#they did send a gift registry but I’m also considering making something
arcticmist0324 · 2 months
The urge to cuddle in bed all day reading AO3.
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Twelve
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut! 7.6K
It was sad putting your two weeks in at Mark It, but everyone understood. You were extremely grateful for every single opportunity they had given you. But sometimes a bird needs to leave the nest. You promised you’d talk up the company to any undergrads you come across. You were able to get onto the university’s insurance right away, and you added Harry to your plan.
One night Harry was rubbing your feet while you were both sitting on the couch.
“So do you need to go to campus a bunch? Or can you do a lot from home?”
“I’m going to be on campus for as long as I can, set up my office and all that. It’s nice, I even have a window! I feel like I’ll be able to concentrate in the space a little easier.”
“My mum was wondering if we wanted her and Gem to come here for Christmas this year instead of us flying out.”
“Oh.” You frown. “No, I want you to be able to see your friends. This is when you usually get to see Louis. I can still fly, the doctor said it was okay.”
“Are you sure you can swing that? I mean, you have so much to do with your new job.”
“We only go for the holidays, the school won’t even be open. We’re only gone for seven days. I’d rather go to London, but that’s very sweet of her to offer.”
“If that’s the case, she was wondering when we’re going to set up a registry. I think she wants to throw you an early baby shower since they probably won’t be able to come here for that.”
“Oh, um, this is sort of awkward, but we don’t do that.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, Jewish people, we don’t do baby showers.”
“Why not?”
“It’s bad luck.” You shrug. “You’re not supposed to buy gifts for the baby or bring anything into the home ahead of time. My mom said we could put things in her basement.”
“So we can’t even set up the nursery? I mean, I was ready to start gettin’ the bed out of there. I was thinking of turning the loft into the guest room.”
“What about your desk and all of your things?”
“I don’t really work from home much anymore, and I’d like to still have a place for my family to sleep when they come visit.”
“Alright, and we can set up the nursery, like we can paint and stuff. We can put the crib in there, but maybe not the padding or the blankets. We can get the registry set up and just put my mom’s address on there. I know she was thinking of doing a combined mommy shower for myself and Erica.”
“Mommy shower?”
“It’s sort of a loophole to the baby shower thing. Everyone brings gifts for the parents to be.”
“Ohhh, I like that. I’ll tell my mum to do that instead. I’m sure she’d love the idea of buying you a ton of things.”
“She doesn’t need to.”
“I know, but this is her first grandchild and she feels far away from it, you know? She wants to spoil us, you.”
“Alright, then I won’t argue.”
“Come here, come sit in my lap.”
You get up and climb on top of him. He holds you close to him. He gives you kisses and you give them back. He feels a wetness on his neck from where you’ve buried your face.
“Are you crying?”
“Why?” He can’t help but chuckle.
“I’m just so happy.” You look up at him. “I thought starting a new job and rearranging all our furniture and stuff would be stressful. I thought with our friends living further away we’d never see them, but we see them all the time still. Things are good, Harry.”
“They’re very good, darlin’.” He kisses your forehead. You roll your hips down on him.
“Will you take me to the bedroom?”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.”
He picks you up carefully, and carries you down the hall. Things were really good.
“Let me get a good look at yeh, spin around.” You turn around in your maternity outfit for him. You still weren’t that big, but you were carrying a lot of your weight in your lower stomach, so normal pants were no longer an option. Instead you opted for leggings and a long sleeve flowy dress to wear over them. “What time’s your first class?”
“9:30.” You beam.
“Have a great first day, I can’t wait to hear all about it.” Harry kisses you and sends you off into the cold.
Your commute to school wouldn’t be a long one, which was nice. Since you weren’t hired as a research faculty, and since you couldn’t start your PhD yet, you did have to work Monday through Friday, but most days you’d be home around 3PM, which was really nice. You’d be teaching a couple of intro communication courses, at two sections each, and then two sections of an upper level film criticism course. You were thrilled.
You go to your office first to drop off your coat, and change your shoes. You didn’t need to wear your boots all day. Your friends had sent you good luck texts and other well wishes. You make your way to the elevator and head upstairs. There were a couple of early birds there, and you smile at them as you get your laptop set up with the computer.
You wait until 9:35 to get started, letting any stragglers come into the room. Once everyone is seated, you close the door.
“Good morning everyone, lucky you, we get to do this three times a week. I know 9:30 is early so coffee and other snacks are fine with me. I know some professors don’t allow that, but I don’t really care. Just make sure your neighbor doesn’t have any allergies.” You take a deep breath. “Right, so, my name is Y/F/N Y/L/N, feel free to call me Y/N, or professor, or whatever you feel comfortable with. Just know that I am not a doctor, so you don’t need to address me as such.” The students hum their response. “As you may or may not be able to tell, I’m pregnant.” You turn to the side and cup your lower stomach. “Thank you, yes, very exciting. I’m due at the end of May, and if all goes according to plan you shouldn’t need a substitute. This is my first time physically teaching in person, but I have taught before. I’m very excited to be here. Oh! I will say, my husband owns Styles Photography not too far from here, so if you ever need a good picture taken, or if you’re looking for an internship, don’t hesitate to ask me. And before you ask, no, I did not take his last name.” You look at their droopy eyes. “Okay, before we get into the syllabus and class expectations, I want us all to do an ice breaker.” You hear a few groans. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you to say your name or where you’re from, I already have all that info. I want you to turn to the person next to you, take out your phones, and show them your most recently liked tik tok.” They all look at you. “We all have tik tok right?” They all say yes. “Okay then, have at it.”
You lean back against the desk as you hear people laughing and giggling.
“Anyone have the same one liked?” A couple students raise their hands. “Too funny. Okay, okay, let’s settle back down. See, isn’t that a better way of getting to know someone?” You go over to the computer and pull up your syllabus. “I want these classes to be real open discussion. As long as you’re not talking over someone, don’t even worry about raising your hand.”
You give the same shpeal in each class all week. By the time Friday rolled around, you were drained to say the least, but you were happy. You felt accomplished. You knew things might get more difficult as you started assigning projects and such, and getting bigger, but you tried not to think too far ahead.
You loved having students visit during your office hours, some of them really took a liking to you. Harry would bring Buster by when you could take your lunch breaks. You were a lot closer to him now which he liked.
“Professor Y/L/N?” A student knocks on the door and gasps when she sees Harry. All of your students knew what he looked like by now because they begged to see pictures. “Sorry, I’m interrupting your lunch.”
“It’s okay, Molly. This is my husband, Harry.” He smiles and shakes her hand. “What’s up?”
“I was just wondering if you could look over something quick for me? I selected some music for the background in my video, and I just wanted to know your thoughts.”
“I can step out if yeh want?”
“It’s okay Mr. Styles, six ears are better than four.” The girl smiles and he nods.
Harry watches as you explain things to your student. How understanding you are, and how you give her a few tips. She thanks you before leaving.
“That was pretty cool. Wish I had a teacher like you back in the day.”
“Oh, stop.” You smile. “I’m really having a lot of fun with them.”
“Good, I’m glad. So…we have a doctor’s appointment on Friday.”
“That we do.”
“We’ve been holdin’ off on something…”
“You wanna know the sex of the baby, don’t you?”
“I do, I really do. I know it doesn’t really matter because it could decide it wants to be the complete opposite, and I know we’ve painted the nursery grey and yellow, but I mostly wanna know so we can start calling it its name, instead of it or Baby Styles.”
“Aw, but I like Baby Styles.” You pout and he leans in to kiss you. “I see what you’re saying though. Okay, I suppose at our next appointment we could finally let Dr. Johnson tell us.”
“Consider it another birthday present.”
“Harry.” You sigh. “Your birthday was two weeks ago.”
“I know…but you made it such a good birthday.”
“Please.” You whisper as your cheeks heat up. “I can’t discuss that here. This is one office that will stay pure.”
Dr. Johnson was giving you your ultrasound, making sure everything was good. The baby’s heart beat was excellent, and everything was the way it should be.
“Does its head look large to you? Harry has a pretty big head.” You smirk and he nudges your shoulder.
“We may have a larger head, sure.” She laughs. “So, Harry mentioned to the nurse that you’d like to know what you’re having. Are we sure? A couple of weeks ago it didn’t seem like you were ready to know.”
“We talked about it and we’d like to know.” You tell her.
“Alright…” She moves the ultrasound over your stomach so you can really see the baby’s side better. “You two are having…a boy!”
You both gasp and tear up. You look up at Harry and he leans down to kiss you.
“We would’ve been happy with either, but I was hoping for a boy.” You say. “I kind of had a feeling since he’s sitting so low.”
Dr. Johnson cleans up your stomach and prints you some new sonograms. You couldn’t help but stay glossy eyed as you get down to the car. Harry takes your hand and kisses it.
“Yes, my love?”
“We’re having a Jack Edward.”
“We’re havin’ a Jack Edward.” He leans in to kiss your teary face. “Can we FaceTime my mum when we get home?”
“Of course. We can tell everyone.”
Your mother threw you and Erica a conjoined “Mommy Shower”. Her husband’s family wanted to do something traditional for her. So of course they broke the rules and bought things for her soon to be baby, which you found out was going to be a girl. You were happy to have her to go through this with.  It made you a lot closer. You could call her and compare weird cravings.
You were having fun munching on food, and talking with your friends. You and Erica didn’t really want to play any of the baby shower games. The decorations were really nice that were put up, though. Eventually came time for you to open gifts. Harry sat on one side of you while Mike sat on Erica’s other side so you two could sit in the middle.
You each opened up your gifts, and thanked everyone for coming. You talked with Sarah about her wedding planning. Her and Niall would be getting married at a Temple in Milton, and the reception would be at a nearby hotel. Well, the ceremony would be outside of a Temple, but either way, more religious than your ceremony.
Isaac and Seth would be going to the courthouse at the end of March, and having a party at their apartment for close friends and family. Rachel and Mariah had recently got engaged as well. Everything was falling into place for all your friends, and you couldn’t be happier for them. You were happy that even though you were all sort of growing up and moving on with your lives that you still made time for each other. You felt like you had this whole other family with them, and they felt the same way.
It was your one year wedding anniversary, and you were very pregnant. Harry wanted to take you to the Cape for the weekend, to the inn you got married at.
“Are you excited for your weekend away, Professor?” One of your students asks. They loved when they could get you going on a tangent on a Friday. You were too tired to care at this point.
“I’m very excited.”
“What’s being married like? I can’t even imagine being with one person.” Another student says.
“That’s because you’re in college.” You chuckle. “Being married is really nice, actually. To be honest, it’s not that much different from being just in a normal relationship, but there’s a whole other level of trust and understanding.”
“How did you and Harry meet?”
“Have I never told this story to this section of class?” The class all says no. “I don’t believe you, but I’m too pregnant to care, and it’s Friday.” You sit on the edge of the desk. “We met on a blind date. Our friend Niall set us up. We went to a dinner. I was twenty-four at the time.” You smile.
“And you two just hit it off?”
“Mhm, it was like we went on that one date, and we just kept seeing each other like every weekend. I think it was like three weeks in when he asked me to be his girlfriend.” The class gasps. “I know! And then we moved in together after like five months.”
“Ohhh, he really liked you huh?”
“Very much, and I guess I liked him too.” You giggle.
“Is it weird that next month you’re going to be a mom?”
“Well, I’ve been a mom to my dog, Buster, you guys know that. But…it’s not that it’s weird, it’s more like nervous and excited. Everything’s going to change.”
“Ahem.” You look over and see Harry leaning against the door frame, smiling, with a bouquet of flowers. The class ooo’s. They knew Harry well by now.
“You’re early.” You smile.
“Only by five minutes. It’s Friday, think yeh could dismiss ‘em early?”
“What do you say class? We did some good work this week, yeah? Go on, enjoy your weekends.”
“You too!” A few of them say.
“I like freshmen.” You tell Harry as he hands you your flowers. “Thank you, these are lovely.” You kiss him quick.
“Bags and Buster are in the car, you ready?”
“Mhm, just need to pee quick. Long drive.”
You waddle down the hall to the bathroom, and Harry waits for you. He goes down the elevator with you and helps you with your things in your office. You liked that the two of you took these sentimental trips. It was the perfect way to celebrate an entire year of marriage. It would also probably be one of your last weekends away as you him, and Buster before Jack comes.
“So, I was thinking we could have dinner in the restaurant tonight, and just relax in the hotel room. Then tomorrow if you felt up to it we could go for a walk on the beach in the morning, and then go to the spa in the afternoon. Get pedicures and all that.”
“Sounds wonderful, baby.” You take his hand and kiss it. “Thanks for planning this. It’s the perfect getaway.”
Harry checks you in while you use the bathroom in the lobby. You get Buster up to the room and give him a biscuit before changing into some dinner clothes.
“Do you think I’ll lose all this baby weight?” You say as you look at yourself in the mirror.
“Hope not.” He pinches your bum and wraps his arms around you from behind. “Kinda like havin’ a little more to hold onto.” He kisses your cheek.
“Harry, stop. I’m all…plump.”
“It looks good on yeh, babe, trust me.” He gives your bum another squeeze and lets you go. “Ready to eat?”
“Yeah, I’m starved. Be a good boy Buster, mummy and daddy’ll leave the TV on for you. We’ll have to take him for a good walk tomorrow.”
You two are seated at a table. You remember when you had brunch with everyone the day after the wedding. There was space to dance near the bar, other couples having a good time. When you’re done eating, Harry brings you over to the dance floor and pulls you close. The music was slow and nice.
“My bump’s in the way.” You look down at your stomach and back up at Harry.
“Not at all.” He has you lean your head on his chest, and he dances with you. “See, isn’t this nice?”
“Very.” You nuzzle into him closer. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
After a few songs you both decide it’s time to go upstairs, you had been on your feet all day. You both greet a sleepy Buster and start your nightly routines. You rub some cocoa butter on your belly and get onto the bed. Harry’s routine now involved getting between your legs and talking to Jack. He’d tell him about your days and what he was looking forward to once he was born. He did this every night because sometimes Jack would kick, and Harry loved feeling his kicks. He’d give your belly a ton of kisses and then he’d give you a ton of kisses.
The next morning you put on some leggings and a three-quarter zip fleece, and put your hair up in a cute, messy bun. Harry puts Buster’s leash on and you two head out and down towards the beach. It was a nice spring day out, but you were happy you had your fleece since it was still a bit chilly.
Going for a long walk was good, according to your doctor. Not to mention Harry loved seeing your ass in your leggings. The three of you stop so Harry can take a selfie. Someone sees the three of you and offers to take a photo.
“When we get back tomorrow…” He says as you make your way back to the inn to go to the spa. “I have some things set up for you.”
“Like what?”
“You’ll see.” He grins. “We haven’t done a maternity shoot yet.”
“Oh!” You beam at him. “And you already set it up?”
“Mhm, I didn’t wanna waste any time when we got home.”
“I’m really excited. You’ll be in them too, right?”
“Um, usually the dad isn’t…do you want me to be?”
“Yeah! Definitely.”
He kisses your temple and you head inside. Buster gets a little luxurious experience at the groomer the inn has while you two get pedicures. You nearly pass out in the chair while getting your feet massaged. Harry kept his hand in yours the whole time.
You both decide to order room service for dinner and a little lemon cake for dessert. You take a relaxing bath with him in the Jacuzzi-tub. Once you’re all dry he gets you on the bed. He has you sit in his lap where he knew you’d be most comfortable. He gets his lips on yours and kisses you softly. You lace your hands through his damp curls. He rubs his fingers along your slit before pressing inside you. You groan against his neck as he curls his fingers up. He retracts them and sucks them into his mouth.
“Jesus.” You moan as you line his throbbing tip up with you. You sink down on it and groan. “Babe, what if, what if I’m never this tight again.”
“What?!” His eyes snap to yours. “What would even make you say that right now?”
“I don’t know! I mean, I’m gonna push this kid out of me, and his head is gonna rip me open, and-“
“Baby, baby…” He cups your cheeks. “Listen to me, none of that matters. I don’t care about that.”
“But you’re always saying you love how tight I am, and-“
“I know, and it’s true, it feels really good, but it would feel good with you no matter what because I love you. As long as it’s you, it feels good, okay? Do you believe me? Please, don’t worry about something like that.”
