#they don’t fucking understand nobody fucking understands i can’t deal with this im tired of dealing with this by myself
axolozzy · 6 months
my bagels are cold i’m fucking crying
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thedamselindistrezzz · 6 months
I feel so bad for myself
Because for years I have held so much trauma to myself and I don’t understand why
From loving someone at such a young age, an age when I was naive and easily impressed I gave myself, my innocence to a man I had no business being with , gave up so much without knowing the value of what I had, and ofcourse I thought I knew better and I made the same mistake over, over and over f
again I make the same mistakes with men,
I let my insecurities take decisions for me, I have repeatedly ignored my own needs and continued to beg for love and validation from men who don’t love me for me. I see so much value in myself, so much potential, but I keep deeming my light, I keep hurting myself because I won’t learn from my mistakes.
Every single man I ever loved or wanted never wanted me, and when they do all I do is lie and I end up conform to be what they want and they still end up leaving or hurting me beyond repair
Gosh I have only ever received flowers from one man in my entire life and obviously he only had one motive. Then I got a necklace from Nelson who forgot my birthday
One thing that scarred me for ever and I pretend till today that it’s okay but it really is not, the one time I thought I found my person, he completely broke me into a million pieces to the extent I just wanted to die. Decieved me, shared my body that was meant to be sacred and treated me like I was worth completely nothing, verbally abused me for 2 years and going on and I can’t defend myself because I literally feel helpless each time
And it’s been the most painful thing I had to go through alone and I’m so tired and done with loving and now I just want to focus on myself and stay away from the drama and just disappear for months to figure out my life
I want to get to know myself and my thoughts and just see how life treats me going forward and this time I’m not gonna let myself down, it’s not one of those things I just say to myself and go back to my usual habits this time I mean it
Nobody deserves my time
Nobody is worth sacrificing my happiness for
Nobody is deserving of my love
Nobody is deserving of my innocence and humour
I’m so done talking when no one cares or is listening
They all just want to exploit and I need to snap back into reality and focus solely on myself and my family
I know when the time is right love is gonna come to me and I will be happy
But from now on I will no longer be impressed with the bare minimum
From now on im gonna work hard to the standard I deserve and I’m no longer doing the build a niggq bullshit, I’m decentering the male gender
Or dealing with niggas who don’t know they gotta ask me to be their girlfriend and plan dates , involve me in life goals, build and grow together I’m not interested
Anyways since I’m gonna be isolating all my thoughts will end up here
If you by chance reading this I hope you leave a prayer for me
Byeee fuck men btw😪
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thorninyourpaw · 8 months
the new level of depression that unlocks a couple weeks into being 20 is definitely not my favourite i can’t even really cry about it it’s just this constant dull knife directly in the heart you can feel your heart trying to beat around it but the very act of your body trying to keep itself alive is just agony because every beat just guides the knife further in. it’s not even a particular sadness anymore it just feels like all my emotions have gone stale i feel everything and nothing at the same time i can’t enjoy myself every single action makes me feel nothing but guilt and i don’t even know why it keeps me awake at night even just messaging someone new keeps me awake for fucking days
every single night i think about when i messaged geoff snd i want to throw up because i feel like the most fucking annoying person on the face of the planet i want to rip my head off guilt over everything just consumes me guilt for everything i do guilt for everything i chose not to do it surrounds every single thing i do i’m so tired i’m so tired of being unable to be happy i’m tired of living in this house i can’t have peace quiet privacy medication time to just cry time to breathe space i dont have a door she used to deny me of any medication or therapy because she “thought i was fine” but now she says we’ll do it that i can have medication but she just keeps lying like she always does about everything and i’m not sure what hurts worse it’s too late anyway it’s too late to fucking try my body is mangled my brain is in pieces ive already euined everything my family is dying thinking and knowing that i’m useless ive seen so much fucking horror ive seen so much ive experienced so much anf i wanted none of it i just want to be happy i just want someone to love me but i need someone to take care of me and i know who i want and who i wanted and it’s just all fucking useless to even bother thinking about what life would be like because it wont happen im not worth the trouble worth the fucking fight worth all the fuccking bullshit i put everyone through i dont want anyone new but no one in my life would ever ever ever want to fucking deal with me like that because nothing is never enough but everything is always too much i cant deal with affection half the time it makes me want to fucking vomit but i need someone to want to just let me rest my head in their lap when i need it i need so much space but none at the same time i want attention but when im getting attention when i dont want it it makes me fucking sick in the stomach and makes me want to run away nobody wants to deal with that to deal with all this stupid fucking bullshit because its so fucking easy to throw myself off or get thrown off and i feel like a horrible fucking person because im just fucking impossible and i just make it miserable for everyone and things just keep getting worse and worse and one day i might not even be able to stand someone even complimenting me and i dont understand ehy it keeps getting worse and why my body goes against what my brain wants or my brain goes against what my body wants why can nothing work why can’t affection just make me happy why cant i just be normal why cant i just fucking be normal wnd have a normal life and have a family who likes me have a dad that doesnt just keep surveillance on me have a mum that’s truthful and doesn’t try to make me relapse that doesnt hurt me that didnt lock me in a garage with sick kittens dying in my arms becayse she refused to take them to a vet no matter how much i screamed and cried who doesnt confuse me so much that doesnt make me feel so upset and sad and confused and angry for loving her a mum that doesnt get angry at every tiny thing i do that just is a good mum why cant i have friends that want to see me and just have a picnic or just go to a beach ones that dont live hours away ones that will just be kind kaja broke my heart because she makes the prank tattoo into this weird branding thing when i just wanted to make both of us laugh she insults me and tries to freak me out she just wants to ridicule me
i dont understand why so many people just want to hurt me why im so deserving of it why nobody wants to be gentle and why i can’t just let someone be gentle without being terrified they’ll leave and it’ll all go wrong and they’ll start hurting me like so many other people i just want someone to say something other than “oh that sucks” or “oh im sorry” when i tell them something that hurts me i want people to react when i tell them about abuse about loss about what’s happened to me becayse no one reacts no one says a thing and it kills me i just want someone to think what ive been through is bad i want someone to just tell me how i feel is okay i want people to stop acting like its normal like its not even worth commenting on i want people to hurt for me instead of ignoring me and my emotions i want someone to really fucking care i just eant a normal life
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Okok. I think I can explain how I feel. So like picture u find what u really actually like to do, the thing that feels like work in the sense that it’s hard but rewarding and adds positivity to society. Then ok u spend a lot of time doing that thing, we’ll u sorta had to to understand that this is the thing you feel like u should be doing.. So for me this is studio music, like making music in my house and putting it online. Sewwww I see a lot of ppl doing this as well right, the ones I see are usually successful (cuz u don’t see the ones that aren’t). But like u know it’s possible some ppl get to have an audience that finds them where they like the music, maybe the artist lives off of that but idk how that would happen. Regardless there are ppl who technically do that, tho I guess that involves live shows maybe. So for me I’m constantly in the state of, I found the thing I want to do but I’m dogshit at it. But it’s not like I want to be super proficient at an instrument, or write impossible progressive music, or like idk my goals aren’t that grand at all. I kinda make what I want to make for the most part, maybe I master things slightly shittily, my side point is that loss of ppl make things happen while having the skills and tools adjacent to what I think I have. So idk if that’s the problem. More just like for whatever reason nobody notices me. BUT BUT BUT ok I super hate having to pretend I’m a big deal though. I use to do that when I was in survival mode and I fucking haaaate looking back on my outward facing attitude at that time. It’s not even that bad but it’s just so cringe. In reality I’m not intelligent I’m not THAT cool and I don’t think highly of myself, I guess for the reasons of failing so much. I do not want to be self promotional like I think I’m a big deal, because I’m not and that’s embarrassing, I’m literally just doing my useless skill. Same w visual art, absolutely useless, such a bullshit skill that I have. But if I make something nice that goes on someone’s wall then that’s epic. But sometimes I don’t want to make a nice thing, sometimes what needs to come out it horrible, cuz that’s how I feel I don’t feel good. Because this isn’t a good time, usually I’m not doing what I want to do succesfully. Ok so u find ur thing u should do, u try and try and try, every thing u make ur proud of, then after u make it u think all ur past things are silly and failures, and ur new thing will be different. Or u just resign ur new thing to being bad and that no one will see it and that’s fine. And that’s where im at. Im at, im bad at what I do creatively, and when I do do it im doing it for only me. Which is fine. But I barely get to do it from how tired I am from working and other commitments I have in life. BUT THE THING IS MY ACTUAL PURPOSE. So I spend all my time not doing the thing I should be doing and regardless of if that’s an untruth it feels true to me so it’s bad mentally. Either I completely let go of anything creative and I was never an artist forget about it I don’t even know how to do any of that, or I get this mental torture all the time. And I can’t forget, I’ve done it too long to forget. And there’s no way I can like “live my dream” that’s simply not going to happen. Bro I cannot believe how delusional I was in the past like fake it till u make it steeze.. I just can’t remotely look back at it cuz I’m like oh god did I actually believe I was good. But I had to!!!! I didn’t have any other options like I had to try it. It’s just so embarrassing. Like baseline I’m so average, even if I try to make sure I’m original I’m somehow not, like there’s just no way to be actually good. Or that’s not accessible to me. And having no art or music “career” lol that definitely makes it all worse. Like I can’t help but put all my time in because it’s my thing. But even when I’m trying my absolute best it doesn’t find ppl or there’s no audience or whatever. And that’s kind of on me, like most of that is probably my fault and the quality of what I’m making
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nrhd08 · 1 year
A lot of things are running through my head right now. I don’t even know if I can say everything in this post. Honestly I feel like this story is one sided. It’s heavily on me. I don’t think I mean as much to you as how much you mean to me. When I said that I love you, I really meant it. I can’t speak the same for you. To me, you don’t love someone and keep hurting their feelings. That’s why I said that it’s one sided. If u really love me, why would you keep doing things that hurt my feelings? Why?? You know that I don’t like it when u meet fiman/el but u still do meet them. I’m more concerned about el as i already met fiman. The fact that you didn’t even ask me if you can meet them. You just told me “I’m meeting el” wtf? Am I not important? Actually i don’t even know who am I suppose to be in your life. Sometimes I feel like I’m your bf, sometimes I feel like you don’t even need me in your life. Who am I amirah? Can you just tell me? Can you stop lying???? Just tell me the truth. I’ve always said that. Just tell me the truth even if the truth is going to hurt my feelings. I rather you tell me the truth than lie. I’ve told you that im tired and yet same shit keep happening. I fucking love you, which part of that sentence don’t you understand??? I know for a FACT that if I did the same things you did to me, you would have walked away right from the beginning. I don’t even think anyone would stay but I did. That’s how much u mean to me even though we just started talking recently. Am I not enough? For you to still meet your ex and all? Firstly when I asked you to block him, all you did was block him on 1 platform??? Then when fiman sound you, you blocked him from “every” platform. Now I know that you didn’t actually block him on every platform as he still can WhatsApp you. But if you really care about my feelings and you love me, even if someway, somehow he managed to contact you, you can just ignore but you chose to entertain. That’s when I know I don’t mean a lot to you. Maybe I fall too hard for you that’s why I’m like this. I told you this morning when you went over to fimans friend place to lepak that I was overthinking. The last time you lepak at someone house with fiman, shit happened. You slept on his lap, you slept with him and hugged him. That’s why I was overthinking when you stopped texting me. You told me nothing happened and all but I’m obviously still overthinking. You spent yesterday night until 5/6pm with him. How can I not overthink? As much as I trust you I still overthink a lot. But you can’t blame me for that as you make me become like this. And now you are out with your ex. Idk what is going to happen between the both of you. You obviously know I’m not okay with it but like I said I think you don’t even care. Idk what else can I do amirah. Ive tried everything. What I could do, I did, what I couldn’t do, I tried. I guess this is part of being together with you and I can’t stop it. Being with you includes you hanging out with your ex as if it’s normal. But if I want to be with you then I think I have to just deal with it. If you haven’t moved on from him, let me know. I don’t want to be an option for you to come if you have nobody. I want me to be the only guy in your life but that’s going to be fucking difficult for you. So, if you are still unsure about what you want, don’t lead me on and tell me honestly and truthfully what you actually see in me and what do you want from me.
