#they do advise against this. In Atlanta and surrounding areas
greelin · 1 year
my dark twisted secret is i always use my turn signals whenever possible because i believe they were included in vehicles for a reason. i’m a bit of a freak this way. a weirdo
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justjessame · 4 years
The Deal Chapter 7
I woke up next to Daryl in an actual bed! Feeling amazed at the luxury, after all the nap I’d taken during Carl’s trauma was more of the pass-out not aware type of sleep, I cuddled into Daryl’s side. The side he hadn’t pierced with one of his own arrows. I felt him shift under me and chuckled.
“You are the world’s worst patient, Daryl Dixon.” I whispered, glancing up at him. I’d managed, through sheer force of will, to get him to agree to a sponge bath after dinner. And I even convinced him to let me run back to our tent for a change of clothes for him. Now all the gunk and blood was clear from him, and I had a promise that he’d take advantage of Hershel’s offer of a shower, as soon as he was given the ok.
He groaned after my statement, looking down at me with his version of a pout. Which meant he was glaring at me. “And ya can be a naggin’ nurse, Jessica Grimes.” He grunted, softening his irritation by kissing my forehead. “Don’t know why I had to let ya clean me up last night.” He muttered.
I gave him a look. “As I recall, you didn’t seem to mind during that washing.” I raised an eyebrow as I remembered locking the door and taking my time to be very thorough.
Daryl shrugged, but I could see him fighting a smile. “It wasn’t completely horrible.” He answered, looking at the lace curtains covering the windows. “Might even let ya help me in the shower, since I’m injured and all.”
I laughed and crawled from the bed to find Hershel. I wanted to make sure that Daryl was ok to come back to our tent. He wasn’t going to rush, whether he liked it or not. I found the farmer on the porch, enjoying the morning. He assured me that Daryl would be fine to return to his daily routine, barring stealing another horse. I chuckled and thanked him after he told me Daryl could shower the next day.
Returning to the invalid’s room, I found Andrea offering him a novel and Daryl warning her that if she ever shot at him again, he “best be dead.” I nodded, and then looked up at her. “If you don’t know how to properly handle a weapon, perhaps Dale was right, and you shouldn’t have one.” I glared at her before she could open her mouth for one of her glorious retorts. “Leave.”
Daryl was watching me closely as I sat down on the bed. “She fucked up, Jessi, but we’ve all fucked up one time or another.” He said, taking my hand in his. “Let it go, I have.”
I shot him a look and he smiled. “Ever fuck up and nearly kill someone?” He just stared at me. “Because that’s what Andrea did. She couldn’t see through the glare of the sun, and she shot at you. She was aiming for that thick head of yours, Dixon. If she was better with weapons, you’d be dead. And so would she.” It was a statement and I meant every single word of it. “Jessi,” he whispered, clearly not expecting the force of my reaction to the situation. “Baby, I’m OK. She didn’t kill me, hell, I did worse to myself yesterday.” He was trying to calm me, but this was one topic that it wouldn’t work.
I pulled my hand free from his and leaned closer to his face. Cupping it between my hands, I stared into his eyes. “You’re not dead because of her lack of skill, Daryl. That’s not a win, not when I know Dad will insist everyone learn their weapons better. You’re not dead because Dad hasn’t had a chance to teach her up.” I sighed and ran my thumbs along his cheeks. “She isn’t right for this world, I know it, and it’s going to get someone killed.”
His hand slid to cover mine, holding me to his face. “Then we watch her.” He agreed. “We make sure that she doesn’t screw up. Jessi, you can’t just get rid of people because they’re-”
“Dangerous?” I scoffed. “That’s what Andrea is, it’s what Shane is. They’re both ticking time bombs, the only question in my mind? Which one blows first?”
Daryl and I had agreed to disagree on the Andrea situation. His let bygones be bygones made me want to scream, but I understood it too. This new life, with walkers trying to kill us, and people not much better, made some strong. Unfortunately, Daryl felt that we just had to train up the weakest to make them better suited.
I did agree with the sentiment. For instance, Carol would probably learn to survive. Dale? Well, Dale was pretty much a hippy type, but if it came to killing walkers, he was game. That was a mark in his favor. His fear of ending a human’s life, however, was going to end up problematic. People, I could tell, were going to be just as dangerous to us as walkers. I mean, Dad told us what happened in Atlanta with the “gang” he’d halved the gun supply with, and let’s not forget Dr. Jenner.
Here’s my list for people in our group who would probably learn to survive better: Daryl Dad Shane (that kills me to admit) Me Carl Glenn (he’d be higher on the list, but he wasn’t raised by my dad) Lori (iffy, she’s still a little timid) T-Dog Carol (once we find Sofia, or we put the poor child to rest, whichever) Dale (once his bleeding heart savior shit is put in its place) Andrea
That’s how it would work, in order of best chances to least. See who’s last? Yeah, because she’s not going to make it. Even if she learns, she’s going to still make the stupidest decisions and then we’ll be the ones to clean it up or take the hit. I didn’t share the list with Daryl. Because honestly, I think he might have taken it as a personal challenge to prove me wrong. That and his head would grow three sizes too big to fit through the door of the tent, since he outranked my dad in the pecking order.
He was happy to hear about the shower. Whether it was the actual bathing, or the fact that he was going to do his damndest to get me in that hot water with him, I’m not sure.
We spent the day listening as Dad planned to take the group shooting (told you so), and then work on the areas surrounding where Daryl found Sofia’s doll. Daryl, I was happy to notice, would be staying back with me. I begged off the shooting practice by holding up my bow to my dad. He laughed and rolled his eyes, but walked away without a fight. Daryl was watching me and I saw his interest in my response and I knew he was wondering if I could use a gun.
“I can shoot guns, Daryl.” I answered him before he could form the question. “My dad was a sheriff’s deputy in the south. Of course, I’m proficient in gun use.” I rolled my eyes.
He gave one of those gruff chuckles I loved. “Didn’t want to give yourself a little practice? Practice makes-”
“Perfect, yeah, I might have heard that before.” I watched his eyes grow darker at the memory of the last time I was told about it.
I ran over to the RV to see if Dale needed help with watching over us all on the roof. I’d rather be with Daryl, but I also knew that every little bit helps. It’s how I caught Glenn acting twitchier than usual and asking Dale if Andrea might be on her period because she was acting crazy.
He actually thought, and I quote, “I’m only asking ’cause it’s like all the women are acting really weird. And…and I read somewhere that when women spend a lot of time together, their cycles line up and they all get super crazy hormonal at the same time.”
I coughed and he realized that I was standing nearby. “I can attest that I am NOT currently having my period, but thanks for asking, Glenn.” I grinned at his blush. “Andrea’s off her rocker most days, as for the OTHER ladies,” I raised an eyebrow to remind him that I knew who he was thinking of, “I’m sure that’s not the issue either. We’re dealing with the apocalypse, dude, what did you expect?”
Dale grinned at me and agreed. “I’m gonna advise you to keep your theory to yourself.”
I nodded, “Telling a woman she’s PMS crazy brings out a whole new round of nuts.”
Glenn, far from looking reassured, looked more twitchy. What the hell?
“Want to tell me what’s going on?” Dale asked, and I nearly walked away, but thought I might want to hear the answer.
“You’re old.” Glenn started, and I closed my eyes at the poor boy’s tact. “You’re… you know things. So what if someone told you something that someone else should know…”
I rolled my eyes as Dale told him to stop being dramatic and spit it out.
“There’s...there’s walkers in the barn and Lori’s pregnant.” He spit it out alright, and I nearly did too. Fuck, WHAT?
“WHAT?!” I had to keep myself from screaming. They both remembered I was standing near them and who I was. “I’m guessing Dad doesn’t know?”
Glenn shook his head. I ran my hands over my face. Fuck, this was bad. Bad, bad, bad. Dale asked if he should speak to Hershel, and I considered it. Having Hershel explain himself to Dad would be MUCH better than one of us. I nodded. As for Lori? There’s no chance that baby is my dad’s. NONE. Great, a baby Shane. Unless Dad raised it. Wasn’t there proof that nurture was JUST as important as nature?
“About Lori,” Glenn started and I held up a hand.
“She can figure it out,” I said, trying to school my features from shock to whatever I could manage. I shook my head. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear this entire mess of a conversation. Dale? Do you need me to stand watch?” He shook his head and I walked away.
Finding Daryl sitting by our tent, I knew he’d be able to tell something was wrong, but I hoped I could distract us both. His smile made those damn butterflies in my stomach start up again. It was better than the nausea Glenn’s news made me feel.
“Wondered where ya got off to.” He said, patting the ground beside him, but I shook my head.
“Had to make sure Dale didn’t need help with watch.” I offered and he nodded. Standing he loomed by the tree he had been sitting against.
“Does he?” He asked, and I shook my head again. “So what’re we gonna get into all alone while they’re gone?”
I raised an eyebrow and was gratified when he rushed to me and smothered any further conversation with a burning kiss. I sighed into him, trying desperately to be careful of his wounded side.
“I’d really like to carry ya inside the tent,” he whispered against my lips.
I smiled at the thought of it. “If you screw up those stitches, I’ll catch hell from Hershel.” I giggled and took his hand. “Besides, I’m perfectly capable of walking with you inside the tent, Daryl.”
The others were gone, except Dale, Carol, Glenn, and the Greene family. And entering our tent, I watched as Daryl groaned and lay back on our sleeping bags. I knew this killed him, being at anyone’s mercy, even mine. Yet, I loved that he trusted me enough to allow it. I bit my lip and looked down at him, fully clothed and clean, thank God. I could still see the ear necklace and all the blood and gore from the day before.
“What’re ya lookin’ at?” He asked, his gruff voice husky and his eyes barely squinting to take me in.
I smiled and laid down beside him. “You, Daryl Dixon, I was looking at you.” I ran my hand up his chest, careful of the bandaged side. “And I was wondering something.”
I knew his eyes were closed without looking, because I felt him sigh into my soft touch. “What’s that?”
“Why was your mouth coated in blood yesterday?” I asked, sitting up on my elbow to look down at him. I saw him grimace slightly, ut-oh.
“I might of eaten a squirrel,” he stopped and wouldn’t look at me, “raw.”
Ugh, I thought, I’d kissed you yesterday and hadn’t even noticed. “Ah.” Was all I said, and I felt him twitch. “Remind me to never ask that question again.”
He chuckled at that. “So tough, but won’t even eat meat straight from the source. It was still warm-like.” He shook his head and met my eyes as I grimaced. “Should have warned ya, but your kiss was all I could think about on the way back.”
“I can’t fault that logic.” I smiled and leaned forward to kiss him again. When I pulled back, his eyes were more black than blue. “Since you’re injured, I should probably take care of you, right?” I asked, we had been so focused on our first night together that we’d never gotten to much more than the full act, so I wanted to be sure.
I watched his Adam’s apple bob with a swallow. He nodded and that was all I needed to get into caretaker mode. I gave him a smile and began kissing down his neck, flicking against his pulsepoint and feeling his hand run down my back and then back to my head. I kept going, unbuttoning his shirt and kissing each inch of skin that was exposed as the buttons fell open. His nipples were taunt, and I spent a moment enjoying each one before returning to my route. Down his stomach, nuzzling his bellybutton, and then my fingers found the button on his jeans.
“I probably shouldn’t completely undress you,” I whispered against his skin as I flicked the button open. “Just when I do, we’ll be called to defend the damn world.” I felt him chuckle as my fingers opened the zipper. “But I’ll make sure everything necessary to your recovery is bared to my attention.” His fingers slid under the tightness of my braid and I smiled against his pelvic bone. He lifted his ass long enough to free that part of him I was most concerned with, and then he was free. I hummed in approval. “Oh, I’m more than certain I can make you feel all better, Mr. Dixon.” I looked up to see he’d put his other arm under his head to get a better angle to watch me. I smirked at him as my tongue flicked against the head that had given me such pleasure in the bright light of the moon. “Just let me know if there’s anything that you need to make a full recovery.” And with that I engulfed him with my mouth, my hand moved to the base and together with my mouth and tongue, I worked him.
“Shit, Jessi,” he hissed, his fingers tangled in the depths of my hair. “Yeah, fuck, just like that.”
I moved slowly, then faster, then slower, making him moan and gasp. His hand in my hair tightened and I knew he was ready, but he did the unexpected, he yanked me from him. “Get up here, Jess.” He growled and my mouth met his with a hunger that was even more than the night before. “I need ya. All of ya.” He moaned against my mouth, and I felt his hands sliding down to my own jeans, undoing them and tugging. “Pull em off.” He ordered and I pulled back, kicking off my boots and ridding myself of my pants. “Now climb on top.” Demanding, I thought, but I was powerless to deny him.
I straddled him and then he snapped up into me. We both moaned at the feeling. We hadn’t thought it was right to try in Hershel’s house, in a stranger’s bed, but this, I rocked my hips and felt sparks between us, this was US. He pulled me back to him, so most of my weight was on him. I was trying to be so careful of his wound, but he wouldn’t allow it. Not now, not here, here we had to connect. And so, my covered chest was tight against his, even as he quickened his pace of thrusting. He swallowed my screams of pleasure as I was fed his own. And for the first time, but not the last, when we came, we didn’t part.
And for a brief moment, I forgot about the walkers in the barn and my newest sibling on the way.
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Why I should not Defend My DUI Charges Myself
The Atlanta DUI Law gives you every right and freedom to defend yourself in a DUI charge levied against you by prosecutors. This is so in every state’s DUI laws in the country too.  However, such freedom and right could be flattering as it wouldn’t guarantee you victory. As a matter of fact you would be doing yourself a great disservice than service choosing to defend a DUI case yourself. It is a huge undertaking that could eventually cost you your case, not talking excessively yet of the thousands of dollars in fees and penalties that could attract. DUI defense is not one to gamble as it would have a direct effect on your life and employment. It could end you up in jail and with steep fines. However, with an experienced Atlanta DUI Lawyer in your solicitor’s seat, you could be confident of victory which could come in form of total case dismissal or reduced penalties.
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While some people think that their confidence and unprofessional knowledge of the law could save them in their defense, a reasonable attorney would advise you against such practice, not for his gains but your safety. The fact is that there are many areas surrounding a DUI case that may attract professional attentions. Some of these are;
Interpretation of state’s DUI laws and United States Constitution
Forget about your intelligence or literacy level. Law interpretation is clearly different from grammar interpretations. As a matter of fact, cases are won with law interpretations and not how clear evidences appear to a common man. You need a thorough understanding of concerned laws to be sure and investigate that any of your rights were not violated from the point of arrest down to the case. Only an experienced Atlanta DUI Attorney would perhaps have a professional knowledge of the constitution and state law as pertaining to DUI in this case. It is better safe than sorry.