“You believe me, don’t you?”
“Yes, I believe you.”
He kisses you and your tongues mold together. He grips your ass and helps you move on him. You were at a point where you didn’t have much strength on your own, but this was the only position that worked for you these days. His teeth sink into the crook of your neck and he sucks on you.
“Harry.” You groan.
“I love you so much, Y/N.” He says into your ear as thrusts up into you. “You’re giving me everything I ever wanted and more.” Your nails rakes down his chest and around to his back, sinking in.
“I love you too, thank you for making a mom.” You start tearing up as he fucks up into you faster.
“Jesus, fuck.”  He grunts. “You’re gonna be the best mum.” He makes eye contact with you and smirks. “The fuckin’ sexiest mum on the block.”
He snakes a hand between the two of you to rub your clit as fast as he can. You cling to him harder, your body laced with sweat. He had you moaning pretty loud until you let out a breathless gasp as you came.
“Fill me up babe, need to feel it, please.”
“God, I love it when you beg me like that, shit.” He groans and releases inside you. He kisses you before lifting you off of him.
He gets up and grabs a towel to clean you up. Once you’re both all set, you snuggle up and fall asleep.
“Oh wow!” You exclaim when you get into your apartment the next day.
“Happy anniversary, dalin’.” He kisses your cheek.
“This set up looks beautiful! Wait, I have something for you.”
“Y/N.” He sighs. “We said no real gifts.”
“I know, but I couldn’t help myself.” You pout. “I got you a new chain for your cross.” You hand him a box out of your purse. He opens it and smiles.
“It’s beautiful, thank you very much.”
He gives you a quick kiss and changes the chains out quick.
“Okay, go do your hair how you like, and get naked while I set the cameras up, yeah?”
You go into the bathroom and blow out your hair. You put some makeup on as well, and come out in your robe. Harry had his white sheet hung up in the living area, and a fan to blow your hair back.
“Um…my…well…could you help me shave? I don’t want my bush in the pictures. It’s one thing with just you and me, but when I look back on these, and I can’t reach, and-“
“Go stand in the tub, I’ll come in in a second.” He smiles. Harry comes in a few minutes later.
“I’m sorry, this is so embarrassing.”
“It’s not, really.” He shrugs. “You’d do the same for me if I couldn’t reach my balls.” You burst out laughing.
He gets you all shaved after ten somewhat awkward minutes, but you’re grateful to feel fresh and clean.
“Thank you so much, I’m sorry.”
“Please, stop apologizing. I’d do anything for you.” He kisses you. “Now come on, it’s all set up.”
You come back out. He gets the fan going to blow your hair back. He tells you what positions to stand in. He gets some beautiful ones of you from the side. Really holding your bump.
“Don’t people do this wearing clothes too?”
“Oh, sure, but we have plenty of pictures of us like that, don’t we?”
“I suppose that’s true. Take your shirt off now, I want you in the pictures too, remember?”
Harry gets the camera set up on the tripod, and takes his shirt off. He gets on one knee and kisses your belly in one. He stands back up and takes your hands in his. You both lean in to kiss each other. He gets behind you in one, and you both make heart shapes with your hands over your stomach.
“I’ll zoom in on that one, it’ll look really nice for an album cover.” He says. “Look at how beautiful you are.” You put your robe back on and look at his camera.
“Thank you so much, I’m happy we’ll have these memories.”
“And then once Jack’s born, Mariah said she’d do a newborn shoot for us.
“She’s the best, the absolute best.”
You were able to make it through the end of the semester without having the baby in your classroom. You felt grateful that you’d be teaching online sections of courses in the fall so you could stay home with Jack a little longer. Erica had her littler girl, and you waddled into the hospital to say congratulations. She was a beautiful baby, and you were excited that Jack would have a cousin so close in age, other than Michael, to grow up with.
The weather was getting warmer and you were getting more uncomfortable after each day passed. Harry did his best to keep you calm, but you were at a point where everything annoyed you. He had you walking, eating spicy food, and you two were definitely still fucking, but nothing was helping you induce.
You had finally fallen asleep when you felt something wet underneath you. You pull the blankets back and see a huge wet spot. Your eyes grow wide.
“What?!” He comes bursting through the door, he had stayed up to read in the living room so you could get some sleep.
“I think my water broke!” You beam.
“Oh my god, it’s happening!” He helps you out of the bed and gets you into the sweats you had picked out to go to the hospital in.
“Call my mom, I want her with us, okay? I need her.”
“Okay, once we’re in the car alright?” He smiles. “I need to text Rachel to come by to be with Buster.”
He gets you into the car, and he calls your mom letting her know you were on your way to Boston Hospital. Luckily, Dr. Johnson was on call for you, and you were told she was on her way. A nurse gets you into a room, and gets you hooked up to whatever you needed to be hooked up to.
“Okay, so you’re not looking for a natural birth, correct?”
“Nope, give me all the drugs.” You laugh.
“We’ll do our best.” She smiles.
Eventually your mom shows up giving you lots of hugs and kisses.
“My little girl, my baby about to have a baby.” She smooths your forehead. “How are you doing, Harry?”
“M’alright, just wish I could take all the pain away. Her contractions have hurt really bad.”
“That’ll happen.” Your mom chuckles. “I’ll go get you some coffee.” She smiles and leaves.
“I’m glad she’s here.” You say to him.
“Me too. Nice to have family here for this.”
“Do me a favor, if the doctor asks you if you want to look while he’s coming out, say no. I do not want you looking. You’ll never get that image out of your mind.”
“Alright, I promise.” Your mom comes back shortly with the coffee.
“Mum, you’ll have to call the cantor for me so we can get Jack circumcised.”
“Of course, I’ll call first thing in the morning. I know he’s been waiting for you to call. And I’m going to have your brother and dad get your crib and everything over to your apartment first thing in the morning as well.”
“Oh, thanks mum.” You feel the sharp pains return to your stomach. “Harry!” You gasp. He rushes to your side to hold your hand.
“Remember to breathe, like in the classes.” He strokes your cheek as you squeeze his hand.
After twelve hours of labor, it was finally time to push. Harry was on one side you and your mom on the other. You had been given the epidural, but everything just felt cramped and uncomfortable. You were screaming and cursing as you pushed.
“You’re almost there, Y/N.” Dr. Johnson encourages you.
Harry thought you were going to break his hand off, and honestly, he felt like he deserved it watching you go through all this. Luckily, you weren’t cursing at him or screaming at him that you’ll never do this again, because honestly, you would. Despite how sick you felt in the first trimester, your pregnancy was relatively easy. You’d turn your love with Harry into another baby in a heartbeat, but he didn’t need to know that right now.
“I can see his head! Give me another good push, Y/N!”
You do ask the doctor says, and you nearly feel like you’re going to faint as she pulls Jack out of you. You weren’t sure, but you had to have torn open, there’s no way you didn’t. You hear the baby cry and a wave of relief sweeps over you. They clean him quick before resting him on you for skin on skin. Harry lets the doctor cut the cord, too afraid he’d mess something up. There were tears in your eyes and Harry’s as well. They let Harry hold Jack skin to skin as well before taking him off to weigh him and clean him up further.
“Do we have a name?” One of the nurses asks.
“Jack Edward Styles.” Harry says. You were too exhausted to speak. He leans in and gives you a kiss on the forehead. Your mother was also at a loss for words.
“He’s beautiful, honey, you did great.”
“Okay, Y/N, we just need to take care of a few things down here, I need to stitch you up.” Dr. Johnson says as she cleans up what she can.
“Oh god.” You groan and you start sobbing.
“Nothing to worry about, happens all the time. His head was a little larger like we thought. Long body too.” You look up at Harry and glare as she stitches you up.
“You and your big head.” You seethe.
“M’sorry, baby, really I am.” He can’t help but smile.
“Alright, all done. The nurses will help you the rest of the way.”
One of them shows you the mesh underwear you’ll be wearing and you grimace. You never felt less attractive in your life. After a little while you’re wheeled into your hospital room where you can relax. Your mom stepped out to go home and change. She said she’d come back during visiting hours. She also wanted to give you and Harry some time to relax. He laid on the bed with you and you rested your head on his chest as you finally slept. You were so fucking tired. It was like your entire body had been tensed up for days and now you could relax.
“Mr. and Mrs. Styles?” A nurse coos as she comes in with Jack. Harry sits up and beams at the baby. “Someone’s hungry, does mommy wanna try to feed?”
“I’ll give it a go.” You say as you try to sit up a little. Harry adjusts your pillows for you. “Ten fingers, ten toes?” You ask the nurse.
“Yes.” She chuckles as she hands him to you. “Perfectly healthy. Almost nine pounds.”
“Good god, you came outta me?” You coo to your new bundle of joy. Harry helps you move the hospital gown out of the way.
“He may not latch on right away, just give him a minute to get acquainted.” The nurse explains.
“I brought a pump with me in case he has trouble. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about breast feeding.” You explain and she nods. “Oh! Look at him go, Harry.” Jack latches on so he can feed.
“Does it hurt, love?”
“Not really, just sort of feels weird. It can tend to hurt, right?” You ask the nurse.
“Yeah, it can. You’ll want to pump so you don’t get sore and tender. For now you’ll be fine since we’ll be bringing him in for his feedings. I’ll leave him with the two of you for a while and come back in an hour or so.” You both thank her before she leaves.
“He’s beautiful, Harry. Can you believe we made him?”
“Absolutely gorgeous. I took your picture when they first put him on you, but I could take a better one now.”
“Please do, I’m all cleaned up now.” He takes his phone out and takes your picture. “What’s your eye color, Jack?” He looks up at you slightly. “Oh! Green, duh.” You laugh.
“Be a bit weird if he didn’t since both of ours are green.”
“My dad’s eyes are brown and my mom’s are green, but my brother ended up with blue eyes. Both of my sisters have brown eyes, and I have green, so literally anything could have happened. I hope he has your curls.”
“Looks like he’ll have your nose, which is nice. Your nose is way cuter than mine, s’like a little button.”
“Oh stop it, I do not have a button nose. His ears look bigger like mine.”
“Seems like he’ll be a good mix of us, huh?”
“We’ll find out once he grows in a bit. I think he’s done.” You hold him up against your shoulder so you can gently burp him, and then you hand him to Harry. “So natural.” You tell him as you smile at your boys.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
“For what?”
“Makin’ me a real Daddy. I know we have Buster and all, but this…” You lean in and kiss Jack’s head.
“Mm, he smells so good, smell his head.” You giggle. “He’s got that new baby smell.” Harry dips his head slightly and he smiles as he smells his child.
“He does smell good.” He chuckles.
A nurse comes in for you a little while later.
“Time to go to the bathroom, Y/N.” She sighs.
“No, please don’t make me.” You whine. “It’s going to hurt.”
“I know, but we need to have you try. I’ll be right in there with you.”
“Oh, wonderful.” You roll your eyes.
“Go on, honey, I’m sure you need to go with all the fluids you’ve been given.”
The nurse helps you onto your feet and you cringe as you take a step. You look back at Harry and he gives you an encouraging smile. It broke his heart to see you like this. He knew in a few months you’d be perfectly fine, but right now he knew you were in a ton of pain, and he hated it. The nurse helps you use the toilet, and you swore at her up and down, then you apologized of course. She helps you back in the bed afterwards.
“Okay…so the next time I come to help you use the bathroom, you’re going to hate me even more.”
“Why?” You ask, taking Jack back from Harry.
“You need to try to have a BM.” Your eyes widen. You had read up on this, and you weren’t looking forward to it. “We need to make sure you stitches don’t rip open and get cleaned properly. I’ll be back in a couple of hours, okay?”
“Please, take your time.” You tell her as she leaves. “That’s going to suck.”
Nurses continued to come in and out to check on you and Jack. They took him away for a while to let you and Harry rest. Harry had let everyone know to just come to visiting hours tomorrow. You needed more time to recover, and you really didn’t want to see everyone just yet. Your BM was painful to say the least, but you got through it.
“It’ll get easier, Y/N.” The nurse says. As you lay down in the bed she braces you for something much more painful. “You may want to hold your husband’s hand for this. I have to give your stomach a massage, and it’s going to hurt.”
“Wonderful.” You take a breath. “Ow! What the fuck?!” You squeeze Harry’s hand.
“I’m so sorry, I’m checking to make sure there’s no internal bleeding or air pockets.”
“This is worse than giving birth, I swear to god.” You grit your teeth.
“Okay, all done.” She smiles. “Take some time to rest. We’ll bring the baby in for another feeding soon.”
“Alright? Want some ice chips?”
“No, because then I’ll need to pee again.” You pout.
“Y/N.” He sighs and hands you the cup of ice chips.
“It burns, Harry. It’s terrible.”
“I know, I’m sorry. It’ll get better soon, this is the hardest part.” He strokes your cheek. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You pucker your lips and kiss him.
The next day people trickle in during the different visiting hours. Your family came first and took turns holding the baby. Your friends came in the afternoon, many of them shedding tears. It was wonderful to have so many people around.
Harry had made sure to take time off from work to be home with you. Not necessarily a paternity leave, though. He told you he’d take two weeks off form going to the studio, and then he’d do half days or every other day from there. He promised he wouldn’t work weekends as well. You knew he had to work to make the money you both needed. You had a good paycheck from the school, but you weren’t working this summer, so that extra cash was nonexistent.
You were grateful your dad and brother were able to set up the nursery the rest of the way for you. Everything was in its place. You and Harry agreed Anne and Gemma, and Nannie, could fly in, in a month or so to come meet Jack. You just needed some time to adjust and heal before you started having a ton of visitors.
You and Harry couldn’t help but laugh when he helped you set up the breast pump. It was extremely awkward, but you couldn’t figure out how to do it yourself. You also needed his help going to the bathroom at various points, also extremely awkward and embarrassing, but that was marriage. You were grateful for him.
Buster took a liking to Jack right away. You knew they’d be great buddies. You and Harry barely got any sleep the first couple weeks, which was to be expected. You constantly needed to feed Jack. He was a big boy, and he was hungry.
“Why are you crying?” Harry sighs as he comes into the nursery to see what’s going on.
“Because.” You sniffle. “Because what if my breast milk doesn’t have enough stuff in it and that’s why he’s so hungry? I know nothing’s wrong with formula, but like, I’m his mother, and I can’t even give him what he needs.” You sob.
“Okay, okay.” Harry takes Jack and the bottle from you to continue feeding him. You wipe your tears. It was hard to be sad whenever you’d see Harry effortlessly hold your child. “You are giving him what he needs. He’s just…large.” He chuckles. “He’s hungry a little more. I was talkin’ to Lou, and he said Freddie was the same way. Constantly hungry, and Bri used breastmilk. You’re makin’ plenty of it. If you were havin’ trouble producing, I’d say yeah let’s switch to formula, but I think we’re fine.”
“What am I gonna do when you go back to work.” You tear up again.
“Your mum’s comin’ to be with you, remember? She’ll be here when I can’t be. Believe me, I’d rather be here with you.”
“I know, I don’t mean to make you feel bad. You just always know how to calm me down.”
“Luckily your mum’s done this four times, so she’ll know what to do too.” He smiles. He turns Jack over to burp him. “Here, wanna rock him to sleep? I’m gonna take Buster out quick.”
“Okay.” He hands him back to you. You rock him slowly and set him down in his crib. “Mummy loves you very much, Jack.” You coo as you leave the room.
You go out to the living room to sit on the couch. Buster comes trotting in and sits at your feet. You pat the top of his head, and Harry comes to sit next to you. He puts an arm around you and pulls you in close.
“Love you so much.” He kisses your hairline.
“I love you too.”
You were never so thankful to have friends who didn’t work in the summer in your life. Your mom was a big help, but she was also trying to help out Erica. Sarah and Rachel came over often to hang out and make sure you weren’t bored to shit while Jack napped. They’d go out for walks with you while he was strapped to your chest.
“You look great, Y/N.” Sarah says.
“Seriously, Y/N, it’s been what? A month? Barely even have a tummy anymore.” Rachel says.
“Oh stop it.” You shake your head at them as you walk down the street. “I’ve just simply deflated. Dr. Johnson said I could start doing more cardio next month, do some strength training too, but for now she just wants me walking.”
“Having that little guy strapped to you has to be some kind of strength training.” Sarah smirks.