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classicsweetness · 2 years
honestly I've fallen into a really strong depression rut (again) and my relationships are in the dumps. idk how much more i can take and tbh i don't want to deal with anything else. i hate myself for not being good enough for anyone, hate myself for not being smart enough, funny enough, cute enough, interesting enough, just - not enough. I can’t help myself but to question the things that have happen in my life, that somehow, if those things didn’t happen then I wouldn’t be just what I am today, that I could’ve been a better person, with a better life, better environment, better surroundings, better mindset with a clear vision of the future which clearly I don’t have right now. whenever i remember mama & papa, it feels like the wounds are all freshly cut again, that the wounds that i have been aiding and forcefully trying to heal were all scraped up once again. srsly, grief isn’t fun, at all. it’s like a never ending process and it’s tiring me too much already, i’m at edge now. it always feels like i am back at square one, when i feel like i am already making progress, bad things would levitate again and will ruin my so-called ‘progress’. I've spent so long convincing myself I'm fine and it really hit me just how far from the truth that is. im not okay, i never was and I probably won't be for a while. i don't want to worry anyone because im not in the habit of doing that to people I care about (not that there's many left anymore ngl). it gets even worse when i am at it, having panic attacks, having emotional breakdowns, and all; and it would hit me like damn dude i actually don’t have anyone to run to. what can i say, i am not close nor open to any of my family members. i got so used to not being honest with what i am feeling, what is happening in my life, what am i currently experiencing. it’s makes me more sad that i just have to keep this all to myself, and it’s heavy, the weight of it all is already drowning me. i feel so sad that no one understands me the way i wanted to be understood. but i do not take that against the people that surrounds me (even if i really wanted to) bcos at the end of the day, it’s not a job for them to do that thing for me. tbh i am really near to ending everything all off. this just doesn’t affect me mentally and emotionally anymore nor my future that i meticulously planned in my head but it also affects me physically already; my head is pounding everyday, i never get to have a decent sleep, i am so scared of sleeping bcos i’m afraid i might not get to wake up anymore (but then again, that should be better, right? to die in my sleep lmao). i just, can't keep lying to everyone and myself and keep it inside because that's not healthy and it won't be good for me. I hate myself so much lately and the more I ignore it the worse it's got, to the point where im seriously considering dropping out of college, moving out of my house (and family if possible) and just going somewhere where nobody has to put up with me. god, i really wish I would of taken the jump all those years ago and ended my pathetic life so I wouldn't be a waste of oxygen any longer than I needed to be. fuck this. i can't even explain how much it hurts to be sitting here in my room alone and knowing that nothing is truly okay, and it breaks my heart that i even got to this point again. i just don't want to be alive anymore and it's getting so hard to keep pushing on even when i have no fight left in me.
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television-pil0t · 2 years
When he finally leaves so I can have a severe breakdown that’s been building up.
God I feel awful. I hope he’s ok. I can’t keep helping him we have the same problem man. My parents suck to. My bf doesn’t understand either! IM SCARED TO OPEN UP TO MY BF TO! ITS BECOMING TO MUCH FOR ME TO! I’m sorry. I can’t help you when I have no idea how to help myself. I get mad because my bf talks to other people to. I get so jealous I push myself to. I hurt myself because he doesn’t need me to. I don’t know how to get you to stay. I want you to stay. I want you to keep talking to me because your pain makes me feel less alone. We both wanna kill ourself so bad man. I don’t have a plan like you. I don’t know what’s next. I CANT MAKE BY MYSELD EITHER FUCK IM SORRY EVERY TIME YOU VENT TO ME I JUST TELL YOU “talk to your friends! TALK TO YOUR BF! BUT SHIT I CANT DO THAT! You tell me “I’m gonna fucking do it I can’t take it anymore” but I’d I said that to my bf HE WOULDNT GIVE A SHIT! HES FUCKING DONE! HE FUCK FUCK FUCK IM SORRY I CANT HELP YOU IM IN WORSE! I’m in fucking deeper. You got to your month anniversary with your bf AND IVE BEEN IN MY RELATIONSHIP FOR 3 YEARS! Three fucking years! It’s hard for me to man! Idk how to keep going either! Idk how I’m gonna be a adult! Idk how to tell my friends that I’m suicidal either man I DONT FUCKING KNOW! I have no idea what I’m gonna do in a year! OR A MONTH! OR A DAY FROM NOW! All I do is the same thing you do. I feel like I’m not good at anything to! I feel useless too! I FEEL SO FUCKING UNLOVED TO MAN AND IDK WHAT TO DO ANYMORE EITHER! I’m sorry I can’t help you as much as other people can but god at least you HAVE other people. I hope you take my advice. I hope YOUR bf helps you. I hope your ok. I hope you didn’t SH to bad again. I hope you don’t do it Saturday. I know my bf would be so fucking sad and I can’t deal with that. I can’t deal with the secrets and the lies and the insecurity either man! I CANT DEAL WITH IT ANYMORE THAN YOU CAN! I’m scared to. I’m so so so fucking scared and now I have nobody to talk about it to. I hope someone can help you. I looked out the window of my apartment and all I can think of is getting a gun and just getting it over with. He makes account after account to just hide from me because he dosnt fucking trust me. He keeps so fucking much from me it’s agonizing. I’m tired of crying to man! IM TIRED OF ALL OF IT TO! I DONT FUCKING KNOW WHAT THE FUCK TO DO! GOD I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! I hate screaming while crying it gives me a headache. I hate limping when I walk after punching myself. I hate the way he didn’t tell me he loved me back for 2 days I hate the way he treated me for a year I hate the way I grew up. I hate myself. I hate being a failure. I hate being as jealous as I am. I HATE THAT HE DOSNT POST ABOUT ME! I hate the fact that he’s talked shit about me to all his family and don’t even wanna tell THAT mf that we’re dating because “I just don’t wanna hear his lecture” WELL WHOS FAULT WAS IT THAT HE SEES ME IN SUCH A FUCKED UP LIGHT! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU TELL HIM! I hate how I feel! I hate that I remember it all! The good and the bad. I hate when I draw! I hate my voice. I hate my body. I hate being touched. I hate THAT I ASK FOR TO MUCH TO! WE BOTH ASK FOR TO MUCH FROM OUR PARTNERS! I DONT KNOW! I don’t know. It’s been 3 years and idk what to do! I know I ask for to much and I haven’t even asked anything of him yet besides comfort and HES DONE GIVING ME THAT! I feel so hopeless. So fucking alone. So tired all the time. Maybe I should make a plan. With all the mental flashes of shooting myself in the jaw maybe I’ll do that. I have no idea what to do. AHHH I DONT WANNA DIE THO! I DONT WANNA DIE I JUST WANT SOMETHING I CANT HAVE! ILL NEVER HAVE! WHEN HE LEAVES ME AGAIN IM JUST GONNA BE ALONE! Just like I said when we first started dating “I swore I was gonna die alone” shit! I AM! I get tired of everyone so quickly. I’m so needy. I’m either obsessed to the point of neglecting myself or I’m selfish to the point of them leaving. I’m a piece of shit that deserves this fucking life. This god damn hell I put myself in. I miss my mom.
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babyloniastreasure · 2 years
oh boy
I’ve reached a point in my recovery where I think I’m okay enough, regularly enough, to be able to work, but at the same time i know i absolutely am not okay enough
working puts so much extra stress on my body in ways that I dont ever have to deal with during recovery. just because I’m finally okay enough to do a daily task for ten minutes at home doesn’t mean I’ll be okay doing a daily task four hours into an eight hour shift at work.
i so very badly want to be capable. but rushing into it when there’s a good chance i’ll fuck up my entire ONGOING recovery back to square one from one or two shifts would only prove i’m truly not capable after all. and its not even me making excuses. i know what i can and can’t do, and i know my limits. im not well enough to work. i dont know when i’ll ever be well enough. IF i’ll ever recover.
but shit dude like. im damn near thirty years old and i can’t even afford a $50 bill each month for hormones. let alone my phone bill or groceries or utilities or RENT. or things I’ve been hurting for for these last two years, like socks because all of mine have holes in them, or a second pair of pants. never mind things that i want that would make life a little more bearable--video games or figures or a new book. hell i can’t even go to the dollar store and pick up a new pencil without stressing about how i’m going to get a replacement dollar by next month. every single cent is precious. i can’t afford to use even a single one
like i’m lucky enough to be able to live at home with my dad, who does support me and understands my position, but shit. i don’t LIKE that he pays for everything. i really wish i could help with all these costs, but i can’t
and aside from the helplessness of not being able to help him out, life is just so...utterly stagnant this way. i can’t drive, but even if i did it’s not like i can afford gas to GO anywhere. i don’t have any local friends. i don’t have any outlets. i watch my sister succeed and make all kinds of money from putting in two seconds worth of effort toward something i’ve been striving to earn success at for years to no avail (art). i can’t work. i have nothing, man. i’ve been stuck in this same spot for a decade. i feel so hopeless and helpless and useless and pathetic and tired
but there’s nothing i can do to change it
no amount of optimism can change the fact that my body can’t handle my ONLY way out of this. i need income. i cant work. nobody wants my art or my skills. what the fuck am i supposed to do?