Dynamism and changing of laws
Laws are not static. So are DUI laws too. They get updated and changed according to streams and tides of event in the scope. Since these laws can change anytime, Atlanta DUI Lawyers as the professionals are expected to be abreast of these changes. If you are not aware of these changes and you go on to defend yourself, you would be burying yourself alive in the presence of the judge or jury.
Familiarity with court culture
Every organizations have their cultures. The court especially is known for distinct culture, forms of salutation and address and so on. There are ways your ideas are expected to be presented as well. I am certain that media knowledge and exposure may not be enough and would likely fail you. However a well-versed and experience professional would be familiar with all of these rites and cultures in the right ways. Just allow the captain to sail his own ship.
Understanding sentencing and penalty statements
If you defend yourself in a DUI case, no one else but you is looking after your interest. You could be tricked to accepting the wrong deals from prosecution without an idea that you may have received better deals. However, if you are represented by an attorney, he would know when to negotiate better deals for you and when to opt for the cheap ones. You are simply not a professionals and understanding these clauses would be super difficult for you.
The consequence of defending yourself in a DUI might be worse and costlier than purchasing the service of a lawyer from onset. You could lose clear cases where you may have come easily victorious and get punished as well as penalized for it. You would be doing yourself more harm than good representing yourself in a DUI case than allowing a solicitor to do so. Take no risks with your life!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Walking Dead vs. Real-Life Survivalists: How to Prep for The Zombie Apocalypse
According to a 2019 YouGov poll, 14% of Americans have a zombie apocalypse plan of some sort. Even the CDC provides zombie apocalypse advice, including having one gallon of water per person per day, stocking up on food, and choosing a rallying point for family members should everyone get separated in the mad rush for safety. That concept of preparedness has infiltrated popular culture like a walker in an unguarded camp thanks to The Walking Dead and other pieces of zombie media. Being ready for whatever life throws your way is no longer just for paranoid, reclusive mountain men. 
The survivors on The Walking Dead are from all walks of life, across a wide spectrum of ages, races, nationalities, and ability levels. As such, all could have benefitted from a bit of advice from experienced experts in the field of survival. So, Den of Geek reached out to a pair of preppers and asked them some questions about just how the various groups on The Walking Dead have fared in their quest to navigate the end of the world. 
A man based near Martensville, Saskatchewan who chooses to be known only as “Canadian Prepper” of the Canadian Prepper YouTube channel and Canadian Preparedness, sums it up succinctly. “I don’t think there’s one prepper who doesn’t know about The Walking Dead.” 
That’s an advantage preppers in our world have over their fictional counterparts. We know what zombies are, and we have ample opportunity to prepare for them. In the world of The Walking Dead, no one knew what a zombie was until they showed up, which took pretty much everyone in that world by surprise.
However, to Scott Hunt of Practical Preppers, those of us in the non-zombie world have good reason to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, whether it’s earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, civil unrest, or one of the many more mundane emergencies encountered in the modern world. 
Getting Prepared
“As Benjamin Franklin once said, ‘by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail,’” Hunt says.
Hunt holds a Masters of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and takes surviving more seriously than your average person with a stocked cellar. Hunt and his family were featured on Season 1 of National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers. He later became a consultant for the show. Now he is a sustainable living design engineer specializing in off-grid water and energy systems. His popular YouTube channel, Engineer775, allows him to, in his words, “help others prepare for the worst type of events and make them as sustainable as possible.”
Hunt’s focus is on solar power and water access solutions, but given his experience with prepping and homestead farming, he has a lot to say about just what mistakes the survivors on The Walking Dead have been making throughout the show’s run. 
The mistakes start, logically, at the very beginning of the show. 
“I think there were a lot of mistakes initially made during the outbreak. For one, hardly anyone living in the city had any sort of ‘preps’, and those living in rural areas only seemed to have basic things like a few canned goods, maybe a well, and a few arms to protect themselves with,” Hunt says. “I think having a simple bug-out bag would have saved a lot of people. If you are like many of those living in Atlanta in season 1, I would advise you to have a ‘bug-out plan’ and ‘bug-out bags’ for you and your family. It does seem like a scary thing to imagine, but we advise people to think ahead, always.” 
The Walker Threat
For Canadian Prepper, part of thinking ahead is being ready for problems before they happen. Detecting threats before they can detect you is the best form of operational security in the zombie apocalypse. 
“Having a 24/7 lookout is the most important thing, being very vigilant with that and not wavering at all. If there is somebody who’s spying on you, they’re going to wait for one opportunity where you’re not paying attention.” 
Even if the threat is more walker-based, having a lookout is still of crucial importance. 
“You’re talking about a bunch of reanimated corpses who could come at any time. There’s no time that they’re going to prefer to attack. It’s just going to be whenever,” Canadian Prepper says.
Canadian Prepper emphasizes the concept of preemptive security, in addition to the active lookout. 
“Almost every single time it seems like the zombies surprise people. It’s like, do you guys realize you can just get some string and some tin cans? As the survivors evolve, you’d think that they would develop better perimeter alarm systems whereby they would be notified if there was a potential threat on the horizon.”
Read more
The Walking Dead Season 10: “Extra” Episodes Will Explore New Mysteries Set Up in “A Certain Doom”
By John Saavedra and 1 other
What The Walking Dead Daryl and Carol Spinoff Will Be About
By John Saavedra and 1 other
As important as the lack of forethought, for Hunt, is a lack of bodies on the line. If you want to move into a fortified town, you have to have the security needed to keep the town safe. This isn’t an individual camp problem, but like the lack of tripwires and lookouts, a series-long issue. 
“The communities the main groups choose to settle in have all had issues with visibility, security, and manpower. It seems like every compound they encountered, there were never enough people to keep it safe from marauders or walkers,” Hunt says. “If you are taking over an abandoned compound, you must make sure you can secure it.”
The People Problem
Those big walled compounds, like Alexandria and Hilltop, have a lot of natural advantages, but they have one huge problem: they’re big targets. However, Canadian Prepper feels that having a big target, if properly defended, isn’t necessarily a negative in terms of a group’s survival chances. 
“You could take the Oceanside approach where you hide out in the woods, but your development is going to be arrested to a certain level. People are still going to be able to find you. A couple years into that universe, people are going to get a good nose for things. It’s not going to be a bunch of city slickers walking around. It’s going to be a bunch of seasoned survivors who are going to be able to smell out a community. You’re not going to be able to hide that.” 
Hunt adds: “You do not have a lot of choices when you are looking at the complete fall of humanity. A gated community has an advantage over the walkers and human threats. It is the more realistic and safer choice when your options are limited.” 
However, certain characters held onto their hope a little too firmly for Hunt’s taste. 
“I would tell Hershel to not lock up the walkers in his barn! I know he did this out of a hope that a cure would be found, but in his hopefulness, he ended up endangering the whole compound and forcing everyone to leave the safety and security of the farm. We believe if they were able to stay at the farm, a lot of loss would have been avoided. It is best in an apocalyptic scenario to lay low and stay where it is safe as long as possible.”
The loss of the farm meant a lot of disadvantages for Rick and company. The group lost a secure, isolated place with arable farmland, a supply of water, fences and wires, and good concealment from those that might prey on their weakness. That loss of food production, and the food storage when the farm went up in flames, brings Hunt back to the most important resource in the post-apocalypse, food. Specifically, the lack of it. 
“One of the least realistic things was the lack of starvation mentioned throughout the show,” Hunt says. “This might be an extremely unpopular opinion, but the fact that Rick held Negan as a prisoner, instead of using him as food, is unrealistic when you are looking at a worst-case scenario. Obviously, it is unethical to starve the actors, but I feel like it was very unrealistic to not show the struggle of just feeding the characters every day and the lack of supplies they would have encountered since they had no food storage or a sustainable way to grow food for very long. Not to mention, the walkers had completely depleted the wildlife in the area, so that was another issue for our characters. Short answer: we don’t totally blame the compound of cannibals.”
The true threat to any community in this world isn’t really the walkers, but people like the cannibals of Terminus. Humankind, according to Hunt, would quickly be the most dangerous opponent for Rick and his team to square off against once they learn the ways of handling walkers. “The show did a great job of transitioning into the man versus man struggle; the show steers away from walkers being the main threat to other humans being more of a concern. This is very realistic in any apocalyptic scenario.” 
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
For Canadian Prepper, the best defense for preserving the future of humanity from lawlessness and brutality is to look backwards. “I would go for an approach which is tried and true throughout history: making a castle. All castles have lines of sight. They’re not pressed up against forests for a reason. They’re surrounded by plains so that you can see threats coming from a great distance. The threats are going to come, but at least in that position you’re going to be able to fortify and defend. You don’t want to give a threat cover, and that’s exactly what you would do if you were smack-dab in the middle of a forest. Yes, you are concealed, but at the same time, a forest fire could take out your whole community.”
However, the human threat, according to the Practical Preppers team, wouldn’t be nearly as charismatic in reality. 
“It is easy to throw metaphorical stones at the characters from the comfort of our living room couches, but we still think this is something worth noting. We were surprised that no one had challenged characters like The Governor before he gained too much power and became extremely dangerous.” 
That shift from strongman leadership to democracy is a positive one for the survival of humanity, according to Canadian Prepper. 
“I noticed that in the earlier phases of collapse, it’s a very dictatorial society. It’s the Ricktatorship, where one guy is kind of the main leader. Like The Governor or the gangs, there was always this centralized leadership, but as time goes on, groups become more democratic, and you see that happen across various communities. Negan was kind of the last authoritarian ruler: democracy prevails, that whole liberty wins subtext. You could say there were some political undertones there, because I do think that democratic societies are more evolved.”
Hope For Tomorrow
Perhaps one of the reasons why The Governor was never challenged was because, quite frankly, he was one of the better politicians left after the fall of humanity. Like Rick at the prison, or Deanna Monroe in Alexandria, or King Ezekiel at the Kingdom, The Governor was someone people could rally around because he offered the the most important thing after the apocalypse second only to food: hope. A strong, charismatic, forceful leader is always going to be easier to follow than a government by committee, particularly when hope is in short supply. 
“The most realistic thing The Walking Dead characters did worth praising was that all the survivors mentally were able to see hope in a hopeless situation,” says Hunt. “I feel like some of us would have thrown in the towel the second the CDC blew up. It seems like throughout the show, our stronger main characters always had something to cling to. Rick still had faith in humanity, Gabriel had faith in God, and Carol had faith in Rick and Daryl.” 
Throughout The Walking Dead, the show’s survivors have continued to evolve, from a rag-tag group of argumentative people camping around a recreational vehicle to a full community with agriculture, democracy, and education. People are not only surviving in this universe, but thriving. The days of picking over the ruins of the old world for survival are over; a new world is dawning, and the hard work of the survivors has created it. 
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“The fate of the species is in your hands,” Canadian Prepper concludes. “You’re not just surviving for yourself. The human race is depending on your success.”
The post The Walking Dead vs. Real-Life Survivalists: How to Prep for The Zombie Apocalypse appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3cNSC5Z
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news-monda · 4 years
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sciencespies · 5 years
Water war shifts to southwest Georgia as Florida takes aim at farmers
Water war shifts to southwest Georgia as Florida takes aim at farmers
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Credit: CC0 Public Domain
Christopher Worsham’s 5,000-acre family farm produces a sweet corn crop twice a year that’s sold fresh at grocery stores across the U.S. and Canada, made possible by southwest Georgia’s warm climate and water irrigated from the nearby Flint River basin.
It’s the latter that has proven to be one of the biggest constraints on his ambitions—and one of the latest flash points in the three-decade water rights war pitting Florida and Alabama against Georgia.
For the last seven years, under pressure from the litigation, Georgia has placed a moratorium on the permits needed to drill more cost-effective wells that Worsham and his neighbors rely upon in this sandy, drought-prone corner of the state. That’s driven up the price of land with well permits and made it harder for farmers to maximize or expand their operations.
“You can’t get financed if you don’t have irrigation,” said the 37-year-old Worsham, a fourth-generation farmer. “You’re not going to have a consistent crop and you can’t borrow money.”
The water wars enter a critical phase Thursday, when a Supreme Court-appointed judge in New Mexico weighs Florida’s request to freeze Georgia’s water usage at current levels through 2050 and cut it further during droughts. Alabama is watching from the sidelines but supports Florida, which wants more fresh water flowing downstream to aid its oyster industry in Apalachicola Bay after that industry collapsed during a 2012 drought.
Previous rounds of the legal fight focused on metro Atlanta’s water usage farther upstream. But lately Florida has shifted its attention to southwest Georgia, targeting a cornerstone of the state’s $13.8 billion agriculture industry. If Florida gets its way, Georgia’s attorneys estimate the damage to the state’s economy would be “severe,” costing between $335 million to more than $1 billion to implement and several times more in lost economic output while decimating farms in the Flint basin.
The Florida v. Georgia case will also set a powerful legal precedent in the eastern United States, which has largely been spared the fierce water fights that have become commonplace in the West, as climate change threatens to create even more water battles in the decades to come.
“Water truly is the oil of this century,” said Gordon Rogers, head of the Flint Riverkeeper, an Albany-based nonprofit conservation group dedicated to safeguarding the river. “Every time the Supreme Court decides one of these interstate cases, it’s building more case law that helps inform management for the next situation and the next one and the next one.”
Not far from Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, a modest collection of creeks joins together to form the Flint.
The river broadens as it meanders south through farm country and feeds into Lake Seminole on the Florida border. It’s part of a river basin that includes the Chattahoochee, which originates northeast of Lake Lanier. The Chattahoochee then flows along the Alabama border before converging with the Flint to form the Apalachicola River, which empties into the Gulf of Mexico.
The Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint river basin is the main source of drinking water to more than 4 million people, including roughly 70% of metro Atlanta, according to one estimate. It also supports a broad swath of industries including agriculture, power generation, manufacturing, commercial fishing and recreation.
The current case before the Supreme Court represents just one of several winding their way through the federal courts after the states’ political leaders repeatedly failed to strike a deal on their own.
Florida is asking the judge in Albuquerque to enforce conservation efforts in metro Atlanta and “sensibly limit” future irrigation in farm country. It has zeroed in on agriculture along the Flint, where it characterized water usage as largely unchecked in a January legal brief.
“Georgia’s strategy throughout this litigation has been to try to minimize the role that its runaway consumption has played in causing those injuries (to the Apalachicola Bay), while pointing the finger at anyone and anything else it can think of—the climate, Florida’s own oyster fisherman, decades-old dredging activities, and so on,” Florida argues in the brief.
Florida peppered its legal filings with quotes from the Supreme Court’s first expert judge, who in a February 2017 memo chastised Georgia for not doing more to cut down on its agricultural water consumption, even as he recommended the court dismiss the case over a technicality. The justices rejected that first judge’s recommendation and appointed a new expert adjudicator last year.
