#these chapters gunna be lengthy
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Girl when I get you🫵. Every new update just makes it harder to wait for the next one, my heart literally stopped when I got the new chapter notification. Also thanks for taking me out with the almost "love you", gunna take a while to recover from that one.
Should I start running?
Haha, sorry for the longer waits between these, then! They've just been, uh...very lengthy chapters. Glad you're enjoying the ride!
Fun fact: that one also hit me pretty hard when writing it. I finally got to inflict it on the rest of you, haha.
This chapter's body count has increased to two.
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The Reaper of the Opera Chapter 1: The Opera House
Oh no it’s finally happening. Can’t stop me now from doing this long time wish of the Overwatch Phantom of the Opera crossover AU. Please enjoy the madness.
Present Day
The abandoned opera house lingered of dread and mystery. Dust covering every inch of the place, no trace of life anywhere to be seen. That is until a group of the wealthy standards began waltzing in. Opening the aged door with great force. Guided by an omnic of red eyes, he lead them into the theatre quietly. Dressed in a black suit to present his class; giving him a polished look in comparison to his surroundings. Stepping upon the tattered stage floor, the creaks and old wood echoing the vacant space. Various articles of clothing and antiques were on display, covered in rags to prevent any dirt from touching the surface.
“Please take your places ladies and gentlemen,” The omnic informed his guests, their footsteps heard from behind. Various sneezes and murmurs filling the air. Taking his place upon a mahogany podium as he rose his voice to gain their attention, “Do make some space for everyone. Spread out if you must, I do not wish to be here all day.”
Everyone gathered closer to their places. From the elderly to the youth they arrived. Taking in the sights and musty air. Some grimacing at the display, while others take in the broken chairs and the burnt curtains. A door closes shut behind by two men in similar suits to the omnic.
“That is everyone Maximilian.” They informed the omnic before them. Max looked to the crowd seeing everyone present and accounted for.
“Very small crowd…although I hardly expected an audience at all,” he critiqued, fixing his tie before drawing his attention to the small audience, “First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for coming to the auction this evening. Tonight, we may present you with many of the salvaged items that belonged to the Overwatch Opera Company. I can assure you that aside from its worn out appearance, we are pleased to honour it’s history by its salvaged treasures.”
None of the guests truly had any care, looking rather bored and uninterested in his speech. The back of his mind wondered if it truly was worth the money spent to make this possible. Gesturing to his men, the two bring over a covered item to set in the middle of the group.
“Let’s begin with our first item of the auction,” The men pulled away the cloth to reveal an old looking box. Carved and engraved with paint chipping the edges. Receiving a fair number of giggles and scowls from the sight, “Here we have what you believe is an ordinary box. However, when you open its casing, you will be amazed.”
One of the men slowly opened its casing to present a music box, with one little monkey figure playing the cymbals. A gentle and quiet tune echoing the theatre. The lullaby withered away the doubt of its value. The patrons listened in wonder at the music box. If Max could smile, he would be doing so from their change of demeanor.
“We shall begin the bidding at 50.”
Various hand raises commenced, the price raising higher with each call. 70 to 85, reaching up to a mere 120 by an older woman. The bidders thinning out, leaving the older lass to be the victor.
“Going once, going twice…sold to the lady in the front,” He gestured to the older woman. Watching her frail face beam with delight at the music box, “All payments will be required before departure. Now onto the next item for bid.”
Throughout the hour, each item was proceeding to sell off. From old tattered costumes, to various props from previous productions. Although the profits were selling lower than Max anticipated, he had one more item to reveal. A finale worth this tiring event.
“And now for our final item of the evening. Gentlemen.” He beckoned his audience to turn around and face where a crowd would once sat long ago.
The men proceeding to their places as rehearsed, grabbing the chains on either side and pulling them firmly. Lowering before them is a cloaked chandelier that enveloped nearly the entire ceiling. Patrons backed away swiftly while Max looked upon them in amusement.
“Here before you is the very chandelier that has hung in the Overwatch Opera Company for decades. Lighting what once was a beautiful theatre to all its magnificent performances. Unfortunately, just mere moments before the infamous fire took place, the chandelier was struck down and collapsed before everyone. Some say it was a broken chain, or perhaps a lazy backstage hand. But allow me to reveal to you people the truth: The chandelier was struck down by a spirit.”
“A spirit?” One person sneered in doubt, turning to Max in disbelief of his tale, “You’re saying some ghost decided to take down that big thing?”
“I understand your doubts, believe me I do. However, what I speak of is no tall tale. You see, this Opera Company had its glory. But within it was a rather dark secret. A monster of anger and vengeance far beyond ones imagination. I believe they had called him: The Reaper of the Opera.”
Dead silence filled the air as a sense of misery came upon the crowd. Some even swore they heard an organ playing within the distance. The air grew cold from the very mention of that name. The doubter still fixing their gaze upon Max as he proceeded.
“Let’s begin the bidding shall we?”
Ten Years Ago
“Ah my friend, why must you be so glum? It is a glorious day!” The booming voice of a larger man encouraged his shorter companion beside him.
His hair white and slicked back to show a scar over his one eye. A beard as jolly as his voice. His smile as bright as his heart as he strode with pride. Walking down the cobblestone path, passing pedestrians and vehicles on the side of the road. The man he spoke to was very much shorter than him. A yellow beard plastered on his scowling face. An eyepatch covering one eye as he walked in larger steps to keep up with his companion.
“What’s there to be excited about? We are just going to the theatre to meet with the manager.” The shorter one grumbled. Not surprised that the larger one gasped in shock.
“Torbjorn! This is no ordinary theatre; we are approaching the Overwatch Opera Company! The most extraordinary theatre in the world!” He boasted, gesturing the rather polished and luxurious building before them.
The building polished and carved with marble. A large stair case leading to an archway filled with glass doors. Posters and faces of the various performers of the company. One common face being a cheerful young woman with brunette hair and pink striped cheeks.
“To think that we have been hired to take over the company. It is a great honour!”
“You are lucky that Ingrid has a passion for this sort of junk,” He confessed, looking up at the building. Unable to hide the impressed look he had on how lavish the building looked. That amusement completely subsided by his companions knowing look, “Don’t give me that look Reinhardt…”
“Admit it, you are just as thrilled as I. Even passed that grumpy facade. Come my friend,” He beckons the bearded man towards the entrance, “The company awaits!”
Torbjorn merely groaned at Reinhardts passion as they headed to the front door. Making their way up the steps, preparing to open the large antique doors. Before they could enter, a rough voice cut their actions.
“The theatre isn’t open to visitors right now.” The two men looked to the side to see an older man leaning against the wall.
Hair completely white and receding, showing off two rather alarming scars on the mans face. A complete opposite to the blue eyes that gazed upon them. The man in a long blue coat, black trousers & black boots, taking in the cloudy morning air. His scowl just as equal to Torbjorn if not more exhausted. The two men exchanged glances from the strangers comment.
“Ah, we have some business with the manager of the company. A mister Jack Morrison if you will.” Reinhardt informed, having the man leer in his direction.
“Well, you’re unfortunately looking at him,” The man reluctantly introduced himself with his arms crossed, “What do you want?”
“Oh! It is such an honor to meet you Mr. Morrison! I have been a huge fan of the Companys work fo-“ Reinhardt began to express with great enthusiasm. Jack’s patience grew thin, evident as he turned for the door.
“If you are only here to praise then save it for the presses. I don’t have time for that crap anymore.” He grumbled.
“Forgive my rather obnoxious friend here,” Torbjorn interrupted, receiving a rather insulted ‘hey’ by Reinhardt, “My name is Torbjorn Lindholm and that is Reinhardt Wilhelm. We are the new managers for the Opera Company. I believe you called to meet with us.”
Jack turned himself around to observe. A stone-cold look plastered on his face. Releasing the tension by opening the doors.
“Fine, come in.” He grunts, heading inside while the two men follow suit.
