#these photos are just burned into my brain now thanks 🙏
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andyridgeley · 9 months ago
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get a man who can do both
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drysdalesworld · 1 year ago
completely serious
jamie drysdale x fem!hughes!reader
ik the third pic is him wearing a ducks jersey but there’s nothing really of him in flyers gear that fit what i was looking for, so let’s just pretend <3
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y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, and more
y/n.hughes: to a new era baby! hope philly treats you well 🧡🧡 (please take care of him flyers or i will violently cry)
tagged: jamie.drysdale, philadelphiaflyers
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trevorzegras: i too will violently cry
lhughes_06: so this is where you took your impromptu trip to
y/n.hughes: & what about it
userone: still can’t believe it tbh 😭
yourbestie: she very much will! philadelphiaflyers
yourroommate: she cried upon hearing the news
philadelphiaflyers: we will take great care of jamie! do not worry 🧡
philadelphiaflyers: we will make sure to water him daily & make sure he gets enough sunlight 🫡
usertwo: stopp!! the way they are describing him as a house plant 😂 i cant
mfrost16: we’ll take him out on walks too!
userthree: now he’s a dog 😭😭
userfour: i mean he did bark his first game with the flyers userthree
jackhughes: i will not be picking up the pieces if she starts to violently sob
lhughes_06: you never do
_quinnhughes: i do that
_quinnhughes: when have you ever done that bro
jackhughes: i feel attacked rn
userfive: the way the flyers flew BOTH y/n & jamie’s parents out for his first game 😭😭 warms my heart
usersix: they did?
userfive: yep! during his post game interview, someone asked if the flyers flew anyone else out for jamie & he said that he wouldn’t play if they didn’t fly y/n out as well! (jokingly of course)
usersix: that’s so freaking cute 😖
jamie.drysdale: i was completely serious userfive
philadelphiaflyers: he, in fact, was completely serious userfive
userseven: UGH GOALS 💞💞
usereight: they’ll treat him well y/n!
jamie.drysdale: i’ll miss you so much love 🤍 i’ll have the flyers fly you out whenever (& if not, then i will)
y/n.hughes: i’ll miss you more!! im so so proud of you & can’t wait to see the amazing things you’ll accomplish in philly ❤️❤️
philadelphiaflyers: y/n’s apart of the team already! we’ll fly her out whenever you want jim! just say the word ✈️✈️
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by luca.fantilli, masonmctavish23, and more
y/n.hughes: jamie photo dump during these trying & sad times
tagged: jamie.drysdale
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trevorzegras: the fifth picture is evil y/n. why you got to do my boy like that? (please send it to me asap)
y/n.hughes: check your messages babes 😚
trevorzegras: bless girl hughes 🙏🙏
userone: another shoe tying pic!!!
lhughes_06: uhhh, why am i not tagged in the sixth pic?? i so graciously taught your bf how to wake board & this is the thanks i get??
y/n.hughes: thank you so much luke for teaching my boyfriend how to wake board & almost kill him in the process 😑
lhughes_06: i am an amazing teacher! he did not almost die
jackhughes: dude, you almost broke his nose when you both went down after YOU jumped on him
lhughes_06: i do not recall such a thing
jamie.drysdale: i will let the fifth picture slide just this once bc i miss & love you so much 🥰 (also, almost died in the last pic 💀)
jackhughes: SEE!! lhughes_06
lhughes_06: 🎶 i cant see i’m blinnndddd🎶👨‍🦯
y/n.hughes: love & miss you more 🤍🫶🏼
_quinnhughes: the lake house that summer will forever be burned into my brain
usertwo: in a good way? 😀
yourroommate: i specifically remember the first pic like it was yesterday
userfour: babes spill! what happened!!
yourroommate: y/n was not having a good week so jamie flew out for the weekend & showed up with flowers & wearing that exact shirt userfour
yourbestie: he said, and i quote, “i saw this shirt on tiktok & though you’d like it” & y/n proceeded to cry :) userfour yourroommate
y/n.hughes: why am i and my bf being exposed in this comment thread?? 🙃
y/n.hughes just posted to their story!
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caption: from #6 to #9, here’s to new beginnings! jamie.drysdale
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megpricephotography · 1 year ago
So I'm thinking about a dog in 2024 and I am absolutely in love with border collies.. I know thier energy is insane.. This is my question, do you walk everyday, of course you do, how far do you walk? What would I be in for? Do they bark often? I also enjoy black Labradors.. Your blog is quite amazing.. 🙏🐕
That’s wonderful you might be getting a dog next year! Whichever breed you decide on, I hope you find yourself a fantastic companion & enjoy many happy years of adventures together :) Thanks, I'm so glad you enjoy my blog!
I’ll answer your 2nd question 1st: barking. Yes!! Some are louder than others... but most border collies like the sound of their own voice. They'll likely be more vocal than a labrador!
