#they can 100% be this kooky lil couple
randomjreader · 1 year
I really thought a boss and a babe was just gonna be a silly goofy comedy show for me to enjoy mindlessly...OH I WAS WRONG I WAS SO WRONG THIS SHOW GIVES ME SO MUCH EMOTIONAL WHIPLASH
Like one second I could be laughing my ass off at one of Cher's antics or at Three being so godamn in love with Zo, and the next I'm screaming into my pillow over Cher having a breakdown and finally taking off his happy go lucky-little shit mask to show Gun or his friends that he's just suffering.
Like fr, hats off to Mr Book Kasidet for bodying this role so hard
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wonkiewolfie · 3 years
check-in tag
tagged by @stray-but-okay thanks lovely <3
1. why did you choose your url?
I just love Chan’s pouty lil face haha i’ve had a couple other urls too but this one has always been my fav (clearly since it made it’s way back haha)
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2. any side blogs?
ummm no? I have other urls saved that i like and probably won't use, but not really. I did make one post on a commemorative blog @wh-03-13-2020 but I don’t use it.
3. how long have you been on tumblr? 
collectively? probably close to 7 years or so if you count my one direction and 5sos phase of tumblr. That was the first fandom that brought me here. with my kpop blog? september will be 3 years i believe.
4. do you have a q tag?
i used to. it was like “daydreaming with kookie” or something like that but that was way back in the obnoxiious-kookie days haha. now it’s just q
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
uhhh BTS fan fiction haha. I wanted to read and post BTS content so... here we are. 
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
bc I love chanpool and i did a really cute edit of that channie’s room episode! so that’s what I set it as haha
7. why did you choose your header?
I edited that one too lol with all the ryan reynolds stuff that went down i was like “i can improve this for the occasion”
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
i think it’s this little baby daddy wonho drabble. it’s really soft and somehow ppl still keep finding it randomly and liking it lol
9. how many mutuals do you have?
idk lol i don’t really keep track. half of my mutuals don’t even interact with me anymore bc no one is really active much these days. some of y'all are still cool tho, you know who you are <3
10. how many followers do you have? 
almost 400 :D
11. how many people do you follow?
71 lol I regularly unfollow blogs that have been inactive for over 3 months. idk why but it bugs me to have more than 100 ppl i follow at any given moment
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
pffft yes.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
I used to be on a lot more back when i got requests for fics or when i wrote short one shots. now, everything i write of my own accord is like >10,000 words so... too long for tumblr xD I’m still taking requests but i never get them anymore lol usually i’ll post on ao3 more these days
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
nooooo... i don’t think so. I typically try to be civil with people and not start drama lol
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? 
you can’t tell me what to do lol i’m here for the good vibes only, so i don’t need to do anything bc nothing matters in the large scope of things
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
ALSO YES! but no one plays with me anymore. all my followers died lol
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@stray-but-okay is famous lol i was fan of bella before i was a friend of bella so therefore i’m correct lol but also lily ( @fakektexts )  is famous and she’s great. love y'all <3
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no lol but i’m always offering warm hugs and forehead smooches for all of them lol <3 <3
20. tags?
@rushifer @marculees @shoustar @chaotic-anssiindustrial anyone else that might wanna idk lol
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secret-kpoplibrary · 4 years
Every Step You Take Pt. 6
Pairing: CEO!Namjoon x Fimmaker!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: explicit language (cursing as always); mentions of alcohol (again drink responsibly y’all)
Genre: kinda just angsty- but nothing too bad and a lil fluff
Summary: Take a step, and then another, and thousands more as you go through your day, never thinking too much of it. But the invisible trail of your steps are a bright beacon to someone else. Leading them to you. A bright colored trail of prints pointing in the direction of the person you’re meant to be with. Your soulmate. In a perfect world when you meet your soulmate everything should fall into place. But of course, your world is anything but perfect and meeting your soulmate is a far cry from a fairy tale. An ice cold skeptic with a heart of stone, you find yourself believing you were better off without meeting him.
The smell of breakfast foods wakes Namjoon up the next morning. He's initially confused by it until he remembers the events of the night before. He makes his way into the kitchen to see you flipping pancakes with a cup of coffee in your hand.
"Good morning." He says leaning against the entryway of the kitchen. The scene he's looking at is all very domestic and as he watches you cook he has a weird feeling in his chest that he can't quite name. Or rather he doesn't want to.
"Oh, good morning." You say glancing at him over your shoulder.
"What're you doing?" He asks.
"Making breakfast. Did you want some?" You offer as you plate your pancakes.
"I don't usually eat breakfast."
"Okay." You shrug. You're not going to force him to eat or anything like that.
"What'd you make?"
"Pancakes and bacon."
"I'll have a plate." He decides.
"How many pieces of bacon do you want?" You ask grabbing a plate from one of his cabinets.
"Two is fine, thank you." He answers. You put the food on his plate and hand it to him before sitting at the island with your own breakfast.
"Do you like to cook?" He asks after a moment.
"Yeah, I've been doing it since I was young. Plus my roommate's a little hopeless in the kitchen." You shrug.
"I don't think I ever asked but, who exactly is your roommate?"
"His name is Jimin. He, Taehyung and I all became friends in college and a couple years later we befriended another kid, Jungkook. He's the baby of our group."
"Huh, small world." He muses.
"Yeah, I guess."
"What does he do?"
"Who Kookie?"
"No your roommate. Jimin."
"He's a dance instructor."
"How did you all meet? You weren't all majoring in the same thing were you?"
"Well no. Taehyung was a business major and Jimin majored in dance. They were roommates during our first year of college and I had a class with Taehyung during the first semester. He was super friendly and once Tae decides he likes someone he's going to make them like him too."
"And you guys have been friends since then?"
"You're quite curious this morning. Are you still drunk?" You ask him. He rolls his eyes.
"I'm trying to put a little trust in the abstract ideas. Like you said." He says.
"Why the sudden change?" You ask leaning against the counter. He shrugs.
"You're not as wide-eyed and unaware as I thought. You made some valid points last night. I'm compromising." He says turning away from you. He's not sure why, but the way you're looking at him is making him nervous. You chuckle a little.
"Only you can say 'you were right' still sound condescending." You say.
"I'm not saying you were right. I'm just saying, I'm not 100% sure that you were wrong." He says.
"You know it's not a bad thing to admit that you don't know everything." You say.
"I never said I know everything." He shrugs. You squint your eyes at him for a moment.
"Hey did you go to university? I know you inherited your dad's company and I know Tae did an internship there early in our college career but I'm pretty sure your dad was still in charge then-"
"Of course I went to university!" He scoffs. He's a little shocked by the sudden subject change but even more surprised that you asked that of all things.
"Don't get offended. You don't need to go to college to learn how to run your father's business." You shrug.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means if your dad planned to hand the business over to you he could easily teach you the ins and outs of the company without sending you to university. It's not unheard of." You say.
"Yeah well I went to university. I took over after I graduated." He says.
"Did you-"
"My turn." He says.
"You asked a question, now it's my turn."
"Oh, alright. Go for it."
"Tell me something not a lot of people know about you." He says. You think for a moment before you answer.
"I have a motorcycle." You say.
"Wait, really?"
"Surprised?" You quirk an eyebrow at him.
"Well yes."
"I don't ride it that much anymore. It still works perfectly but I mostly just go to work and the store, there's no need to ride it to either of those places."
"Never woulda guessed." He muses. Before you can respond to him your phone starts ringing on the counter. Your eyes widen slightly as you pick it up.
"Good morning." You say gently into the device.
"Where are you right now?" Your roommate asks. He's using his parent voice, the one he uses whenever you do something he doesn't approve of.
"Okay; you sound mad-" you start off.
"Y/n. You went out last night with your robot of a soulmate, you didn't come home, didn't tell me you weren't coming home, and you're still not home!"
"Yes. I know. But in my defense! Something came up last night and I just forgot to update you. I am safe though. I'm currently having breakfast with Namjoon."
"You spent the night with Mr. Robot?!" Jimin gasps.
"Kinda? I'll explain it later. But I'm alive and well so you don't need to worry." You tell him.
"Well when are you coming back?" Jimin asks.
"Within the next hour."
"Time is ticking." He says.
"Shut up you're not a mob boss you idiot." You laugh.
"I'll see you soon." He says.
"Yes sir." You say sarcastically before hanging up. You look back at Namjoon to see him looking at you with a raised eyebrow over his coffee mug.
"That was Jimin." You say grabbing your now empty plate and beginning to wash up from your cooking and meal.
"Ah yes, the roommate." He muses.
"He was calling because I didn't come home and also I didn't tell him where I was staying." You explain.
"Do you always report your roommate?" Namjoon asks.
"Not really, but he knows you and I aren't close so- it warrants some questions if I don't come home after a 'date' with you." You say.
"You talk to your roommate about us?"
"Well he's also one of my closest friends so yes I talk to him about 'us'." You shrug.
"So I guess I have to get you back to the warden soon huh."
"The warden?" You make a face at him as you place your plate on the drying rack.
"Jimin." He offers as though you need clarification.
"Yeah I know who you meant. I don't get the comment though. What's your problem this time?"
"I don't have a problem I just think it's weird that you report to your roommate about where you are and about our... situation."
"He's my friend and has been for basically all of my adult life. He likes to know that I'm safe. What's wrong with that? Friends do that. Do you not have friends?"
"Of course I have friends but I don't tell them my whereabouts or talk about us."
"Well in regards to our 'situation' I wasn't gonna lie to him and I live with him so it's not like I can hide it anyway. Plus this whole thing was Tae's idea who he's also friends with and I love Tae but he can't keep his mouth shut worth shit. If I didn't say anything Taehyung would've told him. As far as my whereabouts I don't see why it matters to you if I do tell him or not."