Inside held two spiral staircases leading up to various doors and potted plants. More posters from the outside were displayed in frames. A miniature chandelier lighting the entire room. A ticket booth found on the side, enclosed with a sold-out sign while the other way lead towards some backstage hallways.
“We can speak more of the details in my office. Just some paperwork and guidelines we have to go over.” Jack explained heading towards the hallways.
The two men followed suit, only for the sound of an operatic note being heard from the other side of the doors. Reinhardt held his companion in place while he listened in wonder.
“Do you hear that? It is the sound of passion and power!” Reinhardt gasped, halting Jack in his steps.
“They are just rehearsing; they have a show tonight. Just leave them to their business.” He dismissed, leaving Reinhardt to feel a little broken.
“But we must see their progress!” Reinhardt demanded, feeling Torbjorn pull away from his friend.
“Come on Reinhardt, we can see their performance tonight.” He stated, only to receive a rather stubborn look.
“But we should introduce ourselves! It’d be in good manager spirit if we tell them to break a leg!” He reminded, only to receive rather uneasy looks from the old men. Shrinking back with a shrug, “It’s a theatre figure of speech…”
Jack pinched the bridge of his nose before shrugging, “Alright, we can take a quick look. Have to break the news to them anyhow.” Before the two could question that statement, Jack lead them up the stairs and into the grand theatre.
Inside was rows of red velvet seats all in a formal U-shaped curve. Boxes pampered in curtains and gold that hung against the walls of the theatre. Brightening the entire theatre was a glamourous chandelier that sparkled against the tapestry. Painted mosaics covered the ceiling. Columns separating each sets of rows, leading towards the stage at the very end. A scene was being played out of the upcoming performance. A forest themed background was lit against a set of dancers. All graceful and synchronized to the music being played by the man by the piano. Before them was a young woman moving around the stage. Brown eyes filled with determination as she sung to the empty seats. The two men were left in awe until the woman completely halted her actions.
“Stop stop STOP!” She barked towards the pianist. The dreadlock haired man looking to the woman rather exhausted by her abrupt halt. Clearly showing that this was not the first time this happened today. She approached the man with a glare, “You are going way too fast on my part. How many times to I have to tell you to go slower?”
“Here we go…” A grumble from Jack could be heard behind Reinhardt and Torbjorn as they listened in.
“I told you that is how the piece works. You are supposed to be in a faster tempo!” He exclaimed, grabbing the music sheets to show to the woman. As much as he protested, the woman was having none of it.
“The show will not be perfect if it doesn’t go my way! My way is having my parts be slow!” She pouted looking at him, “Lucio you are making me work too much...”
The argument was interrupted by the sound of a cane hitting the floor. All the attention turning towards an older woman with silver hair. Braided and covered in a hijab. A tattoo under her one eye as the other was covered in a black eyepatch. Her dark skin hidden in her black and blue attire. Her presence giving an authoritative stature to everyone around her.
“That is enough Hana,” The woman spoke to the brunette. Making her turn around to the older woman. The dancers standing by her side, upright but exhausted, “As much as you desire for more presence on the stage, changing the direction of the original music will overthrow my dancers.”
“I believe she is correct my dear!” Reinhardt chimed in, gaining the attention of the rest of the group. Hana rather displeased by the unfamiliar input.
“And who are you?” She demanded. Reinhardt, quickly making his way on the stage. Much to Torbjorns protests, Reinhardt greeted the young woman with a grin.
“I am simply a man with passion for the theatre. I am also aware that you are none other than the great Hana Song! The songstress of many awards and fans, including myself,” His charm and ego brushing was not to be desired by those around him. However, the flattery was already working, evident to Hanas charmed smile, “A show must be memorable and driven with emotions to let the audience leave with satisfaction! Even in a higher tempo, you may work wonders! Grasp every beat like a lover and sing your heart to the world.”
“Oh brother…” Torbjorn groaned. Jack’s attention was drawn to the older woman. Seeing her hardened stare before intruding.
“Let everyone take five, we will take it from the beginning of Act 2,” She announces, having the other stage members relax with a few more stretches. The dancers free from their poised manners until the old woman turned towards them, “Each of you needs to polish their work. Lena, more grace. Amelie, let your motions become fluent. Fareeha, keep on your toes. [Name], your eyes must look ahead and not in the clouds.”
The women nodding to their critiques as they make haste in their work. Leaving them to their notes before approaching Jack and Torbjorn. Amused by the new faces first impressions.
“I thought we had an agreement to no early visitors Jack.” She teased, having Jack shrug nonchalantly with a sigh.
“There is a reason that I bent our rules a little,” He gestured to the two men, having Reinhardt pull away from praising Hana, “This here is Torbjorn Lindholm and Reinhardt Wilhelm.”
“And who may this lovely woman be?” Reinhardt asked politely, taking the hand of the woman with endearment. She hummed at the loving look of the larger one with a smile.
“This here is Ana Amari, she is the dancing instructor to our company.” Jack introduced receiving an amused hum from the woman.
“All these years and all you have to title me as is dancing instructor?” She teased Jack, having him mumble an apology, “Well that’s all I am nowadays.”
“I think not my dear, I see a fire within you that can bring a thousand men to their knees.” Reinhardt complimented, making Torbjorn rightfully intervene.
“Will you give the woman some space? No need for you to woo everyone you meet.” Torbjorn warned, seeing the love struck daze Reinhardt had on Ana. Jack couldn’t help but snort.
“You might want to ease up on her. Although she is divorced, she is not that open for a replacement at the moment.” He muttered to the two men, his words hushed by Anas knowing gaze.
“I see that you two are exceptionally charming. Are you the new stagehands? Our current one could use the assistance.”
“Not quite…” Jack muttered before taking himself to the stage to draw attention to the performers, “Might as well announce this while we are here: These men right here are my replacements. They will oversee the opera company from now on.”
The group were soon in disarray of the news as even Ana was taken back. Murmurs and gasps filled the stage at the retirement. The two men approached while Jack placed a hand on Reinhardts back.
“Although I had my doubts, I can be certain that these two will continue to uphold the Opera houses reputation. Please take them in as one of your own as you have done with me. I apologize for the short notice, but I do wish all of you the best of luck…or break a leg rather.”
The group left to chatter about the sudden news, only for Ana to tug at Jacks arm.
“Jack, a word?” She muttered, taking him to the side. He was already uneasy as he rose his hands.
“Look, I know I should’ve told you this earlier, but I had my reasons.” He assured the doubting young woman.
“Are you certain that those two can handle this?” She questioned, the two men began introduced themselves to some of the members.
“Well to be honest, not entirely. But I know I can also trust you.” He places a hand on her shoulder with a small smirk. Unable to diminish Anas disbelief as she held him still.
“And have you told the new managers about their…specific instructions?” Jack left frozen in his place, as it was evident that they hadn’t a clue. Rummaging in his jacket as he pulled out an envelope.
“I was instructed to give them this, but I’d rather let you give it to them. It seems he already knew before I had a say,” He hands over the note, stepping away with an apologetic look, “Forgive me, I can no longer follow his instructions anymore.”
Suddenly, cold shift in the air was felt, the lights flickering causing the members to stiffen in their place. Torbjorn and Reinhardt left puzzled, looking about as they could’ve sworn they heard whispers from the walls. A now spooked Reinhardt is left judged by Torbjorn. Ana stared up at the ceiling, a hand firm on her cane at the tension. Returning her attention to now the empty space before her. Just like that, Jack was gone before her eyes. Taken back a bit as she held the note, looking at the red skull in the wax stamp on the envelope.
“It’s probably the damn wind, you big lug.” Torbjorn grumbled at the paranoia.
“No it isn’t! It’s the Reaper of the Opera.” Lena chimed in, only to be hushed by her fellow dancers.
“The Reaper??” Reinhardt spoke confused towards the young womans’ proclamation. His nerves calmed as Ana approached the two of them. Torbjorn looked behind the woman to suddenly find Jack gone.
“Hey, where did Mr. Morrison go?” He questioned, only to be handed the note.
