#they condemned her to a life in a perpetual inbetween state
fayevalcntine ยท 1 year
A lot of Louis' declarations of love towards Claudia in the episodes prior to episode 7 start to feel hollow once you get to that ending and then rewatch the previous scenes. Him saying she "silenced all the noise, chaos and crisis of his former existence", her absence "revealing who he and Lestat were without her", him saying he tore out the pages from her diary in order to not have her be exploited. And in her return Claudia becomes his 'protector', the child who in a way becomes the emotional barrier between the docile parent and the abusive one, and they manage to "break free" from Lestat. But then the ending comes in, and it's revealed that Louis was miserable in their trip to Europe, it was not "the new adventure of their lives", Claudia hated him during their trip to Europe. And then we finally see a true scene that isn't narrated in the slightest by Louis towards Daniel, therefore isn't tinkered with, isn't 'prepared' to be fed to Daniel's ears. Louis betrayed Claudia by pinning her the same way Lestat did and forbidding her from burning Lestat's body. He was fine with taking out other pages of her diary that likely detailed her true feelings of anger towards him, and even in spite of this, Daniel says that it feels like she 'hated his guts' during their trip. Louis may not have "technically" chosen Lestat over Claudia during his murder but would that make any difference to Claudia herself, when she wasn't allowed retribution for being turned by Lestat and being frozen in a teenager's body? And it's not to say that Louis doesn't or didn't love her, but his love for her is not really well-reflected upon his treatment of her. He says he loved her unconditionally and spoiled her, but won't allow her the chance to burn the body of her maker who turned her.
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