“You have no idea! He looks tiny, but he gets heavy after a while.”
“When do you think you guys will do your newborn shoot?”
“Probably next month once I feel a little more comfortable being photographed. Oh! You guys should see the album we put together from the maternity shoot, the pictures came out so nice. I had a couple framed and put into Jack’s room.”
“Definitely! How’s Harry been with going back to work?” Rachel says.
“He feels guilty, and like he’s missing out on things. I’ve brought Jack to the studio a couple of times, but I think it makes it worse for him. That’s why Buster’s been going to work with him. He’s such a good dad, not that I ever doubted he would be. It’s never a contest, like he’s just always jumping into help.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do. He’s a dad, not a babysitter.” Sarah points out.
“Do you feel like you’ve had any post-partum stuff?” Rachel asks.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m not doing enough? Like when I feed him and he gets hungry again almost immediately after, I feel like I’m not giving him what he needs. But Harry seems to think he’s just genuinely hungry. I’m excited for Anne and Gemma to come visit soon, and I think Nannie’s gonna come up in August.”
“That’s great! It must be difficult knowing you have a grandchild so far away.”
“Since Anne’s retired, Harry was saying she might rent a small studio and stay here for a while longer this summer to be with Jack, and to help us out a bit. I’m all for it, she’s the best, and it would take some pressure offer my mom. I know she’s trying to balance out time with Jack and Melissa.”
“Oh yeah, how’s she doing?”
“Good! Erica’s kind of dealing with the same things as I am. Although, she went right to formula instead of breastfeeding.” You shrug.
“Do you think you’ll ever put your piercings back in?”
“The second my stomach goes back to normal, that’s going back in for sure, but my nipples I’m not so sure about. If I get pregnant again I’ll just need to take them out, it was really annoying. I’m fine with just my nose for now.”
You were grateful your friends didn’t mind talking about this stuff, and even more grateful they were checking in on your mental state. You were the luckiest person in the world.
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shes-an-oddbird · 4 years
Sunflowers, Snapdragons, Roses and Daisies
Dousy Week Day 2 - Prompt : AU - A Flower Shop and Fake Dating AU in one
Actually a little Multichapter AU fic I’ve been working on for awhile. Enjoy :)
Summary: While covering a shift at Jemma’s flowers shop, Daisy must help a customer with an unusual request. When they discover flowers may not be the right thing to solve Daniel’s problem, they work out a new solution.
The custom of bringing flowers to a date, while once a staple, has become an outdated practice and is regarded as an old-fashion tradition, now considered unnecessary outside of special occasions. To avoid social faux pas these occasions should be limited to anniversaries, holidays and birthdays; never first dates where the gesture may come off as creepy or overstepping.
Seriously, Daisy thought. Of all the creepy things men do, bringing flowers to their date hardly qualified. Why did Jemma even have her reading this book? That was that kind of mentality that was going to put her little flower shop out of business.
“Excuse me miss, I could use some help, when you have a chance.”
Daisy nearly falls off her stool. She looks up to see a handsome man standing on the other side of the counter looking around uncertainly. How long had he been standing there? She hadn’t even heard the door open. She wants to swear, mostly because she’s already messed up but also because she really doesn’t want to help anyone. Despite what her name might imply, she knows next to nothing about flowers. She was only supposed to cover the desk and phones while Bobbi was out today.
She falters, trying to assess the situation quickly. She could do this, it was just flowers. She looks the customer over, thinks again that he’s a good-looking guy, wearing a nice, if a little stuffy, suit. He probably just needs flowers for his wife or girlfriend. She glances at his hand. Girlfriend then.
“Of course, I’m sorry, I was just caught up in my book.” She closes the book, giving the impression of her full attention. “What’s the occasion, anniversary?” She hopes it is. You give roses on an anniversary, even she knew that. It’s funny, she thinks in the back of her mind, at another time, when she wasn’t trying to save Jemma’s shop from a horrible review, she might realize it was odd to wish for the good-looking guy with the polite smile to be taken but Bobbi has already warned her about that. All the decent guys who come in are already spoken for.
“I’m afraid it’s not quite so simple.” He answers sheepishly.
“Ok, well, let’s hear it, I’m sure we can find the right thing.” Her fingers curl around the edge of the book. Where was Jemma? She was supposed to be back from the greenhouse by now.
He seems to consider his answer carefully before replying. “It’s more of a congratulations.”
“That’s not so bad,” she flips the book back open, prepared to check the index. “What are we celebrating?”
“I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s probably not in your book.”
Daisy shakes her head. “This book comes with the Dr. Jemma Simmons stamp of approval, if it can be said with flowers, it’s in this book.” Or so she’s been told.
“My ex-girlfriend is getting married.”
“That’s – well that’s, kind of passive aggressive, but some of these flowers do have pretty cruel meanings, I’m sure we can get the point across.” It makes him laugh which is great because that’s what she’d been going for. He was right, that wasn’t an easy one and she didn’t have a clue where to start. “OH! We have some great discount bouquets!”
“No, no, um, I’m happy for her, for them, really.” His shoulders are still shaking from laughing and she notices his eyes crinkle a bit at the corners, but after a moment of quiet he does let out a heavy sigh. He still needed something.
She gives him back a sympathetic smile. “My friend, she’s the owner, she should be back soon, if anyone can figure it out, she can.”
“No more faith in your book?”
“Umm.” Daisy flips the book to the list of flowers and their meanings. It was an insane amount of information, most of which was irrelevant according to Jemma. Customers who didn’t have much to spend asked for something pretty and simple. Customers with money to spare asked for something different. Nine times out of ten they didn’t care what the flowers meant, they either wanted a deal or to make a statement. She assumed in this guy’s case it was less about saying the right thing and more about not saying the wrong thing. He certainly couldn’t send roses to his ex to congratulate her on her wedding. But maybe some flowers with no romantic connotations. She could probably manage that. “You know what, I think we can put something together.”
He smiles back at her gratefully and follows her to the worktable set up in the middle of shop. Strewn across the table are rolls of red and blue ribbon from where she and Jemma had been finishing up some wedding flowers earlier that morning. She pushes it all aside into a messy pile and can hear her friend’s scolding tone about a neat workspace being a happy workspace.
“Does she have a favorite flower?” Daisy asks as lays out some paper the same way she has seen Jemma do.
He shakes his head. “I don’t think so.”
“Okay, no problem.” Daisy looks around the shop. “Okay, what about – yellow!”
“I’m sorry?” He asks, not understanding her outburst.
“Yellow flowers, there are usually no romantic undertones associated with them.” She recalls as she grabs bins of yellow sunflowers, carnations, and daffodils, deposits them on the table and goes back around for the daisies, roses, and tulips. Eventually the table is full and Daisy returns her attention to the book.
By this point the customer has taken a seat at one of the stools by the worktable. He’s watched her shuffle around the store with amusement written across his face and now as she settles down to sort out his request he finally speaks again.
“Have you ever done this before?”
She looks up.
“Even once?”
“No.” She answers truthfully. She’s been caught, no point in lying about it. “But I’ve watched Jemma do this a million times, it’s not that hard.”
She expects him to stand and leave. Find a flower shop with a competent salesperson and a shelf dedicated to flowers for awkward occasions. Instead he remains seated. “Alright, where do we start?” With a surge of confidence, she continues.
She looks at the flowers. “Which do you like?”
“Still no good.”
“Disappointment and rejection, probably not going to work.” Daisy sets aside the yellow carnations. “I thought for sure, I mean we sell a ton of these.” So far, they have had to discard the marigolds, the roses, the chrysanthemums and nearly everything else she’s familiar with. The sole survivors are the daisies, the tulips and the sunflowers, and even those were on the fence.
They’d been at this for nearly an hour now. Daniel, he had eventually introduced himself, had made himself comfortable, removing his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. He was happy to fetch and return whatever she requested. Daisy, twice, had to stop to help other customers and each time he apologized for taking up too much of her time and insisted he could come back later.
She refused. They would figure it out even if it took all day.
“Who even decides these things,” Daisy groans as she rearranges the flowers in front of her. “Dark thoughts, false riches, who looks at bright yellow flowers and thinks that?”
“Sounds like someone with a broken heart.” Daniel replies.
“Maybe.” It was the best explanation she could think of. She scoops up the flowers and drops them into a vase so she can see them standing up. They flop lifelessly. She grabs up some of the filler greens to support them, but it still looks a mess. “This would be so much easier if you just hated your ex like a normal person.”
“She’s not the problem, if I could just go to the wedding I wouldn’t need the flowers at all, I could just bring a toaster oven or a blender or booze, like they registered for.”
Daisy sighs and shoves the vase away. “Why can’t you go to the wedding?” He must have been invited it he has the gift registry.
“I can, I want to,” he pauses, “you don’t think it’s weird, to go to your ex’s wedding.”
She shrugs. “Not if you were invited and as long as your happy for them, and you know, you’re not still in love her with her or anything like that.” Now she takes a moment to pause. “You’re not still in love with her, are you?”
Daniel’s expression turns soft and his tone is nothing but genuine when he answers. “No, I care about her, truly, she’s one of my closest friends, but I am happy for them.”
“So go, I see no reason why not.” She encourages. “Please go, because this is a disaster.” She gestures to the flowers.
“I don’t know, its growing on me.” He pulls the vase towards him and adjusts some of the flowers. Daisy immediately realizes he’s avoiding the ‘why not’ and while its not her place to pry, she’s curious now.
“What is the real reason you don’t want to go?”
“It’s that obvious?” She nods. “It’s really not them, it’s everyone else who will be there, we all work together and they know that when things ended between me and her it was really more on her and I was the one left with a broken heart, if I go, I just know I’m going to get that look, that poor pitiful Daniel look, all night long and I already get that enough of that as it is.”
“Why is that?”
“Hmm, oh.” Daniel stops fussing with the flowers. He turns on the stool and tugs up his pant leg to reveal a metal prosthetic.
“Oh well that will do it.” Her surprise gets the better of her and she doesn’t realize till after the words are out how they may have sounded. “Sorry, that was rude.”
He chuckles and shakes his head, “No, it’s okay, I rather people didn’t make a big deal of it.”
She understands. Not what it was like to have a prosthetic leg of course but to have attention for something connected with less than pleasant memories.
The bell above the door jingles, pulling Daisy out of her thoughts. She looks up to greet the customer and instead see Jemma entering the store, a slight squishing sound following her as she trudges to the counter and dumps her bag and keys across it.
“You will not believe – “
“It rained?” Daisy interrupts.
“No, it did not rain,” Jemma runs her fingers through her damp hair trying to make it presentable. “The sprinkler system in the greenhouse went berserk, drenched my phone so I couldn’t call out, I had to run to get Fitz and drag him back there to fix it, I’ll be lucky if everything isn’t ruined.”
“That’s sounds terrible.” Daniel’s sympathetic reply catches Jemma off guard. She spins around with a look of horror on her face that fades just a bit when she sees them.
“Oh! I didn’t realize, Daniel Sousa – ” She surges forward, hand outstretched and a wide grin on her face. Daniel jumps up from his seat to meet her halfway and shake her hand in hello.
Daisy looks back and forth between them. “You two know each other?”
“Daniel is a regular customer.”
“Flower shops have regulars?”
Jemma rolls her eyes. “It’s so lovely to see you again, its been a bit since you’ve been in – “ She trails off, her eyes going wide as she spots her pristine workspace in perfect disarray. Daisy stands and attempts to position herself in front of the table to hide the mess. “What brings you in today?” She asks distractedly.
“It’s a long story.” Daisy is forced to move aside as Jemma steps forward to examine the bouquet Daisy had only moments ago deemed a disaster.
“Oh, I think I’d like to hear it if it somehow ends with this.”
“It’s my fault really, I wanted to send flowers to Peggy and her fiancé, as a sort of apology for not attending their wedding, Daisy was trying to help me put together something that would properly express that without sending the wrong message.”
“I see.” Jemma collects the last bins of flowers and returns them to their homes.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Daisy whispers to him.
“I feel like I just got you in trouble with the principal.”
Jemma returns to the table and inspects the bouquet again. “Well I can see where you were coming from here Daisy, but I told you, most people don’t read much into the meanings behind the flowers.”
“You’re the one that gave me the book!”
“Yes, and in that book, it also tells you that it’s not customary to send flowers for a wedding.” Daisy frowned. She hadn’t gotten to that part. “That said, I’m afraid flowers aren’t going to solve your problem Daniel.”
“That’s okay, it’s probably a sign that I just need to suck it up and go, let everyone whisper over their cake about poor single heartbroken Daniel a little bit longer.”
“That does sound truly awful.” Jemma says gently.
It does, but in that moment Daisy is struck by an idea. “Hey wait, why don’t you just bring a date?”
Daniel looks sheepishly at the ground. “I, I haven’t got anyone to bring.”
“Perhaps you could go out and meet someone new.” Jemma suggests.
“I don’t usually connect with people that fast and the wedding is this weekend.”
“Well it’s not like she has to be the love of your life or anything.”
“Daisy makes a very good point, you could always invite a friend.” Jemma suggests but Daisy already knows that won’t work either, a friend won’t eliminate the look of pity from his colleagues faces. She has only known Daniel for an hour but she’s already on his side. She wants him to have it all, to attend the wedding for his friends and to give a proper screw you to his coworkers. “What you need is a fake date, someone who you can pretend to be invested in just enough that they know you’re over your ex but not enough that the next time they see you they think to ask about her.”
“OH! You should take Daisy!” Jemma looks absolutely giddy, as if her sudden exclamation is a stroke of genius and hasn’t caught her best friend completely off guard.
“Wait what?”
“Well why not, she’d be the perfect fake date, no one will know her, you two clearly don’t mind spending a bit of time together, unless you made this mess all in five minutes,” she gestures again at her worktable. “And I promise under this apron she’s a total babe, no one would look at you and feel sorry for you, I promise.”
Daisy does notice that she is not the only one embarrassed by this proposition; Daniel looks flustered and unsure how to handle having a date just tossed at him. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“She wouldn’t mind, she really needs to get out more anyways.” Daisy slaps Jemma’s arm.
“I get out.”
Daniel shifts uncertainly. “Still, this wedding is kind of a high profile event.”
“She cleans up really well.”
Daniel’s eyes go wide. “Oh no, that’s not what I meant,” He looks frantically back and forth between them, “I’m sure you do, it’s just there is going to be a lot of people there and possibly media.” He shakes his head as if he can’t believe how ridiculous the notion is and again Daisy finds herself wondering who exactly this woman is. In fact, it has gotten to the point where she kind of wants to meet these people.
“Actually, it might be kind of cool.”
Daisy considers for a moment longer before confirming her answer. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind, besides I feel like I’ve got to see this through to the end now, since the flowers were kind of a bust.”
It takes him a full minute to catch up. “Um, the wedding is Saturday, if you’re free?”
She nods.
“Okay.” He closes his eyes for a moment. “You’re really sure?”
“Yeah, it’ll be great, we can give those gossipy coworkers of your something to really talk about.”
“Alright, great.” He looks at their flower project and turns to Jemma “Can I still buy these?”
“You don’t have to – “
Daisy cuts Jemma off. “Oh my god no, this is, it’s really my problem, you can take the cost out of my pay Jemma.”
“No really, I actually kind of like it.” Daisy doesn’t believe that for a moment, but she also can’t think of any other reason why he’d want to keep the sad little bouquet.
Maybe Jemma does though? She smiles happily and scoops up the vase, “let me wrap them for you.”
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breanime · 5 years
Yellow Diamonds (Part Seventeen)
Wow--this is the end! Thank you so much to everyone who’s ever read, commented, reblogged, or sent in asks about this series. This was just a random brainchild that I had and started typing out, and then it became something people actually liked and wanted to read--which is amazing. Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy the last chapter to Yellow Diamonds!
Edit/Warning: a little steamy in the beginning there...
*banner by the amazing, illustrious, hilarious, lovable @starkrobb AKA my little pal-pal*
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“Y/N…” Billy’s voice was low, but you could feel him close to you, mouth nearly on your ear, hand on your waist as he held you close to him, “It’s time to get up…”
You groaned, turning and burrowing deeper into the blankets, putting your face in Billy’s neck. “Nooo,” you whined, eyes still closed.