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bloodspithorr · 2 years
this is a family directed rant and about the people in my real life and my own issues in my life:
really fucking hate my life on some real shit I hate it. I can’t stand the fact that I have to ask mfs for money when I am doing everytbing in my power I am doing everything that I can working is not easy for me I am mentally ill I have major depression and suicidal thoughts rape trauma and all this other shit and my environment is soooo triggering and toxic at all times and I’m weak and have no backbone soooo all this other shit normal people know how to deal with and take is NOT me. I try everyday I’ve quit every job that I’ve had I’m trying to get me a new one now and I’m getting NO help. I hate the life that I live I’m getting no help no support no NOTHING like I’ve tried selling my nudes on the Internet I’m doing everything in my power but capitalism has a fucking death punch every damn day. EVEN NOW I’m trying to find me a job with NOOOOOO transportation I have NOOO WAY to get there and I refuse to walk on feet alll winter. all I need is a bus pass all I need is $70 nobody in my family is supporting me is helping me like IM TIRED OF EVEN ASKING THEM because they don’t WANT to help me they will NEVER understand. like I have to go half of bills on everything in this house WITH NO JOB MY SISTER Is not even fucking heeeellpppijgggg meeeeeee. like I promise you once I get back on my fucking feet and find a way to get this monthly bus ticket and find me a damn job? I’m DONE. so done asking anybody in my family for SHIT. IM DONE. my GOD I’m so fucking sick my attempt failed just for me to be HERE like bro what IS THIS LIFE. despite every drawback and excuse I make for myself I am always trying to fight against each and every one of those I fight to not be weak I fight to be normal I fight for my mental stability because I KNOW if I let my insecurities ruin me my doubt my suicidal thoughts if I let the negativity eat at me? I will keep attempting. so no matter how many jobs I quit how pathetic I am how sad and shitty my life is no matter WHAT ima keep fighting so I won’t die at my own hands I wanna live to see the day I move out of Detroit the day I move out this house the day I get away from my shitty toxic “family” the day I prove to them that they don’t HAVE to help me that I’m not this broken child that I don’t NEED them that I can do all this shit by myself and they don’t NEED fo see my progression they don’t need to know. it don’t matter. as long as I am able to get everything on my OWN? is all that matters I don’t ever wanna have to buy nothing with nobody else money no more I don’t want hand outs I just wanna do for me and only me because mfs are not real. and don’t really give a singular fuck in my life. but mfs don’t know how hard it is to fight so hard with 0 support and death being the only one consoling you in moments they shouldn’t be.
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blackteacreates · 2 years
I’m just so fucking tired. Tired of bending myself over backwards to contort to other peoples comfort because I’m a fucking people pleaser. I’m fucking tired of being a people pleaser. I’m tired of people being too comfortable in my people pleasing. I’m tired of betraying myself because I don’t have the backbone to be honest with myself. I’m tired of buring my anger until it’s suddenly at 2000%. I’m tired of dealing with ignorance. I’m tired of being illegible to people. I’m tired of piss poor advice because other people haven’t healed their own shit and aren’t self aware. I’m tired of projecting because I haven’t healed my own shit. I’m tired of false equivalences. I’m tired of trying to overcompensate for other peoples stubbornness and obstinace to cling onto shit that’s oppressive and harmful. I’m tired of being patient. I’m tired of settling for the bare minimum. I’m tired of being told to look at it from the other side because nobody can get it through their thick fucking skulls that that coping skill does not work on people who habitually blame themselves and habitually deny their own emotions.
I’m sick of people who’ve never been to therapy giving unsolicited advice on skills I am learning in therapy. I’m tired of having to dumb and dull myself down to make other people comfortable. I’m so fucking sick of it. I’m sick of it in my life I’m sick of it in my family I’m sick of it in online space I’m so FUCKING sick of it. I’m so fucking over it. I don’t want to be calm and collected anymore. I’m so fucking over it. I’m actually a very angry person. I’m tired of pretending that I’m not. Fuck you. Fuck every person who suffocated me because I was too much for their unhealed bullshit to handle then projected onto me or tried to cut me up into digestible pieces. I don’t give a fuck if they meant to or not. I didn’t fucking deserve it. Everyone can take their unhealed shit out on me yet I’m always given the advice to see it from their side? Like fuck that and fuck OFF.
I’m so tired of being afraid to be myself because it makes people so uncomfortable. And it makes me uncomfortable. I’m tired of being uncomfortable with myself and entertaining people who are emotionally immature. I’m tired of limiting myself ESPECIALLY to the imaginations of people who have done very little internal work or decolonial work especially. We are not in the same league. I’m tired of pretending we are.
Im tired of being in denial and wasting energy I could be putting into my passions on places and things that drain more than they give out of some fuck sense of companionship, family and obligation. I’m tired of having to act like equal harm is done to protect the fragile egos of people who can’t face their own shit. Why do I have to face my shit and yours too when you can’t even do a fraction of it? I’d rather be lonely with a select few of emotionally mature chosen family than let any and everyone have access to the most intimate parts of me when they don’t fucking know how to handle it. I’m too fucking precious.
I’m tired of seeing potential translating into lighting myself on fire to keep others warm. My fear of disposing people translating into self harm through relationships. I truly believe no one deserves to be disposed of. That no one deserves to lose everything but I cannot be everyone’s anything. And I’m so fucking angry. Angry I convinced myself I was doing good abolitionist and healing work by constantly putting myself in triggering situations with people who may never see me properly. Then gaslighting myself to think maybe I just wasn’t being understanding or just my triggers no. Sometimes when a trigger happens the other party is still the fucking problem.
I’m tired I’m so fucking tired.
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milliumizoomi · 3 years
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TodoBakuDeku x Black FEM! Reader
Warnings: Fluff to Angst to Fluff, cursing, confused boyfriends, tw,, racism mention and hidden talents.
A/n: my motivation be dropping really fast but we back😩✨. also i got a lil lazy at the end so that’s mbb😭.
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✗ 𝐎𝐇 𝐆𝐎𝐃, you knew that this wasn’t supposed to happen. They weren’t supposed to find out like this and now they're calling and texting you trying to find out where you are and what exactly it is that they just saw on literally one of the biggest billboard TVs in the city.
✗ But I should backtrack and say what lead to this.
✗ It started about 4 days ago.
You came home from work to an empty house, as usual. You were used to this. Your boyfriends were pro heroes so this was normal. You walked to your shared bedroom and dropped your purse on the bed. You sat down on the same bed and slipped your heels off. You then flopped down and let your body relaxed. “Ugh.. today was stressful. Ima go take a shower the wait for the boys to come home” you said. You then got up and stripped. You then picked up your shower cap off the dresser and walked to the bathroom. You pulled your lace front into a bun and put your shower cap on and turned the water on then hopped in the shower.
20 minutes later, you got finished with your shower. You stepped out and grabbed your (f/c) towel and dried off. You then also took the chance to peel the shower cap off of your head. You set the shower cap on the shelf and wrapped the towel around your body and walked out of the bathroom. You got to the bathroom and grabbed your lotion off the dresser and started to apply it to your body. After you were done, you threw on a big t-shirt that you had bought some time back.
You walked into the living room to see none of your boyfriends are back. You shrugged this off and decided to make dinner. Today you thought you make ackee and saltfish. You knew that your boys enjoyed your food. Especially since they weren’t used to food like that. So you got to work.
About an hour later, you hear the front door jiggling. And then the sounds of gruff voices could be heard. ‘They’re home’ you thought as you covered the pot and walked to the front door. When you got there, you saw all of your boyfriends leaning on each other as support for taking off their shoes. “Welcome home,” you said to them. They all looked up, stunned. They didn’t even notice you were there.
“Oh hey angel sorry you startled us. Are you ok?” Todoroki said as he stood up and hugged your much tinier figure. “Yes, sweetheart I’m ok. And how are my other boys?” You asked teasingly. Bakugou grumbled and stood up and leaned down towards your shoulder. You could tell he was stressed. “Ease up ‘Suki babe I need to my hair outta the way,” you said as you felt Bakogou’s head resting on your hair. He lifted his head for a second and allowed you to move your hair then dropped his head right back onto your shoulder. Midoriya then walked up to you and snuggled his head into the top of your head. “Hi pretty baby.. you ok?” He asked as he continued to rest his head on you. “My baby m’ok but y’all look tired.. rough day?” You asked as u were still supporting all of these huge men whom were all 6 foot and over. He nodded his head in your hair, answering your question. You stayed like that for a while until you remembered. “..Did I turn off the stove?” All the boys perked up at you at your question. “WHAT THE HELL?!” Bakugou yelled as he bolted to the kitchen. “Oh crap..!” You said as he managed to turn it off before anything bad happened. “I can’t believe I totally forgot..” you sighed. “Well boys go clean up I’ll share your plates,” you told the boys. They nodded and headed to the bedroom.
‘They were off.. what happened today..?’ You thought. You had realized that their behavior was slightly off as soon as you walked up to the door and inspected them. Their body language was a little different. ‘But why didn’t they tell me..? Do they not wanna talk about it?’ You continued to ponder. You decided that you would ask them later. You shared their plates and placed them on the table. You then shared your plate and sat down. They all emerged out of their bedroom in their casual clothes. And by casual I mean shirtless with sweats on.
They came and sat down at the table. “Thanks princess, it looks delicious!” Midoriya praised. Bakugou grunted in approval and Todoroki nodded, indicating he thought the same. You all then started eating in silence. It felt awkward. You decided this would be the best time to talk about what may be bothering them,, so you asked. “My loves?” You started. They all looked up and you, letting you know you have their attention. “Did something happen..? I mean! The reason I was asking is that you guys seem to be deep in thought about something” you continued.
You watched as all three of the men looked at each other then looked back down at their food. You sat there confused. Where they not going to tell you? You opened your mouth to say something but Bakugou cuts you off, “Don’t worry about it Y/N.. it doesn’t concern you anyways” he grunted. This surprises you. You all had been keen on communication in this relationship and yet here they are shutting you out. “What does that mean Kastuki? Y’all know that we communicate in this relationship. I want to help you with whatever it is that is bothering y’all but how am I supposed to when you won’t even tell me?” You said, having your english slowly beginning to break because you were getting a little upset.
“Drop it Y/N. This isn’t something we wanna share ok” Todoroki said calmly. “But why? We’re supposed to be open about this stuff” You answered back. You weren’t going to drop this so easily. You wanted answers all while trying to stay rational, calm, and patient, but that was slowly dwindling. “At least explain to me why you don’t want me to know and I won’t push it! You aren’t giving me any answers here! How am I supposed to feel seeing the three people I love so much walk through that god damned door looking frustrated and shit huh?!” You say getting even more frustrated.
“STOP FUCKING ASKING! IT’S NOT LIKE YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND OK!” Bakugou yelled. “Now I don’t know who the fuck you raising your voice at ‘cause I know it ain’t me,” you said, trying to maintain your calm state of mind. “Yes! I am talking to you” Bakugou grunted out. “No the hell you not y’all know I don’t take disrespect from nobody,” you said while leaning your hand on the table and resting your face in your palm.
They stayed silent. “And why don’t you think I’ll understand?” You continued. They didn’t answer. “Well?” You questioned. You scoffed. “Wow ok, no answer tough crowd I guess..” you said, rolling your eyes. You looked over at Midoriya who was silent the whole time. You could see he wanted to say something by the look on his face.