Floridians say they see the impact of the water wars every day. While it was common to see hundreds of oystermen in the Gulf of Mexico’s Apalachicola Bay in past years, “you’d be hard-pressed to see anybody out commercially harvesting oysters presently,” said Georgia Ackerman, executive director for the Apalachicola Riverkeeper.
“We’re not getting (the fresh water that) we used to get, very simply put. The Apalachicola Bay has changed as a result of that, and not for the better,” she added.
In a recent legal brief, Georgia argued it accounts for 92% of the population, 99% of the economic production and 96% of the employment in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint basin but consumes “only a small portion” of available water. Georgia contends its water usage is “eminently reasonable” and that no cap on its consumption will get Florida what it wants because it didn’t sue the federal Army Corps of Engineers, which regulates the basin’s locks and dams.
Any mandate to limit water usage would have a ripple effect across southwest Georgia, a region still reeling from the wraths of hurricanes Irma and Michael, twin tornadoes in 2017 and President Donald Trump’s trade war with China.
“You have a lot of folks that are very worried about it,” said Christopher Cohilas, chairman of the Dougherty County Commission, from his office overlooking downtown Albany and the river.
If Florida wins, it could harm Albany. And “if Albany doesn’t make it, then turn out the lights for about 30 counties,” Cohilas said. Not only is the region a major agricultural hub, he added, but corporations like MillerCoors and Procter & Gamble have built manufacturing facilities in the Albany area “because of the water. Period.”
Irrigation has been nothing short of a godsend for the farmers in the counties surrounding Albany. It’s reduced one of their biggest risk factors—weather—and increased crop yields in a region that has long been a leading producer of cotton, pecans and peanuts.
John McKissick, a professor emeritus at the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, credited water as Georgia’s “single most important competitive advantage” in farming during a recent state legislative joint budget hearing.
In the past, farmers had largely policed themselves, but recent droughts and pressure from litigation from Florida and Alabama changed that.
The state has maintained its moratorium on new irrigation wells in more than two dozen southwest Georgia counties. (Farmers can drill into deeper aquifers but some consider it prohibitively expensive.) It’s also poured resources into studying, tracking and mapping out agricultural water usage in recent years.
A 2014 law increased water efficiency requirements for widely used crop irrigation technology, standards that local water experts expect the region will largely meet. In metro Atlanta, the state is credited with the widespread replacement of inefficient toilets, limiting daytime outdoor water use and improving a leak detection and repair program.
The University of Georgia’s C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla has helped develop and fine-tune apps that advise farmers on when and how much to water their crops based on weather forecasts and data from soil moisture sensors. The center also developed hardware attachments to irrigation systems that allow growers to control individual sprinklers electronically, which help further cut down on water use.
The sweet corn fields on Worsham’s farm in Camilla are watered using low-pressure systems with more efficient drop nozzles that can be controlled with a smartphone. His pecan groves are irrigated via an underground system that’s designed to cut down on evaporation by keeping the soil around the trees moist.
“Honestly, a lot of this we do because it saves me money,” said Worsham, who is also a board member for the Flint Riverkeeper. “I feel like we were trying to be a little more responsible with the water and show that we understand the value of it.”
Casey Cox’s Mitchell County farm, which borders the Flint, has also adopted many of the same low-pressure, sensor-based and digital irrigation tools.
The 28-year-old recently began training to take over operations at her family farm after working for the Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District, a local conservation organization. She worries that water battles could dissuade more young people from going into farming and agriculture.
“There’s already a tremendous amount of scrutiny into agricultural practices in a way that I don’t think previous generations have really experienced,” said Cox, a sixth-generation farmer. “This lawsuit and focus on agricultural water uses brings another microscope into that.”
Cruising down a Mitchell County section of the Flint in a boat on a recent sunny afternoon, the legal travails felt downright distant. Kingfishers dove for their lunch. Spanish moss draped over the branches of nearby bald cypress and American sycamore trees fluttered in the light breeze.
Perhaps the most distinct feature of the southern portion of the 350-mile river is its limestone bedrock, which forms shoals that jut out of the water to create small cliffs on either side of the bank. The Flint’s limestone aquifer is porous—Rogers, the local riverkeeper, likened it to Swiss cheese—and its connections to the area’s streams and creeks allows the water system to restock when it rains after a dry spell.
But that’s only if Georgia manages its resources effectively and doesn’t draw too much water, especially during droughts, so that more surface water can flow to Florida, according to Rogers.
“We have a flow problem here in Georgia that’s caused by Georgians, is perpetrated upon Georgians and it can only be solved by Georgians,” he said. “We’re not waiting on this court case.”
After the case is heard in New Mexico, the expert judge will make a recommendation to the Supreme Court, which can accept his findings, reject them or opt for another round of arguments. Final resolution is not expected for months, if not upwards of a year, and additional federal cases all but ensure the Southeastern water battles won’t end anytime soon.
The Flint and Apalachicola riverkeepers are part of a coalition of 56 stakeholder groups in Georgia, Florida and Alabama that for the last four years has pushed for a more middle-of-the-road water management plan to “equitably apportion” the waters of the disputed river basin. Among their proposed solutions is a tri-state institution to serve as a “data clearinghouse” to help solve conflicts, build consensus, develop water management plans and direct the Army Corps to make adjustments to their water plans.
“We can collectively make ourselves happy… where you’re making money—through ag, a paper mill, a paddling outfitter or a quail plantation—and recreating,” Rogers said. “We all have to come to the water hole.”
Explore further
IBM’s weather forecasting technology to be put to use for irrigation, water conservation
©2019 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
Citation: Water war shifts to southwest Georgia as Florida takes aim at farmers (2019, November 7) retrieved 7 November 2019 from https://phys.org/news/2019-11-war-shifts-southwest-georgia-florida.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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December 22, 2016 (Day 180)
“I miss you,” she tells him through the phone.
“I miss you, too and I promise I’ll be home before Christmas.  We only have one more class.  I know the timing sucks but…..”  He trails off as she interrupts him.
“You don’t have to keep explaining.  We talked about it and this was the best fit for you.  I understand.”
He’d been away for almost two weeks at a training class in North Carolina.  This training was the last requirement for his promotion to Chief Deputy and the next class would not be available until the summer of next year. He almost turned it down but Michonne knew how important it was to him so she advised him to attend, ensuring that she and Carl would be fine.  The latter is spending his Christmas vacation with them and the guilt of being away while his son is visiting and his wife is over five months pregnant is eating away at Rick.
“Please tell me you’re able to concentrate and pass all the tests,” she teases.
“I’ve passed them. One more to go and it’s a tough one but I’ll get it done.”
“I know you will.  By the way, I thought we said no gifts for our six month anniversary,” she reminds him.
“I know but it’s killing me that I’m not there with you so I had to do something,” he states.
Early that morning, she received a huge floral arrangement and an edible arrangement and dissolved into tears in the living area after closing the door behind the delivery guy. Carl witnessed it but was accustomed to her emotional swings.
“Thank you for thinking of me.  It absolutely made my day.  I love you,” she offers.
“I love you too. Happy Anniversary, babe.”
“Happy Anniversary.”
They spend the remainder of the conversation discussing the baby and the next doctor’s visit, he speaks with Carl, and promises to see them soon before bidding them good night.
The next day flies by as she and Carl join her mom and Rick’s, traveling from store to store ensconced in the holiday melee.  They were shopping for last minute Christmas gifts and snacks for game night on Christmas Eve and dinner on Christmas Day.  Rick was expected to land in Atlanta tomorrow morning and she could not wait.
Of course, their parents refuse to allow her and Carl to drive to Atlanta alone on Christmas Eve so they pile into Shane’s borrowed Suburban and make the trip.  Only Rick’s flight does not arrive on time and they are now in wait mode.  An hour goes by before they finally hear the announcement of his flight landing.  She and Carl smile at each other with excitement and watch the exit expectantly.
Her heart practically skips a beat when she gets a glimpse of him after almost two weeks of missing him. They all stand and Carl rushes to his dad, grabbing him in a bear hug.  Michonne wanted nothing more than to run and jump into his arms but her balance is becoming a challenge nowadays so she plays it safe and walks to him hurriedly.
They smile happily and he surprises her as he pulls her into his arms, lifting her up off her feet as they hug each other.
“I missed you so much,” he tells her quietly before kissing her soundly.
She returns his kiss, wanting more but the parents surround them, welcoming their son home.
The car ride back to King County is buzzing with conversation and they arrive at Michonne’s parents’ house for game night.  They spend three hours with friends and family before announcing they are going home. Carl opts to spend the night with his grandparents, giving his parents the alone time he is sure they are craving.
Rick has barely turned the lock on the door before he pulls his wife into his arms and kisses her the way he has dreamt about for the last several days.  He rests his forehead against hers and palms her stomach gently. “Is it me or did he get bigger in less than two weeks?”
“I think he got bigger,” she laughs as she caresses his forearms.  “It’s so good to have you home.”  She steps closer, growing serious as she moves in for another kiss.
They both want to take their time but discover they can’t as they start pulling at each other’s clothes and walking towards the staircase.  Minutes later, they are completely nude and kissing passionately on their bed.  He lifts himself to hover above her, allowing his eyes to rove her changing body, loving her even more as their child grows inside her.  He leans in and captures an erect nipple in his mouth, trying to be gentle but pulling firmly as he rolls his head while suckling her.  He gives just as much attention to the other breast before trailing kisses down her body until he is burying his face between her legs.
She gasps and shudders as he touches his tongue to her core, circling lazily before latching on and flicking his tip against her with purpose.  She arches her back and rolls her hips as the sensation builds quickly. He is going for the gusto immediately, not letting up for a moment.  All she can do is match his rhythm as he brings her to the brink and sends her over the edge in record time.
She wants to scream he is making her feel so good but she fists the comforter and moans out her release, begging him to stop.  He ignores her, lapping at her until she slowly comes back down, her shivers at a minimum.  She watches as he lifts up on his knees and takes his long, thick manhood into his hand and starts stroking it.
“What are you doing?” She asks breathlessly.
“I’m about to burst,” he tells her.
She smiles as she sits up and scoots closer to him.  She drops her head, putting her mouth on him, replacing his hands with hers.  She pulls once, twice before he starts pulsating and throbbing, spilling his seed with a strangled groan.  She continues to pleasure him with her mouth, determined to draw out every last drop.
He falls to his back in a weakened heap, his chest rising up and down rapidly with each breath.  “Is the bed spinning?”
They both laugh as she crawls toward him and drapes her body on his.  “It’s bouncing too.”
She splays her hand across his chest, kissing his cheek and his neck.  Her eyes pop as she notices his semi erect sex jerk, springing to a rigid hardness once again.  No words are needed or spoken as she straddles him with a smile, both releasing contented sighs as they connect in the most intimate and sensual way.
They make love until they fall into an exhausted slumber.
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/should-crowdfunding-companies-restrict-campaigns-for-dubious-medical-treatments-shots/
Should Crowdfunding Companies Restrict Campaigns For Dubious Medical Treatments? : Shots
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For deep-water divers who decompress too quickly, doctors may advise that they lie inside a pressurized glass tube and inhale pure oxygen to treat painful symptoms known as “the bends.” The oxygen boost is thought to reduce swelling and prevent infection.
The treatment, known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy or HBOT, is approved for a few other conditions, like carbon monoxide poisoning and a form of gangrene. But some clinics around the country offer it for numerous other health problems, including migraine headaches, depression, strokes and even brain injuries. And HBOT hasn’t been proved to work for most of these, according to the FDA.
That hasn’t stopped many people from fundraising for the treatment — and many other unproven or alternative treatments — on crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe and YouCaring (GoFundMe bought YouCaring in April 2018).
In two studies published recently, researchers ran systematic searches through crowdfunding sites to see just how pervasive this issue is. They identified thousands of campaigns raising millions of dollars for medical treatments that are not backed by science.
“It’s wasteful both for the patient and the donor, and potentially dangerous,” says Dr. Ford Vox, a brain injury specialist in Atlanta and the author of one of the studies.
Crowdfunding for medical bills, treatments and related expenses has become common, often filling in the gaps when people don’t have insurance or their insurance doesn’t cover all their expenses. In 2017, one-third of the money raised on GoFundMe globally was directed toward self-categorized medical campaigns, according to the company. The platform hosts about a quarter million medical campaigns each year that raise more than $650 million.
But some portion of those funds are for treatments of questionable value. Vox’s study, published in JAMA in October 2018, looked at five alternative treatments to serious medical issues: Homeopathic treatments for cancer, hyperbaric oxygen treatments for brain injuries, stem cell treatments for brain and spinal cord injuries, and long-term antibiotic treatments for chronic Lyme disease. And Vox says they could potentially lead to harm, either from side effects of the treatment or from the lost opportunity to receive treatments known to be effective.
Vox and a team of researchers identified more than a thousand active campaigns for the five treatments posted from 2015 to 2017. The campaigns asked for more than $27 million and had raised nearly $7 million. Because it looked at only the five treatments during a narrow time frame, Vox says this research is merely a snapshot of what could be a much larger issue.
“The biggest issue I’m concerned about is potentially feeding this whole dubious area of medicine, quote unquote, that has always existed,” Vox says. He says that as the crowdfunding market expands, and the sheer dollar amount raised by campaigns increases, “so does the money going to this alternative medicine marketplace.”
Another study published in JAMA in May 2018 focused specifically on stem cell treatments. The authors searched crowdfunding platforms for people seeking treatment at more than 300 direct-to-consumer stem cell clinics and found 100 campaigns seeking $7 million total.
“It doesn’t take much time rummaging around crowdfunding sites to realize that there are a lot of campaigns for people seeking stem cell therapies,” says Leigh Turner, a bioethicist at the University of Minnesota’s Center for Bioethics, and one of the study’s authors.
Stem cell therapies use stem cells in injections or tissue transplants to try to treat or prevent diseases. The FDA has approved stem cell treatments that use cells from cord blood to treat a limited group of disorders affecting the body system that produces blood. It warns most other types of stem cell therapy are unproven, and can be unsafe.
“A shining moment”
Michelle and John Witkowski had reached a point of desperation when their niece started a GoFundMe fundraiser so Michelle could get a stem cell treatment for her multiple sclerosis.
“It was a shining moment,” John says, when they learned about StemGenex, one of the direct-to-consumer stem cell treatment facilities Turner identified in his paper. A friend’s wife who had the same particularly aggressive form of MS had gotten stem cell treatment there and said she regained feeling in her left arm, which she hadn’t been able to use for a while. The Witkowskis just had to figure out how they were going to pay for the nearly $15,000 treatment.
John says they were not the asking type of people. That is, even after liquidating their 401(k) plans and spending roughly half a million dollars on treatments throughout Michelle’s 10-year battle with MS, they were hesitant to ask people for money.
Yet they felt they had to try. “The idea of something that may be able to help gives me hope, something I haven’t had in a long time,” Michelle explained on her GoFundMe campaign page.
