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I’m currently busy working on original content, as well as the recent release of my debut novel “The Rising Flame” 🔥 so I’ve truly fallen behind on my fanfiction writing and posting more regularly on here 🤦 I am hoping to get back into the swing of things soon and have some great ideas for some “Buffy” and “TVD” verse fanfics…it may be a while before any “Charmed” fics though 😢 if anyone has any suggestions for fics I should get reading within these fandoms though, hit me up! 💖
#theselfproclaimedking#theworkofxanderking#xanderdking#xanderdamienking#therisingflame#original novel#tumblr#charmedtheselfproclaimedking#tvdversefanfiction#buffyversefanfiction
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Slayer of Slayers
Warnings:I do not own, nor do I claim to own any of the copyright or characters within the Buffyverse which includes but not limited to the television shows Buffy and Angel, as well as the Darkhorse comics series’ continuation.
15+ Strong to moderate violence, Graphic to mild descriptions of gore, and torture, sexually charged scenes, sexual innuendos, mild to strong language, and practices of witchcraft.

Part Nine: One of Us
As the story goes there was but one and only one, one born into every generation, one chosen to fight against the evils of the world, only one, and she was called the vampire slayer. Buffy Summers was the slayer that with the help of her bewitching best friend Willow Rosenberg changed those rules forever as one became two, then two became many, as slayers all over the world were activated to join the fight against evil but before those rules were broken, before everything changed forever, the world was changed once before by the birth of the first slayer known as the primeval one. Sineya was the first woman to become the slayer creating a legacy that would be added to by many but although those who came after her were vampire slayers too none quite had the power which she held due to the first slayer having a direct link with the shadow demon which had formed with her human body causing her to lose her humanity as she became the first slayer making her far stronger than any other slayer in history. It was that power, the power of the first slayer, that the unhinged vampire Drusilla sought out to recreate knowing that if the witch Willow was able to adjust the slayer spell to aid her in turning all potentials into slayers, then she too could adjust the magic, altering it somehow for her own liking…
Drusilla’s plans were many years in the making formed within a vision she had of a child, a son of the slayer she despised more than any other slayer, and so she waited patiently for the perfect time to her plans into action knowing she needed Theo Frey, Buffy’s son, to have lived a human life before she introduced herself to him, and that she would need an inexperienced witch that she could manipulate into doing her bidding as she educated that witch, Ruby Moon, in all things related to the dark arts, knowing its allure would make the witch a willing accomplish in anything she wanted her to be, and after much waiting it was finally time to take both Theo and Ruby into her undead family. It took Drusilla roughly about two years of training Ruby in the magics as well as her right-hand vamp Tobias taking the ropes with training Theo into becoming ready to be the first male slayer in history, as she chose to turn the eye as she witnessed a relationship forming between Tobias and Theo, believing it would make Theo more loyal to their cause if he was in love with her number one vampire, until Ruby had found a way of both educating herself on the infamous slayer spell as well as learning a way to manipulate the magics in order to send Theo back in time, to the time of the first slayer, placing him in the same place as the primeval one, to witness her creation, as well as his own.
Prehistoric Times
Theo was surprised at first to find himself suddenly transported from the abandoned insane asylum that Drusilla called her home to be deep within the deserts of a prehistoric Africa, not knowing the logistics of the spell that Ruby had cast, only knowing that the outcome would conclude with him becoming a slayer but as he adjusted himself to his new surroundings and saw only endless miles of nothing but the scorching hot desert he wondered just what exactly he would find in a seemingly non inhabited desert, other than a serious case of sunburn and possible heatstroke. And so with no other choice other than to stay put, Theo decided to begin walking through the seemingly never-ending desert determined to find some resemblance of life or anything which would hint to him why he had been sent to this unforgivingly hot place but with no answers and the lack of water beginning to take its toll on his mostly human body, it was not long before Theo could not go on any longer as he found his body dropping into the sandy grounds before passing out for what felt like mere moments. However, those supposed mere moments were long enough for his body to be dragged into a cave by three powerful mages known as the shadow men, and for his body to be tied in chains like the woman next to him, the woman in question being none other than Sineya, something Theo was quick to realize when he reawakened to find himself tied next to the primeval one, as he quickly stood up and tried to break free of his chains only to quickly realize there was no escape. Theo had wanted to know how the slayers were created and now he knew the cold harsh truth, that the first slayer was nothing more than a human victim of three powerful men who sacrificed her innocence to make her a super-powered soldier against all things supernatural, and it was then he realized that Sineya was nothing more than a girl, a girl that nobody saved, and now just like her, he was about to go through the same process that would change them both forever…