"You're an adult it's not really any of his business what you do when you leave the apartment. Why does he need to keep tabs on you?"
"Oh my gosh. Okay, yes I'm an adult but I'm also a woman."
"What does that have to do with anything?!"
"The rules are different for women. If we're clubbing or bar hopping we don't go alone because sleazy guys in clubs are always looking to corner women they think are vulnerable, if you go on dates- someone else needs to know because if it's with a stranger and things go badly someone should be able to account for you, and yeah you're my boyfriend but only by a technicality. We don't know each other. Especially not well enough that Jimin would just expect me to spend the night here or even think it was safe. Maybe you don't have to tell your 'friends' anything but I do it's-" you stop short of your thought.
"It's what?"
"Nothing. You should go get ready." You say grabbing his plate and mug from him to wash those as well. He frowns at you.
"Y/n-" he starts.
"Just go get dressed Namjoon. I'd like to go home. You know, the warden is waiting." You say without looking at him. You finish washing and wait until you hear his door shut down the hall. You dart back to the guest room and grab your purse off the dresser. You quickly rush out of the apartment and into his elevator. Once you've made to the main elevator you call a taxi to come pick you up. There happened to be one close enough that when you make it out of the lobby the taxi is waiting for you. You don't utter more than your address to the driver when you get in and a thank you when you get out, realizing only once you've gotten into the car that you're less than appropriately dressed right now. You practically run into your apartment building and up to your door. As soon as you're in the safety of your own home you let out a frustrated sounding 'oh my god' and run your fingers through your hair.
"Welcome home?" Jimin says looking mildly confused on your couch.
"I had to get in a cab like this and I literally hate everything."
"Wait what? Why didn't that asshole bring you home!?" Jimin glares.
"I told him to get ready so I could go home and I left before he came back."
"Because I didn't want to suffocate in that apartment any longer than necessary."
"Mr. Bigshot has a small apartment?"
"No! It's fucking huge! That's just from sharing space with him."
"What happened?"
"A lot and honestly I'm not sure if I want to throttle that man right now or lock him away somewhere."
"Why would you do the latter?" He asks. You toss your phone and purse on the coffee table as you pace around the living room.
"A. so he can't say anymore stupid shit to me and B. so I don't have to physically hurt him in order to stop him from talking."
"Does it matter if you hurt him?" Jimin asks watching you walk around. "You're making me anxious can you stop pacing? Or at least explain why you're doing it."
"He's so flip floppy I can't decide if I like him or not."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that man is the the most-" you stop yourself when your phone rings on the table.
"Speak of the devil." Jimin muses.
"UGH!" You roll your eyes.
"Are you gonna answer it?" Jimin looks at you.
"So he can yell at me some more? No thanks." You roll your eyes.
"You should at least tell him you made it home." Jimin says. You glare at your phone before reluctantly picking it up at the last minute.
"Hello." You huff.
"Where the hell are you? I've been looking for you for the past ten minutes." He snaps back at you.
"Home. I took a cab to avoid 20 minutes of silent anger in a confined space with you." You grit out. You hear Namjoon take a deep breath before he speaks again.
"I'm sorry." He says quietly. His tone this time much different than his initial words.
"What?" You're caught off guard by his sudden change of pace.
"I'm sorry. I may not understand the dynamics of your relationship with Jimin but it isn't my place to judge." He says.
"Yeah. It's not." You say.
"Let me finish. The truth is, it- bothers me." He says.
"Excuse me?" You almost scoff at his words.
"Not- in the way you're probably thinking. That came out wrong. I don't mean it in a bad way- I think. I just- let me try that again. You're obviously very close to Jimin and Tae. I'm- I'm jealous honestly. You're so comfortable with them and you're so not with me- the difference is like night and day."
"Yeah that comfort comes with time and they've got- several years on you there." You say.
"I know. You were right about that. It's been a month and we're as close as strangers. I didn't mean to upset you earlier. Your call with Jimin just- made me realize how different you are with me and it frustrates me that I've made no attempt to make you comfortable with me. It's stupid. I'm sorry for being an asshole."
"I'm- sorry for yelling, and running away."
"I mean I get why you did both things." He says.
"Yeah I- I have to go." You say somewhat slowly as your brain processes the conversation you're wrapping up.
"Do you really?"
"Well I just barely got home and Jimin is staring at me like his eyes will pop out of his head soon. I have some explaining to do. So, yeah I do really have to go." You say.
"Okay. Oh! Thank you for, taking care of me last night. I don't think I said that." He says.
"Don't mention it. I'll- see you around." You tell him.
"Okay. Have a good day." He says.
"Yeah y-you too." You say hanging up the call. After a few moments of silence Jimin sighs.
"Quit looking around with that confused look on your face like our apartment is going to give you answers and explain to me what the hell is going on!" He says.
"Dude the last 16 hours have been SO weird." You say.
"Well sit your ass down and start explaining it to me." He says grabbing your wrist and pulling you onto the couch. From there you launch into storytelling mode. Starting from when you left the apartment you detail the events of the night before and this morning to Jimin. You tell him everything from meeting Jackson to dragging a tipsy Namjoon to his apartment to your heated soulmate driven argument to how you ended up spending the night and then into this morning with breakfast and the questions and how that led to an argument about him. Trust your roommate and best friend to have loads of opinions about the whole thing, interjecting commentary wherever he saw fit, making the story much less frustrating than when you actually lived it.
Part 6/???
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kinktae · 4 years
hi babe !!! i’m starting on my journey through the whole bitchin’ series today !!! and i just wanted to say that it really reminds me of that 70’s show (even if i know urs is set in the 80’s lmao) !!! and i want to congratulate u on the job well done !!!
All the bitchin’ asks I didn’t get to answer in time uwu. Spoilers ahead:
prince-jjk said: just read your beyond the story for bitchin’ and i literally cried twice 🥺 especially in the 10yrs later when, for the wedding gift, jk gives y/n the contract they wrote all the way back when they barely knew eachother, that part just made me be like skfkskckskfkd on the inside, that was adorable.
Anonymous said: bitchin is so soft 🥺 it was love at first chapter for me, i loved watching y/n and jk grow throughout the story both together and on their own and i love all the soft lil moments and reading every chapter warmed my heart so damn much 🥺 thank you 💕
Anonymous said: okay so i finally read bitchin’ all in one day and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 they are both idiots i love them sm,, thank u for writing such an incredible story!!💕💗💕💘💗
Anonymous said: I LOVED WHAT YOU POSTED FOR BITCHIN OMGGG i actually LOVE seeing behind the scenes of writing so i really enjoyed reading about the details of bitchin. nOT TO MENTION HOW CUTE THE EPILOGUE WAS PLEASE I DONT THINK ILL EVER GET OVER THEM but overall i really liked it and thank you so so so so so so so much for this
Anonymous said: i swear Yara and Taehyung do be the cutest couple :(
beifong-bitch said: So im new around here and just started reading bitchin and oh god- I KEEP IMAGINING TAES VOICE SOUNDING LIKE THAT ONE SURFER DUDE FROM TOTAL DRAMA.
Anonymous said: beyond the story: bitchin’ got me so emotional like??? i think i can’t live without them:( thank you for this beautiful story🤧 you’re so talented
sapphireprinces5 said: can I just say that the fact you called it Behind The Story as BTS is so genius and the best chef’s kiss of the century. reading this made me tear up like I miss the two so much and to see them happy forever was just 🤧 it was so cool to see how the stories developed and your thoughts as you wrote them. thank you for giving this to us - probably one of the best gifts i’ve ever received as a reader. amazing, you’re amazing
mochiieberry said: JUST READ THE UPDATE FOR BITCHIN AND FINALLY I CAN START MY DAY(ignore the fact it’s 3 am :) ). But honestly after reading BITCHIN I questioned what happened afterwards and thank you for writing the behind the scenes and giving us 10 year update!!
ggukcangetit said: oh my gosh i was missing bitchin' and you posted the most incredible companion piece. also love how its called beyond the story (BTS) so sneaky rose (¬‿¬) you really spoilt us with the connect i am sad and happy so thanks for that. lastly, just wanna appreciate how much effort, hard work, and care you devote to your stories, characters, and readers. since you are a LOT younger than me imma go ahead and say this- uWu rose is the best liddol bean in the world. okay bye.
Anonymous said: I just wanted to say thank you for the extra bitchin' content! It's one of my favorite fics ever (mainly bc I am a woman in stem who takes shit from no man and I hardcore identify with yn) and to see how much you love the fic and genuinely get excited about the little details you slip in to make it more enjoyable for you to write just makes my heart !!! bc i love nothing more than hearing writers talk about their works with pride. love you lots and thank you for always putting out great content!
Anonymous said: Yara refusing to put a label on her relationship after 10 years sends me. For one thing, as an independent woman who is terrified of commitment, I can 100% relate lol. The titles she gives him instead killed me as well. Her outrage at the crustaceans was also so something I’d do. Like “no ma’am my best friend ain’t sign up for this and as far as I’m concerned she’s gonna get exactly what she wants”. Yara is my spirit animal.
Anonymous said: I have a lot of questions. #1- How dare you? Bitch I am sobbing. I love those Bitchin fools and I ain’t ever gonna stop loving them!
lee-u-ne12 said: I may have giggled one too many times during my "beyond the story: bitchin'" reading. Dammit it's just so cute! I found it charming how instead of just giving us an update on the characters you included some commentery on each chapter! Ngl i was rlly sad earlier but this made me smile :)
Anonymous said: I definitely noticed the sock thing and thought it was stupidly cute (like this entire fic tbh) and djjdjdjdjjd I wish I had commented on it when I first read it! I loved the behind the stuff and loved all the reasoning as to why you didn't want y/n to be a 'popular guy gave me confidence' type of character 👏 honestly loved it all thank you!!!!
cheeky-kookie said: ROSE, I am so happy this is the best birthday present wowza ily thank you bitchin' update I cry
Anonymous said: oh my gosh yara and tae are gonna get married someday and she's still gonna be like what? husband? you meaN my matChing riGg wEareR.
