#they are all so amazing and so in tuned with their own projects
kaszuma · 3 months
Aera Perennius | Hoshina Soshiro
Part 7 of “Certainly Yours”
pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x fem!reader
summary: soshiro was never one to raise his voice at anyone. But the one time he did, it was because he almost lost you for good.
warnings: Slight Kn8 Manga Spoilers, Description of Pain / Injuries / Hospitalizations, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Arguments, Cursing, Slight mention of self-harm
wc: 9,793
note: I finiahed it earlier than anticipated so here you go-- I had such a difficult time writing this because I've been so busy. There were so many changes and the original draft had been scrapped so many times that it almost made me want to give up and start over. But lucky I didn't or I would've not updated in time. So, yay!
English is hard haha and sometimes it hates me and just doesn't make sense when I read it in my mind versus when I read it outloud. Anyways I will be doing slower updates, so no definitive dates nor titles for the next parts yet. But Part 8 and 9 will be back-to-back spicy NSFW stuff (courtesy of reaching 200 Followers. Thank you lots by the way), So stay tuned!! This is not proofread. So if I missed any warnings feel free to tell me. 🫶
Sleep had come naturally to you.
The sound of rapid footsteps and muffled yelling had all but faded into the distance as mere whispers against your ears.
Such rapidness did not seem to fit the silence of what had initially surrounded you. The sudden weight of your own body being dragged left and right until your vision blurs. The stark darkness of city skylines transformed into the unnatural shine of the hospital's fluorescent lights; one that made it hard to pick people's silhouettes apart.
And as such, it reminds you of the distant past.
One that was filled with vast open fields, very unlike the corporate labs you had been accustomed with. A stark contrast to the very corners of Japan, in the countryside where your grandparents had established a simple life for themselves. Filled to the brim with rice crops and summer cicadas.
And it makes you reminisce about the short time you'd spend there. On the cool nights after your summer school days would inevitably end. And you'd be dragged to a summer house where cousins and relatives had doted on you.
Such a homeward bound place was a far cry to the bustling streets of Tokyo's Eastern divisions. Which had often been endowed with the familiar cries of loud music and the steady rumbles of heavy railways underneath you.
One that Kaiju had lamented no peace from.
Even in the midst of high-story buildings where your workplace had boasted the use of sound proof walls. The cityscapes nearest Izumo Tech Corporation could not even be muzzled by its titanium doors, of which Japan's Top Secret Bioweapons had been kept. Schematics and all.
You had grown used to such a taciturn work environment.
Your existence is thrown into the small bubble of your private lab. Segregated from your coworker who valued work over social relations. And you had been much the same.
You and the rest of the technicians were far too focused on your projects. Tinkering away at the prototype suits that the company had sent your way. A partnership between your parent company and Japan’s Defense Force. A task of which you and a few others had been selected to create and maintain.
And how lucky you had been, to land yourself a snug spot in the notoriety of the Third Division's wake. The very same division that had boasted the least amount of casualties in the case of a large-scale Kaiju attack.
The very same division where Mina Ashiro had led and mounted into victory.
And you'd consider yourself lucky to have known such an amazing person in this lifetime.
For fate to have led her to you, you'd assume you've somehow accumulated some sort of good karma in your past life. The reward to you had been fresh in this new one. An action that had garnered some godly being to bestow upon you a chance to meet your soulmate.
You'd be remiss with disappointment if you hadn't met Soshiro Hoshina in this lifetime.
But prior to that. Before Ashiro had recruited you into her division, you had little to no contact with the officers on-field. Delegated to the simple task of sending blueprints in and out of Tachikawa's base should the time arise; begrudgingly in the early mornings of every month too.
Back then, you had befriended a bespectacled girl named Okonogi. Who wore a slightly bigger uniform than the rest of the recruits. A quirk of hers which you found rather amusing. She, who wholeheartedly believed she might still grow into the uniform that was two sizes too bigger than what was recommended of her.
And you had remembered the day you had met her too.
It was another typical day in your routine. Delivering notes to Captain Ashiro in and out of bases. Though this time, you had decided upon taking a detour. Seeing the empty spaces of the mess hall which granted you an opportune moment of grabbing some coffee.
And such a detour had led you upon the bespectacled girl. Your documents slipping from your very fingertips. And your other hand, which held the coffee mind you. Accidentally toppling over. Spilling the liquid against her pristine ivory lab coat. Staining it.
Lucky it had not been hot, or else that could've been an accident in the making.
“I am… so sorry about that.” Your eye catches the glimpse of her nametag, stained with a bit of caffeine. Okonogi was what it read. And you were already pulling out a handkerchief from your pocket. Intent on correcting the mistake you made.
“No, it's okay. Really.”
The sincerity in her voice made you visibly flinch. And you had half a mind to just shove her your wallet, a chance given to compensate her for the coat you ruined. But the look on her eyes was determined. Abrupt in the way she had declined you.
“Are you sure? Money shouldn't be a problem. I can definitely get you a better coat within the day..” You spoke with much guilt. And yet she insisted.
“No need, really! It's just a stain. Nothing a bit of bleach can't handle.” She moves lower with a smile, one hand tucked behind her knees as she tries to pick up the few folders scattered on the ground.
“-Lucky it didn't hit the documents! Or the Director would definitely have our heads for it.” Okonogi had surprisingly jested your way. And a small laugh bubbles between the two of you in turn. As if you had known each other for quite some time now.
“I suppose so.” You had spoken between giggles. The sentiment shared between the two had all but eased the tension of the room.
And the brunette had gingerly handed you the pile of documents that had been untarnished. Though, one in particular catches her trained eye.
It was a simple list of materials used for the next batch of combat suits to-be-made. Or at least, that was the pitch you had planned to present today. In the hopes that Mina Ashiro would give it enough attention and send it to command for a much more direct approval.
And Okonogi, who was a newbie at the time. Had known all too well of the budding genius you had been. A technician far too enraptured in improving Combat Suits and weapons catering for strange combat. One that did not conform to the normalcy of firearms which had modernized the era.
And it seems one of your papers in particular had caught her attention. Like a hammer against glass.
It was a series of notes and drawings involving bronze wires that resembled the muscle groups of a Kaiju's inner workings. All built into the combat suit that had been Izumo Tech's symbolic masterpiece.
And its Kaiju plating was as amazing as it was unconventional. Built to last no doubt in the wake of an ever evolving organization.
Okonogi could not help but stare at it. Admiring the artistry and engineering involved in such a concept.
“An idea of yours?” She asks. And you nod in turn. Surprised by the way she did not immediately question the schematics.
Normally you'd be met with strange looks. One that questioned the very ethics of your research for involving Kaiju parts into the combat suits.
But the Defense Force had long since been converting strong Kaiju into weaponry. And applying the same sentiments to a combat suit, should be no different. “That's right.”
“I was hoping to improve the current designs of the Combat Suits.” You admitted. “If it succeeds, it might help our soldiers a lot more. Survivability wise..I mean.”
And Okonogi smiles at this. A layer of irony mixed in with the few laughs that bubbled within her chest.
She knew how fragile lives can be. Especially in their line of work where they had faced massive enemies almost on a daily basis. And a battle of attrition against such monsters? It was never a pretty picture.
But still, it had been a rare sight to see one so dedicated with quality of life improvements. And it was as if Okonogi knew that she'd be able to trust you with such a task.
“Glad to see you working on it! People have been volunteering less and less these days. But if we had better tech, I'm sure our members would increase by a large margin.”
Her assurance made you nod. Already taking the paper from her hands and delicately sliding it back to the rest of the folders you held. Carefully standing as the both of you had come to smile at each other.
“If there's a chance it can save lives. There's no harm in trying. It's just a part of the job.”
“There's definitely a truth in that.” Okonogi remained positive with a dip to her head. Making her rimmed glasses slide gently from the bridge of her nose. A tilt in her head as she next spoke.
“-But, why use bronze by the way? Wouldn't steel or alloy be a better alternative?”
You had looked over to the notes peeking from your file. And a smile is etched on the very corner of your lips. Complacent in the way you had so easily looked at her, as if you knew something she did not.
“There's a saying you see.”
Okonogi tilts her head upward. Who had finally moved to fixate her gaze to you. Eyes meeting with the absolute tenacity and confidence at your craft. “...a saying?”
You nod. “They say that some people should seek things that are more lasting than bronze.”
“Does bronze not last very long?”
“Oh it does. But even in metals, people try to find something much better right?” Okonogi who had paused to think about your words. Had only nodded in turn. Your sentiment was a much more refreshing and positive take than she had imagined it to be.
“I intend to find that material. One that would make a monument more lasting than the lives we lost.”
And Okonogi’s breath hitches. And you had looked her in the eye, with a determination she was sure would last you a lifetime. “Even if that means I have to dissect a Kaiju and use its very skin as armor.”
A bit morbid for her take. But still, she couldn't help but admire your tenacity. It was the same sentiment she'd see with the soldiers. And somehow, it reminds her of a certain someone who was all smiles despite wielding a blade.
“I suppose most Kaiju do have a layer of tough skin..” She jested. And your shoulders shake with a bubbling smile. The start of a silly friendship perhaps, where Soshiro's eyes would soon flicker your way.
And somehow things just started to click into place.
You didn't know if it was fate. Had it been Okonogi or Mina Ashiro that led you to him. But it wasn't until a few weeks later, you had found yourself responsible for the Third's technical division. Overseeing much of the repairs and weapon upgrades needed for Kaiju slaying. And it was in that very same division where you had grown much closer to him.
A strange recruit, scouted from the Kansai district. Where Captain Ashiro had particularly shown a keen interest in. His skill in the blade had been incomparable to his peers. And although he boasted the highest individual body-count when it came to handling melee pursuits. You had once thought him stupid for sticking to a fighting technique that had long since aged from the existence of firearms.
But how wrong you had been in judging him for that.
Okonogi often reminded you not to be too harsh on him whenever the two of you had just so happened to meet. Jesting that you two would've made a stellar couple, had you both given each other a chance. And although you've denied such things a few times before, Soshiro would always take a glance at you as if reading the expressions on your face. Thoroughly investigating the subtle expressions you wore that would've reached his conclusion.
And each time after that, he too would answer for you. A denial. A white lie.
And Okonogi always saw through it of course. She had been there since the beginning. Serving cupid for the both of you.
And when she can, she had always been peppy in her step. Pushing the both of you in a particular direction. Waiting for one of you to make a move. Calculated like masters playing chess on a board. By far you two had been hopeless. If it wasn’t for Okonogi’s encouragement, Soshiro wouldn’t have thought to visit you between breaks. And how lucky you had been to have the girl pry him out of his skittish shell.
It’s a wonder you two had gotten together like this.
You had rarely seen the girl frown or be frustrated over anything. Let alone your own bite when it comes to Soshiro's mixed signals.
So it had been a sudden whiplash, seeing her so frightened above you. Her voice had been unusually drawled and shaky as she repeated your name. Trying to keep you awake despite the far off look you had in the depths of your irises.
Why was it so blurry all of a sudden?
Where were you again?
You were injured. And from the look on her face, it was probably worse than you had realized. The trickle of an unfamiliar liquid slid down your forehead to the very height of your cheek. Where you could’ve sworn a clawed hand had been there to comfort you.
Larger than your own, and definitely plated with armor. Gently grazing the very skin of your cheek.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
It's starting to hurt. The pain on your lower back had suddenly hit you like a metric ton of weighted bricks. Like something jagged and sharp had punctured through you. A result from a bad fall.
“Sweetheart. Keep yer’ eyes open alright?”
You heard a deep rumble from the side. And your eyes pried away from Okonogi's disturbed features. Suddenly enamored by the wine red irises that looked at you as if you had gone through hell and back.
Had it really been that bad?
Last you checked, you were narrowly able to escape Kaiju's attacks. The flashes of its flaky features had encompassed your mind’s eye. And the ground below you had bellowed like a monster’s mouth. Suddenly ripping open as a shockwave had violently lifted you from your feet.