“He had to take his leave, however he told me to bring you this.” She informed, stepping away to let them read.
“A fond greeting to the new managers. I congratulate you on this highest honor. Just as Mr. Morrison has endured, I have provided a set of instructions that must be kept,” Torbjorn read, as Reinhardt followed along, “For every performance that the Opera Company holds, Box 5 should never be occupied whatsoever. I also expect my monthly wages to be paid on schedule and at the select location. Should my instructions be left abandoned, I vow that much dismay will befall the company. From your most generous patron – R. Now wait a damn moment, what’s all of this for??”
“It is your instructions as the new managers, you must follow these regulations.” Ana informed holding onto her can tightly. Torbjorn left unimpressed as he approaches.
“Now listen here, I won’t be casting aside any money to some stranger! I have my own wife and kids to feed at home,” He tosses the letter to Reinhardt with a grunt, “If some prankster wants to demand money, they oughta just show themselves right now!”
As cursed as Torbjorns words be, a spark and flicker of the lights was seen. Causing a disarray within the performers. In one swift movement, a weight bag from above landed towards a no expecting Hana as she fell to the floor in pain. Letting out a cry as she was struck to the ground with the weight on her leg.
“Hana!” Lucio cried out as the group huddled to see the damage. Unaware of the shadows that wandered above them.
To be continued
#Overwatch#overwatch x reader#overwatch imagines#overwatch scenarios#overwatch au#maximilian#reinhardt wilhelm#torbjorn lindholm#ana amari#Jack Morrison#hana song#lucio correia dos santos#Reaper#tracer#these chapters gunna be lengthy
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Sounds of Someday - CH 2
Title: Sounds of Someday
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Destiel
Rating: E (eventually)
Tags: canon typical violence, character death, kind of cuz you know, nothing really dies in Supernatural, smut, fluff, bit of angst
Summary: Sam was dead, Cas was lost forever, and Dean's entire world had been turned upside down in less than an instant. He was alone, again, a typical Winchester ending, but god damn if that was how he was going to leave it. He was going to get Sam back, he was going to get Cas back, and he was going to fix everything that had fallen apart, and now he was going to do it all with twin babies and the king of hell back on his side. Season sixteen… here we go.
*** My works are not to be posted on any sites without my permission! But comments and reblogs are love! <3 Please and thanks!!
Chapter two
Jody Mills tapped the wooden spoon in her hand on the side of the pot, splattering her famous spaghetti sauce all over the white of her stove top. The doorbell rang again, followed by a persistent knocking as she scowled into the pot of sauce, angrily dropping the spoon into the empty sauce can beside her. She swiped her half full wine glass off the counter as the knocking and ringing continued, and she stormed towards the door wondering who would have the gaul to be so arrogant on a Sunday afternoon.
"I'm coming, I'm coming, keep your pants on, yeesh!" She called out, grumbling to herself about the arrogance of some people as she finally made it to the door. She quickly swung it open, ready to give the person on the other side a huge piece of her mind, but instead she only managed a stunned, "Dean?!"
"Jody," he breathed.
"Dean Winchester! Where the hell have you been?!" Though it wasn't exactly the warm welcome Dean had been hoping for, he was still happy to have this nonetheless. "I haven't heard from you in ages, and now you just randomly show up on my doorstep, unannounced, on a Sunday afternoon? And those…" She looked down to the two car seats, one in each of his hands and pointed to them, "Are… are those babies? You have babies?!"
He just nodded and looked to her with his still red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks. When she was finally able to take him fully in, getting past the initial shock of seeing him after so long with no word as to why, she realized there must be more to this then at first glance and quickly ushered him inside. "Let's get you all inside, I do believe I'm entitled to a very lengthy and detailed explanation of what the hell's going on here."
"You were dead?"
Jody looked up at Dean from where she was sitting on the couch across from him, playing with the babies in the car seats where they sat on her coffee table. He just looked back at her with a solemn expression and nodded.
"Yeah, or at least I thought I was. Turns out I was just in some sort of Chuck induced fever dream for four years."
"And Sam?"
It wasn't missed on Jody the way Dean's entire being died with the question, the already dimming light completely fading from his eyes. She already had her answer.
"He's dead, he's back at Bobby’s right now," he confirmed with a nod, "and Cas is… he's gone too, the Empty took him."
"When the hell did that happen?!"
Dean just shook his head, thinking back. He wasn't sure if he should tell her, hell he wasn't even sure if he was ready to say it out loud himself. But he figured who better to bear it all to then Jody, a woman who had basically been his mom for years now.
So he nodded to himself, trying in a way to convince himself it was okay, then scrubbed a hand down his face as he looked up to her, "It, uh… it happened right after he allowed himself to be truly happy."
She gave him a questioning look and asked, "And that was how?"
"He…" He waited a beat, took a deep breath, then continued, "He told me he loved me."
Jody's eyebrows shot nearly straight into her forehead, and her bottom lip shrugged out almost in that typical Winchester way. "Well, okay, yeah, that makes sense."
"That… that makes sense?" He scrunched his face at her, "The hell is that supposed to mean?!"
"Exactly what it sounds like," she chuckled lightly, "you two were always so oblivious. Everyone knew that you were both in deep for each other, the only two who didn't know it was you. At least one of you finally said something."
"Yeah," he scrubbed his face again and sighed into his hands, "and as soon as he did, the Empty took him away. He never should have made that deal with the Empty. He let himself be happy, told me he loved me, and then to save me he let the Empty take him away from me for it. I didn't have a chance to say anything before he was gone. I just… I just stood there like an idiot."
"But you're gunna save him right?" She asked, then turned a wide smile on one of the babies as they cooed at her.
“Oh don't you play me for a fool, Dean Winchester,” she eyed him from the side, “I know you, and I know that even if it takes everything you’ve got, you will find a way to bring back both your brother and Cas. You'll have your chance to talk to Cas about this, I'm sure of it.”
“But that's just the thing Jody, I can't do that anymore,” he gestured to the two little ones in front of him, “I have these two now, kids, I can't go running around all reckless like I used to. I have to make sure I’m there for these two, I have to be a good dad.”
“Seems you're off to a good start at least, thinking like that,” she smiled at him softly, “but I'm sure together we can find a way around this. We'll find a way to bring them back without having to go the familiar route of the typical Winchester sacrifice.”
He just nodded, thankful but not really knowing exactly how to put in words just how much that all meant to him.
“And if you decided that you wanted to keep hunting after we got them both back, then we'll find a way around that too, I know it’s important to you.”
She reached over and placed her hand on Dean's knee, giving it a little shake. He managed to give her the smallest hint of a smile, which she returned, then looked back to the two small bundles still cooing on her coffee table.
“I still can't believe that these two precious little munchkins are God and the Darkness. Two very horrible people we once tried to kill,” she looked up from the babies, “how… how do you feel about that, I mean, the last time I saw you, you were pissed at Chuck and now you're raising him.”
“It's… an interesting development,” he stood from the chair across from Jody and moved to sit beside her, looking at both the babies. Chuck was still awake, wide eyed and looking at everything, and Amara was sound asleep in the car seat beside him. He smiled a little, lifting his hand to run his finger down Chuck's little cheek, “I know who they were, but they aren't that anymore, they're just babies now, human. No power, no memories, just little Chuck and Amara Winchester. A once God turned human and his now equally human twin sister.”
“Wait, Winchester? I was wondering what you would be doing for last names.”
“I don't really have much of a choice.” He reached into the side pocket of Chuck's seat, pulling out the envelope he had found earlier and handed it to Jody.
She gave him a curious look then turned to open it, dumping the contents into her lap. She rifled through, looking at every piece, eyes widening as she went deeper.
“Did Chuck do this?!”
Dean nodded, “Just before he blew us back to reality.”
“Birth certificates,” she lifted each piece as she said it, “he made both of them Winchesters, officially. Guess he thought of everything.”
