#they don't see sex as intimacy between two equals it's a power display
watermelinoe Β· 1 month
forced birthers think penetration is inherently dehumanizing. they think that because you let a man's penis inside you that you've surrendered yourself. you must passively carry his child because your body is no longer your own. penetration is domination and that's why they will never see women as fully human, because we only exist to eventually be taken by a man. none of the arguments about when life begins matter because the woman's life was never really hers to begin with.
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Astrology Notes: Followers Choice
Hi my peoples, so as you all know I asked some of you what placements or aspects you would want to see in a post and now time has come to deliver on that promise. This took quite a bit of research and I gently want to remind you that I am not an expert, but regardless please enjoy.
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When I tell you I got jealous researching Composite Moon Conjunct Jupiter, you better believe I would give this couple the finger irl (as a coping mechanism for my jealous ass). Not only do you guys enjoy spending time with each other,but you two genuinely like each other thanks to an emotional bond. You feel better emotionally when together and feel the happiest in this relationship. Your basically each others feel good person. However you should be careful not to invest so much into this relationship that you neglect your responsibilities and other meaningful relationships. Just couple goals over all.
Psyche Conjunct MC is a really interesting aspect as it could mean entrance to the self and understanding of your soul and mind through your career path, goals, achievements and reputation. This realization could happen around the time of young adulthood or late teens. It's almost as if you see the the understanding of yourself as indistinguishable from your reputation and what success and status you achieve in your career and social circles.
Neptune Opposite Lilith...there is a lot to unpack here. First of you might have difficulty connecting to your emotions and as a result it could feel like you have this raging fire deep within you that needs to be suppressed as it might consume you and you do so by turning to escapism. You are torn between wanting to be independent and wanting to feel needed which creates an intense need for intimacy. You should be careful as not to continue believing you have love in places reality as proven to you that there is none. You could experience bouts of self pity because you feel emotionally misunderstood or neglected. By accepting your emotions and allowing yourself to be vulnerable you can accept yourself and open yourself up to healing and a powerful transformation.
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Ascendant Quincunx Chiron could struggle to accept the limitations their inner wounds have on their appearance, attitude and identity in general. You try to put up a facade to hide and dent your past wounds, but others will easily see this. It's possible that you feel ashamed for being vulnerable and believe you shouldn't show the cracks in your walls. You just want a sense of normalcy and to gain that you would rather have everyone believe things are fine when you are in fact, obviously wounded.
Lilith in the 11th House: With this placement you feel like an outsider, unwanted and unaccepted. You have faced rejection from groups and feel like you just don't fit in. You might even feel ashamed that you fail to fit in with the crowd even tho you desperately want to. However you should know that this is not your fault, but that of the very groups you try to be a part of. They fear your gifts, they are unsettled that you think and behave differently from what society has teached. Embrace you difference and in doing so you will learn to accept yourself and your position in the masses. Don't look elsewhere for acceptance, it will come when you stand in your own power.
Venus in Libra degrees (7Β°,19Β°) in my opinion would sort of amplify the effects of Venus as Libra is ruled by her. These degrees would bring Libra traits into the way you give and receive love. This means you could value loyalty and an equal amount of give and take in a relationship. Traits that you display or attract in love could be as follows: grace, sensuality, seduction, romanticism, harmony, balance, vanity, materialism and shallowness. Additionally you could be excessively needy and have unrealistic, almost idealistic expectations in love. I however view this as a minor influence and you should focus on the entirety of your Venus influences to get a bigger picture of that influence.
As a side note, I think you all should go take a look at @saintzjenx posts on degree theory and even her Lilith posts since she is pretty much an expert here πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ. I low-key think she might even be Lilith herself at this point.πŸ™ˆ
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Moon Trine Lilith is such a powerful aspect. You are hell-bent on getting what you want as your desires are fueled by your emotions and instincts. You naturally listen to your intuition and follow it wherever it takes you. You are unapologetic about showing your vulnerability, sensitive sides, emotions and intuitive desires, even if taboo, and could be a real rebel in doing so. As a result the people in your life will see you as a symbol of strength and you won't hesitate to show said strength.
Sun Conjunct Pluto, light and dark collide with this aspect. And the result? An intensity on par with that of Scorpio Rising and Pluto in 1st. You could wield great power over others or be subject to power greater than your own. Your stong drive and ambition, your intense willpower is sure to leave a mark in the lives of the people touched by it, whether it be amazement or intimidation. You are naturally more attuned to the darker areas of life, unfazed by it. This along with your mysterious, darker presence and love of privacy could have people become suspicious of you and you might even face false accusations from others in your lifetime.
Lilith in the 11th House Synastry immediately made me think of a rebel and activist relationship. When you two direct your energies towards a cause the two could really compliment each other in that regard. On the flip side tho, the Lilith person wants freedom, independence and is always putting themselves first whereas the House person is continuously involved with the community which could give rise to conflicts in the relationship. Both would be extremely open to indulging and exploring the others sexual fantasies and desires, thus spicy time is always fun, exciting and exhilarating. Bluntly put, the sex is bomb and that's about it. A real fwb placement.
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This was very research intense so I hope I was able to deliver. To the followers that asked for this, I love you and thank you so much for trusting me to handle these. Let me know what you think and if I could do better. Love y'all my peoples.
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