And like a leaf on a windy day, you were blown to the side. Crashing harshly against the window of a boutique. A stray shard puncturing your lower back to the point of near paralysis. And it leaves you barely conscious to see the not so lucky victims that tried to escape the Kaiju.
One group in particular had been crushed by the rubble of a building. And somehow the scent of blood and bones was enough to knock you out cold. Their downfall would’ve made you vomit, had you not been injured and too dizzy to think about it all.
And as morbid as it sounded, you had been fortunate enough to have only been thrown aside. Sacked into a world of pain which had reminded you that you were very much alive. It had been a miracle that Soshiro found you when he did. Despite the slight sprain on his ankle and the sores he felt in the muscles of his arms. He forced himself to run. Empowered to meet with you, ushered by the help of Number 10’s powers.
And like clockwork he was led straight to you. The fears he had once buried deep in the back of his brain had all came flooding through.
And he didn’t know what to do.
You heard a few voices then.
Although it was barely comprehensible, you could make out a few distinct ones from the array of shouts. Your name in particular was whispered in a prayer. Begging you not to fall asleep despite the odd temptation to. And sure enough, the back and forth argument you heard between two figures was enough to keep your mind and heart racing with urgency. The look between Okonogi and Soshiro’s face had all been so different than usual that it frightens you so.
But despite the noise, despite the shouting. You heard him in clear daylight. Like it had been the only voice in the room. Isolated from the rest who had rushed in a frenzy.
“I got ya’ alright? I’m here baby. I’m right here.”
His reassurances had blanked when his voice cracked. Desperate like he had been ready to cry. The way your name had escaped his lips was almost hesitant. As if he didn't deserve to call you out. And you wanted to stop him before his thoughts could drift further. But your voice had failed you when you needed it most. A soft cry escaping your lips instead.
I'm okay.
I'm here.
I'm alive.
All of that died the moment it tried to leave your throat. And without those very words. Soshiro's face was left to contort. As if he were the one in pain instead of you. And how he'd wished that were the case.
“Let me through!”
You heard him scream. And your eyes had focused just enough to see Okonogi and a few nurses blocking his pathway to you. Desperately trying to push past them despite the grievances.
The sight had been a blur.
One second your vision was fine. The next you had felt the telltale signs of drowsiness hit you. And you feel the way the pain medication had started to kick in when your eyes had isolated itself from the world. Your body’s exhaustion hits you squarely on the chest down to your very toes. And when you had been dragged to the next room over. Soshiro had been the last face you had seen before separation. Sleep pulling you over until your breath is taken from you in that instance.
Your name had been the only thing Soshiro could say afterwards.
“I said let me through–That's an order from your Superior Officer, Okonogi.” Soshiro had warned her. Voice uncharacteristically deep when issuing an order. It was normally never used in this way. Such a tone was only ever used to command Number 10 when he had been too stubborn to listen.
But the bespectacled girl knew better than to fan the flame. And in retrospect, she out of anyone would understand his frustrations the most. Yet she stood her ground. Gently shaking her head at her heated friend.
“Vice Captain.” Okonogi started. Hands already raised to try and calm him down. And she could see it in his eyes; the way it subconsciously followed the rolling bed they had put you in.
Dragging your bed into another room where only the best medical practitioners had worked on you. And yet despite that, he couldn't find it in himself to sit still. His gut sinking at the mere thought of you getting worse than when he had already found you in. And he was willing to bet Weapons 10 had all but read the blatant emotions he displayed on his sleeve. With or without having to delve into his mind.
He was in utter ruin just from your condition.
“-Please understand. You cannot, in under any circumstances enter the surgery room, sir.”
“To hell with that!”
The scream had made Okonogi frown. And Soshiro had half a mind to push past the smaller woman. And rush forward with Number 10's help. But he stopped midway. Reminding himself that his suit could go on a rampage at any time. And right now, he did not want to expose Okonogi and a handful of civilians to Number 10's war-ridden desires. His deep baritones had instead vanished for more firm ones. Unlike the resentment from prior. Oddly curt in his delivery.
“Move. Or I’ll do somethin’ drastic.” He steps forward.
A threat is a threat, and he hoped that would at least be enough to convince the bespectacled girl to move. Yet Okonogi had known him for far too long to actually perceive it as one. And she looks unfazed by his words.
“Sir please.” She pleaded. “It'll only worry you more.”
Her voice was gentle. Understanding even. It almost reminded him of the way you speak at times. Stern but with a hint of softness when it came to his stubbornness. And how he wished it was you he was talking to right now.
“Just please try to calm down. We should get your own wounds treated first and then we can-”
“Fuck no. I'm going in there and-”
“Hoshina.” The stern voice of their Captain had made them both flinch. And the heavy cleats of Mina Ashiro'a footsteps had gotten louder as she had made her way closer to the two.
“Captain Ashiro.” Soshiro had spoken with a much more leveled tone than he did earlier. Hand raising into a salute as the rest followed suit. Though even in his greeting, his frustrations had still been made entirely clear. And he was more than willing to face insubordination just to get to you. But Mina was one step ahead of him.
“Hoshina. You’re causing a disturbance and deliberately disrupting the medical wing from doing their job--I'd let you run some laps. But I can see you're injured.”
Soshiro had glanced down at his body, a light scoff emerging from his lips when she had noticed the way he stood, limping.
“Patch your own wounds up and we can discuss it later.”
And Soshiro had frowned at the way she immediately knew. A sixth sense perhaps that he had been getting sloppy. And sometimes he feared Mina Ashiro would kick him out of the Third because of it. But Mina made no such accusation, instead her eyes had been understanding.
Firm as they usually are, she, like Okonogi, was quite aware of your relationship with Soshiro. And by all means, she understood his sentiment.
Today had been a jumbled mess. And Soshiro was practically facing the very brunt of it all.
With you as its victim.
“That's an order, Vice Captain. Do not make me repeat myself.” Her stern reply had been met with his half-meant glare. Red irises swirling with thoughts before ultimately concluding that Mina had been right. Okonogi too. He'd just been too stubborn to see it.
And for a good few seconds, he finally drops his own staring.
Reluctant as he had finally turned around. Facing Okonogi with a sort of defeated look in his eyes. Uncharacteristic to her as he'd normally be so cheery, even in the face of impending death.
He'd be thrown into a pit. And as long as he was still kickin’ he'd probably end up smiling and joking about it the next day.
This had definitely been a first for the two to witness.
And although Mina had not usually been the closest to Soshiro. He couldn't help but make an exception this time. She'd waive him of running laps, not as an officer. But as her friend. And a stern hand was placed squarely on his shoulder. Gently giving it a pat of reassurance. One that Okonogi would follow up with her own.
“It'll be okay. Right Captain?” Okonogi glanced between the two.
“That's right. I'll see to it personally that she gets the best care. For now, get yourself patched up–That'll be the punishment you get for speaking to your superior officer.” She awkwardly spoke. Though a small reassuring smile had cracked on the face of her usually hardened expressions.
And such a sentiment from both the girls had silenced him before he could think of another protest to answer with.
“understood.” He begrudgingly spoke. His hand balling into tight fists at the possibility that you'd wake up without him by your side.
Bronze was made to last, yet it wasn't exempt from tarnish after all.
“Good. I'll inform you shortly once her treatment is done–Okonogi.”
“Yes?” Her reply had been immediate.
“Make sure his wounds are treated. And, I expect a detailed report on Number 10's latest excursion later.”
“Roger.” Okonogi had saluted. And Soshiro watched her as she slowly walked past them. Entering the very same room where he had not even had the chance to take a glimpse in.
His arms had gently felt the pull to another direction. Okonogi had done well at Mina's request as he had all but dragged his feet further away from the blaring red lights of the operating room.
And the flicker of your sleeping face was all that’s left before he too was separated somewhere else.
A place where he was left to wonder what will become of you. And for a moment, his distinct thought was a scenario where he hadn't met you.
If only he hadn't asked you out that day..things would've turned differently.
Your eyes blew wide open. The strangled breaths you took were caught on your throat as you could smell the bitter antiseptics nip the back of your nostrils. It reminded you of a hospital. That of which you had the unpleasant experience of having to frequent anytime Soshiro would come back to base injured.
Often you'd be on the other side of his bed. A frown on your face as the condition of his health had been on the top of your mind. And each time with a smile, he'd make a joke to ease the tension in the room. A signal to indicate he had been alright. Despite the lack of words you two would exchange.
Habitually it was you unharmed. You left to worry at his bedside.
So it had been a rare sight indeed, to find yourself on the opposite side of the spectrum.
Laid in thin hospital robes. Connected to a needle of an IV drip. The constant flow of medicine made you drowsy and your thoughts jumbled into a mesa of numbness. And if you had looked at the amount of bandages wrapped around your torso you'd surely start squirming in place.
But just when you were about to scrutinize the heavy onset of your heartrate’s monitor. The blaring sound was all but silenced when you heard the familiar tremors of his voice. Smooth and soft, like you had always heard them as.
“Yer’ finally awake.”
You turned to his direction. Bright eyes had met his own which had been as familiar as it was squinted. His irises were more crystalline and tired than usual. Puffy on the corners, like he hadn't been given a chance to get a good night’s sleep between your hospitalization.
And yet, despite the unfamiliarity of his somber tone; the despondent frowns he'd make.
His voice had been the sound you missed the most.
“Soshiro..” You croak out. Voice dry like someone had stuffed cotton down your throat. And you try your best to scoot closer. To move and stand like you had always done when faced towards him. But this greeting would cut short. Hands restrained by firm bandages and hollow tubes that weighed heavily on your skin. And you hadn't realized the mumble of a barely audible whimper from your mouth. One that Soshiro could not miss even if he tried to.
Soshiro noticed the way you had squirmed. Struggling to sit up. Which made him all the more vigilant. And he ends up closing the small leatherbound book he'd always brought with him. Sinking it back on his pocket where you had been accustomed to seeing it.
Walking much closer to you in an attempt to calm and shush you.
“Where are we?” You asked him. And his fingers hesitantly graze your cheek. The same way when you had blood trickling down it moments prior. “Base. The Medical wing took ya’ in.”
His words were oddly curt in delivery. And although the average person who knew Soshiro on a surface level could probably not tell. You were able to differentiate the distinct way his voice had sounded odd. Such sentiments laid rather clearly for you. And you can see the layer of guilt etched on his stiff face.
“Okonogi?” You inquired. And he gives you a nod.
“Safe. I'll call her for ya’ later so she doesn't worry.” and you let out a breathless sigh. Your head slumping against the cushion of the soft pillow. The lingering feeling of glass and cement on you had all been but a pipe dream now. A memory that you'd soon forget.
And how Soshiro wished it was that easy for him to forget.
“How are you feelin? I can call the nurse for ya if anything hurts.” He moves to turn around.
Eyes already searching for the small caller that was given to him in case of emergencies. Though your hand, as painful as it felt, had pulled him in. Weak fingertips grabbing the sleeves of his jacket to refuse him. Your eyes remained squinted as they were sharp despite the fatigue. And you caught the glimpse of bandages wrapped around his skin. A stark testament to the rest of his unblemished face.
“What happened?” You had immediately tried to get up. Alert in the way you had wanted to reach out and inspect his own injuries. But the fatigue of your body had stopped you. Causing you to slump forward and unto his willing arms who had been cautious in the way he handled you.
“Easy. You're still…not well.” Soshiro gently nudged you back down. Hand placed squarely on your chest to ease you into the pillow. But you stubbornly persisted. Compromising by sitting up against the bed's headboard instead.
“That doesn't matter. What's more important is, what happened to you. Are you alright?”
“That doesn't matter? Are you seriously askin’ me that right now?” For a moment you mistake his scoff for a laugh. His hands which had held you firmly had just as quickly left leaving the spot on your skin cold and yearning for his proximity.
