#they are two sides of the same coin but we only see him through optimus' lenses which although not unreliable is still biased.
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transfemstarscream · 11 days ago
have not watched transformers: one, but from what i've seen so far proves my point about transformers: animated having the only good sentinel prime in any transformers media ever.
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scribe-of-hael · 7 months ago
The Path to Hell is paved with good intentions
I think what is interesting is the drive that is the Autobots and Decpeticons. Mostly the cause of the Decpeticons and Megatron himself.
Alot of the time we see Megatron to be a crazy, battle hungry, warlord whos hel bent of causing destruction, conquering all in his path and who cares only about his goal to rule.
Over the years we have seen many version of Megatron. From silly goofy villain who's somtiems could acutally be a threat like in g1, to pash, cold, cunning like TFA, to being a crazy war lord who is incredibly cruel in TFP.
But these versions are mostly a Megatron who came from fighting, or had no good intentions to begin with besides being selfish or power hungry.
Then you have TFE and IDW/IDW2 (and possibly tf one). A different apprich to a character. Some may say its to make someone who has done cruel things as more sympathetic. But I think adds depth and personality.
Giving more than a crazy leader with silly goons, to a person who genuinely thought at the beginning, "I want things to change, for the better ,because it is broken"
Much howOptimus, the humble data clerk (hate he is a cop in idw tbh) and the hard working miner. Your everyday ppl, going through diffenrt struggles and honestly. I think woukd be fair to say that Orion wouldn't know the struggles of lower level bots that don't even have proper names..
Like D-16. The mech whis become Megatron.
Both Optimus and Megatron i think wnates to see a change , but how they both went about it i what added the conflict.
These two are basically your average everyday people. Megatron was an average everyday person. He wasn't born into the pits, net a warrior. A worker.
I think with alot of cartoon "villains" to we get older and started to see from a adult perspective. "Oh wait they are making sense." And how MESSED up the situation even was to drive these characters to this point.
Its no longer good vs evil, it is two ideals fighting aginst each other. What was once a fight for what these two sides believes in, turned into warfare and blood shed. To the mentality of Megatron being
"I can't trust anyone to right thing, besides me. I am the only one who can fix this, I can lead us."
You know what I could also see Optimus having the SAME mentality when comes to fighting megatron and restoring Cybertron. They are very much two sides of the same coin. I think that's what adds to the conflict between them. Optimus could be one bad day away from becoming Megatron onnthe sense of wanting to control the situation despite what costs just to not se Megatron when.
And you know he HAS done this. Yeeting the allspark for one to not let Megatron have ir but at the cost of Cybteron and its occupance. It was a loose loose situation regardless.
When it comes to alt-modist mentality, this high class vs low class, and the corruption of Cybertron. It is no wonder why so many people believes in the Decpeticon causes.
The reason why I clung so hard to Transformers Earthspark Megatron is because this was a break out from his character. To later learn it definitely took inspo from IDW who explored this character further sealed my admiration for him.
No one in the tf universe is less or more guilty. Both sides have done HORRIBLE things. Experimentation, brutality, killing innocence and their own soldiers just to get the won up. The autobots are not without their own blood shed. Only SOME of the autobots have a bit more regard for life and the planet they sit on. It doenst mean all of them do, and it doenst mean people within the groups around Optimus like it. But because they are painted as good guys we exapect them to.
Its when Decpeticons seem to take an interest in life do I find it way more compelling because it is out of their characteristics. They are the "bad guys"
Knockout being interested in Human cinema
Thundercracker being into writing and making movies
They are still PEOPLE. With interests and hobbies, internal conflicts and hesitations.
To see a Megatron not only fight aginst his own army , but take a human, a HUMAN as a friend that he TRUSTS?! That he gave up his Cybertronian already mode UP FOR?! Thats a bug FUCKING deal.
Just the contrast to TFW Megs to say TFP. Tfp depsite it beingbbetter for camouflage NEVER changes his alt mode. He is never willing to acutally change, he is so deeply rooted in what he is, who he is. What he is doing. That he is unwilling to change to the surroundings. No the surrounding will change BECAUSE of him.
While TFE realized a change was needed to fix things, to work together, to show I AM CHANGING, I WANT TO DO THE RIGHT THING.
This is not a Slander Optimus rant or a WOW Megatron is such a great guy essay.
Was mostly me rambling.
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miraculousmaladys · 3 years ago
TFP If You Ship...
Starscream Edition
Updated: KOSS added, Starcee revised
Starop: you just want Starscream to be happy, you want Optimus to be selfish for fucking ONCE PLEASE. Usually a ship based around character development/un-development and positivity. Also its funny watching Starscream absolutely refuse any of Optimus's advice only to watch him either accidentally take it or use it.
