#these were some nice wholesome questions 🤧
leslutdepointedulac · 6 months
For the ask game - Loustat 6 & 13 🫶
6. How they decorated their bedroom
They have very opposite tastes, so I think they have to make a compromise and meet in the middle.
So for Lestat they have a four poster canopy bed, and plush rugs all over the floor. He's allowed to have a TV, but it's built into a cabinet so it can be closed away when it's not being used. (Louis doesn't like the modern look with the antique. Lestat would normally agree but he wanted to be difficult in this case and said it should be out, but Louis put his foot down.) They also have huge, heavy curtains - red with intricate gold patterns stitched on.
For Louis, there isn't anything elaborate decorating the walls, but there are two bookshelves against one of them. (He wanted three but Lestat wanted him down to one. Louis wouldn't budge and so they agreed on two instead. "We have a whole library downstairs, Louis, our bedroom doesn't need to be one as well.") Louis also has his own chair in front of the fireplace. Lestat hates this chair, he thinks it clashes with rest of the room but he sacrificed his aesthetic for the sake of Louis' comfort.
The walls are a deep red. This is surprisingly the one thing they actually agreed on. When Lestat picked out the colour, he fully expected Louis to argue with him over it. But Louis ended up nodding and moving onto the next thing without any fuss, and Lestat didn't question it in case he changed his mind 😂
13. Which makes a bigger deal of birthdays
Lestat makes a huge deal over Louis' birthday. He loves to make sure he's pampered up and won't let him do anything too 'strenuous' (this could literally be something as simple as taking a book off a shelf). Louis doesn't like being the centre of attention, but for one night a year, he allows it if it makes Lestat happy. Just so long as he doesn't throw any parties or make any kind of huge, public deal about it. That's where Louis draws the line. Lestat tried that one year and Louis wouldn't speak to him for two nights after. He learnt his lesson after that, and keeps Louis' birthday as something they do together instead. If Louis' in a particularly good mood, he might even let Lestat coax him into some birthday sex 🤧
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h0tb0x1nnac0ff1n · 3 months
Very excited to see your page grow ! 🤍 sorry for the long request 😣😣❕
Can i request a Daryl x fem!reader where the reader’s whole love language was cooking for people before everything went to shit? But because to the outbreak and where they ran from place to place.. she just could never make anything and because lack of ingredients which sort of kills her morale.
However, when they’re staying at Alexandria.. One day she gets one look at their pantry and is strangely super excited and very much productive for the whole afternoon. Which causes confusion among the group because “woah reader is rlly happy, wonder what’s up.” And it’s because she can finally cook the food she loved to make and it’s now time for Daryl to test-taste each and every single dish made all with her love 🤍 .
Just some wholesome fluffiness bc i personally imagine Daryl had like food made by someone for him. He deserves the best as he just eats everything up bc its made with all of our love 🤍🤍🤍
Hello!!! I think this is an amazing idea! Can I just say that I’ve found my people 🤧
Here’s to my first X Reader on here 🥂
Warning: Talks about food/ fluff/ killing walkers (normal TWD stuff)
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You a chef or something’?
For as long as you could remember, you always loved to cook for the people closest to you.
You would make them their favorite foods and the look on their faces when they would take that first bite was enough to make your entire day.
But when everything happened, cooking food that actually tasted good was the least of your concern, breaking your little chef heart. But when you walked into Alexandria for the first time and saw the plethora of food they had, your heart practically sung.
“What type of herbs do you have?”
“Just about everything, basil, thyme, rosemary, paprika. You name it we probably have it.”
“Where did you get all of them?” You said with a little giggle in your throat.
“Out scavenging, this area used to be a huge neighborhood so there was lots of herbs and seasonings that were left behind”
You were so excited for all of the possibilities! You could make so many different foods and you can now FINALLY show off to everyone how much you loved to cook. But there was one person who you especially wanted to impress.
He sat outside of the house cleaning his bow you and Rick’s group had decided to stay in until you could trust these new people.
You walked up to the house with a huge basket of cans, herbs, seasonings, and just whatever you could put into a meal.
“What gotcha all skipping down the street like a child?” the bowman said with his southern twang, an accent you been hearing since you joined the group back at the quarry.
“Just some herbs and seasonings”
“Whatcha gonna use tha for?”
“Uh, cooking?” You said in a questionable tone.
“Do you want me to cook you something?”
“Nah, you don’ gotta do tha. Whatcha gonna make with all of those anyway?”
“I have lots of ideas on what to make, you know it’s been a while since I cooked, maybe you could come inside and taste everything?”
Daryl gave it a second of thought, but in his normal gruff voice “Fine, but you gotta cook what I ask for”
Ever since you first met Daryl and the quarry you always thought he was a hard working man. Always went out and got food. He was a survivor, a man the world couldn’t take down no matter what it threw to him.
When he saved you after the walkers invaded the camp, you began to not just think he was a cool guy but also to have a sense of respect for him.
“What do you want me to cook you?”
“Well, I got this squirrel that I plan of skinning, be nice to do somethin with it.”
And that got you thinking. “Maybe we could do a stew, or a baked squirrel, or maybe-“ “Woah, calm down ther’ just make a stew that’ll be simple enough all righ’?”
“Okay, a stew. Hmm.” You go inside the house and walk to the kitchen placing down the basket, and you start looking at the seasonings, and vegetables in your basket. You pick out the cucumber, carrots, squash, flour, and eggs “How many squirrels do you have?”