“You got something to say don’t you Izuku? Go ahead say it. ‘Cause right now I’m trying to understand” you told him. He froze up at the sound of his name. You didn’t really use their real names much so it was a shock to not only him but the other two men as well. “B-babe.. well I— I just—“ he started. He then sighed and started again. “It’s something you wouldn’t understand because um..” he said and then mumbled something at the end. “Ima need you to speak up please ‘cause you mumbling and I ain’t hear what you said” you said. He froze for a second then said it again. “Because your not...” he mumbled again. “Izu I still can’t hear you” you told him. “BECAUSE YOUR NOT A PRO HERO!” He blurted out. Your eyes widened and you froze. We’re they seriously not gonna tell you what’s bothering them because of their job?
“Are yall fucking serious..?” You mumbled out. “We’ve lived together for so long.. we’ve been dating for so long and y’all trying to tell me the reason y’all can’t explain what the hell is bothering you is because I don’t have the same fucking job..!” You stated getting angry. “What does that even have to do with anything?!” You said, fuming.
And they just sat there. Staring down at the table. “I don’t give a damn about your job all I want to know is what’s wrong so I can help you!” You yelled out. “You should give a damn about our jobs.. all you do is leech off u—“ Bakugou started but stopped as soon as he heard what he was saying. The other two men looked at him wide eyed. They all turned to look at you. You stood there in shock. You then laughed, but there was no humor behind it.
“Wow.. this all started because I was trying to be a good girlfriend. And then the people I call so called boyfriends wanna tell me that I’m LEECHING OFF THEM?! THAT THE REASON THEY CAN NO LONGER TALK WITH ME IS BECAUSE IM NOT A FUCKING BIG SHOT LIKE THEM?! UNLESS YOU FORGOT I GO TO WORK TOO! I DON’T LEECH OFF NOBODY FOR SHIT!” You said, seeing red. How dare they. They know the shit you go through at your workplace. Having to deal with racism and things of that nature. You stood up from the table with the food that was barely touched. “Eat your food I’m going to bed.. do whatever the fuck y’all want ion care,, I won’t ask no questions no more. Thanks for telling me the reason though” You said as you walked off to one of the guest bedrooms to sleep.
They boys sat there in silence. They knew they were wrong for what they did and no doubt they felt horrible. “Fuck” Bakugou started, leaning down to hit his head on the table. “That was the worst conversation ever..” Midoriya said, pushing his plate away. “I feel really bad.. all she wanted to do was help” Todoroki chimes in. The guilt settles with them. “She.. she didn’t deserve that..” Bakugou said feeling extremely guilty. “Why did I say those stuff.. I’m a fucking idiot!” He continued. “Don’t say that Kacchan! Granted we didn’t act the best but..” Midoriya trails off. “We should go talk to her..” Todoroki says as he gets up. The other two men get up as well and they all walk towards the room you were in.
They stopped in front of the door when they get there. Midoriya knocked softly. “B-babe..? Can we come in?” He said silently. There was no answer. He looked back at the two males behind him then spoke a little louder. “N/N can we come in please we’re sorry.” Still there was no answer. Todoroki moved in front of him to test if the door was unlocked and it was.
He looked over at Midoriya and Bakugou, then looked forward and pushed the door open. The room was dark, with only a soft glow coming from your phone. Your back faced away from the door so you couldn’t see the boys when they came inside the room. “B-babe..?” Midoriya croaked out. You didn’t answer. “Babe we’re sorry please face us..” He continued. You stayed silent, not moving a muscle. The boys looked at each other and sighed in defeat. They moved to leave since they knew that when your mind was made up about something, there’s no persuading you.
“Hey..” you called out to them before they left the room. “Yes?!” Midoriya called out first. The three men turned around quickly, facing you. “Say that to me again.. and I won’t stay here..” you said as you turned to face them. Your eyes were red and your face was tear stained. You cry when frustrated.
The three men stiffened. The my knees what they did was wrong, but they had no clue it affected you so much. “Do I make myself clear..?” You asked seriously. “Y-yes babe.. we’re sorry.. just please don’t leave.. please” Todoroki said as he leaned down next to your bed and hugged you. You put your hand on his head and reassured him. “I’m not, I’m not. I trust you guys. You have me your word. I love you. All of you.” You tell them. Bakugou and Midoriya stood there, probably too overwhelmed with the situation. “Come on you two. Get over here.” You smile at them. The all laid in your bed together and fell asleep, the dinner forgotten on the table.
You woke up the next day to a cold bed. ‘Oh they probably went to work already..’ you thought. It was Friday. “Well.. time to get up” you yawned. You got up out of your bed and stretched. You took a shower, put your clothes on and made breakfast. You realized the dishes from the dinner you cooked yesterday were washed and cleaned already. You smiled at this and continued to finish getting ready for work. You finished your preparation and went to your car. You started the car and drove off to work.
When you pulled up, you got a text from your friend since middle school.
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✗ Messages
— hey y/n! how you been?
— hey … ! ive been good,, hbu?
— ive been doing alright,, but i need to ask you a favor
— a favor?? what kind of favor??
— remember what we used to do in high school >:)
— lemme think abt it ok
— alr but lmk soon ok
— np xai yk i will
Read at 8:43 a.m
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You spent the whole morning considering what your long time best friend asked of you. You really wanted to, but you weren’t sure. ‘It has been a while.. and I’d like to catch up. I wonder if they still act the same,, knowing those bitches they haven’t changed” you rolled your eyes and laughed.
A few hours pass and you get off work and get home. You slip your shoes and jacket off and walk to your shared bedroom with the boys. ‘Ugh..my head is killing me..’ you thought as you sighed and plopped down on the bed. You took your phone out of your back pocket and looked at the messages again. You really weren’t sure whether or not it was a good idea. You decided to take some more time to just think it over.
You sighed as set your phone down on the bed. You payed there for a bit just to relax. After a couple minutes you decided to go take a shower. “Ugh.. time to take a shower. Damn work took it outta me today. Wonder when them niggas getting home today..” you stretched and said. You laughed to yourself as you thought of how many times you’ve called the men you live with different names. It’s funny because they don’t mind it at all, so you get to basically call them anything you want. You shook the thought from your head and headed to the bathroom to take your shower.
After you finished, you walked out with a towel on and headed back to the room. ‘Ok I needed that..’ you thought to yourself. You made sure to dry your skin properly and continue to do your night routine. ‘Finally finished for the night.. god I’m tired but I still have to cook’ you thought.
You made your way to the kitchen to prepare dinner. You chose to make some fried chicken with rice and a homemade sauce you created a while back. You got the pots on the stove and started cooking. Like clockwork, the 3 men you shared your home with came through the door at roughly the same time as the day before. Right now, it was 8:39pm. You heard the front door and the muffled voices from the kitchen. You smiled to yourself knowing that they made it home safely. Being a pro hero does not mean you living to see tomorrow is guaranteed, so you were grateful. You heard their heavy footsteps and muffled voices coming closer towards you. You turned away from the stove to greet them.
“Hey how was work?” You questioned as you were putting a knife down. “Stressful” Bakugou said running his had over his face. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, trying to look at what you were cooking. “Hey babe” Todoroki said sitting at the table. “Hi Sho. I’m guessing your day was just as bad as Katsuki’s huh?” You snickered. Todoroki shook his head with a soft smile on his face because of your antics. “How ‘bout you Izu how did the job go for you?” You said teasingly. He groaned and leaned up next to you on fridge. “It was stressful today that’s for sure..” he exasperated.
You couldn’t help but laugh at them. They look so out of place and annoyed. “Awe come on babe cut us some slack. Some of these people really know how to get on my nerves ok!” Bakugou groaned. The two other men nodded in agreement. You let out a final laugh before calming down. “Okok I will. I’m sorry” you said, still trying to calm down. The three men looked at you then smiled. This went unnoticed by you since you had shifted your attention back to the stove. Your mind was still lingering on the day before with the events that took place. You shook you’re heading to try and shake off the feeling since you opted to try and not think about it and got back to cooking.
“Oh by the way N/N, we have some plans we have to look over for the weekend ok? So we need to focus because apparently this new mission is a big job” Todoroki said. You nodded. You knew by the tone of his voice that he was serious, plus, you had no energy to say anything otherwise. “Dinner’s ready!” You said as you placed their food on the table. You could see that they’ve already started talking about what they had to do.
Suddenly a light bulb went off in you head. “Aye.. y’all.. I actually have something a friend wanted me to help them on this weekend. They didn’t say what it was but apparently it’s some sort of project” you tell them. You decided you were gonna help your friend since the boys are gonna be extremely busy. And that meant you were most likely gonna get ignored unintentionally, which is something you weren’t looking forward to anyways. And since they already started planning out what they were going to do about the mission, they just waved you off. You rolled your eyes and went to your shared room and grabbed your phone.
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✗ Messages
— i’ll be there,, and expect me early cuz i may be leaving tonight or early tomorrow
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You put your phone down and started to pack a bag full of stuff you may need. ‘Should I leave a note when I’m going?’ You thought. ‘Naw whatever I’ll text them that I’m gone’ you decided. You continued to pack your overnight bag, making sure to put all the essentials in it. You look at the clock to see it was already past 10.
“Damn that took longer than I thought..” you said as you leaned up to stretch your back. ‘Where are those overworkers anyways? I thought they’d come in here and see me packing or sumn but I guess not’ you thought as your mind traveled to your boyfriends. You walked out of the room and into the kitchen to see they were already done eating. You rolled your eyes. “Of course those niggas are already working. Guess I’ll leave tonight. Got nothing to do anyways” you said to yourself.
You went back to your room and changed your clothes. After you were done, you made sure to grab your purse and put everything that may be needed in it. You wrote a note and stuck it the one place you knew they would all see it. The fridge. After you were done, you took all your stuff and grabbed your car keys. You walked out of the big doors and opened your car to drop all of your stuff on the passenger side of the car. You walked back around to the driver side and jumped in. You started the car and drove off, already knowing the address to the place you needed to go.
You arrived at the big house that was blaring with music. ‘A music video.. I knew it’ you thought. You and your friend, which was a well known musician. A famous one at that. And he wanted you to be in it since well, you’re a dancer and sometimes you sing too. ‘This was the project huh..?’ You thought as you shook you’re head and laughed silently.
“N/N YOU HOE YOU MADE IT!” Your friend, Xai yelled as he hugged you. You hugged him back. “Shut the fuck up bitch, yes i'm here. Now tell me what I have to do nigga” you said teasingly.
He rolls his eyes at you. “You know exactly what to do don’t act” he says walking away. You laugh. “Yeah yeah I hear ya. Now where’s my outfit. This is gonna be so fun” you said with excitement.
A few days later•••
And that is how you ended up with your situation. Apparently you went viral in that music video. You were one of the dancers and one of the background singers. You were dancing with your friend, who’s stage name was Xailli, in a scene and people found you captivating. So now your face was on some of the biggest billboards in the city. And apparently they, meaning your 3 boys, saw you and is now blowing up you’re phone.
