#these two queers have taken up a significant portion of my brain
curdledmelk · 2 years
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I know they’re brothers in the movie but it made me think Steddie thoughts:
Eddie is Heat Miser (hell, fire, loud, hot headed) Steve is Snow Miser (icy/bitchy, known for aesthetics, (has a beautiful sadness to him but that’s more Steve being Wintertime as a concept)). And I hear the But Steve is Yellow, Um Steve is a Yellow Blue Character while Eddie is a Blue Yellow Character. I know people see all the black and go ah yes he must be the cold months man but No! That’s a man who gets cold easily, would rather be sweaty and warm than be cold and shivering. He’s Summer in the way blacktop asphalt burns your feet, the way s’mores marshmallows burn to a crisp. Steve is winter in how the snow is so bright it hurts your eyes, the soft glow of Christmas lights around the neighborhood, and glow of a lit fireplace. Eddie is the promise of adventure that summer inspires and Steve is the domestic introspection that winter brings and together their love is the rebirth of spring and the plentiful harvest of fall.
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chainofclovers · 6 years
I can't choose between Miranda or Andy so I'm gonna be greedy and say... both 💁🏼‍♀️
Right on! Two for the price of one. :D
How I feel about this character
Miranda: God, I feel so many things?!? Miranda’s taken up a surprisingly significant portion of my brain for over ten years. She’s got staying power, that’s for sure. Why do I find her so compelling? Because she’s powerful and hot and radiates queer energy and this feminine energy that you almost want to call masculine but can’t, quite…and she’s full of pain. So much pain. Like, “this woman’s going to have a nervous breakdown about thirty minutes past the edge of the movie” levels of pain. And as a writer, perhaps what I want most is to cause Miranda to dive into the depths of that pain, but for the things she learns from it to be far from movie-reasons for diving into pain. “I guess I should be nicer.” “Everyone is good at heart, even me.” “I can compromise with my husband.” 
Fuck no. I wanted to make her dive into pain and get lesbianism as her reward.
Andy: Andy’s like a sponge, except that’s not quite right. She’s wide open, ready (when she’s not being totally inept and selfish) to experience the world, and she’s obviously completely struck by Miranda. That combination makes her the perfect person to both absorb and reflect who Miranda is, and to ask Miranda to look beyond herself and into something that’s only possible if you truly let another person in. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Miranda: Mainly Andy, obviously, but I had so much fun writing Miranda/Emily that one time. So long as Emily gets enough emotional distance to ensure that their relationship wouldn’t be incredibly abusive, I’m down. Honestly, Miranda/any-woman-who’s-somewhat-younger-and-doesn’t-take-shit-and-is-generous-and-loving-in-a-way-that-will-break-Miranda-but-won’t-ultimately-change-her-in-a-gross-experiment-way-but-will-still-give-her-a-new-life is fine by me. But Miranda/Andy = my first real OTP.
Andy: Miranda Priestly. That’s all.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Miranda: I absolutely love exploring Miranda/Nigel friendship. 
Andy: I really like redeeming both Andy and Lily as characters to the point that they can enjoy their friendship again and be actual adults together. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
Miranda: I’m not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, necessarily, but as a writer I’m less taken than a lot of fandom folks with the idea that Miranda would be super insecure about her age. I’m more compelled by the idea that Miranda’s vulnerable spots would be related to her sexuality and decision to explore her queerness, and that any age-related hang-ups are more about the angst of mortality than her body or the imbalances in their life experience. That being said, I’ve read and enjoyed some stories that do explore the age hang-up in detail.
Andy: I’m not especially interested in the idea of Andy as a protector for Miranda and the kids, or as this this stunningly, shockingly talented [insert canon or AU profession here] wunderkind. I see her as a person with talent and potential, but not necessarily exceptional. Neither she nor Miranda are magical or impermeable. If they protect each other, it’s with their regular old human traits + the power of love. Nothing more.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I can answer this one for both characters at the same time, and my answer is…extremely inappropriate drunken make-out in Paris! That movie would never have handled a canon partnership well, and I feel zero angst about that. But oh my goodness, how much fun would a messy, ill-advised, career-and-personal-life-wrecking evening of debauchery have been?! Sad grey robe optional.
