#they could never make me hate u yamcha...
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spiralneko · 14 days ago
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he's like a shihtzu or maybe a lhasa to me.
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gokubrain · 4 years ago
outta curiosity, if theoretically u did make DB (or just like made a rewrite like the guy that made the yamcha manga and hundreds of others did), what would you do differently?
obviously i'd make kakavege canon LOL
honestly like. i was thinking about this literally last night bc me and my friend were talking about it but idk if i could do what toriyama did,, like his story is really good, plot holes and messy writing and all lmao (ffffor the most part.)
i don't think i ever would have thought to like,, i never would have thought of some of the stuff toriyama thought of so if i made it myself from the beginning it simply wouldn't be dragon ball but if i was allowed to rewrite certain things i would simply make goku and vegeta realize their feelings for each other and fall in love and live together LOL
i'd also give vegeta sooo much more development lol, i'd actively show him working through his ptsd and other mental health stuff bc i feel like that was such a missed opportunity. the closest thing we saw was when he went super saiyan for the first time but... even that scene could've been handled better
people would hate my take on dragon ball because there'd be sooo much domestic filler, i'd show gohan and piccolo hanging out and the z warriors getting into wild adventures like in the original dragon ball and beach episodes and all that good stuff. it would be ten thousand episodes long and everyone would be queer
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cozymochi · 5 years ago
How did Yamcha and Marzi reunite?
Short answer: Yamcha runs into her in a remote jungle thanks to rampaging dinosaurs.
Long answer: 
Okay okay, honestly I never told this story before because I couldn’t think of anything that worked properly ever, and yknow after a good 2ish years of having avoided really getting into that, I suppose now is as good a time as any to tie up this gaping loose end. And I’ll start by copying and pasting an icloud note I found that was written back in 2018 that detailed at least half of it, because at this point- I may as well go with this absurd thing instead of having nothing. Past me went into an outline about some kind of story setup but didn’t get to finish the “payoff” per se, because I suppose I thought I would come back to it and add more details later. BUT GUESS WHO DIDN’T BECAUSE I FORGOT??? SO, bear with me under this read more cut. 
Once upon a time fortuneteller baba held a day where she was telling peoples fortunes (amongst other shit) for free because she lost some kind of vague bet with Master Roshi. Thousands of people show up, and Yamcha is one of those people (along with pu’ar and yantan whom he dragged along). This occurs nearly 8 years after Yantan was spawned into existence.
Yamcha wants to ask Baba about love shit. Cuz oh boy. That love life still ain’t working out. But hell if he knows where to look maybe he’d have better luck. 
Yantan hates her life cuz waiting in line for like 10 hours is actual hell. But so long as she’s fucking there she might as well ask Baba something. Pu’ar is just along for the ride to make concerned quips. (He has nothing to ask he’s just there for moral support) 
MANY HOURS PASS THEY FINALLY REACH BABA and Baba is rightfully pissed. She could’ve been making a lot of money that day, like, the fuck man. Yamcha asks Baba if he’s destined to meet the girl he’d ultimately end up with. 
Baba just says “looks like you already met her.” And Yamcha is just like WAT And Baba is just like “Yeah. You already did. Don’t think u noticed tho. That’s ur own fault.” 
So at this point yamcha is pretty fuckin shook and asKS WHERE SHE’S AT NOW AND WHERE HE CAN MEET HER. And Baba jus denies answering that question and if he wants to ask more shit he better pay up a hundred million zeni. “NEXT.” 
Out of desperation, Yamcha now begs his cynical child to ask Baba about his own bs. Yantan doesn’t want to. They make some kind of deal that i do not know the details of as of yet that ultimately makes Yantan agree to waste her free question about her future on her wacky father. 
So SHE asks where tf Yamcha can meet this lady and Baba reveals her location. THEN THEY IMMEDIATELY FUCKIN LEAVE TO DO JUST THAT. And by “they” i mean Yamcha leaves and Yantan and Pu’ar have to follow behind. #Comedy
So Yamcha ends up in the general area of where this “person” is. It’s off putting a bit - and by a bit I mean A LOT because it’s a frickin’ jungle full of mega-flora and wild animals everywhere- totally the last place any person would be at all. Yamcha ultimately lets that slide. 
