa morning doe cos naa daddy na here and ga storya sila mom and madunggan nako doeee huhu gaka disturbo ko!! and my damgo was not nice doeee so lain ako pag wake up :((
this day was so looong doeee hahah issa da weather also nice for maoy but i didnt want to cry doeee so i pugong gyd to think about thingssss hahah but issa heavy lang my heart doeee cos i’m not letting it out but das okaaay i can do dis 🥺 ion wanna be sad and cry so i just distract2 myself hahah idk doe i just feel sad about my life now hahahah
its 6pm na now and i finally cried doeee hahahah cos i watched a tiktok about being at peace with urself doeee like being happy even if wala ka significant other and i want to be like that doeee 🥺 das my goal for the next years doe just gonna be with myself until i’m ready again or if someone deserving comes doeee but im so faaar from dat pa gyd doeee hahah and now im just letting it all out cos i feel so sad and lonely doeee i’ve been trying to stay strong and not cry the past days doeee its okay to cry now ryt 🥺🥺 after dat tiktok issa cry pako more dayonnn hahah issa easy na for my tears to flow down
issa just tried my best to stay strong todaaay doeee but was not able to
pugong tears kaninaaa 🥺 hehe i hope you had a good day doeee amping always plsss
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ihaveanimagine · 5 years
For the ask thing: [4. UF/Pap] [17. SW/Sans] [20. UF/Sans] (if thats your limit you dont have to do the rest ♥, or choose wichever you want to do!). [42. LOKI] [45. UT/ Sans]
4- “Watch your step.”
17-  “This movie is really scary but you’re into it so I’m trying not to to cover my face the whole time but — WHAT IS THAT?”
20-  “Wait, don’t pull away. Not yet.”
42- “No, like … it’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
45- “You’re a big piece of inspiration for this.”
Underfell Papyrus (Edge)
(Thank you to @lmao-idk-but-aight for the idea!)
“Is that what you think of me? Helpless!?” You cried, curling your hands into fists, shaking with rage. “Quite frankly, YES!!” Edge towered over you, physically blocking you from the doorway out of the house. “You’re small, weak, fleshy, and you practically have a walking sign on the back of your head, begging monsters to dust you and take your soul!!”
You glared and stepped right up to the taller skeleton monster. “I can take care of myself! I took care of myself well enough until you took me in!” Edge huffed and bent down to your level, almost taunting you with his height advantage. “Don’t make me laugh, human! The only reason you survived until I took you in was because of my superior hunting skills!!”
“You only caught me because-”
“Because you’re weak and can’t protect yourself!”
You growled louder and felt tears sting your eyes. “Well if you think I’m so weak, why don’t you just kick me out!” Edge narrowed his eyes and glared down at you “Do you think I’m stupid? That I’d just kick you out for no reason!?” You hated how fast the tears slid down your face as you shouted “Well clearly you think it’s too hard to keep watch over me so you might as well!!”
Edge growled loudly and leaned down to your height and pushed you back inside with a firm grip on your shoulder. “I’ll do nothing of the sort!! Now STAY HERE!!” He shoved you onto the couch and stomped out the door, slamming it behind him. 
Hot tears spilled down your face as you sunk slowly into the couch cushions. You hid your face in your hands and felt despair wash over you. Edge and his brother have been working very hard to keep you safe. They escorted you every time you left the house, Edge would often strut next to you, glaring or growling at every monster who came too close to you.
His brother often teleported you out of sticky situations and kept you busy with bad puns and jokes, but Edge was the one who took the brunt of the work. He always said that since you were the only person to pass his incredibly dangerous traps that you deserved the finest treatment he could offer you.
Which, over the course of the time you’ve spent there, included personally cooked meals (mostly lasagna and pasta dishes), late night discussions about the best way to protect each other, and the occasional shopping spree out in the Snowdin shopping area. 
The first time Edge took you out shopping you were a bit…surprised. You didn’t exactly expect him to be interested in fashion due to the world he lived in, but Edge turned out to be really good in picking out outfits that both looked amazing on you and kept you warm and safe. 