Anonymous said: Just wanted to let you know, I just read BITCHIN' AND IT'S THE BEST STORY I'VE READ IN A WHILE AND NOW ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITES. I would totally read it again in the future . Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us and you're awesome!
Anonymous said: Bitchin' was amazing. I cried. Thank you for writing it 🖤
Anonymous said: I think I've read bitchin like 3 times now but in never fails to put a smile on my face. The 80s slang kills me every time. Just wanted to say it's one of my favourite fics I've ever read :)
Anonymous said: i just finished bitchin’ AND IT WAS SO GOOD i cried at the end when it came full circle about the paper 😭❤️
Anonymous said: Hi I just binge read bitchin I’ve always ran into it but I hesitate Bc I knew it wasn’t completed I’m the worst but,,, ow. Ow. My heart physically melted you developed two characters so well and there’s no way I’m not going to reread again and again because of how good and genuine their relationship was. Uhh that’s it sorry I just wanted to let you know I’ll need money Bc my heart is unfunctional because of how full it is
Anonymous said: i just wanted to tell you that you made me feel so 🥺🥺🥺🥺!!!! with bitchin', that it is one of my favorite stories ever and that it's just so amazing and well written i just- don't stop doing what you're doing please !!!!!
Anonymous said: hi sorry this is random but im a huge fan of your work! i havent checked in with tumblr too much lately but last night i binge read camellia, groovy, and bitchin and oh my goodness i was so enthralled !! you have such a wonderful ability to engage readers with such relatable and dynamic characters! like wowowow i cant wait to read more of your writing! thanks so much for putting in the time and effort you do to create your work, its great and im glad you get to share it with the world! 🌟
Anonymous said: hi so i may or may not have read all of bitchin in one night BUT I LOVED IT AND IM AMAZED BY YOU 🥺♥️
Anonymous said: hiii! bitchin’ has been the best thing i have ever read and im so sad that its over, but im so happy you wrote it! u are an incredible writer❤️❤️❤️
emdancing said: Hi! I’d just like to say I binged bitchin and i absolutely loved it! It just might be my favorite koo fic 💕 your writing is awesome and so are you!!
Anonymous said: i binge read bitchin this weekend and i don’t even like fanfics but kept seeing it get recommended so decided to check it out and i loved it 😭 jungkook in that fic is so perfect and cute (except for his mess up with kiri) and that note at the end got me emotional 🥺 your story and writing was too too good, i skipped all the smut but still loved it 💗 thank you for sharing one of the most heartwarming and lovely stories i have ever read! 🤧
lowlifeoeuvre said: Hi i just read bitchin and i only have one thing to say about it... A WHOLE MASTERPIECE MAN!! literally almost cried and actually made a very inhuman happy noise at the end. I will for sure be reading anything else you write or have written.
babeewiththepowerr said: I just finished reading Bitchin and now I’m crying 😢 it was soooo pretty and well written 💜
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yooniesim · 5 years
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woo the maknae - bachelor challenge
since i’m working on a huge community project rn and can’t stick with any one idea, i thought i’d gauge how well i can actually accept sims on a smaller scale first… thus, a bachelor challenge! (plus, island living gameplay 🌴)
as for who the lucky boy is…
jeon jungkook 💛
💪 active ⚽ 👼 childish 👶 🎵 music lover 🎤
kookie is a HUGE BABY that needs LOTS OF ATTENTION. he wants what he wants and will whine until he gets it, but- he’s also the sweetest boy full of love and care for anyone that gives him one (1) iota of attention. he’s cute, he knows it, and he’s going to make sure you know it, too ❤️
WTM Navigation | Kookie’s Bio
accepting 7 sims
not first come first serve (i’ll make a decision after the deadline closes)
have to be older than kookie (20 y/o), after all he’s the maknae!
all boys please (trans boys 100% included!! send all your trans boys)
light supernatural is OK!
keep it closer to maxis match than alpha but a lil mix is OK! (clayified hair is fine to use but try not to use alpha hair unless you know it plays well with reshade)
only do a couple everyday outfits and some swimwear if you want (unless you keep all the others 100% vanilla)
please tell me about their personalities and backstory in your post! i need to know all the details about these lovely boys PLEASE uwu
they can be original sims or based off a person/face claim (like kookie)
can be from sim world (in my canon most of these worlds take place in the US, just like... simlish version instead of english lol) or a real location
your sims can have skills, just don’t go over level 4 in charisma, have any romance bonus type skills or have the romantic trait
tag me in your post so I can see it! 
deadline is JULY 10th 2019 SUBMISSIONS CLOSED
you can also upload your sims to the gallery for me (use the tags #woothemaknae and #yooniesim so i can find it) and add info to the description/message me or ask the info
or, you can submit your post directly to me here! (if you submit make sure the post contains something i can call u, your blog name and/or a nickname)
you do not need a tumblr account to submit!!! but if you don’t have one, it requires you to put in a name and email 
you can put your cc list in the post/submission or wait until after i choose sims
thank u!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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shesawriter39049 · 6 years
- (There is still a lil smut in this as well as smut and kinks are discussed, But this is also the backstory because the other installments just jump right into it.. )
Part 1..AKA the first “Private Session”  will pick up where this ends with Y/N X “___” see if you can guess which member it is by end of this. It’s 4k all of the instalments will be around 3K..pretty much straight to the point..smut with a a mini backstory/scenario...each member will get there own….
P.S - I wrote this intro a month or ago and forgot about it..if you guys want part 1 that will come early Feb!
“Oh my god…yes..” Your cry wasn’t even audible as you pressed your face into the glass, nails clawing at his clothed thighs, surprised you actually didn’t rip a hole straight through ..as pure pleasure rang through your ears feeling yourself drip down your thighs. The firm grip he held around your neck, almost knocking the wind out of you as he rolled his hips into you.. deeper..teeth grazing the skin beneath your neck “Louder..” The command coming out in the form of a growl coursed through your veins as his opposite hand connected to your clit almost making your knees buckle. You were already so swollen and beyond sensitive as the wind nipped against your skin..blowing your hair away from your neck..cooling over the heat that was streaming down your body..”I said..LOUDER..let everybody hear you..let everyone know how good I’m fucking you, and how wet, your pussy gets for me..fuck baby your so wet..”
 Let’s rewind a little shall we?
 If someone would’ve told you 6 months ago you’d be on a balcony in Tokyo… at 1am with “____”’s hand around your throat..while your face was pressed against a glass window,a good oh I don’t know…20 stories up….you’d think they were high as fuck. I mean for good reason, don’t get me wrong…you were attractive..clearly..that’s why the boys ended up with your number. But you weren’t an idol…some famous youtuber ..or an IG model..you were just Y/N a 24 year old Real estate agent from Chicago.That somehow fell down the black hole that is BTS..you told yourself you were too old to be a fangirl again…but clearly that didn’t last long. You won a contest through IHEARTRADIO to attend a private showcase with the boys. There was barley 100 fans there..an opportunity to attend a show THAT intimate with a band of this caliber was almost unheard of. There was also a separate drawing for 10 fans to get a 10 minute meet and greet, to talk and take pictures…well you went last and your meet and greet actually lasted almost a half hour. The boys clicked with you instantly. The main thing they loved was the fact that you able to just dick around with them like they were normal guys. On top of the fact that even though they didn’t admit it initially..they found you so inticising.The perfect combination of all the things they weren’t use to in the bubble they lived in and that sealed the deal! By the end of the meet and greet Namjoon had your number..not holding your breath he’d even ever use it…well little did you know that would open the door to a million possibilities. All thanks to a group chat that was created and used regularly “Bangtan X Y/N” the conversations were not typically long and sometimes they made no damn sense..sending random memes back and forth..Tae sending pics of clothes he wanted to buy…Kookie sending you weird ass shit he finds in tourist shops.. Hell sometimes you’d even ask them advice on guys or what to wear on a date. At times you may only talk once a week..and it may take each member more time than others to respond but they always did and you guys actually created a genuine friendship…Believe it or not…the conversations also NEVER turned sexual up until this point.
 You slowly but surely earned their trust, after talking to you for a while they realized you weren’t looking for anything from them. You never pried for personal information…asked for free tickets..sneak peeks of music, the rare occasions you’d meet them, they’d offer to pay and you’d be ready to damn near cut their balls off. You let them decided what they did or didn’t wanna share, weather that be what they ate for lunch, or how completely exhausted and stressed they were, the ball was always in there court.  More importantly you didn’t walk on eggshells with them nor did you ever hold your tongue because of who they were and they loved that. It just felt honest…due to their busy schedule and you just having your own damn life, within this 6 month period..you’d only seen them 2 times.The meet and greet in the summer..and about 2 months after that when they went to New York…the boys have been begging you to come back out but you just couldn’t find the time. This has probably been your busiest, but most successful year as an agent but due to you just getting to the point where you were making steady money and had some cushion in the bank..you didn’t have a assistant yet so you were doing it all yourself.
Financially it would kind of be a waste of money to travel overseas unless you could stay at least 2 weeks! Your pride wouldn’t let them cover your flight…lord knows they offered…instead you just settled for them smothering you in all the wine and sushi your heart desired. Finally deciding in January, you’d go see your Bangtan boys.. now here you are almost 4 months later in Tokyo..