“Not everything,” Dean grumbled, “he zapped the three of us back here with no supplies for the babies, no formula, no diapers, no cribs, no place to live, and it's going to be hard to find a place by myself that's going to take an ex-hunter single dad with two kids and a dog.”
“You're not going back to the Bunker?”
“No,” he answered a bit too fast, then sighed, “no, not right now at least. I… I just can't right now after losing Sam and Cas.”
She nodded, understanding how he felt. “Well you know, i've got some extra rooms in the house since the girls left. Claire’s never here aside from a quick visit to check in for the sake of my sanity between hunts, Patience is off to college so she'll be back in the summer but that's it, and Alex is still working at the hospital in town but she's now all moved in with her boyfriend. That gives you a room for yourself, a room for the twins, and then we still have a spare room for when the girls come to visit.”
“Are you… you want me to move in here?”
“Why not?” She shrugged.
“Jody, I can't just move in with no notice like this, I don't wanna impose on you.”
“Dean, honey, you are not imposing,” she placed a hand on his knee and gave it a light squeeze, “I am happy to help. So you, the babies, and your dog are all going to be living here starting now until further notice. And as for the rest, the supplies for the babies, I can also help you with that. I don't have anything left over from when my son was little, but it's nothing a quick trip to the store can't fix.”
“Jody I can't, “ he shook his head, “I can't ask that much of you, and I've still got so much to deal with, and Sam… I’ve still got to bury Sam,” he whispered the last part, voice cracking, choking back a sob as he tried to hide it behind his hand.
“Dean, please,” she leaned forward on the couch and looked into his eyes, “I want you here, and this isn't something you should have to go through alone.
“I… I don't know what to say.”
“Don't say anything,” she smiled at him, “once we take care of Sam we’ll head to the store, grab what we need for the babies, then you can grab what you need from the Bunker and get settled in here.”
He just nodded, staring at the floor unable to actually look at jody right now, “Thanks, Jody, this really means a lot.”
“We’ll get through this, Dean, okay, one step at a time.” He just nodded again as Jody gave him one last squeeze then stood and said, “Let's get to the store so these babies have food, then we'll head over to Bobby’s… and take care of Sam.”
She left him to sit on the couch for a few minutes, to think over everything and have a little time to process, time she was sure he hadn't allowed himself to have yet, and started gathering her things to wait for him outside.
Dean pulled up to the all too familiar junk yard that was home for him once upon a time. Home for him and his little brother all those years ago when John was too busy hunting to be a father, too riled up in his revenge and anger to be a dad, too misguided and self centered to be a parent. But all for the better, Dean thought as he drove through the maze of piled up cars, because they found something better.
In those old worn down walls they found a man more worthy of being their father then John ever was. A man who actually cared for them not just as children, but even later in life when they showed up lost and alone on his doorstep. Even on his dying breath he loved them like the sons he considered them to be. In those old worn down walls they felt true love.
He pulled the impala to a stop outside the burned down and broken remains of Bobby's old place. He remembered how he felt the day he drove in to find the place up in flames, after the Leviathans had destroyed it, killed Bobby, ruined their lives. Dean thought they had taken everything away from them. But he realized soon after, when they buried Bobby there, that as soon as he stepped foot on the soil outside that burnt up mess, it was still home.
There may not have been much of a house left, and Bobby was gone for good, but the feeling that Dean always felt when he was there never left. It was something the Leviathans or anything else could ever take away from him. The memories, the love, that feeling of home. And in the end, Dean couldn't think of a better place to bury his brother. Sammy would want to be home.
He got out of the car, breathing in the sweet Sioux Falls air he loved so much, and walked to the back doors to start getting the babies car seats out of the back as Jody drove up and parked beside him. He got both seats out of the impala and placed them on the ground, watching as Jody pulled the new double stroller they just bought out of the back of her van, and pushed it over to Dean.
He lifted Chuck first, holding his seat over the front of the stroller, testing and turning it a few times before he asked, "How…?"
Jody just laughed and reached for the car seat, "Here, it goes facing you, and just clips in like this "
At the simple little snap Dean eyed the stroller warily and reached out to give the car seat handle a little test jiggle, "Is this safe? It doesn't seem safe at all, I mean that was too easy!"
"It's perfectly safe, Dean, you insisted we got the most top of the line everything for the babies, and according to the clerk at the store, and the seven articles you read on the way there, that's exactly what we got. And the articles said it was tested and proven the best stroller in America right?" She laughed as he just nodded sheepishly. "Don't worry so much, Dean, you're gunna be a fine daddy. Now you try clipping Amara into the bottom part of the stroller."
It took him a few tries, but eventually he had both babies clipped in and he was pushing the stroller towards the back of the house. The pire he had already set up before going to Jody was still there, Sam wrapped in a white sheet in the center. He stopped for a moment, not really able to move or breathe as he just stared at Sam. This wasn't what he wanted, this was never what he wanted, he had what he wanted and it turned out to be a stupid fake reality. Everything was falling apart at the seams.
Jody lifted her hand and squeezed his shoulder, urging him forwards. He nodded and walked closer to Sam with Jody by his side, and after making sure the babies were at a very safe distance from the pire, he pulled his lighter out of his pocket. He shifted it from hand to hand for a moment, staring at the dirt, trying to find the right words to say.
"Well, Sammy," he choked out, trying to hold back tears, "I'm sorry. I tried, I really tried, but I couldn't help you. But mark my words, I will find a way to bring you back. I promise you."
He waited another moment before he nodded to himself, then tossed the lighter and took a step back to stand with Jody. They watched as the pire lite up, standing side by side, and there was no stopping the tears now while he watched his brother burn.
"This isn't permanent, you know," she said from beside Dean, "it's only temporary. We will find a way to make this right again. We always have."
He took a deep, shuddering breath and wiped away the tears rolling down his cheeks. Jody shifted over and wrapped an arm around him, "When you're ready, we’ll head to the bunker and get what you need. Then we'll get back home, get the cribs set up in their room, and get you and the babies settled."
"Yeah," he cleared his throat and turned to look at Jody, "let's get the babies home."
Dean stood in the entryway to the Bunker, his legs unable to move. This was the last place they were all together. The last place that he, Cas, and Sam were all together. It was also the place where he lost Cas. Where he confessed his love to Dean, where he stood stock still and did nothing, said nothing as Cas was taken from his life again. It's where he spiralled after that, falling to his rage and anger, feeling the loss of Cas again though this time it weighed differently. He knew Cas loved him, had loved him all those years together when he'd been too afraid to say anything. Losing Cas always ripped his heart out, but knowing how Cas felt, that his hidden feelings for the angel were reciprocated, knowing that they had lost so many years when they could have been together, it made the pain infinitely worse. And he felt that pain renewed as he stood just before the threshold to the place that held his worst nightmares inside. And what was worse was that now he stood here alone. No brother… no Cas, just himself and the bad memories.
"You ready?"
He turned to Jody who was now standing beside him, holding both car seats. He jolted out of his flashing memories of losing Cas just beyond this door, took one of the seats from her, sighed and said, "As ready as I can be. Let's just get this over with."
Dean wanted to spend as little time in the Bunker as possible. The bad memories as of late outweighed the good and all he wanted was to get in and get out. So after putting the sleeping babies in the lounge, he rattled off a list of things for Jody to find, and the two split up to cover more ground faster. And with the promise from Jody that if ever they needed something else from the Bunker, she would come get it so that Dean never had to come back after this. She could tell it was really hurting him to even be in here for this short of a time.
After about an hour the two met back up in the map room, shoving their findings into the few duffels Dean grabbed from his old room, when a pounding at the door had them both frozen and silent. Eyes wide, Dean looked to Jody for an answer who just shook her head, as lost as he was.
The pounding came again and this time Dean's heart felt a little jolt of hope and he perked up slightly. Afterall, it had happened before so why not now? "Cas?!"
"Oi! Someone open up will ya!"
He sighed, but why would he be so lucky.
He and Jody both exchanged unimpressed glances as Dean headed up the stairs to open the door, though just enough to stick his head out.
"What do you want, Crowley?! I am not in the mood!"
