anastpaul · 4 years
Maundy or Holy Thursday of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ  Evening Vigil Mass of the Lord’s Supper and The Seven Churches Visitation 
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Maundy Thursday begins the sacred Triduum—the holiest days of the Church year.  The liturgy reflects the beauty of the Paschal mystery and the Passover Feast of Christ.   The Triduum is a time that we walk in Jesus’ footsteps for His final hours on earth.   Personal devotions always spring up to unite the faithful’s domestic church with the liturgy of the Church but even more so during the holiest week of the year and in particular in this year of Covid19 when we are all locked down in our homes and are unable to accompany our Lord on His journey to the Cross.
At the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, the Gospel is John 13:1-15, Christ washing the feet of the Apostles.   The word Maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum (commandment) which is the first word of the Gospel acclamation: Mandátum novum do vobis dicit Dóminus, ut diligátis ínvicem, sicut diléxi vos.   “I give you a new commandment – Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34).   At the Mass the priest washes feet of several people in imitation of Christ.
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The Seven Churches Visitation
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In metropolitan areas where there are more Catholic churches, there is the popular tradition of visiting the altar of repose in seven local churches.   This custom began in Rome (often credited to St Philip Neri) with visiting the seven major basilicas of the city on Holy Thursday: St Peter’s in the Vatican, St Paul’s outside the Walls, St John Lateran, St Mary Major, St Sebastian’s, St Lawrence Outside the Walls and Holy Cross in Jerusalem.   See them all below.
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This Holy Thursday pilgrimage reflects the seven stops or “stations” during the night of Jesus’ arrest:
Jesus in the Garden in Gethsemane where He was arrested (Luke 22:39-46) Jesus taken before Annas (John 18:19-22) Jesus bound and taken before Caiaphas, the High Priest (Matthew 26:63-65) Jesus taken before Pilate, the Roman governor (John 18:35-37) Jesus goes before Herod (Luke 23:8-9, 11) Jesus returns to Pilate (Matthew 27:22-26) Jesus is scourged, crowned with thorns and led to His crucifixion (John 19:1-16)
The previous book of indulgences, the Raccolta, included this practice.   The suggested prayers were an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be, five times before the Altar of Repost of the Blessed Sacrament and then some private adoration and personal prayer (reflection on the scripture passages related to the “station”) before moving on to the next church.
The final church stop can also include prayers for the Holy Father’s intentions and a longer time of adoration with Jesus in the altar of repose.   In some regions the number of churches expanded to 14 to include the entire Stations of the Cross.  Some other traditions of prayers, with the Seven Churches, is praying along with the Seven Last Words of Christ.   This year there will be many online resources and we can pray the Liturgy together in our home,s as well as, make the Seven Churches pilgrimage by reading each Gospel reading aloud and praying the prayers suggested.
May we all accompany Our Lord tonight and not leave Him alone!
Maundy or Holy Thursday of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Seven Churches Visitation – 9 April Maundy or Holy Thursday of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ  Evening Vigil Mass of the Lord's Supper and The Seven Churches Visitation 
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Today we head off of the mainland of the Republic and to the Aran Islands, more specifically Inis Moor or Inishmore, the largest of the three islands.  They are located about 6-8 miles off the west coast of Ireland.  To live there would take a special person, because about all you see for the majority of the land is rock.  They make fences that go for miles out of them.  It is spectacular and it is kind of a glimpse of how simple life can be if you let it.  The land however is populated by 840 (for Inis Mor) and is known for it’s dedication to Irish culture and specifically the gaelic language.
We grab a couple of bikes despite the drizzly weather and start our journey.  We quickly go off road where my bike is not equipped to be (I selected a road bike).  My chain falls off and then well... so do I.  Right into a briar bush to be exact.  Thank God I’m layered.  Now I’m wet, cold and pissed.  We get back to the road and carry on.  We check out Kilmurvey Beach where there are supposed to be a seal settlement.  None today.  Guess the seals don’t want to get as wet as we are getting.  ;)  We see more cairns, horses, goats and cows along with other sights before coming upon Na Seacht Teampaill (The Seven Churches).  Tammy has gone ahead so I take a quiet moment to look at the graves and have an RX Bar.  Shortly after we head to  Dun Aonghasa.  For the first time you realize... “man... we are really on an island in the middle of the ocean.  It makes you feel really small.  We look at the spectacular stone wall before we decide to move along.  
The weather is truly just miserable and there isn’t a portion of my entire body that isn’t drenched.  I’m exhausted from biking an entire island and don’t really want to go on much further before I spot an adorable little donkey.  I take a break to go pet him and start missing my pet donkey Jack, from when I was little.  Although I could stay with him forever I move along and am finally rewarded for my work across this island with a beer at TJ Watty’s pub.  These beers go down quicker than any that we have had thusfar.  We return our bikes and head to the dock.
On our way back to Galway we spot a seaside restaurant.  We are both starving so we stop in to grab a bite before heading back to Galway.  We finish and head home.  We are both a bit exhausted and decide to have an early night before heading down to Doolin tomorrow.  Good night everyone.
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#DailyMeditation #TheProphecy #Revelations #TheSevenChurches #BlessingsAndCurses
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