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Now... exercising. Border collies are energetic. They need to run regularly & are always eager for a walk! Like most breeds, BCs are happiest (& easiest to live with!) when they're able to combine using their brains, with getting physical excise.
Many pet dogs, even "high energy" breeds, are able to fulfil a lot of their need for mental/physical exercise by going on regular walks... Walks where the dog is most left to its own devices but has the opportunity to run & fully engage its senses, exploring & interacting with the environment. If the owner wants to get more involved & play with the dog too, then great! However, if the owner is tired after a stressful day, then they can mostly mentally switch-off & relax in nature, while their pet has fun & tires itself out!
Unfortunately (& I think it's part of why they have a rep for making hyper/crazy pets), border collies are often pretty terrible at exercising themselves on this sort of walk - where they have to occupy themselves independently!
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BCs want owner participation!! They want YOU mentally switched-on & involved in their activities - exploring the wider world is only as interesting as you make it! If they aren't kept busy herding livestock for you, or doing sports like agility, then a BC needs you to come up with other forms of entertainment/exercise, which you can do together. It doesn't need to be complicated, or involve you doing lots of hard physical exertion - but keeping a pet BC well-exercised & contented will take some mental effort, on your part.
They'll often benefit far more from a slightly shorter outing, where your focus is on them & making a real effort to engage & interact - rather than a much longer walk, where you're present but disengaged & expecting the dog to exercise itself.
For some people, the prospect of a pet who demands lots of engagement & interaction, could be more work than an active dog who "just" needs regular long hikes! However, if you like the idea of having a HIGHLY interactive dog - who thrives on doing stuff with you, then BCs can make wonderful, engaging, fun companions.
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This got way too long... below are examples of how I keep Flynn "busy" & help him burn off mental/physical energy outdoors! My health isn't very good - I can't go very far & never go fast but Flynn doesn't mind... as long as we're interacting.
All pics below were taken a couple of days ago, in 2 adjacent fields.
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Left to occupy himself, Flynn could spend hours out in these wide-open spaces & he'd still be bouncy/bored later. Not because he's insanely energetic - no, the daft dog simply wouldn’t DO anything tiring! If I ignore Flynn, he accepts it & potters along the path... & that’s the problem! He's an athletic, intense dog & he just potters! He's happy but barely using up any energy!! If I want Flynn tired, I have to give him reasons to use his body & - more importantly - his mind!
I take the part of shepherd & sheep & get Flynn herding me across the fields. We play hide-&-seek in the woods. He does tricks & balances on things. I take photos as it's another chance to interact. We might play search games too - I make him wait, go hide a toy/treats, then send him out to find them.  
A "game"(?) that's developed over time, is that Flynn loves to find & show me interesting stuff in the environment. Stuff he will not play with alone, but massively enjoys if I join in: piles of leaves, mole hills, tree stumps, good ground for digging! The more animated I am in reacting, the more enthused Flynn gets & the more he’ll exercise - racing way ahead to find the next fun thing & the next! He enjoys it if I show him stuff too!
Anyway, here he is in the 1st field, lying motionless but focused, as he waited for me to arrive & investigate the puddle he’d "discovered". It IS an excellent puddle.
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Here he is, extremely excited at the prospect of supervising me stepping into the puddle & making a splash: 
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Flynn's holding a nasty soggy chunk of grass because this was such a thrilling moment, he felt he needed to have something to bite on, or he might be tempted to nip my boot!!
Here he is in the 2nd field, intent on stalking closer, because I’d crouched down & just me doing that is EXCITING: 
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I crouched to look for fossils. Didn’t spot any, so I grabbed random pebbles. Flynn finds it genuinely fascinating to watch me choose, pick up, examine & toss small rocks away… He'll eagerly "help" me do this, for as long as I'll let him. He darts after each stone, as I chuck it away, then quickly rush back to watch me choose another. Here he is, concentrating very hard indeed, on a vital Pebble Examination:  
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Despite not going far, Flynn was mentally (& physically) tired out by the time we got home! Clearly, he'd done important work: herding, hiding, puddle-finding & pebble-inspecting ;-) Once Flynn's exercised, he'll happily sleep for hours on end.
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reading-hub · 5 years ago
Teachers Pet 🍎💋 [4] Lunchtime
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PHOTO 📷 CREDIT • ♥️ divider
the amount of notes I’ve gotten from previous chapters is still overwhelming for me, thank you guys! 🙏😭
[part three] [part five]
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You felt suspiciously good about today. As far as you knew, that weird admiration for Aizawa, was gone from your head. At least, it felt like it did...
A fresh new week, that’s all you needed.
Class 2A was alright. You did however gave them a heads up for tomorrow, as their will be pop quiz. Nothing too big, as long as they’ve been paying attention in class for the past week, they were sure to get a pass.
You knew Aizawa would probably ace it, considering he’s been showing a very promising turn around when it came to your class. Heck, he was a close runner up of being your most aced student in your class.
