#these next 2 months are gonna be sooo bad omg im crying
drowningincaffiene · 8 months
my url has never veen truer, 9:45 pm and second energy drink of the day, i also had a coffee earlier...ough
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November 25, 2017
So my day started off with a group meeting with Iris, and oh god that was… not fun at all unfortunately. I also woke up late HAHA I was supposed to meet her at 10 but I woke up at 10.. but to be fair she was also late so it wasn’t that bad. She ended up waiting for me for like 10 minutes. Then we created our Instagram powerpoint which took about 2.5 hours. Way longer than it should have, but it’s okay at least that’s one more assignment out of the way.
After my meeting with iris, I called Katie and I ended up waking her up HAHA and I was like lets go get food, get ready. So I met with her at 2, and we headed off to go get hot pot. Also really funny and random but she used this whitening cream that she got from her secret Santa because she had been complaining about how tan she’s gotten, but idk what she did but she had this white cast over her face so she definitely looked paler but LOL HER FACE WAS ALSO A DIFFERENT COLOR THAN HER NECK AND CHEST AREA AHAHAHAHAH I remember laughing for legitly 5 minutes. But yay I was so excited to get hot pot hehe Problem was, the first hot pot placed we picked wasn’t going to be open until like 5 pm, and then we tried to find the next hot pot place and we ended up getting lost LOL. And while we were trying to find this second hot pot place, we stumbled across Cotton On that was having a huge Black Friday sale, 30% off everything in the store. So OBVIOUSLY we had to shop. So we ended up shopping in that one store for an hour LOL. I did find some nice stuff though, I found this giant olive hoodie jacket, and it’s sooo soft and big and just looks so comfy casual. I also found this plain black long sleeved crop top, and also a light blue hoodie that says “paris” on it. Pretty good deals, glad I got to do a little bit of Black Friday shopping HAHA
Then after that, we wandered around some more and we still couldn’t find the freaking place, so we asked one of the people working at a coffee shop, and they told us we were in the wrong building… lol… like we had to go outside, turn the corner, then go up the stairs. It’s technically the same building which is why the maps didn’t show up, but it was in a different section by itself that had a separate entrance. By this time, it was already 4 pm, and we were like shit should we still go, because we had plans to get kbbq for dinner at 8… yeah we still went. I don’t regret it though! It was good ^__ ^ also pretty cheap because we got that “afternoon tea” price, which was 167. During lunch though, omg we ended up talking about leaving each other, and it was one of the saddest moments haha. Because we were both talking, then we both picked up our drink cause we were gonna tear up, and we looked at each other and both of us started crying. Not like sobbing crying, but like tears just were nonstop rolling, but then we both started laughing because we were crying over hot pot, but then we were still crying, so it was a mixture of amusement and heartbroken ness. I don’t wanna leave these people. As much as I love home, I never felt like I had a solid place there with friends that I love so much – at least in college. These people are just all so so dear to me, and this environment that we are in of constant exploration and friendship and love is just something I don’t want to let go of. Haha yeah Im pretty sad writing about this right now. I have less than a month left, and I just don’t want it to be over. Some of these people I feel like if we were given the chance, I could be friends with them for life. It just breaks my heart thinking that I have to leave these people that I hold so dear.
ALRIGHT anyways, after lunch, we both headed back to campus, but as we were going back, Katie wanted to check out jackets because she didn’t buy any at cotton on, so we first headed to H&M, but they didn’t have much, and then I suggested we check out Uniqlo because they have a lot of jackets. Then I forgot who, but one of us jokingly suggested getting matching jackets as Chris and Vincent because they have a white and gray one, respectively from Uniqlo. So we went to go find it, and I actually found the jackets but I tried on this one navy blue one that I LOVED but Katie convinced me to get the gray one for the jokes and we were gonna meet the two of them later for dinner so I was like ok, but how do we get both of them to wear it. SO I texted chris “hey you and Vincent should both wear your Uniqlo jackets later because it’s going to be cold outside” and originally chris didn’t suspect much but when he told Vincent, Vincent was like instantly able to guess, IDK HOW but he guessed that we got matching ones and he said he wasn’t going to wear them. and I told chris that if he doesn’t wear it then im not going to talk to him for the rest of the night, I didn’t know if he was really going to wear it or not and he ended up not wearing it. And I was legitly annoyed LOL IDK WHY IT BUGGED ME TO DEATH that he didn’t actually wear it. Because Chris knew that we got matching ones when Vincent guessed, and he still wore it to match with Katie, so I was like butthurt that I didn’t get the same treatment.
But I did proceed to not talk to him for the rest of the night, which I did feel mildly bad for because he didn’t really talk to anyone when we were going along the MTR and just ended up putting in his earphones. Probably because usually I’m the one who makes conversations with him… it’s not like he tried to talk to me though so I was like whatever. LOL plus everyone else was being pretty talkative so it let me get away with it. I just talked to Josh for most of the night.
Korean bbq was alright, it was kinda weird, like all the meat was just laid out in the open, and we would go get it buffet style? Same with all the side dishes. A bit unsanitary in m opinion. I was not a fan of that haha. It was also kinda dumb because grill changes weren’t free? They weren’t expensive either but I just thought it was dumb that we had to pay per grill change… dinner was nice though, everyone there was probably my favorite people out of the entire group – Josh, Chris, Katie, and Vincent. So it’s always good vibes. Plus me and josh are always fucking around with each other so that’s always funny LOL
Then after dinner, we came back to dorms to grab our stuff so we could got to AC3 to study, and when I got back I changed into my green hoodie because I was still a bit salty HAHA I’m so petty sometimes, and then I also found out that I got my period so maybe that’s explaining a few things too. But we met with Chris and Vincent again downstairs, and this time Vincent changed into the jacket and I was pretty amused but I just turned and walked away so I was walking in the front but I was laughing the entire time because katie and chris were giving him ideas on how to apologize and also yelling after me “what more do you want this boy to do” but yeah I wasn’t mad anymore after that LOL
Then we just spent our time at AC3 until like 5 am again… but Josh also helped me design my powerpoint for my Consumer Behavior class and it looks soooo cool im so happy with it ^__^ Vincent also helped me figure out why my computer literally had no space left, and it was because I had two full iphone backups on there that was taking up like 20 gbs of space each. I legitly felt so ecstatic when he figured it out because my laptop had been lagging and constantly telling me I only had like 500 mbs of space left like wtffff
But yeah pretty eventful day haha
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