#they both put their whole bussies into this movie and it shows
emotionalwhump · 2 months
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James Fox and Dirk Bogarde on The Servant (1963) Dir. Joseph Losey (P. 1/3)
- "You won't get many better than me, you know. What do you want? An old hag running around the house, getting you up in the morning at the crack of dawn, telling you what to do? My only ambition is to serve you. You know that, don't you?" -
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koko-bopp · 5 years
Flirty Criminal
criminal!song mingi X detective!m!reader
Part 4
word count – 3K
genre – Fluff/Angst | Criminal/Cop!au
warning(s) – mentions of cheating, threats
synopsis – “[Y/N] [L/N] is known famously around his police precinct as the detective that the infamous criminal Song Mingi has a crush on. The detective denies these claims, though Mingi gets into as much trouble as possible just to see him.”
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Things were going well, to say the least.
On one hand, Mingi was madly in love with you, which is what you wanted. Having the criminal wrapped around your finger was what was necessary to complete the job assignment, you were hoping he'd soon melt and tell you what you needed. You didn't ship your husband to Chicago for no reason.
Yet, on the other hand, it was getting increasingly difficult to retrieve what you needed, Mingi was always acting like he wasn't some notorious criminal, he would show a very different side to how he would normally behave. He was sweet, affectionate, constantly horny and just– you wondered; is this what Song Mingi is when he's not leading his life of violent crime.
Three and a half weeks have ran by, hickeys littered your shoulders and many kisses have met your lips. None of it bad, but Mingi had this mindset of 'I am not clingy, but I am', enough for your colleagues to know that you're seeing someone (they all know damn well that it isn't your husband, he was never this possessive) while you would change out of your work gear in the locker rooms.
This new change of pace wasn't annoying or something you were struggling to adapt to. You're literally paid to act cute and go on dates with the guy. Yet it had crossed your mind multiple times as to whether or not you were actually catching feelings for Mingi.
"Wow, your house is really nice," Mingi said, his eyes wondering around the whole place.
It's a big house, it's nice, and you're very much proud of it. High ceilings, a swimming pool at the back, a lovely porch; everything you had wanted as a child. You wrapped your arms around Mingi, his hands holding your waist as you did so. You placed a small kiss on his lips, "I missed you."
"You saw me yesterday," He chuckled, leaning forward to place another kiss. "We're actually having dinner, right? Because I came here on an empty stomach and I'm kind of starving."
"I didn't have a chef's mindset, I hope fancy ramen and wine is enough," You giggled, smiling at Mingi.
He scoffed light-heartedly, "That's fine, Im just starving. Let's enjoy our dinner, yeah?"
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"What the–"
Maybe your husband shouldn't have over-thought the idea of you sending him to Chicago. You told him it as because of the fact that Mingi knew who he was and he was a potential target; and it was partly correct.
But the man you once fell in love with was standing at the entrance of the dining room with the house keys in his hand, shocked expression, eyes wide and horribly confused.
He wasn't in Chicago.
He was in your house, watching you hold hands with Song Mingi as if you were married to him.
Half a second had gone by, and the shock on your husband's face was inevitable.
Mingi was the first to notice. His eyes were smiling with his face while he was looking at you but his expression went cold when he turned his head to the man who was uninvited. He scowled, "Can we help you?"
To which you promptly turned around to as well. Your eyes went wide and out of instinct you stood up and let go of Mingi's hand, turning to your husband, "Ty...What are you doing here?"
"Me?" He scoffed at you, before looking at Mingi, "What's he doing here?"
Mingi didn't hold back, "Date night." He leaned back against the chair, his elbow propped up on the neck of it, almost slouching, but not the lazy kind, the intimidating kind. "And I don't know about you, but I don't like jerks in suits ruining them."
Ty didn't like that. Especially since he felt so in the dark with this whole situation, and the fact that you weren't doing anything to defend him made it that little bit worse. He took a step forward, his nose scrunched in anger, eyes on Mingi, "I could fucking step on you, Song."
