#they also exist to be contrasted with claudi
kabutoden · 5 months
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GOLD RULE--GOLDBLOOD Wyrbie Furfur A fierce yellowblood who really likes wolves. Living in a city of only goldbloods that highly values trolls who are psiionically gifted, they have no psiionic potential. They can get very jealous of others, especially Claudi. Wyrbie’s lusus is a small ferret that insists on going everywhere with them. Having their dad at their side gives Wyrbie a lot of courage. Ferretdad nips them on the ear if they act too mean to others. Sign of hunting partner. Prince of Light. Bee Morph. 6 sweeps: 13 years.
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lego-95316 · 1 year
CMS 294 Blog #4
Blog Four
Conduct a holistic of the film Amélie by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Be sure to integrate terminologies and concepts from course discussions on both photography and film in your analysis. Cite all borrowed materials.
Amélie is a French Romantic Comedy film directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. The film is a deception of Parisian life set in Montmartre; an area known for its artistic history. The story deals with a shy waitress who changes the lives of everyone around her while dealing with her own issues of isolation. The film is filtered with bright colors from beginning to end. The beginning introduces Amélie’s parents and their interesting likes and dislikes. Amélie is six years old and relies on her imagination since her parents falsely believe she has a heart defect that won’t allow her to attend school. Each shot is framed to depict her imagination that separates her thoughts from reality. She’s a character all about balance. Throughout the film, the character creates the balance necessary for her own benefit and the better for others around her.
            Throughout the film, the narrator gives brief descriptions of the people Amélie encounters and so forth. When Amélie deals with her own isolation, the camera focuses on a close shot of the tv depicting what she is feeling. Some shots are framed with bright contrasts after Amélie helps someone out or bright depicting her departure from the real world. The visual colors add to the comedic atmosphere and romantic aspects of the film. After Amélie creates balance, the camera shifts its focus to a closeup of her smiling after creating the sense of balance between herself and the people she interacts with.
            The film received positive critical and audience reception as it’s filled with memorable moments. While being enjoyed as a film or work of art, the audience also enjoys the film from a holistic perspective. Amélie is a classic example of a holistic thinker creating a positive balance with those around her and within herself. Every technique used with depth of field and camera shot types add to the comedic and cartoon like setting that Amélie has set in to deal with her own isolation. The voice-over adds to the atmosphere of each character and comedic tone.
While it can be confusing to understand the film after the first initial viewing as the effects cover this film to the brim and keep the audience engaged. Amélie is a dreamer often shunned by society, but the film plays wonders with its colorful images and cinematography and embraces the dreamers who wish to help those around them especially when they show her heart beating within her sweater. From the very beginning of Amélie’s childhood days to the end where she finds true happiness within herself, director, Jean-Pierre Jeunet uses a colorful pallet and unique camera techniques to give off a more cartoon approach to this romantic comedy and makes the audience love Amélie for her kind nature. It’s clear that framing techniques and illusion of depth throughout the film add to Amélie’s dreaming nature and exist for that sole purpose of the film. Amélie melting like water at the sight of her lover, Nino is my favorite example of the techniques used. It adds to the romantic tension and the audience continues to root for her the entire time.
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Jeunet. J. (Director). (2001). Amélie. [Film]. Claudie Ossard Productions.
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justgrazingthetop · 5 years
Choose Your Spice- Claude/Felix love triangle
NOTE: This is my first time writing a multi-chapter story, but I was inspired by my love for both cold to warm romances and the flirty, "but you've changed me," relationships. I may be slow updating, but let me know how you like the story so far. I hope you all enjoy.
Sunlight shined on Claude's face making the caramel glow of his skin intensify. He wore a black sweatshirt and dark blue skinny jeans. Sure it was a little warm, but he knew that it was a "look."
He sat on the lawn outside of his dorm room while his forest green eyes peered over the lens of his sunglasses, toward the walking path.
"Hey, loser!" a loud, slightly shrill voice yelled.
"Hilda, how many times do I have to tell you? Projection isn't cute," Claude cooed, patting the spot next to him.