The shadow men, one by one, walked into the cave where Theo and Sineya were stood chained to chains attached to the stone-hard ground as they quickly began chanting in a prehistoric language that Theo couldn’t even begin to try and comprehend, as a dark shadow-like fog began forming in front of his eyes before it slowly began making its way towards Sineya, surging into her body causing the woman great pain as she screamed out in the agony of this shadow demon entering and violating her body as it attempted to bond itself with her, lasting for what felt like a lifetime for both her and Theo, as Theo watched the prehistoric woman continuously scream out in pain as her body shook voraciously as if the demon itself was torturing from inside her own body forcing Theo to learn the cold hard truth of the creation of the slayer as he now began to fear he would be the shadow men’s next victim, no longer willing to pay the price of becoming a slayer himself. But much to Theo’s dismay he had no choice in the matter, he was chained and unable to escape, and the only allies he had were the very people who sent him there for this very reason and so he just stood there in chains knowing once the shadow men were done with the primeval one that he would be their next victim. However, once Sineya fell to the ground seemingly unconscious the three shadow men quickly began chanting another spell in their long-dead language, one that Theo quickly noticed was ever so slightly differently worded than the one they had just chanted. Instead of summoning another shadow demon as they had done for Sineya, a thick ruby red smoke appeared in front of Theo, its essence giving off something greatly different than the shadow demon before it, as this red smoke wasted no time in forcing itself inside of Theo’s body entering him through his eyes, nose, and mouth, causing him to choke on the mystical smoke as it filled up his body before he fell to his knees, his entire body began to feel like it was burning up, as he felt an incredible heat, unlike anything he had ever felt before until the pain from it made the son of the slayer passed out completely.
Theo had no clue what entity had formed itself with him only that it was a creature different from the primeval slayer’s creation but he knew that whatever it was had bonded with his very soul-changing forever as he felt stronger than ever before, faster, and wiser, as a rage had inside of him began burning up what little humanity was there and yet he still found himself more human, weaker, and slower than the original slayer herself Sineya. For some reason whatever the difference between the shadow demon which had former itself with the first slayer was vastly different from whatever demon had formed itself with Theo and although it bothered him that he was nowhere near as strong as the slayer herself he decided to, while still remaining in the past, to learn from Sineya, understand her in a way nobody else would get the chance to, and use this very knowledge to one day return to his current timeline ready to become the slayer of slayers that Drusilla had told him was his destiny. But as he quickly learned during his time in prehistoric Africa, nothing was going to go the way he had expected them to go, and before long he found himself bonding with Sineya, learning far more than he ever expected to from her and joining her on her many hunts, all this while the first slayer never so much as uttered a single word towards him. Theo watched her in action, learned her ways, and before long began cheering her triumphs which he began to equally share himself as he unknowingly began to feel what it was like to truly be a slayer and as her own king rejected Sineya, claiming her to be the very evil she hunted, Theo couldn’t help but feel sympathetic towards her, as the two became unlikely friends during a time when both were at their least human. After spending what felt like forever in the prehistoric past Theo suddenly found himself being pulled through the very fabrics of space and time for the second time as he was taken from the past and soon to find himself returned to the current timeline in which the spell Ruby had cast had originally taken place, returning to the abandoned insane asylum that the vampire Drusilla had made her home and he just stood there in a state of shock, he was left questioning his entire existence, his sinister schemes, and the path which Drusilla and Tobias had led him towards, only to find out that to Drusilla, Tobias, and Ruby, he had only been gone for a few minutes, a few minutes which had changed everything for the soon to be the slayer of slayers…
Modern Day
Theo Frey just stood there in the caves of a long-forgotten island while his army of vampires got to work on destroying the wall between them and the Hellmouth, using their bare hands to punch into the solid wall until their hands were red raw, and bloody only to continue to tear at the walls with their hands, refusing to stop until there was nothing in between them and the Hellmouth itself, and as he stood there watching the undead women and men hard at work to achieve their shared goal, Theo couldn’t help but reminisce about the simpler times he spent in a world that mostly consisted of him and the first slayer, having previously seen her spirit which forced him to reconsider everything just like it had done once before. Theo couldn’t help but remember the joy he felt alongside Sineya at helping her protect the innocent, the pride he felt at destroying evil, and the simple black and white view of good and evil he had once shared until he allowed vengeance to lead him down the dark path he was now on, vengeance which was aimed at the wrong party, or rather partly on the wrong ones, as he could not help but wonder if what he was doing now was more something that Drusilla would want him to do than himself as he began questioning just how much control Drusilla and Tobias still had over him. Before long Theo’s vampires had all but destroyed the wall standing before the slayer of slayers and the Hellmouth which he was prophesized to open, bring forth the apocalypse, and become the rightful king of an army of vampires, and all Theo had to do was pour his blood to open said Hellmouth, as he was surrounded by undead minions cheering the vampire/slayer hybrid, ready to follow him into the apocalyptic war, and yet he found himself hesitant as he realized that this was the choice he had to make, he could bring about the end of days, possibly killing the few people he reluctantly still cared for, or he could do the rare heroic thing and make sure nobody could open this Hellmouth.