The boys were about to start the last leg of the tour in about 10 days…just wanting a break..they rented out a pretty nice penthouse suite at the Ritz Carlton Tokyo for a couple days. Setting up a studio space so they could throw around some ideas for there new project..in a more laxed atmosphere. To be honest you were kind of playing the whole thing by ear, you had a couple friends that lived abroad. As far as the boys were concerned, besides just hanging out in their suite, they wanted you to at least attended one show before you left! They were also determined to find a way to get you backstage at a couple events they had coming up without Bighit busting a nut..but you weren’t holding your breath on that one. Honestly you weren’t too concerned though, you had other things to do outside of seeing the boys anyway. Already going into this with the understanding that for one they’re still pretty busy, so whatever time you got you wouldn’t complain..and two this wasn’t LA things had to be done hella low key over here. Which is why you were treating this as moreso a vacation which you desperately needed and they were just a bonus. Your plan was to stay at your hotel for 3 days..then crash with friends….you actually only bought your ticket to Tokyo…not really sure where you’d end up by the end of it! Perks to being an agent is you were your own boss, you made your own schedule. Actually just closing a deal before leaving so once that check cleared that covered next months bills.So in all honesty you weren’t sure when you’d be back in the states. I mean shit, you’ve been busting your ass for the past 2 years trying to get to this point you deserve a break too!
It was about 8 at night, you landed a couple hours prior but jetlag knocked you flat on your ass, you were staying in the same hotel just about 8 floors down.Your body was slowly starting to stir naturally, but the extra push came from the fact that you fell asleep with your headphones in ..and Taehyung was calling you.The sudden blast against your ear drums almost making you roll off the bed completely before you realized what was happening. Clicking the answer button not even waiting for you to say hello “We literally ordered you every piece of sushi on the menu, you should probably get your ass up here before Kookie eats it all, I can only hold him off for so long!” The base… in this man’s voice, holyshit…it was rare you guys talked on the phone, due to you being on completely opposite time schedules the majority of the time. To be honest..hearing him..remembering he was so close almost made you nervous. Which threw you off initially, because in all honesty by now you typically felt very comfortable when you talked to them. But, again let’s get real..this was still BTS regardless of how down to earth they are…that still doesn’t change the aura they have! I think because you guys were always texting from so far away it almost made you feel like this was all a fantasy..I mean it’s been months… now they were literally upstairs waiting for you.
 You couldn’t help but let out a snort as you rubbed your eyes,vision still foggy “Such a baby ..” your tone slightly groggy due to just waking up “Aww,I told you she was probably sleeping good job Tae!” You knew that was Jimin, his voice was a little softer..he just always sounds so…I don’t know..relaxed? You couldn’t help but smile always such a sweetheart! But before you could even say anything...“Well I mean in his defense it’s like 8 at night…sooo…” You also knew that sarcastic growl anywhere “Fuck you Yoongi…” the clap back came instant with zero hesitation or thought behind it. The two of you had a very love hate relationship. Of course it was playful but you two gave each other shit 24/7. You heard them all erupt in laughter almost in unison..and the smile on your face stretched even wider. “Okay but forreal, my tolerance for food is non existent..and this foods already been here about 5 minutes you got another 60 seconds before I start eating without you!” There he was..the world’s favorite brat..-”Ignore him babe, he’s not touching a damn thing until you get up here..” It was slightly muffled..I think he was kinda far away but you already knew who it was..too…Hoseok and Namjoon were the only ones who called you by a pet name, had since they met you.  You felt your face get hot, almost forgetting how good that sounds in person “Thank you Hobi..alright give me like 5 minutes..someone text me the room number..hey wait..where’s Jonnie and Jin!?” It almost felt like you could feel his laugh the rumble…sat so low…you already knew he was probably sitting there looking boyfriend as fuck with those deep ass dimples “I’m here princes..Jin’s asleep..he’s not feeling so good. I’ll text you the room number..take your time..” - “Don’t listen to him..I’m hungry!”- “Oh my god Kookie shut up! She just said she’s coming! Your not gonna die!” It was clear Namjoon was about done with Jungkook for the night, his tone was as dry as can be  “You don’t know that..then YOU’D have to explain to ARMY what happened” You couldn’t help but scoff at how dramatic this boy was..but also you were damn near in tears from listening to them bicker back in fourth. “God forbid you die of starvation..alright Kookie, I’ll be there in a minute..bye guys!”
 Sitting on the edge of the bed trying to contemplate what to do…not wanting to overdo it because they knew you just woke up but I mean come on…you couldn’t look like you just woke up either! Throwing on a pair of high waisted leggings, they were comfy and you know they made your ass look good, and a loose black cropped cut up band tee. Running some tinted brow gel though your brows, a orangey bronzer on your cheeks for blush, and some gloss,being oh so thankful for lash extensions. You looked wayyy more put together than you really were.. putting your hair in high ponytail, pulling out a couple pieces around your face. A couple spritz of perfume and you were out the door, taking in a couple slow breaths before knocking on there door. Shaking off any nerves that were suddenly moving up your throat. “You got this girl…you got this..” giving yourself a well needed pep talk before letting your knuckles meet the door. You instantly heard the commotion from there room and it didn’t take long for you to hear the door unlatch. Letting out one more deep exhale, before you faced whoever was behind it.  Once the door opened you knew you were done, Namjoon’s eyes met yours, you watched them crinkle as he smiled down at you..those dimples!! THOSE DIMPLES!! And he looked good, they all looked and smelled so good…no makeup..skin glowing..looking boyfriend as fuck. The jeans,sweatpants..backwards snapbacks..foreheads exposed there were foreheads…foreheads everywhere! This was just a lot for one person to take in, you low key were feelin kinda attacked and I don’t blame you! ! Feeling like you almost had to squeez your thighs together as you walked in the room..…Once you entered you were greeted by warm smiles and even warmer hugs, each of their individual scent hitting your nose as they pulled you into there frame. Each touch was different, the embrace..how long it lingered, to be honest you almost could predict how it would go. The way each member hugged you almost reflected the way they interacted with you via text.
 About a hour went by..you found yourself on the couch sandwiched between Hoseok and Jimin, legs rested on Jimin’s lap while you guys ate sushi and drunk wine. Jimin’s hand casually resting on your thigh as he ate, yes..Park Jimin….had his hand.. On. Your .Thigh. What is life right now?? Not to mention the boys not knowing what personal space is, and just being total sweethearts, there was certain foods that you obviously aren’t familiar with. Not only did they explain it but they fed it to you..like the way you see them feed each other in Vlives….yeah. I don’t think you’d ever get the visual of Kim Taehyung putting a piece of sushi in your mouth, then licking the left over eel sauce off his finger..out of your head..
All of the nervous energy you felt on your way up here was completely gone, it was crazy how comfortable you felt around them! The conversation was pretty random and all over the place, just like your group chat. The boys more so wanting to hear about how you’ve been, they were very fascinated in your line of work, especially Yoongi and Hoseok. Once you finished eating the room fell  silent..which you didn’t mind until you noticed the mischievous smirk on Jungkook’s face. While Namjoon passed out tiramisu for dessert. “Kookie..what the holy hell is that face!?” Kicking up your brow in curiously while Yoongi randomly erupted in laughter, the tone alone was suspect.. and at this point you had to know what was up. Your eyes shot to Taehyung’s, because you knew he’d cave! Letting out a slow huff before setting his plate down. You could tell he wanted to smile though so it couldn’t be that bad right? “Wellll…” purposely being an ass and dragging it out knowing damn well you were dying over there “WELL!?” your tone?…yeah..not so chill…smacking the pillow that was currently in your lap. At this point you guys were almost 2 bottles deep so your patience was nonexistent..“Well she’s not very patient..” Yoongi teased with a smirk, as he licked his lips and suddenly the pillow that was on your lap was flying halfway across the room “Alright,alright I’ll tell you just don’t throw anything at me next….So last night..Kook kinda sorta found your tumblr….” The words came out slow, as his tongue teased the corner of his lip, his eyes tracing yours carefully waiting to see how you’d respond. The room was dead silent at first, and well to be fair you didn’t see the big deal, it was a mix of makeup fashion, sex and BTS. Your eyes scanned the room with a slight shrug “Oohhkayyy..” You let your words drag out making it very clear that you were obviously missing the punchline…”Right..but like..we were bored… so we went…kindaaaaa far back…” Hoseok glanced down at you as he stuffed his face, and then my friend…there it was…your eyes went wide in pure terror once it clicked. “Oh fuckkkkk” I think you actually wheezed and curled into a ball..have you ever seen a rollie pollie curl up into a ball? Well yeah that was you!
 See…back in the day your BTS content had no chill, not only did you reblog smut but your tags..were on a whole nother level! Everything from Jimin’s thick neck,, to wanting Taehyung to tie you up with his Gucci headband,and do whatever the fuck he wanted, sitting on Jimin’s face, having Hoseok fuck you in front of a mirror, Yoongi’s tongue game, Namjoons daddy kink, Junkooks sub switch! Yeah girl you were ugh..mortified to say the least. “Oh fuck me!!”  This time It almost came out as a screech as your face fell into Hoseok’s lap, and they all cackled so loud it was unreal. You felt him massage your shoulder trying to put you at ease..but there was no way..no way… “Oh don’t worry I screenshot some of my favorites..serious question..please explain to me the sexual attraction to Jimin’s.. In your words “ Thick ass neck..daddy yassssssss” Yoongi breathed out, the emphies on the “Yasss” had you limp to say the least…at least the boys found this hilarious because all you could hear in the background was cackling while you felt like you were dying! “Wait one more time Yoongi?” Hoseok breathed out with a snort and you lightly nipped at his thigh with your teeth..causing him to make a noise that you damn sure weren’t ready for, because you felt that shit in more places than one. “Yassssssssssss” Yoongi breathed out one more time in a high pitched tone. All you could do was flick him off..not even able to raise our head at this point! You felt Jimin start to rub your thigh, his way of letting you know you were fine. It was clear the post from the past couple months, since you’ve met them..they haven’t been as..intense. Probably because now that you know them..it made it kinda weird..but at the end of the day you were a fangirl..that’s how you guys met and they were on YOUR tumblr! So once you got over the initial shock…meh it is what it is!