"Easy, Squirrel, easy," he held both hands up, "not here to bother you, just came to find out why in the bloody hell the world suddenly jolted back to life after four years. Figured if anyone had anything to do with it, it would be one of you lot. Gunna let me in?"
Dean just rolled his eyes and backed away to let him in. "You could have just snapped your way in like you usually do."
"Didn't want to be rude now, Squirrel.". He strolled in, hands in his pockets and looked around. He eyed Jody at the bottom of the stairs and raised a brow. "Where’s Moose?"
"Ah," he nodded, seemingly unfazed, "and your devilishly handsome boyfriend?"
Dean shook a little at the mention of Cas, but answered through gritted teeth, "He's in the Empty, for good this time."
It didn't pass Crowley that he never even bothered to deny the boyfriend comment but he went on anyway as they headed down the stairs together. "You seem fairly untroubled by the fact that I am indeed alive. Last we saw each other I "killed myself"," he turned to use air quotes at Dean who rolled his eyes again, "back when we were fighting my old compadre in the Endverse world."
"Yeah well, after the last four or so years that I've had, nothing really phases me anymore."
"Assuming this has something to do with the world being frozen. Glad you're back by the way. The world was boring while Chucky had it frozen. No deals to be made, no fun to be had."
"Where were you all that time, huh?" He turned Crowley back to look at him, "How did you not die, what did you do?"
"Ah well, that. I had a contingency plan in place in case one of you clots should be my end."
"Of course you did, what was this brilliant plan?"
"Pulled myself a Voldemort." He smiled smugly at Dean who just furrowed his brows.
"You… what?!"
"I put a small piece of myself in some sorry sap down in New Mexico before Lucifer pulled his second tantrum of the decade, and after I killed myself I was able to use that piece of myself to be resurrected. As for where I've been, it takes time to recover from such a trauma you know, so surf, sun, and sandals."
"I, you… did you just make a Harry Potter reference?" He was still stuck on the first part of the conversation.
And though Dean was confused, Crowley looked almost impressed, "Didn't take you for a Potterhead, Squirrel."
"Of course I've watched Harry Potter," he scoffed, "Hermione kicks ass! She'll be a good role model for the kids when they watch it with me when they're older.”
"Kids..? Yours? You have kids," he turned, looking around the room for little rugrats tearing the place apart, then back to Dean, " Did I miss something?!"
"You have no idea-" Crying came from the room behind them and Dean just closed his eyes and let out a full body sigh, "Damn it, I was hoping they'd stay asleep till we got home."
He left for a moment then came back in the room bouncing a tiny baby in one arm, and carrying another car seat in his other hand.
When Dean walked up to Crowley he had to laugh a bit despite everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. He was sure he had never seen such a look of genuine confusion on his face as he darted his eyes back and forth between the babies. "Is that…?"
Dean just nodded, "Chuck and Amara."
Crowley walked over to Dean, still a little shook that he was looking at two creatures he used to fear once upon a time. When he was close enough he bent down slightly, looking into Chuck’s car seat, "Capitol G, look at you now," then up to Amara in his arms, "and the Darkness. And now you're their… father?"
"Apparently," he placed Chuck’s seat down by his feet and took the outstretched bottle from Jody as she came back from the kitchen, "they didn't give me much choice. Just fixed reality, put me back on Earth, sent Sam to Heaven, and just poofed themselves into human babies with paperwork saying they’re Winchesters."
"And how do we feel about that?" Crowley asked, "You're now father to the creature who made your life a living hell for years, who tried more than once to kill you, and attempted to destroy the Earth. Doesn't it bother you to now be caring for the little hellraiser?"
Dean shrugged. Sure, he'd thought about all that, thought about how angry Chuck had made him, the things he did near the end, and Amara was no saint in her own way. But when Dean looked down at Amara in his arms, and Chuck still sleeping soundly in the car seat at his feet, he found himself smiling as he answered Crowley's question, "It doesn't bother me. It may have bothered me for a split second when everything was being thrown in my face all at once with Sam's death, my reality, the babies. But then I realized that even though this is Chuck and Amara, God and the Darkness, in a way it's not. They have no memories of what they did before they started their lives over as humans, they're just babies, humans now. And I'm going to make sure they're loved and cared for, always, as every baby should be."
"My," Crowley raised a brow as he stared at Dean, a little mixed between impressed and speechless, "that's very noble of you. I myself don't think I’d be able to do the same."
"You couldn't even raise your own son, Crowley. What was his name… Gavin? That kid was a mess because of you," Dean rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't expect you to suddenly grow a heart."
"Glad we're on the same page then," he smirked, then walked a little closer to Dean, looking him up and down once. Dean eyed him cautiously, watching his movements, then he looked back at Dean after one last look over, "although, Dean Winchester with babies, very… dilf of you, Dean."
Dean scoffed, "In your dreams, Crowley."
He just smirked over at Dean, and said in a smooth, deep voice, just barely above a whisper, "Every night," with a wink.
Dean gaped at him, mouth opening and closing a few times, but no words came out.
Crowley then knelt down, same devilish smirk on his face as before, and looked into Chuck's car seat. "Well, now little ones, how about Uncle Crowley helps Daddy get back your other Daddy and Uncle Moose?"
"Okay, first of all, Uncle Crowley?" He just shrugged up at Dean as he continued, "And second, why do you wanna help all of a sudden? What's the catch?"
"No catch, no tricks, no deals. I just want to help that's all." Dean didn't even say anything, just stared him down until he rolled his eyes and tossed his head back, "Alright, fine. I'll admit, you're not my favourite people on Earth, but it's painfully boring up here without the Winchesters around to stir up trouble. And I figure I scratch your back…"
"Cut the crap, Crowley, what do you want?"
"I'm not asking for much here, but when I… died," he drawled, "of course all of hell assumed my throne was up for grabs and gave it to my mother of all people, and when the time comes, you could help me get it back. Besides, I think you could benefit from having friends in low places, don't you?"
Dean sighed and shook his head. He knew himself that Crowley had gotten them out of a jam more than once, and it was always helpful to have the King of Hell on their side in tough times. But he’d be the last person to ever admit that out loud. Especially in front of Crowley.
"If you can get Cas back, and Sam, I'll help you get whatever you want."
"Jolly good show. So we've got a deal then?" He stuck his hand out to Dean waiting for him to take it, but Dean just glared at him, so he pulled it back and laughed, "Joking, of course."
"Right," Dean huffed, then turned to sit in a chair while he continued feeding Amara, "where do we start?"
A/N: So there’s chapter two of my fix it fic, let me know what you guys think! And if anyone wants to be tagged for future posts or destiel fics, let me know <3
Tags: @thebridgekid @frostingsfics @frostedej @clairewinchester14 @kitsunecastiel
#supernatural#destiel#destiel fanfic#dean winchester#castiel#dean x castiel#dean and cas#dean/cas#dean winchester/castiel#dean winchester x castiel#sam winchester#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural fix it#supernatural 15#supernatural spoilers#jody mills#daddy dean#daddy cas#uncle sam#uncle crowley#Crowley#ill fix it#smut#fluff#angst#happy ending#sounds of someday#chapter two
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1) you're right, it's character, and 2) analogical, analogince (Virge, Lo, and Ro), or analosleep (Virge, Lo, and Remy)
Write soemthing with these words and this ship.
k so this turned out so bad. I went with analosleep cause i love remy. I also asked my coworker to give me a fanfic trope and she chose "they all reached for the last box of cereal. "
Remy really didn’t want to go to the store. He wanted to avoid the bright lights and people, but he knew he needed to grocery shop today.
Logan parks at the store with a list, mostly made by his bubbly roommate who loves sugary foods. Logan looked at the list and decided he will probably need a cart just to contain the bulk of food his roommate requested. Logan and Patton agreed to alternate grocery shopping and try to only visit once a month.
As Remy walked away from the Starbucks that lives inside the grocery store, he decided a cart was in order so he could put his coffee down without forgetting it in a shelf.