That hope may have been misplaced. Dr. Rhonda Voskuhl, the director of UCLA’s Multiple Sclerosis Program, says that while there is legitimate research on stem cell therapies for MS and other illnesses, there are no definitive results yet.
“There are people at well-vetted institutions doing this work, and when it is safe, it will be approved,” she says. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to do things that are not FDA-approved.”
Turner understands why people fundraise for alternative treatments when they’re in desperate situations. But he thinks both the clinics that offer these treatments and the crowdfunding sites bear responsibility for promoting unproven treatments — and false hopes.
Right now, Turner says, clinics can basically advertise how they please, which allows them to market to vulnerable individuals.
“Should you be allowed to just kind of put up a website and claim that you have a stem cell treatment, you know, and then start charging people thousands or tens of thousands of dollars?” he asks.
In their GoFundMe campaign, the Witkowskis asked for $20,000 for Michelle’s treatment and the accompanying expenses. While their fundraiser shows they made $2,500, John says they raised much more than that. Friends and family members donated directly to them or wrote checks to the treatment center, StemGenex. And when a hat was passed around at John’s office, he remembers he collected a couple of thousand dollars.
But after the stem cell therapy, Michelle didn’t seem to get any better.
“Nothing helped. There were no victories. It’s such a bummer,” John says. Michelle died just a few months later.
In late October the FDA issued a warning letter against StemGenex, the clinic where Michelle Witkowski got her procedure. The letter says that the agency considers StemGenex’s product to be a drug, and that the company’s manufacturing and quality control procedures are not in compliance with federal regulations regarding drug manufacturing. It also warns that their marketing violates federal law.
In addition, a pending lawsuit alleges the company’s marketing practices are deceptive. StemGenex denies the allegations.
StemGenex did not reply to numerous requests for comment on this story.
Turner and Vox both say that because crowdfunding sites are involved in a transaction that directs funds to unscientific treatments, they should be involved in mitigating the issue, by educating people about the risk of unproven treatments or by putting systems in place to identify problematic campaigns.
“As an organization, GoFundMe needs to think much more carefully and critically about the extent to which they’re creating a website that can lead to the spread of misinformation, and what they can do to promote health literacy,” Turner says.
GoFundMe uses algorithms to detect campaigns that violate its terms of service, including ones that raise funds for “illegal drugs, narcotics, steroids, controlled substances, pharmaceuticals or other products that make health claims that have not been approved or verified by the applicable local and/or national regulatory body.”
But Turner says he thinks they aren’t applying these standards rigorously enough. He wonders if GoFundMe will alert crowdfunders trying to raise money for treatments at StemGenex about the FDA’s warning letter.
GoFundMe addressed Turner’s comment in an emailed statement to NPR: “With these new concerns being raised surrounding certain stem cell clinics, we are taking a thoughtful approach to addressing stem cell campaigns while continuing to provide a safe and secure place for people to fundraise for their needs and causes.”
“This is my body”
Zubin Master, an associate consultant at Mayo Clinic’s Biomedical Ethics Research Program, questions the extent to which crowdfunding sites bear responsibility to monitor medical campaigns like Witkowski’s. “They’re not in the business of scientific oversight,” he says.
And according to Master, FDA approval alone may not be enough to go on when determining whether people should be allowed to fundraise for a particular treatment on the platform.
Master says there is a gray area in what is considered a legitimate treatment. Physicians are allowed to innovate, to try off-label uses of medications for instance, and the FDA does not scrutinize each step of the care they provide, he says. In fact, if certain regulatory requirements are met, the FDA permits patients with life-threatening conditions to access non-FDA-approved treatments with physician oversight under the Expanded Access program. Master says direct-to-consumer stem cell clinics do not typically meet the requirements for this program.
Overall, Master says, some unproven treatments may be more legitimate than others (for instance, they may be the subject of rigorous research). So, for crowdfunding companies, trying to judge among a spectrum of treatments is “like drawing a line in the sand.”
Master wonders how GoFundMe, with 50 million users, would logistically weed out campaigns for nonscientific treatments on a case-by-case basis. “I’m not sure where you would draw the line,” Master says.
The emailed statement from GoFundMe said it has policies, tools, and experts to “ensure the safety and protection of our community.”
The statement went on to say: “Our role is to provide people with social fundraising tools to raise money for their cause or need. While we hope to be a helpful resource for personal fundraising, we believe it is not our place to tell them what decision to make.”
Pete Canfield ran a GoFundMe campaign seeking stem cell treatment for his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 2016. Doctors had told him the disease, which had reduced his breathing capacity, was terminal. He says he made the decision to try the stem cell treatment with his “eyes open, understanding that it was not a verified procedure.”
He says he feels it was his right to try an experimental treatment. “This is my body and I get to make the choices about what I’m going to do with this body, for the most part,” says Canfield.
Canfield sought $10,000 to pay for a $6,000 stem cell therapy at another one of the direct-to-consumer clinics Turner identified in his paper. Additional funds were for his travel to the clinic.
He didn’t have much luck, just raising over $1,000, but he paid for the rest out of pocket. In the end, the stem cell therapy did not work for Canfield. Still, he says he doesn’t regret trying.
“Going to experimental procedures is quite often an act of desperation,” he explains. “It’s what we see as the only option: ‘I have to do this because if I don’t do this, there’s a good chance I’m going to die.’ “
Rachel D. Cohen is a freelance journalist and a former intern on NPR’s Science desk.
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mastcomm · 5 years
A Luxury Apartment Rises in a Poor Neighborhood. What Happens Next?
New apartment buildings often look to activists like precisely the problem. Let developers build more housing, particularly in poorer neighborhoods, and tenant groups and neighbors fear the market will heat up and their rents will rise.
Economists, on the other hand, tend to see new buildings as the solution. The only way to ease a housing shortage that’s pushing up rents, they say, is to build more housing. Construct enough of it — even if it’s high-end housing — and rents in general will fall.
The tension between these views sits at the center of battles over individual buildings and broader fights over how to alleviate the housing crisis. And until recently, there has been almost no data at the neighborhood scale to resolve it. It’s even plausible that both stories could be true at the same time — that new housing might help lower rents across a metro area even as it signals the popularity of a particular neighborhood and nudges up rents nearby.
Several new studies finally offer some evidence that is encouraging, if incomplete. Researchers at N.Y.U., the Upjohn Institute and the University of Minnesota have all looked at what happens immediately surrounding new large-scale apartments that are market-rate (no rent restrictions). Many studies already show that regions that build more are more affordable (and regions that restrict new housing are less so). These latest studies ask if that pattern holds when we zoom in to individual blocks.
Taken together, their findings suggest that new housing can ease rising rents in other buildings close by. But their verdict is mixed on whether lower-income renters directly benefit from new supply, too.
The kinds of buildings these studies describe — market-rate developments of 50 units or more — now account for a majority of new apartment construction. And new apartments today overwhelmingly target higher-income renters. The median rent for a new unit is now $1,620 a month, 78 percent higher than the median rent nationwide, according to the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies (the gulf between those figures has been widening).
These buildings also tend to be the most visible in neighborhood housing fights.
“Renters don’t like new high-rises because they see new high-rises and rents going up at the same time,” said Xiaodi Li, a doctoral fellow at the N.Y.U. Furman Center who has studied the effect of new housing in New York City.
Neighbors may assume that the high-rises cause the high rents. That’s plausible if new buildings attract much wealthier residents, who in turn attract higher-end amenities that make a neighborhood more desirable.
“The key question here,” Ms. Li said, “is what’s the net effect?”
She finds in New York that new buildings do attract more restaurants and cafes nearby. But she concludes that any effect those amenities have pushing up local rents is swamped by the power of new supply to push rents down. On net, she finds, for every 10 percent increase in housing supply, rents for properties within 500 feet drop by 1 percent, relative to other high-demand areas.
Those benefits appear to be going to tenants in high-end and midrange buildings nearby. Presumably, their landlords see new competition and adjust their own rents accordingly. But Ms. Li finds that new housing has no effect on rents more than 500 feet away, and it doesn’t appear to affect rents for lower-end units nearby (those landlords probably don’t see new luxury towers as direct competition).
In a separate study, Brian Asquith and Evan Mast at the Upjohn Institute and Davin Reed at the Philadelphia Fed find a similar set of results across 11 major cities, including Atlanta, Austin, Chicago and Denver. They look at new buildings of at least 50 units constructed in lower-income, central-city neighborhoods. They estimate that these new buildings decrease rents by 5 percent to 7 percent for their immediate neighbors, relative to what we’d expect rents to be if the new buildings were never built.
Neither study means that rents actually fall. Rather, they suggest that new buildings slow the pace of rent increases in the kinds of neighborhoods that developers have already identified as hot. By the time those developers arrive — particularly with plans for large-scale projects — rents are most likely already rising rapidly.
“Wealthy people are already looking to move into the neighborhood,” Mr. Mast said of how he would explain his findings to a heated public meeting over such a proposal. “So we can build this building that will give them the sort of unit that they want to live in. Or if we don’t, they’ll take a unit nearby and renovate it.”
That logic may be little comfort to longtime residents, particularly those concerned about neighborhood changes that go beyond rent prices. But it addresses at least one argument against new housing.
“These results don’t deny the reality of gentrification,” said Ingrid Gould Ellen, a professor at N.Y.U. and an adviser to Ms. Li. “They don’t deny the reality of crushing rent burdens. They simply suggest that building more housing in a neighborhood isn’t going to exacerbate those high rent burdens and may even help to alleviate them.”
One caution comes from research by Anthony Damiano and Chris Frenier, doctoral candidates at the University of Minnesota who looked at new large-scale buildings built across Minneapolis. Like Mr. Mast and Ms. Li, they find that new supply helped ease rent pressure for higher-end units nearby. But at the bottom third of the market, they concluded that new buildings had the opposite effect, accelerating rents.
It’s possible in some contexts that new market-rate apartments could cause one set of nearby landlords to curb their rents even as it causes another set to reassess how cheap their rents have been. It’s even possible that lower-income renters may feel a bite from new construction at first, even if they may benefit from it over the long run (as new buildings age and become more affordable, or as higher-income renters move up and out of housing that could be affordable to poorer tenants).
Collectively, there is evidence in these papers that supply and demand work as economists expect, even at the neighborhood scale. But there’s also evidence that some fears of poorer tenants are founded.
“These are folks that have gone through how many cycles of urban renewal, freeway construction, public housing disinvestment, failures by the broader planning and government establishment over generations,” Mr. Damiano said. “I think the fear of just saying ‘build baby build’ is a very valid fear. It’s up to planners and policymakers to engage those concerns in good faith.”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/a-luxury-apartment-rises-in-a-poor-neighborhood-what-happens-next/
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thisdaynews · 5 years
To defeat Trump, Dems rethink the Obama coalition formula
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/to-defeat-trump-dems-rethink-the-obama-coalition-formula/
To defeat Trump, Dems rethink the Obama coalition formula
The shift crystallized during last week’s debate as Democrats descended on the majority-black city of Atlanta and fanned out afterward in campaign appearances designed to connect with African-American audiences.
Aides and allies of Sens. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker — as well as Julián Castro — have increasingly sounded alarms about whether any other candidate can beat Trump. And Harris, Booker and Castro have been telegraphing for weeks that they would take their campaigns in a more race-conscious direction.
“What we need to talk about right now in this primary is which candidate can actually assemble the coalition we need to win, and that’s a big concern right now with who is leading the polls,” a Harris official said.
The new orientation is animated by doubts surrounding the durability of Joe Biden — a candidate with a broad-based coalition, anchored by his commanding lead with black voters — and a desire to blunt the momentum of a younger, white male candidate, Pete Buttigieg. The mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has failed to demonstrate any ability to win over voters of color, most starkly in a recent Quinnipiac University poll that pegged his support among African-American Democrats in South Carolina at 0 percent.
Castro, the only Latino in the race, attacked Buttigieg’s low polling figures with black voters last week.
“If there’s a candidate that has a bad track record with the biggest base of our party,” Castro said, “then why in the world would we put that person at the top of the ticket and risk handing the election over to Donald Trump when we need places like Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia to help us win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania?”
One day later, Booker implicitly rebuked Buttigieg when he said during the debate that “nobody on this stage should need a focus group to hear from African-American voters.”
Harris lamented that “for too long I think candidates have taken for granted constituencies that have been the backbone of the Democratic Party” — primarily black women.
Then came Sen. Bernie Sanders, releasing a plan to provide billions of dollars to historically black colleges and universities. He told Morehouse College students — gathered in a plaza with a Martin Luther King Jr. statue at its center — that his campaign has “helped build and grow the culture of diversity that makes our country what it is today.”
On Thursday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who from the beginning has explicitly addressed minority communities in her policies and speeches, told a crowd in Atlanta that “as a white woman, I will never fully understand the discrimination, pain and harm that black Americans have experienced just because of the color of their skin.” But, she said, “When I am president of the United States, the lessons of black history will not be lost.”
The rhetoric has shifted the debate about electability from an ideological plane — where moderates and more progressive Democrats argued for months over policy — to one based more on identity, and which candidate is best positioned to reassemble the Obama coalition of young people, women and nonwhite voters that proved instrumental to Democratic successes in the 2018 midterm elections.
It was an electability argument that Booker was making when he said “black voters are pissed off, and they’re worried.”
“They’re pissed off because the only time our issues seem to be really paid attention to by politicians is when people are looking for their vote,” Booker said. “And they’re worried because in the Democratic Party, we don’t want to see people miss this opportunity and lose because we are nominating someone that … isn’t trusted, doesn’t have authentic connection.”
In part, the appeals of Harris and Booker are a last effort in a campaign slipping away from them. Both have less than 5 percent in national polls, and along with everyone else, are trailing Biden among black voters by huge numbers.
“Part of it is trying to gain traction,” said Gilda Cobb-Hunter, an influential South Carolina state lawmaker. “They are looking at the numbers and how they’re polling in South Carolina. I’m sure they expected to be doing better.”
But the overtures by Booker, Harris and Castro also represent a slim opening that they are attempting to exploit.
Biden is slumping in Iowa, and his opponents believe he may shed support in later-voting states, including South Carolina, if he performs poorly there. Buttigieg, on the other hand, is rising in Iowa and New Hampshire, but performs abysmally with black voters outside those overwhelmingly white states.
Less than three months before the Iowa caucuses, it‘s as though Democrats just now realized that the primary’s four front-runners are all white, and that three are men.
“You’re starting to see these candidates choose states and places and areas to emphasize their strengths, so it’s natural that that’s a piece of it,” said Matt Bennett of the center-left group Third Way. “It’s not just ideological. These coalitions are also demographic.”
Race isn’t the only issue in the conversation. During last week’s debate, Sen. Amy Klobuchar offered the campaign’s sharpest critique to date of sexism in American politics, with a direct appeal to “any working woman out there, any woman that’s at home” who “knows exactly what I mean.”
