#they because they are a genderless colony of plankton
rmbunnie · 2 years
read from the end of the Sports Maxx fight to the very start of the Jailhouse Lock arc and my GOD do i have thoughts. Mostly about FF, but some not! I would usually put them in the tags, but i have so many i’ll probably just elaborate in the tags.
So, Stone Ocean thoughts AND SPOILERS (up until the jailhouse lock arc) below! (have not done this before, hope it works)
- First of all apparently people hate the Dragon’s Dream fight?? Which I do not get at all. I mean it wasn’t an intense and extremely-well-fought battle or anything but come on the dragon was really really good. Absolutely loved him. I DID hate the Westwood fight, as well as the very end of the Dragon’s Dream fight, but not because it was bad, but because it was SO VERY GROSS. Westwood is officially my least favorite JoJo character just because every new panel he was in made me physically cringe in disgust.
- On the topic of Dragon’s Dream, I got the whole Feng Shui set up pretty fine but i do NOT get that thing they did with the water and FF opening her mouth being a bad thing, whatever was going on just did not convey to me. It kinda reminded me of that scene with the ghosts in Rohan at the Louvre? Props to FF for fucking BITING Kenzou though, I laughed out loud (and the “attack and defense” comment? again, that dragon was GOOD)
- Also, the appeal of Pucci hasn’t really connected with me yet but him putting a CD IN GUCCIO TO PLAY HIS FAVORITE SONG WHEN SOMETHING GOES WELL FOR HIM?? That GOT ME. God that was so so funny of him. Speaking of Guccio i honestly think Survivor was a pretty cool stand ability, it did remind me of that stupid joke from here about the “bazinga frenzy shout” thing though so there’s that.
- So Anasui’s here now! Not going to lie I dislike him by default, mainly because he and Jolyne just don’t work as a ship for me, but everything else about him is actually pretty great. His discussions with FF were stupid funny, overall he was just pretty good for comedy, and his “disassembly” thing was REALLY interesting to me. Sometimes I don’t like the way he looks in the pngs and such, but I think Diver Down looks SUPER complementary color-wise with him, to the point where it improves his overall appearance when he has his stand out. The anime choice to make his hair more purple toned is a downgrade to a ridiculous extent though. Also, although i don’t like them together, his crush on Jolyne made for some jokes that really landed for me, with him going in for romantic moments OVER AND OVER in the Yo-Yo Ma scenes (constantly getting absolutely nothing of what Jolyne was actually trying to communicate) and asking FF to trip her so he can make sure he rescues her dramatically. Also worth noting, his crush on Jolyne itself doesn’t bug me, he’s actually more respectful about it then i thought he’d be (to her) and some of his lines, like “i can see hope for myself through you” (paraphrased) were kinda interesting, I just don’t really see her reciprocating.
- I kinda skipped over this, but Ermes in the Sports Maxx fight was so so good. I love her automatically, I think KISS is a really neat stand ability and overall she’s just my favorite Stone Ocean character (although that’s heavily contested by FF as of now.) I think the way they introduced her backstory and vendetta against him was really good, with the combination of Jolyne just happening to not know this important information about a close friend and the implied conversations that FF is having with Ermes and other people between events, I just liked it really well. The “when i peel this sticker off, it’ll come back together. And this next one is also for Gloria, the next one, and the one after that.” was a VERY good moment for me, and the way Ermes uses her stickers really showed her creativity and intelligence, which overall made her a more serious and well-rounded character to me considering most of her other moments up to that point were either displays of knowledge or comedic. Overall, Ermes was super likable in this fight! (also, iirc she said something like “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life forcing myself to forget that my sister was thrown away in the gutter” which was a RIDICULOUSLY good line and overall reminded me heavily of early SDC Polnareff. Ermes’s dedication to putting Sports Maxx in a grave to the point where she went to jail on purpose just to get at him is SUCH a interesting and cool trait for her to have, it’s pretty much impossible for me to dislike her when she has that amount of drive and love for her sister)
- Also the line “I really, at your side, want to cry as hard as i can, but i don’t think i have time to cry right now” was so sweet and also kinda uh loving to be saying to your bestie
- Lastly, Foo Fighters. My GOD was that sad. Bucciarati is still at the top for “deaths that made me the saddest” but christ alive is FF a close second. I could pretty much tell from the moment they separated that FF wasn’t gonna be part of the story much longer but the DETAILS as fate kinda just slowly closed in on them ruined me. The fact that even after Atroe’s body is destroyed FF shapes her plankton into the shape of her down to the hat because that’s the body that she got to have an identity and self in, the way i was so hopeful when Weather Report came through with the rain and when “Weather Report” showed up through the mist, the “this was my intellect, I was alive,” the “I was so scared i would forget to say goodbye, but at the end i remembered i have to say it” ESPECIALLY with that line kind of doubling in meaning because FF only learned norms like “you say goodbye after a conversation” so recently, it was all SO mean! I really really liked it though! I’m sure it was the intention, but I was so so worried that FF wouldn’t be allowed a soul like all the other deaths because they’re just a stand/plankton, it would be way too mean if that had happened. It’s a bit sad to think that FF won’t be able to come back if they use the stand disk again, but also kind, because the impermanence of FF means they got to really be an person, and as such are treated as a stand user would be. If they could come back when the disk is used again, it would be invalidating to their choice to become something other than a stand and have an personhood that is shaped by experiences because it would mean “really, FF is only a stand, and like an object that can be replaced, instead of a being with a life.” It would be a lot sadder if everything FF worked to be was destroyed just so they could exist in a lesser way again.
tl;dr it was really good and i love Ermes and FF but i’m so very sad
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kakyoinryoko · 2 years
idk what u think of this so let me know i treasure ur opinions on things because youre normal. the only normal blogger about anything ever. so like for me foo fighters isnt genderless like if anything foo fighters is genderful. does that make any fucking sense. i hope so. allow me to elaborate. foo fighters even before possessing etro had a gender. they had a name picked out "F.F." and insisted on being called this too. just bc foo fighters uses they/them doesnt mean theyre genderless. [1/2]
foo fighters uses multiple pronouns (first he then briefly she then they). i see this as if anything foo fighters having gender/s. so when people say they were genderless im like. eh i guess so? but i think that applies to the individual plankton, not them as a colony. as a colony theyre now having and experiencing gender/s. so thats my foo fighters is nonbinary but not abinary thoughts... theyre trans bc they werent assigned a gender at creation & then formed gender/s later (/hj) [2/2]
i think i understand what you’re saying ? i have no idea how the english dub translates it if that’s what you’re talking about, and i’ve never read the manga in original japanese, but knowing how japanese works re: the use of pronouns i can almost guarantee any instances of pronoun switching in the manga/on the wiki are just fan translation stuff… like “he” being used for her original stand form as sort of a neutral pronoun for an entity that doesn’t look particularly feminine, “she” for etro body, and “they” in reference to the fact that technically foo is made up of multiple living organisms (rather than being used as a neutral singular pronoun). i haven’t read the manga in a couple of years at this point so i genuinely do not remember how she is referred to there so this might be off base idk. that said i still don’t really think foo is nonbinary at all and would personally just use she pronouns for her since she takes on the form of a woman, lives as a woman from that point on, and then even after losing her human body still continues to be a woman on purpose. i think if foo is to be considered trans at all in the human sense (which i do think she should be regardless of how you personally interpret her transness, the entire point of her arc is that she does have a human soul) i would say that calling her transfem is what most closely resonates with my interpretation of her story. this is obviously not entirely “canon” though and i am not saying this is the only true way to look at her, you can do whatever you want
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