Mingi let out a sarcastic laugh, before dropping it to a smirk, "I could fucking shoot you."
"Enough." You frowned at both of them before turning to your husband, "You. Come with me. And you–" You said, pointing at Mingi, "–You stay here."
He rolled his eyes, but stayed put regardless. His gaze drifted to your husband, glaring daggers into the guy's soul as he watched the two of you exit the room. Mingi huffed, unscrewing the bottle of red wine to fill his glass to the top, leaving the narrowest space just so the red toxins didn't overflow and permanently stain the lint, beige, tablecloth.
You had entered the guest bedroom, Ty following behind you before closing the door, making sure that there was no way anybody would hear the two of you. Ty took in a very sharp breath, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes still that bit wide from shock, "[Y/N]." He started, "[Y/N], what the fuck is going on?"
You crossed your arms, remaining calm, "Why aren't you in Chicago?"
"Excuse me?" Ty choked out, not really being able to comprehend the words coming out from his husband's mouth. "That's what your concern is? That I'm interrupting your date? Mind you, with Song fucking Mingi?"
You snapped; "I didn't interrupt your sex session with my partner, Ty."
Ty's expression went from angry to shocked. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again since his mind was too busy re-registering what you'd just said.
There were very few things you were telling the truth about the night you slept with Mingi, but one of them weren't the fact that you found your husband in bed with your partner. The white lie was when you knew. It wasn't that night, you knew months in advance, but you just didn't have the heart to confront both parties about it.
The only issue was, the more you put the confrontation on hold, the more out of love you were with Ty.
And it was the reason why you accepted the whole assignment to trick Mingi into being your boyfriend. You weren't willing to fix things with a cheater, you respected yourself too much for that, but you also went willing to risk putting Ty in danger either, so you told him that sending him to Chicago would be safest for him.
Ty obviously didn't get the message, since he's in the same household as a man who killed a bunch of people, as well as willing to kill someone who's hurt someone he loves.
"Yeah," you sighed, "That's what I thought."
Cheating on a cheater is like fighting fire with fire; there's nothing wrong with it, just as long as both parties are sane enough to manage the flames. But it doesn't mean that ones flame won't occasionally burn the other.
"Get whatever the fuck you need, then go to my precinct. I'll call Haulting, he'll send you on the next flight to a safe house." There's always a plan B. You lock eyes with Ty, no smile, no frown, just some expression that told him that you didn't care what he needed to tell you, "If you need to talk; you call Haulting, not me. He'll forward you to me during bussiness-hours if it's urgent."
"[Y/N], don't—"
"I already did," you said, "And you did too. So don't bother."
Ty frowned, his brows furrowed in the process. He really wanted to say something, something that will show his guilt but also stop you from what he thinks is a dangerous decision. Though he knows danger isn't something you worry about, you didn't become a detective for nothong.
He didn't say anything. He looked at you for the last time that night before walking past you. He couldn't believe he was listening to you, or even letting go of the fact that youre still going to be around that bastard.
He stopped in his tracks when he reached the enterance of the dining room. He glared at Mingi, the jerk was sitting in the chair, glass of wine half empty with a stupid grin on his face that was directed to Ty.
"Watch your step, Song."
"Watch your your back, punk." Mingi laughed, before giving a knowing smirk, "If you're not careful, there might just be a bullet heading your way."
Ty scoffed, heading out the door, not forgetting to slam behind him as he left.
Mingi rolled his eyes, taking a mouthful of the red wine before turning around to see you enter the room again. He smiled at you softly, "You okay?"
You nodded, sighing. "Yeah, sorry."
Mingi shook his head, putting his drink down. He watched you put your phone on the table, the device sitting up. He raised up from his seat, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin on your shoulder, "My help is yours if you need it."