Virgil parks his motorcycle on the sidewalk in front of the store and stows his helmet in its box as he pulls out his backpack and short list of necessary foods for the week. He grabs a basket on his way in the door.
Remy sipped away at his trenta cold brew as he whacked a bag of chips into his cart when he remembered he was out of cereal. He lazily pushed his cart to the next aisle.
Virgil knew the store well and had gotten all his stuff in order of aisle when he got to the cereal aisle, he decided he deserved a treat.
Logan was almost done with his lengthy list when he realized he had skipped over an entry ‘chocolate frosted flakes’, he had never even heard of those but figured Patton had probably seen them at his cousins house and thought they were magical.
They all arrived at the cereal aisle at the same time. Logan was staring at his list and reached almost blindly for the box. Remy saw Logan reaching for the only box and darted his hand out to get it first. He wanted the fucking cereal. Virgil saw the other two and didn’t want to start a fight, his hand hovered limply having already given up on his treat.
Remy got the box and Logan looked up to an empty hand and a shit eating grin like no other “you snooze you lose” Remy wiggled his eyebrows. Logan sighed but relented “your right and I hate it” Virgil stood just out of Remy’s line of sight “hey Remy, haven’t seen you in months.” Remy spun on his heels.
“hey stormcloud”
Logan muttered to himself “Patton’s not gunna like this”
Virgil heard Logan “Patton, like Patton mc-Conner?”
Logan re-entered realty at Patton’s last name, “he’s my roommate and the one who wanted those flakes.”
Remy piped up “we went to school with him. Can we come visit? Ill share my hard-fought flakes if we can.”
“I’m not exactly charmed by its character, but I suppose Patton does always love surprise company”
I think this is the first time ive written something that didnt contain angst. Maybe if someone wants ill write a chapter 2 (ノ´・ω・)ノ ミ ┻━┻
Also anyones welcome to send me another if they want. It was good practise in not making everything all doom and gloom :)
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In Eterno: Il Diamante 💍 (uno)
This series (and chapter) have been a long time coming. Halfway through the main story of NN, we were still saying Alexander would never get married. Well, this is the proposal chapter. I want to give a smut warning, for which an anon that sent me a lengthy request for NN before is responsible so for the game in the first part of this chapter, I want to give credit to them (it was a long time ago, but you know you are if you read this). I might have also teased the circumstances of this proposal in an ask game before, but I’m not sure. Anyway, I could not have written this without Elana, who helped me so much with it and just makes the story so so much better. Please enjoy x
- chapter navigation -

There had seldom been a time in which Jade had been unable to stand looking at Alexander's face. Even now, it frustrated her that she couldn't look away, that she could not hate the way his jaw tensed, the way his nose twitched, the slight movement of the right corner of his mouth. She'd grown to love every inch of him, of his body, the features of his face as well as every scar, the branding he was soon going to get rid of, because it had all shaped him and made him who he was and she loved him and everything he stood for.
But the smug expression that laced his flawless features when his lips had spoken something so utterly frustrating and unbelievable for her, it made her blood boil, her fingers clench into fists and stare back at him in disbelief as he sat there calmly, leaned back in his chair, unaffected.
The look in her eyes was something Alex had never been confronted with, at least not without an equally as strong glimmer of lust and appreciation. He'd never taken it this far, not with his relentlessness when she begged him for mercy and he tested her patience, to give her what she wanted, not when attempting to tell her what she could wear, what she could do, not when he'd thought she'd betrayed him. The bright green had never been quite so frightening, had never challenged him quite like this before.
Jade swallowed, her features expressionless as she tried to compose herself. She had spent the past three and a half weeks working on a deal she knew would change the company, something she had planned out and thought of all on her own after Alex had bestowed her with a significant opportunity of taking responsibility, of her first ever operation she would conduct all by herself. Much like Alexander, she had decided that due to the risk, the fact that her plan was rather bold and daring, she would take action herself, would not send anybody but rather go herself and take the necessary security, had been assured that she could first and foremost count on involving Helders and Cook, as well as those that the two trusted the most in the kind of deal she was going to make. She had rarely ever worked harder, thought so much about the shortcomings of a plan, considered every possible consequence, closed every glimpse of even the smallest loophole and she had rarely ever been more proud.
As if she had not heard him the first time, or could have not possibly acknowledged in her head what he asked of her, Alexander had the nerve to repeat himself, the same smug, conceded look on his face that made her want to shake him.
“Yeh're not goin'.”
His voice was firm, unfazed, he didn't blink. And it was clear that he was sure that he was going to get his way, that his word stood above all and that realisation frustrated her further, fuelled Jade's anger tenfold. She struggled to even acknowledge his ridiculousness with a response, had no words for the sheer audacity. “Alexander...” She breathed in deeply, knew that if she lost her temper now it would not do her case any favours. “You can't do this.”
His eye twitched, his gaze locked on hers, unimpressed. “I can” he stated. “And I will. If yeh dun't change the plan yehrself, weh're goin’ teh drop it altogefer.”
She gasped, her mouth agape as she stared back at him, attempting to speak, but she once again was lost for words, shaking her head in disbelief. “I've been- … I … I've been working on this for almost a month!” She bit her bottom lip, her eyes wide, desperate as she tried to calm herself. “And it's too daring to expect anyone else to do it but me.”
He shook his head. “'s too dangerous” he insisted.
“Why did you let it get that far?” She asked. “Why did you not tell me the moment I explained the plan to you? I wouldn't have gone this far, I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up, made all these promises...”
He pressed his lips together, gritting his teeth, her stubbornness furthering his adoration for her as well as it angered him. “Jade, I didn't know.”
“This is not about the police's suspicions, Alexander.” She crossed her arms in front of her head, felt a hint of satisfaction when she saw his eyes lowering to look at the way her posture pushed up her breasts in the tight, low-cut black dress. “Don't lie to me.”
His eyes darkened, his lips trembling. He knew he was being unfair, but her safety was more important than anything and he could not risk putting her in danger, losing her so she could go through with this plan, be proud, prove something that everyone already knew. He'd sworn that if he had to do this, as hard as it was, that he was at least going to be fair, but he was going to get what he wanted at all costs. “I 'ave never been more honest 'bout summat” he assured her. “It ain't 'bout the police, Jade. 's about the fact tha' word travels fast and tha' when weh're under closer suspicion, our enemehs are gunna dare more because they won't expect us to make a move as darin' as the deal yeh've been workin' on. I cannot make yeh an easeh target like this, il mio amore.”
His voice remained as authoritative and as self-assured as before, but his words were soft, but as tempting as they were, as much as they weakened her and as well as she understood his motives, she refused to back down, not in the face of their enemies, not in front of him. She had worked hard and she was going to go through with her plan the way she'd created it from the beginning.
“Yeh dun't 'ave teh call it all off. Send sumbodeh else. Change the settin'.”
“I can't change anything now” she spat, slowly losing her self-control. “It's too late, it's all set into place. You know that.” She stepped forward and walked around the desk, had remained where she was since she'd entered his office and he without missing a beat had broken the news to her. And as well as he knew that if he gave her the chance to change something, she would rather let the deal fall through and ultimately give in to what he wanted all along, she knew that he was not going to change his mind if she told him what he already new. Every moment that passed, every moment he continued to contemplate the situation, his own agenda was becoming more and more secure and less likely to have a loophole so the moment she rose to his feet to meet her, she placed her hands on his shoulders, smoothing them down his matte blue suit jacket.
Alex relaxed visibly under her touch, the tension leaving his shoulders momentarily. He was still on guard, did not expect for a second that she had caved, that she would give up without a fight, but the moment she brought her face close to his and the rich scent of roses enrobed him, he was unable to resist, returning the kiss she captured his lips in instantly, hard, eager, his hands coming down on her hips, his grip tight, pulling her in, one of his hands wandering to the small of her back to push her body flush against his.
She gasped into the kiss, an instant sense of relief rushing through her when he allowed her to do exactly what she wanted, hopeful she could distract him, could maybe change his mind, soften him if she gave herself up to him now.