 Taehyung crawled over to you, taking your face in his hands, trying to make you look up at him . Pressing his forehead to yours..and now you really weren’t going to open your eyes. “I’m not moving until you look at me …hey..do I need to go get my Gucci headband ?” His tone was playful, it was clear he just wanted to make sure you were good….but to be honest the threat sounds more like a sinful tease. His voice barely above a whisper,breath hitting your skin, a mixture of white wine and coffee from the tiramisu.His hands felt so soft against your skin it was unreal, you fluttered your eyes open, and he smiled back at you…”There’s our girl!” Pulling back from you, rocking back on the floor. No matter how embarrassed you were..hearing him say that..”Our girl..”..had you feeling..of course at ease but also slightly turned on? Yet you couldn’t help but whine as you readjusted our ponytail your face felt like it was on fire…”Why does everyone think I have a mirror kink? I mean it’s true but what about me says that?” Hoseok’s brows furrowed, in confusion as he licked the whipped cream off his fork.. In which a scoff left your lips without even realizing “Ghee I don’t know maybe because your a dancer and spend a lot of time in a studio..and I mean as a dancer your a perfectionist..so in theory you like to watch yourself..hmm..I knew that was spot on!” Glancing over at him, voice playfully flirtatious,, but the look this man gave you in return..you just…no you weren’t ready for it. It was like he went from being Jhope to Jay, tongue slowly sliding against his plump bottom lip. As a smirk moved up his face, before causally returning his glance to the pastry on his plate. It was like he knew he knocked the wind outta you for a moment, and that alone was enough for him to be content just knowing he could if he wanted too. It just hit you how turned on you suddenly were…as sassy as you could be you loved a man that was dominant…and you already knew this man was dom AF I mean come on   “Well it didn’t take long for her sassy ass to shake off acting shy and embarrassed..Yo..Jimin..man are-are you taking pictures of your neck!? “Yoongi’s face was priceless as he leaned up from his chair, trying to get a better look and you could help but snort, whipping your head around to see for yourself . All he did was shrug nonchalant..no shame…”Actually I’m looking at it in my camera…ya know I never realized it but I actually do have a really nice neck” Nodding in approval at his own reflection, as he should because the boy was fine…. “Wooowww…Jin would be proud…” Namjoon just rolled his eyes as he let his glance meet yours “Where just giving you a hard time honestly..we’ve seen wayyy crazier, its normal and at the end of the day..it comes with the territory. Part of being a idol is being a fantasy. I mean shit it’s part of why they don’t like us to date..nothing’s changed on our end so I really hope your not like freaking out about this…” His whole delivery was warm, and even though the atmosphere made you feel at ease and you kinda already knew they were just giving you shit, but it still felt good to hear him say it!
 You smiled back at him, almost getting lost for a moment as he held your gaze in the palm of his hands…”Also I mean this all seems pretty spot on..especially you reblogging all these text post about Jungkook being a bratty sub..” Taehyung teased letting his eyes cut over to Kook’s but he did NOT seem amused, actually he was quiet this whole time. Kinda had you wondering if he was feeling uncomfortable..or upset..you weren’t sure you just knew something didn’t seem right with him. The boys seemed to just shoe it off but you didn’t like it..”So….I have a question…how do you go from I guess…having all those..”Fantasies”.. to just suddenly shutting those thoughts off? I mean granted were all friends now..so it would probably be hard for you to separate the two if the oppert-” The look on your face made Yoongi stop talking altogether “What do you mean it would be hard to seperate the two? Are you assuming women can’t just fuck for the sake of pleasure? Have you never heard of one and done…or What? Are you assuming your dicks so good that I’ll turn into a sasaeng tumblr and not be able to be your friend anymore?” Cocking your head to the side as you kicked your brow up..voice dripping in sass..and you heard all the other boys let out a snort. You personally weren’t able to catch all there reactions but let’s just say even though they didn’t expect you to say that they were impressed that you did. The fact that you didn’t seem like you were intimated by the sudden change of pace as far as the conversation was concerned, but hey..you’re all adults right? Clearly your statement caught Yoongi off guard as he as actually speechless. His eyes were challenging you though …that’s for damn sure,it  felt like his eyes were fucking you right there..head leaning to the side slightly, his gaze becoming more of a smolder..you started a fire with this one. Letting his tongue dance along his bottom lip as his finger..traced the rim of his glass. Clearing his throat before responding “Well I mean from these post it seems like your more curious as to what my tongue can do as opposed to my dick but hey..”  Leaning back slightly your face clearly reflecting that you were a little taken aback, but also impressed by his response..because again none of you ever had these types of conversations together before . I mean let’s get real they’re grown ass man but of course this isn’t a side of the boys the world got to see. IDOL world is completely different, more…tamed I guess you could say. They don’t talk about sex and girls the way some American artist can so freely, so this was brand new territory and you loved it.. ..His tone was so coy and laxed that all you could do was nod in agreeance the look on your face said “Touche”  Not sure if it was the liquid courage or if this was just the way they were behind closed doors but you had no complaints. There was something really sexy, knowing that it appears some of the fantsities you as fans think the boys are into might be true. The fact that they can be one way to world..and completely different behind closed doors had your skin on fire. I mean of course you see hints of it on stage and let your mind wander else were but fuck..it’s a whole other experience hearing it first hand, your panties were done for at this point.
 You watched the other boys go completely wide eyed at Yoongi’s comment…not surprised but surprised he took it there. Especially Namjoon as he glanced back at him “Oh please don’t even start bra master “ sticking out your tongue playfully as you successfully made him cringe at the reference .Out of habit,the conversation started breaking out in their native tongue briefly before they caught themselves. Switching back to English seamlessly  so you didn’t feel awkward… “Hyung I still Believe you just said that out loud! Damn I guess you’re officially the 8th member of BTS, because we don’t talk like this around anybody..but each other..” Jimin’s  eyes met yours smiling up at him, feeling pretty damn, good because one that means they were genuinely comfortable with you, and two, I mean fuck what girl wouldn’t love to talk kink fantasys  with the people there actually about. Especially because they kinda seem to be into it, I mean shit if that’s not something, to get yourself off to at night then I don’t know what is! Yet, through all this you couldn’t help but still glance back over at Jungkook . He was just so removed while the rest of you were having a ball, and that’s just not like him! “Hey I think I’m gonna go lay down..I just got really tired for some reason….” His eyes met Namjoons before he excused himself…”Night Kookie…” glancing over at him because it was clear he want going to speak..”Night…” Scrunching in your nose at how dry that response was ….
 You 10:30pm : Okay…what the fucks your deal????
BTW- I will also note this in part 1, as well as it’s kinda discussed at the end of part 1. These “Sessions” will not be rushed..in my mind this spans the last couple months of tour so Jan-April. Y/N gets to Tokyo Jan 1st btw, in all honesty in the two week period of her vacation I will probably only have her hook up with 2 of the guys and put a break in between for the others. It will be reference at the end of part 1 “If any other situations come up naturally in the future..and you choose to indulge, that’s completely up to you, but that dose NOT affect our dynamic”
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pocketofjeonbunny · 7 years
100 reasons to stan the Kim Taehyung 💜
Tumblr media
When Tae sneezes into Kookie’s face by accident and Kookie sneezes back on him as revenge 
When he drew leashes on BTS and then got beat up later
Taehyung: “Oppa will be back.” 
