#they could never make me hate you petekey
Grown to Love Secrecy - Chapter One (Petekey)
Can be read here.
Summary:  Mikey Way hates Oscar Wilde but Pete Wentz convinces him to read The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Chapter One: All Art is Quite Useless
“Let’s fall in love for the summer.”
Mikey chokes on his spit and goes into a fit of coughs managing to squeak out a measly “What?” in between coughs.
Pete hands Mikey a can of Coke before responding, “Stop loving me in September.” Pete looks around before he pats and rubs Mikey’s back to ease the coughing a bit.
Mikey nods, taking a sip from Pete’s soda. His coughing calmed, he sucks in a deep breathe before saying, “I know what you said.” He stops for a moment to think, looking through the fence that separated the bands and the rest of Warped Tour. Admiring the orange and pink hue the sunset paints the field they’re in. He forgot which town they’re in and it’s only the fourth day.
He looks back at Pete who was picking at his lip while staring off into the distance. It’s a bad habit, they both know this, but they have worse habits to deal with.
Mikey sighs, grabbing Pete’s hand, “Hey, stop that.” Pushing his hand away from his mouth, his fingers quickly wrapping around Pete’s palm. Pete scans the area, giving Mikey’s hand a quick squeeze before placing a small peck to his lips. Mikey smiles, looking at the ground before back at Pete again.
“Yeah. Sure, I’m down,” His smile falters, looking away from Pete for a moment, “Only for the summer?” His eyes are back on Pete who’s now smiling, “Of course!” Pete pulls Mikey in a bit closer, indulging in Mikey and drinking in his scent of sweat and a hint of cologne before asking, “Why would it be longer?” He inspects the area once more before he uses his free hand to push Mikey’s hair out of his face, cupping his cheek and pulling Mikey in for a kiss.
Later that night, Mikey was deep in thought in his bunk on the My Chem tour bus, skimming through the pages of an old book he brought with him. He fingers the small tears at the corners of the hardcover book, the maroon cover with gold lettering was all too familiar yet the contents inside remained unread. He turns the book and reads the cover, his fingers feeling the golden indents on the leather.
The Picture of Dorian Gray.
He stole the book from his old job at Barnes and Noble. They weren’t fond of him asking for weeks off when performing across the East Coast with his band and their friends from Midtown. Fired after two years but at least he has this and their band name as a memory.
Not that he read the book or anything. He worked in the music section; books weren’t really his thing but something about this one caught his attention. Gerard had an Oscar Wilde phase during his last year of high school after reading The Canterville Ghost, so Mikey is somewhat familiar with the author.
He opens a random page and reads briefly before stopping and setting the book aside, letting out a long sigh. He curls up in himself, hugging his knees and staring at the page before his train of thought was interrupted by a light tapping on the wall outside his bunk beyond the thin, navy blue curtain.
He remains silent before a small voice spoke out, “Hey, Mikes? Are you there?”
It’s Gerard.
Mikey leans forward and pulls open the curtain, revealing his brother behind the navy shield.
“Can I come in?” Gerard asks and before Mikey could answer, he crawled in, making himself at home. Sitting against the wall next to Mikey, mimicking his position.
“Sure.” Mikey responds faintly in hopes of filling the silence that plagued the bunk and that part of the bus. The rest of the guys were probably out goofing off with Cortez or maybe at the front of the bus playing video games. Mikey didn’t know and frankly, didn’t care either.
The pair sit there for a while, simply enjoying each other’s company before Mikey notices Gerard’s gaze, silently cursing himself upon the realization that he’s reading the page that Mikey left off.
Gerard would constantly pester him to read the book and he never got around to it, ultimately convincing himself that at the age of 23 Oscar Wilde isn’t worth reading.
“Live. Live the wonderful life that is in you.” Gerard reads out loud, seemingly towards Mikey. Mikey just holds himself tighter, looking away from Gerard and the book.
He remains silent as Gerard reads him the rest of the passage.
“Be afraid of nothing,” Gerard finishes. Gerard grabs the book and closes it, looking over at Mikey. “What are you afraid of, Mikes?”
Mikey is suddenly filled with annoyance. He knows his brother means well but he really doesn’t want to answer, and he knows if he doesn’t Gerard will start asking questions. Ask him about where he was all day, why he’s so quiet, why is he finally reading Oscar Wilde after officially declaring his personal beef with the dead author while drunk after one of their shows a couple of years ago.