Megastar: you either really hate Starscream, or you really hate Megatron, or you hate them both. You may also just really like the thought of these two being an absolute POWER COUPLE with major issues. This ship is riddled with character development possibilities, and MULTIPLE plot ideas; this ship could go several ways and I'm here for it.
Starwave: shut the fuck up, this can't exist..... it does? Holy fuck- uh well honestly, it seems like y'all just wanna lowkey see Soundwave DO more. Especially in TFP. Take charge and be selfish. This could also be a plot thing, as some have the HC that in TFP Soundwave is a victim of slavecoding. You just wanna be watched over by a lowkey unstoppable force and I’m here for it.
Stardown n'out/ BreakStarOut/ etc.: this ship could have multiple names and I'm upset at the gays for not coming up with something. You probably just want them all to find SOME kind of comfort with each other on the Nemesis, but some of you absolutely wanna see them all Manipulate, Girlboss, and Malewife their way outta shit.
StarShock: you bitch. You pretentious whore. I love you. They fit together really well physically given the fact that Shockwave thick as fuck and Starscream is a literal twig. I can see one-sided pining from either side with this one. Y'all just wanna be chased huh.
Starbee: yall just wanna soil the UwU babu thing Bee has going on, tbh I can live with that. Bee taking charge and being his own leader and Starscream learning to be a little more positive to himself and others. This ship is very similar to StarOp but Bee's getting more than just 'learning to put himself first' out of it which is cute.
Starjack: I have never seen a more crackhead ass ship. What the fuck was y'all thinking. Pretty sure your answer would be "why the fuck would we think?" This is what happens when you pair that one kid who barked and bit people on the playground with the know it all kid who took up class time kissing the teachers ass. We all hate them with a passion but their relationships been going strong for 20 years and they are highschool sweet hearts. Good for them.
Starscreen: you are horny, in a take care of me I take care of you and we cuddle afterwards but also love me kinda way
*Starcee: you are horny, in a "dominate me mommy" kinda way. BOTH ways. Switch huh? Switch who? Arcee definitely tops most of the time. This ship argues as foreplay. This ship also has the smaller one running things, but both fucking SLAY when it comes down to the deep shit. This ship could be angsty as fuck, but could also be the most therapeutic fucking hurt/comfort thing anyone has ever SEEN.
Starbulk/ Bulkstar/ Bulkscream/ idk the names don’t mesh well: .....holy fuck this is a thing? This is a thing and no one told me?? Hang on...ok so I found like 7 stories on archiveofourown. Y'all are definitely starving I'm so fucking sorry. This is probably one of the only mentions of your ship you will ever find that isn't a porn without plot/some plot fanfiction.
Star.....magnus??/ MagnusStar: ok hear me out I can totally see this being a thing. Both are SiC and....honestly babes BDSM?? All of it. Dominant Stars and body worshipping Magnus??? You don't know WHERE this ship could go. Could be absolutely filthy or an exploration of both their characters given that they are sort of two sides of the same coin.
Shattered Glass Starscream/ literally anyone: tbh you a hoe and I hate you and you probably just want to be loved. You ain't fooling no fuckin' body he is your self insert.
*KOSS: This ship has red bottom energy, a look that screams parada and a mouth that turns words into knives that kills peoples self esteem. This ship uses spinal struts as accessories to go along with its new finish. Honestly these two could be such a power couple but they’re both...pretty fucking scared. Like all the time. I wanna make jokes about this ship but given what happens in the show- bro this ship is just fluff/comfort because the hurt is implied. Ain’t even gotta put it in the tags- anyway the people that ship this as their top ship scare me but I know y’all to hurt to actually do anything. You probably come to this ship to live vicariously through either character or your kinning one of these bitches. I say this as a feminine guy who sees themself in knockout.
//Good morning lovelies, I'm serving you violence wrapped in kindness today. Don’t be afraid to msg me abt spelling/grammar errors, or if you want you can send me a ship to add lol. 
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baebeyza · 5 years ago
Finished watching Beast Machines ~
So here is my first rant. Yeah, first, I have something to say about this show and I’ll start with missed potential, stupid romance and everything wrong with Silverbolt and Jetstorm:
You know, the concept of a cold-constructed transformer with their’s own frame and personality, but brought to life with another transformer’s spark is really interesting.
The plot of other characters trying to restore their lost friend’s spark and revive them would be the logical plot, but they would also have to reconsider the fact that by doing that, they would kill the new transformer who lives with said spark.
So you’d have this moral dilemma: Person A had their spark stolen and it was used to bring life to Person B. Person C wants to restore Person A, but doing so would kill Person B, who has already developed a life of their own.