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Hey, do you by any chance have fanfics downloaded in your computer? Deleted ones? I'm looking for a few DE fanfics. "Dear Miss Lonely Love", "Swap Out" by goldnox and "Order Up" by goldnox.
Hello im a total newbie to fanfiction and been on pause working on a few fics some deleted ones, what is DE fanfic, please educate me 😂 it would be highly appreciated
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My new novel The Rising Flame, first in a series is available to buy and/or download on Amazon.
Welcome to the realm of Brorus, a land where royalty are anything but noble. Here, witches lurk in the shadows of ancient woods, and monsters roam as freely as men. In this tumultuous kingdom, replacing a centuries-long bloodline is a task that would make most conquerors cower. But none are quite like the fearless Lars Shackleton.
Lars soon realizes that conquering is the easiest part of being a king. As he delves deeper into his new role, he learns just how deep blood runs. Heirs, conquerors, and unexpected foes begin their play for the kingdom of Brorus. Little do they know, however, that the one they should be keeping their eyes on is a sassy young servant boy living within the castle itself.

#therisingflame#book one#high fantasy#series#supernatural#epic#adventure#theworkofxanderking#theselfproclaimedking#original work#newnovel#newnovelseries#sword and sorcery#sword#sorcery#elementals#witches#demons#monsters#merfolk#pirates#xanderdking#Xanderking#therealmofbrorus#thedarkrealm#therealmofaeveris#theelementalrealm#thedarkwoods#the village#theeternalflame
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For those who have difficulty sleeping for whatever reason, those unable to quiet their thoughts late at night, or those who have difficulty come sleep time for whatever reason I highly reccomend falling asleep to this! Or videos similar, listening to rain sounds, storm, wind, or/and the sea is so calming...helping me ease off to sleep.
Also good for when your feeling anxious, antsy, pancking, manic, etc...
Watching these kinds of videos or listening to these kinds of sounds can be the perfect meditation/therapy 🥰
Check out the wide range of videos like this on youtube, download some and have them whenever needed!
Cannot get over how much support this has brought to my life as someone who has BPD and PTSD.
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The Self Proclaimed King’s Ultimate Master List
A complete master list of my fanfic works on: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Legacies, Charmed, DC and more below...