You felt Billy press a kiss to the top of your head, and you knew your morning ritual was starting: Billy would wake you up with sweet kisses, you, a perpetual horndog, would then instigate things to turn it into something more, you’d have sex, and then get up and start your day. It was a good ritual, and even though you knew that there was much to do, you allowed yourself to indulge in Billy’s touch.
Why ruin a good thing?
It had taken weeks to clean up and rebuild Delta Haven, but it had been done. Micro took over the communications system, sending messages out everyday with the coordinates to the safe house, as well as suggestions on which roads to take and what ones to avoid. You, Billy, Frank, Dinah, and Karen had started going out every few days and “clearing the road” as Frank called it, tracking down hoards of zombies and mowing them down. Billy and Frank—with the help of Micro—also set up a new security system, making sure every inch of the renovated haven was safe and secure at all times. Amy turned out to be a gifted scavenger, going out with a protective Frank and Karen to find supplies and food out on the road. She always seemed to be able to find exactly what it was that you needed for the safehouse. Once you all finished cleaning up, rebuilding, renovating, and improving the safe haven, you opened it up to the public. Micro put out an invitation over the radio, and he said it’d probably be a few weeks until anyone made it out there.
Your first civilians came later that day.
After that, people started coming in droves; walking, driving, some in large groups, some people traveling solo—all of them were looking for a safe place to stay. It was amazing, you got doctors and teachers, families, soldiers, people from all walks of life coming into the area. Most of the barracks and cabins had been left intact from Rawlins’ attack, so it hadn’t been too difficult to clean them up, but with the number of people that were coming in, more needed to be built.
Frank, as it turned out, was pretty good at construction, and he and Billy (who looked so good shirtless and sweaty with a hammer in his hand and nails sticking out of his mouth) set out to build a few more cabins, bathroom, and other little units for people to post information about the roads and their families. Your background in linguistics proved to be especially beneficial, and you spent a good portion of your day translating and helping people who didn’t speak English find their way around the haven. You were also training people everyday in how to help and organize visitors, as well as giving lessons in the languages you knew to those who were interested. Madani and Billy teamed up to train people in combat and weaponry—Frank was more interested in construction and liked to be left alone, for the most part—and Billy had a knack for it. He was a natural leader and a great teacher—a fact that you knew firsthand. Karen was the voice of the place, getting on the P.A system with updates and information several times a day. She was also the person who came up with the electronic check-in system; she’d suggested it to Micro because it would help keep track of the people coming in and out and what skills they had, and it really did make a difference. Everyone had a job, and if they weren’t willing to put in or if they were on any kind of bullshit… they were out. It was rare, of course, that someone wouldn’t contribute and had to be “asked” to leave, but when it happened… That was when Frank really shined.
As the unofficial head of the place, you were constantly going through the registry of people checking in, taking care to match last names to guests who had been there before and working to reunite as many families as you could. It was good work, very fulfilling, but nothing felt as good as the day you handed Miles back to his parents. His mother, Rio, thanked you in both English and Spanish, and now she was helping you in your language lessons. Before you knew it, weeks had turned into months, and Delta Safe Haven turned into the Farah Madani Center, where all were welcome.
You sighed, still under Billy, and closed your eyes. Your heart was still pounding, and your legs were still shaking. Billy was kissing your neck, still inside of you, and you wrapped your arms around him.
“I love you,” he said into your neck.
You smiled. “Love you, too.”
Billy picked his head up, bringing his lips to yours in a slow kiss. “What’s on the agenda today, boss?”
“Hm…” You ran your fingers through his hair, marveling at the softness and thickness of the strands. He was even sexier now that you had daily access to shampoo, soap, and clean water—the luxuries of life. “Well, I’m gonna lay here and probably have one more orgasm,” you giggled when you felt him press his hips into yours, already getting hard inside of you again, “Then take a shower—alone.”
“Terrible plan, but go on,” he said, kissing your nose.
“After that, I’ll probably check on Sarah at the front gate, see if there’s anything she needs help with—”
“—That’s what we got staff for, baby,” Billy grabbed you and rolled you over, so you were lying on his chest. His hand went to your back, caressing your bare skin. “They’ve got it all handled.”
“True.” You had to admit, even with the mass number of people that were coming in, the system was so tight, and the people who ran it so competent, things just ran smoothly. “I guess I’ll go to the school and help Rio with the lessons…”
“You have ten people teaching Spanish, including Rio,” Billy reasoned. He was still inside of you, and you rolled your hips a little on top of him, loving the feeling of him. “Mm…” His head was buried in your neck now, and you felt his lips ghost across your skin. “You’ve got people teaching German, French, Hindi, Korean, Tigrinya… Take a day off,” he urged you gently, “the school’s running fine…” He shifted, rolling over so that he was back on top before pulling up the blanket and draping it over the both of you. He was careful not to misplace himself, and sighed as he sank deeper into you now that you were beneath him again.
You leaned your head back, falling deeper into the soft pillows on your shared bed, and giving Billy better access to your neck. “I still need to talk to Oscar about the irrigation system he’s been working on…”
“That can wait,” Billy was kissing his way up your neck now, his lips on your chin.
“It can,” you agreed. Oscar, like most of the people who were in charge of one of the many projects at the Center, was more than capable of handling the work without you having to look over his shoulder. The man was painting a mural at the front entrance and using his old skills as an apartment super to improve the quality of living around there. His son, Vito, was his second in command, and you trusted Vito to make sure everything ran the way it should. “Don’t you have to train the newest batch of recruits?” You asked Billy. He and Madani set up a strict schedule for the security and had created a pretty rigorous application process to even be considered for the team. The last thing anyone wanted was a bunch of trigger-happy, power-hungry cowboys with something to prove running around with guns. In fact, it was mostly rejected applicants who ended up having to get kicked out from the Center. Billy, and Madani too, had seen too many William Rawlins and Morty Bennetts to let a new one slip through the cracks. Not on their watch.
“Madani can handle them. Plus I got Misty and Colleen working the perimeter today, and Curtis on surveillance.”
You smiled at that. Besides the day Miles’ parents came, the day Curtis Hoyle showed up was one of your favorites. Billy and Frank—perpetual pessimists—had assumed he died, so when he came through the front gate, minus one leg but still in great shape… You’d cried as the three men embraced. It had been beautiful. You closed your eyes again as Billy’s mouth traveled up your skin, leaving kisses until he got back up to your lips. When you opened them again, you were staring directly into Billy’s eyes. They were as dark as the night sky, like always, and like always, you saw those twinkling yellow diamonds in them. “I can’t believe how lucky I am,” you said quietly, in awe.
“Lucky how?”
You laughed—what a ridiculous question. “How?” You repeated. “Like what, almost a year ago, I was all alone, scared, helpless, and then one day—boom. I fell through a roof and woke up staring at the most beautiful man on the planet.”
Now he laughed, the sound warming you to the core. “I still can’t figure out why you were up there in the first place.”
“Me neither,” you grinned, “See? That’s luck, right there. I met you, and you just… changed everything.”
“Mm,” he hummed, leaning down and kissing you once more, “You changed everything. I never thought I’d give a fuck about anyone besides me and Frankie, much less fall in love, but you…” His eyes were boring into yours, and you felt so close to him, connected by the eyes and hips and heart. “You’re everything to me.” He buried his face in your neck again, words muffled as he spoke directly into your skin. “You know, your dates are off,” he said conversationally, moving his hips into yours.
Your eyes closed again, and you put your arms around him. Billy was fully hard now, and you bit your lip at the sensations. You were still sensitive from your earlier climax(es), and you knew it wouldn’t take much to bring you over the edge now. “What are you talking about?” You asked, trying to focus.
He pulled back, looking down at you fondly. You must have seen that look on his face a thousand times by now, but it never got old. “You said it’s almost been a year since we met,” he answered, leaning down to kiss you, “It has been a year.” He smiled down at you, eyes sparkling and smile dazzling. “Happy anniversary.”
Your eyes widened. You could barely keep track of what you ate, let alone the dates. It wasn’t like you had a calendar with you back in those days when you were traveling with Billy and getting kidnapped every two minutes. But you knew Billy was right; he kept track of dates way better than you did. “It’s our anniversary…” You whispered, making Billy laugh. “Happy anniversary, baby! Thanks for all the orgasms and knife lessons!” You said, pressing your lips against his.
“My pleasure,” he chuckled, “so,” he rubbed his nose on yours, “Let me ask you again… What’s on the agenda today,” he kissed you, tongue sliding into your mouth just as he thrust—deep—inside of you.
You gasped, and he did it again, making your toes curl at the amazing feel of him. Your hips moved on their own, and the two of you fell into a familiar rhythm. You sighed when you felt Billy’s hand between you, caressing your clit as his cock slid in and out of you. Sex with Billy was always incredible—it was Billy Russo, so how could it not be?—but the sex had been even better now that you had a small cabin for the two of you. There was a sense of security now, and love and affection and familiarity, that just made your lovemaking even better than it had been before. Now you didn’t have to worry about anyone walking in on you, or zombies wandering too close to your tent—you had four sturdy walls inside of a literal fortress protected by some of the most capable people you’d ever seen, and you knew you were safe. Of course, it didn’t matter if you were at the Center or stranded in the woods, as long as Billy was there with you, arms wrapped around you; you were safe.
“Baby?” He asked, voice low. You still hadn’t answered his question. “What’s the plan?”
You opened your eyes to see Billy looking down at you, hair falling onto his forehead as he rocked against you, arms on either side of you, chest pressed down onto yours. How could you walk away from that? “It’s our anniversary,” you said, “We have to celebrate.”
He grinned. “That’s my girl.” He kissed you, and you tried to put all of your love into it. Words just weren’t enough. “I love you so much,” he whispered against your lips.
“I love you, Billy,” you said back, “I love you.”
Later that night, you celebrated with your friends, laughing and drinking like it wasn’t the end of the world. And as you leaned against Billy, his hand on your waist, smiling down at you, you thought… Maybe it wasn’t the end of the world. The Center was growing every day, bringing in all kinds of people with the skills to help improve and maintain it. There were groups going out to hunt zombies and find people who needed help, and new shelters and checkpoints were popping up every day. There was a group of scientists staying at the Center who were in constant communication with other scientists and medical professionals, working towards a cure. There were kind, brave, brilliant human beings out there who were working, just like you, to bring the world back from the edge of chaos and start something new, something better, in its place. There was hope.
“Come with me,” Billy whispered into your ear. You let him lead you away from the group and through the center of the Center, past the living quarters, medical buildings, the school, the help center, all the way to the front. He took you through the command center, where several people stopped working to greet you both, and down to the storage room. You followed him curiously. There wasn’t really anything down there; Frank had built a much larger, more secure storage facility a few weeks ago that made this small room obsolete. You watched as Billy shut the door behind you before disappearing into the back.
“Are you going to murder me?” You asked, looking around. It had been a while since you’d been down there, and there were no lights, just a few pre-lit candles on a table in the middle of the room.
You heard Billy’s laugh in the dark. “If anything,” he said, voice echoing slightly in the mostly empty space, “you’re gonna be the death of me. Close your eyes.”
You did as you were told—for once. “I kind of feel like this is unnecessary, considering how it’s pretty much pitch black in here already.”
Billy chuckled, and you felt his presence near you. He was standing in front of you, you were sure of it. “Open your eyes.”
You did. Billy was in front of you, holding a cake in his hands. Your eyes widened at the sight—sugar was more than a luxury; it was an absolute extravagance. On closer inspection, you could tell that it was your favorite. You looked back at Billy, heart pounding at the heart-stopping smile he was giving you. “I—how—Billy—”
“Happy anniversary,” as delicious as the cake looked, his smile, the love and affection in his eyes, was even better, “I love you, Y/N.”
You felt tears in your eyes, so amazed by this man you loved. “I love you, too,” you said back, meaning those words more than ever. You put your hands on Billy’s and helped him move the cake to the table, so you could kiss him. And as you stood there, mouth on his, secure and safe and cherished in his arms, and he in yours, you truly felt like the luckiest woman on Earth.
There was still a lot that you didn’t know, still dangers to be wary of, still problems that needed solving, but you felt surer now than you’d ever had, and you knew that was all because of Billy.
Maybe things would never go back to the way before, maybe there was no cure, maybe the infected were just a part of life now, but things could be worse. You had your family with you, Billy, and Frank, and Karen, the Liebermanns, hell—even Madani, and you were stronger now, more capable than you’d thought yourself to be. Maybe the world had to end, momentarily, as it did, for this to happen. Now there was room for something new, something better, more sufficient and efficient, to grow. Maybe you could help make that happen.
Maybe it was pointless to dwell and speculate.
Instead, you could focus on what was here and now; on what you’d made at the Center, the people you’d helped, the man in your arms and the diamonds in his eyes.
Because, truly, that was enough.
Please, please, please, tell me what you think and how you feel about this ending. I’m so grateful for you all! Thank you for reading!
(Adding my old taglist to this, since this is the LAST chapter! :) sorry for any double-tagging!)
Yellow Diamonds Taglist (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @shameless-pope @encounterthepast @ilkaeliseb @lilianaswhatever @rainyboul @leahnicole1219 @holamor @the-notes-between @fictionwillneverdie @sadnessxvodka @kari-ayam @punishedpunisher @mr-robot-x @disengagefrmreality @lynne1993 @vogueworthy-barnes @weallhaveadestiny @obscurilicious @lucielandss @accioromancff
(Old) TAGLIST: @floralpeaceofmind @delicatelilyflower @dylanobrusso @ladyblablabla @banditthewriter @something-tofightfor @starsfragments @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @hisgirlwednesdayaddams @fictionwillneverdie @maria-beretta @sadnessxvodka @ymariejp @sunnycolors @moonlightsay @its-all-o-kay @damagelove @keyeluh @itsmylife98 @funerals-with-cake @littlemermaidprobz @teacuplotus @king4thesirens @mrsjaxtellerfan @thebabblingbookworm @tartelette-aux-fraises @madamrogers  @charlylama @iaintnofurry @k-buggz2001@whitewolfslittlesilverfox @drinix @elanor-of-imladris @blah-blah-fuckit-shit @julliiaaq@holamor @ymariejp @shadowhunterscloset @songtoyou @anabella-baby @heyitslexy @luminex3 @sithskywalkers @carlaangel86 @sssilverssserpent @jupiter-blake @binbons-is-theloml @captainblackeyes @importantkidmakerfire @luminex3 @the-blind-assassin-12 @editboutique @suchatinyinfinity @lexxierave @whovianayesha  @my-little-dumpster-fire @rhabakoli  @thesumofmychoices @saltyshaggymeme
Taglist: @lexxierave @loveintheroyalfamily @suchatinyinfinity@fanfictionrecommendations-com  @maxslime-blog @elanor-of-imladris@songforhema @lucielandss @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @themadhatter92@realduckvader @the-blind-assassin-12 @christinawxxx @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @luminex3 @littlemermaidprobz @ashkuuuu@luckysstrikes @carlaangel86 @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso@teacuplotus @iaintnofurry @thesumofmychoices @ymariejp @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan @whovianayesha @holamor @drinix @rhabakoli @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @starkrobb@marauderskeeper @charlylama @thesandbeneathmytoes @something-tofightfor @banditthewriter  @binbons-is-theloml​
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griffinxwoods · 6 years
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clarke and lexa are snowed in at raven and anya’s holiday/housewarming party
i wanted to finish this for clexa week but, life happens, and i wasn’t able to so here’s a snippet, the beginning really, and if you guys like it, i’ll wrap it up soon and post it to ao3. but i figured something is better than nothing, even if i think it’s pretty rough so, here you go. also, a rough attempt at a moodboard. nevertheless, enjoy! 
It’s almost over. Technically she’s halfway to the finish line. But it’s almost over.
Finals week is upon them.
Clarke has a few sketches to finish for her portfolio, her finals project only has a few tweaks to be done, and then she can finally relax for winter break. She can worry about her last official university semester once the new year rolls around.
Tonight, though, Raven wanted to have a group study session at Clarke and Lexa’s apartment. it’s a nice change from the stuffy Arkadia library, at least Clarke can sketch on her couch instead of those hard, wooden chairs, oddly always warm.