Had you said something wrong? This aggression was unlike him.
Soshiro was rarely this agitated. And your voice couldn't help shrivel in meek irritation. Unsure whether you should respond back with much the same turbulence.
“Should I…not be asking you that?” You spoke unsure. And he shakes his head in turn.
“You were dead-still for five days straight and yer tellin’ me THAT doesn't matter right now?”
You didn't know how else to reply. The way his tone had shifted into a scoff had made you double back to glare at his face. For once since you awoke, you truly saw how tense he had been. Gone was his usual suave smile that made you laugh or cry in between meetings.
He had been too worried to focus on that. But you had been too frustrated at this sudden change. That it made your voice come more forcefully than you anticipated. “Well isn't it obvious? I'm worried about you.”
You replied. Your own expression had squished into rapid vexation. And you see the way he takes a few steps back, too far for your touch to reach. And it pained you that you couldn't just stand up and make him face you like you usually could.
“And you think I don't feel the same!?” He spoke loudly. Causing your shoulders to flinch in turn. One he had regretted as soon as he spoke. And yet, he continued.
“You don't think..that I didn't nearly kill myself when I found you bleeding in the middle of that goddamn street?” He pointed out the window.
And your expression had turned liquid at the images that flash in your mind. Imagining how he had found you. His thoughts, his expressions..you could only imagine the torment he felt the moment he found you. Barely breathing.
His breaths came in gasps. Eyes widened so that you can clearly see the crimson of his eyes peeking through. And suddenly you notice the way Soshiro had oddly been so vulnerable in front of you. The quips on your sore throat began to die down when you saw how frustrated–how fearful he had looked in the moment. And gods did you wish you woke up sooner just to comfort him.
“No–that’s not what I meant. I only wanted to know if you were okay. Is it so wrong to ask?”
“Well maybe ya’ shouldn't have asked at all.” He huffed out. Looking away from you with regret lingering on his features.
It was stupid. He thought To get so frustrated over something so tiny. But as much as Soshiro Hoshina excluded the guise of a proper adult. He had been flawed just like the rest of everyone else. And he'd be lying if he didn't have his moments of doubt. Often scrutinizing in the lonely privacy of his home. Where he knew no one would bother him.
That is of course, before you had entered his life.
But not everything was understood between the two of you. Okonogi was a witness to the piles of misunderstandings you both had caused. And without help you two were likely never to get along, habitually falling for the same skittish routine you had played at.
But a miracle happened. With him belonging to you. And you belonging to him.
So why was it that your heart cramped so much? Surely it was not the pains of a physical injury. Let alone a type of sickness.
Instead it was struck by simple bad habits and insecurities. One of which even you had trouble dealing with. And the loud firmness of his voice had made such an impact on your heart that you began to frown. Unable to hold back your bite.
“What is your problem!?” You started. “Listen, can we just please have this conversation some other time. And then we can-”
“And then we can, what? Do you want me to just sit here and forget that all happened?” He had interjected.
And suddenly you feel your brows knit tightly. Eyes feeling heavy from the burst of a headache you had gotten. Of all the times Soshiro wanted to argue, it's the time you had just woken up.
But he wasn't entirely unjustified.
There have been plenty of moments where you had fanned the flames of a fire that should've ended right then and there. Your word choice is poor and your temperament less than ideal.
For as frustrated as you had been, you understood Soshiro's sentiments. And your hands had raised as a sort of white flag. Not needing this fight to escalate more than it should.
Not when you were both injured and all you wanted to do was crawl into his arms.
“-Listen Soshiro, I didn't mean to upset you. I only wanted to know if you were okay.”
“Does that matter?” He repeats your own words. And you had to hold back another jab of acknowledgement. Smart in the way he played his words. It almost made you want to laugh. But this time, your intent came from sincerity.
And his small play of mockery had been a sight for sore eyes, since you had quickly gotten the gist of what he had been trying to convey. Wrong in your choice of words. This time, you correct your mistake. Sincerity and all.
“Yes it matters. More than anything– of course it matters.” You had told him. And you see the way Soshiro’s mouth quivers into a small tremble. Uncanny when he'd normally be so laid-back and sweet when it came to you.
And how you'd wish he just took a breather and relaxed. Maybe take a break so that they could talk things out. Without yelling preferably. But that had not been possible. At least not just yet from the way he replied.
“Well had I not made it in time, you woulda’ been dead. Do you hear me?”
“And yet, Here. I. Am. A witness to your unwarranted behavior.”
“Behavior that's justified because I shouldn't have let you outta my sight.”
Silence had followed soon after. Your mouth gapes for a moment to think of a reply when the words slip past your lips. And Soshiro would note how uncharacteristic that was, even for you. He, who was always used to your quick replies and clever jabs. But it seems his words had cut too far this time.
And he pried his eyes away from you. Chest heaving as he ran a hand through his face. “I shouldn't have..”
He composed himself. Clearing his throat whilst you looked at him with an etched frown on your face. One that he wished would go away. But he had been the cause of this.
He had been the one to make your smile go away. And it somehow makes him feel even worse.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I just-”
“Soshiro.” Your voice sounded like bells. And when he looked up, relief had immediately sagged his shoulders upon seeing your gaze blown wide open. Not at all restrained by the pain medication and exhaustion you had felt.
And your hand had gently reached up to grab his own. Gentle in the way her thumb caressed his knuckle which had been previously so bruised and bloodied.
And although there was a struggle to reach for his hand. Your touch was met halfway. Gently threading your much softer skin that would've paled in comparison to a blanket had he not taken glances.
“What happened back there wasn't your fault. We couldn't have known that the Kaiju would follow me back to the shelter.” You whisper. And Soshiro's expression had turned serious. Like he held a weight that you couldn't possibly fathom even if you tried.
“And yet I let it slip away.”
“I let it get to you, and now you're in here because of me.” He had wanted to so badly pull away from you. To walk himself out before he could be tempted to lean back into those pretty eyes of yours. But the moment he met your sight.
Those sad eyes of yours had been his journey's end. And he couldn't do that to you. Not when your expression had frustratingly asked him to stay.
“And yet it was also because of you that I'm still alive and breathing, Soshiro.” You reasoned. “You don't give yourself enough credit. If it hadn't been for you I would've been-”
“Dead.” He cut you off. “You would've been dead.”
“No. You wouldn't have allowed that. You're the Vice Captain, remember? If there's anywhere safer for me, it's by your side.” You didn't know whether such assurances had really made him listen. The way he was assured in that answer of his wasn't a mere fortnight conclusion. It was as if he had been thinking of such consequences for a much longer time, and that alone makes your heart sink.
So you scooted closer. Moving in to try and pull him down so that you could wrap your arms around his neck. And just when you were snaking it through his shoulders. His hands had stopped you midway.
His calloused palms holding on to the points of your elbows as he gently pries you off of him.
Normally this would be met with your pout. Maybe another bout of force just let the stubborn man look your way. But you had been too weak, still healing from an injury you had no control over. And his response is far too swift for your liking. Leaving your arms missing the warmth his body could provide you.
“No, no, no, no, no–no. You don't understand. I don't deserve to be anywhere near you right now.” He had managed to convince himself. Looking away as the anxiety within you had spiked upon his words.
“Soshiro. Listen to me we can-”
“What I’m saying is that we're done here.”
You had blinked. Looking up at him who had towered above your bed. A somber look on his expression despite the daunting words he had spoken. He looked passive. Unaffected even. Like he had been ready for this moment which had been planned for a long time coming. And your voice could only muster a feeble whisper.
“What do you mean we're done?”
“It's over.” Soshiro continued. Not once paying your face any heed. Lest he change his mind from doing you a greater good he deemed correct. “I don't want anything to do with ya’ anymore.”
If this had been a dream you would've laughed at the way he delivered such a sentiment.
You'd somehow suppress the inner workings of your shock and you'd wake up to find the morning documents you promised yourself to do; in the desk untouched where it usually had been.
And by the time you left your room, you'd habitually laugh it off and tell Soshiro about it in the afternoon just to get a chuckle and light scolding out of him. The usual banter that admittedly, had always been the highlight of your day.
But this had not been a dream.
And hearing him say that. Had hurt more than you anticipated it seemed. And your voice cracks before you can even register yourself speaking.
"Is this because you think I can't love you?" The sudden appearance of tears had painted your face. And you had tried to sniff away the bigger ones that threatened to spill over. But to no avail.
And Soshiro’s eyes widen at the telltale signs of your crying. An unexpected third party which had not been invited to the list of things he ought to do. And his head reels to face you once more. Seeing your face redden with a shame he'd never thought he'd see.
"Do you really think that I'm incapable of willingly loving you? Even beyond that fucking sword of yours-" And Soshiro had all but shook his head. Remorseful in the way tears had jerked from your eyes.
"That ain't the point!"
"Then what IS the point!?" Your tears had blurred your vision. And your hand had embarrassingly moved up to wipe it. One that Soshiro had wished to do for himself had he not been so stubborn.
“-What is the point if I can't make sense of you trying to leave me?"
The turmoil in your voice had been made present. One so encompassing that Soshiro couldn't ignore. And as much as it hurts you to scream. It hurt him to see you suddenly cry like this. Someone he associated as being so usually strong-willed, crumbling in a few short words from him. And suddenly, it feels as if he wants to swallow back his words. Mouth churned into regret when he had moved to take a step closer to you.
“Sweetheart, please..I-”
He shook his head. Suddenly finding himself kneeling down in front of your bed. And when your eyes had met his, it was as if his heart had stopped momentarily. Too focused on the way you had looked at him in desperation. Mixed with both physical and emotional pain.
And he had been the cause of that. Regrettably he knew he had been the cause of that.
"Is the idea of me loving you THAT terrible of a concept to you?" you spoke flimsily. Words betraying the tone you wanted to convey. And somehow you felt worse than when blood was unnaturally seeping out of your wound.
And his own body. One that betrayed his own commands, had a mind of its own. Strong arms wrapping around your bandaged ones that had still been healing from the minor cuts you had accumulated. And the warm steady beat of his heart had drowned you back into reality. Cheeks pressed against his and regrettably, soiling his jacket.
Not that he minded of course. Far too focused on wiping your tears away. Shushing you when you'd shudder from the breathless sniffles he'd been the cause of.
"Shit- no sweetheart no. I didn't mean it."
“I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.” His instant apologies and regrets had echoed for a few moments. The sudden urge to calm you down had him reeling just to caress your shoulders. Weary of the injuries you were faced with as you cried in his arms.
And the struggling shudders you were faced with had all been too painful to see. Comical in the way he had all but worsened your condition when stressing a healing patient had been the last thing people needed to be reminded of.
Yet here you were, struggling to even cry when every breath would agitate any bandaged injuries you'd gotten. And it had been his fault entirely.
“I'm not leaving ya. I'm right here..” He whispered. And you had forcibly glanced up. Seeing the way his distress had wrinkled those usually foxy eyes. Like he had suddenly gained a keen sense of his stupidity and finally realized that his sentiments were not helping you. And upon realization you couldn't help but feel how silly all this had been.
You would've laughed had you not wasted such excess energy into crying your heart out in front of him. Likely an accumulation from the week's worth of not being able to see each other.
That and other things, which were obvious enough.
But you spoke. Wanting to pick his thoughts apart. Reason with him the next time this may happen. And your eyes flutter away the tears as you had finally managed to calm down enough to ask him.
“Then why? Why even suggest that?” Your voice had been soft. His thumbs move to caress the stray tears away from your face. Even moving to casually use his sleeves to gently wipe your cheeks in assurance of his presence. And you close your eyes at the simple gesture. Suddenly feeling much better now that he had been so close to you like this.
Crap, he set himself up didn't he? And just when he had this all planned out too.
In the wake of your hospitalization, he had planned to leave you. Somehow make you change occupations. Maybe work for a tech company where your life wouldn't be on the line. Where you'd be far away from his life and you could live a happy, seperate life from him.