Alex had rarely ever worried about her to the extent he did now, knew that no matter what it took, he would make sure she stayed safe and sound with him and would not put herself in danger, but he welcomed the momentary distraction, the way it was so easy to give in to her and let her take care of him, groaning when her fingers wandered slowly into his hair, the other nimbly undoing the remaining buttons on his shirt.
The dominance of his tongue dancing with hers, his firm grip on her, she could hardly contain herself, the attempt to sink down on her knees in front of him failing when he pushed up her dress with ease, hummed with appreciation when it bunched up around her waist and he could push her legs apart effortlessly, the flimsy material of her lace thong allowing him instant access to her, her thighs parting reluctantly. Despite the game she was playing, it was not only incredibly easy for him to flip the switch, it was the fact that she could never resist the moment she got a taste of him, was always gone the moment his rough fingertips caressed her skin, the cold metal of his ring against the heat of her folds making her buck into him further, squirming when without a warning, he pushed two fingers inside her, let them sink in mercilessly and without allowing her to get used to him, her walls fluttering, desperate to adjust to the snug fit, her knees shaking.
She tried to tell herself that if she couldn't tease him, giving him what he wanted would do the trick just as much, would lead to him completely letting go because he would not suspect any sort of game and when he curled his fingers inside her, drew back from the kiss to look at her with their foreheads pressed together, there was no way she could have kept up a game, his thumb pushing into her clit so deliciously, tending to the throbbing need he'd built up inside her with merely a few touches and it left her unable to focus, her body pressed to his, her fingers pulling on a fistful of his hair, the other hand gripping on to his shoulder to steady herself as she stood on her tiptoes, gasping when he sank back down into his chair and bent her over his knees.
He chuckled darkly, the satisfaction that her soft whimper gave him when he drew his fingers from her fuelling him. He rolled up his sleeves slowly, locked eyes with her the moment she turned to look at him over her shoulder, licking his lips, pleased when she stayed in place despite his momentary lack of restriction. “Jade, I'm gunna spank yeh.”
She breathed out shakily, it was beyond her to question his motives, it was best to let it happen the way he wanted, and she would enjoy it, the throbbing emptiness between her legs begging to be touched, filled, but the moment she saw him crack his knuckles, there was nothing she craved more than the stinging pain his palm would inflict on her skin.
The complex matter of figuring out how to not only make the plan secure, but also now convince him to let her go through with it left her with a desperate need to be taken care of, to forget about it all for just a moment, benefits for her pleasure as well as her plan and all worry went up in smoke when his flat hand collided with her ass, the other smoothing delicately up her back in contrast, making sure she stayed down and in place where he wanted her.
Alex reveled in the sound of her long, high-pitched moan, licking his lips when she attempted to wiggle her ass, already silently asking him for more. “Me darlin'...” he drawled. “Wha' is it tha' yeh want?”
“Spank me” she cried without a second thought, the stinging sensation already fading and she needed desperately for him to reignite the fire. “Please, Alexander...” His scent was as overwhelming as the complete dominance he had over her, the depth of his voice irresistible.
“Tha's me girl” he hummed, his fingers wound into her hair to hold her head down, then his palm met her ass again, the way her body shook and she winced bringing him an immense sense of satisfaction.
“More” she whined instantly, the way he rocked her hips into his thigh had her craving more and she tried to angle her hips for the firmness of his thigh to push into her throbbing clit before his hand next smacked down on her ass, unprepared for the three relentless hits he landed on her burning skin without missing a beat. “A-Alex, I-ooooh, yes...”
The sobs of her moans had not left him unaffected and he could see how needy she was, trying desperately to get any sort of friction she could and he moved to nudge her legs apart, barked at her to keep them spread unless she wanted him to leave her desperate as she was now and without a warning, he brought his flat hand down hard between her legs, watching with satisfaction as she despite the obvious blend of pain and intense pleasure, her legs shook and she kept them spread, contrary to the instinct of closing them. “Mmmm, yeh can beh a good girl...” he hummed, unable to keep himself of praising her. “'ave yeh 'ad enouf?”
Despite her desperate need to orgasm, her arousal soaking the inside of her thighs, she needed to feel the punishing force of his hand again, the stinging sensation burning so deliciously, so blissfully that she didn't have to think twice to ask him for more. “N-No...”
Alex chuckled darkly. “Need a little more pain, eh?” He teased. “'ow mooch?”
“Please” she whimpered, tears pearling down her cheeks. The mere thought of his cock inside her had her mouth watering, even just a simple touch of his fingers making her wetter and she was sure he'd felt her arousal pooling between her legs, running down her skin. “As much as you give me...”
“Mmmm” he hummed, gathering the wetness leaking from her on his fingertips without as much as touching her where she needed him. “Yeh need it, dun't yeh?”
She nodded eagerly, would have gladly taken more teasing just to make him happy, to show him how obedient she could be, gasping when he smacked her ass and pushed her forward again, her breasts pushing against the bulge in his tight suit trousers as one of his hands closed around her throat before his fingers took advantage of her parted lips to push into her mouth, allowing her to taste her own arousal.
He groaned when her lips closed around his fingers instantly and she sucked greedily on them, her tongue swirling around them and threatening his own composure. He landed another hard blow on her ass, watching her writhe in his lap.
“Mmm, Al-mff...” she whined, squirming, but ultimately leaning into his touch, unable to speak with his fingers pushing deeper into her mouth, her eyes wide.
He couldn't contain himself anymore, needed more, needed to dominate her fully. “Jade” he drawled, the temptation of her tongue around his fingers, the warmth of her mouth too much. “Why dun't yeh get me cock nice 'n wet for meh, eh?”
She obliged instantly, needed no telling twice and shifted eagerly to undo his belt buckle, reaching greedily into his trousers to pull out his cock, hard and throbbing in her hand and she looked up at him with wide eyes, the image almost too much for him and he could hardly muster the self-control to draw his fingers from her mouth but the moment he did, her warm lips closed around his cock, took him all the way into the back of her throat, her tongue flattened and pressed to the underside of his shaft and he brought his hand down on her ass again, gripping on to the red skin as she mewled around his cock, sending vibrations up his body and swallowed around him.
It took him all his self-control to not buck his hips up from the chair and push his cock further into her mouth, but he gripped on to her hair to keep her down firmly, only loosening his grip when she pushed against it to come up for air, squeaking when he landed another smack on her ass, her eyes widening as she rocked forward on his lap.
“Enjoyin' this, are yeh?” He drawled, another hit between her legs before he pushed his fingers right into her, a long moan falling from her lips, but he stilled his movements instantly, waited as her walls danced around his fingers to get used to them, get used to the stretch and he chuckled when she turned her head to look back at him in confusion, smoothing back her hair. “'m waitin'.”
Instantly, she shuffled to be able to take his cock into her mouth again, his fingers shaking as she massaged the base of it, gagged when he pushed down on the back of her head, her hair wound around his fingers, but the moment she swallowed around him again, swirled her tongue around him, started to slowly bob her head when he allowed her to, he started to slowly move his fingers inside her, had her hips shaking when he drew back his fingers, then pushed them back in, curling them inside her and lifting her hips.
“Yeh're so fookin' wet” he drawled. “Onleh get this wet when I spank yeh, dun't yeh?”
She whimpered around his cock, felt him pull out his fingers merely to spread her wetness around and tease her further, dipping the tips of his fingers inside her, teasing her by forcing her to feel her sensitivity, then pushing them in all the way again, toying with her, keeping her on the edge, slowing each time she got distracted and waiting for her to keep sucking him before he continued.
The way she was squirming in his lap, moaning on his cock with her best efforts to pleasure him then, he could hardly hold back, the tightness of her lips fuelling his need, his fingers gripping her hair automatically to keep the heat of her mouth down on him as he throbbed between her lips. “Fookin'ell” he groaned, felt himself getting closer, pushing his fingers deeper inside her. “Make meh cum, pupa, c'mon...” he groaned. “Make an effort.”