The crew’s scattered around her apartment, Octavia and Lincoln are sitting at the kitchen island, going through flashcards for Lincoln’s psych exam. Bellamy has taken to the recliner, flipping through the pages of his latest history read. He graduated years ago yet, he still hangs around. Nerd. Jasper and Maya are sat at one end of the dining table, there’s less studying and more of Jasper goofing around, but poor Maya has a highlighter in her mouth and about 3 other different colored highlighters in each hand, going through her bio notes. Pre-med is rough and Clarke feels for her. Monty is next to them, fiddling with a broken car radio he’s trying to fix for Miller. Raven and Anya are at the opposite end, Raven seemed to have wrapped up her studies early and somehow dug out Clarke’s old toaster and opened it up, rewiring it. Anya’s just eating some nuggets.
Clarke’s stomach grumbles. Hmm, not a bad idea. She moves to get up from the coach when Lexa appears, plate of nuggets in hand.
Clarke beams up at her, “how’d you know?”
Lexa shrugs, “You’ve been sketching for a while, figured you’d want some fuel.” She flops down next to Clarke and pulls up the Twitter app on her phone.
Clarke pulls her in for a kiss, slow and tender. She caresses Lexa’s face and Lexa pulls back, rubs her nose against Clarke’s, moving her head to the other side. It’s sweet and slow, perfect.
Clarke leans back and looks at Lexa through her eyelashes, “Thanks, baby.”
Lexa’s lips curl up a bit on one side, that sweet smile reserved only for Clarke. She reaches for Clarke’s hand and rubs her thumb over Clarke’s.
“Attention, everyone!” Raven yells. “Hear ye, hear ye, I have an announcement before we wrap up this lovely hellish study session.”
Everyone jumped in their places at the crash, but they gather closer nonetheless. Raven smashed Clarke’s old toaster on the ground. Sigh, typical. Dramatic, as usual.
“Anya and I are throwing a housewarming party,” Raven beams.
“Does that mean we have to buy you gifts for being an adult,” Lexa scrunches her face, she grabs a nugget and pops it into her mouth.
Raven tilts her head to the side and feigns a smile, “Yes. Why ever the fuck else would I be hosting a party when you and Clarke have a perfectly furnished apartment.” she waves her hand in the general direction of everything they have, then points at the kitchen, “a fucking Nespresso machine, Clarke. You guys are boujee and I want in on it.”
“Raven,” Clarke sighs.
“Help me, I’m poor,” Raven pouts and bats her eyelashes.
Lexa stifles a laugh, “Might as well make a, like, baby registry for your apartment, ya know”. She pauses and looks at Clarke, “Is that a thing? Did we do that?”
She pats Lexa’s arm and sighs, “Yeah babe, it’s a thing. Technically.”
“Lexa, you beautiful dumbass, te quiero tanto” she practically launches herself across the table to grab Lexa’s face and plant a quick rough kiss on her lips. “I’m gonna sign up for that and send you all the link. I want a blender. And a microwave. And those smart light bulbs. God, they’re so fucking expensive, I don’t understand why. Gonna need Ms. Amazon Alexa too so I can connect that. I wanna speak to her. Our own smart house, how zesty of us. Oh! A fridge, need that too but the one you tweet on! That’s so boujee, I love it- ”
Lexa’s stunned, really didn’t expect that one. Clarke plopped back against her seat and lets out an exhausted breath. She’s used to Raven’s antics, of course, but tonight she just wants to finish her sketch and cuddle with Lexa. They’ve been here for hours, she’s tired and she has an early class in the morning. She picks up a pencil and continues to work, letting the conversation idle into background noise.
Her peace only lasts a few seconds.
Jasper mischievously snatches a sheet of paper and crumples it up, throws the ball at Lexa, and laughs, “She won’t shut up and it’s your fault, Woods.”
Lexa snatches a fat eraser out of Clarke’s hand and launches it at Jasper’s face, pure reflex.
Clarke gives up, her efforts futile, she snaps her sketchbook closed and groans.
“Fuck! Ow, what the fuck, Lex?”
“If you so much as look at me wrong, I will Spartan kick you off my balcony, you failed abortion. Capice?”
Clarke snaps her head towards Lexa, trying and failing to controller her laughter, and smacks Lexa lightly on the arm, “Lexa, no.”
“What? He’s annoying.”
“He’s our friend, remember. Be nice.”
“I’ve never claimed him. He’s your friend.”
“Everything that’s mine is yours, sweetheart,” Clarke singsongs and boops her on the nose.
Lexa tries to bite Clarke’s finger and falls short, her eyes narrow on her girlfriend, “Pick your battles, Griffin”
“HELLOOOO!” Raven bangs on the table abruptly. Everyone stops. “We were talking about me.”
Anya’s exasperated at this point. She only decided to come over for the free food and now she has to deal with this? She checks her watch, wondering when would be a good time to drag Raven out of her before she rips someone’s head off for suggesting teal accents when her apartment theme is planned to be black and gold. Seems trivial to Anya but, she knows Raven well enough by now.
Lexa blinks, “Oh? I-”
“Can you not? Thanks. Anyway, back to me now.”
Lexa throws her hands up, defeated, “Why am I in trouble when that sorry excuse for a man physically attacked me. In my own home! I’m a victim.” Lexa narrows at him, “the white man wins again.”
“Hey!” Jasper protests.”I was just-”
Raven lowers her voice and glares at Jasper, he gulps. “I will tie you to a chair and set your three mustache hairs on fire one by one. I know how long you’ve tried to grow that out, you’ve gotten attached to them, little man. Do not test me.”
Octavia grins, “This is getting good. Shall I make popcorn?”
Jasper slouches back into himself. Maya gives him a soft kiss on his cheek and a soft smile, and Monty puts him in a headlock and tousles his hair playfully, “You’ll be fine, buddy.”
Anya pinches the bridge of her nose, her eyes closed. She checks her watch again, looks around the room. Good enough. She raises herself out of her seat and steps towards Raven, an arm snaking around Raven’s neck.
“Alright Reyes, that’s enough. We get it, we’re poor, we need house stuff, and you’re becoming a dictator.”
“The Castros are shaking right now,” Lexa smirks.
Raven snorts, “Ha, noice.” They high five and Clarke and Anya share a look, both rolling their eyes.
“Okaaaay” Anya drawls, she detaches from Raven and grabs her hand as they make their way to the door, “So we’re gonna go. This was nice until crackhead Martha Stewart here took over.”
Raven pauses, a little insulted but nonetheless, she continues, “I want the fridge that can tweet, Anya.”
“I know baby,” Anya sighs, dragging Raven along.
“It’s essential. It’s the future. Technology, it revolves around us, you know.”
“I really don’t even know what you’re saying anymore.”
Lexa waves from her seat, grinning, and turns to Clarke, “We’re not getting the fridge.”
Clarke hums absentmindedly, “Absolutely not.” She really doesn’t care anymore, though. She just wants to go to bed with Lexa. She rubs her hands down her face, crosses her arms and yawns.
Lexa watches her, noticing the drooping eyelids, sketchbook closed in front of her. She stands and clasps her hands together.
“Okay putas, time to go. Pick up your shit and get outta here, it’s beddy-bye. Clarke looks like she’s going to knock out on this couch and I’d rather not carry her to bed so, let’s move on out.” She ushers everyone up and out, herds them towards the door like a shepherd gathering stray sheep into a barn. Or out, rather.
They all protest on their way out, but appreciate the eviction considering how late it’s gotten and no one noticed.
“Thanks for the food, Lex. I’ll see you on the field tomorrow, right?” Lincoln hugs her and gives her a sharp look. She’s on her vacation and he knows how quickly she can fall into a lazy spiral if she lets herself.
Lexa grunts, “But it’s supposed to snow.”
Lincoln gives her a sharp look and she concedes, nodding in agreement.
They all file out, waving goodbye, and piling into their cars. Lexa closes the door, locks it and leans against it, letting out a sigh of relief.
“It’s quiet,” Lexa breathes.
“Lex. Bed,” Clarke whispers. She’s waiting in the bedroom doorway, hand reaching out towards Lexa. She strides over and slips her hand into Clarke’s, placing a tender kiss to her lips. Clarke hums and her lips curl into a smile on one side, similar to one of Lexa’s.
They fall into bed, a tangle of limbs, soft kisses on smooth skin, breaths evening out.
Clarke curls deeper into Lexa’s warmth and not a minute later, drifts off.
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aliciameade · 6 years
Fade Into You - Ch. 1
Title: Fade Into You (Chapter 1 of 5) Author: aliciameade Rating: T Pairing: Beca/Chloe Summary: Tip for newlyweds: send a wedding invite to every billionaire whose address you can find because it's a 50/50 chance their assistants just send you a perfunctory gift without ever wondering who the hell you are. Or: Beca had a really bad terrible idea when she got tired of being broke in New York. 
Also on AO3 and FFnet, but I probably can’t link there idk.
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Beca wasn’t prepared for how expensive it was to live in New York City. Sure, she’d done her research; she knew it would be costly, but just how costly it was was wreaking havoc on her bank account. Rent, transportation, groceries, household necessities and the very rare luxuries like a concert or theater ticket here or there to keep her sanity had her living paycheck to paycheck. Even bringing two roommates with her to cram into the tiny Brooklyn studio didn’t help her live any more comfortably (considering only one of them chipped in for rent).
Of course, it probably helped her afford to eat.
Whatever. The point was that it was not quite the life she envisioned for herself once she landed what she thought was a Big Job.
But at least she had her friends.
“Why do I have so many cousins? And why are they all getting married?”
Beca watched Chloe sitting at their tiny dining table on Sunday afternoon (if you could even call it that) as she tossed aside a just-opened fancy envelope and what Beca assumed to be a wedding invitation. As far as she could remember, it was the fourth Chloe had received so far that year. “How many cousins do you have?”
“Sixteen. And I’m the baby of the family so they’re all either married or about to be. And here I am.” She gestured at nothing specific and sighed. “I can barely pay my share of the groceries. I can’t afford to go to all these weddings so I need to send something off their registry, but I can’t afford that, either.”
“Weddings feel like a ploy to get free shit from everyone you met once in your life,” Beca said as she watched Chloe stress out. “Like, congratulations on deciding to spend your life with one person. Why do I have to reward that?”
“It’s like an expectation. You either have to go to the wedding or send a gift. Or both!” Chloe slid her chair back from the table and took the two steps needed to get to their bed which she threw herself on a bit dramatically. “I’m just going to elope.”
She liked being on the same page as Chloe. “And miss out on all the free swag?” Beca said as she nudged Chloe’s foot with her own.
“I don’t want to be part of the problem!”
“Okay, okay!” Beca laughed. “So elope. Must be nice, though: send out a bunch of invitations to people you know won’t come and get a bunch of free stuff in return.”
“I know,” Chloe mumbled into her pillow. “It’s so messed up.”
A devious thought slid through Beca’s mind and she paused the music she’d been playing. “I need a new Keurig; ours is going to die any day now. I can feel it.”
Chloe turned onto her side to look up at Beca. “What does that have to do with anything?”
She closed her laptop and slid down to lie next to Chloe, eye-to-eye. “I have an idea. But before I tell you, I blame it entirely on Amy’s influence.”
“Why Amy?”
“You’ll see. Now hear me out. What if we sent out wedding invitations saying we’re getting married in, like, Fiji where no one we know can afford to go, and set up a wedding registry somewhere.”
“Beca, that’s, like, fraud. No wonder you blamed it on Amy.” Chloe frowned at her. “And no one would believe we’re getting married anyway.”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re not even dating!” Chloe said with a laugh. “And you don’t even like girls!”
Oh. Right. There were those little details that the people who would make sense to invite to their wedding would know she and Chloe weren’t together. Not to mention the giant elephant in Beca’s mental room that she was actually very into girls and very, very into Chloe.
Except literally no one in her new adult life knew either of those facts about her. The bisexual thing was weird to bring up unprompted at this point, and when she started dating Jesse in college, everyone just assumed she was straight and made it even weirder to try to correct.
And the Chloe thing, well...that was all sorts of messy and complicated.
“Okay, first of all, a person can fall in love with someone who’s not their usual...type, so anyone who says shit about that can fuck right off.”
Chloe seemed a bit surprised by her declaration but waved for her to continue. “And the fact that it’s me?”
She had to stop herself from saying, “It’s everything.” Instead, she said, “We’ve basically been living together for six years. I don’t think it’s that far-fetched.”
Chloe was quiet for a moment, thinking, and then a slow smile spread across her face. “Beca Mitchell, you devious little devil. You actually think this could work.”
“Well, why wouldn’t it? If Aubrey was getting married in, like, Fiji and you couldn’t afford to go, you’d send her something off her registry, right? That’s what you just said.”
“I would never miss Aubrey’s wedding,” Chloe said earnestly. “She’s my best friend. And she wouldn’t miss mine, either.”
“Okaaaaaay,” Beca drawled. “So we don’t invite our current friends. Or immediate family. Cousins, old coworkers, and friends from high school.”
“Can I invite Mrs. Higgins, my 8th grade choir teacher? She was my favorite teacher.”
“Yeah, I mean as long as she won’t try to show up—wait. You’d actually do this?”
“You’ve had worse ideas.”
“Have I though?” Beca shook her head. “This is dumb. Forget it.” She put away her computer and rolled out of bed. “I’m going to Target if you need anything. I’m out of conditioner.”
“I don’t think I do, but I’ll come with you.”
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
When Beca came home from work late on Monday, Chloe was laying in bed, laptop propped on her thighs. She was intently focused on whatever it was she was doing and didn’t look up at Beca’s entrance.
“Hey, weirdo,” Beca said as she kicked out of her shoes and pulled her own computer out of her bag to toss it onto the bed while she changed into comfy lounging clothes. “What are you doing?”
Chloe ignored her for a few more seconds before tapping the trackpad with particularly notable resolution and sitting up. “Hey!”
“Yeah, hey,” Beca laughed. “Seriously, what are you doing? Caught up in an intense Pinterest spiral?”
Chloe shook her head. “Come here; I want to show you something.”
“Is this going to be puppies or something dirty?” Beca knelt on their bed and walked her way up until she was sitting next to Chloe. There was no telling what Chloe had up her sleeve whenever she told Beca she wanted to show her something.
“Neither. Look.” She turned her screen toward Beca.
“What am I looking at?” she asked after a few seconds. “Because that looks like a wedding invitation with our names on it.”
“That’s what it is.”
She looked at the invitation on Chloe’s screen again and then looked at her. Chloe was biting her lip and almost buzzing with excitement. “And why is that a thing that exists?”
“I made it!”
Beca rolled her eyes. “And why did you make it?”
“We need invitations if we’re going to invite people to our wedding.”
“That idea was terrible! I told you to forget it; how much time did you spend on this?” She grabbed the computer away from Chloe so she could zoom in on it. The stationery had been painted with watercolors. It was quite pretty and one Beca wouldn’t be opposed to choosing for her actual wedding.
“A couple hours. I went with a silver and sage palette. I don’t think we’re a couple who has pink in their wedding.”
“Yeah, no,” Beca said, only half-listening because her brain was pretty hung up at the moment seeing the words ‘The Wedding of Beca and Chloe’ in script. “No pink.”
“I just put Fiji because you mentioned it yesterday but we can pick something else. And a date. Oh, and we’re registered at Amazon and IKEA.”
Picking a wedding locale and date with Chloe? Sure. Cool. “Wait. You already registered us?”
“Well, no, not yet,” Chloe scoffed as if Beca’s question was absurd. “That’s what’s on the registry cards that go with the invitations. We need to make our registries together next weekend.”
“I’m not sure if I should be concerned or proud that you’re so willing to go along with my terrible idea.”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Chloe said with a shrug.
Beca was pretty sure a lot of bad things could happen like someone showing up to a non-existent wedding. Then again, all they’d really have to do is apologize and explain that the wedding was called off last-minute and point out their would-be guests would now have a vacation in Fiji without wedding activities to inconvenience them.
“Several things come to mind,” she said as she returned the computer.
Chloe elbowed her. “Okay. We need this to be far enough in advance that it doesn’t feel shotgun, but not too far that everyone can rearrange their schedules for it.”
“So it’s like I forgot to send out the invitations like I said I would and you found them in a box two months after they were supposed to have gone out?”
Chloe looked at her, holding her gaze. “That sounds exactly like something you would do.”