Yamcha suddenly freaks out at the realization that hE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT HE’S GONNA SAY and that he really didn’t think any of this through. What SHOULD even say? That he came all the way here to date this woman and come across some kind of weirdo or creep?? And if he already met this person WHEN DID HE MEET THEM? It could literally be any girl he’s ever met in his life. He doesn’t even know her name so how would he know who the right person is?? Amongst a fuckton of other million miles a minute thoughts. 
When it comes to that specific set up prior to the jungle, idk if I still wanna follow it. But It’s something. 
Here comes my end of 2019 “I haven’t thought about this in eons” amendment: 
Leaving off of Yamcha’s panic attack I’m pretty sure he and Marzi run into each other via some kind of dinosaur hijinks. I’m pretty sure if memory serves Marzi was TRYING to feed dinosaurs as she usually does (she’s living her life after all), but for some reason on this day she had a technical failure. THIS would also have to serve as Marzi’s first proper introduction ever, so this event would also have to function as a way of establishing who she is as a character as well. God knows what that would entail.
Which, in this situation, she’d mostly come across as a person whose “eyes emoji” appearance doesn’t line up with being in an untamed jungle decking around with a carnivorous and predatory animal. 
The only reason Yams wouldn’t remember meeting her was because their actual first meeting was more of a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it encounter 30 years ago that wasn’t really relevant to his own memory. (Not even worth getting into here tbh, it’s so brief) So, y’know. Fuck you Baba.
It’s hard to say if Marzi herself would recognize Yamcha right away considering the last time she saw him, Yamcha was soft-faced with short hair and all cutesy 21st tournament looking, which THAT to NOW is quite the jump— but rest assured she does. It’s hard to say what her initial reaction would’ve been in response to suddenly running back into your one-sided high school infatuation after 3 decades of absolute radio silence. My mind always pictured some kind of comical reaction. 
Either way, this shit should happen only after the wacky hijinks, because!!! THAT’S THE KIND OF WORLD THIS IS! I wanted a bizarre action set piece that ends comedically quickly because Yamcha essentially has god powers. (WHICH, YEAH. HE DOES. Especially in comparison to how he was in early DB. By this point this guy went from above-average martial arts protégée to full on superhero) If I still had the energy for DB I would have scribbled a possible visual demonstration but, I really doooon’t jgvhgbkhjj
A wise man made this summarizing prediction really and I think this is the best thing to follow: 
“I sort of figured Marzi ran into him one day after everything kind of settled down and he wasn’t dead or in space or something, and there was an awkward period where she wasn’t sure what to do about him being so accessible. And Yamcha didn’t know her well to begin with, so to him she’s just an eligible bachelorette, and he fusses over how to impress her, because he has no idea that she’s been fascinated with him for decades.” - a wise man, 2019.
So yeah. That. 
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sakichi56 · 6 years ago
Poll I guess?
Okay, so, I wasn't originally going to do this, but then I realized this is the easiest way to do this. So here I am. After I finish my dumb little AU series for them on AO3, I am still planning to write more for them because they have so little and I feel horrible for all of y'all who ship them. I have a whole comp book full of ideas for the pairing and I am going to list a hand full of them that I have the most outline work done, and I would like anyone who is interested to tell me which ones you would like to see (if any) and specifically which one I should write first.
1.Omegaverse- Just a dumb little oneshot about Frieza being an omega who likes to mask his scent with that of an alpha because he wants people to think he is one, and Goku is totally cool with it. Vegeta is suspicious and decides to do some investigating into what Frieza really is.
2.Soulmate AU- Specifically the one about not being able to see color until you meet/touch your soulmate. Frieza never believed in or cared for the idea of soulmate, until he saw color for the first time during a fated battle with a certain Saiyan on a planet called Namek.
3."Zombie Flipper AU"- Frieza lives on Earth with his family. Cold is a politician, Cooler is the district chief prosecutor, and Frieza is in the business of flipping houses. But his latest project happens to be a bit tougher than he bargained for when he finds out that the property in question happens to be plagued by a terrible local gang, not to mention the people livijg in the home arent too open to talking with him. All except for the youngest member of the family, and boy is he something.