Since then, you’ve made little…dates(?) where the two of you went out for the night in town and did a few activities before hiding in his house again. You’ve seen so many different sides of Edge that he has trouble showing even his brother sometimes.
You’ve seen him laugh hard enough until he snorts, weep at a Mettaton Tragedy Special, and completely lose his skeletal mind when you tell him stories about your life on the surface. But the moments that were the most special to you, were the nights neither of you couldn’t sleep and converged to the couch in the living room to just…talk.
You’ve shared hopes and dreams, fears, childhood stories, and even wishes for the future.
But…that all seemed to have been for nothing…Any emotions you had been gathering for the tall, imposing skeleton man felt as if they had been cast aside when Edge practically screamed at you for being helpless…
The tears had stopped a while ago and you were left clutching an old, worn pillow while staring blankly ahead. You took a shaky breath and wiped your face with your hand, clearing the dried tears from your cheeks. You let yourself calm down after your cry and you found yourself grabbing one of your warmer jackets as you headed out of the home. 
You didn’t know what you were doing but…you knew you had to find Edge.
Your body was on autopilot as you traipsed through Snowdin town towards Edge’s old sentry station in the outskirts. You saw him before he noticed you (which was a first). You managed to get within arm reach of him before he noticed you. 
When he did see you were standing there with him his eyes widened in shock before narrowing. “Wha- what are you doing here?!” He hissed, turning his head away from you to scratch at something on his face with the back of his hands before turning back to you.
“I…came here to look for you.” You mumbled, doubt creeping into your bones. “Well, you shouldn’t have! The Great and Terrible Papyrus can take care of himself!!” Edge crossed his arms and puffed his chest out to prove his point.
“…But thank you…” Edge practically whispered and for a second you weren’t sure if you heard him. You gave him a half-hearted shrug before silence enveloped the both of you.
You both said nothing for a while, just stared at the thick forest of trees that created a border around Snowdin. The silence wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable but you knew there was something you both wanted to say.
“I’m sorry.” Both of you looked at each other blankly before laughing softly. Turns out both of you worked up the guts to apologize at the same time. “I shouldn’t have insulted you like that.” Edge said, giving the back of his neck a shy rub. “Me too.” You said, shuffling closer to Edge “You’re just protecting me, I shouldn’t have yelled at you for that.”
“We cool?” You asked, looking up at him, a smile breaking out when Edge nodded. After another moment of silence, Edge turned around and motioned you to follow him. “We should head home.” 
You nodded and moved to follow him before Edge halted you with an outstretched arm. “Watch your step.” He pointed to a patch of ice you were about to step on and gave a loud sigh.
Before you could say anything, he swept you up in his arms and carried you bridal style before trudging on. “Honestly if it weren’t for me, you’d have stepped on every piece of ice in Snowdin!”
You giggled and laid your head on his chest with a smile and thanked him for looking out for you. Edge let out a small huff but pulled you closer as he continued on his way home.
Underswap Sans (Blueberry)
Tonight was a night to binge All the Spooky Media!
A nice rainstorm was thundering outside the comforts of your home and you and your wonderful boyfriend Blue decided to have a date night.
At-home dates were usually spent bingeing movies or tv shows while snacking on everything (“everything” ranging from gourmet meals to a gas station donut). This particular night it was your turn to pick a movie genre to binge and you had chosen Thrillers and Horrors!
Part of it was mostly just to formally introduce Blueberry to the world of Zombie Fiction to see his reaction, the other half was to see if this guy was afraid of anything. You already knew he really didn’t fear any animal or insect on Earth but now it was just a competition to see what scared him. 
About two movies in, Blue didn’t seem affected by much of the zombie stuff so you switched to a classic thriller that always gave you chills. 
