#these guys are my friends who are avid barbie fans whereas i never gave a shit but often got the mariposa barbie song stuck in my head
1spooky-dad · 1 year
Not to brag, but in the improv Barbie movie fandub group I'm in, I'm the one with the most prolific, and in-group referenced lines and plots. Some of which include:
"My favorite conspiracy is that the moon doesn't exist. The Moon landing was faked cause the moon just doesn't exist in the first place. But if it did exist, i would absolutely kick the shit out of it!" -hadley from princess charm school
Gave the love interest from Magic of the Pegasus a side job at a glue factory, and consistently offered to send the Pegasi to it.
Also bungled his backstory so badly that i had him be the caretaker of an orphanage, then mere seconds later admit to gambling all of the children away in black market betting rings.
Upon the point in MotP, when the love interest goes home to see his father again, i had no clue what was going on, so the scene went as follows: "ah. Back home. And is that my wonderful boyfriend i see?" All others dubbing with me at once cry "NO!!!!!!!" so disparagingly i fluster and say "wait, you're not my lover, who the fuck are you?"
"this is almost as bad that time that ape killed John F. Kennedy" - Hadley, PCS
"Mothman doesn’t really have a gender, despite “man” being part of the name. Which I think is pretty cool. It’s about as cool as the fact that Flareon is the only fire-type pokemon who cannot learn Solar beam." - Hadley, again
In princess and the pauper, i made Preminger's whole scheme that he was making NFTs of the royal family and only wanted to marry in to get closer to them and expand his business
Despite having never seen the movie before the dubbing, managed to correctly guess that the villain's troll-maids were his wives, in a completely throw away, panicked line.
As a rule, i do not ever watch any of the movies before hand, so most of the dubbers have at least an idea of what the plot is. Besides princess and the pauper, i go in entirely blind and every single time throw everyone for a loop
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