Oh no, here comes that weird admiration you’ve been repressing in your head coming back to bite you again...
It was lunchtime, you decided to take your lunch from the fridge at the teachers lounge and eat somewhere else. You had a lot to think about right now.
You chose the rooftop of the school. It was the very few spots that were secluded and peaceful at UA high, no teachers, due to the fact it would take awhile to walk there in the first place.
As you walked upstairs, you’ve finally reached up to the open rooftop, the heat of the sun hitting the top of your head. Before you could sigh in relief, someone was already there!
Squinting your eyes, you took a closer look of who it could be. He wasn’t tall to be another teacher, a possible student maybe?
You called out to see who it was, they turned around only for it to be, Aizawa?!
“Aizawa, you come here during lunch?” You asked, a bit surprised. Certainly not expecting out of all the people in UA, it was the student who you’ve had the closest relationship with.
“Yeah, there’s not a lot of people who come here, so me and Hizashi hang out here most of the time.” He explained. Speaking of the loud student, he was nowhere to be seen.
You remember marking the boy absent, as he wasn’t seen in your class either. “So now that Hizashi’s at home, it’s just you?”
“Yeah.” He didn’t seem down about it. Although, that’s just how Aizawa was in general. He wasn’t one to be vocal about his inner thoughts, which you’ve come to get used to at this point.
“How come you’re here, Miss [L/n]?” He asked.
“I just came to clear my head today.” You assured. “And eat at?” He said after, noticing the lunch container you were holding from in your hand.
“Uh, yeah..” Insert a tumbleweed rolling by you two, as things were getting silent bit by bit after that exchange.
The student that you were trying not to get too close with, just HAD to hang out where you were planning to clear your head at, was also eating at during lunch. You sighed in defeat and worry, things couldn’t get anymore convenient...
“You don’t mind if I eat here, do you?” You asked. He said he didn’t mind, meanwhile in his teenage brain, it felt like he just hit the jackpot! Fate was truly on his side and it was so hard not to be giddy right now.
“You can sit here,” He gestured the bench he was currently sitting on “if you’d like..” he trailed off, not wanting to force you to sit by any means. You sat down, thanking him afterwards.
Now here you both were, sitting next to each other during lunchtime. It felt like it was plucked right out of a cheesy scene of a rom com. Although, the biggest difference is, no Hollywood executive or director would even dare cross the line of ever making a romance movie as taboo as this...unless it was some sort of art-indie film.
He hoped that you didn’t hear his loud nervous gulping from inches away...
But how could you when you so many inner thoughts plagued in your head. The original plan was to peacefully eat in a secluded area, in the hopes of clearing your mind again. Yet here you were, sitting next to your student, realizing the situation you put yourself in. Life couldn’t give you a break, could it?
“Does anyone else come up here?” You asked, trying to break the ice with him and also praying that no one else came up here, otherwise, they would get the wrong idea.
“Not that I know of.” He paused. “It’s always been me and Hizashi during lunch.”
Your heart sank. Was Hizashi the only person that’s ever reached out to Aizawa to be his friend? Although you completely understand the troubles of being introverted, especially in a school setting.
Crap, now you were stuck! What else could you possibly ask him to keep this conversation going??
“How’s hero work been?” Great, now you sound like some concern mother figure now.
“It’s okay, I’ve been training in the field with the supervision of a pro...” You probably shouldn’t have asked him that so directly...
To him you were just his English teacher, who just happened to also be a pro hero with a semi-but medium sized fan base of young women who look up to you, and men who were the same age as you, constantly slipping through your private messages in the hopes of woo-ing you, and failing at that...
“I’m sure it will be all worth it in the end.” You said, trailing off as you picked your food. He only looked at you unsure. “What do you mean?”
You laugh a bit at his confusion. “What I’m trying to say is that I believe you’re made of great things to come, Aizawa.” You answered, faintly smiling at him.
His heart skipped a beat. This was too good to be true. “You really believe in me?” He looked down at his food, trying to not look you in the eye out of embarrassment. You sounded so supportive, it honestly overwhelmed him...
His breath hitched as he felt a warmth on his hand, only to see that it was yours...! Your thumb, slightly grazing his wrist in the process.
“I’m a your teacher, I believe in all of my students, Aizawa. Including you.” You reassured. “And don’t let anyone tell you differently, either.” You added.
You knew all too well that people thought less of him. “Don’t let your quirk define who you are.” You paused. “It’s how you use it that counts.”
Before Aizawa could respond to the sudden motivational lecture you just spoke of, the bell rang, which meant the end of your little lunchtime together...
You sighed, also knowing. “Sorry for rambling on, but you get where I’m trying to say?” He nodded. “Good.”
You both packed up any leftover lunch you guys didn’t finish, and headed out together, side by side. Until you both went your separate ways. Aizawa going back to class, and you going to the teachers room, now dreading that you have some paperwork to finish up.
((More To Come))
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