4.Highschool Au- Actually don't know which of the two ideas I want to go with for this one, so I guess I will just list both and let you guys vote on that too. The first is that Frieza is used to going to Private school all his life, but when the highschool he is slated to go to ends up being closed down, he gets thrown last minute into a public school and finds himself completely lost. Luckily, he happens to share gym class with a very friendly and helpful boy named Goku, who offers to show him the ropes, and the two hit it off. In this one, Frieza wouldn't necessarily be meek, but he would be a bit more shy than in canon. The other idea is just that Frieza is your typical snotty rich kid with high grades, student council president, head of disciplinary committee, etc. And he choose to go to a public school because he is bored with private schools. Goku is your friendly guy with awful grades (minus gym), shows up a bit late regularly, but all his teachers love him. When he gets in trouble and is sent to see Frieza, he shows no signs of fear or remorse, and is instead very chatty. Frieza is both infuriated by this brat not knowing his place and showing him the proper respect and fear he deserves, but also very intrigued because he is so different. So, he decides the boy's punishment will be to join the student council, that way he would be required to behave better, hoping this will give them more time together to learn and study one another.
5.Actor Au- Basically, everything that happened between all the characters in canon, it was all a show. Frieza and Goku are just actors playing their roles. And Frieza is ecstatic to be working with the man once again. He always had a crush on him, but he never worked up the courage to say anything back when they were recording Z, nor did he when they were filming his movie. So, with Super nearing it's end, Frieza decides he will finally confess his feelings to Goku and see what happens, since he has no idea if they will ever get to work together again.
6.New God Of U.7- Just a short oneshot about what could happen if Beerus either decides to retire and has Goku and Frieza compete for his position, or if something happens to him and Whis has to make a hasty decision to fill the position and it comes down to them. Goku would end up getting the job, and Frieza, having been brought up all his life to fear the God Of Destruction and be respectful to them, has a hard time knowing where they stand with eachother now. So he defaults to forced, reluctant politeness and submission. Which Goku does not like at all.
7.Idol AU- Just what it sounds like. The good guys are an idol group, and the villains are an idol group. With Goku and Frieza leading them respectively. The two groups end up competing for the right to perform at the World Musical Arts Convention, the two groups end up being forced closer than they ever thought possible by unforseen circumstances.
8.Servant AU- When Frieza has a fight with his father over an arranged marriage, he runs off in a rebellious huff and bumps into a servant around his age who begins talking with him. He is in a foul mood and considers killing the other boy, but something about the Broly soothes him, so he ends up taking a liking to the other male and tells him about the fight he had with his father. The two become something akin to friends, but only when they are alone, as his father would kill the other boy if he knew. Frieza appoints the Saiyan as his own personal servant and swiftly moves him into his wing of the palace, meaning they are closer and can get to know each other better. All goes well for the two, until King Cold springs a meeting with the Frieza's betrothed princess on him.
9. Kindergarten AU- What it sounds like, everyone is a child, Beerus and Whis are the teachers, there are cliques such as Goku, Krillen, Yamcha and Bulma, who are sometimes joined by Tien and Chiaotzu. 17 and 18, the twins who always stick together in their own world, but have recently been approached by Krillen. Piccolo is a loner, until the transfer student Gohan worms his way into his life. Vegeta is also a lone wolf, but he has a somewhat friendly, somewhat hateful friendship with Goku, and he and Bulma are quite sweet on each other. Then there are the trouble makers, Frieza and Cell. They are sometimes accompanied by Buu, as the child is quite chaotic, but not always since he is also fairly nice and he doesn't entirely fit in with them. Frieza has a crush on Goku, as he admires how the other boy stands up to him and is always called in by his friends to protect them from Cell or even Frieza himself. But, as they are both so young, Frieza does not know how to show the other how he feels, so he picks on him instead.
10.Chapter fic- I have an entire fic outlined from beginning to end, and have had it for a few months now. It's basically one of rhose dumb 'what if Goku brought an unconscious, cut in half Frieza back to Earth with him' story. Bulma ends up fixing him up instead and he has to undergo a lot of physical therapy and recovery to get used to the robotic limbs. Bulma and Goku keep him in check (as Goku spends the year at C.C. with Bulma and the tyrant) and along the way they all forge a friendship, even though Frieza would never admit it. Frieza is given the option by Goku of staying or leaving, as Bulma will build him a ship if that is what he wants. But before the year is up, the two have shown him such a good time, especially the Saiyan, that he does not know which option to choose. While he deliberates on the choice, trouble approaches the Earth.
So those are a handful of what I have, I still have a ton of other ideas, but those are the ones I have the most prepared for at this time. So yeah, please let me know what you all think. If you want me to try any of these, and if so which one should be first, or even if you think I should scrap any entirely from my book.
Much appreciated, and sorry for wasting anyone's time!~♡
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