Buffy: Chaos Bleeds (Twisted Remix) 12 Levels
The Haunting of Buffy Summers 2 Parts
Tristan Tormented 10 Volumes
Felix Fierce 2 Episodes
Twisted Tristan 10 Chapters
Twisted Tristan’s Tormented Christmas 1 Shot Special (NEW)

The Originals: Bad Blood 10 Episodes
The Hunter Diaries 3 Episodes
Dracula: The Originals 3 Chapters
The Originals: Always and Forever 2 Episodes
Canary Carnage 13 Chapters
Origins of Magic 15 Chapters (NEW)

Charmed Again (Season One) 10 Episodes
Charmed Again (Season Two) 8 Episodes
Charmed Again (Season Three) 8 Episodes
Charmed Children 3 Chapters (NEW)
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Evolution (Xander King)
Beyond thrilled to announce that Evolution my third chapbook in the poems by the self proclaimed king series will be available on Amazon very shortly!
I’m very proud of this project just like I am proud of my previous chapbooks Coronation and Elevation and I continue to tackle many of the same topics such as: mental health issues, LGBT based topics, loneliness, grief, finding one’s inner self and much more.
Evolution for me in a whole has the theme of looking back on one’s past through a series of poems which you’ll relate and identify with while also looking at how far one’s come on their journey, how much they have evolved and how much evolving there is still to come!
Will post again when Evolution has launched on Amazon and is available to buy, whereas right now Coronation and Elevation is available to buy on Amazon right now!
#evolution#poemsbytheselfproclaimedking#theselfproclaimedking#Poems#originalpoems#poetry#poet#poetic#lgbt poetry#lgbt problems#mental health#mental health awareness#self improvement#self love#poets on tumblr#poetsandwriters#chapbooks#chapbook#bookthree#coronation#elevation#poetry lovers
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Stone Hearts Can’t Be Broken (From my upcoming book Evolution)
By Xander King
I refuse to find myself here again because I no longer want to feel this pain.
I’ve been hurt too many times before too many times I’ve picked myself up off the floor.
And yet for some reason I kept going back for more helplessly heading into war.
But now I’m done feeling like this so from now on love is going to be a miss.
Can’t feel won’t feel this again because love only seems to drive me insane.
I’m done playing an unwinnable love game because I always lose and I’m left with nothing but shame.
From now on I’m never going to let them see me fall because nobody’s going to get my all.
I’m turning my heart to stone I’d rather just be alone.
My heart will be made of stone my love will never be known.
I refuse to let myself feel just to learn that none of it was real.
My heart is made of stone fuck working for a ring when you can be working towards the throne.
Too many times I’ve allowed myself to be torn apart too many times I’ve carelessly given away my heart.
But now I’ve reclaimed my power and nobody will ever again turn my life sour.
Too many times I’ve foolishly given it all away to people that were never going to stay.
But now I’m living my life for me and I refuse to change my life for anybody.
People always love me till they get to know me then they leave me to my own misery.
People only love what they can get than my name they are just too quick to forget.
I refuse to be left with anymore regret as I realize love has only ever been a threat.
So I’m giving up on being in love so I can finally rise above and myself I’m going to learn to love.
My stone heart can never be broken never again will I be left heartbroken.
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Poems by the self proclaimed King

#poetry#Poems#mypoems#originalpoems#poemsbytheselfproclaimedking#theselfproclaimedking#poemsworld#poems of tumblr#short poem#poemsbyme#poet#poetic#gaypoetry#gaypoet#apocalypticpoem#apocalypticpoetry#endoftheworldpoetry#endoftheworldpoems#apocalypsepoem#apocalypsepoetry#lgbtpoetry#lgbtpoet#lgbtcommunity#poetrycommunity#poetsociety#poetsunited#apocalypse#xanderking
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