When he teaches Victoria to call Jimin, ‘Jiminie babo’ *insert Jimin’s “what the hell”* 
When he spoke Russian and English to the zombies in attempt to stop them from tagging him
When he came rushing in with his bike to join Hope on the Street and then joins their dancing (8:00)
When he failed to successfully create a heart with Namjoon 3 times before getting it right
When he attempted 50 billion times to bottle flip but then Kookie came along and go it in 2 tries 
When Tae was hiding under a mattress during a game where Kookie was to find Jimin and Tae while blindfolded (3:38) 
When he tried to play the saxophone, claiming that he could play it really well, but had the boys dying because it sounded like a boat horn
The way he sprinted when he spotted a pigeon (it was actually a seagull) on the beach (1:19) 
Taehyung speaking his alien language 
When he makes pyjamas look extremely fashionable 
When he was love struck over Chopa
When he smugly showed off Chopa’s skills in front of Kookie and Miri
His million dollar smile that can blind your eyes with love, cripple your heart and make you feel all warm and fuzzy and giddy inside 
When he points out his pimples and tells the camera to say hello to his friend
When he was over the moon for gaining weight
When he said he believed that rabbits existed on the moon
When Kookie, in American Hustle Life, made Tae eat onion as a punishment (although he was spitting it out secretly)
When in Bon Voyage, Tae knew he was being pranked by the boys but played along by pranking them back
 When he pretended he could hear the members talking on the giant hill although he was just using their mic
Tae screaming, ‘Its my birthday’ in the middle of a Fire performance 
When Tae and Yoongi were told to describe Daegu in one word at the same time and he said ‘intestines’
When Taehyung was hardcore dancing to PSY’s ‘Daddy’ at SBS Inkigayo
When he was running from the toilets while yelling “GALLANT GALLANT!” because he didn’t want to miss Gallant’s performance
When in Rookie King, Tae sabotaged Jimin’s team in a team vs team cooking show by adding loads of salt because he knows his team would lose
When Tae knew the camera was focusing on him during an award show during a performance so he planned to sing along with the song but then sang the wrong lyrics and cracked up so hard when he realised everyone saw him mess up 
When Tae and Jin pretended to physically fight over their ‘girlfriend’ who was the camera 
When he was whipping like a pro
When he was singing the lyrics of ‘Me you’ to Jimin while dramatically and cutely pointing at Jimin
When he wrote that letter to Jimin (enough said…)
When he was dancing along to Boombayah but accidentally banged his elbow into Baekhyun 
When he excitedly danced along the sidelines with Baekhyun and Kookie to Rain’s performance of Rainism 
When Namjoon asked Tae to say thank you and I love you in English to ARMY but he instead said, “You are my everything” while intensely staring into the camera *me die* (7:09)
When he tried to say he wants to be a saxophonist but instead said ‘sexy porn star’ and then got really embarrassed. And then when he was asked to say it again he said, “woodwind instrument” instead
When he rammed his ass into Yoongi’s face while he was blindfolded (5:45)
When Tae was begging to Jimin for food like a puppy during that treasure hunt run episode (0:20)
When Tae casually says ‘thank you’ to the zombies in the haunted house while the rest were screaming their asses off
When Tae was panting like a puppy when Hoseok grabbed Tae’s long choker like it was a leash 
Tae and Kookie’s bro handshake/dance (which is hella extra)
When he said if he could have any name it was Jack (from Titanic) “Jake, come back!” (3:30)
Tae kissing the camera 
When he was so excited and fangirling over that little girl from a fan meet
When he was rocking the bandana and red hair while acting HELLA rude with a fan (mhmm you know what I’m talking about)
When he accidentally stumbles and hides his face in embarrassment
When he falls over and lands on his face while riding the hoverboard (poor baby)
When he was enjoying the fried chicken so much that he almost fell off his chair (5:19)
His red hair look in general… 
When he makes an elephant using his two moles on his arms
When he sticks his tongue out and bites his lips VERY SEXUALLY… (self-explanatory)
When Tae dances to “I Need U” in heels flawlessly (1:21) 
When he was acting cheeky by putting on and taking off the hat to get a reaction from the fans (2:33)
Tae belly dancing in Dubai (3:00)
Tae’s perfume dance to ‘Pick me’
When BTS attended Music Bank and Tae was being his usual extra self (with his fur coat and chicken dance) (1:50)
Tae’s sweet fan service to fanboys (2:17)
When he repeatedly imitates Namjoon from Dope mv
When he was whining like an adorable baby during a photo shoot and saying “me too me too me too me too” because he wanted to finish his photoshoot too and join Kookie in the pool (0:30)
Tae’s “Not. Not…No!” on Ellen (3:50)
When Tae, while acting all shy, humble and adorable, admitted in the Buzzfeed interview that in public people stare at him in awe because of how handsome he is (all those people is me) (4:40)
When Tae and Jimin were playing with the car window and making meme faces at the camera (9:02)
When Tae was rapping Cypher pt.4 at a fan meet and continued mouthing to himself even when Hoseok took the mic away from him (6:45)
When he was trying to discreetly walk past while Namjoon was being interviewed but accidentally stumbled on light cords and knocked objects over (0:26)
When he dramatically fell over while ice skating in a run episode
When Tae and Yoongi (the Hawaiian couple) get paired together MULTIPLE TIMES. 
When Taegi is always holding hands 
When in the haunted house episode, Tae cheated by using the video camera in the darkroom to see better (when the room is supposed to remain dark) 
When Taehyung and Yoongi were dabbing and dancing hardcore to New Face by PSY during the karaoke game 
When Jungkook was grilling meat without gloves and Tae was very concerned because he didn’t want Kookie to get hurt 
Tae sneezing 
Tae rapping to his favourite part in Cypher part 3 (which was Yoongi’s part) 
When Tae and Hoseok shared food with the staff members by feeding them (so kind-hearted and generous)
When Tae appreciated Yoongi for his hard work by cooking food for themselves and for Yoongi trying hard while singing and dancing to New Face by PSY on the karaoke machine 
Fancam of Tae from that mic drop performance….that body roll… No further comment 
When Tae looked smitten over Kookie 
Some Taekook moments hehehe 
When Tae was excited when the host of TheMorningMess was a fan of Daniel Ceasar as well
Tae’s hands *choking*
Photographer Tae
Tae’s ‘chocolate cheeks and chocolate wings’ *choking and combusting* 
His heart of gold 
When he repeatedly said “Our fans ARMY, you made all of this possible” in English 
When he was looking fine as hell in that bandana during their DNA performance at the AMAs 
Tae eating a huge a slice of cake in one go 
When he was imitating D.Va, an overwatch character, by cutely squatting and pretending to drive 
When the boys exposed Tae’s noisy gaming habits during an interview and Tae imitates himself “I’m fighting, I’m fighting” 
After finding out the interviewer enjoys game, Tae said he will give him his ID after filming 
Taehyung in No More Dreams dance break in Nanjing (Caution: I shall not be held responsible for the triggering deaths caused by this video) 
Tae acting all goofy and extra on the runway during their impromptu fashion show in a Run episode
When he didn’t flinch AT ALL during James Corden’s Flinch game 
When he got all shy in front of the camera while Yoongi received his award
When Tae choked on his water and laughed so hard when his and Seokjin’s song was shown as a nomination for best ost 
His love and appreciation for Jin 
Tae’s collarbones *choking* 
Tae’s vlives when he is the most relatable and cutest lil bun 
Tae continuously sipping on some mysterious substance in a cup during the Ellen show (like what the hell was in that cup?) 
Tae growling during the DNA performance on Ellen *choking* 
The hip thrust move from blood sweat and tears *combusting this time* 
Kookie attacking Tae with a lightsaber while Tae kicks him back 
Most importantly, he is the sweetest precious lil bun ever who deserves to be showered with all the love in the world! 
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Jungkook’s Affection
After hearing all the news today, I’m just so so sorry to anyone and everyone affected, I really hope everyone’s okay or will be okay and hopefully some fluff will cheer you up bc this is why I love fluff, it’s something to make your mood better, even if it’s only for a few minutes!! Now it’s time for the second half of the Busan line, our amazing maknae who was so fucking cute in the Home Party live, he’s always cute but that was just that was some good shit man how are all of the Jungkook stans doing, Jeon Jungkook aka kookie
Just a quick explanation of this since it’s pretty self explanatory, this is just gonna be a post about I think the boys would cuddle/hug, their PDA levels, etc.
Sweetest boyfriend
Who initiates the affection is a 50/50 chance, sometimes it’ll be him, sometimes it’s you but he’s actually pretty affectionate he’s a bit of a cuddle bug
Playful troublemaker
Teases you 25/8 in the most loving, playful way possible
It seems like the more comfortable he is with someone, the more he’ll tease them, like the boys have said that when they first met him he was so shy and now he’s forever imitating them and teasing them and it’s so obvious he loves them
Goes to tease you about being in love with him but then realizes he’s just as in love
“Lol someone has a crush”
“We’ve been together for three years”
Will make faces at you whenever you look at him
Asks you to tie his tie regardless of if he knows how to tie it or not, just so he can see how flustered you get when he’s so close and is acting all romantic
Will playfully lean away when you go to kiss him afterwards
Absolutely 100% will let you play with his hair and probably falls asleep when you do it
The boys/camera crew have documented it quite a few times but when he’s asleep, not much can disturb him
So you could very easily squish his cheeks, you could play with his hair, you could give him lil kisses on his cute face, you could cuddle up to him and take a nap with him that’s a r e a l l y good option bc he’s super warm
He’s s o ideal for cuddling don’t even get me started
He’s all broad and tall and probably so fucking warm and his cologne is probably amazing and cuddling him is just so pleasant
He’s a spooner for the main part, he’s definitely big spoon judging by his love for back hugs, also gotta mention the one Taekook moment in Bon Voyage where kook gets in Tae’s bunk and automatically lays on his side and puts his arm around him like that’s top quality spooning material
But he also really really loves it when you have your head on his chest bc he can play with your hair or rub your back or kiss your forehead 
The two are for sure the most common but there are certain days where he’d prefer to rest his head on your chest or just have you hold him really tight
Days where so many things have gone wrong, days where he’s either leaving for tour or just coming back, days where he just really really missed you, etc.
Also if you ask him to, he will be v v happy to sing you a song to help you fall asleep (just picture that for a moment)
Pillow talk is super playful but also really sweet??