Her pink pigtails bounced up and down with her shoulders as she left out a loud, "Hmph." She set down her backpack and joined her friend on the ground, ruffling his short chestnut hair. "What are you doing out here? You missed Lorenz practically drooling over Professor Manuela in Music Theory."
"I'd rather stay away from him, thanks. Anyways, I'm playing a game."
"What game?"
"I watch people who walk down the path," Claude gestured widely in front of him, "Then, I guess their name, major and life goal based solely on their appearance."
"That's swallow and dumb."
"So, you're in?"
"...You go first."
Claude took a long look at the students walking, waiting to find someone who stuck out to him.
Too plain. Too obvious. Too easy. Claude's eyes lit up when a perfect pupil appeared. "You see that girl in the big sweater and Adidas shorts?"
Hilda turned in his direction, skeptically, "Yeah?"
"Her name is probably Savannah, she loves animals, so I'm guessing she's a Pre Vet major and her life goal is to… save the turtles," Claude said, reaching his hands up and then crossing them behind his head.
Hilda raised her eyebrow, "And what exactly gave you that impression?"
"Well, for starters, she has a keychain of a turtle hanging off her backpack," he pointed to the dangling charm, "And her sweater is from a Vet place nearby. Also, I think she looks like a Savannah."
Hilda wasn't convinced, "You're terrible at this."
"Then, you do it."
"Fine," Hilda began to search through the crowd while she stuck her tongue out in mock concentration.
"That guy, there, in the blue shirt, jeans and a ponytail."
"The one who looks like Sasuke from Naruto?"
Her head swiveled back, "Who?"
Claude sighed, "Go on."
"His name is Felix, he is a business major, and his goal in life is to be the best businessman ever to exist."
"No way. How would you get that out of such a boring outfit?"
"Don't believe me," Hilda winked, "Ask him."
Always willing to call someone out on their bullshit, Claude stood up, dusted himself off, and strolled over to 'Felix.'
"Hey, Felix!"
The man turned around, revealing an annoyed face and sharp eyes, "What do you want?" Except he said it less as a question and more like a warning to get out of his face.
Instead of being turned off, Claude smile grew, "So me and my friend were talking-"
"Great," Felix cut Claude off, "so what does that have to do with me?"
"Let's start again. I'm Claude," he stuck out his hand.
"Felix, but you already knew that. Is there something you needed? Cause if not, I've got a class to go to," Felix responded cooly.
"You know what, nevermind," Claude started backing away, "I wish I could say it was a pleasure."
"Tck, whatever."
Claude walked back to Hilda, whose face was now red with laughter, "I fucking told you so."
"How did you meet a man that charming?" Claude grimaced, not quite know what exactly just happened.
"Oh, he's in my 'Intro to Statistics' class, and we had an icebreaker today. Let's say he 'brought down the mood,'" Hilda frowned and then giggled. "You should've seen your face when he turned around. Maybe next time you'll believe me."
Claude shook his head, "The day I take you at your word is the day I've lost my mind. Listen, I've gotta get to class, but wanna get dinner tonight?"
"Oh? You don't have a date tonight? Has your social life taken a downturn?"
"Oh, Hilda, I'm not Sylvain. I do pick and choose who I spend my nights with," Claude leaned down and offering a hand to help her up, "You just so happen to be my only option."
Swatting his hand away, Hilda stood up and then punched him in the arm.
"That was a warning. See you around, Claudy."
With that, Claude was left along with his thoughts. He walked back into his dorm, the stench of sweat, and weed, hitting his face as he walked to his room. His roommate Lorenz thankfully wasn't in. A giant map of the world hung on his side of the room, it was gilded on the edges and had an old aged look. It was a stark contrast to the flashy purple cloths that covered the other side of the room and don't get him started on the roses.
He searched through the stacks of books, trying to find the one needed for class.
"Note to self, stop buying books," he said, shaking his head and pulling out his English book.
With that, he was off to class.