From the give me a character and I’ll break their ass down meme. (I’m down to keep playing so ask away!)
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lasagnaisnotapasta · 2 years
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madnesss
Ugh, where do I begin? First of, this is one of the MCU films that expect you to have watched all their shit. It mentions the events of Infinity War, Endgame, No Way Home, What If, and then the Wandavision- none of which I can recommend in good faith. However, it proceeds to shove all that characterization out the window in favor of propelling its plot.
Like the film’s antagonist, this film is a monster, a Frankenstein’s monster to be precise. There’s a number of plot threads that exist simply for dramatic effect. None of the fight scenes really mean anything other than reminding you that this is a Marvel movie whose CGIs are steadily getting their sequences to not overload your brain. There’s a significant portion of the film taken up by fan service that straight up doesn’t lead anywhere. It’s a lot of recognizable characters, but they don’t appear for the rest of the film and I’m not even sure the roles will be reprised. Christine Palmer from the first Doctor Strange film reappears and I hate her inclusion. Those two had about as much chemistry as the couple in Nic Cage’s Ghost Rider. She is supposed to add a sort of questionableness to Strange’s actually steadfast resolve. I honestly think that the film would have been better off had she been cut entirely and that time spent towards developing the horror aspects of the film, rather than its romantic angle. CHRISTINE DESERVES BETTER THAN STRANGE
Speaking of questionable characters, America Chavez is a mixed bag. Along with two other objects, she’s essentially just a macguffin for the film to be transported and captured. It really doesn’t help that the script doesn’t give her many lines or that her powers only work when the plot demands it. I do however, appreciate the fact that there’s queer representation. Her fabulous denim jacket has a progress flag pin and she has moms… that is until a bee comes along and ruins the 12 second moment. Fucking homophobic bee.
That being said, this movie was saved by some of its execution. Sam Raimi’s horror sequences provide a much needed gravitas to an otherwise soulless film and I enjoyed how much the film went out on a limb for its scary imagery. Scarlet Witch is immensely powerful and needs to be a Mortal Kombat character with her fatalities. For this alone, it deserves an extra star. However, my friends all hated it in extreme terms and I’m inclined to agree.
Wanda slays
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curdledmelk · 1 year
Eddie is a Monster Energy Drinker, Steve is a Redbull Drinker.
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curdledmelk · 2 years
The Steddie Clause (Part 4)
(Part 1, 2, 3)
“You and Dustin did What?” Steve yells with a start. “Well, we didn’t technically kill him, he fell off the roof and, Let me just start over.” Eddie says, trying to calm the brunet, and makes another attempt at recounting the story. Steve listens attentively, trying to make sense of the tale he is being told. “And so now I am Santa Claus and have been for almost 3 years.” Steve is quiet for a long time as he looks at the man sitting next to him before asking “So then what are you doing here?” “Ah, yeah, so here’s the thing… I technically have to get married in order to keep being Santa Claus. There’s this whole thing with a Mrs. Clause, and so-” “So you’re here to find a wife?” “Yeah, kinda.” “Aren’t you gay?” “Yes.” “So how’s the whole finding a wife thing working out?” “Pretty bad, actually.” Eddie says with a laugh. “Yeah, I thought so considering all you seem to do is hang out with me, Robin, and the kids.” “How do you know I’m not trying to lay the moves on Buckley?” “Oh please, you’d be better off marrying Nancy and the four of us becoming some kind of 4-way Lavender Marriage.” “Well, now that seems unfair to you.” “Oh really? How so?” “The pairings would be Wheeler and Buckley and then you, a straight man, and me, a gay man. You shouldn’t have to be stuck in that situation.” “I think you have some gaps in your reasoning there.” Eddie looks at Steve with a confused look on his face. “Eddie, I’m Bi.” Steve explains. “And I wouldn’t be stuck with you. Not really.” The older man blinks in response as Steve leans in closer. “I like you, Eddie, I really do.” “But?” Eddie’s gaze flickers down to Steve’s lips. “Sometimes you’re an idiot.” Steve says before closing the gap between them with a kiss. Eddie melts into the other man, hands coming up to cup his face and deepening the connection. A light flurry of snow starts to fall as the kiss breaks apart. “You know, it doesn’t have to be a woman.” Eddie says, moving his arms to wrap around Steve. “Hhm?” “The Mrs. Clause thing… Doesn’t have to be a woman.” Eddie says looking down at the man cuddling into him. “Eddie, are you asking me to marry you?” Steve asks looking up to meet Eddie’s eyes. “You don’t have to say yes.” “I know, but I think I want to.”