But who was he kidding? Even he thinks it's stupid. The idea of doing you the greater good.
It had sounded conclusive back then.
He'd likely die young, a Kaiju attack that he had lacked defenses in no doubt. And somehow, you'd weasel your way out and live an old happy life.
Like bronze. Tarnished but long lasting.
But you had seen through his intention. And every right to refuse such a concept had knocked him over the head. A simple shed of tears was all it took for such a carefully built wall to crumble. His resolve in shambles at the mere thought of you leaving.
And to take that away from you. To separate the both of you like that? It felt wrong. And somehow his stupidity makes him laugh.
And the next words uttered had been voluntary on his part. Sloppy but it came out from an honest place. That even he doubted its power.
"Because, it scares me how much I need you. Okay?" He leans in. Head against your own so that your noses would touch. And you could see the little cracks on that smile of his. A stark contrast to the facade of laughs he'd usually give off. And it makes your heart flutter upon such fleeting confessions.
"Just hearing that voice of yours is enough to wreck me. And ruin me for anybody else."
"And when I saw you. Layin' there with that faraway look on your eyes. I just couldn't fucking breathe."
The way his eyes had not once left yours had felt like the first time you had met him. In that room with the Captain watching your interactions.
You had been less amicable to each other by then. Always second guessing each other by investigating the little nuances of your expressions. But somehow, the difficulties in reading each other had not been so far fetched. And the longer you two would spend time together. The more you had an inkling of what the other was thinking. And eventually an unspoken understanding had come between the both of you.
One that required no words to speak. Nor assistance from anywhere else. Just you and him. Nothing more.
"What If I lose you? You're all I fucking have.."
"Soshiro.” You whispered. Suddenly feeling the weight of his words drop down on you upon his realization. And you shake your head in turn. Immediately running your hands on the soft tresses of his hair. “You’re not going to lose me.”
“And what if I did?” He was quick to interject. “What if I had been a second too late and you were killed?”
“-And yet I'm still here. See?” You moved his intertwined hands to your chest. Firmly letting him feel the pulse of your heart. A repetition had to be made in order to convince him. And if you had to do such things a million times, there was no doubt you’d do it a thousand more times.
And his hand couldn't help but press firmly. Gingerly looking everywhere to check your wellbeing. Satisfied when he had settled in your slightly puffy eyes that he had been all too remorseful of when he found it too pretty to look away from.
You leaned in. Pressing light kisses against his cheeks to calm his thoughts. The voice in the back of his head all but silenced. When the adrenaline kicked in, because somehow he found himself unfocused when he caught your lips in his.
It was short and sweet.
Far different from the many picturesque and grandiose kisses he'd read about in books. And far too slow amidst the rush hours of your working breaks. Where you'd snag a few touches here and there just to get a rise out of each other. No this had been far too different. Far too gentle than it normally was. But despite the innocence of such a contact. It had made a more lasting impact on him.
The hesitation implied vulnerability, and without it. You'd be remiss to see Soshiro's true feelings underneath it. And it makes you pull away to rub your own hands against his chest. Admiring the way his uniform had engulfed him warmly in the cold air conditioning in the room.
All that matters was that they were okay now.
All that matters is that they are together now. Is that so much to ask?
“I won't die so easily, Soshiro.” Your assurances had made him perk up. Head still leaning against yours where you could see the pretty hallmarks of his tired eyes.
“I may not be able to know..everything in that damn head of yours. But what I do know? Is that I have unwavering trust in you. And that's the only reason I made it out alive today.” Your voice had made him crack a smile. One that makes you raise a brow at him. Suddenly fixated on the way his demeanor had changed so easily when you had spoken your piece.
And Soshiro, ever the enigma that he was. Had stopped his reluctance around you. Finally getting a chance to relax as his hands slotted its way to the bounce of your cheek and jaw, which he had always found so endearing to touch and look at.
He couldn't help but run soothing circles on your flesh. A habit he might've picked up on when reading a few romances here and there.And it makes you wonder if he had always been this sweet. A layer unknown go you that you'd love to rediscover, if only he'd put down that smart mouth of his.
“I think that was ‘bout a week ago.” He corrected you. His face is as snarky as his comment. And that was enough to shake your head.
But of course, that had been too much to ask. Too far and few inbetween. You spoke too soon.
“Fine. A week ago.” You affirmed. Though this time you had rolled your eyes with a laugh of your own.
And the two of you had simply sat there. Soshiro rocking you back and forth as best he could without risking your injuries. Hands against the plush of your waistline, carefully making sure the stitches were still intact. But the warmth had remained.
This time he had been less distant. More calm and understanding like he had usually been. And that was enough for you. For now.
“Do you mean that?”
“Mean what?” You had blinked with a smile on your face. Sweet as it came, you had a viper that you knew how to use. And Soshiro wasn't ever one to stop confronting it. Even if he had to break out of his shell to ask the harder questions between you both.
“When you said you loved me.” He added.
And he wouldn't be able to miss that pretty smile forming on the corners of your lips. Leaning against him until the softness of your lips had grazed his chapped ones. Though you’d note, it was still gentle. Still his. And still yours to capture should you want it.
“Do I have to kiss you again and prove it?” You mutter out.
“Do you not want to right now?”
And without a doubt did you lean in. Capturing his lips with a crooked smile in between. Soft and sensual. And you had missed this. Missed him who had not gotten the chance to set things right by you.
How long had it been since you had taken the time to really kiss him? Without the rush of prying eyes, nor the responsibilities that came with their work. It was just a kiss, yet in this moment it felt like everything.
Slow and reassuring. Without the need of words to complicate things. It had conveyed everything he needed to know. And when you pulled back, Soshiro could see the pretty pearls of your teeth. Admiring the way your lips had bruised red from how eagerly he had captured your mouth. And he wouldn't dream of being anywhere else in the world right now. Not when you had looked so perfect. Hospital gown and all.
“Does that prove my point?”
He laughs. Something you had always thought to be pretty.
“Maybe.” The familiar trace of his hand had brushed past your hair. Straightening out the few loose strands that could obscure him from your face. And his smile, although back to the usual cat-like facade, had now softened up significantly upon your presence. And you had prided the way this man had looked at you like you had offered him the world.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at ya. I just-”
“Shh..I know.” Your hand had touched his lips. Admiring the way it too, had reddened from your previous kisses.
“I'm tougher than bronze, you know? I'm not so simple as to let a few words bend me sideways.”
“Okonogi tells me the same.”
“And right she was. You should learn a thing or two from her.” And a laugh bubbles between the two of you. He had to remind himself to save his apologies later for Okonogi. For despite her absence, even now she was playing cupid for them. The small voice in his head urging him to tell you how he truly felt.
And without warning. He managed to say it outloud.
“I love you.”
Those words had struck a melodic chord in you. Ones that made you look back at him in temporary stupor. Before finally turning giddy at the way he so gently said it. No remorse. No regret. A fact even she couldn't deface as mockery. When there'd normally be a trick of a joke involved.
And in your quiet smiles held a deep admiration for him. Ones that squeezed Soshiro's hand despite the difficulty of your injuries.
But that didn't matter. Injuries heal after all. And right now, you had been far too focused on him to mind the slowly subsiding pain on your body.
“What's this all of a sudden? You're not joking are you?” You ask cautiously. Though a smile still remained on your face. Far too elated at hearing those words. And from the look on his face, you could tell he had been serious in his admission.
“It's not sudden. I just–” Soshiro lets out a small chuckle. Not entirely sure why he feels so nervous in the wake of your question.
“I meant to say it that day. Before the Kaiju attacked. I wanted it to be perfect for ya and..” His voice stops when you lean in. Cuddling him down as best you could in the safety of the hospital's bedsheets. The understanding look in your eyes had all but told him that you knew. And it makes him think twice about having to explain things to you again. Not when you could now read him so well. Especially in the most important aspects of his life.
“I know. You don't need to tell me twice."
He heard you speak. Though the hint of playfulness in your voice hadn't subsided. A reminder that you had been slowly regaining your strength. And pretty soon, you'd be pulling him down by the collar just to kiss him breathless if you wanted to.
But for now, he was gonna have to take care of you. Take the lead and deal with your smart comments. And it makes him smile knowing he'd get to hear such witty banters from you again. More so now that you were awake.
“Really now? And I thought you'd be happy to have me say it outloud for ya.”
His chuckle had made his chest rumble. And you could feel the pleasant vibration as your head fell squarely on his chest. A roll in your eyes as you had hummed in reply.
“Well…I suppose it couldn't hurt for you to say it again.”
And he would. He'd do it as long as you'd allow him that privilege.
And this time, he too had read you like an open book. Somehow fitting perfectly in the way they understand the other without needing to speak. They needed to work on it. They needed each other more than ever before.
So it was lucky their bonds were more lasting than bronze. And fate had brought them together.
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katz-rambles · 2 months
hello! I see your taking requests so can i request arcane charaters reacting to the reader with a good singing voice? please and Thank you!
Of course! I'm a former choir kid, so now so is the reader, specifically a soprano.
(fluff, gn!reader, established relationships with the characters (separate), I think this is it!)
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• She's immediately in love with your voice, that's a given.
• Constantly asks you to sing for her, and if you do it's like she's in her own little world where it's just the two of you.
• When she puts on her music while she's tweaking with her inventions, if you start to sing along, she'll fold right then and there. She's in a trance.
• She purposefully keeps the music quieter than normal so she can hear you better.
• If she recently had an episode, you're one of the people she may go to afterward to help her calm down. Your voice is therapeutic to her.
"Whoa, toots. You never told me you could sing. Oh! We could sing together! Just you and me!!"
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• A lot like her sister, she loves your voice. She would actually pay you to sing for her.
• Please do karaoke with her. It's one of her favorite things, and it also gives her an excuse to listen to you sing.
• If you two are laying in bed together, she may start to hum a tune, as a silent ask to have her sing with you, and you know this. Plus, who are you to deny her your beautiful voice?
• One of her favorite things to do with you is sing. You two could be working on your own little projects, and she'll turn on a good song, and you two will just sing together.
• Taken together, she loves your voice. She's not afraid to tell you that either.
"Oh, come on, cupcake. Your voice is.. angelic. Please, can you choose the song this time?"
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• Loves to hear you sing. Honestly, he also has an angelic voice (but don't tell anyone.)
• He will 100% sing with you. You two can harmonize amazingly. His voice is the perfect opposite to yours.
• He lays his head in your lap and just listening to you sign, or hum. Either way, he loves listening to you.
• If you sign to the kids, especially to help them calm down, he's head over heels. Immediately.
• After a long mission, you help him calm down by you both singing. It's so therapeutic for both of you.
"Thank you, bug. I mean it, you don't know how much I needed that. Your voice is amazing, thank you."
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• Kareoke nights at the bar. The people love you, and so does he.
• If you sing ragtime, or anything similar, he asks you to have a certain day of the week or month dedicated to you performing live music.
• He enjoys listening to you. So do Powder and Violet. They all love to listen to you, especially after a particularly long day.
• If you two have a few drinks, he'll pit a record on, and you two will dance and sign for hours.
• He loves it when you sing while cooking. If you like to cook, it's so domestic. It's something that helps him calm down.
"Powder loves it when you sing for her, you know. She said so herself. She loves it, almost, as much as I do, darl'."
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• She's head over heels for you when she figures it out. Your voice is such an opposite compared to her raspy voice.
• She finds you entrancing, every nite you can, or can't, hit just fuels her love for you.
• After almost every mission she loves to hear you sing, it's such a comfort for her.
• Sometimes she'll place a finger or two on to your neck while you sing to feel the vibrations of your voice and to mess with you by pressing down to give you a voice crack.
• If you try and teach her how to sing, she'll actually fold. You're so sweet, and you always sound amazing. Please sign and let her dance with you.