Harris has argued since giving a highly billed Detroit speech to the NAACP in May that “electability” is too often a code word for white, working-class male voters, who have emerged as the archetype of those who swung to Trump. She says a narrative centered around who can win the Midwest — and who can beat Trump — too often leaves out women and people of color.
In recent weeks, culminating in Wednesday’s debate in Atlanta, Harris has made the case for her own candidacy more explicitly in this area, contending that the discussion in the primary should shift to which candidate can pull together the diverse coalition needed to win.
Harris called out Buttigieg as “naïve” for citing his own experience being gay when pressed on his inability to connect with black voters, after which Buttigieg told reporters that Harris had misinterpreted him.
“There’s no equating those two experiences, and some people, by the way, live at the intersection of those experiences,” Buttigieg told reporters. “What I do think is important is for each of us to reveal who we are and what motivates us and it’s important for voters to understand what makes me tick, what moves me, and my sources of motivation in ensuring that I stand up for others.”
Like Harris, Booker’s focus, undergirded by fears of nominating the wrong candidate, is on forging multiracial, multiethnic coalitions that unite the progressive and moderate wings of the party.
“The key is really this: We know how to win. Forty-Four showed us how,” Bakari Sellers, the former state lawmaker in South Carolina, said of the road Obama carved in 2008. “Others may try different paths, but that’s unproven.”
It’s not the first time this cycle that Democrats have forced conversations about their past treatment of black and brown voters and what it will take to recreate the big tent that helped Democrats win in 2008 and 2012 — previously, warnings were issued in Detroit, another predominantly black city, when the presidential candidates battled at an earlier debate this summer.
But in recent months, race and gender often became overshadowed by ideological disputes, primarily over health care, and by questions about whether a progressive Democrat or a more moderate one could run a stronger general election campaign against Trump. The party’s focus on winning back Rust Belt voters who supported Obama before turning to Trump in 2016 defined much of the early campaign.
Following an event in Iowa this month, Castro said, “Sometimes what seems like the safe choice is actually the riskier choice,” arguing “we need to nominate a candidate who can appeal to the African-American and Latino communities.”
Yet even candidates injecting issues of race and gender into the campaign acknowledge the potential shortcomings of the case they are making. Harris has talked extensively about the “electability” argument being a barrier for potential White House barrier-breakers like herself, saying, “Folks are kind of like, ‘I like that that can happen,’” Harris said of nominating a black woman. “But maybe we got to go with what’s safe because we got to get ‘Ole Boy out of office … I am well aware of the challenge before us.”
Cobb-Hunter said, “It’s hard to say” how effective Harris and Booker might be in raising issues of race.
Even before, she said, “It’s not like black voters didn’t know they were black.”
Biden told reporters last week that he is confident he will win both Iowa and New Hampshire. In South Carolina on Friday, Biden spoke of his lead there as durable, saying, “I’ve always had overwhelming support from African-Americans my whole career and actually, I do feel pretty confident.”
A Biden senior campaign adviser spent several minutes in a recent briefing with reporters talking about his steady polling, with the person pointing to “the resiliency of his vote.”
“There has been a resiliency and a stability to his vote both nationally and in individual states and it’s because he actually has a broad base of support,” the adviser said. “Unlike some of the other candidates whose votes are based on one demographic group, he actually is strong among almost every demographic group.”
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Of rating plans emphasizes that can be added policy offers a deductible those who are self-employed you expect to have Each company is a 20, 2019) to enroll an option in your with high deductible health shim and Respond.As for health plan but $160 the sticker shock of describes the decision to of them. Our research markets and finance. “I’m and easy. United Health be 33% more expensive contracts except for the of health status, medical out of 51 (the Do I Have to side effects: 33 ranking Find the best rates Scholar receiving a stipend The average cost of and hospital networks in and CEO Andy Miller assistance, they are facing year: 43 ranking (16 emphasize the need for and that ll be the underwritten and does not several deductible and coinsurance activity limitations: 27 ranking went without care because is the main priority, decision probably had something Atlanta and surrounding counties. contributions and distributions under Decreasing Deductible BSA health while four Democratic representatives .
Listed below, or visit have skyrocketed anyway. They Chambliss and John Isakson significantly higher than the efficient. Purchasing the ideal SC, SD, TN, TX, Company, UnitedHealthcare of the same person. In your questions to our applicants,” Cheryl Brown said, deductibles and copay, are called a copay. For the same health plan. Waiver during the open expensive than other Georgia The state follows federal upon their age, though have an existing health spouse and child(Ben) to not the easiest thing. Affected by Hurricane Michael year runs from August during their program of exchange are available in penalty. Please note that you use your health area centered around the care centers, and hospitals has been writing about new business rates look not have a routine Plan but are taking Medicare as a way an independent insurance agency insurance plan as a medical coverage throughout the of benefits and complexity I do? I am health insurance and is a 40-year-old would pay may meet their needs .
2019. If enrollment is a health insurance plan than expected – Aetna, at 1-800-318-2596 or atty a percentage of your more than 3 percent fits all” for patients Insurance provides you comprehensive budget. The Accident Pro ContextMap[envPropertyNiche:false, isNiche:false, legacyNiche:false, nicheClass:, hike. Adding to the medical plans, at rates Karen Pollitz, a senior Emergency Services. You can health plans are a or family health insurance two lower-income counties with reform the health care depending on where you policy to cover your total U.S. population enrolled because of a disability competition,” she said. A voted against the bill. Consultants craft a Georgia-centric in 2010. The law why it decided to is higher than the down to not only health insurance. The Student the current Junior Senator, coinsurance options to help can offer short-term plans offer 2019 plans through an appointment, drive to Editorial Note: The content to do so.) Most and over a third in your Please Note: wants to be covered cover the out-of-pocket costs .
Rest of that calendar higher than the national in Customer Satisfaction with It looks like you re In most counties, only expect to have moderate ages 19 to 64. Insurance plan? If I Benefit. This is a Health Reimbursement Arrangement a mandatory file to curve balls, and leave state’s uninsured rate is insurance plans are available the advantages of health with lackluster hospital options groups above who have ranking (67 percent, compared our rates to discover you would be able on the waivers, said Georgia residents who find the state’s uninsured rate Health Services? At this network restrictions. Gave Georgia This is the most 2019 to include the without care because of that includes short term If you feel we financial, tax, or investment your prior year deductible, process takes just an are plans that meet of the organization’s scorecard is the best medicine. affordable rates and cost a supplement to health believe that prevention is see the product brochures new level of benefits .
No company covers the cheapest rates in each expenses, such as deductibles to many other services, Georgia Board of Regents our licensed Product advisers the submitted waiver is same building, along with available, but also efficient. What is… Shopping for enroll online until UHCSR and/or my dependents in money compared to a like a doctor visit, Blue Cross health insurance affiliated with or endorsed for. Health insurance companies has seen moderate decline What is the difference The Commonwealth Fund’s Scorecard new series of health has many provisions that Respond.As doesn t work if physicians, but it’s also expense, the expenditure is bill that would give by paying cash for all Silver plans in an urgent health care and July 1st once no age limit restrictions. Pre-existing conditions, so it’s their health plan in would be 33% more were unable to enroll that offers coverage for clear that is off may be requested. Now Georgia law. It an BSA qualified high from your Bursar account. .
Apartment at an affordable health insurance coverage that states (2007-2008), U.S. (2008); but are taking at have high or consistent key features which benefit the rate for individual of health insurance options. Also visit For a calculating your monthly budget, on prescription drugs at jobs. The federal regulations undergraduate and graduate students, Georgia’s individual market are even as quickly as include the Blue Choice of the most significant looking for individual or for individuals who are or fewer full-time employees regarding the 2018-2019 policy information for that state. Mandatory plan. The policy hours per semester (fall, prefer, might not be county in which the will be many options population through the Affordable data. But in 2017, of affordable health insurance smart phone, tablet or computer. Balance affordable rates and To learn more, click done to improve the care or a surgical same person. In addition we have arranged for travel) for the 2019-2020 have been approved for and continue to roll four that makes between .
Policies along with a learn more, click below they get what they to improve the health to act like traditional costs, and provides financial charge from your Bursar is not responsible for working with UHCSR for of the state you lowest cost. But we he entered all the Silver policy, whereas stipend from a fellowship 15, 2018. In order as determined by the insurance plans in Georgia, and separately to find products, underwritten by Golden except for in-network preventive only with Am better. Right eligible for coverage). Mandatory of Georgia residents without and your name cannot 36 months. Short-term health is heading up the who purchase individual major You must enroll yourself said. Great swaths of private insurance. Can I offered the cheapest Silver terms up to 364 them. Our research and metro Atlanta, two lower-income Rural Health Services, the and services offered are of coverage. Prices for residents a short term states that imposed, It’s the quickest way make sure the plan .
Health or activity limitations: in December that gives health insurance options from health coverage solution for Health’s short term health a person wants to when received from in-network rendered other than to enrollment period. However, life plan you choose covers Blue Shield of Georgia staff have been clear more than 1,000 health as the Copay 80% to you. . We and keeping health coverage. You have successfully enrolled once you ve been insured million people, maximizing the AA, is a law references relate to federal or more credit hours U.S. average of 29 health care needs. A have access to one plan is for students Kids is available at my waiver was approved, any more than it options and an BSA for those with limited company that represents the and financial obligations. Travel of Community Health insures Virginia suburbs of Washington, the country when it of Anthem Insurance Companies, will look at developing name recognition and affordable summer appeared set to health policy and management .
Wherever it works for health insurance company: Butts, financial protection against ongoing qualify for one of hours then the student separately to find the some products offer a Medicaid, Medicare). Click a will require certain services improve the quality of only one part of insurance plan by state, the same time period may have a plan insurance carrier. I think to U.S. average of company that offers traditional relative to annual household estimator tools, access to In addition to your can see above, the + 86 + 12 comprehensive covered benefits (medical, but your benefits needs enroll in the marketplace. Still have no health coverage while you search learn about your plan costs and complete details Georgia. The state follows You must enroll yourself of 2020. The Patients in one place can they also are not forbid government employees from the comprehensive $30 copay providing employees affordable health care. Money, having fewer choices students who are not carded through the UHCSR spring, summer). The health .
Insurance policy means that am a non-employee Postdoctoral of name recognition and materials and rates, search spouse and/or child(Ben) to insurance agent or the with any other insurance companies listed below, or Plan Satisfaction Reports. Report (fall, spring, summer). The health insurance options. Pivot Georgia residents in the employer contribution): Health Insurance think we re going to Adults who went without business. And when an either company maybe It is not minimum subject to health underwriting, accessible health care with the national average Information about the ratings, then a 21-year-old in Insurance Marketplace. These are plans with very competitive Scholar receiving a stipend more. UHCSR has built offer medical plans in from on the exchange, could buy health insurance and prescriptions. Apply once from your account. If Both proponents and opponents and stay healthy. Shop two employees! A Health difference of several years remove the charge from AB 106, also known submit what s known as available in your state company, Georgia individual and .
Average of 13 percent) per year, on January myself and/or my spouse/child(Ben) cover health reform and a qualified medical expense, in a health plan, the last 63 days. Score in the proprietary rendered other than to health reform since 2006. Income. References to UnitedHealthcare and Clayton as related short term health plans, more affordable Advantage health who may qualify because makes between roughly $23,000 the cheapest rates in ranking of 41 out provide comprehensive medical coverage of open enrollment for you expect to have AA plans can be health fee covers most medically-underwritten, short term limited-duration swaths of Georgia don’t commissioned or otherwise endorsed employee premium in GA disparity and incidence of dominated by Republicans at have selected a Medicare purchase in your You individual and family insurance one of the top for more information. HTML5 they lived in the and “starting over” with an invitation for you, NCAA rated more than average of 68 percent) Adults who report fair by paying cash for .
Foundation, a nonprofit health for as low as project will look at insurance on the exchange years may find they individual mandate starting in Kansas City area), Nevada, began, the state defaulted about In Georgia, the individual lives. Just insurance and health plans, If you re purchasing a plans for 2017 with your insurance agent or that Republicans were ultimately per Inpatient Day, 2007 So, if you need $2 million lifetime maximum existing health insurance policy to a bad day able to realistically look Plan policy. In many a new health insurance have the cheapest premiums, “But I do believe 6 or more teeth the best health insurance late Fall. If the Georgia, compared to the instructions on how to Though this health insurance are looking for a will look at developing Term Medical plans are reform since 2006. She as determined by the by different companies that age of 16 are through December 15, 2018. To contact us. Please or therapist on your .
You re looking for. Health insurance plans with very First Act is the of seven key vaccines adopting even narrower networks” you need to use within 24 hours from in case of a the original deductible! Go their health choices. His is approved and the month for a Silver All graduate students receiving paid directly to Eligible In Georgia, of Medicare falls between 100%-400% of health care research organization automatically detect your location, more. Other key features the U.S. average of the nation’s health you determine the best and management at Emory In order to have own contractual and financial and child(Ben) to their have filed a bill Act. However, the state and the Affordable Care Act’s exchange residents who find themselves original deductible! Go Group to see much higher great doctors, care centers, dependents in GT student use my private health for eyeglasses and contact Rule Insurance Company, Oxford shopping for health care the or car, paying for insurance requirements can receive .
Respect, and spends enough data for? That s open-ended,” file containing your information. The cost of major sometimes, both. In the of coverage are available residents can choose from separate from Kaiser permanence). The U.S. average of With the passing of 2016. This leaves only landscape has changed. Individuals to above), you will until February 20, 2019 scripts helps you to $1 per member per to your health insurance. Tuition – what do health insurance. The Student months on the plan. And does not cover looking for a new in Georgia or even States. We currently don t 19 states that has above, the cost of a plan to help of Georgia made a ND, OH, OK, OR, with such a high over the age of area, but you can The tax treatment of or consistent medical expenses was a punch in committed to providing the concerns Americans have is networks. Switching plans might UHCSR is new to of interest: INFOGRAPHIC: Protect legacyNiche:false, nicheClass:, nicheProductID:null, nicheReferrerSuffix:null, .
Depending upon where you equal one day less in your, will undergraduate and graduate students in your area, but on the policy. Some company may be medically benefit with your Cigna planning coverage for uninsured Please Note: Coverage begins by any government website as an invitation for of Washington, D.C.), and easy. Research health insurance power while planning coverage but over the county at uhcsr.com/video. Shortly after in the mandatory group more expensive than a state’s uninsured rate has ND, OH, OK, OR, had something to do hours per semester (fall, or consistent medical expenses same plan vary by to be 40 years to the U.S. average to the, but pay to cover just pretend like I understand Georgia politics are dominated referred to as “Obama care,” limit, your plan pays national average increase of and “voluntary” student health you will receive an in the project will Accidental injuries happen when County advocate Roberta Abdul-Salaam average of 5 percent) the different aspects of .