“And we should have it on, like, a Wednesday so it’s super inconvenient. With no holidays around it that people can use to save vacation days.”
“I feel like you’re a secret evil genius,” Chloe said as she flipped through the calendar on her computer. “How about October 2?”
They then spent more than an hour Googling Fiji and wedding location options. It took so long because they kept bickering about the venues; Chloe loved one but Beca hated it. Then Beca loved one and Chloe hated it. Every fifteen minutes or so, one of them would remind the other this was all fake and it didn’t matter, and the other would argue that it still had to seem real. They’d finally settled on a resort located on the edge of a rainforest that had more than enough amenities for a destination wedding.
“Well?” Chloe asked when she finished entering the details on the invitation. “Good?”
Beca stared at the screen and what they’d created inviting recipients to their wedding. It made her a little queasy so she swallowed hard. “Perfect.”
They ordered a set of one hundred invitations, response cards, registry cards, and envelopes for it all and agreed to split the expense equally.
“Did we seriously just do that?” Beca asked as she put away her credit card. “That shit is nonrefundable. We just burned five hundred dollars.”
“Think of it as a down payment on my new dinette set.”
“Your new dinette? Pretty sure that’s going to be ours, babe.”
Chloe cocked an eyebrow at her. “Babe?”
Beca blushed. “Wedding fever. Shut up.”
“You’re adorable,” Chloe said with a laugh as she grabbed Beca by the chin to give her a shake. “Careful, or I might marry you for real.”
She blushed even harder, her heart getting lodged in her throat. “Yeah, right, dude.”
“We’ll see,” Chloe said with a wink before hopping off the bed to leave Beca behind, heart still pounding. “It’s my turn to make dinner. What do you want?”
“How many names do you have so far?” Chloe asked from her lounging spot lying backward on their bed, feet rocking back and forth next to Beca.
Beca looked at the spreadsheet on her computer; she hated spreadsheets. Loathed them. But Chloe created one for their wedding invitation list so she could have Staples print the addresses on the envelopes once they arrived. Had they planned ahead like actual would-be brides, they’d have had the list ready to import when they ordered the invitations to let the printer do that. But alas. “Thirty-six. It’s hard to figure out who makes sense to invite to my wedding but wouldn’t actually come.”
“If you can get to forty, I can make up the difference.”
“I should invite the CEO of BFD; it’s not like he’d ever come. I’ve never even met him. He’d probably pick one of the expensive gifts, too.”
Chloe sat up quickly and Beca tried not to think about how strong her abs must be to do that. “Beca.”
“You’re a genius.” She sat forward so suddenly Beca had a fleeting [stupid] thought that Chloe was about to kiss her but all she did was turn around to sit next to her and look at the list on Beca’s screen. “But don’t add him; I don’t want to put your career at risk. Put your douche boss from Residual Heat instead; there’s no way he’d come.”
“O...kay,” Beca said as she typed his name. She’d have to look up her old studio’s mailing address later. “But why am I a genius?”
“We can invite a handful of CEOs and tech bigwigs who won’t know whether or not we work for them. We send it to their office and their assistant will just buy something off our registry without bothering to look us up.”
“Should I be concerned that your mind is this twisted?” Beca asked as Chloe commandeered her laptop to open Google and start searching.
“Did you forget this was your idea to begin with?”
She watched Chloe pull up the address for the headquarters of Apple. “A little ambitious, don’t you think?”
“Are you kidding? The bigger the company the bigger the chance we get a ‘declines with regret’ and you get that Ableton Push you think I didn’t see you add to our Amazon registry.”
Beca grumbled under her breath to hide her guilt. She’d gotten a little click-happy the other night after a couple beers and added a few non-traditional items to their list like high-end mixing equipment and the new Xbox.
“I’m just going to pick ten companies from the Forbes 500. Let’s see what happens. And now you don’t have to come up with the rest of your list!”
“Sounds great,” she said with a tight-lipped smile.
Something in her gut was telling her they were taking this much too far. But that new Ableton was so, so pretty…
“Becs, honey,” Chloe said when Beca opened the door to head to work.
Beca turned, patting herself down to make sure she had her keys and phone. “What’s up?”
“Don’t forget to mail the invitations.” She smiled at Beca and pointed at the shoe box on the table containing their pretty little scams. Amy had stuffed the envelopes for them last night and was naturally agreeable to their little business venture. They’d obliged her request to add an absurd inflatable bounce house to their list as payment for her help as long as she promised to never try to set it up in the apartment.
Beca was pretty sure Amy had her fingers crossed behind her back when she agreed.
She picked it up and rapped her fingernails on it. “Are you sure we should do this? I feel kind of guilty.”
“We got our list down to eighty-nine people we barely know—or don’t know at all. It’s going to be fine. Don’t worry.”
“Yeah, okay,” Beca said with a nod, though being told not to worry didn’t magically erase her concerns. “You’re right. I’ll see you after work. It’s my turn to cook, so text me what you want and I’ll pick it up on my way home.”
“I’m totes going to be the one who actually cooks in this marriage, aren’t I?”
“Trust me; it’s for the best. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, sweetie!”
Beca dropped the stack of thick, fancy envelopes into the outgoing mail drop on the corner by her subway stop on her way to work, and that was it.
The deed was done.
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
Three days later...
When Beca came home from work she found Chloe at the table but she wasn’t sipping her usual tea and wearing a smile at Beca’s return.
Instead, she was visibly nervous, her arms crossed and eyes fixed on her untouched tea.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Beca asked and moved to sit across from her. “Are you okay?”
“Promise you won’t get mad?” Chloe said in a small voice, eyes refusing to meet Beca’s.
“It’s hard to promise that when I don’t know what’s wrong, but I’ll try. What’s going on?”
Chloe closed her eyes and sighed. “My parents got one of our invitations.”
“What?!” Beca almost launched from her chair; she gripped the edge of the table to stay put and she saw Chloe flinch at her outburst. She tried to lower voice when she demanded, “How?”
“I checked the spreadsheet because I know I didn’t put them on it.” She sounded on the verge of tears. “But it looks like it got corrupted, like it combined with my Christmas card list.”
Beca’s blood ran cold. “My dad’s on your Christmas card list, too.” She’d barely finished the sentence when her phone started ringing in her pocket. She could hear Chloe’s text alerts almost non-stop from where her phone sat on her bedside table. “Who else ended up on the list?”
Chloe closed her eyes and shook her head. “I’m so, so sorry.”
Beca pulled her phone from her pocket; she already knew. She didn’t even bother looking at the screen as she swiped the screen to answer it. “Hey, Dad.”
“You and Chloe are getting married?!” he crowed into the phone. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner? Oh, Beca I’m so happy for you both; you’re perfect together!”
“We’re not—wait.” She straightened. “Huh?”
“I knew it was only a matter of time.”
She looked at Chloe across the table who was oblivious to what her father was saying. She seemed to assume it to be terrible the way she was hiding half her face behind her hand. She looked miserable.
“Yeah…” Beca replied. She felt bad; this was all her doing and now Chloe’s going to be humiliated having to tell everyone in her life that she tried to do something dumb. Or that her fake relationship failed. And all her cousins were getting married… “We’re...really happy.”
Chloe’s hand fell and her eyes went wide. “What are you doing?” she whispered.
“And I’m so happy for you. The date is going to be tough for me to get away in the middle of the semester, but there’s no way I’m going to miss my little girl’s big day. Is there a block of rooms reserved for guests? Should I just give your name when I call?”
“Um, no. Sorry. We...we splurged on the trip so we couldn’t lock down rooms for everyone.”
“Don’t you worry; I’ll take care of the rooms. It’s the least I can do. I’ll call the resort and give them my information.” It was Beca’s turn to cover her eyes. “Thanks, Dad. That’s so generous.”
“Anything for you and my soon-to-be daughter-in-law.”
“Thanks. Listen, I just got home and Chloe and I have a lot to talk about. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Sure, pumpkin.”
Beca ended the call and set down her phone with a long exhale. “Shit.”
“What happened?” Chloe asked sounding as sheepish as she did excited.
“He’s...going to pay for everyone’s rooms at the resort for our wedding.”
Chloe blinked hard and sat back. “What?”
“He thinks we’re perfect together. And he wasn’t surprised at all. Well, he was surprised by the wedding. Not about us being together.” Which we’re not. “What did your parents say?”
Chloe cleared her throat. “They offered to pay for the rehearsal dinner and the reception.”
“What?” Beca said with a barked laugh.
“They’re over the moon for us. Asked what took us so long.” She looked like she wanted to disappear into her chair, which was a unique state for Chloe to be in.
“But you didn’t tell them it’s fake.”
“Did you tell your dad it’s fake?” Chloe countered. “No, you didn’t. You just went along with it.”
Beca sank into her chair, too. “And now our parents are ecstatic we’re getting married.” There was a lot to unpack with that fact and all that came with it. Chloe’s texts were still chiming and a minute later, Beca’s started up, too. “Seriously, who else got invited?”
With a sigh, Chloe slid a piece of paper across the table. Printed on it was a spreadsheet set up just like what they’d made to send to Staples, except it was a mish-mash of their distant cousins, millionaire executives, and people they actually knew. Their parents. The owner of the vet clinic Chloe was interning at.
Aubrey, Emily, and the rest of the Bellas.
“Oh, my God, how did this happen?” Beca said with a groan as she crumpled the paper and tossed it toward the trash can. (She missed.)
“I told you: I don’t know! All I can think is that my files were named List1 and List2 and somehow they got combined or maybe I didn’t delete everything from one of them before I saved it.” She reached across the table and grabbed Beca’s hands. “Beca, I’m so, so sorry. I’ll take care of everything. I’ll let everyone know it was just a prank gone wrong.”
Beca was about to agree when she remembered how excited her father sounded. “Your parents were really happy?”
Chloe managed a sad laugh; she still looked on the verge of tears and Beca couldn’t blame her. She felt like she might cry herself. “My mom said she was starting to get worried you were never going to propose.”
“Oh, my God,” Beca said, blushing hard. “She didn’t even know that we were dating. Or, that we weren’t dating. Whatever. What did you say?”
“I told her I asked you.”
“You proposed to me?!” Beca scoffed. “As if you would! I would totally ask you to marry me before you even had a chance!”
Chloe blinked at her, her worry and sadness starting to fade into a soft smile. “You would?”
Beca realized what she’d said and shook her head. “Nevermind. I should have looked at the envelopes before I dropped them off.”
“You didn’t have a reason to. This isn’t your fault.”
“Except that it was all my idea?” Beca said with a crooked smile. “You’d think Amy would have realized they were wrong when she was stuffing them. She knew the plan.”
Chloe sighed and let go of Beca’s hands to run her own through her hair. “Something tells me she knew they got messed up.”
“Why would you think that?”
Chloe shot her a look.
“Because it’s Amy. Right.” She sighed, too. “I need a drink.” Beca stood up and headed for the fridge, the top of which held their liquor collection. “What do you want?”
“Whiskey, neat,” Chloe answered as she pushed aside her tea.
“Yeah. Me, too.”
They waited until they were both two whiskeys in before they agreed to get on Skype with Aubrey.
“This is how you tell me you two are a thing?” Aubrey said as she waved the invitation in front of her camera. “A little warning would have been nice.”
“It all happened so fast, Bree,” Chloe said. “I guess living together in such close quarters...well, it brought some things to light.”
It was so convincing that Beca almost believed her. Except she didn’t know why they were lying to Aubrey. Not wanting to immediately disappoint their excited parents was one thing, but going along with it with Aubrey… She nudged Chloe from her spot next to her where they sat closely in bed so they could both be mostly in frame and threw her a look she hoped read, What the hell are you doing?
Chloe just winked at her and slipped her arm behind her to wrap around her waist and pull her closer.
“Well, as disappointed as I am that you didn’t think to tell me, I’m thrilled for you both.”
“You are?” Beca scoffed.
“Why wouldn’t I be? You two are good for each other. And I know you’ll take care of my best friend.”
Beca had to fight hard to not blush. “Yeah. Well...that’s the plan.”
“So, Fiji? I’ve always wanted to go! Do you have a wedding planner? And Chloe, I can’t believe you haven’t asked me to be your Maid of Honor yet! We made a pact!”
Chloe cleared her throat. “Right! I was getting to that! I’d love it if you’d be my Maid of Honor.”
“What are you doing?” Beca muttered from the side of her mouth.
“Asking my bestie to be in our wedding,” Chloe muttered in return.
“I’d be honored!” Aubrey said with a bright grin. “Now you have to let me take over the planning. You can’t do this all by yourselves. Put me in touch with your contact at the resort and I’ll take it over. What have you arranged so far?”
“Well, we could barely get the invitations out without trouble…” Chloe started and Beca elbowed her. “So we haven’t really had a chance to get going yet. We haven’t even put down the deposit to reserve the space yet—”
“Don’t say another word,” Aubrey said with her hand up. “I’m going to take care of that as my gift to you both.”
“Thanks, Bree. That means so much.” Chloe grasped Beca’s hand and pulled it up to kiss it.
Beca just stared at her in shock.
“Right, Becs?”
“Uh, yeah. Right. Thanks, Aubrey,” Beca offered. “We gotta go, though,” she added, desperate to end the torture.
“Okay. Remember to send me that info and I’ll send you the confirmations once I get it taken care of this week.”
“Totes. I’ll text you later.”
“Perfect. Have a good night, you two!”
“Bye!” Chloe chirped and Beca offered a weak wave as Chloe disconnected the call.
“Oh, my God, Chloe, we can’t keep this up!” she said as soon as the screen was blank. “What are we doing?!”
“Everyone’s so excited for us; I don’t want to disappoint them.” Chloe turned a little to look at her and she was so close Beca could see the different specks of light and dark in Chloe’s eyes. “We’ll tell them soon.”
“Aubrey’s going to spend money on this. We can’t let her do that.”
“I’ll wait a few days to send her the info and then we’ll just tell it’s off.”
Not two hours had passed when both their phones chimed with a group text from Aubrey to the two of them. Chloe was taking a bath when it came in so Beca opened it and read it aloud so she could hear it.
“Was too excited! Looked up the resort info and got it booked. Oh, my God. They said they didn’t have any record of your interest—gee, I wonder why—and the day was already booked for some corporate retreat but I got them to move it for the wedding. Of course she did. Good thing you let me take care of it! You might not have had a venue. Damn it, Chloe!”
“Well, it’s not my fault!”
“Then whose fault is it?!”
Nothing but silence followed from behind the shower curtain.
(Chapter 2)
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skylightsofmylife · 5 years
1-86 pleaseeeeee
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
Nope. I’m demi so it’s all about personality
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
Most definitely
3. Are you a virgin?
Take an educated guess based on my girlfriend’s post
4. Are you in a relationship?
Extremely happily so
5. Are you in love?
Hey babe! Are we in love? I forgot. 
6. Are you single this year?
I can’t see the future but I seriously hope not, I’m kinda smitten with this girl who sends me asks…
7. Can you commit to one person?
Prefer to actually
8. Describe your crush
Oh, let’s see. She’s a dork, with a sense of humor, has the most adorable smile, always knows how to cheer me up, might have a really hot haircut or something???
9. Describe your perfect mate
Kitten (She knows what this means)
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Love is blind, she don’t work based on sight
11. Do you ever want to get married?
If the moment felt right, yes. *adds honeymoon to gift registry* 
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
Regrettably, yes *massive eye roll at self*
13. Do you get jealous easily?
I might have a little bit of a green monster in me, *green monster shouts* a little, who are you trying to fool
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
15. Do you have any piercings?
Yeppers, pretty sure I’m naked enough on here you can find it easily
16. Do you have any tattoos?
A phobia of having ink on my skin keeps me from getting them
17. Do you like kissing in public?
Babe, we are still making out in the middle of the airport next time right? 
20. Do you shower every day?
Yes, in the tears of my enemies, mwahahahahha, again, who am I kidding. It’s my own tears cause I have estrogen coursing through my veins
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
She better for making me answer all of these
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
*sends nood to GF* yep pretty sure someone is
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
What even is this questions? If you can’t do this may I suggest polyamory my dear
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
I honestly don’t know, it’s something I have resisted for a very long time but recently my feelings have changed on it because of someone
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
I hope so being I am
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
Ditto baby girl
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
Poem, yes. Does a theme song count?