“The water and cutesy animated films.” Mikey answers and Gerard replies with an annoyed sigh. Mikey rolls his eyes, turning to meet the eyes of his brother for the first time since he got into the bunk.
“Where were you all day?” Gerard asks, “I know you’re old enough to watch over yourself, but I haven’t seen you since after our set.” Mikey looks away, he knows what’s coming next.
“Is it a girl?” Gerard asks his brother, gingerly placing a hand on Mikey’s shoulder.
Mikey frowned.
He knew his brother was the feminist type, often advocating for women’s rights on stage and in person. He always admired that about his brother, his courage. Just like how he wore makeup for the first time when him and his parents left to go to blockbuster when Gerard was 16, or how he would wear drag to school just for the hell of it or how Gerard would kiss Bert for the Taste of Chaos tour. That was a riot. Pissed off a lot of dudes from the scene but Gerard didn’t care.
He always knew his brother was brave like that, kissing and hugging dudes and holding them close and not being weird about it. He wishes he didn’t spend his first two years sleeping with every girl he could find to make up for the fact that he was questioning his sexuality.
The way he dressed and carried himself didn’t help either.
After the few incidents he was faced while on the bus, he decided that it’d be best if Gerard was his personal chauffeur rather than being asked by some older dude if he’d like to have a “good time” with him and some of his buddies at some shady club.
But that’s beside the point.
“No.” He answered coldly.
He was close with Gerard, yes, but he hadn’t talked to Gerard about his sexuality crisis. He knew that Gerard would understand but he’s not sure if he’s comfortable enough to talk about it himself. He didn’t want to push the responsibility on Gerard for him to deal with and then run off to whatever new problem or crisis is in his life.
“Then what is it?” Gerard’s voice was tight, and he was closer now.
Here goes nothing.
“It’s not a girl.”
Gerard was about to ask another question before Mikey cut him off.
“I was spending the day with Pete.” He started to stammer, “And uhm, He uh, he asked me if I could… uh.” Mikey was having some second thoughts, unsure if he could finish his sentence then Bob interrupted their conversation and Mikey thanked the God that he no longer believes in.
“Hey, Toro and Frank are wondering if you guys wanna stop at a 7/11 for some slurpees. We have the entire day tomorrow before we need to be at Dallas.” He asked the pair, his hands occupied with poker chips in one and Ray’s blue DS in another.
Mikey was quick to answer, “Sure.” Quickly getting up and out of the bunk, leaving Gerard behind with Bob.
“Tell me something, Frank,” Gerard asks his best friend who’s occupied with stuffing candy bars in a slurpee cup.
“Mmm, something.”
Gerard grumbles and Frank snickers at his annoyance.
“Ugh, no. I was talking to Mikey earlier and he was talking to me about Pete and how he asked him to do something, but Bob interrupted us before he could say anything.” Gerard crossed his arms, carefully watching his brother and the other bassist fuck with the nacho cheese machine, laughing amongst themselves and Gerard swore that there was a moment between them. He knew he had to get to the bottom of it.
“Well, I mean, do you think it’s anything important?” Frank asked as he attempted to shove another bag of skittles in the cup, completely oblivious to the pair that Gerard is watching.
“I think so. He was stressed earlier, and I didn’t think we wanted to tell me anything in the first place.” His eyes were off Mikey and Pete now as he didn’t want to be accused of anything later.
“Then don’t bother him.” Frank says bluntly, grabbing another cup for an actual slurpee while Gerard follows him to the machine.
“Why? He obviously seems bothered. Do you think Pete’s bothering him?” Gerard looks back at the pair who were now in the chip aisle, Pete picking for them both it seems.
Frank turns to look at Gerard, “Dude, he’s not 19 anymore and even if he was, you have to stop treating him like a child. Him and Pete seem perfectly fine. Maybe Pete asked him to play a show for them or something and was nervous to ask you if he could practice with them instead? And even if it wasn’t that. It’s totally fine. You know Mikey, he doesn’t get hurt easily.”
Gerard was a bit stunned by Frank’s response and just stared at Frank as he filled his cup with cherry-flavored slurpee. He knows he’s right, but he can’t help but worry about Mikey sometimes. He is a bit reckless but an adult. If he needs help, he’ll ask.
The two bands meet up at the cash register, their bassists in the back of the group while the others talk. Their chatter filling a mostly empty 7/11 while Pete and Mikey stand close together, their pinkies locked as they drink their slurpees feeling like the only people in the world.
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agentemo · 4 years
petekey. “why we ever” by hayley williams. fuck me up, fam.
not ONLY do i have to write THAT, but you're making me listen to WHY WE EVER. THREE TIMES. IN A ROW???