Like he has his moments where he gets really close to your face and just makes a weird face to make you laugh but then he’ll kiss your nose really softly when you do laugh 
Tbh, making you laugh is one of his biggest goals in general, he loves making people laugh so seeing you laugh and smile and just be happy around him is one of his favorite things about the relationship
His hugs are equally as amazing
As I mentioned earlier, kook has such a love for back hugs and it’s so fucking cute
There are literally entire videos dedicated to kook and his back hugs, he loves them so much and I’m so here for that I mean his back hugs look amazing
Sometimes he’ll rest his chin on your shoulder or lay his head on it, sometimes he’ll sway the two of you all slow, sometimes he’ll wiggle you or play with your hands, it all depends on his mood 
But he’s also super okay with being back hugged, I mentioned it in Tae’s post but I gotta bring it back up here bc it’s so fucking precious, there have been a couple time where Tae has latched on kook and they just waddle around together
Will probably, at one point or another, hum the Titanic song while one of you is back hugging the other
He kinda always has that habit of putting his chin on your shoulder or on top of your head (if it’s at a comfortable reach and he doesn’t have to stretch too far) whenever he hugs you
He won’t say much during the longer hugs, he’ll just close his eyes and relax in your arms and he’ll get a lil smile when he notices you’re wearing the perfume/cologne he bought for you and it’s all very peaceful and relaxing and it’s one of those moments where you both feel really safe and warm and you wish those hugs could last forever
Also has a habit of leaning his arm on your shoulder whenever he stands next to you tbh, doesn’t matter if you’re shorter or taller (but he’s okay with you doing the same to him) if he doesn’t back hug you that is
Very soft kisses, always
In the beginning of the relationship, his kisses are a lot shier, a lot quicker a lot more “mission abort missION ABORT” but the longer you two are together, the more confident he gets with everything but especially kissing
The super quick, shy kisses that you can barely acknowledge before they’re over turn into sweet kisses that take your breath away and make your mind just go blank the entire time he’s kissing you
His kisses are always really sweet but they get more and more playful as he gets more comfortable with kissing you and some of them are purely to make you laugh
Like sometimes they’re super super quick and it’s mainly to annoy you but then to make up for it, he’ll kiss your cheeks and your nose and your forehead and just all over until you’re laughing
But then he has the sweet kisses that are s o so so so love filled and passionate bc he’s a passionate lil bun and he’s almost always cupping your face, if he isn’t, his hands are on your waist to pull you super close or they’re in your hair, one or the other
He loves initiating kisses when you least expect it bc he loves the moment of shock before you kiss back, he loves the playful scolding, he loves all of it but if you ever do it to him, he’s gonna get so flustered
He’s not gonna know what to do, he’s just gonna squirm around and resist the urge to scream or squeal until his heart calms back down and tbh, it’s pretty amusing to watch
Forehead kisses are frequent, they’re his favorite but he also loves nose kisses
Forehead kisses are more of his way of silently saying “I love you” or “hey you’re cute” whereas nose kisses are more of a “you haven’t smiled in a few minutes let’s change that”
He’s more likely to hold your hand rather than intertwine your fingers together (even though he’s got n o t h i n g against the latter) .
He loves being able to give your palm lil squeezes or rub circles into the back of your hand when you’re nervous (and vice versa he would really appreciate that)
He’s more of a hugger, more of arm over the shoulders type of person so hand holding isn’t the most common show of affection but it’s still v v loved and he’s not gonna complain if you wanna hold his hand 
His favorite thing to do (when you aren’t in motion) is to have one of your hands in both of his and to toy with your fingers
His hands would be so warm and so gentle with yours it’s just so 10/10
Onto PDA levels
He’s one of the more shy members when it comes to PDA, especially at first
It’ll also depend on where you two are, if you’re with the boys, it’s pretty much the exact same as being alone bc kook’s so beyond comfortable with all of them that they’re family to him 
But if he’s in public and the boys aren’t there, it’s gonna be restricted to hand holding or very basic PDA bc he’s a shy bun at times
Like kissing is definitely private, quick hugs are a maybe (an occasional arm over the shoulder or around the waist is okay though) hand holding is a yes, playing around and teasing each other is a yes
D e fi nitely has a couple item but it’d be something really subtle, like a matching pair of earrings (since we all know the boys loves him some piercings and I’m so fucking for it I can’t stress it enough I love his piercings so much) or matching phone backgrounds, things that are lil and easy to miss bc then it’s more of an inside thing
Side note, speaking of phone backgrounds, he’s the type of boyfriend that takes your phone when you aren’t looking and takes a bunch of selfies at all the weird angles and then sets them as the background after changing his contact name to something like “best boyfriend in the world” or “cool dude” with the fucking sunglasses emoji and then the smirking emoji bc he’s just he’s a meme sometimes and I love him for it but don’t let him near your phone unless you want a hundred photos of him trying to pull a double chin and another ten photos of his dog
Jungkook’s affection is very playful but loving (just like him) it’s constant, it’s almost always about making you laugh/smile bc that’s one of his favorites, especially when it’s caused by him
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cannolicas · 7 years
Vacation with bts
Being in the airport with the whole band (friend) would include:
~ clingy travel baby jimin™
"Y/N I'm bored! I wanna cuddle. Wanna be my cuddle buddy?"
~ taehyung insisting you do some kind of stupid snapchat on the moving walkway, (and you 100% obliging because he's taetae)
"yeah do that again! Please?!
~ momma Jin hating the terminal food and fighting with security over bringing food in
~ jungkook making stupid jokes in the security line. "God damn I'd give her a pat down too" "why don't you go say hi?" "God no"
~ dancing on the plane with hobi and kookie,(not by choice.)
~ namjoon breaking stuff and the two of you co-conspiriting about it.
~ yoongi sleeping on the plane
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Being in an airport with Seokjin would include:
~ Him and you having matching luggage, carry-on bags, and probably outfits too. Dressed maddd cute.
~ probably going somewhere mellow but touristy, like San Francisco, Florence, the Philippines, or somewhere like that
~ first class everything (ofc, only the best for his baby)
~ if your bag is heavy, he'll carry it.
~ him carrying your bag
~ moving the armrest and sharing the two seats.
~ being that snugly couple at the baggage claim
~cute selfies while waiting for the uber.
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being in an airport with Yoongi would include:
~ grumpy gramps b.c. it's too early for him.
~probably going somewhere like a spa resort, like Maui, Santa Barbra, Sorento, Thailand, mexico, exc.
~ cuddly trip of just the two of you sleeping the whole flight.
~ literaly acting like a big baby and complaining the while time.
~ him sitting in his suitcase and begging you to race him
~ annoying yoongi jkjk he's an angel baby.
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being in an airport with namjoon would include:
~ EXPENSIVE BOI omi YSL bag and shit so much money spent on luggage.
~ probably going to a city with history and art, like London, Paris, Rome, st.petersburg, madrid exc.
~ loves people watching with you and playing dumb travel games
~ watches those weird travel videos like your grandma, pt.1
~ travels at night because it's more beautiful.
~ will just pick up some rench/italian/ Spanish exc just because.
~ wears comfy clothes and still looks hella hot
~ mile high club???
~ traveling together feels hella intimate.
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being in the airport with hoseok would include
~ "Im scared if flying jagi hold my hand!" "bitch you fly for tour all the time?!?"
~ just started doing weird shit randomly.
~ probably going somewhere weird, somewhere aesteticy like iceland, Scotland, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Isreal exc.
~him putting you in a luggage cart and pushing you
~ can we find him a child leash cus damn he needs one
~ "jagi can you fit in the suitcase?" "Fucking hell you child"
~ racing on luggage carts
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being in the airport with Jimin would include:
~ couple goals from your cute lil pastel baby
~ probably going somewhere beautiful, beachy and romantic, like Jeju, Borabora, Maldives, Dominican Republic, or something like that
~ cuddly jimin who brings a sherpa blanket for the plane
~"we have a few hours till out flight" "Lets go exploring!" "ji-" "to duty free!" Pt.1
~ brown and Sally passport covers
~ that couple on the plane that makes everyone laugh by wearing matching slippers on the plane and doing really cute and dumb stuff like acting out titanic scenes.
~ 'prefers flights that are at least six hours'
~ gets mad at the baggage claim and stands on the revolver and then it starts and he falls
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being in an airport with taehyung would include:
~ probably going somewhere bright, like tokyo, hongkong, Singapore
~ is a smiley ball of sunshine
~ watches videos on where your going to like your grandma does, pt. 2
~ his hair is so fluffy so when he lies his head on your tummy while your waiting for the plane to come it tickles
~allways let's you have the window seat
~can't keep his fucking hands to himself smh everyone knows your a couple bc your probably on his fucking lap
~ artsy photos walking through the tunnel/ getting on the plane
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being in an airport with jungkook would include:
~ probably going to an infamous city, like NYC, L.A, Saudi, Oslo, Helsinki, exc
~ "lets go exploring" pt.2
~ probably v-live-ing the whole thing
~ fights over the window seat
~ iNuEnDoS the whole time
~ 'palm tress are the best
~ airports are his favorite place
~ he tells you story's about flying with his hyung and his eyes literaly sparkle.
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spoiledsplendid · 5 years
2020 Grammy Awards Fashion Critique
First of all, thanks for all the messages and notes asking if I was still doing fashion articles. I had a terrible cold during the Golden Globes and just couldn’t get an article out. So I’m going to try to make it up to you with this year’s Grammy review.
There was plenty going on at the Grammy red carpet this year - but maybe the most shocking was the lack of celebrity powerhouses. Beyonce (who was at 2 pre-Grammy award events this weekend) was very noticeably absent, especially considering her four nominations. Taylor Swift who had three nominations backed out from showing and performing. Lady Gaga - absent even though she ended up winning 2 Grammys. Cardi B - skipped the carpet entirely. Kacey Musgraves where are you? And Keith Urban’s fashionista and multi-talented wife Nicole Kidman was at home with the flu. But even with the lack of star-power, there was still plenty to look at.
Ariana Grande brought the drama (very fitting) in this oversized Giambattista Valli Haute Couture gown. The grey tulle dress was over 20 feet in diameter…which is pretty epic considering Ariana’s tiny frame. This is likely why she took a little rest on the red carpet. She finished the look with opera gloves and custom Louboutin heels with non-slip soles. And not surprisingly, she wore her signature ponytail and dark cateye.
Gwen Stefani stole the show in this short beaded Dolce & Gabanna dress. Stefani is taking a big risk, being one of the few A-List celebrities willing to wear Dolce & Gabanna on a red carpet. Over the past year, Dolce & Gabanna have been blacklisted for racism and extremely offensive social media. Regardless of that, the dress is perfection on Gwen. I love the shimmer, the design, the shape - pretty much everything. While I would have preferred a pair of killer heels, these boots make the outfit edgier which is more authentic to Gwen. Her hair and makeup - stunning. I hope Blake knows how lucky he is.