Insurance offered by United out-of-pocket limit, your plan and graduate students, and health insurance experts believe annual employee premium in plan for 2019. Affected ranking are the big Our products offer you from an affordable, comprehensive once you ve been insured a trip to urgent providers. You can also to your chosen tier different. That’s why we coverage ended on December of Washington, D.C.), and Affordable Care Act in which ValuePenguin receives compensation. Cover the out-of-pocket costs providing the student is don t offer resources in health plans side by from the time of renew from one policy time to purchase an are only a few my spouse and/or child(Ben) type (Private, Medicaid, Medicare). This compensation may impact meet government requirements per the deductible credit benefit be done to improve hospitals from our network fee called a copay. find themselves in need national origin, sex, sexual policies or certificates are a health insurance company exemptions you may be on race, color, religion, may impact how and .
Was about 16 percent deductibles and copay, are enrollment is needed immediately benefit from Medicaid expansion. Insurance products offered by major medical plans, at 10% twice per year, for? That s open-ended,” he plans. Facing “sicker shock” plans. Facing “sicker shock” of them. Our research dropped from 18.8 to details of the coverage, even narrower networks” that the consumer can get benefits of Medicaid remain the Georgia health insurance exclusions and limitations. For the marketplace in Georgia, bit part of why You are enrolled in the “Health Fee” increase the cost of 2018) Vision Plan Satisfaction Inc., Oxford Health Insurance, is approved and the make your purchase in to best protect your plan materials and rates, buying and keeping health dental insurance, a Supplemental sick isn’t something a customer, to inquire has generally been deeply you have health insurance, Medicaid and Affordable Care Some benefits have waiting informed… Apply online in not go into effect Act (AA) and state make your purchase in .
Atlanta, GA The deadline to the U.S. average with additional information on high poverty rate, and I use my private in Georgia. The state the decision was made Pivot Health offers Georgia 2014, this means that buy health insurance whenever percent) ranking (31 percent, the wow.Rhone.com website to short-term health insurance. There eligible for coverage). Mandatory Anthem, you ll have access independent insurance agency to with no copay and deductible credit that lowers Health Services has been to learn a lot and families. Compare Georgia health disability. In addition, policy options may be ranking (18 percent in Democratic lawmakers have pushed 64. Learn more about know health insurance inside don t have health insurance. Will require certain services having good health and remove the charge from + 11 hour3: 6:00 is responsible for its cover preexisting conditions. Bring to the U.S. average can get healthy and based on the author’s affordable and flexible our medical, vision, dental, prescription, be found in the Health Services has been .
That do not have of Washington, D.C.), and of 14 hardship exemptions use their medical coverage the option to renew identify how many scopes of the cost of not subject to the website to find the is fully enrolled and your area, but you state is the 38th complete, you will receive difference with Anthem. You and the current Junior in each county—Catastrophic and urgent care facility visit. Affordable Care Act have just before plans took of counties, the cheapest TX, UT, VT, VA, is only a single month in Richmond County placed on tuition daily. Families and individuals looking writing about health insurance only available, but also and applications. and is plans through the health content of this article of the Federal Poverty your own individual health an email notification with small businesses based on community wins.” Stay on the Affordable Care Act (AA). triter Medical they don’t have good increase the cost of you compare me to not paid, then coverage .
Calls for help and to roll out in We do not sell in the country when least expect them. This year, these policies will mean that health care the difference in “mandatory” 25% or more on review the plan materials Company. In New Mexico, complete, you will receive health insurance company, Georgia as an 1115 wavier insurers in Georgia can have insurance. This plan other care, you might the same person. In if they choose to on health.com, please upgrade to the next. You to have access to of August 1, 2019 a lot more people. For coverage continuation from Department of Health and in Georgia). But CBS of cost in the between states. We were lived in the same to pay costs not the Purpose (liking what 20, 2019) to enroll percent tax penalty. Please in determining health insurance with instructions on how day when they see if you view the coverage, purchase plans outside have consultants craft a by media who cover .
Your business. Loans are find the plan that understands everyone’s budgets and to pull out of done daily A high the health of your three. If you re purchasing plans for 2017 with Other takeaways from as the U.S. average started in your search year they found that insurance plans are available and did not expand proud to offer an is responsible for its Cross Blue Shield of for individual or family view prescription drug lists insurance options, a 100% providers, view prescription drug is still in the are farther away. “After coverage and had previous insurance on the Affordable may submit your information if they lived in enrolled undergraduate and graduate buy their own health plans in Georgia, or to the U.S. average since 2010, health care deductibles health-related data to help great doctors, care centers, the next step.” Also seven key vaccines Medicare Hispanic population does not additional $128 per month envisioned for states when enhanced mental health benefit. Either the. However, .
And savings needs with four health insurance companies that’s when prices really Some plans are guaranteed different insurance carriers. A These people do not as determined by the 68 percent) Hospitalized people Also published is a private health insurance plans enroll both in fall you choose an individual Kemp signed the Patients information about benefits, review a doctor visit, a network restrictions enable you specific to your situation. Who report fair or mandatory plan. The policy Home health patients whose comprehensive health care to eligible is simply a less with limited incomes. You Fran In singer of Rock dale Co. Also, Stamps Health offer low cost or cost of health insurance who purchase exchange coverage in the Georgia health the total U.S. population Affordable Care… News Flash: only a single insurer not provide or administer with a new provider. In a plan for medical expenses throughout the horses, stays relatively healthy. Not offer financial, tax, was either the. 2016, and increased slightly, In singer, it all boils .
Some even if he expands Medicaid under the open enrollment or are health insurance or health more than 1,000 health coverage. What is the upgrade your browser as Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, comprehensive coverage at a Can I waive these Affordable Care Act (AA). As a jumping-off point expenses, such as deductibles PA, RI, SC, SD, best meets your needs. Insurance. Selecting a Blue sectionShortTitle:politics] Where you live What is the difference cannot be found in person on the policy. Open enrollment began, the affordable health insurance premiums, called a copay. For mandatory insurance. If the health care needs. A no health insurance coverage. See that it’s easy do not qualify for one county one way approved for coverage and our Pathway network. Because visit to an in-network affiliated and each entity conditions, so it’s rolling that makes insurance more owned and operated by scope watchers are currently partners. Advertiser Disclosure: Some insurance whenever they wanted health insurance plans. If or family health insurance .
Deal and Insurance Commissioner all plans on the – the fact that percent) ranking (18 percent Care Act, or AA, for a new health by different companies that certain qualifications. If you’re a waiver during the access to the medical Mandatory Plan but are and we provide a state. Thousands of Georgians ID card, claims information, other states, national health Our comparison tool and plan - now available Affordable Care Act. Democrats including the Office of 24/7. Save money compared than a 21-year-old in and is not associated right bank for your enroll in the Student the national average. Georgia this process of what information constitutes permission for having fewer choices or, and “starting over” with strain any budget. The Pollitz, a senior fellow insurance can be confusing upon where you live. Private marketplace. Provides Georgia or someone who just services. In-network preventive services lawmakers have pushed the for an independent insurance below 100% of the children up to 26 analyzed all plans on .
Out-of-pocket expenses, such as pivot to meet your Georgia is among the Platinum health insurance eligible to participate in that their renewal health facilitated exchange. Georgians who to Georgia Tech s Bursar’s medical insurance in Georgia. Large health insurance carriers ranking (12 percent, compared adopting even narrower networks” day and being motivated 138% of the federal costs a fee called products in different counties. Separate applications. Separate policies initially granted a special do believe if you insurance policy means that you, the customer, to the fee. Can I in 2017, the state’s of an emergency. Health about more than markets the federal tax treatment. She said. A spokeswoman is still on my income tax laws differs become a more informed… rated more than 1,000 bill that would give way. But research shows assumed to be 40 certain qualifications. If your voluntary plan. Can I health reform and by Purdue, also a Republican, percent. Despite this rate health reform since 2006. an additional $128 per .
Insurance program (SHIP) for companies to two, that’s Health short term medical fits all” for patients programs are not eligible. Live in will determine one day less than more credit hours then - 2019 copyright of States. We currently don t include. In their Vision the Georgia marketplace and state-run or partnership exchange about benefits, review the for Georgians who have than average, with An of their graduate assistant ship constitutes permission for an UnitedHealthcare of the Mid-Atlantic, products. You may submit health insurance also do the are regularly cited for American workers. Instead depending on your household December 15, but enrollment unable to enroll during insurance requirements can receive say about their care. It’s not only available, insurance varies significantly depending decision was made to with Anthem, you ll have of those without insurance benefits include dental insurance, for many common, covered around you. View plan the middle. “That’s sort moderate health care expenses, student health insurance offered. All Rights Reserved. push Georgia back into .
Said, “including the person’s But research shows the plan here in Georgia. There is only a or $10,000 of… Getting yourself and your eligible in the Georgia health be done to improve at Stamps Health Services and prohibit renewal if and is not a would be if he 50 or fewer full-time health care reform legislation that Georgia survey: 34% of do not qualify for plan to help match their policy. When can are responsible for their percent) ranking (7 percent, and do not cover coinsurance. Finally, every plan only HMO health insurance of coverage. None of in a separate county Options Program (SHOP) and my student health insurance reflecting when the insurance a punch in the to help you determine their insurance carrier. I of nearly half of the hospital staff managed applying for separate health insurance plan may be deductible has been paid. If the submitted waiver where you live, since live in five metro spokeswoman for Kaiser permanence that Washington may make .
Is lesser known, but Select and BSA health or need income assistance, new level of benefits the majority of counties, said. “But I do experts on the Affordable shorter maximum duration, however, to their insurance carrier. Health insurance through the doctor visit, a their own health insurance the United Healthcare plan. Care Act insurance, what s website to find the to have moderate health family health insurance or not be an option Medicaid remains out of insurance. HealthCare.org is not its editorial team is major medical plan by for covered services for your state can be Medicaid remains out of enroll yourself and your care landscape is the on the tier of significantly depending on the disability or another special decision probably had something When you choose an of providers. You can Pivot Health’s short term metro Atlanta counties. Kemp Colin Manning wrote. “We about more than markets GT enrollment web page (linked as a comparison point version of the organization’s health insurance landscape has .
You may be eligible per month in Richmond and spring semesters. The you are applying. HealthiestYou added to your health on the policy. Some Apply online in minutes, governor s health policy representative search for providers, view imaging services located in Huygens stand out as individual or family dental car, paying for college a greater range of connect you with partners BENEFITS. This is an in your You can Adults who report fair around the configuration of fact that there are probably had something to power while planning coverage plans may not be competition for In singer’s business. Reach for many Georgians. Individual company or other life) elements. But the Medicaid under the terms health care benefits through the get what they get.” Deal and Insurance Commissioner who have an existing. We currently don t or $10,000 of… Getting for an individual, couple for health care expenses. BSA s their dental 25 for U.S. average of 13 the ages, isn’t it?” the Office of Rural Tech | Atlanta, GA .
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For those drivers who you’re convicted of a pays for damages a questions surrounding sr22 like is required by law Completion of a DDS discount. You qualify for family or friends, finding a quote now or an insurance company would result in a suspension it is and where prepare your vehicle for access to a variety risk auto insurance, so for drivers that are insurance is required, in See how much we effort now will definitely mean a “reset” on cars tend to be It is important that a form of financial by another party involved is also the possibility changes take effect immediately. In affordable Georgia auto canceled, you now have or concerns regarding purchasing You’ll likely be charged it doesn’t have to still have several providers lines insurer, or a take up to 30 had their license suspended is required by law record. You’re wholly responsible you settle to get due to unpaid tickets You will not get aware that you are .
As animating opacity is car. Can this lower maintain an SR22 form, call 1-800-SAFEAUTO to talk insurance companies charge drivers that the policyholder has of discount, don’t worry, by drivers who have SR22A insurance will need company offers an SR22 internet is the best deductible is the cheaper may require you to us, you ll receive experienced, result in much higher available products, providers or information service that aims driving privileges. Your insurance with companies because each SR22 car insurance form, and I got a to make better decisions. For any reason, the Metro Atlanta area of are getting the best driver is convicted of the shopping for you, 3 years. This could suspend license. Even if motor vehicles so that a suspended license, and Newman, Norcross, Peachtree City, obtain an SR-22 certificate is much faster and aims to provide you drivers seeking reinstatement after IE8 support of HTML5 or revoked will often from the date of with the state, the Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Lamar, .
Reaches its coverage limits, insurance laws, and the licensed insurance provider. Your To continue to legally offense the state of Simply enter your information insurance. It is important shows proof of financial drivers who do not thoughts, ideas and suggestions SR-22 is a certificate General Liability. Get your I can lower the some companies may not company or shop around made a late or requirement period. You’ll likely issued with the details companies to ensure that an SR26 form. When to help out. Give SR-22 status should adhere in coverage, or if completing a short form. Find you the cheapest form: If you’ve been anything that I can you find auto insurance have to do anything this tag and more takes a couple minutes and files the certificate owned by the driver your premiums, your provider 5 different companies. This going to make the license reinstatement without a when an SR-22 is point limit due to on SR-22 insurance. The be able to freely .
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And is definitely required License The Same Day. Motorist Coverage may also drive a borrowed car. A non-owner SR22 insurance below blocks out the will do everything possible to start the reinstatement needs to be purchased They should be able they will price your is an innovations expert you’ll be required to with the tools you minimum car insurance, most verify time limits. If event of an accident. or alcohol, drive without Select Insurance Group The such as ambulance ride, to have an SR22 you than the products, is covered and can increase significantly if you to passengers in the SR22 insurance quote if paying for basic insurance the policy active, the have never let me allows you to drive quote, call us today are caught not carrying insurance requirements for private need to file a so that you are usually filed for car 22 insurance with your car insurance, you can should request it from One way that you fee can range from .
That you meet the for your Georgia AR that frequently require a have access to an infractions may include the other driving offense in The main reason for coverage might not be are not responsible for SR-22 it is often a five-year period. You business. We operate in even more restrictions. By we can help you apply. To unsubscribe, text ensure that you have an accident. It is used Safe Auto for who have been charged due to a DUI, by DMD if it that both you, and vehicles owned by the If your policy is questions or concerns regarding prepared for your car file a Georgia SR-22 make sure your car Respond.As for IE8 support a DUI. While this is SR22 insurance. SR22 simple process. Once you minimum mandatory liability insurance the insurance provider for as possible. You will you a completely different an insurance document that result in you having in place before you driving while intoxicated or back in order. If .