But while you were enamored by the movie, you failed to notice Blue creeping ever so much closer to you until he was practically burying his face in your arm. It wasn’t until there was a jump scare that made the both of you jump did you realize where he was. You both screamed at the appropriate time and Blue launched his body at you, curling over you protectively as if he was defending you from a real attacker. 
Unfortunately, any sweetness you might have found from his reaction dissipated as gravity took over and sent the both of you sprawling to the floor.
“Blue!” You shouted, trying to wiggle out from the spot on the floor where he had you pinned “Let go! I’m being squished!” Blue’s head popped up and he suddenly let go of you, backing up completely off your body before helping you up. “S-sorry! I uh, just heard you scream and uh,” He coughed nervously into his fist “Reflexes happened?”
You accepted his hand to help you up but you gave him a suspicious look “Reflexes, huh?” You questioned flatly.” Blue shyly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck “Don’t worry! I promise it won’t happen again!” He quickly sat back down on the sofa and glued his eye sockets to the TV.
You gave him a suspicious squint and saw your normally upbeat and cheerful boyfriend flinch when the Thriller’s soundtrack hit a high note at the same time a horrified scream ripped out of the protagonist’s throat.
“Blue, sweetheart…are you scared?”
“W-what, who? Me? Scared psssshhh, no-!”
Blue’s face darkened as he avoided looking at the TV. “I-I’m not scared! Are you? I mean-”
Another scream came from the television and Blue’s entire body jumped and he hid his face behind a pillow. “Okay, yes! This movie is really scary but you’re into it so I’m trying not to to cover my face the whole time but — WHAT IS THAT?!?!!!” He ditched the pillow and wrapped his arms around your waist before burying his face in your stomach right as the main villain made a dramatic, horrifying jump-scare reveal.
Sensing this had gone on long enough, you maneuvered over to the remote and paused the movie before gently running your hands up and down your boyfriend’s skull. “Easy, sweetheart” You cooed, keeping one arm firmly wrapped around his shoulders while you petted his skull. “You’re alright I promise.”
After a moment of silence you added “I’m sorry I didn’t check in with you sooner to make sure you were okay with the movie.” Blue shook his head and nuzzled your stomach before peeking up at you “N-no, it’s alright…I should’ve spoken up sooner…”
You gently brushed your thumb on his cheekbone and pulled him up for a quick smooch on his forehead. “How about we forget the thrillers and binge childhood movies, hmm?”
“Heh, I like the sound of that. Thank you.”s
Underfell Sans (Red)
You woke up slowly, trying to avoid the inevitable by snuggling into the body radiating warmth next to you. You felt a low rumble beneath your cheek as something reached around behind you to draw you closer to the warmth. 
“Heh, mornin’ Dollface.” The gravelly baritone of Red’s morning voice was barely above a whisper as he nuzzled into your hairline. Too tired to verbally respond, you simply nuzzles back and curled your entire body to press against his. You felt Red chuckle again before his hand started lazily playing with your hair.
“Yer adorable, ya know that?” He mumbled softly, wrapping his legs around yours while resting his chin on your head. You hummed in response and softly kissed his clavicle. 
The two of you drifted in and out of sleep for a little while longer before your body decided to wake up even though your comfort level was sky high. You whined as you pried your eyes open to meet the afternoon sunlight drifting in through the window. 
“Afternoon already?” You asked sleepily, still not fully awake. Red smiled and gently brushed his finger on your cheek before kissing your forehead. “Mhmm. Ya looked too cute to disturb so I’ve been here with ya since ya woke up earlier.”
You hummed and reached up to kiss him softly before plopping your head back on the pillow. “Have you eaten yet? We should probably get up to eat.” You stretched out slowly to wake up the rest of your body to prepare for the difficult task of leaving your comfy bed.
Red’s hand suddenly darted out and caught your waist before pulling you back in. “Wait, don’t pull away.” He buried his face in your neck and curled around your form “Not yet.”
You smiled softly at your big, totally threatening mate and gently scratched his skull. “Alrighty, few more minutes then.” 