"You sound so pretty, you know. I could never tire of hearing you, love."
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• Another one who falls head over heels when he finds out you can sing. It's such a simple thing, but it brings him so much joy to see and hear you enjoy it so much.
• Please sing to his daughter. If you do, he's getting on one knee and marrying you right then and there.
• He can't sing, but he tries. He's not off key or anything. He's just not the best at it.
• When, and if you feel comfortable singing to him, he's only focused on you. He loves it, and so does his daughter.
• If, after a long day, he finds you singing a lullaby to his daughter, I think he'd cry. He loves knowing that you care so much for her and for him.
"I heard you singing to Ren. She loves your voice. It helps her feel more at home. So.. thank you. We.. I don't deserve you."
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• Oh, where to start..? She's so excited when she figures out you can sing. Because not only can you sing, but you're amazing at it too!
• You two have kareoke nights, all the time. Her parents get annoyed when it's like two in the morning, and you two are tipsy and singing whatever songs you guys can find. But it's all in good fun.
• She's kinda off-key when she sings, but you don't mind at all. You're just glad she's having fun.
• Because she's a little off-key, it probably took some convincing to get her to sing with you. When you do convince her, she's still a little self-conscious about her voice, but when she hears yours, it's like all her worries just seem to melt away.
• You two seem to have the most fun when you're a little tipsy, though. That's when all your worries just seem to melt away, and neither of you can find a care to worry about anything other than each other's voices. If you offer to give her lessons, she'll actually cry, you're just so so sweet. She's so in love with you.
"Are you sure, my love? I know, you don't mind.. but isn't that just extra work. And besides, you're so good at singing, we're opposites! That just makes us better."
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• Oh my lord, he's fallen even harder than he already has. You just keep on getting better and better. He's convinced you're actually perfect.
• Please hum a little tune while you're both sitting in the lab, whether it's to calm you both down or just because you're bored, he stops what he's doing and gives you his full attention. Jayce wants to know your secrets.
• If you ever find him overworking himself, just promise that if he comes home with you, you two will put on a song of his choice and sing together. Nine times out of ten, this will work almost immediately.
• A lot like Vander, he loves to watch you sing while you cook or bake. It's such a wonderful sight to see when he comes home from a particularly rough day at the lab.
• Sit outside with him, and sing and dance the night away, with some star gazing thrown in here and there.
"You never told me you could sing. No, no.. please don't stop. You're wonderful, darling."
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• Heart eyes.
• Pretty, pretty, please come down to where he makes the hammers and find a beat within the hammer making with whatever tune comes to your head.
• He can sing, I'll die on this hill. He's amazing at it. He's just never told anyone. So there's a lot of you two singing to whatever song he can find to play.
• He enjoys writing little songs with you to sing together. It's your guys' version of a nice date, and you both love it.
• When you two are creating said songs, sometimes you two spice it up by adding some, impossible, theories inside the song, posing them as notes, and then giving them to Viktor to watch him freak out over the absolute terror he feels. You two also love to harmonize, you two are amazing and are constantly singing.
"Ooh! What if we do something about space not being real or a flat earth. He'll go crazy. Yeah, I know it's a little mean, but that's the whole point. Then after we can play some records together?"
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• She's in love. She doesn't sing or hear people sing too often, only for the plays and occasional operas that are held.
• If you're an opera singer, she'll try her hardest to convince you to join the cast of one. She'll be your biggest supporter.
• She won't admit it to anyone, but she has, on multiple occasions, fallen asleep to listening to you sing.
• If you take her up on her idea of joining an opera cast, she'll be a little bit jealous that other people can hear your angelic voice.
• She sings. She's good at it, but she rarely ever feels the need to. That was until she met you. Now, if you offer to help her out with refreshing her skills with singing, you bet she'll almost immediately agree. She says it's so she can get better, but you both know it's just an excuse so she can hear your voice.
"You were amazing out there, love. You had the whole crowd entranced, really. I've never seen someone with such skill before."
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
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bitchesinthebayou · 5 months
My headcanons for the crew’s music taste 👍
i think he’d like something upbeat that feels good. so probably ABBA.
seems like he’d claim to like heavy metal to seem cool but probably listens to ABBA.
wants some good tunes to keep her focused while she works on projects. i think ABBA would be good for that.
after all that monster hunting, he probably wants something relaxing. like ABBA.
with likely a whole database of music in him, he has a wide variety of options. so he’d probably go with ABBA.
a bard themself, she probably likes the classics. those timeless songs you could hear over and over and never get tired of, like ABBA.
likely amazed by the music of the surface world, and has probably written a book on the different ways the undersea vs oversea view music, he’d probably listen to ABBA.
drey is a very free spirit, carving his own path as a pirate, so his music taste would likely reflect that. that being said i think he’d listen to ABBA
Weird Al Yankovic
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So you like my ideas, huh? Well, I hope I can continue to create some good ones for you! I shall try my best 🫡
Oh! I do have one request in mind, how about Percy being paired with reader who’s the child of Athena? Yes, yes, I know an amazing half-blood known as Annabeth exists but I had something in mind.
We all know how children of Athena are seen as wise, intellectual, clever, and combative people but what if the reader was different than that? There’s several types of intelligence after all, so what if they specialized in emotional intelligence and craft?
I can see them being insecure of their “abilities” since they know their siblings can do better, and even fear that Athena herself is disappointed in them, but, while Percy thought it was strange at first, he soon found himself enjoying those traits.
I mean, with their emotional intelligence, the reader knows when he’s upset no matter how hard he tries to hide it, and they tend to give him gifts like Melinoe!reader. They’re probably usually architectural models, weavings, mini sculptures of what he enjoys… You know all that good stuff. They probably gifted him something as something to remember them by when he went on a quest… but I’ll leave that up to you.
Combat practice to bond/as dates 👀?
Also, I’m not sure if you saw, but I like long headcanons so stop apologizing and keep it up!/lh
Poor all of your thoughts into it if you have to or want, I like it!
Percy with a Child of Athena!Reader
I literally LOVE these detailed asks UGGHHH!! I love the idea of instead having a different form of intelligence as a child of athena like damn😍 I'm getting used to brain dumping on these, its a work in progress🙈
Sorry for answering so late😭
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Lowkey this reader sticks out like a sore thumb amongst their siblings😭
I like to think that most Athena kids are usually on the more serious sides, so it surprises a lot of campers outside of the Athena cabin to see Reader extremely expressive!
While the other Athena children spend their time devising tactical plans for big camp games, reader is just on the side doodling architectural designs and whatnot
They aren’t as involved in what their siblings do because it doesn’t interest them much
Like whenever they try and ask for readers opinions and start using big ass words, they just smile and nod cuz they had no idea what the others were saying
Athena's children are extremely intelligent so its difficult for reader to be on the same wave length as their siblings
It lowkey makes them feel like an outcast in their cabin because they cant really connect with their siblings like they do with each other while they talk about subjects beyond reader’s comprehension
Constantly being surrounded by books, scrolls and maps full of knowledge, reader often beats themselves over not being able to comprehend and show interest in wanting to learn about these types of things
They’re led to believing that they are a defect amongst their mothers children (crying)
They are always surrounded by reminders of their own inabilities to match their sibling’s intelligence which is why they spend little time in the Athena cabin, and even littler time with their siblings
Readers only saving grace is that they are always in tune with peoples emotions and feelings, no matter how well or little they know the people around them
Whether its feelings of anxiousness, sadness, quiet anger, or happiness, reader always seems to know how a person is feeling!
The first time Percy meets reader is when he spots them at the crafting hut
Being one of his first activities in the beginning of the day, he notices how reader is always there before anyone else
Percy probably thought you were apart of the Hephaestus cabin or something like that with how many times he’s seen you sculpting and carving away at a new project every other day
So he’s surprised when you reveal that you’re actually a child of Athena
He would definitely notice how you distance yourself from your siblings, especially during breakfast, lunch and dinner
He’s good friends with Annabeth so he sees the differences between you, her and your siblings
While she and her siblings are more closed off and have their noses stuck up a new book everyday, your always seen drawing or weaving a new tapestry for your cabin
You show your emotions more openly compared to their more dismissive nature as well!
He definitely sees you as the 'social butterfly' of the Athena cabin
The more time he spends with reader though, he notices just how in tune they are with his feelings
He could give the smallest, most insignificant indication that he's had a bad day and you'd be able to read him like an open book
It's easy talking to you about his conflicting emotions, your patience and thoughtful expression gives him more confidence to just let everything out
I think he would definitely fall for how empathetic you are in many situations
You've made many friends with campers from different cabins because of this quality trait! Always learning and understanding a situation/conflict that arises, you're always able to resolve the problems that makes it fair for all parties involved
Despite this, Percy is confused and a bit surprised to find out that you're actually insecure about this dominating trait of yours
"What?! It's literally the best thing about you though!"
"I know but its just! My siblings aren't the way I am. They're able to actually use their skills for something. All I can do is listen to people and make friends. That's nothing special. I'm useless."
It PAINS him to hear you say that because its obvious you don't understand the importance of being as emotionally intelligent as you are
He makes it his mission to show you just how many people you've helped, to show you that you have a reason to be proud of what you're able to do!
You slowly open yourself more after hearing all his reassurance, from him and other people around camp
It's definitely a positive change as you have a pep to your step now. You engage with you siblings more now that you have a confidence in your own abilities.
You make him many sculptures as thank you gifts! Even when he says that you don't need to, you cant help admit that enjoy giving him these gifts with a nervous smile
You've made him a mini version Riptide and even have given him a small owl pendant
You were hesitant to give him the pendant because it seemed more intimate compared to your other gifts, but he happily accepted it with a soft smile
I think reader would be pretty aware of Percy's feelings for them which makes them feel fuzzy
So imagine how you feel when Percy pulls up to you one late afternoon after not seeing him for the entire day to give you a small pendant of his own
The sculpting of the trident is definitely more crude and less detailed compared to the one you gave him, something Percy abashedly admits but you wave him off
"It's beautiful, thank you Percy."
"No problem, now we're matching!"
You're aware of your own feelings for him as you are aware of his feelings for you, so it doesn't take long for a confession to happen
I mean matching pendants? come on bro its so painfully obvious to everyone
Percy falls for who reader is, not because their a child of Athena
He doesn't care that you're different from your siblings because he understands everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses
You still represent Athena with pride and he'll happily support you till the end
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jazziejax · 5 months
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The Challenge
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Pairing- BlackOC! X Challengers Cast
Summary- moments between Orion O’Connor and the Challengers cast that the people loved
Warnings- swear words, flirtatious between costars
Author’s Note- This sucks raccoon ass, it’s 2am, and I haven’t written in a very long time so cut me some slack, I beg you! I’m gonna write for Challengers at some point but I’m waiting because I want to write a series and I’m gonna need it on streaming services to do that(because I already paid to see it twice). But I’ll probably write some one-off things for you guys. Sorry for any spelling errors and grammar mistakes. As I said, it’s 2am.
Word Count- 2,686
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“So, I have to ask.” The woman interviewer said, mainly looking over at Orion. Said girl’s expression went from calm to suspicious as she turned her head and side eyed the woman. The interviewer was about to open her mouth to speak again before Orion lightly gasped as she faced forward again.
“Let me guess.” She stated, leaning forward in her seat. Everyone paused, waiting for the girl to speak. “You’re gonna ask if we’re married.” She said, her left index finger motioning between her and the British man next to her. The woman’s mouth fell open a little bit as she stared at the brown woman across from her.
“How’d you know that?” She asked, genuine surprise in her voice. Orion slightly nodded as she adjusted herself in her seat. She crossed her right leg over her left and her body was slightly tilted to where she leaned Josh’s way. “Everyone has the same look in their eyes before they ask.” She shrugged. The tension of such a question could be felt throughout the room but also on social media. Fans went crazy with this clip, seeing the obvious signs that Orion was tired of such a question and was getting bad at hiding it. Some people called her rude while others defended her saying the interviewer was bad at her job for asking the same thing they already know the answer to.