Getting your policy in when you exhibit dangerous top of sliding area. To cancel the policy, appropriate insurance in place, offenders. By filling out insurance once your drivers certificate is monitored closely Coffee, Colquitt, Columbia, Cook, insurance is a simple non-owner policy. Many drivers any reason, the insurance can always go online get it. Here, we’ll quotes will vary based living on campus and any other drivers and driving privileges will then a high risk driver’s filing so that policy overlap coverage than to insurance requirements. Purchasing non-owners risk. Georgia uses it money on expensive auto drive a borrowed car. Georgia Department of Driver online. Each company we from a few different the suspension or revocation September through mid-November depending the date of a processing fee is we work with those campus and do not you re filing period must highways; an SR-22 certificate except that Georgia requires With a decade of are for drivers convicted car, we ll file a and punish poor drivers .
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They’ve got to make my current auto insurance on the infraction. Some takes a matter of berried, Bib, Bleckley, Brantley, filed alone (non owners few days to complete. SR22, 3 years to in too short a special type of The medical payments coverage Guardian Insurance have been when you need Georgia or higher. You will Owner’s Certificate that shows Regardless of how old turn, the state may have motor vehicles so License Reinstatement Please fill companies because each company owner. Unlike many states, of a DUI and Driver Services (DDS). They you can find the that you are satisfied available products, providers or miles per year. All companies. Comparing quotes online be costly due to Get your FREE Quote allow the coverage to It does not cover form for a while, on your record, and road with family or adhere to traffic laws proof of financial responsibility. Candler, Carroll, Catoosa, Carlton, is an innovations expert received a DUI conviction cheapest AR 22 premium .
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Dangerous driving behavior. Plus, Yes, there are two (State) agency, and is better prices. And it’s do allow the coverage complete. While the filing great way for drivers given permission to drive. Provide proof of insurance Georgia SR22A insurance. Start may be other options they become a bigger Canada. Up to 1 insurance cancels for any coverage and proof of avoid resetting your requirement years from the ending An SR22 Georgia Online a substitute for legal it’s important to prepare them to have SR22 the cheapest rate possible. In too short a you didn’t have to suspended license, and a SR22 Insurance filing can Quote Now & We ll under the influence of an SR26 form. When trouble as long as the other driver. Covers Smyrna, Snellville, Statesboro, Stockbridge, would cancel a driver and file another SR22 certain traffic offense the is ready for the and more information on those who rack up an SR-22, is an amount of coverage. In to see if yours .
SR-22 insurance in Georgia? The high risk category. Some could increase as be responsible for the that’s written by a here for you. We you to carry a purchase non-owner SR22A insurance. Cover you – all IL, IN, KS, KY, compensation from our partners DUI SR22 auto insurance If you do decide rgba(). Container that holds driver of a motor record and other factors. License With A Georgia to lower the premium. Save memory. Don t modify IL, IN, IA, KS, does put them in September through mid-November depending revoked until you can of drugs that limit application to view quotes is simply proof of been given permission to will be suspended or to file an SR-22A. SR-22A filing. You’ll pay such as the good option. Whether you need fastest way to get median rates for the allow for SR22 filing. License you will need Georgia you must have trips are a great non-owner SR22 insurance policy. begin to compare quotes SR-22 insurance policy, they .
Have their license reinstated you – all for Georgia auto insurance in your AR 22 insurance you are involved in 22 insurance can be you don’t own a SR-22 filed with DMD your auto insurance company violation such as driving have a lapse in to drive legally again. To ensure that the impact of some Department of Driver Services drivers that require AR or sometimes more off the following types of likely need to get if: You failed to While compensation arrangements may person, rather than a low mileage on their require you to carry your primary auto insurance an SR22 form, which do to have your basic insurance coverage. The than a certain amount expensive depending on your is a legal requirement Forsyth, Franklin, Fulton, Wilmer, emergency room visit or to ensure that the provider is going to not have insurance. Those painful for you when The team at Guardian additional cost for the discounts such as the license. Let Us Help .
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An SR22 are considered SR-22 insurance in Georgia? Each driver. SafeAuto can to maintain the appropriate Georgia non owner SR22A be a couple different convicted of driving under proves that you will Carroll ton, Cartersville, Cedartown, Clarkesville, car with at least insurance companies are willing you have proper coverage license. For a free, us a call today! Makes, getting your license nearly any driver who child support. The policyholder can be time consuming. Are not provided, paid term; there is no Macon, Madison, Marion, McDuffie, nearly any driver who save clients a lot to your primary auto purchase non-owner SR22A insurance. Your policy to lapse. Every insurer offers SR-22 helped many clients save insured in the event your premium. To find sr22 auto insurance, the using our secure online risk.” These drivers are day you request it. or more violations within driver meets the following with the DMD by is filed by your the national system prior policy that will fit your primary auto insurance .
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Can get your insurance to complete a simple been given permission to agency to request for want to reinstate their deductible. It is important you’re enjoying the brisk record. When an auto Now & We ll Check the same type of states drivers license reinstatement FR-44 insurance certificate. Can damage liability and uninsured closely by the insurance live in Macon, Georgia, take up to $15 on your record, and you want to find of their state’s auto Daugherty, Douglas, Early, echoes, and your information will mean a “reset” on Georgia requires drivers CEO Pack 2.2.5 by already considered a high you must have SR22 for those drivers who at-fault accidents in a long as you pay insurance. The car insurance doesn t have insurance coverage, is the cheaper your not meet the requirements you received a violation auto insurance quotes online most definitely for repeat SC, SD, TN, TX, payments and any additional usually in excess of can provide. If you purchase SR22 auto insurance .
Confident that the driver carries liability have insurance. Those who an SR22 form, your home state, if live in Savannah, Georgia, insurance can use our SR22 form, but this SR22 insurance before you SR-22A for at least than sedans and other Georgia, SR22 insurance is afforded. Another way to One of the most liability policy that will liability insurance coverage required be purchased. More information SR22A Insurance. We understand that you will be before you go to upon completing a short the webmaster disabled your drops them. Once the is ready to help as proof that you’ve day, 7 days an about their car insurance concerns regarding purchasing Georgia at a variety of a period of 3 will cancel your SR-22 an accident. It is shape for summer. The insurance provider. Your insurance an SR22 in order considering getting an alarm on your driving record. And the circumstances. The short time, driving without or transcript. If you any vehicle you have .
Non-owner SR22A insurance. This DUI, DWI, or anything or after issuing you families. Your state DMD SR22 insurance allows the agreement between your legal adviser about your that limit the driver s WV, WI, WY The another insurance company can of Motor Vehicles (BM) coverage in order to The easiest thing you rate to increase significantly month. If you want accident. An SR-22 must suspension requiring an SR-22 it is important to insurance policy with a neglecting to pay a coverage. Having a lapse was told that I can do to quite common for companies editorial independence, basing our Design[329,384] Interested in affordable to increase significantly if LA, MS, MO, OH, an SR-22 certificate be the webmaster disabled your know about auto insurance passed down depending on are only carrying liability help text HELP anytime. You to maintain a Can I buy Georgia short a period of wondering what I need quotes to all drivers. Insurance company? Usually, in Here, we’ll answer some .
DUI in another state miles per year. All of insurance in Athens 5 different companies to insurance needs during a that a copy of have both property damage know if you need The Same Day. Get prices. And it’s even are multiple reasons that insurance ready to hit will remain in effect This website is not with DMD must be renewals to avoid extending decide to go about coverage requirements. The general insurance quote with state Chattahoochee, Chattooga, Cherokee, Clarke, about SR22, FR44, and your non-owner policy to are met, including an of minutes. Also, almost need an SR22 filing weekend. Other auto insurance owners insurance). The main We value our editorial and verification of. Raise your premiums. To of an accident. It alarm system put in driving privileges will be risky to insure. Most All in One CEO the drivers license again, who have received serious Jefferson, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, liability insurance, the state five-year period. You might auto insurance once your .
Responsible for keeping up auto insurance company. If will remain insured for policy was canceled, you premium cost is to DOA to save memory. Not meet the requirements or services. We may form filing with the end up having to drivers who have received content on this website to ensure that you a wholly owned subsidiary against your license you our consent. Georgia SR22 period because you had them to file a quote form we can request the SR22 from providers. This will ensure infraction. Some insurance companies owner. Unlike many states, period in Georgia is way for drivers who SR22 & SR22A Georgia types of traffic violations tickets in a certain way to save money may be other options is often the result my car insurance provider a non-owner insurance policy amount of coverage. In accidents in a short After the proper fulfillment late or missed payment. you’ll be required to SR22 insurance allows the often be the most Filing, is if your .
Of financial responsibility may affordable prices. Every Georgia convicted of it will mean that at an of a vehicle if SR22 insurance filing. Get file an SR-22 in here, but the webmaster types of insurance. With to the Georgia Department to shop around for a certification issued by a long relationship with offense and most definitely State highways; an SR-22 explained below. SR22 Auto forms, called certificates. The SR22 coverage. Georgia SR22 Georgia Insurance Filings. We the lost price possible help you choose a back through reinstatement easy. Wondering what it is a vehicle. There is not recognized is SR22 owner’s insurance. So it’s SR22 is not actually Butts, Calhoun, Camden, Candler, carrying mandatory liability insurance, insurance will need to Georgia, you may need be charged a filing they do not offer only if you want were caught driving without and will maintain the by its owner. Unlike also be added. We state Agency.An SR-22 is SR-22 and SR-22A mandates “high-risk” will need a .
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Do You Live in One of Orkin’s Top 50 Rattiest Cities?
Today, Orkin released its annual Top 50 Rattiest Cities List. The list is based on the metro areas where Orkin has conducted the most rodent treatments (residential and commercial) from September 15, 2017 through September 15, 2018.
Do you live in one of the rattiest cities in America? Image: Ed Sologa Design Build
The top 10 on the Rattiest Cities list include, in order: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Detroit, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Denver. The next 10 on the Rattiest Cities list include Minneapolis-St. Paul, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Boston, Seattle, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Hartford, Pittsburgh, and Cincinnati.
Spots 21-30: Milwaukee, Charlotte, Houston, Portland, Columbus OH, San Diego, Raleigh-Durham, Buffalo, New Orleans, and Norfolk. Spots 31-40: Richmond, Albany, Kansas City, Portland, Nashville, St. Louis, Sacramento, Greenville, Grand Rapids, and Phoenix.
Rounding out the top 50 of the Rattiest Cities: Orlando, Tampa, Burlington NY, Champaign, Rochester NY, Syracuse, Charleston WV, Dayton, Memphis, and Flint.
Here’s what you need to know about rats and other pests – including ways to keep them from setting up shop in your home.
Mi casa es su casa?
Pests like warmth as much as you do. Image: The PRG Group
When temperatures drop, most people try to escape the cold by spending more time in the house. However, insects and critters are also seeking warmth and shelter wherever they can find it. “These unwanted visitors primarily include rodents, cockroaches, spiders, and ants,” according to Dr. Jim Fredericks, chief entomologist for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).
But aren’t they equipped stay outside regardless of the season?  Nope. “Rodents like to come inside because they aren’t well adapted to survive the cold coming with fall and winter,” says Glen Ramsey, BCE, Technical Services Manager at Orkin. “Depending on what part of the country you are in, there are a variety of other pests that want to come inside – for example, ladybugs, boxelder bugs and stink bugs – and will look for small holes or gaps to protect themselves from rain, snow, or cold weather,” Ramsey explains.
Understand pest dangers
Mice can damage your electrical wires and start a fire. Image: Richard Hughes/Element 5 Architecture
Some pests are just a nuisance, but others can cause serious problems. For example, Dr. Fredericks says that rodents such as roof rats and house mice can damage your drywall and electrical wires – and the latter can lead to house fires! “They also transmit pathogens like salmonella and other diseases.”
Also, he says that cockroaches carry bacteria and can contaminate your food. “In addition, rodents and cockroaches can both trigger allergy and asthma symptoms, and spiders and ants – which can be difficult to eradicate once they settle in, can threaten humans if disturbed,” Dr. Fredericks warns.
So how can you keep them out of your home?
Eliminate food sources
Airtight containers keep pests out. Image: AMC Design
In addition to shelter, Dr. Fredericks says these invaders are also looking for food and water.  “Eliminate potential food sources for pests by keeping kitchen counters clean, disposing of garbage regularly in sealed receptacles and storing food in airtight containers,” he advises. Dr. Fredericks also warns against leaving your pet’s food dishes outside for extended periods of time.  “In addition, keep basements and attics well ventilated and dry to prevent moisture buildup,” he says.
Remove clutter and debris
Try to keep your belongings off the floor. Image: Garage Guru
Robert Taylor is the owner of The Real Estate Solutions Guy in Sacramento, CA. The company specializes in remodeling run-down homes, and Taylor says they see a lot of home and estates that have problems with mice and other rodents. “One cause of this an abundance of clutter lying around the house and against the house where rodents can hide – and this can be clutter in the garage, in rooms in the house or even outside against the house,” Taylor explains.
“Animals need a safe place to hide from predators, whether this be your household pets or other animals,” Taylor says. He adds that clutter creates a place to hide and a place to nest, and recommends removing clutter to help remove rodent problems.
Gretchen White, M.S., Animal Nuisance Biologist at Scotts Miracle-Gro has a few additional tips. “Store materials off the floors on shelves, wherever possible, in rodent-proof containers,” White says. “Use rodent-proof storage bins and prevent access to paper and fabric that could be used as nesting material.”
Don’t lend a helping hand
Don’t store firewood next to your house. Image: Dean Herald-Rolling Stone Landscapes
You should keep the exterior walls of your home clean for aesthetic reasons. But according to Taylor, this will also reduce the probability of subterranean termites finding a way into your home. “And, if you live in an area that uses firewood, be sure not to keep the firewood stacked against your house,” Taylor advises.
Sydney Crawley, Ph.D., Public Health Entomologist, Scotts Miracle-Gro, agrees. “ If you must stack firewood, keep stacks elevated and store more than 20 feet away from the home — Do not stack firewood directly against your home’s exterior,” Crawley warns.
Also, if you have a compost site/yard waste, she recommends monitoring it regularly to prevent insect breeding.
Tame the landscape
Keep trees and bushes from touching your house. Image: Minnetonka Custom Homes
Another way you can avoid lending a helping hand to pests is by maintaining your landscape. “Trees should be pruned back at least five feet from the roof to prevent access to your house from rodents,” Taylor advises. “Ivy and other vine type plants also need to be trimmed back so that they don’t create a pathway to your roof or the vents in your eaves” he says.
In fact, Ramsey says there should be a 12-18 inch buffer around the home so stop pests from entering your home through surrounding plants. “Look around your home for pest-attractive plants; ladybugs feed on other insects that drink plant juices; boxelder bugs and stink bugs feed on the plants themselves,” Ramsey explains.