This is almost what Beast Machines’ characters Tankor, Thrust and Jetstorm are. Almost, because the way they play it is that they were never their own person, just twisted versions of Rhinox, Waspinator and Silverbolt respectively.
Meaning bringing back Silverbolt meant only bringing back his old personality (and a new ugly ass body) and getting rid of the old, corrupted one.
But personally I can’t help but seeing Jetstorm (and the other two, but lets talk about Jetstorm) as his own person and not just a twisted version of Silverbolt. I mean it was a whole new body, just the spark was Silverbolt’s.
Jetstorm himself was really averse to the idea of changing back into Silverbolt too, and the actual sequence of changing? He was struggling, he didn’t want that to happen!
And I bring this up, because throughout Beast Machines and Beast Wars there was this narrative about changing a character’s coding and free will and it was always only the Predacon’s who did it. Tt was always framed as an evil thing to do. Optimus says so to Blackarachnia in Beast Wars, when she thought they would bring back her Maximal coding against her will, reassuring her that they would only do so with her consent.
Even in Beast Machines that was framed as evil, when Cheetor wanted Rattrap to overwrite Rhinox/Tankor to be back on their side, but Optimus stopped him saying that they cannot interfere with Rhinox’ choice.
And YET we have Blackarachnia changing Jetstorm into Silverbolt against Jetstorm’s will. So we have the good guys willingly ignoring the free will of one individual.
And one might argue that Jetstorm was never an individual in the first place, but personally? I think he, Thrust and Tankor are/were individuals. Even Rhinox coming back was more him taking over the body, not that he was Tankor the whole time. They do have wastily different personalities. (even the voice actors are different).
So, what gives?
Why was what Blackarachnia did to get back Silverbolt suddenly okay? No one ever talked about it!
And yes, I may be biased here because I really liked Jetstorm, but I still gotta voice the opinion that he was an individual.
This also ties to the romance subplot in Beast Machines - early in the show Blackarachnia, and we as the audience, were made to believe that Thrust had Silverbolt’s spark, but no.
Those times Thrust saved her life? When he hestitated to extract her spark?
Not Silverbolt coming through, Waspinator having a crush.
That was a plot twist, a twist that was so completely idiotic and unnecessary. Didn’t twist the plot at all, just screwed with us as the audience.
After that it is Jetstorm who Blackarachnia tries to talk to and bring Silverbolt back, BUT Jetstorm’s reactions are completely hostile towards this. He tells her multiple times how Silverbolt is dead and that he is his own person now.
Now imagine if instead of Thrust having those early interactions with Blackarachnia with saving her and hesitating to kill her, it was Jetstorm.
A Jetstorm who truly wants to eliminate the Maximals, but cannot bring himself to do so with Blackarachnia.
He’d be pissed, he’d be frustrated. He’d have an internal struggle to keep being his own person, while Silverbolt tries to break through and be himself again.
The whole plot about Silverbolt could have been an internal struggle and fight between Jetstorm and Silverbolt. Silverbolt could have won and get rid of Jetstorm, or maybe they could have become one being, realising they are just two sides of the same coin.
Buuuuuut no! It’s just Blackarachnia getting rid of Jetstorm, an external solution that goes against what the show has previously, multiple times said and shown to be something evil.
Having it be an internal battle would have made sense, would have made the moral dilemma a different one. It could have led to reconciliation, give Jetstorm a more satisfying ending as Silverbolt accepting that he has the capacity for evil, but making peace with it. Coming back as the noble hero he was.
But no. The writers wanted a brooding ninja. Almost getting rid of everything that made Silverbolt the bot we loved in the first place. I mean yeah, him struggling about the fact that he as Jetstorm enjoyed doing evil makes kinda sense, but what does he learn in the end? What does he do with this information that he can be as evil as the people he fought against? Nothing, really. He just spends the show brooding over Blackarachnia and getting pissed at everyone. And he never truly goes back to being his old, noble self either. 
Goody, an unsatisfying character arc that leads to nothing of substance.
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selanaris · 5 years ago
Official TFA Split Optimus AU
From my last post:
In this au, Nemesis Prime and Optimus Prime is created after archa seven, when Optimus was left behind with Blackarachnia, they are both taken in by the decepticons, Megatron loves Optimus’ fighting spirit, but wants him loyal, so creates a clone by splitting Optimus spark, and leaving what’s left on Archa Seven (and leaving with Blackarachnia) and eventually Sentinel did come back to save his friends with a team. But only find a near dead Optimus. He recovers but his spark is weaker so they move him to repair crew. Optimus can feel pain and emotions that doesn’t belong to him (he doesn’t know what happened to him) and eventually on earth, he meets Blitzwing, Lugnut, and… himself? (Also Blackarachnia doesn’t know what happened to Optimus, she thinks Nemesis Prime is Optimus.