Felix annoyance crept into his face as he walked away from the unwanted interaction with Claude. Who walks up to someone after admitting that they were talking about you with their friend? Not to mention, he had never met Claude before, so how the hell did he know his name? Unless he knew about his father.
He was the son of Rodrigue Fraldarius, the CEO of the Blue Lion Coffee Company, and if he wanted to take over the business one day, he had to outperform his brother Glenn.
He was striding past his fellows, avoiding as many of them as possible, when a cute redhead cut their way through the crowd stopped him, "Felix!"
"Yes, Annette."
"Where are you headed?"
"I'm going to class."
"Class? What class?"
"I have English at 1:30."
Annette looked at the smartwatch on her wrist, "But you don't have class for another hour, why don't we chat for a bit? I miss you, and I haven't seen you since graduation!.
"You know that I have to focus on my classes-"
"To take over the company one day, I know!" She sighed, "But that doesn't mean you can't have any friends. I-We miss you." A blush spread across her cheeks.
Felix softened his face putting a hand awkwardly on her shoulder, "Annette, it's nothing personal."
Balling her fists, Annette pouted, "Give me your planner."
"Give it to me right now, or I swear to god I will make a scene!" Her voice started to rise.
"Fine!" He dug into his planner and shoved it into her hands, "Just so you know, I don't appreciate the threat."
She hummed, writing down scribbles into his planner, "Okay, next Friday, you are coming to Dorothea's place, and we are going to have a game night. If you don't show up, I will consider you dead to me."
Annette skipped away, and Felix shook his head in disbelief. Looking down at his planner, he saw a heart with the words, "Game Night," in cursive. Felix watched her as she left, thinking about the awkward terms they were on. Everyone knows that whiskey and Felix is not good news, yet Annette wouldn't take no for an answer.
Checking his phone, he saw that class now started in 30 minutes, and he was going to be late for being early. He liked to sit in the middle, not too close to the front to be called, but not too far in the back to be deemed a slacker.
"What a hassle."
When crossing the threshold into his classroom, he stopped to find Claude, that bastard, sitting where he liked to sit.
Damn Annette.
He took the seat one down and opened his book. He decided to ignore everyone else's existence and make it through the next hour.
"Excuse me," A girl's voice broke his concentration, "Is anyone sitting here?"
"Does it look like anyone is sitting there?"
"Ah, I guess not," she forced a half-laugh, "I'll just sit here, I guess."
Felix grunted, refusing to look up at the intrusion. The last thing he needed was another person trying to talk to him while he was trying to train to become the most exceptional businessman ever to live.
"Ah, don't mind him," Claude interrupted, "He's not the friendly type. My name's Claude. What's yours?"
Claude recognized her as the girl he labeled Savannah earlier.
When Felix looked up, he saw a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. Pretty sure, but nothing special.
"Well, Linda, we should share numbers. This way, if one of us misses class, we have a back up for notes."
Felix saw through this ploy. Claude was clearly trying to get into this girl's pants.
"Uh sure, I guess. Not sure what kind of notes I would miss in English," Linda said hesitantly, setting her books on to the desk.
Felix chuckled, "If you want good notes, it's best just to take them yourself." He then glared over to Claude, "And you. Are you already planning on missing class?"
As Claude began to retort, the professor walked into the room and started class. He was a man with shoulder-length green hair and matching eyes. He wore a fitted blazer in a navy blue that was layered over a gold t-shirt and black jeans. Felix thought to himself, "Trying a little hard to fit in with the youth."
"This is English level 1000. If you are not meant to be in this class, please leave," the professor bellowed. A few embarrassed students left the classroom. "Okay, I am Seteth. I will be teaching you how to interpret books in a way you've never thought of before."
"I will not be going over the syllabus as you should have read it on your own time. Instead, I will be assigning groups in this class for discussion," Seteth paused and looked over the room, "No, you may not choose who your partners will be."
A groan came from in the back, "Why not?"
"If you work with friends your whole life, then you will never learn how to see things from a different perspective," Seteth answered.
