my-deer-hart · 12 years
Before I go
Here are the links for the people who owe me
- Draco 
- Fandral
- Anakin
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scoundrelfandral · 12 years
Character Solidafying Sunday: Fandral's Fact Sheet
[So seeing I have a bunch of new followers who may not actually know Fandral so I thought I would put some Fandral info, both canon and my version of Fandral. there is a tl;dr at the bottom, sorry for the wall-o-text]
Fandral the Dashing is a charter member of the Warriors Three, a trio of Asgardian adventurers consisting of Fandral, Hogun the Grim, and Volstagg the Valiant. They are members of the supporting cast in Marvel's Thor comics and usually provide comic relief and side-adventures.
Character creation and evolution
Fandral was based off of the persona of notable actor Errol Flynn and created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Fandral first appearing in a back up story in Journey Into Mystery series published in 1965.
Stan Lee on the creative process behind Fandral "I made those up. I specifically remember that I did them because I wanted a Falstaff-type guy, a guy like Errol Flynn." 
Fandral unusually compared to his Asgardian peers isn't based or rooted in Norse mythology.
Fandral is believed to have been partially responsible for the myth of Robin Hood, after having traveled to an unknown part of Europe in the middle ages and having married a mortal woman named Marian. Fandral in his early earthly adventures mirrored much of the known Robin Hood's Adventure. Once a year on Marian's death, he would return to Midgard to the isolated part of Europe in remembrance of the life they both shared.
Origin Fandral is a strong and brave Asgardian who is a part of the Warriors Three and a good friend to Thor. He's fought in countless battles alongside Hogun, Volstagg and the rest of the Asgardians to preserve and protect Asgard. He is one of the more good-looking Asgardians and along with his charm, gave him the reputation as a ladies man. Besides his looks, Fandral is also known for his skills in swordsmanship and bravery. Fandral, along with the other Asgardians, was thought to have been killed after the events of Ragnarok. The Asgardians, however, ended up being trapped inside the bodies of people around the world. After Thor's rebirth, he went looking for the other Asgardians in order to restore Asgard in the city of Oklahoma. He visited Africa and was able to find Fandral, hidden in the mortal guise of a man named Trevor Newly, from London. He restored Fandral to his rightful form, as well as Volstagg and Hogun, rounding off the Warrior's Three. After the exile of Thor from Asgard, the Warriors Three decided to also go on some of their own adventures around the earth.
Physical Characteristics
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 585 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Scoundrel Fandral:
Majority of what is canon is also my Fandral.
Except because I, the mun, is Asatru follower (Norse Heathenism), I felt it was odd that Fandral would be a part of Asgard but not actually a God. Seeing so much of the mythology has been lost, who's to argue that there wasn't a god of gold or swordsmanship?
The gold idea came from a Drabble prompt my old roleplaying partner sent me. Long story short, Sif gets shot through the heart and to save her Fandral gives up his own, the dragon, who Sif and Fandral were hunting takes pity on Fandral's love because like all good Norse dragons, this dragon was once human who turned into a dragon to protect his treasure. But this dragon loved his gold so much it became a part of him, so his heart was made of solid gold that beat molten gold for blood. Now that is the heart Fandral has, it caused his to be full of vanity and pride. When cut he literally bleeds molten gold, the blood actually burns his skin, but it is kept a secret from all but his closest friends. 
Fandral was originally (in my mythology of him) a member of the Vanir household, for they took him in when frost giants had frozen his whole village alive including his family, Fandral only survived because his father kept him warm in the forge. Both Fandral's parents died but he was raised in the Vanir Place untill he could become a warrior.  
During the Æsir–Vanir War (The war between the two groups of gods, Vanir being the old gods where you find Freya, and Æsir being the new gods which are Odin, Thor etc). Fandral fought for the Vanir, the golden god fought against the Æsir Goddess of Truth Aevi, he stupidly underestimated her sword work and he was left badly wounded as he bled over Midgard (in a place later to become known as El Dorado), Aevi was about to finish Fandral off when a great serpent rose from Midgard, awoken and enraged by the molten blood Fandral split. Even though Fandral was mortally wounded he risked his life to save Aevi from the beast. As thanks for saving Aevi, her father Forseti requested Odin to let Fandral serve the All-father and living in Forseti's house. Till the point of Aevi's death on Midgard, Aevi and Fandral were almost siblings to one and another.
I guess those are the main differences between Fandral and MY Fandral, so I reserve rights to be pissed if other, newer Fandrals introduce themselves as god of swordsmanship and gold, when it is not only not canon but my own personal canon.
Fandral is not a god in canon. My Fandral is a god in my version. I have worked hard to make my Fandral different from others because I know there are some amazing ones such as theoneandonlyfandral. 
If I see you continue to introduce yourself as 'God of swordsmanship and gold' I will signal boost you as someone who steals head canons. Stop being too lazy to even google the basics about the character you play. Stop stealing someone else's headcanons. It's not cool. Please stop.
If anyone has any questions or want to talk about anything at all I'm always up for a chat!
If your interested here are some other Fandrals I regularly check up on and read
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thewasandshouldbeking · 12 years
Token for yer time~?
"Ah, my beautiful swordsman... I find I am in a mood for the hunt, as we would often partake of in times of peace with no battle heat to entertain us. ...sadly I can think of no proper game for the season, but it occurs to me that you are awfully light upon your feet..."
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my-deer-hart · 12 years
If you're on this list you owe me threads-
Ask me for a link of you want it. 
If you want me to discontinue my thread, tell me so I can stop tracking it. I check for replies everyday, so if your not going to reply, tell me.  
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my-deer-hart · 12 years
Fandral nearly let out a scream as his lower torso and new womb suddenly grew into it’s nine months term, his legs shaking and his body trembling when he felt hot fluid flood down his strong legs and down his pants shamefully. With his pelvic bones stretching suddenly for the baby, Fandral gripped his bulged stomach with claw-like hands, terrified for his life. His Loki wasn’t here nor was his other self. Fandral was alone in this and without any help, he feared for the worse.
Saphire was down the hall in her room when she heard his scream. She set her book down and ran down the hall, even walking through some walls, to get to him. Saphire was aware of him and Loki, but couldn't care less. "Fandral?" She wrapped an arm around his waist trying to hold him up. 
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