“XAI! WHAT THE HELL! I DIDN’T KNOW THAT YOU WERE ACTUALLY PLANNING ON RELEASING IT SO QUICKLY!” You yelled at him on the phone. “I DIDN’T KNOW THEY WERE RELEASING IT EITHER!” He said frustrated. “Oh my god.. and now their blowing up my phone” you said. Right now you were hurrying to drive home.
“Omg I’m gonna get a fucking earful when I get home. And I honestly thought it was supposed to be a rough draft” you sighed. You never told the boys about your secret talents and now you were pretty sure whatever conversation that’s waiting on you wasn’t gonna be a pretty one. “Wait are they planning on releasing the rest?!” You asked expectantly. Xai scratches his head. “You know I’m not even sure no more I’d have to ask but since they can pull shit like this I wouldn’t put it past them..” he answers very frustrated. “Fuck..” you sighed.
“When I see your producers again they getting they ass beat. And why did they make us sign that NDA?” You asked. “Honestly I have no idea. I feel like they tryin to hide sumn but I don’t fucking know” he answered, visibly stressed. “Ah whatever.. I just pulled up outside the house so I’ll talk to you later ok” you said to him. “Alright laterrrrrr” he answered in a singsong voice. “Byeeeeee” you answered as you hung up.
‘Ah fuck..' you thought as you got out of the car and made your way to the front door. You walk up the stairs and go to open the front door when it swung open. You froze. ‘shit! shit! shit!’ You thought. You head was tilted down so all you saw were their feet. You were pretty sure they were starting down on you so you didn’t move an inch.
“Well?” Midoriya said. You didn’t even shift. For some reason you were so nervous that you didn’t even realize you were holding your breath. “Get your ass inside. We need to talk about something that I’m pretty sure you know about” Bakugou said, turning around. The other two men turned around and walked inside the house.
‘Why the actual fuck is this happening right now’ you thought as you walked in the house, head still facing the ground. You put all your stuff by the door and took you shoes off, then just stood there awkwardly. The three men stood in front of you, towering over your body.
“So.. you gonna start explaining? Because we sure as hell would love to know what we saw on the billboards all over the fucking city" Bakugou said. “And look up at us when we’re talkin’ to you” Midoriya says.
‘This is gonna be a fuckin' pain..’ you thought. You stood up straight and look at them dead in the eye. “What do you wanna know?” You asked. They all looked down at you knowingly. “We for one, why the fuck were you on a billboard today?” Bakugou asked. You sighed. “Ok I left you a note saying that I was gonna go to my friend’s house to help them with a project, given I had a feeling it was gonna be a music video but I wasn’t 100% sure” you said honestly. The three men looked at each other, then back at you. “Ok.. so then why didn’t you text us to tell us that’s what you were going to be doing when you found out?” Todoroki questioned. “I couldn’t. For some reason I had to sign an NDA, which I don’t normally have to do” you replied.
“They made you sign an NDA?!” Todoroki asks, concerned. “And you said they usually don’t make you do that..? Does that mean you’ve helped or does these types of things before?” Midoriya asks. “First yes Sho, I’ve been in helping in the music industry and in all my years of doing that I’ve never had to sign an NDA. And secondly, Yes Izu, as I said before I have been helping in this industry for a while.” You answered honestly. The three men stood there bewildered.
“So you’ve been helping with these kinds of things and never told us?” Bakugou asked. “Well yeah I guess.. it really wasn’t a everyday sort of thing. Whenever they called me to help I’d either tell them yes or no.” You answered. “Ok.. so what about the NDA?” Todoroki asks. “Well.. we did multiple videos, meaning music videos, and the producers released the video you saw today without Xai’s permission so I’m not sure what their gonna do now” you answered.
“WAIT THERE’S MORE?!” Bakugou yelled. “Uh.. yeah??” You answered in clear confused. “And they made you sign an NDA?!” Midoriya questioned. “Uhh yeah I’m sorry I don’t get it” you answered back visibly still confused. You looked at the three men who looked at you then looked at each other.
“Yeah we’re going down there NOW!!” Bakugou said, grabbing his jacket. “Wait wait WHAT HOLD ON I DON’T GET IT!” You yelled in confusion. Just then, your phone started ringing. You looked at the caller ID to see it was Xai. You answered it quickly. “Hey what’s up? You good why you calling again?” You asked. “No time to explain but you need to get over here quick. It has to do with the NDA. Turns out the producers and some people on my teams’ been pulling some shit behind the scenes,” he replied. You’re eyes widened at this and then mumbled a quick “thank you” then you hung up.
“They tried to fuck us over.. let’s go” you said as you rushed to the car. The three men looked at each other then proceeded to follow you. “I’m driving” Todoroki said as he took the keys from you. You all jumped in the car and he drove off. After you gave the directions and he got there, there was a spectacle outside. There were news reporters and paparazzi crowded outside. It was the house you shot the music video at, not Xai’s actual house. “For fuck's same how’d they find out already?!” Bakugou yelled. You sighed.
“I’ll handle this” you said as you got out the car. You walked up to the door but before you could get there, there were flashing mics and cameras being stuck up in your face. “Can you please get that away from me?” You asked as you tried to push forward but to no avail. “Excuse me but I think our love said to move back thank you,” Midoriya said, coming out of absolutely nowhere.
And the reporters just stood there in shock. Then the questions started bombarded all of you. You all managed to push through the flood of reporters, granted with Bakugou yelling curses for them to get out of your face. You all managed to get up to the front door. “XAI LET US IN! THESE REPORTERS OUT HERE ALL UP IN OUR FACE!” You yelled over the noise the door swung open and Todoroki pulled you up and walked inside the house with Midoriya and Bakugou quickly following. “Sho why’d you pick me up?” You asked. “I wanted to” he said nonchalantly. You rolled your eyes as he set you down.
“So where’s this Xai person and where can we find his management and team?” Midoriya said seriously. “No shit, they’re not getting away with this” Bakugou said. “I’m Xai and I’m talking to them right now, you can come along if you want to you know,” Xai answered. “You stay here” Midoriya said. “I ain’t staying nowhere,, let’s go,” you said, following Xai. The boys shook their heads at you and followed your lead.
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✗ Eventually they got all the information they need and filed a lawsuit. Apparently what was happening was that Xai’s management was trying to squander the resources they have for this project they were currently doing for another. Basically copyright. And therefore they’ve made all who were there sign an NDA so that if this came out to them and those workers realized what they were doing then they wouldn’t be able to say anything.
✗ They got sued of course and Xai had to find new management. And you won the case and everyone was paid the money they deserved. You, on the other hand became a well know singer and dancer after that, with the help of the boys’ support of course. You were happy and so were the boys and you could honestly say that things couldn’t have turned out any better.
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©Property of Miashimaa. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify without my permission. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.
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A Dump of my last pre-s2 theories
(and probably my last unqueued post for the day goddamn.)
Originally written yesterday. Edits day of posting. This post builds of evidence not yet presented in cannon but that is public to build the theory. If you consider that spoilers, dni. But here’s the tea:
On june 6th 2022 I sent this doodle to the discord
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[ID: a simple, scribbled ink four panel comic showing a person with a short afro working on a laptop and slowly leaning back in their chair, silently, for three panels as the shot slowly zooms on their face which lookis progressively more worried. The last panel shows a close up of their face as they say “I’m worried about Elio.]
in hindsight I don’t know why i had to draw it out but i did? Alongside this I sent the messages
“Part of me wants la catrina to be undeniably good so bad but the more I think about the "nobody tells you what possession feels like" bit from episode one the more nervous i get and then listening to the season two trailer MMMMMMMM me, knowing he's not gonna be okay: I hope he's okay”
to which samy reacted with a single server emoji of that dude smoking and sighing and i have thought about that fucking reaction EVERY DAY SINCE.
But the REAL kicker? this post
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[ID: a red blurry zoom in of the words “elio in season 2″]
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[ID: a meme reaction of a guy pointing to a red stringed, paper covered cork board, explaining a conspiracy.]
Anyways. Here’s where i start copying a lot from the discord so it’s more me being weird and less eloquent essay format.
La Catrina's WHOLE DEAL is that she's a blend between Christian and Nahuatl religion. And GUESS WHAT? THE SHORT STORY CONFIRMS THAT THE SAME IS TRUE ABOUT TALIA And the way the baron and la Catrina dance together? And their deeply worrying plan im the final trailer????? I dont have answers but I do have fear .
What does it meeeeean.........I mean clearly if Leo can be an angel while being anti crusade hope isn't lost but......okay this is a stretch but I wonder if there are crusade-approved....is missionaries the word? Like folks with the crusade, who's whole role in the system is to pray to Christian assimilated versions of dangerous gods to overpower past believers and try to control them. It's a STRETCH. But ??????
Shinji's Shinigami man fucker be stable. Shinji if it comes down to it pleeease pull through.
The Good...ish? news is that though the clip about Talia wanting to be a stripper instead of having to kill god (the funniest thing to say but queen shit) she says she HAS to kill god. Not HAD. So. Uhm. Based on structure shit, and stuff Samy mentioned I can't cite rn (understand that I am very tired and most of these rants happen in this same situation) about the show probably being about 3 seasons I think there's a pretty high chance that end of season 2 brings us up to speed with the narration timeline, because that's just a great opportunity there.
Which means that what I mentioned before about Shinji feeling unsafe mentioning where his family is still has a chance to come to change, so yay good. Elio refers to himself as the bane of crusaders or something along those lines, which means that BEFORE he fights god he's still doing pretty well so, hey, he probably won't get zalien god sucked again. Good, cool, chill.
Downside being we can't be absolutely sure if they live through the whole series but HAHAHA HEYYYY ITS FINE
I'm so mad cause I know there are so many details I'm missing that would make me actually chew on wood furniture as much as I say that like for real.  I might speed read the transcripts tomorrow [im not gonna so that asjdlfsfasd im tired] which it probably the worst way to consume this show but I have no defense. But the purpose of the recordings though it so help the next generation basically.
They're for preservation, I don't know how they phrased it exactly (sorry but you haven't seen my cry about the internet archive and I'm not gonna get started about the internet archive because it brings me to tears everytime but that's to say wow preservation is a subject and theme that HITS) but it could, alternatively, be very likely that the show recorded before finally preparations to fight TBMINTS
Which, you know, from a writing perspective there really are those two choices. Let the audience know there is a major format-shifting change end of season 2 to build anticipation for the final season OR save that getting up to speed but until the last few episodes of season 3 because a long term formatting change might annoy some audience members. There's also the idea that you can get up to speed, have daily/more recent audio-diary-like things, and then do a format switch end of season 3
We've got to find out about them fighting god somehow, and I don't know if the current format fits that whole deal? Maybe it could, I’d love to see it if it did, but I think the chances for a switch are high and what that says about the pacing of the show has some effect on how sure I am that my faves are gonna live ngl.
Like if you wait til the last few episodes a reflective on the noble deaths of the big 3 would work pretty well and yes it would be a wonderful story if it went that way I have full faith, but I also don't WANT it yk?
But I do not see all the cogs I am a poor fic writer leaning up a cypress tree etc.
