thewriteroflucifenia · 8 months
Shameless self promotion. Do you wanna read about Juri and Cammy kissing, but also navigating a metric fuck ton of interpersonal drama? Try my fic. It's got an original villain, gratuitous talk about security clearances, Juri being a gremlin, Cammy being a useless lesbian, Decapre being a wing woman, and Crimson Viper's kid is the world tour avatar.
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
What's the story with Xianna? I'm really curious now.
So she is a descendant of Martin Septim. We all know that Martin was a worshiper of Sanguine, and her line comes from that.
The woman who had a child with Martin, he had a vague idea but wasnt involved. When she heard word that he was actual Martin Septim (of course this was after he died and the crisis was ended) she didnt tell anyone. She simply left town. Generation after generation it was told "we are descendants of the emperors, and we must bid our time to take it back".
Xianna's Father (her mother didn't want to be involved once she found out the lineage) lived in Windhelm, a town cold enough no one would question who they were. When Xianna was about 6, she started to show signs of her heritage, the dragonborn blood that was still there. Although it had never shown in the other descendants, and it was said the Dragonborn rulers never showed it either, she somehow did. Her father panicked, and did what anyone would do: he made the trek to High Hrothgar with Xianna.
The Greybeards could sense what she was as soon as she arrived, but were confused. There was no reason for a dragonborn to appear. But they kept her there. And trained her. Her father would make treks once a year on her birthday to see her, but as he got older he just stays in Windhelm.
But back to Xianna. The Greybeards trained her in the voice and in combat (although it was a lot of her teaching herself). She was well read and well spoken, speaking at least 4 languages. She was smart, but lonely. Being surrounded with the same old men for 15 years takes a toll on you.
She had finally left High Hrothgar due to the rumors of dragons returning. A town near the mountain completely destroyed by one. It was her job to find it, and figure out what it meant.
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🖊️ gimme dat oc talk, fam
-for… for all of them??? y’know what i’m just gonna write down fun facts about whatever characters come to mind, i hope that’s okay!
also many many apologies for taking so long! speaking of long, this is, so i’m sticking it under the cut
-She actually has really long hair for most of her story, and it only gets short when Naryu lops most of it off to prevent Veya from holding her in place while trying to take off her head
-If she’s in a very good mood and around Emeric you might catch her making sarcastic remarks instead of just being serious all the time (gasp!!!)
-She and Ashur get along surprisingly well and were mutually pleased to see one another in Hakoshae
-Occasionally she’ll say things completely seriously but that are jokes and you have to know her really well to understand the difference
-”The light inside is broken but I still work”
-Smiling is for losers
-Should be smarter than to make deals with hostile daedra but too desperate to give a shit
-Has really long hair… like really long… that braid she wraps around her head is like… down to her butt (same lmao)
-10/10 would use an army of daedra to clean her house
-Why do anything magic can do for you (that’s largely an exaggeration but she is very good at using magic to do things she doesn’t want to to)
-Usually very practical and dresses very plainly but likes having opportunities to dress up and do her hair and wear dresses and w/e
-Dres (surprise!) and would gut the rest of her family with a fork if she ever got the chance
-Actual blood mage (I like the idea that nightblade powers are based on blood magic anyway)
-Will not deal with anyone wanting to/who does keep slaves and will in fact free those slaves and probably gut you
-For someone whose job very often involves reading people to get close to her target she is very bad at reading Naryu and doesn’t realize she’s flirting with her until she actually just says ‘fuck it’ and kisses her
-Disrespecting Meridia is literally the only thing that makes her angry at all, she will never get upset with you insulting anyone else including herself
-Should probably be more concerned with the occasionally militant voice in her head than she actually is
-Grows up with no talent for magic, but very strong and very good with a maul, develops a talent for healing after Meridia starts possessing her every once in a while
-Way too enthusiastic about fighting creatures that are way older and more powerful than she is but somehow always wins
-Were her teeth always that sharp? who knows
-For some reason, thinks “Maybe you should stop sheathing your greatsword up your ass” is a good pickup line… for some even stranger reason, it worked (???)