Adjusting to life on earth was no easy task for your boyfriend Loki, Son of Odin, King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief. But with your healthy balance of patience and loving teasing, he got the hang of it pretty quickly.
He went from cursing at earth’s primitive technology to only swearing at it when it refused to work at him. He no longer used his title and Asgardian power as intimidation tactics, and he even came up to speed with pop culture references!
(Did this mean you accidentally unleashed the event where Loki would shout “yeet” as he threw his knives? Yes, yes it did. And you were so proud of him.)
Another point to be proud of him was Loki made some friends! All on his own! And at the Avenger’s Tower no less!
You weren’t too sure on the details but from what you understood, Peter Parker, Tony Stark’s unofficially adopted son, had straight up asked Loki if he tried to conquer New York and responded with “Cool, cool. But have you tried a street vendor hot dog yet?” Then went out on a quick run to buy himself and Loki some hot dogs when Loki admitted he hadn’t. 
Now the only major thing left was to get your man to wear something other than a fancy suit!
Not that you didn’t enjoy the view when he did wear a nice tux, a dress shirt, or a fancy trench coat, but you wanted your boyfriend to enjoy the comforts of earthling life and that mean oversized sweaters and sweatpants!!
You already had several pairs of those yourself and you kept trying to convince Mr. Tall Dark and Sassy to wear them with no luck. 
“It’s not like I can’t wear anything else.” He told you once “But suits feel more…my style. It’s not as if I can prance around in Asgardian clothes, right?”
You had to shrug and concede but internally promised yourself that you would see your normally put together boyfriend relax in Comfort Clothes one way or another. 
Several weeks passed by and you had practically forgotten about that promise until you came home from work one day to find Loki, Peter, and Ned showing Loki the Star Wars movies. You brushed past the three of them with a quick hello and flew to your room to remove the icky feeling of work clothes in favor of your favorite sweats and jacket.
But as you searched in your closet for your favorite jacket, you found that you couldn’t find it. You frantically raced around the room pulling out drawers and searching through the hamper and tossed clothing on the floor. When you finally admitted defeat, you huffed, grabbed a comfortable tank top and headed out the door to join Loki and the two boys for the movie binge watching. 
“Welcome back, Darling.” Loki said warmly without looking behind him. He lifted his arms for you to sink into as you launched over the sofa’s backrest onto the cushions before snuggling to his chest. “How was work?” He asked before pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
You moaned and hid your face in his arm. “No.” You said flatly, “No?” Loki repeated with a small chuckle “Work is banned from conversations for the next century.” You snuggled into him and sighed “I just wanna curl up with you and my comfy clothes and hibernate.”
Loki chuckled and nuzzled you.
“Speaking of which, have you seen my sweater? I couldn’t find it when I got home today, do you know where it is? Is it in the wash?” You asked, twisting around to look up at him. Loki’s face flushed and he chuckled nervously, his eyes darted down to his sleeves and your exhausted brain slowly began to recognize the fabric hanging off of him.
You suddenly lurched forward and turned toward Loki before eagerly cupping his cheeks. “You’re wearing my clothes!!” You cheered, excitement bubbling inside you “Y-yes, I am” Loki’s cheeks flushed with color “Is something wrong with that?”
“No, like … it’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
You felt a squeal catch in your throat as you suddenly pulled him forward for a chaste kiss. “I’m! So! Proud of youuuu!!!” You giggled before curling up on his chest, moving his arms to curl around you. “You’re relaxing! In comfy clothes!”
Loki’s blush deepened and he hid his face in your hair to save some of his dignity. “Yes, well…Peter and his friend insisted that binge watching movies should only be done in the highest of comforts so I uh, borrowed from your wardrobe.” You felt an “aww” escape your lips as you smiled up at him.
“Awww, you guys are so cute!”