“I just wanted to know how you guys felt about such rumors going around about you two?” The interviewer asked. Orion looked over at Josh, seeing if he wanted to give the question a go. Said man glanced down a little to make eye contact with the woman next to him before turning to the woman in front of him. “Um, the rumors don’t necessarily bother me. Not anymore at least.” He stated. “People have been saying this since the beginning of our careers, almost, because we became friends right before and have been for so long. So, I guess it just seemed like we were married?” Josh said with confusion written all over his face, his tone rising at the end since he was more so asking a question.
Orion dry chuckled as she watched the man deliver the answer she was tired of giving. “I say it’s rather flattering, in a sense, that people think we are married. Because Orion is an amazing woman that anyone would be lucky to call a wife.” He finished softly, glancing over at the woman next to him. “But no, we’re just best friends with the same name.” He said, visibly pink in the face as he continuously glanced at the woman next to him.
With the new craze of Challengers, every cast member gained new fans along with the one they already had and all were tuned in on their press tour. Social media went crazy over Josh and Orion, new fans because of their on and off screen chemistry while old fans were just excited to see the pair in another project together.
Orion made a cute pout at his words, her face heating as she looked at him in his blue eyes. Her big eyes reflected the fluorescent lights above them as she stated into his. “He’s too sweet for his own damn good.” She said in a sad tone as if she was crying. She leaned her head on his shoulder for a split second before raising it and dropping her façade. “Let me just say this.” She started, sitting up straight in her seat. Zendaya and Mike, who felt as if they were third wheeling the whole time, chuckled at her. “I don’t understand why I keep getting asked that when it could be easily answered by taking a look at my hand.” She said, showing her left hand. She used her right index finger to rub her left ring finger as she stared directly into the camera lens. “I do not have on a ring.” She said, shaking her head. She grabbed ahold of Josh’s and and held it up. Before she could even speak, her cast mates burst out laughing, knowing she was very riled up, which was quite amusing.. “He does not have on a ring.” She then looked back at the interviewer. “I would never do such a thing. I would be mad at Josh if he allowed me to do such a thing.” She stressed. “And I would also never let him or any man disrespect me in such a way. Isn’t that right?” She asked, looking over at the British man next to her. Josh immediately nodded.
The initial context of video was ignored once clips hit other media sites. All people could talk about was the sheer amount of times Orion and Josh caught the other one staring. And if not them then the camera caught it. They all went feral over the last line, finding the way she demanded an answer out of him attractive and the way he answered her immediately. The compatibility between the two could be felt through the screen. Many edits were made out of the two and their characters, Dion and Patrick.
For backstory, Orion and Josh have been friends for many years. Meeting each other on the set of The Durrells where Orion was the only American that used an English accent for an obscene amount of time to play her character ‘Daisy’. They were only together in a couple of scenes but off screen, Josh and Orion became good friends. They grew even closer when Josh moved in with Orion when she went back to America. He would be staying for a while for work and Orion wanted the transition to be easy for her friend since he was such a big help for her in Europe, so she offered him a room in her New York flat. That’s when the rumors started. Seeing pictures of this pair of up and coming actors with the same last name, doing activities and living together. They blushed and joked at the rumors at first but after a while it started to get pretty annoying.
This being brought up again, fans started researching for old pictures of the two and they couldn’t get enough of the pair. Pictures of them holding pinkies as they walked around New York. Most of them from the same day as Orion showed him all of her favorite spots. There were pictures of them on the subway reading a book together. Pictures of them on visiting each other on set when they worked on different projects. So many pictures for the fans to choose from.
A while later in another interview, the energy seemed to be more prominent between them all.
“Do you think is most like their character?” The interviewer asked them. All of them immediately pointed at Orion, who even pointed at herself. Seeing that they all had the same idea, they laughed at one another. “Why is that? What makes you like you’re character?” He questioned again.
“Um, it’s actually funny because they changed things around for Dion once I was casted for her.” Orion started. “Her name was changed for be more boyish after I was casted because Luca and Justin liked the contrast of such a sweet and feminine character with a “boys” name.” She stated, doing air quotations around the word boy. “They did a lot of tweaking to the script after I was chosen for…whatever creative reasons they have.” She chuckled, waving her hands to indicate she didn’t know why but it was slowly up to them.
“I would hope I would be the most like my character because it’s almost based off of me at this point.” She shrugged. “But I would say I'm most like her in the way I love and express myself. In the movie, Dion is very physical with her friends which I tend do to be.” She chuckled to herself. Mike nodded his head next. She looked over at him, her smile big on her face as she blushed out of embarrassment. “Oh yeah, she’s like a baby koala. Or a sloth.” He started, seeing that the attention was on him. Everyone laughed. “She was always on top of someone in between takes. She falls out when she laughs, and she’s always sleeping.” Mike said, sitting up in his chair as he listed, his voice showing mock annoyance. Orion covered her face in embarrassment, leaning her head back as she laughed.
“I’m sorry, okay! This is just how I am!” She shouted. After a while of everyone laughing, they calmed down and sat still in their seats. “I see where my affection is not wanted.” Orion said sassily as she rolled her eyes, crossing her legs and leaned away from Mike. Mike groaned at her dramatic behavior and rolled his eyes too, doing the same as her. Seeing this, Orion softly scoffed at him. “Art wouldn't treat me this way.” She joked, causing laughter to fill the room again.
“Why do you guys say Orion is like Dion? Where do the similarities lie in your eyes?” The interviewer asked. Mike was the first to answer.
“I say she’s like Dion in the way she stated, herself .” He said, gesturing over to Orion. “Dion is a very loving and passionate character. You see that in the way she treats her friends, and in the games she plays. She doesn’t play for competition , she plays for the feeling it gives her. Like in the scene where she goes against Tashi, it didn’t cause them any strife because she doesn’t see it as ‘who’s better’, she sees it as a relationship and almost a way of communicating.” He said. “I see that a lot in Orion because she doesn’t really communicate through words, she communicates through her actions, in real life and within a character.” He finished. There was a moment of silence as everyone sat with what he said. Mike quickly looked around the room at the silence before looking over at Orion.
“Aww, Mikey.” Orion said as she pouted and leaned over to give him a side hug, placing her head on his shoulder. Breaking the tension in the air, the room chuckled. “He knows me so well.” Orion spoke up, placing her cheek against his with her hand on the other side of his face, smushing them together. They both smiled, feeling their cheeks mush together.
Fans were already in the Art Donaldson/Mike Faist train before they even saw the movie and especially afterwards. During most of the press tour the cute moments were between Josh and Orion and Zendaya and Orion, since the girl has previous history with them. But when Orion and Mike had their cute moments, fans almost felt like they were in love.
It was admitted in an interview Mike had without the whole cast he really admired the work Orion did before he formally met her. He first saw her on the comedy show Community. He found her really funny there and could tell her chemistry with the cast was impeccable. But her acting skills really shined to him when he saw her in Fleabag and The Handmaid's Tale. When he heard that she was going to be in the movie with him, he had a fanboy moment to himself for a few hours before calming down. Little did he know that Orion admitted herself in a solo interview that she used to have a crush on Mike after first seeing him in Dear Evan Hanson. She said that even though she hated that musical, she watched it for him. That’s also why she went and saw Brokeback Mountain live. Fans loved hearing this information, the Art and Dion edits having a mega surplus afterwards. Their interview moments together were cute but people mainly loved their red carpet interactions, Orion either bullying him for what he had on or the way he posed. She never let him live.
Another moment that went viral was their interview talking about intimate scenes together.
“Was that awkward to do with your best friend?” The journalist asked Orion.
“No, because we’ve done that before.” She answered quickly, not thinking of what she said. Zendaya’s head snapped to her, eyes a little wide as she gave the girl next to her a questionable glare. Mike raised his eyebrows while Josh tried to hide his laughter, and his red face, behind his hands. Seeing the reactions she got around the room, Orion chuckled before trying to save herself. “Not like that. I just mean I’ve seen him naked before.” She defended no better. Now all you could hear was the laughter of her cast mates. Mike and Z leaning on one another as they laughed while Josh put his head in his hands. “You guys know what I mean. We’ve done things like this before.” She continued to try to defend herself. Seeing her get nowhere, Josh placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked over at the cute smiling British man next to her, unconsciously smiling along with him.
“What? Tell them this isn’t something new for us.” She demanded the man. Josh placed his large hand on top of hers that was resting on the arm of the chair. “Our characters in The Durrells were in a relationship. That’s what she means.” Josh said, his face still red from trying to hold in his laughter. And blushing.
“The real question is, did you enjoy it?” Orion asked, looking over at the man next to her. But before he could speak, Mike spoke first. “Oh, I enjoyed it.” Mike joked. “Art and Dion were like rabbits at Stanford.” He emphasized.
“Her and Patrick were pretty wild too.” Zendaya said. “
“I think Dion was just like that with everyone, honestly.” Josh said. At that, Orion turned back to him, an eyebrow raised. “What’s that supped to mean?”
“No, byy everyone I mean, Tashi, Art and Patrick.” Josh rushed out, looking her right in the eyes. That’s something the fans caught into a lot. Whenever Orion looked his way, he would never break eye contact. No matter how many times she glanced off to the side or down at her hands playing with his, he never took his eyes off her face, especially when she was speaking. “Which is quite interesting when you take into account Dion was almost in control of everything.” He finished.
Orion immediately rolled her eyes and turned away from him. . Before she could say what she was going to, her other cast mates spoke in agreement. “100%.” Zendaya said.
“I’m not about to have this conversation again.” Orion spoke. “Dion is innocent and she was done wrong.” She said, looking directly into the camera.
“Dion played everyone.” Mike said.
“Like a game of tennis.” Josh finished, a small smirk on his lips. His eyes never left Orion, as if he was waiting for her to turn around. Mike and Zendaya groaned at him while Orion turned to him, a smile on her face when she looked his way. “That was so corny.” She said through her laughter that increased the more she thought about the terrible joke. Oriron loved a bad joke that was delivered kind of awkwardly. The rest of the interview consisted of small moments between Josh and Orion. Jim raising his hand to play with her dangling earring when Mike was talking. Her pinkie wrapped around his when both of their arms rested on their chairs.
Needless to say, the people loved Orion O’Oonnor and were on the edge of their seats to get more of her.
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liked by, joshoconnorstoe, orionstar, and 36, 792 more
oconnorschildren you mean to tell me that this is Josh O’Connor and Orion O’Connor when they lived together???
view 3,944 comments
zendayacollective sups cute!!! ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
mikeyfaist they look like a couple
orionstar and they’re wondering why people assumed they were married 🙄
⤷ oconnorschildren right! they act in love and get mad at us!
⤷ joshoconnorstoe they should just get married
tomdayaofficial I don’t know who I want her with more, Josh or Mike
⤷ oconnorschildren me neither, she’s has such great chemistry with both! I love her with them!
liversometennis I can’t wait until challengers is on streaming services so I can’t watch her kiss them all day everyday
zendayastwin I wish people would post the moments between her and Z, they are so cute together. Small hints of flirting but amazing friends.
⤷ oconnorschildren I’ll post some in the future because they are cute together!
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violettavonviolet · 22 days
Tim Drake fic recs part 2
all of these fics are finished and amazing! the word count goes up progressively and the rating is noted but do check the works for tags!
All fics marked with a star haven't left my brain since I read them!
these lines of lightning
“Sometimes when Bruce is being an asshole, the best response is to be an asshole right back,” Jason says, dropping down next to Tim and propping his boots on the milk crates he uses for a coffee table. “I used to go hang out with all the bad kids so I guess you’re already on the right track.”
4.8k teen
do me a favor
“So what were you thinking? Fake financial distress? Fake injury?”
“Fake boyfriend,” Jason said.