You smiled, just a bit, taking in the smell of his cologne with your arms wrapped around his neck, "Thanks."
Mingi's eyes accidently wandered to your phone. He saw the thing light up, so it was almost hard to miss.
Wayne Haulting (Supervisor)
[8:11pm] I know you're on a date with Song, but I need a report back on hi...
The criminal frowned. His thoughts rushed to one thing, then to another, before stopping when you pulled away from the embrace.
His heart almost melted when you smiled at him, the action replicating a similar expression on his face.
You sighed, "Sorry for ruining dinner." You said, gently pulling on one of Mingi's buttons, "Want to watch a movie or something?"
Mingi nodded, "Sure."
But not before his mind fixing to wanting to know what that text was about.
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hellomynudebrain · 6 years
A commoner for you, today. (Juminxreader)
Sorry for the late update. But I had some issues and, well. I can’t write in theses past days, so without taking much time  I leave  my first attemp of writting a fluff fanfic, so I hope you like it.
Those were the words  that a few strangers told to your husband. He and you wanted a really simple celebration with the RFA, his father and you. But at the last moment his father prepared a party with a bunch of bussiness partners and a really, really rich people.
His father rented a whole restaurant on the most expensive hotel in the city. The place was a decoraded with a minimalistic style. All in black and white, the dishes were so well decoraded and were from lobster to caviar, and the desserts were ice cream with pieces of gold and chocolate cake made by a chef that used Godiva, organic eggs and milk from a cow of Kobe, and even you were dress with the most expensive brand, makeuo, shoes, accesories, well, the luxury was in the air.
But you were far from you love one. But even if it was lonesome, you took this oportunity to go out from the party and do something special for him, excuse yourself and telling that you have a stomach ache. 
He didn’t want to spend the last few hours with these people, but he didn’t risk you for anything. So he let you go without him.
He arrived late that night. He went directly to the bed, and when he saw you lay down on the bed, in deep sleep he felt realieved, but just a little dissapointed, because he couldn’t spend that his day with you. Although he couldn’t suspect what you planed for him.
The next morning, Elizabeth the third, enter to the room and jump on his stomach and made him stand up  abruptly from the bed. Then when he put his hand over the bed and didn’t feel you, he got worried. 
He went out from the room in a rush maybe you were in the bathroom. But you weren’t there. We look in the kitchen and the living room, but you weren’t.  He really got work up. He got dress with the firts pieces of clothes he found. But  exactly at the momnt he was going outside for looking at you. You enter at the penhouse with a few bags on your hands. 
“...LOVE!...Where were you?”
“ I went to buy some...stuff for us.” You stopped a moment when you talked, because you didn’t want to spoil the surprise.
“WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! If you need anything I can send someone to the store and buy wichever stuff you wanted! You know you can use my money!”
You got scared from all the yelling but, when you looked at close, you found out he wear the pants from his suit from last night, a weird pink t-shirt with a cat showing the middle finger , your cat slippers and your pink bathrobe. And to finished a really concerned face with a messy hair.
“Sorry, Jumin. I had to go out. I know that is not a excuse but...sorry” He got surprised when you hug him from nowhere, but he hug you back. You could feel his hands shaking while he hold you in his arms. 
The guilt hit you, but at this time all the hard work you  did  at the last minute yesterday, couldn’t be waste.
“...Alright...I have a surprise for you...but first change this...outfit...with the clouthes I bought.” Then you took one of the bags and gave it to him. 
“Then go, go! Because we’re late” and pushed him inside the room to change his clothes.
Once he changed and get out from the room. He got surprise with the outfit you chose. It was a casual look, a cap and a pair of fashion glasses. He was confused. His foxed look was so cute that you gave him a peck on the lips and take his hand.
“Come. Let’s get out from here!”
You two, came out from the back of the building.The last thing you wanted were the papparazzi taking pictures from both of you and ruined your plans.