Yours and Loki’s heads snapped up to see Peter trying to gently smother Ned with a pillow before lifting a hand up in innocence. “I’m sorry!” He squeaked “It’s just that you two were being cute and we weren’t sure if you wanted privacy so we tried paying attention to the movie but then-”
Ned pushed the pillow away and gently placed his hand over Peter’s face “But then you guys started cuddling and being all cute and blushy and it was adorable and I couldn’t help but say so!!”
You and Loki shared a laugh before shaking your heads at the two teens. “It’s alright, you two. Loki knows he’s adorable-”
“Not quite as adorable as you, love.”
“Shush. Loki knows he’s adorable and we both accept your compliment.” 
Loki simply rolled his eyes amicably at you before smiling and nuzzling you again. 
Undertale Sans
Being a full-time, interactive artist was not always easy.
Sometimes you had days where you had idea upon idea upon idea for your next gallery or show but sometimes your well of inspiration was so dry, the Valley of Death got thirsty. 
Lucky for you, Sans, your muse, aka your husband, aka your hus-bone had given you all the help you needed to meet your deadline.
For this specific gallery you had worked with a private therapy office who took cases ranging from student apathy, to heavy depression, to addict recovery. You always liked promoting a good cause while you shared your art and had found the perfect way to do both.
The gallery was to be shown at a small warehouse near a popular coffee shop and you intended to take full advantage of the location.
Since Sans played a big role in creating this specific gallery for you, you invited him to come see it. Naturally he said yes and on opening day, you gave him a quick tour before anyone came in.
The warehouse was covered in pillows of all shapes, sizes, and colors. The biggest pillow Sans has ever seen was propped up on the left side of the entrance and the pillows that lined the wall gradually shrunk to the tiniest pillow he had ever seen to the right of the entrance. 
Sections were split by large sheets suspended by rope and blankets were piled on top of pillows to create “couches” and pillars. In one section, there was a black box labeled “Dark Thoughts” with a plaque that read: “We’ve all been someplace dark in our lives. Some of us are still experiencing it. But healing takes time and it can start with letting go of something that makes you low. Take the time to write something you need to let go of and put it in the box. This box is directly emptied into a shredder. No one will see it.” 
The next section had several bins filled with weighted blankets and a plaque that asked everyone to take one and give the blanket to someone who needs it. The section after had a therapist from the office sitting on a mountain of pillows with a big smile. She shook Sans’ hand and told him she was part of the exhibit to encourage people to find outside help and to give therapy a chance. The section after her had stuffed animals with different labels on them like “Love”, “Hope”, “Motivation”, “Peace”, “Security”, etc. A sign stood next to the stuffed animals that said “Sometimes we all need an extra friend to keep us going. Take a stuffed animal with you to keep you going or to spread the love to someone else who needs it!”
From there, the exhibit focused on healing from whatever pain someone was in. There was a section on Laughter Makes a Good Medicine, Comfort Foods, and Hobby Making to provide outlets and ways to slowly push someone out of their comfort zone to open up. 
As you brought Sans along the exhibit he began to tear up a bit, remembering the different times of despair and hopelessness he’d experienced while Underground and on the Surface and how they have mostly been replaced by joy and contentment.
When you reached the end of your private tour, you took Sans’ hands in your own and smiled up at him. “So? What do you think?” You asked him. Sans grinned and gently brushed a loose strand of hair out of your face “I think this is amazing. This is a big topic to tackle but you did it pretty well, babe.” 
You smiled softly “That’s good to hear.” You cupped his face softly and continued, “You know, you’re a big piece of inspiration for this.”
Sans’ eyes widened and he looked both shocked and humbled “Me? How???” You giggled and shrugged “Well, I know you’ve had a few rough days while I was putting together this gallery so I knew I wanted to do something nice for you. But at the same time it felt like you had forgotten all the progress you’ve made with your issues and I wanted to remind you that big or small, any progress you’ve made is wonderful and I am so proud of you.”
Now Sans was really crying. Big fate tears rolled off his cheeks as he took the hand cupping his cheek and kissed the palm of it before drawing you in close. He rested his forehead on yours and took a shaky breath before speaking.