[Here, a brief discussion on themes of cultural preservation and how they’re often recorded in real life]
Which HITS with elio especially. And also talia having read that short story. They had parallels but now they have PARALLELS. I just am literally so scared for elio next season though. And Talia by parralell extension but also cause I think Samy mentioned giving more into her deal s2 in the q&a? But less like SCARED scared.
Okay wait hello this is very  but IS it a stretch to say there may be legions of believer’s tainting how the god’s menifest? Like it's a stretch if you're assuming these people are AWARE of their roles in the system. That it's an intentional force by each individual directed at helping the crusade
BUUUUUUT TBMINTS runs on media. He run on major movies. If I was the god of a massive, relatively culturally cohesive continent (north America in comparison to, like, Asia, has very few thriving cultures, the colonialism will do that to you) and I was created by, and therefore knew how to leverage, media to harness belief to get more power from humans, like the next step would very obviously be to manufacture more media to help reach my goals.
And if I was manufacturing media to help me goals with a very large, organized force that surely has some sort of research division because what is marketing if not research but evil, I would totally say to myself
I can control other gods by controlling the perspectives of their believers!
Hey! I can make people believers and shape their beliefs with media!
Hey! Why not send out various targeted feeds in the news and in pop culture funded by my massive organized theocracy showing the most powerful of my enemies as fitting more cleanly into the idea of good and evil that benefits me, both so that the I convince the subjects of my dominion their is no other alternative than the way I rule and also to hinder the other gods by making them more wreckless and more violent in ways that do not help their ultimate goals and create a cycle of demonizing them in the eyes of the masses? Literally what is stopping me from doing that?
[Edit: There’s some evidence to by found maybe in that Elio who grew up in the americas had no fucking clue about the governments of europe and japan until he was told. Smells like a propaganda machine to me.]
And if it wasn't TBMINTS plotting himself he's got, like, at least a million bootlickers one of them has gotta be a mastermind with how much holy steroids he pumps into them. 
And like. The show's been...well it hasn't defined belief yet, which is really what leaves room for this theory.
Marcus didnt believe in lady luck in the same way elio believed in La Catrina (shrouding themselves in dark robes and praying In basements "it was all very dramatic") he just saw her once and just kinda lived his life knowing that. It only came into play much later when he needed to confront it.
Witches are just assured of themselves and their power. That's a background belief they don't pray to themselves they don't actively maintain that.
And Samar's whole deal?
My point is with the breadth of diversity in what "belief" is in the show and how it powers gods there's definitely space for this crackpot theory still (watch that change as soon as this ep drops shfskhslss) [edit: VINDICATION! you cant call me wrong yet] but if I get even one thing right I'm gonna be elated.
But god also?? Like I feel like we're lead to believe fighting TBMINTS is going to be a physical thing. The trio's growing strengths are very physically centered. But how do you kill a god REALLY? With as many followers as he has even if you somehow slew him, what stops TBMINTS from immediately being reborn? His power  comes from the cultural eradication of nonbelievers, and as Leo's sympathetic example could be taken to hint at: you really just can't kill all those people. Many of them are just ...people. not crusaders.
SOOOOOOOOO IN THAT CASE. If you're fighting a god of the media in a world where where all power is based on popular belief and perception is not the best counterattack to create your own media? Physical aptitude keeps them alive, it wins the small battles, but it hearts and minds that win the war
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interstellarflowers · 4 years
Professor Parker Ch. 1| Professor, Peter Parker x Student, Reader
a/n this fic doesn’t follow the marvel cinematic universe but assume that peter has been what he’s been through with the exception that tony lived, and bruce is still bruce, sorry but i just can't deal with endgame hulk/bruce rn emotionally or mentally. im sorry nat is still dead but dw i'll actually treat it with respect unlike endgame like goddamn where was her funeral, am i right? the stages of grief thing they did was interesting though. im sorry i digress, this is set in nyc (because heyo im a new yorka) and the avengers/stark tower is still a thing, peter is fucking traumatized and has turned kind of cold as a result. this fic may contain a smut chapter in the future? not sure yet, where this fic goes depends on the feedback, thanks for reading also sorry im not the proudest of this first chapter so ill probably edit it but promise itll only improve from here just not in the best mental state rn
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University life wasn’t exactly everything that you imagined it to be. There was hardly time to do anything that people claimed was good about coming to university. The parties, the epic heartbreaks, and romances, they were just nowhere to be seen. In fact, there was nothing particularly extravagant about your experience thus far. You went to class, studied, and went to your internship. Your internship was probably the most exciting thing about your life at the moment, you were lucky to be accepted into the Stark Industries student internship, the company paid college tuition and only required around twenty hours of lab work a week, you couldn’t complain. Of course, the exciting part of the whole ordeal was the name attached to it, “Stark,” not that you had ever met him, but it was nice to have a unique feature like that in such an impressive student body.
So here you were on the first day of your third year of university. You lived off-campus, about a five-minute walk from the Stark Tower, but a twenty-minute subway ride to your campus. However, having an 882 square foot space to yourself was really nothing you could truly complain about despite the distance. The studio apartment being yet another benefit reaped from Stark Industries. Thank you Tony Stark, the unseen benevolent God in your life.
Typically you would start your mornings off quietly and in no rush, a shower, a cup of coffee, maybe some studying before heading off to your campus, but your phone had other plans for you today. Instead of your alarm going off like it was supposed to, you were woken up by the sound of a particularly loud car horn, and oh how grateful you were for that. As soon as you were jolted awake you shifted to grab your phone and turned it over to see an alarming 8:40am glaring back at you.
Holy shit. You were late.
You scrambled out of bed nearly face planting several times in your hurry to get dressed and only barely ran out the door with everything you needed at 8:47am.
By the time you managed to get to the subway and clamor onto the right train it was already 8:55am. Out of breath and panicking, you considered your options. You could explain after class, you could shoot an email, there were a plethora of things you could do but none of them seemed to justify being late as a third-year to a level 500 class. You had googled all of your professors while registering for classes as was common practice. You couldn’t find a RateMyProfessor on Professor...Parker? You were pretty sure it was Professor Parker, but you do remember seeing on the STEM department page that he was currently a Ph.D. student, so you could only hope that as a fellow student he would be at least a little understanding towards your lateness.
You stood outside of the lecture hall huffing and trying to catch your breath at 9:32am, psyching yourself up, you pushed open the door to the class and attempted to go unnoticed. The class was in a lecture hall despite being only composed of around thirty students, so if you were lucky maybe nobody would even see-
“Ms.(y/l/n), I presume?.” Shit.
“Professor Parker?” Shit.
“You are aware that class starts at 9am, and not 9:30am, would this be correct Ms.(y/l/n)?”
“Yes, Professor, it’s just that I had an emergency.” The lying route. Not exactly the highlight of your academic career.
“I regret to inform you that I only take valid excuses Ms.(y/l/n), please take a seat, and next time, don’t bother disrupting class halfway through the lesson.” Fuck. You mustered a quiet “ok,” and a small nod before escorting yourself to the back of the room, thirty-something eyes following you until you sat down.
You couldn’t focus for the rest of the class, it was just too embarrassing, time moved forward but you couldn’t help but be stuck on what had just happened. For the first ten minutes after sitting down you felt like dropping out of the whole class out of sheer fucking humiliation. This was of course before you reminded yourself that this class was a requirement to graduate in your field of study. You quietly bargained with yourself before sighing quietly and settling on the conclusion that Professor Parker was just a dick. A dick who certainly didn’t deserve the satisfaction of you switching out of his class. If he wanted to be like that, you decided, you would simply return the favor.
“I know, Ms.(y/ln), why don’t you tell us DeBroglie’s equation?”
“With pleasure, Professor Parker.” Yeah, you’d return the favor alright.
“Ms.(y/l/n), you stay.” Fuck that. You looked the other way and feigned ignorance as you kept making your way towards the door. About to leave, the door shut on your face.
“What the fuck!” You jumped before turning around and you felt your face heat up.
“Ms.(y/l/n), please refrain from using profanities in my classroom.”
“I’m sorry Professor Parker. I was just startled.”
“Mhm,” he took his glasses off and laid them on his desk, “Just don’t do it in the future Ms.(y/l/n).”
“Of course. My name is (y/n), by the way, Professor Parker, you can just call me that, actually, I prefer that people refer to me by (y/n).”
“Rest assured, I’m aware of your name, Ms.(y/l/n). My name is Peter, but you can continue to call me Professor Parker.” You could have sworn that you saw a ghost of a smirk on his lips. He knew what he was fucking doing, asshole. You held back from rolling your eyes into the back of your head.
“Of course, Professor Parker.”
“As you know, Ms.(y/l/n), I did request that you stay after class.”
“Oh? I sincerely apologize Professor Parker, I really didn’t hear you.”
“I’m sure, Ms.(y/l/n).” Fucking. Dick.
“Well, what exactly did you want Professor Parker? I do have another class soon.” Professor Parker narrowed his eyes at you in obvious distaste before reaching behind himself into a bin underneath his desk and pulling out a stack of papers,
“These are the handouts you missed from the beginning of the class. Textbook requirements, syllabus...Crucial information to have if you care to succeed in my class Ms.(y/l/n).” So coldly, so maliciously, Professor Parker placed the stack into your arms.
“I take my work very seriously, Ms.(y/l/n), I do my part as your professor so I only have the simple request that my students do the same.” You nodded feeling your face heat up again.
“Of course, Professor Parker, it won’t happen again,” you said with a tightlipped smile.
“Mhm,” Professor Parker turned around and began shuffling around some paper and without giving you a second glance said, “You are dismissed.” You nodded and hurriedly made your way out of his classroom. Of course, you had lied. You didn’t have another class until late in the afternoon. So you called your coworker instead,
“Hey, Harvey.”
“Wow, okay, don’t get too excited.”
“Sorry, just woke up.”
“Tsk, the early bird gets the worm, Harvey.”
“I don’t want a worm.”
“Fuck you. I’m headed to the lab, can I expect you?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You had been working with Harvey for around four years now, he was quite the impressive specimen, having attended MIT and graduating Summa Cum Laude at age 20 was no easy feat, he was closer to Tony Stark than you would ever get, he was quite personable, and you couldn’t deny that he was quite good looking. You’d never tell him that though, he didn’t need another ego boost. Besides, you had some connections of your own.
“Hey, (y/n).”
“Can we expect Harvey today?”
“Honestly, not sure.” You both knowingly smiled at each other before you made your way over to what he was working on,
“Do you ever get bored here?”
“With you and the other idiot always running around? How could I?” You laughed,
“No, seriously, like wouldn’t you rather be doing nerd shit with Tony or something? Isn’t it a little tiresome babysitting us?”
“Tiring? Maybe sometimes, but not nearly as tiring as doing ‘nerd shit’ with Tony. He’s exhausting,” Bruce smiled at his own joke, “I don’t mind playing babysitter at all kid.” He fiddled with the handle of a mug that read, “Don’t be so Na Cl,” which you had gotten him a year back as a joke, but he still used it.