They see each other less and less these days. They don’t hang in the same circles. They don’t talk much at all. They didn’t have a falling out, not really. They’re just different people now. Mikey learned to accept that as a part of growing up or growing old or whatever. 
Pete always believed that there were loves that lasted forever. For some reason, he was always surprised how this one did.
“Remember the tin-can telephone in Tampa?”
The door is barely open when Pete blurts this out, but it isn’t Mikey that answers. Kristin offers a confused smile; shit like this always falls off her shoulder, though the toddler a few feet behind her looks startled.
“Hi, uncle Pete,” Mikey’s daughter says unsurely. He winks at her and makes a face; she smiles.
“I’ll go get ‘im,” Kristin says. While he waits, Pete wonders how much she knows. They’ve never talked about that.
“My wife says you scared the shit out of her,” Mikey says once he gets to the door, smiling easily. It isn’t easy for Pete to smile back but he does. Mikeyway has always smiled easily, but Pete has noticed recently that maybe it wasn’t so easy at all. It was forced by the drugs, or something worse. The smiles reach his eyes more now, eyes that are crinkling with age and fatherhood, eyes that are hetero-chromatic like his wife’s.
His wife. He always said it like that, at least once, when they hung out. Pete hates it; like, he fucking gets it. He doesn’t think about it too long, though, and it’s a quick walk to Pete’s car. Mikey walks differently; they walk further apart than they did that summer. Ever time, it feels like they walk further apart.
“I made a tin-can telephone with my kids and it reminded me-”
“Of the devil’s asshole day in Florida!” Mikey finishes, laughing.
Their buses were parked next to each other. No one wanted to leave the safety of air conditioning. It was a really Florida fucking day and Mikey had complained about losing a bet and having to eat two cans of beans. Pete went over to help him eat them, seasoned them for this white motherfucker, and then had a brilliant idea. Warped Tour 2005 had a lot of those for Pete.
“I can’t believe it worked,” Mikey says. His inflections are even different. Is that recent?
“Bob got so pissed you disrupted his nap,” Pete remembers.
“Fuck that guy. Not in the good way.”
“We made a scientific discovery! We had to scream loud enough to awaken racists from naps.”
“It was colossal. He’s ungrateful.”
Mikey’s sense of humor seems to be similar enough, though. When Pete chuckles, Mikey does that thing where just one side of his lips quirk up but he seems so damn proud. It’s easy conversation from then on, mostly of the catching up and reminiscing variety. It’s always easy with Mikey. He always has been.
They park somewhere in Joshua Tree and Pete lights up. It isn’t the first time they’ve hot boxed Pete’s car and it hopefully won’t be the last. They sit in the backseat, moving toward each other like slow magnets, until Pete can smell Mikey. It’s different; less musky, healthier? More...floral? He chuckles and kisses Mikey’s neck, wondering if he tastes different too. Wondering if he feels different.
“We can’t,” Mikey says, making Pete almost fall over as he moves away without warning. The joint does fall, and smoke swirls up from the floor of the car. Who’d been the last one holding it? “We shouldn’t,” Mikey says, looking down, voice even.
“There’s something...here,” Pete says, closing the space between them again. Mikey isn’t up against the window as Pete expected. He’s up against Pete, slow magnet that he is, and Pete’s looking at his neck again. He’s so pale, so scruffy. He’s so different and exactly the same.
“There can’t be,” Mikey says, and he’s tense like the first time they kissed 15 years ago.
Pete whispers, “Why not?” Mikey shoves him away before he could kiss him again.
“I’m fucking married!” he snaps. Mikey’s anger is different, now. More controlled. Sadder. “And I want this one to stick!”
Oh, plenty of conversations about divorce. Maybe that’s when it went wrong? You don’t hear a lot about the trauma of divorce but Pete knew all about it when it happened to his old friend and ex-lover. Mikey’s relationships fell apart all around him. He fell apart all around everyone that stayed, except for Pete. Pete would’ve stayed, but he wasn’t invited to. Mikey went to Jersey and walked in to an intervention. Pete heard about it in a tweet.
How could they talk about something that existed for Mikey, tangibly, only when he was high? This is the single joint Mikey will smoke all year, and he’s sharing it with Pete. All those songs they wrote for each other, all those reasons they couldn’t even hold hands in front of fans... They stopped making sense for Pete a long time ago. Did they stop making sense for Mikey?