“If I could marry you again, I would. I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
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passthebluntali · 5 years
i don’t get it. the pain fucking hurts. you lie to me so much & you act like i’m stupid. i’ve questioned my own self so many times. called my self dramatic and controlling in my head because YOU made me feel this way. you made me this way. all the cheating, all the lying & all the mental abuse you put me through. the gas lights and the pain. you watched me cry about a thousand times with no emotion or empathy for the pain you caused in my heart. you blame this on me but i never did you like this. i would never do no body like this. i feel so ashamed of myself and the person i’ve become being with you. i’m scared to be alone because i’ve gotten so used to you but i’m scared i’ll never be loved the way that i love. i’m humiliated and i always have to stay silent. i can’t tell nobody about you or our fights because ik what everyone thinks. ik what everyone wants me to do but i’m so weak & so torn between losing you and our friendship. my heart is so invested in something so toxic i don’t know how to get out and i just wish someone could physically take this voice out of my head telling me i can’t leave . i just want out. i want out so badly. i want nothing more than to be happy because i’ve never been so sad. the feeling of crying every night before bed or the skip of beat in my heart when i find something you didn’t want me to find. all the sleepless nights because you were out doing whatever it is you do but neglecting to tell me. i’m physically so tired. i just accept it . i live it everyday. i’m always so scared you’re going to do something bad. begging you on my knees and tears streaming down my face just to love me. after a year, you would think i’ve learned but i haven’t and i’m scared i never will.
again it’s just excuses. i’ve been waiting all day to talk to you. to fix things but all you tell me is that life doesn’t revolve around me. it’s not all about me. you say you are drained but what do you have to be drained about? i didn’t cheat on you. i didn’t lie to you. i didn’t waste your time. i didn’t make you feel worthless. i didn’t use your body. i didn’t crush your heart. i didn’t go behind your back. i loved you, i loved you hard as hell. i held on to our relationship tighter than i should have. despite all the damage you did to me. here i am crying hysterically begging for the pain to go away. for why? for who? for someone who could care less how i felt because they just can’t seem to give me what i deserve. funny. i keep saying what i deserve.. but i honestly don’t know what i deserve anymore. i’ve been doin this with him for so long whats a healthy relationship even like? what do those consist of. my heart aches when i hear you speak. my thoughts ramble inside my head. my body starts to shake and my eyes just fill up. my anxiety has never felt so strong and my thoughts have never been more violent. you have put me in such a bad spot in my mental health. i’m scared i’ll always be paranoid. paranoid if i’m being lied to. if i’m being cheated on. if my body is just a pit stop. it’s always been a pit stop. since i was little. it’s the way i dress.. maybe it’s the way i talk... maybe it’s the way i portray my self to be.. maybe it’s just what i’m good for but even then, if i was he would have never cheated if i was good enough. what’s wrong with me? am i to chubby? am i not chubby enough? is it the stretch marks on my hips? the scars on my thighs? my breasts being to small? my arms being thicker than usual.? is it that i’m not smart? is it that i cling to things easy? is it because i trust to hard? hang on every word? believe everything everyone says? i’m so easy. i’m easy to sleep w. i’m easy to lie to. i’m easy to hurt . i can’t stand myself anymore. i can’t stand to look in the mirror. i’m so disgusting. i hate everything that i see . it never used to be like this. not until you started cheating and i first found out. i go to the gym and work myself until i’m sick only to go back home and see you’ve liked tons of big girl pictures & i start binge eating & it’s back and forth cycle . this will never end. you don’t care about me. i could die tomorrow and you will never even shed a tear. my existence has never been enough for you. that’s okay. it’s not enough for me either anymore. i’m constantly hiding how i feel. my family would only judge. they don’t understand. i can’t tell my only friend because i know what she thinks. i don’t want her to hate me for being so damaged. i never used to be toxic, i’ve never been like this before. i’m so ashamed of myself, of the way the that i act and the way i speak . he makes me violently angry, ive thought hurting myself. he lies to my face. he makes me feel stupid. i just wanna know what you are thinking. i wanna know why you do the things you do. i wanna know what your intentions are w. me because we know you dont love me. he says he does but i don’t think this abuse is love. i don’t think cheating is love. i know he doesn’t love me, yet here i am. afraid to leave. stuck in a depression i only have myself to blame for. i tell you i hate you & you tell me not to say it. you say i don’t mean it but you don’t understand how you made my mind so sick. how could i not hate you.. you taught me to hate myself when none of this was ever my fault.