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
I’d have to resort to calculus to get the exact number of times it’s happened it’s so numerous at this point
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
Per the previous question, I know how much it hurts first hand and could never bring myself to inflict that kind of pain on someone
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
*Giant book thuds on counter* Story time children. I’d have my nose thinned and shaven down, chin rounded and cleft removed, hairline rounded, ears pinned, love handles removed, maybe boobs just to round them; don’t really want bigger. Having the major one I want in two days. 
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
*gets out the tear bucket* oh, we come prepared around these parts. Flooding and leakage is imminent 
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
Maybe, idk. I have a rather unique experience that keeps me from falling in love with people who don’t feel the same
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
I wish I could say no
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
Girl what that tongue do? 
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
Like, all of them
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
Probably, in high school
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
Oh definitely. But usually that ends up being your best friend
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
I honestly don’t know if I couldn’t have her… just never asked
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
Lots of poems, had an ex that loved them so I would leave them as notes on my pillow since I got up way earlier
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
Just a little bit
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
What are we counting as wandering? Touching hips/waist, not very long. Anywhere else I can make out for hours without hands roaming.
43. How long was your longest relationship?
3 years (woot for psychology being so predictable for the end of the honeymoon phase)
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
Not many actually. Discounting the one I was in against my will, 3.
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
Why y’all gotta pick my hoe/college years?! Give me a sec to count… 8?
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
Not a lot… Maybe 10 times? It’s somewhere around there. (All with the same person mind you)
47. How old are you?
Some would say I look good for 428
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
Good for them honestly. I’ve been in this situation but I always put other peoples’ happiness before mine. 9 times out of 10 I end up helping them get with the person they like
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
She keeps me grounded. No matter what she can always make my darkest day brighter just by being there. (Also the hair)
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Leave the gifts, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Oh, and let people decide things for themselves
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
Mostly anything, yes
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
I wouldn’t say given up but more so realized we were fundamentally different people and things would never work between us
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
I mean probs. Maybe not mad but there’s definitely someone jealous out there
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
Yes, friends I have had to move away from due to mental health issues
55. Share a relationship story.
Jess, just read our texts. Everyone else, Jess is reading our texts
56. State 8 facts about your body
Pokemon #188
57. Things you want to say to an ex
If you’re going to cheat have the decency to break up with your partner first or be able to admit your wrong instead of finding flaws in your partner to exploit and make them feel like it’s their fault
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
Be easy to talk to, have emotional intelligence, love me for who I am not what you want me to be, make me laugh, *cough cough - cover your eyes children* make me moan loudly (sorry, not sorry)
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/skylightsofmylife search #me
Jess, just look at your photos
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
7  years
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
The way they talk
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
Whisper in my ear what they want to do to me (unless they are a stranger then it’s creepy, cause both have happened)
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
Oral or anything that penetrates (that includes fingers and toys)
64. What is your definition of cheating?
Anything beyond non-sexual flirting
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
Oh goodness, babe here’s your playbook. Shove me against a wall, throw my hands above my head, kiss my mouth just a little then go straight for the neck. Once you’ve done that for a little, take a hand and put it under my shirt and scratch (HARD) from my under-bust to my pant-line. Take me to a bed and push me onto it rather hard, straddle me kiss my mouth and neck some more, whisper what you’re going to do next in my ear, take my clothes off, kiss my breasts and stomach, after that a little gently play *down there* and I’m yours. 
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
Backyard movie date; with a sheet, projector, and a picnic basket
68. What is your sexual orientation?
I put lesbian in my bio because it’s easier and I only date women/non-binary/gnc. But the whole thing is demi pansexual, homoromantic. 
69. What turns you off?
Weirdly my biggest turn off is getting my hair wet. No idea why
70. What turns you on?
Running a hand up my inner thigh
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
I’m honestly not sure… my sex dreams often include consent cause it’s a big deal to me so they typically don’t get far because that’s the majority of it
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
Fuck, that feels amazing, don’t stop doing that *moan*, my name, Jess knows the last one
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
Buy me an outfit just because they think it would look cute on me
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
Found a private showing of my favorite movie on Valentine’s day
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
Probably cooked a 3 hour meal just because I knew they liked it that much
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
So long as it’s legal and consensual I really don’t care. I personally will not date beyond the 7 years I’ve already done but that’s just a personal choice
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
Probably my needle fetish
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
About 5 years ago. My ex was leaving me for the person they said they had no feelings for
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
Like an hour ago
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
Jess, Jess, Jess, Jess, and Jess
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
My mom
83. Who was your first kiss with?
A narcissist who ended up using me in the end so I’d rather not name them 
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
Because I wasn’t cis-enough
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
Oh hey babe!
For real, fuck you Jess. I’m packing now. Unless you wanna do 65…..
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saferincages · 7 years
the doorway to the season that awakens my soul
there’s a quote that tends to go around Tumblr at the start of September: We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer's wreckage. We will welcome summer's ghost.
Every year, there’s more poignancy and melancholy in that for me. When I was young, I always looked forward to September so much - that sparkling, crisp sensation of autumn beginning to caress the air, the feeling of a brand new year (in both school and the apple and honey symbolism of Rosh Hashanah), the anticipation that we really only feel as children for our birthdays. But the ghost of the rest of the year, how quickly and inexorably that time passes by, has become more oppressive in its hauntings as I’ve gotten older, and I think I’m grappling with it more this year than I ever have before. I changed the calendar, and it made me cry.
anyway, I did get to take down the “hiatus” notice on my sidebar today. I’ve missed you all, and especially thank those of you who have sent me lovely thoughts and uplifting messages these past couple of months, they truly mean so much to me, and whenever I need to be reminded that I’m not alone (or even when I have to stave off the nasty shadow thoughts of my mind that tell me everyone would probably be better off if I didn’t come back), those sweet words help. ♥ if there is anything you want me to see/read (no matter what it is!), please don’t hesitate to send it to me.
as a bit more of an expressive update -
My laptop could not be saved - something deep in the Windows registry was corrupted permanently by that virus and no restore feature could fix it, but I’d like to thank @u-f-os for mentioning Avira to me - it’s a free anti-virus software, and even though it couldn’t fix my old computer, they make a program that allows you to access your hard drive even if Windows can’t boot up, and that gave me the ability to rescue all of my data. we had to buy an external hard drive (which, granted, I should have already had, so that I could have been backing up my data all along. lesson learned, I guess?), but all of those important things we end up accumulating on our computers (photos, documents, music!) I managed to save, and that was a huge relief.
Mom had to break down and get me a new laptop, even though the expense of that was a burden we weren’t anticipating (I have been told not to expect any gifts again lol but I’m old now anyway, so that’s okay). we were lucky and managed to get it on sale, and it was about the nicest-yet-cheapest one we could find. it’s essentially just a slightly fancier and more up-to-date version of the laptop I had (an HP Pavilion). it’s pretty and gold, and since it was on special, I could get it with a backlit keyboard, which my mom and I both thought would really help me with my headaches and vision problems (and it does, it’s making typing so much easier!). talking about finances, especially after my disability denial and everything else, tends to lead us to very dark, scary places, and there’s a part of me that feels guilty and terrible about the privilege of having a laptop, but as many of you know, it’s my only real access to the outside world. I can’t use a tablet or phone for mobile without severely hurting the joints in my hands (another thing I discovered the hard way, ouch) and exacerbating my headaches, and there are certain things that are simply difficult to accomplish without a computer. it feels selfish and materialistic (even though Hannah told me I shouldn’t feel that way!), but without it, my window shrinks considerably, and my social interactions become non-existent. outside of an eye appointment that I had to have two weeks ago, I haven’t been out of the house since the hearing last November. we already know we’re staying home when my birthday rolls around. it’s so hard and strange to explain, being isolated and limited and homebound in this way, I know it’s hard to understand unless one is living it.
my health has been...not good...a lot of my various symptoms have increased in severity, and I have also developed some quite painful and unpleasant new ones. it feels as though every time I think I’ve adjusted as best as possible (which I wouldn’t quite call ‘coping’) to my illnesses, another thing crops up, which also adds to issues with anxiety/depression. one of my newest things is connective tissue and joint-related, I have to be so careful these days about hurting myself, because the simplest tasks are leaving me with bruises and cracking joints and pain that takes days to heal.
Mom has been quite ill, too, she’s been to the doctor a few times this summer, but there’s not much they can do for what’s wrong with her (much of which is GI-related, and considering my intense GI issues, I feel horrible for her), so she, like me, simply has to live with it and manage as best she can, but that’s becoming more of a struggle for her as she ages, especially since every task to take care of us (like grocery shopping or bills) falls on her completely. I hate not being able to help her. I hate being an infantile invalid in practical ability despite being a fully grown adult in other respects. seeing her hurt...I’d rather have all the hurt myself.
and watching the news is at the point where it takes so much out of my spirit, I have to take careful mental and emotional stock and know when to separate from it. there’s so much vitriol and prejudice being spewed around, and that tears at my sensitivity and my heart. I have to remind myself that there are always people who are resilient and courageous and kind and loving and accepting standing in stark defiance to that, and those people fighting the good fight outnumber the others. that’s why I think it’s important to still reach out to one another in soft, gentle ways, because that can be its own defiance. 
seeing the images from the hurricane, how much those people are suffering...idk those situations make me feel so wrong to complain, honestly, even though I know we all have to deal with our daily minutiae and the little wounds and tribulations of life, and one person’s difficulty, even a disaster, doesn’t invalidate someone else’s, but it’s hard on me nonetheless. 
Angel has been well and happy and cheerful, which is our best bright spot and our dearest comfort every day.
and here we are, at the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. my friends here are always in my fondest thoughts, and as ever, I send any ripples of love that I can out to you.
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mama-m1na · 5 years
Three Rings: Chapter 1
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It was a surprisingly nice morning in Temecula, California.
The sun was hidden by light grey clouds and there was a nice breeze going by compared to the usual bright and dry weather in June.
A teenage female let out a yawn as she made her way down the street towards the park just down the street from her home.
She wore a dark plum, knee-length dress with black wedges and had a brown, leather purse across her body. Around her neck was a pentagram necklace with purple gems and on a shorter chain was an amethyst pendulum with a small charm with a ‘T’ displayed on it. On her left pointer finger was a gold ring with three small diamonds on it; which, was a gift from a friend. Hanging from her ears were a pair of silver, hoop earrings.
Her black hair was left down for the day to just reach her thighs and the length of the dress allowed a decent amount of her golden-brown skin to be left visible as her brown irises speckled with golden flecks were turned down to the screen of her phone.
‘I’m going to meet with the council right now,’ she sent into her discord server before placing her phone back into her purse.
Quickly looking around to make sure no one saw her, the ravenette went behind a fence and headed under the bridge which went over a ditch in the middle of her park.
Going to the second column, past all of the random graffiti, she found a symbol etched into the concrete of three crescent moons tangled amongst each other surrounded by a larger circle.
Taking one last look at her surroundings she held her right hand over the symbol and said, “Lacus.”
It felt as if the floor disappeared from underneath her feet as the surroundings disappeared from around her before changing to the scenery of the entrance of a train station.
Putting her hand back to her side she was about to enter the building when she caught a glimpse of her reflection in a window.
“Ugh,” she scoffed looking at how one of her eyes was open slightly wider than the other, “I look so dead inside.”
Taking a small booklet from her bag that read ‘Magical Registration: Identification Card’, she opened it and swiped it over the scanner at the turn gates before walking through and entering her train which had arrived on time for once.
Upon taking her seat the female sighed as the train began to move before taking out a tube of concealer from her purse and a compact.
Using the mirror to see, she put concealer on her eyelids before blending it out with and air puff.
She then put away the tube of concealer before opening the second part of the compact to reveal a small eyeshadow palette and got an eyeshadow brush from her purse before using a light plum shade all over her eye.
After making sure it was even she pulled out a liquid eyeliner and applied it extremely carefully due to the fact she was in a moving vehicle.
It took about forty minutes for the train to get to the ravenette’s stop and she just spent the time responding to people on her discord server.
Resurfacing from the subway, the ravenette found herself standing in front of a building with Roman styled columns and a large sign that read ‘Magic Registry’.
Once again taking the green-covered identification card the female entered before showing it to the secretary who sat at the front desk before being led to a conference room at the top floor of the building.
Upon opening the door the female earned the attention of six elderly looking creatures already sitting at the circular table in the center of the room.
“Hello Ms. Ibadora,” a woman covered in scales greeted, “It’s nice to see your actual face for once.”
“Yeah well I decided to actually try on my appearance today and thought it would be a waste to cover it with a mask,” the ravenette chuckled before taking a seat closer to the door, “So why am I being called in today?”
“We have another job for your circus,” a man with pointed ears said handing the girl a file from across the table, “This one is much more important than the previous jobs you’ve handled.”
The teen’s eyes widened as she read over the contents of the file before she looked up and asked, “Are you sure you want the Three Ring Circus to handle this one?”
“Do you believe you are incapable of completing it?” a human woman asked causing the ravenette to shake her head.
“That’s not it,” she explained, “We’re a group of reject, teenage witches and wizards… Are you sure a job this important should be given to us?”
“I’m sure you’ve handled it much worse,” a human man chuckled, “We let you stay together as an official guild for a reason.”
It was silent as the seventeen-year-old thought about her options.
“Alright,” she finally said slipping the folder into her purse which didn’t show any sign of holding anything in it, “We’ll get it done as efficiently as we can.”
Saying her goodbyes the female exited the conference room and was about to leave the building until the secretary called for her.
“You should probably take this as well,” the woman said handing the ravenette a long envelope.
“A wand permit application?” she read with a raised brow.
“Your old one is about to expire isn’t it?”
“Oh, you’re right well thank you.”
“No problem, see you next time, Ms. Ibadora,” the secretary said earning the attention of a young male walking down the hall.
‘Ibadora?’ he thought with wide eyes walking after the ravenette who had just walked out the doors of the building.
“Kitsami, wait!” he called just as the female was about to descend into the subway again.
“Hm?” she asked looking up to see a familiar looking elf in a Royal Guard’s uniform which consisted of a red, blue, and gold outfit paired with white gloves and boots with a blue cap.
“So it is actually you,” the blonde male stated looking down at the slightly shorter female.
“I’m sorry do I know you?” she asked as the wind picked up a it causing her raven locks to flutter slightly.
“I’m Fidel Einnor, I was in the same year as you in the Trinity Institute,” he explained as the light of recognition flashed through the female’s eyes.
“That’s why I thought you looked familiar, it’s so good to see you again!” she chirped embracing the male for a moment, “You’re part of the Royal Guard now? Congratulations! It must have been a hard thing to do after just graduating.”
“Thank you, and it really was,” he chuckled, “So how have you been, I haven’t seen you since you graduated early after 9th grade.”
“Well, since then I’ve been a Peacekeeper  for the past three years and I’m also the Ringmaster of the Three Ring Circus,” she said brushing her hair behind her ear.
“A Peacekeeper?” he asked with a small frown, “since you were only fourteen? Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Says the one who’s in the Royal Guard at seventeen? You’re seventeen now right?” the ravenette retorted, “plus it isn’t that bad once you know what you’re doing.”
“The Royal Guard doesn’t have to go out into the other world and try to keep both worlds safe,” the blonde sighed, “We only stay here.”
“That’s probably why they let me become a Peacekeeper then,” she shrugged, “Considering I didn’t even know this world existed for half of my life. I just knew plain old everyday human life and that I had to hide magic otherwise my parents would call me a freak. Hell, even now I’m being called a freak here because I’m the first witch in my clan within the past ten generations and now I’m the clan head so… Fuck…”
She took a deep breath before taking out a sticky note from her bag and writing something down before handing it back to the male.
“Text me so we can talk again later, I need to pick up a book and I want to get there before it gets flooded with teenagers,” she smiled before descending back down into the subway to wait for her train.
When she emerged from under the bridge the ravenette crossed the street to get to the bus stop and wait for her bus.
When the vehicle arrived she pulled out her student I.D. that read ‘Rhamina Miyu; Grade: 11’ and showed the bus driver before paying her reduced fee.
As she found her seat, the ravenette sent a text in her discord server.
'So we all got another job,' she typed while looking out the window of the air conditioned bus, 'And we're being transferred to Japan.'