With shaking hands, Mikey picks it up the joint and takes a deep inhale. To his credit, he looks at Pete. Eye contact? That’s definitely new.
“I just wanna talk about it,” Pete says. Hopeful. Careful.
Mikey never believed that there were loves that lasted forever. For that reason, he was always surprised how this one did.
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rosegoldcas · 6 years
hey so i heard at one point that some songs from mania were probably written about mikey and, as much as i love that idea, i wanted to ask what do you know about it and all? coz honestly i didnt pay that much attention to the lyrics and all and yeah, thought you maybe know sth more about it
I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again— when it comes to a ship like Petekey, every single theory about stuff like this is an “if” situation. It’s fine to talk about AU’s as much as you want but it gets trickier when talking about real life.
Now, IF Pete does write songs about Mikey, here’s the songs on M A N I A that I think might be about him (these are all just my opinions and I’m probably reading too deeply into the songs but here you go):
The Last Of The Real Ones—
During a lot of shows, pete has described this song as being about “that feeling when everything is crumbling around you but you’re still so in love.” (Or something along those lines) To me, that could be about the state of the world today, but since Pete is actually living his best life right now, it seems to me he’s leaning more towards his worst days of depression and suicidal thoughts—this could tie in to the days where Pete and Mikey supposedly got together.
•“You’re the last of a dying breed, write our names in the wet concrete.”
This could be about how maybe Pete didn’t think real people still existed— Fans loved him, but since they didn’t know him at all, it was all superficial to him. Friends and family were probably sucking up to him for his newfound fame and fortune but none of it was real. Suddenly, he found love kind of out of nowhere with a type of person who he thought didn’t exist anymore: a real person. Mikey was a lot like Pete: bass player of a successful band with a lot of underlying emotional and mental health issues. I wonder if maybe they fell for each other because they understood each other in a way nobody else could. They were both real. The wet concrete line could be about that urge to make the relationship permanent, even if it means breaking some rules/going against what people tell them.
•“I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me. I’m here in search of your glory, there’s been a million before me, that ultra kind of love you never walk away from.”
At this point, Pete was probably pretty unstable and so was Mikey. A rocky pairing like that could probably warrant some future therapy visits. Pete, however, was able to see a kind of energy in Mikey that he could relate to and that he thought might follow him for the rest of his life (which, to be fair, it might have). He’s obviously a romantic who believes in the concept of The One, so if he and Mikey had a relationship they had to end for whatever reason, a piece of his heart will always belong to Mikey no matter what happens.
In Bang The Doldrums (which is theorized to be a Petekey song), the lyrics read “Best friends, ex friends til the end, better off as lovers and not the other way around.” In HMTOD, the lyrics read “I got too high again, realized I can’t not be with you or be just your friend. I love you to death but I just can’t pretend we were lovers first. Confidants, but never friends. We’re we ever friends?” Now, Pete loves to put callbacks to older songs into his newer songs, so there’s no denying this is a callback to Doldrums, which might be a callback to Petekey? 👀
Other than that, to me, this song just sounds like one that’s about a relationship between someone who’s head-over-heels and someone who’s indecisive. Even the title says so. There’s also a lot of lyrics about reminiscing about the past or dreaming of past events (“I just pinch myself, no longer comatose, I woke up no luck.” “I took too many hits off this memory, I need to come down.”)
Maybe Mikey was indecisive because he thought something was wrong with himself and he wanted to leave because he didn’t want to hurt Pete or be a burden, but the line “when your stitch comes loose, I wanna sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you” is Pete responding that, no matter what happens to him, he’s gonna love Mikey for who he is, flaws and all.
“If you were church, I’d get on my knees. Confess my love, I know where to be. My sanctuary, you’re holy to me. If you were church, I’d get on my knees.”
Now, whether or not that song is about Mikey, I think it’s a safe bet that this song is about a man.
There’s a lot of religious allegories in this song, and I think all of them are metaphors for how the world would look at a gay couple like Pete and Mikey if they were ever public about it. (“I love the world, but I just don’t love the way it makes me feel.”) In the music video, there’s a forbidden love between an interracial couple, but think about it: what kind of relationships do religious groups/churches forbid the most? Gay ones. This kind of sounds like Pete is fighting back against religious organizations that hate gays by making a sexually-charged gay song full of church imagery. It’s a really beautiful and poetic song about intimate love in the face of adversity that I just,,, love so much.