You really loved Bruce for all he was. Since losing your family back in 2012 during the battle in NYC, you didn’t really have any familial figures. But since landing this internship you found yourself with a parental figure again, and you would never be able to put into words how much it meant to you, so you didn’t. Besides, you didn’t want him to feel pressured about it, especially after everything he had been through himself. Frying half your body and losing the love of your life in such a short span of time was really nothing less than horrifying. Yet, here he was, smiling, laughing...You loved him for it.
“First day of junior year? How was that?”
“Huh?” Bruce stopped tinkering with the device in his hands and looked over at you, “I’ve never heard of a course being too hard for (y/n) (y/l/n), what is it? Aerospace? Quantum?”
“No, just one giant dick.”
“My professor, he’s a fucking asshole.”
“Ah, I see. If he’s really harassing you (y/n), I don’t mean to overstep, I really think we should alert administration, what’s his name?” Bruce took a sip of his coffee.
“Professor Parker,” Bruce choked on his coffee, “Oh my God, Bruce, are you okay?”
“Yeah-” he said, still coughing, “Just a little too strong.”
“Okay, are you sure?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Bruce caught his breath, “What did he do kid?”
“He’s just a dick that’s all.”
“You sure you don’t want me to do something about it?”
“Yeah, it’s fine, I don’t know what you could do anyways. Thank you though.”
“Actually, you’d be surprised.”
Sitting at your desk stressing over school work at 3am, it was nothing out of the ordinary for you. Everything appeared ordinary. The ordinary cup of tea, the familiar glow of your computer, and a morning chill creeping through your window. It was all so breathtakingly normal until there was a rap on your window. You took an earbud out of your ear, certain you were just hearing things, you looked to your window. Holy shit.
You opened your window wide so that he could crawl in.
“Mr.Spiderman.” Still too in shock to fully process the situation you started to take in the scene in front of you,
“Please, it’s just Spiderman.”
“Oh-Oh my God, what happened?” Head to toe the suit seemed to have blood seeping through, tears in the body of the suit revealed gashes and a bullet wound.
“Bad guys. I know this guy-said he knew a medical student close by, you are (y/n)? Right?”
“Y-Yeah, but I’m really just a student, I’m not really a prof-”
“This guy, he said you might as well be.”
“I don’t know Mr.Spiderman, really, maybe I could take you to the hospital though.”
“-Spiderman, it’s just Spiderman, listen, (y/n), you know I can’t go to a hospital, it would ruin this whole secret identity thing I got going on here, and this guy, he’s probably the smartest guy I know, so if he says you can handle it, you can.” You swallowed and nodded,
“Yeah-” you wring your hands together, “Yeah-Sorry, let me go get my first aid kit.”
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fairycosmos · 3 years
Hi fairycosmos,
I really don’t want to bother you but I feel like you’re the only person I know (and I don’t even know you) who might be able to relate.
Today my sister would’ve turned 21, if we hadn’t lost her to cancer. I don’t know how to deal with my grief on her birthday, because it gets so overwhelming and suffocating and usually I just try to switch everything off by doing my uni work and switching off my mind as best as possible. I listened to Taylor Swift’s album Red, thinking music might distract me. But there is one line that goes “it’s supposed to be fun, turning 21” and I just got pulled under these waves of grief, it feels like I’m drowning. I can’t talk to my family about this, and again I’m really sorry for being a bother, I just felt the need to let somebody who might be able to understand know. I’m sorry you lost your sister, I’m sorry for the both of us and I’m sorry for our sister. Life is so cruel
god i am so so sorry to hear this :( i genuinely feel like words will never be able to do it justice, it’s the cruelest and most inexplicably fucking evil thing ever how ppl are taken from us so quickly and so soon. im so sorry, i can’t fathom your specific situation. sometimes attempts at comfort can feel like rubbing salt in the wound and i would really hate if this came across like that. so i just want to tell you that i really do understand (to an extent) and you do not have to sit in this pain alone. the waves of grief are inevitable, and horrible. quite literally the worst aspect of being a person, and nobody truly gets it until they find themselves in that situation too. but it’s ok to allow the emotion to wash over you, especially on days like today. it feels like the world is ending every single time, and you know you’ll get another tsunami of that same feeling tomorrow, and all you can do is accept it. you drown, float to the surface, you drown, float to the surface. i completely get how tiring and helpless it can feel. how utterly devastating, how fucking enraging. but talk to your sister. keep her around and celebrate her birthday even just within your own heart and mind. it was my sisters recently too, she would’ve been 24, and the whole day i was just drunk and on autopilot. i think it would’ve felt a little less suffocating in the long run if i had allowed myself to confront it even for a few minutes, no matter how hard those few minutes would’ve been. so i think you should do the same, whatever that means to you. if you want to talk about her, write about her, reminisce over better times, look at her photos. it won’t feel good obviously, in fact it feels like fucking hell to me personally, even worse than numbing it. but i think it’s the only way. that lyric reminds you of her because so much of her is still around, and it’s a heartbreaking thing, but she is. im sure your sister was just the most wonderful person, i can’t even comprehend how young she was in this context. you both deserved so much better, im so sorry. the complexities of the bond you had with her are something i’ll never understand, obviously only you knew her in that specific way. but im sure she knows you love her so immensely, and of course that love and connection is still just as real as it ever was. i try my absolute hardest to think that my sister and i still have a relationship even though she’s not here, and special occasions such as birthdays can be a really good way to honour that. i couldn’t do it on her last birthday, i was just so out of my mind. but maybe next time. and maybe you can this time. just cry as much as you need, do whatever it takes to get from hour to hour. moment to moment even. scream, dont talk. distract yourself, or stay in bed all day. whatever you need, it’s ok. i understand that literally nothing compares to having her physically here, and there’s no way around that. it’s like a fucking nightmare, all the time. but she is such a giant part of you and everyone around you, regardless. and she absolutely always will be. i really really hope that the rest of the day doesn’t give you too much trouble, but whatever happens, it’s alright. there’s no wrong way to grieve and just surviving days like this is such a monumental achievement. again, i am so so sorry. im keeping your sister in my thoughts, and you too. i feel like she was such a light. im so sorry. sending you the biggest hug ever. please take care of yourself, especially today. if you need something to focus on, just focus on that. getting enough rest, eating enough, getting comfortable and clean. one step at a time x
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oikawasass · 5 years
IM A BAKUHOE CAN U PLS DO 74 OR 76 WITH BLASTY ASS 🥺🥺🥺 - midoriya anon
hi I did both cause they were cute.
also new posting format baby lets goooo 😎
its also like almost 3am and this is half-ass edited so forgive me but I hope its alright
prompt 74 : “You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
prompt 76 : “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
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‣ pairing : bakugo x fem reader.
‣ oneshot.
‣ synopsis : bakugo finally confronts his girlfriend on why she’s been so distant.
‣ wordcount : 2.1k
‣ warnings : swearing, angst if you squint.
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a series of heavy knocks could be heard on the other side of her door, immediately alerting her of who exactly it was. there was only one boy in the u.a dorms who could knock like he was about to punch straight through the wooden panel, and that was, of course, bakugo katsuki.
(name) shut off her phone and pulled her pillow over her head, dreading the conversation she knew would come about if she let him inside. so naturally, she ignored the knocks in hopes that the blonde who was about to start throwing down with her door would go away.
but we all know katsuki is far too stubborn for that.
another series of much louder knocks erupted from the doorway, as bakugo grew more and more impatient from the lack of response.
“oi, open up already dumbass, I know you’re in there.”
truth is, (name) had found herself in a bit of a rut, and had been feeling rather insecure for the past few weeks. the first little while she’d been begun feeling that way, she was able to bite the bullet and keep going about her life, pushing most of her negative thoughts aside as best she could. but now, for the past 5 or so days she’s been completely cut off.
talking to her boyfriend about things wasn’t hard for her. she trusted him and didn’t find it too difficult to open up when something was bothering her, but this was different.
insecurity was something bakugo typically didn’t acknowledge and quite frankly, looked down on most of the time. (name) didn’t wanna find herself bothering him with something she knew he most likely would think is annoying, hence the multiple weeks she had kept quiet about it, hoping it would go away on its own or she’d be able to figure it out herself.
unfortunately for her, things didn’t go quite according to plan when she continued to spiral downwards.
she’d been quiet in her classes, noticeably dodging bakugo and her friends, not sticking around for lunch or after training like she normally would, and everyone noticed she was off. everyone including katsuki.
he wanted to give her space to ‘sort her shit out’ before he began pestering and questioning her, as normally he’d want the same thing, but now it was coming up on a week and they’d hardly spoken. a few mutters of (name) saying “cant, homework.” or “sorry, I’m tired.” was all that had been said that week.
so naturally, bakugo got tired of all the silence and went to do what he did best. confront her. he wanted to know what the hell was going on, he was tired of pulling his hair out trying to figure out what he did wrong.
(name) didn’t answer the door once more. she knew she had fucked up pretty bad by ignoring him, but she didn’t know what else to do. and now she had to confront whatever problem she may have caused, which only made her want to curl up and hide more.
alas, when she heard a much softer, much quieter,
coming from the hallway, she broke.
standing up with a heavy sigh, the (colour) haired girl stood up from her bed, rubbing her eyes and walking over to unlock the door, immediately going and flopping down into her mattress afterwards.
katsuki walked inside, shutting the door behind him and shoving his hands into the pockets of his black sweats. scanning over her figure, he took note of her tired eye bags, messy thrown up hair, and these fuzzy black penguin patterned pyjama pants which he knew she only wore when she was upset. paired with one of his hoodies she had stolen, of course.
“you look like shit.” bakugo grumbled, going and sitting down on the end of her bed, sinking into the soft (colour) duvet on top.
“good to see you too, babe.” (name) replied sarcastically, turning and shoving her face into a pile of her pillows.
there was an uncomfortable silence hanging over the room for a moment as katsuki figured out what he wanted to say, and it was obvious that (name) wasn’t gonna say anything first. with a heavy sigh, the blonde ran a hand through his thick, spiky hair and spoke up.
“did I- did I do something or whatever the fuck?” he asked, his words a bit harsh but his much quieter tone helping to deliver them much easier.
(name) bit the inside of her cheek gently, keeping her face hidden in the pile of sheets and freshly washed pillows.
“what makes you think that?” her response was mumbled by the fabric practically eating her face.
“don’t play dumb, shithead. you’ve been dodging me all week. you’re normally all- all clingy and shit and you never cancel plans.”
clingy. that one stung a bit.
“so if I did something to piss you off just- just fucking tell me already cause I’m getting really damn tired of-“
“you didn’t do anything, alright? chill out.” (name) cut him off, rolling onto her back so now the couple was making eye contact once more.
bakugo tsked, throwing his hands in the air a bit and letting them fall onto his lap.
“so then why the hell have you been blowing me off all week, huh?”
(name) sighed heavily, rubbing her eyes and sliding her hands down her face as she struggled with how exactly to articulate that she’d been feeling incredibly insecure and didn’t wanna be a nuisance to him without sounding like an absolute moron.