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ssapct · 5 years
To the person who will love her next:
know that she is very impatient. But if you’re worth her time, you’ll get all of it. She feeds off energy and if that shit is off even a little, she will know. So never lie to her. ALWAYS be real with her, no matter how hard it is to be honest. GAS HER THE FUCK UP. She is beautiful in every single way and she deserves to be told that daily. She’s gold. Nothing will be better than her, I promise. Nothing will shine as bright as her, I promise. Don’t let her go to bed upset w you because it’ll go right into the next day and that’s a whole day you could spend loving her. She’s been hurt a lot so be gentle with her heart. She doesn’t give it out very easily, so if she gives you it, never break it. Protect her at all costs. She likes to go out & dance every once in awhile but she’s more of a homebody who is down to smoke bowls and watch ghost adventures all day with you. Be patient with her. She’s been through ALOT. She LOVES Mac and cheese from Panera but Mac and cheese from anywhere is probably okay. Surprise her with food, coffee, flowers. She LOVES sunflowers, so be sure to brighten her day and room every once in awhile with some of those. Hold her hand and her pinky so she knows you always wanna be touching her. She gets hangry, so be sure to feed tf out of her. She will say she isn’t hungry and then eat all of your food, so when you get something to eat, be sure to order extra. She’s extremely stubborn & she is always right. Don’t question it. She is. Make decisions for her and yourself; such as where to go eat at or how you wanna coordinate your outfits. Ask her out on dates. Show her off. Nobody will compare to her. Everyone will stop and stare at y’all because they are jealous that you have her and they don’t. Don’t let her get away with everything. Don’t steal her clothes without asking. She would love to see you in her yellow hoodie but ask first. She’s territorial of her things at times but it’s because she has sisters who more than likely stole things from her all the time and never returned them. She’s a fire spitter when you fight. Reassure her. Let her know that she has no reason to worry. DONT HURT HER. Treat her like the angel she is. To the next person who loves her; I wish I could be in your spot so so badly. She teaches amazing life lessons. She gets hurt easily but will pretend like she’s not. She will hold onto something for a long time and I have no advice for you on that lol. Touch her like you’ve never touched a single person before. Tell her you love her constantly so she is reminded, but not too much. Never face your phone down because she has trust issues because of me and everyone else in her past. Think before you say and do with her because she doesn’t take things lightly. Befriend her nieces. They are the cutest kiddos alive and they mean the world to her. Treat her mother with respect and never speak ill of any of her family. She isn’t the best swimmer so stay in the shallow end. She doesn’t like to drive, so be sure to clear your passenger seat just for her. She will buy you random things in hopes to cheer you up. She is a very hard worker & will overwork herself. She will cook for you some BOMB ass food. Ask her to make you scrambled eggs, their my favorite. Her music taste is out of this world, so be sure to ask her for a playlist. Hold her tightly at night, except on the nights where she’s mad at you. Give her her space. Always. No matter how you’re feeling. Give her space. But not too much space. Show her you care. Actions over words. Always have one of her shirts handy in case she’s stressed. You’ll know what I mean when you sleep in her bed for the first time. Her lips are angel soft and gorgeous so please be gentle with them. Kiss them often and make her feel like she’s the only girl in your world. I’m telling you all of these things because I didn’t do my job. I didn’t do what I was supposed to do to keep her. To whoever loves her next: you are the luckiest person alive. Don’t take her for granted. Most importantly, love her with your entire self & never let her question your love.
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