-Burns everything she tries to cook
-Sometime after absorbing the souls of like 50+ dragons her use of the voice got obscenely powerful and that was the only reason she was a match for alduin (that and sheer stubbornness)
-Has replaced her parents with Paarthurnax and spends a lot of time on the throat of the world
-Most people are convinced that she’s actually mute, this includes about half of the guild
-Her two best friends are Brynjolf and Zanthe, and she spends a lot of time at the latter’s shop
-Altaire makes her super uncomfortable, but Altaire also doesn’t realize she’s there for like the first month that she’s in the guild
-She never buys food, she either swipes something (much more out of habit now than necessity) or when she’s on the road she hunts and eats whatever she kills raw
-Borderline feral but good at pretending not to be
-Prefers to just stare at people until they become uncomfortable instead of, idk, talking to them
-Still feels guilty about revering Talos because of growing up in the Dominion even though she knows she shouldn’t
-Knows the absolute most random bullshit about religions and is kind of a walking encyclopedia on the topic
-Could electrocute you on the spot by just kind of thinking about it
-Copes with her really bad childhood by flirting with anything that has a pulse
-Her sister may or may not have tried to drown her several times as a child
-Sometimes people don’t realize that she’s blind, which she finds endlessly amusing
-Mercer has threatened to murder her repeatedly, which just means she goes even farther out of her way to annoy him. the rest of the guild tries to keep them apart forcibly
-Her eventual shop /cough laundering scheme cough/ is called “The Fox’s Finds”, no she’s not subtle
-Her natural hair color is light brown, but it’s dyed red for most of the time she’s a Grey Fox
-Continually makes allusions to being a Grey Fox to Mercer but never tells him definitively because she loves fucking with him and knows he generally disapproves of her but she’s too valuable for him to get rid of
-Made her slingshot herself and does wood carvings as a hobby
-Has an older sister who ran away from their pretty evil parents and she kind of resents for not taking her with her
-Almost too nervous to function
-Lucien found her sleeping next to her parents’ corpses covered in blood so that’s fun i guess
-I have a lot of characters who are really quiet and she’s one of them
-Feral and not good at hiding it
-Absolutely should not be released into civilized society
-More seriously she puts in two new dukes of mania/dementia and then has the one from dementia replaced cause she doesn’t like him
-Way too fond of breaking skulls with a giant warhammer than she should be
-A walking collection of all of the different items collected during the shivering isles (most notably: charity of madness, regalia, nerveshatter, diadem of euphoria)
-Small and ANGRY
-Will fight you and will almost certainly win
-Has been having weird dreams about people she’s never met since she was young but always shrugged it off as, you know, normal dreams
-Hint: they were not normal dreams
-Initially opposed to having a ghost sharing her head but she came around and they’re best friends now
-Will just start making snarky comments to her ghost friend which is really awkward when other people can’t see him
i’m sorry again that this took so long and was so long but i hope you enjoyed and thank you for the ask! i had a lot of fun with this!!! :D
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thewriteroflucifenia · 8 months
Shameless self promotion. Do y'all want some cute family moments in your fanfic? Try mine.
"A collection of moments where Cammy was there for her many siblings. Whether it's protecting George from bullies, taking Decapre to the library, helping Noembelu with her vegetable garden, or literally carrying Marz through jungle foliage to safety, she has done her best to do right by her siblings (both blood and adopted).
While this mostly takes place between SF5 and SF6, there are some exceptions such as flashback chapters that will be labeled."
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
Random lore fact - Queen Elysana, the step daughter of Queen Barenziah, went on to be called the New Wolf Queen for being smart and ruthless. She also banished Barenziah and Helseth from Wayrest.
Yo that's actually kinda cool. I need to do some more research with Barenziah and all that
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
How about a journal entry? Any oc, I don't really know yours, I just wanted to interact.
hmm lyandra is the only one I can see having a journal
15th of Last Seed, 4e201
Elenwen interrupted my training again. I was in the middle of taking down a group of mages, fresh from Alinor. But at least finally I’m leaving the embassy. I can see how the land has changed, and see new places. I’m going somewhere called “hell-gan”. For what reason, I wasn’t told. 
Eh, doesn’t bother me too much. We leave mid-day, and reach there by Morndas. If I remember correctly, its at the border of Falkreath and the Rift, so that’s gonna be interesting.
I just wish Elenwen would tell me what’s going on. I hate being left in the dark about this sort of thing, since she seemed a little tense when she told me I was coming with. 
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