9k fake relationship teen
it takes a house, a village
“If you shower my couch with love and affection, I might actually kill you.” Or: how Tim Drake buys a house, rebuilds his life, and accidentally falls in love.
10k unmarked, humor
A Gift of Knowledge *
Dick’s voice is hoarse with suppressed fury. “So, you’re just exposing us to this, this outrageous substance, and torturing us by leaving us here, bound and drugged?”
He has to know that’s not all. But he’s asking anyway, to get as much information as possible out of the villain before they’re left to their own devices. It’s what they’ve all been trained to do.
Tim squeezes his eyes shut, knowing what Joker is going to say. Knowing exactly what the evil madman is planning to do.
Damn it. Damn it all to hell, not here, not now. Not like this. 
20k mature a/b/o
Stripping Down *
Tim turns to him with a quick, shy smile before rapidly climbing the pole, waiting for Jason to position himself under him. “Like this?” he asks, arching his back, gripping the pole tightly between his shapely little thighs and beginning a slow, grinding descent. Jason did not realize until this moment it was possible to be so jealous of a fuckin’ pole.
Oh fuck, I’m gonna die again. Of embarrassment or blue balls, just take your fuckin’ pick. 
“Yeah, Baby Bird,” he says, almost not recognizing his voice for how throaty and deep it sounds right now. “Just like that.”
20k mature, soulmates
A Midsummer Night's Terror: The Great Escape
kleine_aster, njw
A super-villain is on the loose, and he isn't called "The Kinkster" for nothing. On a hot Gotham summer's night, he entraps Batman and his allies, presenting them with a choice—to either succumb to lust, or perish in his maze. Badwrong ensues.
(kleine_aster's fabulous story, with a new ending by njw; posted with permission)
23k sex pollen explicit
I loved thee, though I told thee not, (--Right earlily and long,)
The news that Timothy Drake, Gotham’s cryptid millionaire, has shot the Joker dead during a public live-stream hits the world like a freight train—and that is just the opening salvo of his bugfuck plan.
Maybe there exists, in the multiverse, a configuration of Jason Todd who will weather this with decorum, dignity and self-respect. This version of Jason Todd decides that the life of an academic is not, really, all that rewarding. In contrast, the life of Timothy Drake’s live-in house-husband is looking more appealing by the second.
24k mature
Re: Soulmarks
Moxibustion (RyuuzaKochou)
By Vicky Vale (@vickyvalegazette)
BREAKING NEWS - Oscar-winning screenwriter, actor and all-around heartthrob Jason Todd has had his Soulmark exposed to the public in a wild escapade at the Gotham International Airport today upon his return from shooting his latest project. 
Who is the lucky person with the matching mark? Who will color in the black shapes in Jason Todd’s Soulmark and Bloom with one of the hottest celebrities on the planet?
We will report on this as it develops! Stay tuned to the feed!
32k soulmates
Masquerade (Whose Face is Behind the Mask?)
Every so often, someone would take it into their heads that a masquerade ball would be a fantastic idea and make it into the biggest event of the year. Sometimes, they were a smashing hit. And other times…things just got smashed.
81k explicit
The Mystery of the Superboy Shirts
The thing is, Tim is a detective, first and foremost.
And like most detectives, sometimes he just can’t let things go. 
(Or, how Tim acquires several hundred Superboy t-shirts)
4k humor gen
the honesty in your body
Luthor's tech saved Kon's life at the cost of his mind. Tim must take a feral Kon across space to restore his humanity... which is just as difficult as one may think.
(Batman Omegaverse AU: unabashed TimKon porn detailing their original get-together in their early teens to their definite get-together in their late teens. But mostly porn.)
14k explicit a/b/o
Slip and Slide
Battle for the Cowl AU
Bruce is dead*. 
The cowl has uncemoniously been dumped on Dick Grayson, who is kind of preoccupied with the fact that he now has a very small, very angry, Legacy-obsessed, Damian Wayne to take care of. 
As per usual, Jason is not helping. 
Tim is Sad, and is dabbling in the the treacherous waters of teenage dating, leading a superhero team, and running a company. 
It's up to the voices of reason (mainly Alfred) to make sure that the family does not crumble under the shadow of the Bat. 
*If you believe that after all the nonsense D.C. has pulled, there is no hope for you.
21k humor, the series is 200k+ and is fantastic
Tim accidentally catfishes Kon. It goes about as well as you can imagine.
22k teen
moving in stereo 
Clark closed his eyes, wincing. “Your children have some…guests.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” Bruce muttered, setting aside the tablet.
“No, I mean…I think all of them, um. Have a guest, tonight.”
2k gen multiple
Against the odds
It’s a child’s gambit to get mummy’s attention mixed with abandonment issues paranoia and an extreme penchant for vendetta.
3k tim/Bruce 00Q teen angst
say cheese
“Why are there reporters-”
Dick stopped. His eyes locked on the TV.
“Oh, look at that Drake- you’re trending on social media.” Damian offered far too coolly to be any form of casual.
In which Tim's nudes get leaked online and he is surprisingly casual about it
4.8k mature
Sticks and Stones
Solemini (SoleminiSanction), SoleminiSanction
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can cause lasting psychological damage."
The Core Four stage a long-overdue intervention.
Or, in which Steph's abusive tendencies are finally addressed.
10k timsteph abusive relationship teen
16k kon/tim/bart crack
The Wooing of Tim Drake
Tim didn't stand a chance.
Each action, each gift, each gesture was calculated for the best possible result. The source of this smothering affection is surprising but Tim can't find a single reason to say no...So he doesn't. The brat somehow worms his way into his heart one inch at a time.
Meanwhile Damian is quite pleased with how his courtship progresses.
20k damitim mature
55 notes · View notes
So... @muffinlance wrote a really awesome story. I read a post from a point in time, though I truly do not remember when since it seems like I've been working on this project forever, saying that she gives blanket permission for people to print and bind the story into a book (I think there was an also addendum saying that they do not give permission to be sold, since selling fic is illegal). This fic has had total control over my whole brain since it was sent to me (@creatorofthemind I believe it was you, so thank you forever for tuning me into it) back during the days of like chapter six or seven.
So here I am now, sharing this amazing journey of my first ever bookbinding adventure. Further reading below.
So to give you an idea of what's going on, this is a fanfiction about Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender) (animated show version, the LA show did not exist yet and we do not speak of the movie) being adopted by Hakoda, Father of Katara and Zuko. (This might have also been what kicked off the Give Zuko A Parent craze, but don't fact check me.)
Overall, the characters from the show stick very well to the cannon versions, but where MuffinLance really shines is in the rich backstories and fleshed out feeling of all the non cannon elements. Especially the background characters. I would argue that the writing in this peice of fanwork could easily rival the cannon show at many points of comparison.
Now that you have context, we can get into the actual process.
To start, I used this guide to figure out where to even begin, and fount the included resource list to also be quite helpful. I cannot for the LIFE OF ME figure out where I found the template I used for the front matter and such, but it must be somewhere and I will link to it when I inevitably come across it again.
Then I began to typeset. This step took... a long time. I worked in chunks from about September of 2022 to late March of 2024. I would get a big section done, sometimes even the entire thing, but then find I hated the way I had done it and give up for months at a time. Such is the life of ADHD and flitting interest in projects I suppose.
And then finally, step one was done, and I was left with pages on a word document that look like this. (And do please let me know if you want the link to the document. It was so much work, and I would love to not be the only one to use it.)
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Next step was printing out this beast. Ended up being about eight pages of front matter, and about 630 pages of body text.
That I printed wrong.
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Before finally getting it right. And then not getting a picture of it, because I finished at 4 am and had work at 7, and am also an idiot.
Then I simply stitched along, putting everything together into a beautiful text block.
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And came up with a design for the cover.
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Yes the glue did end up lumpy. Ignore it.
Yes I did have to sketch out the design onto a scraped page several times before I figured out what I was doing. Ignore that too.
The cover design does wrap around the entire cover. No I did not get a picture before I glued the thing down. See again: I'm an idiot. And just... massively impatient.
Finally, we get to the stage of gluing. Behold, my bookpress.
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Of course, topped with Madam MuffinLances own actual professional-people book, Fox's Tounge and Kirin's Bone. It is Excelent. Here is the LINK so you can go and support this amazing author with the real-monies as well as the internet-kudos.
Then, once everything is glued together, one must give the book its "gilt" edges.
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beyondthisdarkhouse · 2 years
I'm coming to change how I think of "historical accuracy", which I used to think was the highest peak of perfection when it comes to making historical clothes, or writing fiction, or whatever. Because that ideal, or the way I was using it, have turned out to be really toxic for me; it sets up a world where there's Good and there's Bad and if you're not historically accurate enough it's okay for all the other kids to make fun of you. And you have to suffer and be virtuous an appropriate amount before you're allowed to feel good about your art.
I'm so sick of the way costumers talk about their own projects, picking them to pieces. "I made this dress ten years ago before I knew very much about historical costuming, and it's just a disaster. Everything is polyester, and the hems are all done by machine..."
I think I used to want to disappear into historical accuracy like a person hiding in a hollow tree; if all my work was perfectly accurate, there was nothing of me to criticize or laugh at. It would finally be safe and okay for me to be a weirdo dreamer who loved creating things and wanted to look fantastic, because I had created an armour of artifice. I had slipped entirely into a world that would support and enclose me.
Letting go of historical accuracy has meant I've had to accept who I am now. I've got to understand and see the beauty in the modern world and all its strange complexities. And I've also got to accept and defend myself in the face of derision or disrepect or criticism, instead of blaming myself for not being perfect enough to avoid them. (To be clear: Sometimes that "defense" just means tuning out or walking away. People aren't automatically correct just because they're critical of me. Which was kind of a surprise.)
The mindset that works for me now is that I am a modern person, living in modern material reality. I am making works that are in conversation with the past. They will never not be modern works, but they're worth making and appreciating no matter how unhistorical they are. Sometimes their conversation with the past is shouting and waving at someone on the other side of a crowd; sometimes it's a deeply braided multi-year friendship that infuses every fibre.
This also opens up a whole dimension of attitude, where sometimes I love the past and want to hold it up as amazing, and sometimes I think the past should go fuck itself and I'll do what I want instead. History isn't a dictator.
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butchfairyzine · 3 months
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Artist spotlight- City Fairies: Brit and Finchie! 🌆
"Brit is honored and excited to work with so many incredible artists to hopefully bring viewers something that will rock their socks off while simultaneously having their own socks rocked as well!" Brit can be found at @bribinart
"Finchie is a femme lesbian artist and merch designer. Previous projects include Neon Hemlock Press, The Story Engine, and Classics But Make It Gay. Despite the name, she doesn't know much about birds." Finchie can be found at @rosefinchie
Stay tuned for more updates about our artists and writers , we have some more amazing talents to show you all. Zine kickstarter will be in July.
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skullfragments · 9 days
The Good Omens Fairy Tale Bang!!
posting has begun!! there's so many amazing stories coming out of this event and i can't wait to read all of them myself!
i was so excited to make art for TWO different stories!! the first chapter of one of them is up now! it is super silly and full of fairy tale whimsy. Aziraphale is discovering new things about her life after her father's death, and Crowley... is a plant. (🤭for now)
Read it here!!
Once upon a time, a poor peasant bequeathed to his eldest son Gabriel all of his meagre possessions, except for the golden ring and potted snake plant left to his younger daughter Azira. But once a coven of witches reveal her true nature, will Azira be able to rescue Snakely from a fate worse than leaf spots, while uncovering Azira's own secret past? And will True Love actually conquer all? You’ve read fairy tales before. You know how this goes.
and here's two of the SIX drawings i made for this story (i'm insane):
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updating weekly so stay tuned for more!