These next ones are copy pasted Headcanons from my discord au brainstorming conversations, no names means it is my words, some things slightly edited to avoid confusion
megatron wanted specific traits from the spark so he had it physically divided, they do feel each other, but for most of the time, they don't know each other exist
and distance does play a part, one, their sparks are deteriorating due to the separation straining the spark, and the further away they are, the weaker they are, and if far enough, they can both fall into stasis and need to be back in range before the sparks snuff out
@emikokiichigo101 : Like how optimus can feel nemesis's angst and it pains him because he doesn't want this part of him to suffer even if he doesn't know its coming from someone else. And nemesis can feel optimus's love and caring side, and it pains him because he doesn't understand what these feelings actually are.
the closer they are, the stronger the sparks, emotions, physical feelings, and thoughts, and yes
on the decepticon side, they think Optimus died after they left that part of the spark on Archa seven, to which in this au, Sentinel did come back to save his friends after leaving to get help, Blackarachnia thinks Nemesis is the real complete optimus and chose to stay by his side believing that sentinel left them behind.
Optimus has no memory of the con's experiments, just falling with elita, then waking up in cybertron medbay on spark support
he gets moved to the repair team due to the worry of stress snuffing out his half a spark, and Optimus refusing to leave the autobots for 'early retirement'
Sentinel is slightly nicer in this au, like... a tsundere that refuses to show that he cares even a little bit
oh, and we all know why meggy wanted his own Optimus
so with the decepticons, Megatron has Nemesis, and they are together, but can't bond do to the halfspark, and Megatron gets hella worried when Nemesis gets weak due to distance from his other half, which Megatron thinks is dead, so regrets and worries everyday that he signed Nemesis' death in the future
@cao-the-dreamer: Should have thought twice about it, smartaft
He was not expecting to catch feelings
@cao-the-dreamer: Plan Backfired spectacularly
@moonlightdeer739: No one expects the spark feels
yep, and Ratchet was specifically assigned to Optimus to monitor his spark, and find out what did that to him
Discord 2: (some things may end up being repeated here)
(edited slightly) through the report from Ratchet, stating that Optimus' spark has been weakening significantly and that there was an incident where his frame spurts into stasis for a cycle. Magnus and Sentinel probably would demand that Optimus be taken back to cybertron, but Optimus refuses
What actually happened was they flew too far away from his other half causing Optimus and Nemesis to fall into stasis until they came back in range
@keo-the-raptor: Instead of expelling him from the academy, Magnus had to gently let him go and transfer him as a repair crew leader so that the stress of being in the guard won’t kill him quicker
(edited) Yep, exactly, Optimus is definitely saddened and disappointed from that, and Magnus personally set him with one of the best doctors on cybertron, Ratchet, to keep an optic on his spark. Honestly, Sentinel and Magnus wanted Optimus to stop working, but Optimus completely refused
Sentinel honestly dodged the punishment by wording everything in the way that it looked to be out of all of their control
@keo-the-raptor: Like, They were traveling to meet with a colony when a sudden meteor storm pushed their trajectory to Archa Seven?
(edited) yea, Sentinel is better in this au, not the best lol
@keo-the-raptor: So the heroic Prime is left for dead and Sentinel finds him, I’m assuming their relationship is better than canon?
Yes, in this au, Sentinel left to get help, so he's better here
@keo-the-raptor: He checks on Optimus every now and then, but totally not because he’s worried and because Checkmate didn’t ask lol, He’s worried that Optimus’ spark will give out one day
"You have a weak spark. Imagine the datapads I have to sign if you fall over."
It actually gets weaker over time due to separation from the other half, but gets stronger the longer it's closer to the other half
Megatron actually thought Optimus was dead so got HELLA worried when he learned that Nemesis' spark was getting weaker
Meanwhile, Optimus doesn't remember getting picked up and split by the cons, he remembers falling, then... waking up in the medbay on cybertron
and Megatron just never told Nemesis or Blackarachnia about Optimus, so BA thinks that the cons did shadowplay on Optimus or something
@keo-the-raptor: She sticks around but only to gain easy access to tools for vengeance, Imagine how confused she’s gonna be when she sees two Oppy
She has no idea that Sentinel came back for them, She is gonna be very confused
@keo-the-raptor: So still mad at him, despite how much he’s trying to explain
@keo-the-raptor: I’d find it interesting if the two actually got along compared to how they get along with their factions, Two sides of the same coin, after all
Personality split in half, both of them have weak sparks, Oooo yea, maybe rocky in the beginning because factions and they didn't know each other existed, then they realize, oh shit, if he dies, I die too, I feel your pain when I punch you?! And they make a truce
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