“I got five”
“Okay, I can make a broth from the squirrels and make a minestrone soup”
“The hell is a minestrone soup?” “It’s a soup from Italy, filled with vegetables.”
“Well okay, tell me when it done”
You gave him a big smile and turned around to get started on this soup, you had Daryl skin the squirrels for you, you baked the squirrel and toon of the meat, then placed the meat in a bag and put it in the fridge for the stew. You then got the bones and some meat from the squirrel, put it in a pot filled with garlic, carrots, onions, and you put it to the top of the got with water. Then you let it cook on the stove top for HOURS.
The next day you strained the broth and started on the soup. You chopped up the vegetables and you made the pasta. Using the flour and eggs you used 3 parts flour, and 2 parts egg. You than mixed with your hands and used a rolling pin to flatten it out. Daryl than came up to you to check what you were doing “Why ya just now startin tha?” “I had to make the broth, that took all night.”
“Ya didn’t have to do tha it justa soup I woulda had you make me somethin else if I knew it would take that long.”
“Don’t be an ass Daryl I’m doing this because I care.”
“But why do you care, why do ya care about the way food tastes n all tha, it jus ment for ya to survive.”
“I know, but mankind invented art, and I believe cooking is an art. You deserve some good food after everything you do, just let me show that I care.”
“Fine, just stop being philosophical.”
“That a big word even for you Mr. Dixon.” You joked.
He just scoffed and walked away. ‘Finally some peace to myself’ you thought. You loved that man you do but sometimes he can just get in your nerves. But you know he’s an ass out of love.
One hour later, the soup is finally now just simmering in the pot. You decided it would be a good idea to make a cake because you think Daryl might appreciate it for taking so long to cook the soup.
You ran down to the little ‘Grocery store’ they had down the street and picked up some sugar, butter, and vanilla flavoring.
You devoted to them start on the cake, also making your own butter crème frosting. After two hours, everything was perfect.
You decided to set up the table and piped open a glass of red wine.
“Daryl ! Dinners ready!”
Daryl walked slowly into the house to see you dressed in a beautiful floral summer dress and some fake pearl earrings from the mall back when you were in the quarry.
“Wha’ with all this?” He asked not knowing how to react. All he knew was this beautiful woman whom he adored had made him a meal that smelled sweeter than anything else.
“I thought you would enjoy it, so I decided to get some wine, and the nicest bowl I could find”
“Well, tha’ sweet of ya, wish I dressed up a bit more now.”
Daryl was wearing what he usually does, his t-shirt with his beautiful arms showing, with his angel wing vest and his cargo pants with boots.
“You look just fine Daryl, not like we have many clothes anyway.”
Daryl silently agreed and sat down
You served him the soup with a slice of buttered Italian bread and a glass of wine.
You sat yourself across from him and Daryl instantly started to eat.
“Oh wow-“ Daryl’s face looked as if he had never eaten before.
“This the best soup I ever had”
“Are you messing with me?” Daryl had never really given many compliments to anybody, so him saying so ment a lot.
“I’m serious, the carrots are nice, ion think I ever had squash before so that new.”
“Aw well thank you Daryl”
“Nah thank you, so tell me sunshine” and nickname he had given to you that just made your heart flutter.
“Why is cooking so important to ya?”
“I think it just the feeling that, I can make people happy, that I could make them something and they would enjoy it.”
“Mm” he replied nodding.
After dinner you and Daryl had a slice of the cake you had decided to bake last minute, he also said that the cake was and I quote “Fucking amazing”.
You two decided to hang out and talk while you both cleaned up the kitchen.
“Hey Daryl.”
“Ya what’s up sunshine?”
“Do you think I could cook for you more often? I mean I hope you liked it”
“Woman, I loved your cooking, imma be coming over every nigh’ now.”
You were so happy to hear that, Daryl actually loved your cooking. You felt so happy you couldn’t hold back your smile, making your face a bit red.
Daryl smiled and continued wiping down the table.
After that you decided to go to bed, Daryl had decided to as well, but he slept downstairs still.
You kissed him a goodnight kiss on his cheek and walked up stairs. Thinking about the day, Daryl fell asleep with a smile on his face excited for what tomorrow will bring.
THANK YOU ALL FOR READING!!!!! So sorry if it shitty but thank you all for reading my first x reader on this app 🤧 ❤️
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jenctrl · 2 months
anon that asked the best friend question here!
i thought you'd reply one best friend bcuz in the black cat series yunjin and y/n give me really good best friend vibes, sometimes with yunjin being on the more not platonic way, but i digress
my point is: from the way you wrote it, it gives me an idea that you have that best friend already and that you somehow based it off of them
i've re read black cat countless times bcuz it is so comforting and nice and wholesome, so i *couuuld* very well be biased in my opinion and be completely wrong but it feels that way to me 💖
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^my and the best friends in question reaction to your anon (we were waiting the whole night for the second question) no bc you blew our minds 'cause you got it all right 😭😭
lemme explain rq, so when i first started this series, i didnt have much in mind expect it being a black cat and golden retriever dynamic. one night, i decided to reread the parts for some inspo and was like damn why is this so familiar 🤨 and then went "I know exactly why it is☝️🤓" bc it reminded me of my best friend (i did it subconsciously) and had her read it and she was like 🤯🥰
AND YEAH IT IS PLATONIC, i see them as best friends who are like this 🤞but tbh my readers can see it however they want, but i had a platonic rs in mind
subconsciously made a story based on me and my tootsie wootsie 🤧
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