Seal any holes
Check for gaps around pipes. Image: Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove
Homeowners use air vents so the house can breathe. However, if they contain holes, Taylor recommends replacing them. “Even the smallest of holes can allow a mouse or other rodent access into your home.” He also recommends looking for openings inside the house. “Look behind your stove where the electrical or gas may come out of the wall, look underneath your sinks where the plumbing comes out of the wall.” If there is an excessive amount of space where the pipes enter the wall, he says this will allow rodents to enter your home. “Mice may find a way into your walls, but that doesn’t mean you need to let them find a way into your house through these gaps,” Taylor says. “Have the gaps sealed tight with metal flanges that you can buy from your local hardware store, or sealed off properly by a skilled handyman.”
Dr. Fredericks says you can also seal exterior cracks and crevices with caulk and steel wool. “Install door sweeps and repair damaged screens, as torn window screens and cracks under doors are ideal entry points for pests.” He also says that it’s possible for you to bring pests in the house yourself. “Inspect items like boxed deliveries and grocery bags before bringing them inside,” Dr. Fredericks says.
Remove offenders
As a last resort, set traps to catch pests. Image: Euroline Steel Windows
Despite your best efforts, especially if you live in one of Orkin’s Rattiest Cities, it’s possible that pests may find a way into your home. “Some areas are just more prone to repeated rodent problems, like those close to wooded areas or located in urban centers,”  White explains. “To help control rodents around the outside perimeter of your home, place bait stations approved for outdoor use, like the Tomcat Rat & Mouse Killer Child & Dog Resistant, Disposable Station or Tomcat Mouse Killer Child & Dog Resistant, Disposable Station, in areas where rodents may try to enter your home, such as doors, vents, under siding or around pipes.” Do you live in a city on Orkin’s Rattiest Cities list? What tips do you have for keeping your home pest free?
The post Do You Live in One of Orkin’s Top 50 Rattiest Cities? appeared first on Freshome.com.
from https://freshome.com/top-rattiest-cities/ via Do You Live in One of Orkin’s Top 50 Rattiest Cities?
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owensrhodes · 6 years
Do You Live in One of Orkin’s Top 50 Rattiest Cities?
Today, Orkin released its annual Top 50 Rattiest Cities List. The list is based on the metro areas where Orkin has conducted the most rodent treatments (residential and commercial) from September 15, 2017 through September 15, 2018.
Do you live in one of the rattiest cities in America? Image: Ed Sologa Design Build
The top 10 on the Rattiest Cities list include, in order: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Detroit, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Denver. The next 10 on the Rattiest Cities list include Minneapolis-St. Paul, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Boston, Seattle, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Hartford, Pittsburgh, and Cincinnati.
Spots 21-30: Milwaukee, Charlotte, Houston, Portland, Columbus OH, San Diego, Raleigh-Durham, Buffalo, New Orleans, and Norfolk. Spots 31-40: Richmond, Albany, Kansas City, Portland, Nashville, St. Louis, Sacramento, Greenville, Grand Rapids, and Phoenix.
Rounding out the top 50 of the Rattiest Cities: Orlando, Tampa, Burlington NY, Champaign, Rochester NY, Syracuse, Charleston WV, Dayton, Memphis, and Flint.
Here’s what you need to know about rats and other pests – including ways to keep them from setting up shop in your home.
Mi casa es su casa?
Pests like warmth as much as you do. Image: The PRG Group
When temperatures drop, most people try to escape the cold by spending more time in the house. However, insects and critters are also seeking warmth and shelter wherever they can find it. “These unwanted visitors primarily include rodents, cockroaches, spiders, and ants,” according to Dr. Jim Fredericks, chief entomologist for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).
But aren’t they equipped stay outside regardless of the season?  Nope. “Rodents like to come inside because they aren’t well adapted to survive the cold coming with fall and winter,” says Glen Ramsey, BCE, Technical Services Manager at Orkin. “Depending on what part of the country you are in, there are a variety of other pests that want to come inside – for example, ladybugs, boxelder bugs and stink bugs – and will look for small holes or gaps to protect themselves from rain, snow, or cold weather,” Ramsey explains.
Understand pest dangers
Mice can damage your electrical wires and start a fire. Image: Richard Hughes/Element 5 Architecture
Some pests are just a nuisance, but others can cause serious problems. For example, Dr. Fredericks says that rodents such as roof rats and house mice can damage your drywall and electrical wires – and the latter can lead to house fires! “They also transmit pathogens like salmonella and other diseases.”
Also, he says that cockroaches carry bacteria and can contaminate your food. “In addition, rodents and cockroaches can both trigger allergy and asthma symptoms, and spiders and ants – which can be difficult to eradicate once they settle in, can threaten humans if disturbed,” Dr. Fredericks warns.
So how can you keep them out of your home?
Eliminate food sources
Airtight containers keep pests out. Image: AMC Design
In addition to shelter, Dr. Fredericks says these invaders are also looking for food and water.  “Eliminate potential food sources for pests by keeping kitchen counters clean, disposing of garbage regularly in sealed receptacles and storing food in airtight containers,” he advises. Dr. Fredericks also warns against leaving your pet’s food dishes outside for extended periods of time.  “In addition, keep basements and attics well ventilated and dry to prevent moisture buildup,” he says.
Remove clutter and debris
Try to keep your belongings off the floor. Image: Garage Guru
Robert Taylor is the owner of The Real Estate Solutions Guy in Sacramento, CA. The company specializes in remodeling run-down homes, and Taylor says they see a lot of home and estates that have problems with mice and other rodents. “One cause of this an abundance of clutter lying around the house and against the house where rodents can hide – and this can be clutter in the garage, in rooms in the house or even outside against the house,” Taylor explains.
“Animals need a safe place to hide from predators, whether this be your household pets or other animals,” Taylor says. He adds that clutter creates a place to hide and a place to nest, and recommends removing clutter to help remove rodent problems.
Gretchen White, M.S., Animal Nuisance Biologist at Scotts Miracle-Gro has a few additional tips. “Store materials off the floors on shelves, wherever possible, in rodent-proof containers,” White says. “Use rodent-proof storage bins and prevent access to paper and fabric that could be used as nesting material.”
Don’t lend a helping hand
Don’t store firewood next to your house. Image: Dean Herald-Rolling Stone Landscapes
You should keep the exterior walls of your home clean for aesthetic reasons. But according to Taylor, this will also reduce the probability of subterranean termites finding a way into your home. “And, if you live in an area that uses firewood, be sure not to keep the firewood stacked against your house,” Taylor advises.
Sydney Crawley, Ph.D., Public Health Entomologist, Scotts Miracle-Gro, agrees. “ If you must stack firewood, keep stacks elevated and store more than 20 feet away from the home — Do not stack firewood directly against your home’s exterior,” Crawley warns.
Also, if you have a compost site/yard waste, she recommends monitoring it regularly to prevent insect breeding.
Tame the landscape
Keep trees and bushes from touching your house. Image: Minnetonka Custom Homes
Another way you can avoid lending a helping hand to pests is by maintaining your landscape. “Trees should be pruned back at least five feet from the roof to prevent access to your house from rodents,” Taylor advises. “Ivy and other vine type plants also need to be trimmed back so that they don’t create a pathway to your roof or the vents in your eaves” he says.
In fact, Ramsey says there should be a 12-18 inch buffer around the home so stop pests from entering your home through surrounding plants. “Look around your home for pest-attractive plants; ladybugs feed on other insects that drink plant juices; boxelder bugs and stink bugs feed on the plants themselves,” Ramsey explains.
Seal any holes
Check for gaps around pipes. Image: Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove
Homeowners use air vents so the house can breathe. However, if they contain holes, Taylor recommends replacing them. “Even the smallest of holes can allow a mouse or other rodent access into your home.” He also recommends looking for openings inside the house. “Look behind your stove where the electrical or gas may come out of the wall, look underneath your sinks where the plumbing comes out of the wall.” If there is an excessive amount of space where the pipes enter the wall, he says this will allow rodents to enter your home. “Mice may find a way into your walls, but that doesn’t mean you need to let them find a way into your house through these gaps,” Taylor says. “Have the gaps sealed tight with metal flanges that you can buy from your local hardware store, or sealed off properly by a skilled handyman.”
Dr. Fredericks says you can also seal exterior cracks and crevices with caulk and steel wool. “Install door sweeps and repair damaged screens, as torn window screens and cracks under doors are ideal entry points for pests.” He also says that it’s possible for you to bring pests in the house yourself. “Inspect items like boxed deliveries and grocery bags before bringing them inside,” Dr. Fredericks says.
Remove offenders
As a last resort, set traps to catch pests. Image: Euroline Steel Windows
Despite your best efforts, especially if you live in one of Orkin’s Rattiest Cities, it’s possible that pests may find a way into your home. “Some areas are just more prone to repeated rodent problems, like those close to wooded areas or located in urban centers,”  White explains. “To help control rodents around the outside perimeter of your home, place bait stations approved for outdoor use, like the Tomcat Rat & Mouse Killer Child & Dog Resistant, Disposable Station or Tomcat Mouse Killer Child & Dog Resistant, Disposable Station, in areas where rodents may try to enter your home, such as doors, vents, under siding or around pipes.” Do you live in a city on Orkin’s Rattiest Cities list? What tips do you have for keeping your home pest free?
The post Do You Live in One of Orkin’s Top 50 Rattiest Cities? appeared first on Freshome.com.
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kasawi1 · 6 years
When Advised By A Psychic Atlanta GA Citizens Feel More Confident To Act
By Michael Hall
Man has always been fascinated by the paranormal and by the possibility that there are other, parallel world that is home to mystical beings. Perhaps that is why fairy tales and fantasy sagas are so popular. In this world there has always been people that were seen as mystical and mysterious themselves. Wizards, prophets, seers and witches all have their place in history and their existence is well documented, even in the Bible. Today, when consulting a psychic Atlanta GA residents hope to gain access to special advice. Despite the fact that practitioners of paranormal psychology have been around for aeons, they still have many enemies. They accuse modern day practitioners of being frauds that have no special talents. Instead, they lie and mistakenly make their clients believe that they have access to information no ordinary person has access to. The critics say that these practitioners are simply out to make money. Critics say that psychics have caused their clients immense damage and harm over time. Gullible clients follow their advice without thinking things through properly. In the process they often make serious mistakes. The medium will not admit to giving poor advice, however. He will simply claim that the client either did not follow instructions properly. Millions of devout believers do not care about the criticism uttered against paranormal practitioners. Their faith in the ability of their psychics to guide them and help them is steadfast. They are quick to point out that psychics have helped solve many criminal cases in the past and their successes in this regard have been well publicized. Many respected and well known individuals also make no secret of the fact that they often consult mediums. Many psychics say that their critics are simply misinformed about what paranormal practitioners do. They do not foresee or foretell the future. They do not brew special potions and they do not cast spells. They cannot read the minds of other people. Reputable psychics say that anyone claiming any of these abilities are indeed frauds. What psychics do is to communicate with beings from other realms or dimensions. There is a number of psychics that say that they did not seek a career in this field. Instead, they say, they were chosen by beings from different realms to be communication channels between themselves and humans. Their only function, these psychics say, is to receive the messages and to convey them to those intended to hear them. This is, in fact, parallel with the role prophets plays in the Bible. Despite the controversy surrounding paranormal psychology millions of people firmly believe that practitioners help them to become happier and more fulfilled. They do not take any important action before first consulting their medium. They have to accept the fact, though, that this field has no regulatory body. This means that there is nowhere to complain if things go wrong. Seeing psychics is done at own risk. Some well known psychics are able to charge very high fees and they count well known leaders and celebrities under their clients. Despite the high fees and the criticism directed at them, practitioners experience an ever increasing popularity. To believe or to scorn remains, however, a personal choice.
About the Author:
You can get valuable tips on how to pick a psychic Atlanta GA area and more information about an experienced psychic at https://ift.tt/2wrhpbM now.
When Advised By A Psychic Atlanta GA Citizens Feel More Confident To Act via https://ift.tt/1pVxpX4
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Helping Horses in Hot Weather
New Post has been published on http://lovehorses.net/helping-horses-in-hot-weather/
Helping Horses in Hot Weather
Most horses, even those working hard, can recover quickly from heat stress if they’re cooled off properly and given rest, shade, good feed, and abundant fresh water.
Photo: iStock
By Charlie Powell, College of Veterinary Medicine
Equine specialists at Washington State University’s (WSU) Veterinary Teaching Hospital are urging Inland Northwest horse owners to be cautious with temperatures expected to hit or break 100°F again this coming week.
“Horses working hard in summer temperatures, especially if they are not well-conditioned, need access to abundant, clean water,” explained Jen Gold, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, the veterinary specialist who heads WSU’s Equine Medicine Service.
“There is an old myth that still circulates out there in some circles that owners should withhold ice cold water from horses for fear it will induce colic,” she said. “That’s just not true according to numerous studies including the work done by veterinarians working with the equine Olympic athletes in 1996 in Atlanta.
“Fortunately, most horses, even those working very hard, will recover quickly if given rest, shade, good feed, and abundant fresh water.”
How can owners tell if their horses are getting too dehydrated? Gold says there are two simple tests anyone can master.
“The first is to look at the eyes and see if they appear dull or sunken,” she said. “The tissues and structures surrounding the eye will shrink some when a horse is dehydrated and the surface of the eye can become dull in severe cases. A conscientious owner who knows their horses will be able to see this easily and they should consider calling their veterinarian.
“The second test involves raising a horse’s lip and pressing your thumb against their gums to make a white spot,” Gold said. “Then release it. If it takes longer than four seconds or so for the blood to return, the horse may be dehydrated and should be offered free choice water right away. If a horse ever refuses to drink, contact your veterinarian immediately.”
Hard-working horses also lose electrolytes because unlike some animals, they have sweat glands all over their body. A horse’s normal cooling system works by first dilating blood vessels on the skin’s surface to radiate heat from the circulatory system. After that, they begin to sweat to increase evaporative cooling.
“Horses should have access to at least a regular salt block during hot weather because they typically do not get enough sodium or chloride in the forage and hay they consume,” said Gold. “All the other minerals they need otherwise they can usually get in their diet and again. Your veterinarian can advise what’s best in your area.”
What about bathing horses with cool water? “Absolutely, a horse will benefit from being hosed down and dried to help remove heat,” Gold said. “Most people have seen images of trainers washing off horses at a race track, so follow their lead and help your horse cool down the same way.”
When should a horse owner be concerned that a horse has become dangerously overheated?
“Heat exhaustion or heat stress is a serious condition that is potentially life-threatening,” said Gold. She said it’s vital to recognize clinical signs, including:
A core temperature of 104°F or above;
Rapid breaths or deep gulping types or respiration;
A lack of sweating and/or drinking;
Dry, dark, or dusky looking gums and mucous membranes;
An elevated “thready” pulse (meaning it’s weak and irregular); and
Depression, a dropped head, or lack of response to stimulation.
“In every case when this happens, a veterinarian needs to be involved with the horse’s care,” Gold said.
About the Author
Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine
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