#they bleed a lot cuse she has almost no fur on her head and its a vascular area
Ok... no longer like having a smart dog...
She has decided that when she has on her SD vest she is expected to be the perfect example of a well trained service animal.
Great. Wonderful. Perfect even.
Apparently, in her mind, this means when she DOESNT have on her vest she is free to be the most unruly little SHIT and not pay any mind to what I say.
This includes:
prancing across a MAJOR street to say hi to a random person on the far side. Note: she is a pitbull and, despite being a huge cupcake, still LOOKS like a pit and people around here still have that "vicious pitbull" mentality. So, double bad here XC
dashing across another street to say hi to her girlfriend (said girlfriend barks at literally everything cuse she was raised with a blind dog and Rosie does this at 7am)
dashing across the street just to shit in the neighbors yard cuse she doesn't wana shit in her own yard
wedging herself into random small spaces to pee and then getting upset when she can't get herself out of these places
getting into i have no idea what and cutting up her face. Literally, I turn around for 2 seconds and when I look back she looks like she hasn't moved a hair but she has blood gushing down her face. This happens both outside AND inside (though inside im 99% sure she's just passing off the cat)
literally expecting treats after all of that
taking up the ENTIRE couch (which is LITERALLY a twin sized bed) then getting offended when I want to stretch my legs and take up exactly 6 inches of that space
Refusing to eat her meals like she's full or even sick then begging anyone in sight for snacks (the one thing she does bad even in her vest but only on "breaks")
And that's just off the top of my head!
When shes "on duty" she does non of this! She knows its not acceptable! And its not like I dont make it clear this is unacceptable when shes "off". She is clearly reprimanded for these things, to the point I have to leash her 100% of the time when I take her out now when I used to be able to let her roam the yard and shed stay close! But I let her off even once now and off she goes! Xc
Once it stops being so hot and muggy I'm gonna have to spend some time with extra training without her vest. Maybe I just havnt done enough vest off training. Will find a long tie out line and work with her so shes leashed but she doesn't realize she is?
Uhg smart dogs are frustrating.
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