Felix felt annoyed. He hated working in groups. Every group project he has ever been apart of has been with people who were stupid, lazy, or a hybrid of both.
"You three!" Seteth pointed between Claude, Linda, and Felix, "You will be group C. Exchange numbers and get to know each other." Just as Felix thought his problems couldn't get worse, he got partnered with the one person in class that he already knew he didn't like. The professor set down a worksheet that had big, bold letters at the top that said the worst words put together on Earth Ice Breaker.
As Linda looked to her right, she noticed Felix is glaring past her, so she smiled at him, "Yeah, I get it, groups kind of suck. Here's my number." She slid a piece of paper over to him. "Just text me your name."
Felix scoffed, "Okay."
Linda decided to leave him alone. She thought to herself, "A man of few words or just an asshole?" She turned toward Claude, "You text me too."
A vibration came from her back pocket, "Already done."
"Awesome, I'll put a group chat together. It will be easier this way to talk to each other."
Linda cleared her throat and picked up a copy of the worksheet, "Oh, this doesn't look too bad. It's only ten questions." Then she quickly felt a chill run through her body when she saw the murderous look on her new brooding teammate's face.
Seteth returned to the front of the class and explained the paper, "You each will interview the person sitting to the left of you. If you are sitting in a line, and have no one to the left of you, interview the last person in your row. After filling out the worksheet, return the paper to me, and you are free to leave. Questions? Great, get started."
This order meant that Felix would interview Linda, Linda would interview Claude and Claude would interview Felix. Claude was interested to learn more about why Felix was such a douche.
"You two can go first," Claude rested back in his seat, taking out his phone to scroll, "I don't mind waiting to go last."
"Okay, number one, what's your major," Felix asked quickly as if the faster he spoke, the faster he could escape this situation.
"Number two, why did you choose that major?"
"I like learning about people and their lives. You know, giving a voice to those who don't have one," Linda smiled, and Felix rolled his eyes. What an admirable goal, but Felix doubted that it was reachable. The public only cares about people with power or money, but he wasn't going to be the one to tell her.
"Favorite food?"
"You have got to be kidding me," Claude interrupted, "Who likes sauerkraut?"
"It's only the best food on the planet, and one of the only foods I like that isn't doomed to hurt my health in some way shape or form," Linda defended herself, crossing her arms over her chest covering the words, 'Dog Life.'
"Yeah, but that's still weird."
"Can we please move on?" Felix wrote down her answer and continued, "What is your dream in life?"
"I want to retire with someone I love and own a farm where I take care of rescue dogs."
"I'm not touching that one," Claude laughed, obviously enjoying making fun of this new girl.
"Oh, let me live. It's a dream; it's not supposed to be realistic."
"That isn't true," Felix interrupted, "My dream is to beat my brother and take over my father's company so I can become the most successful businessmen in the world."
"That's… nice," Linda hesitantly said, "A little intense, but I guess we all have to have something to live for."
Felix scoffed, "I don't need your approval."
With that, the talking mood was killed, and they finished the rest of the assignment without a hitch. Everyone was packing up their bags and getting ready to leave when Claude's grin grew across his face, "How about we all get together? I don't know that many people around here."
"I don't know that many people either. Plus, I'm all about having study buddies." Linda agreed, plus Claude seemed nice enough to be friends.
"Count me out," Felix spit, starting to pack up his books. "I don't need any more distractions. We can talk during class, but I don't see the need to get close to each other."
"C'mon Felix," Claude pleaded, "It won't work if we aren't all together. It's group bonding."
"Not even for an hour."
"What if we brought donuts?"
"I don't like sweets."
"It's okay, Felix, you don't have to," Linda interrupted the stalemate, "Forcing you to come wouldn't be fun anyways. If you do want to show up, then do."
Felix's eyebrows shot up. Was she respecting his boundaries? This behavior was the opposite of how the other people in his life acted. He looked at her, with an unreadable face, and said, "Thanks."
Before Felix left the classroom, Claude yelled, "I'll put the details in group chat." Each one of them knew it was going to be an interesting semester.
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