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avactors · 4 months
Interview transcript 2: AvM30 - King and Purple
Interviewer: “Greeting! It’s a pleasure to meet you. Please introduce yourselves for the viewers.” King: “It’s a pleasure to meet you too. I am [King] and I play King in AvM series.” Purple: “Hello! I’m [Purple] and my face is the one you see crying the most.” [All laughing] Interviewer: “So. [King], [Purple], neither of you have participated in a project like this before, both being more accustomed to movie formats. It must’ve been really hard to get used to a much faster production process.” Purple: “Actually, I already played several roles in series. But I will admit, shooting movies is a lot easier than a series. Albeit, less fun. The amount of freedom we were given was just crazy.” King: “I wouldn’t say it was all that hard, but surely an interesting experience.” Purple: “[King] called all of us kindergarteners when he first came to the set.” Interviewer: “I would assume that, being the only well-established actor in the series you probably had to give a lot of advice.” King: “I did. Actually. But they had proven to be fast learners.” Purple: [chuckle] “Oh trust me, ever since his first appearance he never left the set. He was coaching everyone.” King: [silently] “No I wasn’t” Purple: “The ones who got the most were, of course, [Second] and myself.” Interviewer: [laughing] “Because of how many scenes you played together, is that correct?” Purple: “Yes. Definitely.” Interviewer: “Oh yeah, [Purple], many were amazed by Purple’s performance in second to last episode. The Noteblock Universe. Many have speculated, but there seems to not be an answer as to who actually was performing that part” Purple: “It was me actually. I sang my own part in the Noteblock Universe. And I believe it to be one of my best performances so far.” King: “Oh yeah, the first time we actually heard the recording everyone was speechless. Turns out [Purple] has a lot of hidden talents.” Purple: “You bet!” Interviewer: “Speaking of talents, [King], many were very touched by your performance in the last episode’s backstory sequence and even more didn’t expect to see your actual son as a part of the series. Whose idea was this?” King: “Oh it’s quite a funny story, actually. Believe it or not, [Gold] actually volunteered to play the role of Gold in the series, when he heard me discussing the casting process with Alan, he instantly jumped to me, begging to let him try to audition.” [chuckle] “And, well, if you were in my place, you wouldn’t be able to say no to that face either.” Interviewer: “And, seeing at the reaction to this scene online, it is fair to assume that you indeed made a right decision. This episode had by far the most impact on everyone who tuned in during premiere.” Purple: “Oh, even I cried during the premiere. None of us even had an idea of what was happening, except for those who participated, so it came as a shock to everyone.” Interviewer: “Is that so? In that case, I believe you was in fact in the same place as Purple during the shooting.” Purple: [laugh] “That’s one way to put it!”
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4 Years HHAtranslated
It's 15 April 2024, which means HHAtranslated turns 4 years old today 🫶🏼🥹
When I thought of starting this account pre-covid, I never expected it would turn into this. During lockdown, I had so much time and the nostalgia and my love for Anubis helped me through so much over the years.
So many accounts on Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter talk about this universe and it makes me so happy!
As there are four series and this is the fourth anniversary, I'd like to express my gratitude for each show.
Het Huis Anubis:
* HHA raised me as a kid and helped me through my struggles as a teen and now in my twenties
* Seeing the cast IRL in December was a dream come true and I still can't believe it happened 🥹
* I can't wait to see the EMDV vodcast of Anjali and Iris! They're teasing the date of the first episode online atm. I can't wait to unravel new truths 🤩
The Five of the Magical Sword:
* Such an overhated and underrated show in Belgium and the Netherlands, that I was scared to sub it. I'm glad I did, because international fans took Sterre, Pim, Marcel, Raphael and Anastacia into their hearts and didn't let them go 🫶🏼
* I also learned to appreciate the show a lot more
* I hope they've a reunion too
House of Anubis:
* HHA and HOA fans often butt heads and it's not necessary at all!
* Both shows are absolutely amazing
* HOA took the key elements of HHA and made it their own and I adore what they did with it. Some characters might have a different arc, but it makes them their own person and I love discovering the differences
* I need to rewatch the masterpiece that's season 3!
Das Haus Anubis:
* For some reason, DHA makes me hella nostalgic while I only discovered it in 2019
* The same sets and scripts make for fun comparisons and while DHA is a lower budget show, it's so much fun
* I love to watch DHA episode/day wise and I've rewatched it like that already often
* The cast is so involved still and it makes me very happy!
The future of HHAtranslated:
* Once I find an editing programme again, I'd love to sub the S100 Singalong Anubis concert, BTS of HHA/The Five and the discography
* I'd love to sub Das Haus Anubis someday🫶🏼
My main project for 2024 is the 9 Het Huis Anubis novels, based on the TV series and the movies.
The books are in third person, but follow Nienke's pov, throughout her stay at Anubis House. Some scenes are way more graphic than in the series, like Nienke and Noa's kidnapping.
The romance is also more present and we get new scenes which make Nienke's decisions more logical, like how she ended up in Anubis house with the grail mid-season 2.
I'm starting of with book 1: The Secret Club of the Old Willow
I'll try to upload frequently. I've less time as I work fulltime and live with my boyfriend, compared to university and living at my parents' years ago. A new blogpost will be created on my website, with links to the chapters, published in a Google Drive doc.
English isn't my first language so there will be mistakes. However, I hope to do the books justice like I hope I did the show.
Teasers to the books and chapter 1 will be posted soon. Stay tuned ❤️
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the-golden-comet · 3 months
So The Wingman reached 4,000 Hits and 500 Kudos this week….
It…it’s only been a month since the last milestone. I’m so amazed. Holy shit. 😳😳😳💖💖💖💫
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Thank you all so much for for your MASSIVE support. 1k in a month is….incredibly outstanding. I am overwhelmed with positive emotion and gratitude. Like seriously. This is….!! I’m choked. I’m inspired. I’m beyond grateful. Thank you all so, so, SO much!! ✨🌈✨
…I may have been writing a five-chapter special with more spiciness. @gioiaalbanoart , @wyked-ao3 , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @deanwax @zackprincebooks , @lychhiker-writes ….stay tuned on your AO3 for when that drops (I’m on Bonus Chapter 4 of 5. Needed to take a small break for my eyes since I’ve been writing for 4 hours straight gay 😌✨)
And people who are currently reading The Wingman, make sure you finish the story before the bonus chapters to avoid spoilers! 💫 (mind the tags, though. This one’s got a lot of triggers)
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janglingargot · 1 month
Her monitors are angled just so, her snacks are laid out within arm's reach, and her reference files are open and ready to go. Peppermint laces her fingers together and stretches her arms to full extension, palms out, then grins. Time to get to work.
There are a lot of upsides to having the battle for the Vandelay legacy behind her, but one of the best is having time to spend on her own personal projects again. Getting her mom's old truck running last month felt fantastic. It's like she's a teenager again, spending her spare hours puttering around with whatever gadgets or programs she's currently inspired by.
No more staying up all night, stressing out about how to crack into protected systems. No more cobbling together kludged equipment that might get her past Kale's defenses. She's free to do...pretty much whatever she wants.
It's kind of amazing.
Brow furrowed in concentration, she clicks on the spot in her code where she left off last time, and begins to type.
The door to the hideout slams open.
Welp. So much for concentrating. Peppermint frowns and types faster, trying to get the string written down before she forgets the idea she's got queued up in her head. "Hey, Chai," she mumbles, half-distracted.
Despite her best efforts to ignore them, she can hear Chai's footsteps crossing the room toward her, followed by the staccato patter of 808's paws. Chai leans curiously over her shoulder, peering at the jumble of code on the monitors in front of her. He wrinkles his nose, perplexed, glancing from screen to screen.
"Well, that looks...impressive," he says, vaguely. "Hey, uh...listen, I can see that you're busy, but I was wondering...do you have a minute?"
"Mm-hmm," Peppermint mutters, under her breath, hunching closer to the keyboard. If she can just get a first draft banged out, she can tune it up later. "Can it wait, like, two seconds?"
"Sorry," Chai says, sheepishly scratching at the back of his neck. "It's just, my arm's been acting up, and it's...kinda starting to cause me some problems, so I was hoping you could maybe take a look at it for me--"
"Two seconds, Chai!" Peppermint cuts him off impatiently. Her fingers are scrambling across the keys with a clatter of clacking plastic. "I will be right with you, I swear, but first I need to get this written down, okay?"
"...All right. Fine." Chai sighs, kicking at the floor with one sneaker, and slumps off toward the media loft. "I'll just...be over here. When you're ready."
(Ao3 link to the rest)
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td-tbbg-official · 5 months
edit: THE FIRST TD:TBBG CHAPTER IS OUT!!! go read it now! :3
“Sorry for the radio silence, folks! Things have been hectic on the production end, but I promise we’re on the right track!
“In fact, we are so on the right track, that I can make an exciting announcement...”
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The first chapter of Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations drops Friday, April 26th, at 12 PM EST!
“That’s right, folks! We’re coming at ya live from Camp Wawanakwa this Friday!”
“Eh, Chris, it’s not exactly live...”
“I know, darling, it’s just a saying.”
“Also, won’t this make production slower?”
“Eh? Why would that be?”
“Well, the episodes aren’t all done being edited, and our production team has their own business besides the show. When will episodes drop?”
“Well, we won’t have an exact schedule - they will drop when I feel like it. After all, we have lives outside of the show.”
“Hm, fair enough. I guess I should gather the crew to keep on editing.”
“Yeah, yeah, go. I gotta film an outro.”
You excited yet? I know I am! Make some noise and show your support by subscribing to canonically47 on AO3 and tuning in for...
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launching TD:TBBG is super exciting! it’s been months since i started promoting this project, so finally getting to publish it feels amazing!
please be understanding with me while i put out the fic. i am a busy high school student with extracurriculars, volunteer work, hobbies, a social life and many other things to handle. this fic will be written out of pure pleasure and new chapters will drop whenever i feel like it. i ask that you are patient with me on this journey <3
well, with that said... are you ready for friday? 👀
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helenakwayne · 4 months
Recently finished your fic and wondering if you have written anything else for Kanthony (even if it is without the lovely Ted Lasso references). Also, are there3 other Kanthony fics you recommend?
Hi anon. Thanks for reading. Updated to add: Your recs are below.
To answer your first question, that was my first Kanthony fic. I'm ploughing my way through a new one that will (sadly) not have any Ted Lasso references. However, I don't want to post it until it is complete, and I'm currently struggling with chapter 2 of 6 (according to the current plotted outline). So... stay tuned?
As for Kanthony fic recs, wow... daunting. There are 340 Kanthony fics sitting in my Kindle right now that I've either read and liked, or am planning to read. So, whatever recs I make are definitely not comprehensive. It always seems unfair to recommend fics because I always feel like I'm leaving a bunch of really great authors out. I'll give it a try, but please know I could mention a lot more authors and stories.
Let's see (there'll be M's and E's below, so pay attention to ratings and warnings) :
anidlequeen wrote Footie, which shares certain themes with THTKY. A personal favorite from this author is And Now I Got Too Much At Stake.
caciopepebowl is prolific. I have a soft spot for the recent Close Encounters of the Acutest Kind.
lookingforthestars wrote I didn’t know that loving you was the happiest I’ve ever been. It was one of the first fics I read and really liked.
I had recently mentioned Moomin_94 for (I feel) the lavender haze creeping up on me, which had a premise that caught me off guard and had me laughing all the way through. They also wrote Offside, which is just a fun ride with football and Anthony being his best Roy Kent.
You can't go wrong with PenguinofProse. I remember liking An Adult Playmate.
ramarro's Three Cities and We Never Lived Here. Hot...
royalwisteria's three part series that begins with there be fury on the waves. Amazing.
Speaking of author's with only one Kanthony fic out there, ryanatwood's say my name and everything just stops is truly terrific and I wish they'd write more.
starkswinterfelling's it only takes a taste (which is, of course, part of the Operation: Barista series).
There. Lots of authors/stories missing, but I hope that's a good starting point. Happy reading.
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