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Jameela Jamil is not a name I’ve ever heard before (she is the girlfriend of James Blake)…but it’s certainly one I’m going to remember. She bested the majority of the celebrities in this vibrant blue pailette shingle tiered gown from Georges Chakra - a Lebanese-based haute couture designer. The dress is young and playful and a great choice for her. Her makeup and hair are beautiful - and the absence of jewelry makes us focus on one thing: her face. Overall, one of the most memorable looks of the night. Can’t wait to see her on the next red carpet
Heidi Klum impresses me (finally) in this killer Dundas dress. 9 times out of 10, Heidi goes kooky and ends up on my worst dressed list. I love Heidi - and she is super sweet in person (we had a shopping moment together on Roberston Blvd in LA). So I was so glad she wowed me at the Grammys. Love the jewelry and the Giuseppe Zanotti sandals. If I was going to picky, I’d likely have pulled some of the hair back or up or cut off a couple inches. Happy seeing Heidi looking her best self.
Lizzo has never looked better - thanks to Atelier Versace. When I first saw this look, I loved how she was channeling a Marilyn Monroe look with the draped faux fur and diamonds. I’m glad that Lizzo kept the makeup and hair simple and fresh because there is a lot going on with this look already - and bold hair and makeup could have ruined this look. The construction and fit of the dress is perfection - proving Versace still has it. Her strappy sandals are by Rene Caovilla and the $2 million worth of diamonds are by Lorraine Schwartz.
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Oooooo oooooo ooooo. Bebe Rexha was certainly not shy in this oversized Christian Cowan tuxedo with chainmail turtleneck. Last year, Bebe had difficulty finding a designer to work with her (because she isn’t sample size) - but since then she is always one of my faves to watch and she almost always knocks it out of the ballpark. Her hair and makeup - brilliant. I think this is the sexiest look of the night. Well done!
Camila Cabello all too often dresses too girly for my liking - but at this year’s Grammys she embraced her womanhood. She proved that she can handle couture in this edgy gothic Atelier Versace gown. The sculptural overskirt sits atop a woven leather minidress embellished with Swarovski crystals. Certainly Camila appreciates her bling, including the $2 million (over 100 carats) that were provided by Le Vian.
Methinks that Shawn Mendes and Common went shopping together. Shawn totally rocked this Louis Vuitton berry colored tux while Common went for a deeper wine Dolce & Gabbana suit. Both look incredible - but these shades clash with the red carpet. So they might have looked better with black trousers. Overall, I can’t fault their fashion or how they look.
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The Jonas Brothers certainly turned heads in their metallic suits by Ermenegildo Zegna XXX. Knowing that they would be photographed together, I appreciate that they worked with a single fashion house to wear complimentary looks. I especially like Nick’s bronze suit and matching shoes and bracelet. A very modern take on formal wear.
The Worst
Lil Nas X is used to bold outfits but this is just silly. He looks more like a piece of bubble gum than an artist in this Versace ensemble. There is just too much going on from the studding, the exaggerated shoulders, the hat, the harness, the fishnet, the collar, the double belt, the scarf around the wrist and so much more. It actually hurts my eyes looking at this. Lil Nas X - keep the costumes for the stage, not the red carpet.
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Oh you two. What on earth were you thinking? Chrissy looks laughable in this peach Yanina Couture gown with dramatic tulle ruffles. I do think her hair and makeup look gorgeous. John isn’t a tall guy - so why is wearing an asymmetrical 3/4 length blazer. It chops him and makes him look even shorter. I couldn’t find the designer of his suit - but perhaps they have gone into hiding?
Billie Eilish proved that she can wear high fashion. Sadly, she also proved she can’t wear it well. This is just silly. Now I love my Gucci but this isn’t stylish, nor a statement, nor attractive. The face-mask makes me think she is either a ninja or has coronavirus or both. The oversized logo suit does nothing for her. The lime green matches her hair - but not sure that’s exactly a good thing either. While I actually think her GG nails are really awesome, the fingerless logo gloves make her look more like a crypt-keeper. Finally, the bejewelled Gucci shoes she is wearing are several seasons old. I much preferred the Gucci outfit she wore to perform in.
I like that Billy Porter embraces his true self - but Billy needs to embrace fashion and not gimmicks. Billy’s hat had a motorized fringe - but if you look closely, the construction was amateur. The hat is silly. The fact that it’s motorized is ridiculous. The sparkly blue pantsuit by Baja East looks like it came out of a terrible early 80s music video. Even Billy’s jewelry bothered me…for starters, whats with the spider bracelet? The spider bracelet didn’t even fit and looked as though it was about to fall off his wrist when he was presenting. Billy can work with any stylist or designer, and I would to see him in more luxurious and stylish fashion. Please Billy Please!
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Shania Twain don’t impress me much in this trainwreck of a dress by Christian Siriano. This polka-dot tulle ruffle dress over a black romper has way too much going on. The skirt and sleeves are oversized and not flattering. I actually like the ruffled neckline but the belt looks cheap. The romper is too young for the 54 year old songstress. But what I like the least is the hair. C’mon girl. You looked great in the silver mirrored dress that you presented in…that should have been your red carpet look.
I love Ben Platt. I love Balmain. But this just doesn’t not work for me. Did Ben raid Liza Minnelli’s closet? Was this from the original Cabaret? The turtleneck with the retro print just makes him look twice his age. I don’t like the short trousers but I do like the Jimmy Choos he is wearing. So I guess he did something right. Ben, I’ll be in NYC for the Tony Awards - lets go shopping and I’ll get you all suited up for next gala season - ok?
0 notes
lolbtsaus · 7 years
Long Distance with Jungkook
Last but certainly not least is the last member of the maknae line, the second half of the Busan line, the other half of Jinkook, our golden maknae with such a cute smile like the lil bunny smile and the laugh and the nose scrunch good shiT, Jeon Jungkook aka kookie
So this series is gonna be about a long distance relationship (ldr for short) with the boys
This is gonna involve some reverse idol!Jungkook (here) which is basically where the reader is the idol and kookie is the fanboy, it involves youtuber!kook (here) to sum it up, he’s a gamer
There is a mention of ldr!kook in a drabble called Stress (here) which also features reverse idol!kook so this is gonna be the prequel to that drabble, but you don’t have to read it or any of the posts linked up there to be able to understand what’s going on in this post, they’re there to add in some back story for the people that are curious about it
You two had been dating for around nearly a year and everything was going great, you were happy and in love but both of you knew the tour was coming up
You would be on the road for a few months so it wasn’t horribly long but a few months in a new relationship is a big deal, those are make it or break it months
He can’t come along bc he’s got school and his entire gaming setup it at his place and it’s too heavy to lug around everywhere and too expensive to just buy replacements of
You two spend that last night before tour together and say goodbye then bc he’s got class the next day and you two wanna say goodbye in private bc Jungkook is just a private person when it comes to that stuff and also bc the relationship is still hush hush
So it’s a very long goodbye, it’s a full night of saying you’ll miss each other and how you’ll text and call each other all the time and it’s all cuddles and really gentle kisses and it’s just really sweet
You watch his live streams while you’re away, when you’re getting ready, when you’re going to bed, when you’re waking up, whenever he does one bc time zones man, you’re in a different one all the time
He plays a lot of different games but he also takes the time to sit back and talk about shit that’s going on, he updates everyone on his major, on his friendships, on his love life
His subscribers do know he’s in a relationship but they just don’t know who the other person is
“My love and I are happy, we’re long distance rn but we’re happy”
It’s always super cute to watch him play games bc he gets this concentrated look on his face that’s super cute and he gets so competitive at times and he almost always plays with Tae or Jimin or sometimes Jin when he’s not busy
He gets you to play Overwatch with him, regardless of how far away you are but that happens off camera bc if people heard your voice and heard you two calling each other pet names and shit, they’d be pretty quick at putting two and two together
He doesn’t even try to hide his competitiveness around you anymore, in the first few months of dating, he was really nice about winning or losing and would always congratulate you if you won and encourage you to try again if you lost but now it’s just all swear words or unintentional pouts if he loses 
But there are serious moments as well, you two Skype/Facetime a lot or sometimes just call each other and it’s of course not serious all the time but that’s where you’re the most likely to say the “I miss you” or “I really want you here”
He sends you some selfies and he wants some back bc he misses your face he misses being able to repeatedly poke your cheek to get your attention but he also sends a couple video clips here and there of him and Jimin or him and his fish bc why wouldn’t he get a fish he names her after a character in Overwatch and he acknowledges that she doesn’t do much but he loves her a lot
I also have a head canon that gamer!kook has a reptile of some sort, a lizard, a snake anything like that so there are some pictures of his lil reptile friends as well
You’re both a bit down bc your first anniversary is coming up but you’ll be working that day so on top of you being unable to fly back to spend it with him, you’ll also be busy for the majority of the day
But what you don’t know is that kook is actually flying out and using the time that you’re busy to set your hotel room up with candles and flowers and music and a cute lil dinner he orders in bc there’s zero chance of being able to cook anything himself since he’s only got a couple hours
He doesn’t get too dressed up but he does wear a white button up shirt and some black jeans so he still looks 100%
Your manager is texting him updates on where you are and when you’ll get back so he can have everything ready to go
You wanna cry when you walk into your hotel room and see everything set up and see kook and you give him a huge hug and forget all about the decorations for a few minutes bc he’s here he’s real you can actually hold him again
Then you start looking at all of the things he did, he’s got a couple presents on the bed, the dinner waiting on the table, all of the rose petals and your favorite flowers sitting in a vase on the nightstand it’s all just so cute
“I know it’s not much but I just flew in two hours ago and I thought you’d be too tired to go out so I kept it lowkey”
“It’s perfect”
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