#they also never made me feel bad about missing school because of my abdominal migraines
primrosebitch · 4 months
One thing i'm really grateful for is that my parents always believed me whenever i told them i was in pain or felt sick or that something was wrong with my body, they always listened and took me to the doctor to figure out what's wrong and how to make it better, even when i had these awful abdominal migraines as a child and my doctors couldn't find anything wrong, they always believed me and let me stay home from school because of the pain.
Even now they still support and believe me, my mom was actually the one to notice the development of my pots and me/cfs and take me to the doctor, and when i developed hypothyroidism (which has thankfully since gone away) she noticed it before even i did and took me to the doctor to get help (granted just about anyone could have noticed it before i did, i gained 40 pounds in only a few months and was super lethargic and my face was very puffy etc etc and i didn't even realize anything was up until my mom pointed it out and i was like wait yeah how the hell didn't i notice the obvious changes to my body).
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