Within moments of sending the message she was getting bombarded with questions about their new job and how they were even going to get there. 
The ravenette merely shook her head at all the questions and told them that she would give them details at their next practice which was in two days.
Once at her stop Rhamina got off and walked across the street to her local Barnes and Noble.
She spent quite a bit of time browsing through manga but also looked over some of the stationary they offered.
‘Forty-five dollars for a traveler’s journal?’ she thought looking through the nicely made, leather journal, ‘I could make this for cheaper and better suited to my needs.’
After purchasing the latest volume of ‘Children of the Whales’ and a brush pen, the teen walked over to the craft store behind the chain bookstore to get the supplies she was looking for which were leather fabric and elastic cord.
Once the female got home she immediately got set on making the journal by first making the journal inserts from paper and cardstock she already had then made the cover using the leather and elastic cord.
After the two pieces were finished she just slipped the inserts into the elastic bands in the spine of the leather cover and also slipped her Magical I.D. in it for safekeeping before taking out her wand permit application and filling it out with green ink.
The next day for the female was just spent looking up schools in the area of where they would be stationed as to not draw attention to themselves as a group of sixty teenagers randomly showing up in Japan.
As she did this she mentally thanked her parents for not living in the same house as her.
Her father lived with his new wife in Washington state after he divorced from her mother but also had a house he kept in Japan from his time being stationed there in the U.S. Navy.
Her mother was also in the Navy and was currently on a ship in Hawaii.
Both of her parents were quite appalled upon finding out that she was a true witch, even going as far as keeping her true name from her until she found out from her outside family, but eventually her father began to grow accustomed to the idea and slowly began to support it.
Rhamina’s mother on the other hand… Well, she hasn’t actually spoken to her mother in almost three years. They’ve only contacted each other over email and even then there was almost no emotion behind those words.
Calling her father, Rhamina asked to use the house in Japan for the time they would be working there and he agreed.
The rest of the day the female just read over the files and took notes in the new journal she had made the day prior.
At around four o’clock she received a call from one of the members of her troupe.
“Hello?” she asked as she finished up a sentence she was writing before cracking her back over the chair at her desk.
“Mina, G-lo wants to know if you want to come over to the park cause his phone is like dead,” the voice of her friend, Jamie, requested.
“Sure,” the ravenette replied as she began to put the papers away, “I’ll be there in a bit, I just need to change.”
After ending the brief phone call, the ravenette made her way to her closet to change out of her house clothes into a plum colored shirt and a pair of bleached, denim shorts.
She then put the journal into her purse as well as her phone before heading out of her house, making sure the doors were locked. 
It took less than ten minutes to reach and find the pair of fourteen and fifteen-year-olds sitting at a table under the sun.
“Mina!” called the taller blonde as she ran up to hug the upperclassmen.
“Hi, Jamie,” Rhamina greeted before turning to her fellow Filipino neighbor, “and hello to you G-Lo.”
“Hi, Mina,” the taller male greeted before the trio began to walk around the almost empty park.
“So, are we really being transferred to Japan?” Jamie asked once they reached a more secluded part of the park.
“Yep,” the ravenette replied popping the ‘P’ at the end, “According to the case report there are a lot more magical anomalies in Japan than there should be, even for an Asian country. Our job is to actually find out what’s causing it, report it back to the Council, and put a stop to it rather than just apprehending someone.”
“So we’re getting an actual job is what you’re saying?” G-Lo asked as the wind blew past them.
“Aw, and I was just getting used to Temecula!” Jamie pouted slightly before asking, “What about school?”
“Well, I’ve already contacted the Trinity Institute about that and they’re sending some professors to a local high school for you guys so you’ll be fine,” Rhamina explained, “Oh, that reminds me, make sure your wand permits and Magic IDs are up to date. As soon as we get there we won’t have much free time.”
“Mina, you’re so lucky graduated early and don’t have to deal with school anymore,” G-Lo said earning a chuckle from the said female.
“I don’t have to deal with school anymore but I have to deal with being a clan head while being completely disliked by almost everyone in the magical community for existing,” she retorted, “I would honestly take that over school though, it’s funny making adults get so frustrated over me but not being able to do anything about it because the council favors me.”
“Yeah, that is funny,” G-Lo chuckled remembering the stories of the times Rhamina had been in meetings with said adults.
When their walk was over Jamie was picked up from the park by her mother and the other two walked back to their kuldesac together since they lived in houses right across from each other.
As soon as the female had changed back into her house clothes she looked at the case reports and just knew she would need to make copies of them for the others in the troupe.
Instead of using her printer and wasting ink the ravenette decided to use a spell to have one of her pens copy down all of the files word for word, and image for image.
Normally she wouldn’t resort to using magic for something so mundane but she didn’t have time nor the heart to do it any other way.
The next day the teenager begrudgingly woke up early and changed into an anime t-shirt as well as a pair of normal denim shorts with her normal wedges.
Checking the time to see it was around eight in the morning she sighed before getting her chia pudding that she made the day before as well as her purse which had her traveller’s journal in it.
Immediately she left the house locked the door and called G-Lo; while, walking over to his house.
“Hello?” he asked groggily, making it obvious to the female that he had just woken up.
“Jello, it’s already eight o’clock, the meeting starts at nine and the bus will be here in fifteen minutes.”
“Wait, shit! That’s today!”
The ravenette chuckled when the line went dead and five minutes later the teen appeared at the front door of his home.
“You forgot didn’t you,” Rhamina accused as they began their walk to the bus stop which was on the opposite side of the park.
“I set alarms but they didn’t go off,” he replied brushing his unstraightened hair out of his face while they waited in the shaded area.
When the bus came around the two presented their student IDs before paying and taking a seat.
Rhamina uncapped her Chia Pudding before pulling out a spoon from her purse and beginning her meal.
She tried to offer some to the fifteen-year-old but he denied it saying he was just going to buy something from the stores across the street from the high school. 
At eight forty a multitude of students had gathered at the still locked gate of the performing arts wing of the school and were complaining about how the school never let’s them in on time.
“Fuck this,”  Rhamina hissed as she made her way to the gate with her pendant glowing a light purple.
Along with that her eyes were glowing a soft gold color and her hair began to float as her raised her left hand.
With the snap of her fingers the ravenette then pulled the gate opened without the silent alarms going off as her hair fell back down and neither her pendant or irises glowed.
“Mina!” a female called with a surprised/scolding tone.
“What?” she replied as she pulled over a nearby garbage can to keep it open, “We have an important meeting today and need to get started as soon as possible.”
“But we’re Peacekeepers!” the same female voice said worriedly.
“We only get in trouble if we get caught now get in the fucking gate,” Rhamina said pointing at the other kids already walking in.
“Good, someone already opened up the way to the tent,” she said as she walked through the open door of a classroom only to end up in the inside of a circus tent.
After waiting about ten more minutes Rhamina stood up from her spot on the ground and called, “Hey, Band!”
“Hey, what?!” was the simultaneous reply she got before everyone stopped talking and the tent became silent.
“Can someone shut the tent?” she asked glancing at the open archway before a short male closed the door causing it to phase out leaving a closed tent flap in its place, “Thank you, Zack.”
“Now!” she said snapping her fingers once again causing rows of desks to appear in front of the seats where the audience would usually sit, “As you guys are taking your seats what are the status on the recent missions we were given?”
“Trumpets finished their mission with no problems!” a Mexican female called giving a thumbs up.
“Alright, thank you Vivian,” Rhamina said before turning to another section of seats, “Everyone else finish?”
She earned a series of positive responses and nods before opening her purse to take out her traveller’s journal; however, she kept it open near and on her as she cleared her throat.
“Okay, now that basic stuff is out of the way, onto why most of you were actually excited about a meeting for once,” Rhamina said as multiple folders began flying out of her purse and landing in front of each occupied seat, “If you checked the discord server then you’ll already know that we’re going to be transferred to Japan for awhile and those are copies of the case reports for this job of ours.”
“As you know when thinking of places where magic runs rampant, Asia is at the top with the amount of creatures they have,” she explained earning agreements from the Asian teens in the troupe, “But recently there are an alarmingly higher rate of magical anomalies in Japan and the Council believes there was an interference to the peace.”
“So we’re all going to Japan to apprehend someone?” a smaller girl with curly, purple hair and glasses asked.
“Not exactly. With the extent of what has been happening recently the Council believes it is a group of at least ten people who did it and not only are we tasked with apprehending each of them but we have to fix all the anomalies and make sure they don’t happen again,” the ravenette said looking down at her notes momentarily.
“That’s all?” a male sitting towards the back asked with a shrug.
“Don’t get cocky, Justin,” Rhamina said with her eyes narrowed slightly at the male, “It sounds easy but we have some obstacles.”
“Now, you probably don’t know who they are since I’m sure none of you are as much of a weeb as me-” “Bet!” a Filipino female called from the front row next to a Mexican female with short brown hair.
“But I’m talking about the Sailor Senshi and Phantom Thieves of Hearts,” Rhamina continued, mostly ignoring the interjection of her sibling, “The Sailor Senshi are basically guardians and personifications of various celestial beings in space. They are seen as local heroes and normally we would have to do something about them being so flashy about their powers but it’s too late for that since they have basically become quite normal in Japan so we’re leaving them alone. The Phantom Thieves of Hearts are seen by the public as criminals but they’re only doing vigilante work which is what we used to do before becoming Peacekeepers so we’re just going to leave them alone as well.”
“How exactly are they obstacles, hoot?” another Filipino with short-ish brown hair asked from the third row.
“With both groups acting as the guardians of Japan they might see our presence as a threat and normally we would want to avoid them but with what we’re trying to do it’s inevitable we’ll cross paths with both groups,” the ravenette sighed before cracking her neck, “So we’ll basically try to convince them that we mean no harm and not get in their way and hopefully they won’t get in ours.”
“What happens if they do?” another male, this time Filipino, named Justin asked.
“What happens to anyone that gets in the way of the Three Ring Circus?” Rhamina asked instantly causing laughter to erupt throughout the tent.
“Hey!” the female barked, causing the ground to shake.
It was silent as she continued, “I’m being serious. I don’t want any conflict with them but we have a job to do so if they get in our way we know what to do.”
“Are there any questions?”
A few hands were raised and Rhamina picked her sibling first.
“Yes, Kerstin?”
“So we’re being transferred to Tokyo, Japan right?” the darkette asked earning a nod from the seventeen-year-old, “Where exactly will we be living?”
“I found some decent apartments in Tokyo that will be paid for by the Council and I have a house that you, Sam, Chloe, and Tijarah will be staying in with me,” Rhamina replied before choosing another person for questions.
“Alright!” Rhamina said at around 2:50 in the afternoon, “So we’ll be leaving for Japan in about three weeks so make sure you keep training and make sure all of your documents are up to date with the registry! That’s all for today so you’re dismissed.”
As soon as she said that the kids began to exit the tent and ended up back in the school hallway next to the gate they entered from.
Once it was only G-Lo and Rhamina in the tent she swiped her right hand from left to right with her palm held out causing the desks to disappear.
“Well, since we’re here do you want to go to Round 1?” Rhamina asked as they approached the gate which she now had to lock.
“We have three hours till the bus to take us home so might as well,” the male replied.
With that the two teenagers went on the twenty minute walk from the high school to the mall in which the arcade was.
They spent the first two hours playing arcade games and eating some food before they both decided to go up for karaoke.
“Why did I agree to do this?” Rhamina asked on the stage nervously holding a mic.
“No one else was doing it,” G-Lo reasoned looking through the song book, “Plus no one will pay attention.”
“Oh! I think you know this song!” he stated entering the song number as a familiar drum beat began to play over the speakers.
“G-Lo, you edgy bastard,” Rhamina chuckled as the lights began to flash different colors.
“Ever on and on I continue circling with nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony,” the male started while reading the lyrics from the small screen in front of them as the ravenette had begun the dance in the background, “Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing. And suddenly I see that I can’t break free. I’m-”
“Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity with nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony,” the ravenette continued not paying attention to the audience they were gaining, “To tell me who I am who I was uncertainty enveloping my mind till I can’t break free and-”
“Maybe it’s a dream maybe nothing else is real but it wouldn’t mean a thing if I told you how I feel,” G-lo sung again as Rhamina dropped to background vocals, “So I’m tired of all the pain all the misery inside and I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night.”
“You can tell me what to say, you can tell me where to go but I doubt that I would care and my heart would never know,” the ravenette sang glancing down at the lyrics every so often, “If I make another move there’ll be no more turning back because everything would change and it all will fade to black.”
“Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night? Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?” G-Lo sung now doing the dance with Rhamina, “Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay or should I go? I’ve forgotten how to tell. Did I ever even know?”
“Can I take another step? I’ve done everything I can. All the people that I see I will never understand,” both teens began singing as they now noticed the large crowd at the base of the stage, “If I find a way to change if I step into the light then I’ll never be the same and it all will fade to white.”
As both teens danced during the guitar solo Rhamina glared at the boy mentally saying, ‘Liar!’
“Ever on and on I continue circling with nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony,” G-Lo sang with a shrug in response to the ravenette, “Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing and suddenly I can’t break free, I’m-”
“Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity with nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony,” Rhamina took over once again now plotting ways to get back at the younger male, “To tell me who I am, who I was. Uncertainty enveloping my mind till I can’t break free and-”
“Maybe it’s a dream, maybe nothing else is real but it wouldn’t mean a thing if I told you how I feel,” G-Lo continued starting to get a bit tired from the performance, “So I’m tired of all the pain all the misery inside and I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night.”
“You can tell me what to say, you can tell me where to go, but I doubt that I would care and my heart would never know,” Rhamina sung feeling the same fatigue, “If I make another move there’ll be no turning back because everything would change and it all would fade to black.”
“If I make another move, if I take another step then it all would fall apart there’d be nothing of me left,” Rhamina sang as the song changed key, “If I’m crying in the wind, if I’m crying in the night will there ever be a way will my heart return to white?”
“Can you tell me who you are? Can you tell me where I am? I’ve forgotten how to see, I’ve forgotten if I can,” both teens sung pushing because they knew the song was almost over, “If I opened up my eyes there’s be no more going back ‘cause I’d throw it all away and it all would fade to black.”
As the two stood in their final pose, panting, the audience cheered loudly and the ravenette sat down on the stage.
“Never will this happen again!” she hissed at the male while trying to catch her breath.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think they would pay attention,” G-Lo responded as both of them walked off the stage and sat down to get drinks and take a break.
While the two were sitting many people came up to say what a great job they did performing and one of the workers even came by to give them a free ice cream each.
“So, I saw that you finally did a face reveal on your Youtube channel,” G-Lo said as they were finishing up their dessert.
“Yeppers, it was on the ‘Senbonzakura’ video I did,” Rhamina replied throwing away the paper around the cone, “It was so much more editing than I would usually do though so I might just stick to the simple drawings in the background I use.”
That night the ravenette sat at her Wiccan styled altar and picked up her tarot cards after saging them.
She shuffled them with her eyes closed, focused on their job on Japan before drawing the three top cards.
The first was the Knight of Cups, upright. A creative, dreamy individual, the Knight heralds new relationships, and friends. As a situation, he brings that holiday feeling- a sociable, languorous time spent musing on the infinite possibilities of life in a sunshine glow. If one falls for the Knight romantically, he may offer affection but one may feel uncertain about his potential as a long-term partner.
The second was the Six of Cups, upright. Past and present mingle, bringing happiness and stimulation. One benefits from skills acquired and contacts from the past, and appreciate what one’s life experience has brought them. An old friend or other acquaintance resurfaces, and one may enjoy time spent reminiscing. The company and ideas offer a spark of inspiration for future schemes and adventures.
The third was the Ace of Wands, upright. As a symbol of creative masculine energy, this card expresses inspiration and good communication, and favors all new plans and projects. Whether one is setting up a business or hoping to start a family, embarking on a trip away or an artistic pursuit, the Ace predicts great success. It’s the perfect time to take an important step forward.
‘Well, this seems like our mission will go smoothly then,’ the ravenette thought as she put away the cards.
If only it ever went as smoothly as she wanted.
~~~Fin. Chapter 1~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Song Used:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPLxGctIQJE
Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgeQPTq2xqk
Image: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/436497388884225850/
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