“I just- I’ve just been feeling shitty lately and I didn’t wanna bug you with it while I sort things out, okay?” she explained vaguely, nervously fidgeting with her fingers while she avoided his gaze.
when she mentioned she hadn’t been feeling well, bakugo softened up a little bit. he knew sometimes she got like this, having periods of time where she just wasn’t herself, but normally she came to him herself and told him what was up. so he couldn’t quite understand why this time was different.
bakugo sighed and stood up to go lay beside her, propping himself up on his elbow while resting his cheek in the palm of his hand.
“well why did you just say that in the first place, dumbass?”
he wasn’t a great advice giver, and he wasn’t great at comforting, but when it came to things like this he was a pretty good listener, so he always offered up his ears when (name) was feeling down.
“what’s got you down, huh? talk to me already.”
the girl beside him continued to fidget and play with her fingers, debating on whether she actually wanted to explain to him her feelings, or just shrug him off and do her best to convince the blonde it was something else.
she was ping-ponging back and forth. lie and most likely not get away with it but still not sound stupid, or tell the truth and have your boyfriend think you’re an idiot. a wide variety of lovely choices she had to choose from.
yet, in the end, she decided it would be best to be honest with him. oftentimes, nothing good came out of lying in these types of scenarios, and she surely didn’t want to fuck up more than she already might have. sure, katsuki wasn’t mad for the time being, but that boy’s temper can switch on and off like a light sometimes. so she still approached the situation cautiously.
“I feel just- annoying and like I’m a bother to you with this shit all the time so I didn’t wanna throw all my problems or whatever into you again, alright?
you’re practically this idol student who’s so damn cocky and confident in himself, so when….”
she sighed, trying to find the words once more.
“when I start feeling gross and insecure, or when I’m starting to completely flop in some of my classes, I just- i feel like I just become this huge weight on your back and..” she swallowed, slowing herself down as she felt herself begin to rant.
“…and it’s embarrassing! you shouldn’t have to deal with me feeling like an idiot, you have enough on your plate as it is and- and I should be able to deal with this kind of shit on my own, not immediately run to you whenever I feel-”
(name’s) midoriya-muttering speed ranting was cut off when a familiar pair of plush lips were pressed up against her own, immediately shoving all her worries into the back of her mind. she hadn’t realized how much she missed something as simple as a kiss from her boyfriend in the week she’d been distancing herself from him.
after a moment or so, when bakugo was sure she would be shut up enough for him to speak, he pulled away.
rolling onto his back, bakugo waved her over to him, using his other hand to prop up his head from behind.
“come here, just be quiet and listen for a sec will ya?”
(name) was not hesitant to cuddle right up into his side, tangling her legs in with his and resting her head atop his toned chest. after wrapping an arm tightly around her shoulders, rubbing her back slowly, the boy began to speak.
“it’s my job to be here for you, okay idiot? as sappy as it sounds, when you’re upset, I’m upset too. I don’t like seeing you down, it makes me feel like a shitty boyfriend for not bein’ able to help.” he leaned down to kiss the top of her head.
“you shouldn’t be embarrassed to tell me shit, doesn’t matter how stupid you think it is.
nobody’s perfect, alright? get that through your head.” bakugo said, flicking her forehead gently. (name) chuckled quietly.
“even you?”
“only sometimes, but that doesn’t leave this room.” bakugo answered, smirking to himself.
“listen, I know you’re a badass, and you can get through shit on your own. you’re strong as hell.
but that doesn’t mean you can’t take it. speaking from experience, sometimes it’s better to just bite your tongue and accept the help from people that care about you.”
(name) listened to every word that he said very carefully, letting them sink in as she processed them. it was rare that bakugo got like this, but when he did, it was rather impressive how easy he was able to make her feel better. his advice sucked half the time, sure, considering “blasting the fuckers to hell” isn’t always an option, but this kind of advice was something she’d keep with her always.
“you’re damn special, you know that? you’ve done somethin’ even better than getting a decent grade on your stupid chemistry test.”
bakugo stated, leaning his head back so his gaze was fixated on the ceiling, closing his eyes with a sigh. (name) furrowed her eyebrows together slightly, tilting her head up to look at her boyfriend.
“wait, but what did I do exactly?” she asked, curiosity lacing her tone. bakugo placed a hand on top of her head, ruffling her hair a bit.
“you’ve shown me what love can feel like. somethin’ I thought i’d never know or go through. so to do that, you’ve gotta be pretty fuckin’ incredible.”
(name) smiled up at him and leaned up a bit more to kiss his jaw, returning to her comfy spot on his chest right after.
“I’m sorry that I get like this. I’ll work on it, ‘kay?” (name) said quietly, still feeling a bit bad that bakugo had to go and tell her all this, though she can’t deny that it made her extremely happy to hear.
“shut up with that already, will you? you know I wouldn’t change a damn thing about you.”
and that was enough to reassure (name) almost completely, that her negative feelings and emotions weren’t as bad as she had been painting them out to be.
with a soft smile, and a slow close of her eyes, (name) nuzzled closer up into bakugo, her cheek squished up against his chest.
“I love you, you big softie.”
“yeah yeah, whatever. I love you too.”
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kevinexyqueen · 4 years
An fanfic where Neil starded working for the Hatfords after his mom died but he is already dating Andrew and join the foxes anyway
so, andrew and neil meet in juvie when neil was like 14
he stayed there for 3 or 4months while his mother worked some things out
and there he bonded with andrew, told him some trues (he was 14 he was not thar good at keeping secrets yet) , they make a deal, a lot of drama etc etc
and then he has to break out from the place and andrew is like
" i'm going with you"
"no, you're not"
"yes, i am"
andrew can be fucking stubborn so yeah he goes with neil
(he already knows about aaron is a way to put more distance between them)
mary is pissed off, but andrew knows to much and she was not about to kill him
and she sees the way that andrew protect neil so in the end andrew stays with them
is not like someone will put real effort in looking for a foster kid
so she shows andrew how to use a knife (I think she didn't stop teaching neil, is a too valuable habilit)
and also a gun, and i have a headcanon that Andrew is just awful with it, and neil loves to make fun of him
anyway, they protect each other, kill some people, fall in love, learns russian, spar together, normal teenager stuffs
mary does not know, andrew doesn't like her but he doesn't kill her because he knows she is the only reason neil is still alive
they started dating after a year since they meet, so neil was 15 and andrew 16
idk neils/nathaniels age makes me confuse
also, andrew convinces neil to play exy without she knowing
(btw i forgot to mention neil was stefan when thet meet and alex when seattle happens)
and well like a just said Seattle happens
and after that neil can't just keep running, he won't be responsible for Andrew death as well
sooo, yep he calls stuart
Stuart tells them all the moriyamas bullshit, etc etc
they go to the FBI, neils is officially neil abraam josten, Andrew becames andrew minyard etc
after that andrew goes to live with aaron and Neil goes to england, it was safer that way for both of them
continuing, they keep dating, long distance and all, andrew goes to england every month at least and do little jobs for neil's family
neil only do some translation works and he is pretty good at making deals (the irony) so he deals with a lot of other mobs family's and is like a lot people think he should become head of the family but that's a long history
anyway, all the canon shit with Andrew happens the same way, Tilda, Nicky, he turning down the ravens and he join the foxes
but he has some Hatford people watching over him so he doesn't beat all those man alone and doesn't take his meds (just needs to see a therapist for a couple of years)
even with all the Mafia shit neil still plays exy and he is better than he is in canon since he have been practicing with andrew for a few years (and also he spars with andrew so hr is a wayyyy better fighter and he also uses the knifes cause of andrew insistence and again all the mafia shit)
anyway, the Hatfords know about them but Andrew's family/the foxes (same thing, no?) doesn't
they come with a plan to take down the moriyamas and i have that in my head but don't know how to explain
but neils deals with a lot of mafia family's right? so like if the moriyamas kill him the Hatfords and idk the chinese as well will take revenge, and the moriyamas would loose since they are dealing with a war in japan and kengo is in hospital, nathan is dead etc etc
so, too much trouble to kill neil, so neil makes a peace offer with ichirou that while he is in the eau he won't kill him or the other foxes
so like, if rikos touches them he will be carving his own grave, and thats the whole point, cause Kevin's hand proven that riko's doesn't have any self control so the fucking plan is making riko angry
and we all know how good neil is at this, andrew is not happy
so yeah, neil needs to join some exy team and of course he will join the foxes because his bf right
because like, they are together for years, and not as much hurt as they are in canon, they didn't feel the need to tell anyone but they also doesn't care to hide and yes they hold hand in public and things like this
now neil only come on the same day the upperclassmen return cause there was no need for him to come early
so, like a hour before the reunion in the lounge andrew is like hey everybody in the car now or you're walking
and everyone is like ???? especially when andrew makes kevin go in the backseat
and he goes to the airport and nobody understands nothing, until neil comes
and he just completely ignores everyone im the backseat (yes even Kevin) and looks at andrew >that way< and andrew is a man in love, so he leans and gives neil a quick kiss and neil smiles at him and with a fucking soft voice says "hey baby"
andrew did not blush
anyway they started driving and andrew has his hand on neils leg and aaron, nicky and kevin are just fucking shook, they have no reaction at all, no words nothing because WTF
so when neils turns and says "hey guys, i'm neil" and is meet with three shocked faces staring at him he is trying so hard not to laugh and just goes "are you all okay"
nicky's is the first to recover and well... nicky... "ANDREW, WTF, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND, WHY DIDN'T U TOLD US, WHAT ABOUT REENE, WHAT"
andrew ignores him and turns on the radio, neil lights a cigarette and they start talking in russian
aaron doesn't say a word
anyway, neils fly was a little late so they're the last ones at the stadium
so when they enter the lounge and andrew is waking with some scary dude (because yeah neil can be pretty and scary) and when they sit in the sofa with thights to shoulders touching everyone is like what the fucking hell
aaron and nicky find some other place to sit, neil does some remark and they start talking in russian and yeah they don't know if they should ignore or no
until dan breaks the spell by asking since when andrew speaking russian and andrew just look at her completely bored until neil answers her
after that wymack (which as always is so fucking done) asks if they have some more languages to show off or if they could start
they both deadpan "yes there is" but are ignored
anyway during the reunion some try to ask questions but wymack stops them and neil and andrew just glare at the person and that's enough to make they shut up
until Aaron makes some shitty remark about both of them in german and neil goes to protective mood and roast aaron in the same language
nicky has to stop aaron from punching Neil (and andrew won the bet he made with Stuart about someone trying to punch neil before neil punches someone
and again wymack is so done
and then they break the news about the ravens coming south
which andrew and neil already know because Hatfords
andrew is still pissed off at kevin
and then neils says (on purpose) something about the moriyamas and everyone is staring at him like????
and the he just smile a little >that smile< and says "you really don't remember me kevin"
he wasn't wearing contacts or anything like that so Kevin's recognizes him
it's caos
but i'm to tired to keep writing sorry
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