#they billed them as MGS2 and MGS2 Substance collections
ivan-fyodorovich-k · 3 months
So this is my latest stupid thing
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These came out in like 2002, you had to order them blind on the internet from Japan. Soon bootlegs showed up on eBay which always made me really nervous to buy any at all but for whatever reason lately I decided to take the risk. I think the main giveaway with the original bootlegs was that the camouflage paint in particular looked terrible and they didn’t fit together correctly or sit on their stands correctly.
These seem OK but I don’t know if someone made better fakes later or if there was a demand for such a thing. MGS2 is kind of the red headed stepchild of the series.
I have a line on almost every figure in the set; ironically the only one I’m having real trouble finding now is Raiden
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