#these were so fun tho thaaaaaank u !!
astrobei · 2 years
hi suni!! 73, 90, and 94 for the writer asks if u feel like it <33
hi parker :^)) i need u to know i tried posting this like 4 times and every time it would not save my answer to the last question so !! FIFTH TIME’S THE CHARM !!
73. how do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
oh this is so interesting and one of those things i don’t rly think about while i’m writing bc it just Happens? but now that i’m thinking about it i definitely definitely see things kind of like. acted out in my head !! especially when describing body language and dialogue and stuff like that it’s super helpful and easier than descriptions or prose because i just get this mental picture in my head of the scene and i can like hear the characters talking kind of and i just write down the dialogue/movements/setting as i see it or as it unfolds in my Mind. if that makes sense !! thinking about it i feel like writing is actually more visual than descriptive for me because i really do just see stuff in my head and just describe what i’m picturing and i think the reason why i get so carried away with scenes where there’s a lot of dialogue/movement is because i am but a mere meat vessel that exists for transcribing whatever my Brain sees
90. do you notice your own voice in your writing style?
oh my god yes 100% !! even as someone who finds it hard to objectively perceive their own writing(i can’t for the life of me tell you what i think my style is or anything) but genuinely whenever i write it’s just a stream of my own consciousness and i think it shows !! especially when i write mike and his internal monologue im literally just getting momentarily possessed by his spirit and then word vomiting onto the google doc <3 what’s also funny is that i’ve had 3 different people send me this line from my fake dating fic and say “you” bc i really do just. threaten to hit things with a stick on a daily basis so. short answer: Yes !
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94. do you prefer dialogue or description?
ooooh i would say dialogue !! it comes a lot easier to me and that’s where the bulk of my Overwriting problem lies because i just think it’s so much fun !! especially like. silly lighthearted banter and flirting and for building tension and when i’m visualizing a scene in my head the flow of conversation back and forth is a lot easier for me to picture than describing something and it feeling a bit repetitive if that makes sense? plus i feel like the characters’ voices really get to come through !! i love my inner monologue and description of course but dialogue is definitely where i get carried away :^)
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And while I'm at it, lemme get some 30-40 from the self ship list too~
oh boi this is gonna be fun
(30) who is more possessive over the others?I can be pretty possessive sometimes without knowing it, but really Jed is the most possessive of us all. Sometimes, someone can just look at one of us for more than a few seconds and Jed immediately looks like he wants to murder a bitch. He’s gotten better about that, lately, tho.
(31) Who is better at dirty talk? What sorts of things do they say?
Oh boy, Octavius is the best. You know those Romans, lol. He’s always so clever and poetic. He will talk about my (and Jed’s) body in such beautiful and sexy ways. Jed’s pretty good with it too, but his is always riddled with bad puns and euphemisms. It’s cute. I’m actually not bad with it either! But I’ll keep the details between us three for now, heh.
(32) Is jealousy a problem at all?
I’ll admit there is definitely some jealousy at times, especially since there’s three people in the relationship. We make it work though, and remind each other just how much we love each other! It’s really not much different from a mono relationship.
I was often jealous of Jed and Tavi’s relationship because they’re a lot more similar to each other than I am, and they generally spend much more time together, seeing as how I can’t be in the museum every night. I often felt like a third wheel, and it was depressing. They noticed fairly quickly, and begged me to tell them what’s wrong, and now I have a date night with each of them every week, so we can each have some quality time with just each other. It works well, and jealousy isn’t much of a problem anymore!
Also, the boys often both get jealous of me because a lot of people pay attention to me and I’ve actually been hit on several times. Of course, they make sure that NO ONE hits on me and gets away with it. Another thing is they’re just a little jealous of a lot of things about me, things they wish they had, and they remind me of how amazing I am, but I know about their jealousy and I do everything in my power to show each of them how incredible they both are.Same thing with me though,I get jealous easily of how amazing they are. And they make sure they let me know how awesome they think I am and how much they love me :3
(33) What’s your favorite place to have sex?
Woah, what a question, lmao. Well, I have a room in the museum that was once used for storage, and I’ve fixed it up into quite a fancy place! And that’s where it happens, lmao. I’m pretty old fashioned, my fave place is on the bed, but in the shower is a p good place too, tbh.
(34) Who confessed first?
Well, it’s a little complicated, but Jed was the very first to confess. The thing is, he was confessing to me about how he felt for Octavius, and it really hurt because I kind of had a crush on both of them, and I thought my chances were ruined with them. Turns out, I didn’t have to choose, once I realized we could all date each other, I was ecstatic! A little scared, but it worked out brilliantly!
(35) Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) by joining them in the shower?Oh boy, you know Jed’s gonna do that to both of us. But especially me. It’s much more of a surprise because he’s so small, and I don’t notice him if he sneaks in to surprise me. But often he’ll climb in the shower or bath just to look at me, lmao.
(36) Who apologizes the most?
I apologize the most, easily. I’m always saying sorry, and they always ask what there is to be sorry for. I’m in such a habit of assuming I did something wrong and I’m to blame, and they always assure me there’s nothing to be sorry for, and that I’ve been perfect :’) and if I haven’t, they’lllet me know but still say how proud they are of me for being respectful and honest, and that I’m doing the best I can. They’re the best men on this earth.
(37) Has anyone ever walked in on you three? What happened?
Well, not really. I keep the door locked. I really want to keep that a private thing lmao.But, there have been instances where Jed “fell” into my bra while I was in public. He’s a naughty little shit.
(38) How do you comfort one another during difficult times?
Whenever one of them is sad? Immediately, H O L D the boi. That is step one. Step two, let him vent. Step three, give smooches. Step four, offer advice. Step five, c u d d l e him. When I’m sad, Jed lets me hold him for comfort, and gives me lots of smooches and tells me it’ll be okay. Octavius sits close to my face and offers advice, and he’ll hold my hand or dry my tears and caress my skin. When I’m small, both of them will hold me and lean on me. When two or all of us are sad, we just hold each other and cuddle.
(39) How would you all react to finding someone hitting on the other(s)?
I’d be utterly shocked. But I’d have enough rage in me to do something about it. I’d tell them to leave them alone, they’re mine and no one’s gonna take them from me. If someone hits on me, the boys are absolutely outraged. Jed talks about kickin’ their ass, Tavi mentions torture, yeah, lmao. Even though they’re small, there’s no shortage of threats and insults, and they’d take on anyone, no matter what size they are.
(40) A question not on the list?
Hm. How about, “What are your favorite physical affections with the boys?”
Well, i love ALL kinds of physical affection, esp when it comes to smols, but just holding them and cuddling them are the best, and both of them really love my smooches!
Thanks for the asks, this was fun!
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