#these characters ergo. feel free to always use my canon as a jumping off point for ur own
mast7r · 2 years
I blame you for giving me the muse to put Regulus and Ginny in TVD verse
listen. lliSTEN....listen. do it. i support you doing it. we as a collective need to take these characters, fix them, and put them in a slightly less problematic canon. so yeah. do it. <3
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6. how do you feel about pride month? //You and all the babies
17. what’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to lgbtqa characterization in media? //For you~
28. what’s the most annoying question you have ever gotten? //For you, Cisco, Padmé, and Rogue
a pride meme...from the beginning of the month...
6. how do you feel about pride month?
//I love pride month, I love people celebrating who they are and rubbing it in the faces of people that don't want them to be that way and continuing to fight for equal treatment. I do wish it was more educational? Like had a long chat with Dragon and Rose on why pride con with educational speakers and lgbtqia+ artists/businesses, fun activities, accessibility (wheelchairs, A/C, seating, chill out zones for sensory overload, etc)...would be much better than just parade or heat stroke at festival with everyone crowded and shiz. Like, partying is fun and all but would love, especially as recently accepting of my queer status fully (have I said how much I hate the phrase 'baby gay'? cuz i despise it, i don't like infantilizing my sexuality to make it more palatable for people) to be better informed via pride event on history, resources, etc. Just my lil opinion on it. Can't combat shit when you're in the dark.
Rogue- "Ah didn't go to anythin' pride related till last year...but yeah, Ah like it. Ah still ain't wrapped my head 'round why it bothers people so badly but Ah'm a bitch so yeah, rub it in people's faces. Start a riot if needed."
Sara- "Well, I don't see why I wouldn't jump at the chance to kiss a girl and piss some Karen off. I will always be proud of the fact I've loved men and women."
Cisco- "Good shit. Totally support it. My past relationships don't reduce my pan-ness."
Farrar- "If someone says you're not allowed to be with someone of your gender, I hope you kick their feckin' knees in."
Nilza- "I'll go if there's going to be drinking and dancing involved, otherwise I have better things to do than stand on the sidewalk all day hot. I don't need to go to pride to be able to fuck women."
Padmé (modern verse that I still haven't written up yet)- "Even after there is finally true equality, which legally is a long way off unfortunately, I don't ever see reason not to hold pride month."
Kaylee- "I don't have a problem with it...but I've never gone to pride. Please, seriously, don't say 'now you need to prove you're actually bi'." she might bite
17. what’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to lgbtqia+ characterization in media?
//Oh, gods. You mean besides bury the gays? "I'm queer ergo that's my only character trait and I exist to be funny". This is not to be mistaken as my taking the side of the asshats that say "you make everything about your sexual/gender identity, shut up". No what I mean is that is LITERALLY the only thing they are on the show. They're only ever seen either a) sucking face of someone with the same gender, b) hitting on someone their gender, often without any degree of chemistry, sometimes to the point it could be considered harassment, or at least fall very much within 'cis white male' style of flirtation despite obvious differences in that character's identity, c) using their gayness or whatever as their source of humorous asshole-ism and it gives them a free pass to do shit a straight character wouldn't do naturally or without different consequences. Again, I'm not saying that sometimes these things don't occur in real life, or can't be well done...but you need a fleshed out character. I'm really sick of cardboard cookie cutter queers in media. And while yes, my brand of pan is 'not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you'...can we have more rep period? Soft and nice queers, shy queers, fat queers, disabled queers, queers of color. queers of a religious identity other than the hardcore atheist or the rebellious christian, queers that would be accused of being 'straight passing' or 'comphet'. Y'all we use a motherfuckin' rainbow to represent us, and just about each and every canonical queer instance in media is predictable af.
28. what’s the most annoying question you have ever gotten?
//"Why are you acting like you can just change your name and be a different person? You have to earn that, you need to show change in yourself. Is this for attention? Are you now throwing away science?." -this was all back to back so I'm counting the convo as one massive, headache inducing question-
Cisco- "'Don't you want kids?' As though it suddenly is impossible if I do end up being with someone that doesn't have said equipment. That...yeah no, there was yelling involved. And it's not as though I'm not still attracted to women!"
Padmé- "'What do you mean you don't imagine fucking attractive people you see? Everyone does that.' I quite literally do not. I said as much, I do not see why it needed repeating."
Rogue- "'You're not one of you sinful mothers, right? Like, you're not broken, you want a man in your life?' Ah swear t'god Ah almost committed murder...and momma wouldn't have actually given a shit had Ah done it."
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