Heaven’s Gate—
“If there were any more left of me I’d give it to you, and I’d tell you that I am fine but I’m a missile that’s guided to you.” It sounds like Pete is saying he feels like he’s unlovable/incomplete and incapable of true love with someone like Mikey, who he sees as perfect—someone who can get him high from just a look (“one look from you and I’m on that faded love”).“Go out in the world, start over again and again as many times as you can.” Mikey has been married twice (and he’s supposedly been with other girls too) which might be him starting over again and again after Pete.
Lastly, people say that Bishop’s Knife Trick is Petekey, but I don’t think it is. People argue that it’s a song Pete wrote about finally working to get over Mikey but if I’m being honest I see this song as more of a musing of the band and how it’s coming to an end after such a long run. Either way, it’s a really sad concept.
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geetrick · 7 years
70 horrible questions ask: 1-70 like.. I want to know everything... If there's more than one option i'm over asked, but you said you need distraction, so I want to help you.
Thanks, man! It's appreciated!This was fun! Also, I realized that I'm really negative and that I have very messed up dreams. Good to know.01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?Sort of. They're nice people, it's just that they're really conservative and I live in a really liberal state, so I'm constantly trying to pick out the difference between "good" and "bad" based off what they say and what everyone else says. I'm just convinced everyone is lying to me at this point.02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?This is gonna sound kinda weird (and really sad because it happened a week or so ago and I don't remember saying to anyone recently before that), but Gray. I forget what we were talking about, but, yeah. That happened (platonically).03: Do you regret anything?All of elementary school. I was just a complete idiot up until I was twelve. Now I'm just a regular idiot.04: Are you insecure?Yes.05: What is your relationship status?I have a girlfriend. The only problem is I'm really busy, so I end up ditching her a lot, so idk if she's still gonna like me in two months. :/06: How do you want to die?Quickly and painlessly.07: What did you last eat?I'm literally eating a pizza rn.08: Played any sports?I swim. That's actually why I've been so busy/inactive recently. Sorry.09: Do you bite your nails?Only when I'm stressed. So a lot.10: When was your last physical fight?I can't remember. I'm too tiny to fight.11: Do you like someone?There's my gf, and it would be kinda weird if I didn't like her.12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?Yep, it was painful.13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?You can't consider someone an enemy if you don't consider them in the first place.14: Do you miss someone?My friends. I don't see them as much as I want to.15: Have any pets?A cat. His name is Rusty!16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?I honestly don't know.17: Ever made out in the bathroom?At first I read this as "Ever made it out of the bathroom?" lol. I avoid public bathrooms like the plague.18: Are you scared of spiders?No living thing should be allowed to have more than six legs.19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?I think there's a reason we leave the past behind.20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?I've never, like, intensely kissed anyone. There's nowhere private enough and no one I've ever liked enough to do that with in public.21: What are your plans for this weekend?Sleep and try not to die.22: Do you want to have kids? How many?I'm not even gonna think that far ahead.23: Do you have piercings? How many?I don't have any at all. Like, not even the ears. I kinda want something on the eyebrow though.24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?Math and the sciences.25: Do you miss anyone from your past?Yes, mostly my grandpa...26: What are you craving right now?A hug.27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?People don't typically like me that much.28: Have you ever been cheated on?No.29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?Not as far as I know.30: What’s irritating you right now?People being people.31: Does somebody love you?I like to think that.32: What is your favourite color?Black/pink/white/gold33: Do you have trust issues?I'm convinced most people lie to me, so technically.34: Who/what was your last dream about?I dream a lot, but I barely remember them most the time. In the last one I do remember, I think I met Patrick Stump, I think he was mad at me because I (rather horrifically) murdered his family, and I think he stabbed me.Also, now that I'm remembering this, I just thought should point out that children shouldn't be able to bleed that much and small people scream very loud. (What is wrong with me?)35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?My mom.36: Do you give out second chances too easily?Textbook definition pushover.37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?Forgive, but I prefer to forget.38: Is this year the best year of your life?That was last year.39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?14.40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?No? Why would I do this?51: Favourite food?Anything with chocolate.52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?Yes.53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?Write and delete 1000 words of a Petekey fic.54: Is cheating ever okay?If you would willingly cheat, the other person deserves better.55: Are you mean?I'm an asshole if that counts.56: How many people have you fist fought?Nada.57: Do you believe in true love?I think it at least exists sometimes.58: Favourite weather?Rain. Maybe with lightning?59: Do you like the snow?Never really see it where I live.60: Do you wanna get married?Probably.61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?I think it is.62: What makes you happy?Not having to worry about anything.63: Would you change your name?I've considered it, but probably not. I like my name.64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?Not really. We get along and the kiss we kinda platonic anyway.65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?I don't really have a gender that you could be the opposite of, so I'm gonna to the opposite of my agab. Laugh, because everyone already thinks he likes me (he doesn't).66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?Same guy I mentioned above. He's a pretty chill dude and probably the gayest straight person I've ever met.67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?My dad, technically.68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?My mom. Idk how I felt about it though.69: Do you believe in soulmates?Yes. I like believing that there's a person out there that will put up with me forever.70: Is there anyone you would die for? Most of the people I consider my close friends.