And that is how Steve Harrington’s life changed just a few days before Christmas Eve 1989.
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curdledmelk · 2 years
Something something Corroded Coffin becomes really big. Something something after a few albums they decide to release a covers only album. Something Something Eddie insisting on doing a Metal Cover of So Emotional by Whitney Houston because it’s one of Steve’s favorite songs/a song that makes him think of Steve.
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curdledmelk · 2 years
The Steddie Clause (Part 2)
(Part 1)
The fact that Eddie might be falling for Steve dawns on him after Steve asks him to be his date to the office’s annual christmas party. Well, Steve actually asked if Eddie would be able to come with him since Robin was busy and he needed quote “Someone there who didn’t make me want to blow my brains out” but the validation that Steve liked him enough to be that someone was good enough for him. And so Eddie takes a risk. When he comes to pick up Steve to go to the party, he’s at the reins of a horse drawn sleigh and Steve gets this cute little dumbfounded look on his face that makes Eddie smile. The party is dull, so very dull, there's nothing to do besides drink and try to schmooze your bosses. Eddie understands why Steve didn’t want to face this thing alone. ”What do you think are in the presents under the tree?” Eddie asks, leaning into Steve’s personal space. “I don’t think there’s anything in them, they’re probably just empty boxes they wrapped for decoration.” Steve says with a confused look on his face. “Oh come on,” “Eddie, if there is anything in there it’s gonna be that packing filler stuff to try and weigh it down.” “Maybe you’re right. But, what if one of them was the best Christmas gift you ever got as a kid?” “What do you mean?” “When you were a kid what was the best gift you ever got from Santa?” “You mean from my parents?” “No, I mean from Santa.” “Eddie.” “Come on Steve, get into the Christmas spirit.” “Fine, I guess the best gift I got for Christmas was my BMW 733i.” “Really?” “Yeah, I think so” “And that was from Santa?” “Dude, my parents, Santa, it means the same thing.” “Okay, another question.” “What?” “What was the Christmas that you realized Santa was just your parents?” “1976, I was 10.” “Isn’t that…” “A bit old to still believe in Santa? Yeah, I know.” Steve says, cutting him off. “So what happened?” “You know how you’re supposed to write letters to Santa?” “Yeah.” “Well, that year I wrote two. One that my parents read and one that said something to the effect of ‘disregard the last letter, this is what I really want’ and I was so excited because this was a fool proof plan but when I wake up that morning we unwrapped the gifts and nope, it wasn’t there, only the G.I. Joe I asked for in the decoy letter.” “Well, What did you ask for in the real one?” “You cannot laugh.” “I promise I won’t.” “Okay, It was a Cher Doll.” “You’re joking.” “Nope.” “You’re telling me that there was nothing Little 10 Year Old Stevie Harrington wanted more for Christmas than a Cher Doll.” “Okay, you don’t have to make fun of me, I know it sounds ridiculous.” “I’m not making fun of you, I just didn’t know you were a closeted Cher fan.” “Trust me there’s more reasons for me to be in there than just liking Cher.” Steve says with a laugh Eddie swears makes the lights turn a little brighter. “Wait here.” “Why?” “Just trust me.” Eddie says before heading up to the tree placed by the band’s stage and looks in the presents for one of the smaller rectangular presents, a gift tag appears on it saying ‘To: Steve From: Santa’ and heads back to Steve, who’s standing there with a confused look on his face. “I believe this is for you.” Eddie hands the other man the gift. “How did? What? Wh-” “It looked like all of them had gift tags for people on them and I thought one of them would be for you, could be some sort of Company Morale Boosting stunt.” Eddie shrugged. “Well, I can’t be the only person who gets a gift.” “Then let’s hand them out.” “Wh- Eddie, no” Steve says as he watches the long haired man run back to the band stage. Eddie is whispering something to the woman at the microphone and looks over his shoulder to wave Steve over to him. Against his better judgment, Steve follows.
(Part 1, 3, 4)
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