You took the subway to the center of the city. Nobody would ever suspected that the C&R's CEO and his wife took the subway.
First, you went to an old bookstore. He was more confused than he was on the morning.
"... Ehm... Love?"
"What's wrong Jumin?"
"It's not my intention to be rude with you... Specially with my princess... But what are we doing here?..." He asked you with one eyebrown up.
"What is so funny?!"
"Please trust me, it part of my present and apologize gift for my ausense  of the party... and the mornig. Just come with me.."
"... I trust you, but after what happened in the morning... Well..."
"I'm really sorry. But... Pleaseee!" You pauted a bit, but knowing perfectly that one the things Jumin find of you adorable and when you do it you’re invinsible.
"... Ah... Alright... I follow you..."
"Yes" You took him inside the bookstore with your link hands. Usually he wants to hold his hand in every event you go, for stop any kind of approuch from any guy, but this time he felt shy. And the worst of it, it's that you know.
All the bookstore smell like old paper, to you and Jumin it didn’t bother any way. But you went directly to a stand. And took a old book with yellow paste. 
“..Here, Jumin. My first present for you...”
He look at you all confused, but he told you that he trust you, so he took the book.
“...What’s this?”
“ Just turn the book, silly”
“...This is...”
“Yes, tht’s the book you were looking for months. The tiger in the house by Carl Van Vechten. “
“Thank you, my princess! I was looking for it so much. This way I can teach to Elizabeth the 3er her importance in this world.” He smiled broadly,
“Well..that’s your first present. So, let’s go, because we’re late.” Once more you took him by this time from his arm. 
You took him to the arcade and play like fools. He didn’t know how to play at the begining, but after a while he beat you at every game. Once you finished, you went directly to the theater, watched a old action movie. He thought that wasn’t a reallly good choice but after see it he got excited. He never expected that the commoner way of living was so amusing, you told him this is not a zoo.  After the movie, both of you rushed to take the bus to the  amusement. He felt out of place with so much pleople in just one car. But when a guy approached behind you and looked suspicious to him. He immediatly took action and change your place for his. You took the carrusel, the rollercouster and the ferri wheel. He neves experienced this and he had so much fun. He got kind of sick on the rollercoster and dizzy on the ferri wheel, but seeing you with such smiling face...he couldn’t be more happy. 
At last, you took a taxi to a small and family restaurant. He thought that maybe you were going to his favorite luxurious resturant, but instead you took him to a cheap place like that. but anyway, it was you way from showing love to him. So, who cares.
Once inside the restaurant one waitress recived you. She instantly began to flirt with Jumin, what made you completly jelous.So you sticked to his arm and got clingy. Until you arrived to the table, you never let him go. 
You ordered the food that he has ever ate in his life. Pizza, pasta, fries, hamburgers, and more. He suspected the appearance of the food, but once he ate it, all was forgotten. 
Finally just before you went home, you told him a few words.
“Jumin...I know it’s late, but I want you to know that...” He took your hand and saw you in a way you knew he wanted to talk first.
“...Love, before you talk. I love you. I was sad yesterday because you disappeared and I felt alone, like the time before metting you...” His voice began to crack.
“Please, let me finished...At that time I thought that the love was only a marketing thing that most of the companies invented to sales more on  February 14th, but I got to meet you. And know about you...I never knew that...this love...now I can live withou it, without you...I know why the intention of yours to spend in ordenary places...because today I’m not Jumin Han , the CEO from the C&R company or the heir from a huge amount of money. Jus today I’m an ordenary man that loves this extra ordenary woman”  You wanted to cry but you hang them. He kiss you hand. for that instant it looked like who recived a gift was you, and not him. 
this time you took a taxi to get home. When you get out from the car. You kept pushing to the building and when you finally get inside. 
“HAPPY BITHDAY, JUMIN!” All the RFA was there. 
“Happy birthday, Jumin!” 
“Thank you, my love.” And kissed you.
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