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voguewoozi · 7 years
*something about ginasfs and 27*
*cracks knuckles* strap urselves in, kiddos.
i’m gonna get into 27 first bc i get less emotional about it. i don’t think i have ever heard a better chorus in my entire life. the line “my body is an orphanage, we take everyone in” is a next level lyric. i legit listened to this song for like, three years before i finally looked up the lyrics and then i read that?? and i was shook for the rest of my entire life. idk what i was singing before that, but it was some nonsense. “doing lines of dust and sweat off of last night’s stage” like,, fuck. i really wish i knew anything about music so i could speak more eloquently about this (its not like im an english major or anything). it also makes me emo bc it, along with the entirety of folie obviously, was written right before the hiatus and i really feel that in this song. it feels like wandering, and being lost, but also angry. i feel like a lot of people say that folie is an underrated album in general, but then they’ll go on to say that what a catch is their favorite song, which like yeah, it’s amazing and i literally tear up every time i hear it. but 27′s lyrics and sort of circular structure (beginning and ending with the same line) is amazing and i will defend until i’m gone from this plane of existence. also “i’ve got a lot of friends who are stars, but some are just black holes” fuck me up, that’s good. 
i don’t even know where to begin with ginasfs now, fuck. let me start by saying ginasfs is one of the first songs i learned to play on guitar and for that reason alone it has a special place in my heart. okay,, and like,, the next reason makes me seem like gross 2007 trash, but i shipped peterick like nothing else (like, it was second only to destiel at the time) and this is a peterick song, nobody will ever convince me otherwise, in this household we leave petekey at the door also this was before i hated pete wentz but again, back to lyrics “threw caution to the wind but i’ve got a lousy arm” is a line i will always sing along to because it’s so punny and self-deprecative at the same time and that sums up my entire personality tbh. the entire song is just a jam,, like?? i wanna dance and cry when i listen to it “i sleep with your old shirts and walk through this house, in your shoes, i know it’s strange, it’s a strange way of saying that i know i’m supposed to love you” i’ve never been in a relationship and that’s relatable. i feel like everything i’m saying is nonsense and i can’t talk about this song in a productive way bc i love it too much. like, the little (nananananana) thing with the guitar during the chorus, man? fuck me up. and because it’s a bonus track so many people don’t even fucking know that it exists, like that’s so insulting,, my FAVORITE FOB SONG and you ain’t even heard it before smh
idk what this is anymore i’m gonna stop while im ahead
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rosegoldcas · 7 years
Hey, hi. So I was trying to sleep and then I have a thought and I want to ask you your opinion, why do you think that Pete and Mikey didn't make it past the summer of 2005? Srry for annoying.
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
Okay, before I say anything else, I want to make it clear that the question of whether or not Petekey was real is not mine to answer. I don’t know anything about what happened for 100% sure. Everything I’m about to say is purely hypothetical.
Anyway, I have a few theories as to why they might not have made it past The Summer Of Like:
•As much as I hate saying this, the obvious guess is that the relationship was nothing more than a summer fling; neither of them really loved each other, they were just bored and experimenting.
•Another theory: that it started off as a fling, but Pete ultimately fell in love with Mikey and never really got over it (Maybe because he fell in love with Alicia?). I would say it could have been the other way around, but judging by the amount of songs Pete has written that sound like they could be about Mikey, I doubt it.
“Trade baby blues for wide-eyed browns” just screams “Mikey, you should trade Alicia for me” to me.
•Then of course, there’s the theory that both parties really fell for each other, but one way or another, things came to a grinding halt. Maybe they just jumped into the relationship too fast and they crashed and burned as a result.
But again, the truth is that I don’t know what happened and to be honest, I really don’t think it’s my place to know.
There’s nothing wrong with speculating, but it’s important to keep in mind that the important thing is that both of them are happy with their lives right now. Whether or not they were ever together is irrelevant.
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