His command had her desperate to obey, wanting to prove something to him, her walls closing around his fingers, the burning stretch as he stroked at her walls so delicious that she knew she was nearing the brink, her legs shaking as she tried to focus on him, wanted desperately to get him there, bobbing her head and each time she let him sank all the way inside closed her lips around him tightly, swallowed around his tip while teasing him with her tongue, gripping on to the base of his cock with her other hand fisting his shirt as he pushed her all the way down and she felt him twitch inside her mouth, his warm release coating the back of her throat, filling her mouth without a warning, his grunts, his strangled moan obscene and easily the sexiest thing she had ever heard as she drank it all down.
As he calmed, smoothed his fingers through her hair, his fingers also started moving slowly inside her again, almost automatically, lazily fingering her as he fed her his cock to ease through the afterglow, felt her body tensing, sensing her release as well as something that only came to him now, an opportunity he couldn't ignore.
She was dangerously close, gagging for her orgasm and she could already taste it, the movement of his fingers speeding up, his thumb coming up to slowly start toying with her clit, nudging it over and over again with an increasing amount of pressure as he pleased and just as he allowed her to lift off his cock, as she tensed, her lips parted in a silent cry before she would let go, he drew his fingers from her, pulled her up slowly by her hair, the look in his eyes relentless as they met hers.
“I fink weh'll save this one for anofer time.”
Her breath was shaking, her body frozen and she gasped with disbelief. “No...” she whispered, her voice small, desperate. She couldn't wrap her head around his words, her heart sinking as her pleasure slowly faded, the emptiness between her legs throbbing, demanding to be taken care of but he rose from his chair slowly when she stood and steadied herself with her hands on the desk, watching with wide eyes as she tucked himself back in and did up his belt. “Alex, no...” she begged. “Please.” Never had he been this cruel, never had he been able to deny her this way, but when he started gathering his things and walked around the desk, she knew better than to stay as she was, fixed her dress, her mind still dizzy with lust but there was an anger rising inside her as she watched him.
“I mean...” he stopped, turning around by the door to look at her. “Unless yeh want t'call off yehr plan.”
Her body tensed and she forced herself to compose herself, knew it would have been easy to give in to get what she wanted, but the fact that he had done this, had decided to make a point by torturing her like this, it were her pride and defiance that prevailed and gave her the necessary resistance, wiping her mouth, then following him with her face expressionless, refusing to give him the satisfaction of begging him any more, of showing him just how much he'd bothered her.
Alex didn't attempt to touch her then, knew better than to fuel the anger further and as aware of his own cruelty as he was, he knew there was no other way, knew that he had to keep her from the job she was desperate to do with whatever it took, would be unable to live with himself if his weakness would be the reason something happened to her.
He waited for her to get into the car first, had now begun a game he couldn't help but continue playing, needed to use it to his advantage while he could and the moment he sat down next to her and the car drove out into late night traffic, he shifted closer to her, his hand coming down slowly on her knee.
Her entire body tensed, but before she could give in to her first instinct of pushing him away, she calmed, relaxed into his touch, knew that giving him the satisfaction would only further his ego, his agenda of weakening her. No matter how weak he was going to make her, how desperate she would be because it took mere seconds each time for him to affect her, she was not going to show him and fuel his confidence in his despicable actions.
Alex hummed with satisfaction when she didn't draw back, instantly pushing up her dress and the moment his knuckles nudged her thighs apart enough to feel the fabric of her underwear, he felt the obscene wetness that had gathered there, was still leaking from her entrance, begging to be attended to and he enjoyed the way her breath hitched in her throat immensely, the way she parted her lips to show him she could resist.
The moment he touched her, she almost regretted her decision, knew she could only handle so much and the authority of his actions blending with her desperate need to orgasm didn't help, but she knew she couldn't give in now, had to stand her ground, but before she knew it, she was parting her legs further and then his lips were at her ear, his breath ghosting over her skin.
“Jade, I'll let yeh cum...” he drawled thickly, his thumb nudging into her clit, making her whole body shudder. “If yeh dun't do the job.”
She pressed her lips together, but the soft whimper that escaped from the back of her throat betrayed her as she shook her head.
“Yeh'll take all the credit, pupa...” he coaxed, his fingertips dangerously close to her soaking heat, his thumb rolling lazy circles into her clit, making her body jolt into him each time he added more pressure. “'s yehr plan and yeh can watch it unfold...” He knew it was something he would never do himself and he admired her hopelessly for the work and risk she was willing to dedicate to the business, but he could not fathom the thought of her in danger.
She stood her ground, the legs tense with resistance, desperate, but she knew that even if she relaxed, he would stop right when she needed him and she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of her moans, her pleas, thankful when the car stopped in front of Miles' club and he was forced to stop because as much as she gagged for more, she didn't know much longer she'd be able to hold back.
She went to stride ahead, gave him the perfect view of her ass bouncing in the tight dress and he couldn't resist but reach out, snake his arm around her to drag her into his body, felt the defiant reluctance in her posture but the moment they entered the club and heads turned, she instantly curved into him, couldn't resist the momentary attention and admiration.
“There they are!” came Kane's drawl as he rose from his seat in a table to their left, smiling and spreading out his arms for both of them, lightly rubbing Alex's back and pressing a kiss to both of Jade's cheeks. “Fanks for showin' ya face, Al, ya made this possible after all” he cackled, then turning to signal to one of the girls to come over as he led them to his table, the two women that had been sat with him getting up to make space.
Considering what had happened last time, Jade was determined to not involve Miles this time, it would show way too obviously to Alex how bothered she was by his behaviour and she hoped by not giving him the necessary satisfaction, but not displaying the weakness he instilled so easily within her, she would teach him a lesson.
But the moment she sat down, Jade sat between him and Kane in the curved, plushy velvet booth, Alexander's hand found its way up her thigh again and there was nowhere she could move. She'd already been close to the brink in his office, he'd almost gotten her there again in the car, but now that she'd been denied twice, had been aching for him all day, she was growing more and more desperate, painfully aware of the wet emptiness between her legs, her walls contracting in the hopes of some sort of friction and when she attempted to press her legs together beneath the table, Alex's fingers were right there, his knuckles spreading her thighs apart and she sucked in a shaky breath, barely concealed the high-pitched moan that had threatened to escape her as his fingertips reached out lazily to merely graze her wet folds, to show her just how desperate she was from one simple touch, the slightest contact.
Alex chuckled darkly as her eyes met his, her glare challenging as well as frustrated and he shifted closer to her, simultaneously pushing his fingers just slightly against her clit before angling his wrist to reach properly, to stroke his fingers through her wetness, gathering up her arousal even though it was hardly necessary to prepare her as his fingers sank into her wet heat again. The way her body shook had his mind reeling and he watched her struggling to sit still, to not squirm when Miles' attention focused on them slowly.
“Been workin' all day?” He asked. “Swear ya might beh worse than Al, bella” he chuckled.
Jade swallowed hard, shifted to turn her body towards him, but the movement only made her walls feel tighter around Alex's fingers and she forced her eyes to stay open when they almost threatened to flutter shut beyond her control, licking her lips. “My deal is going g-great” she nodded, ignoring the shake in her voice, hoping he wouldn't notice, wondering if Kane could tell, her mind clouded with lust. Alexander's actions were infuriating, not only because he was driving her mad, but because she was turned on by how resistant she had to be when all she wanted was to give in. “Everything is ready.”
Alex listened to her, the nerve she had, sensed that despite her obvious weakness, she had no intention of caving, that she was determined to spite him and while he couldn't blame her, it infuriated him, had him curling his fingers harshly inside her and making her body shiver. “C'mere, Jade” he drawled decisively, drawing his fingers out of her merely to snake his arm around her hip and before she could protest, he'd pulled her into his lap, made sure that her dress rode up far enough for the roughness of his belt buckle to rub against the red skin of her ass. “Theere weh are...”
“Alexander...” she mumbled, pressing her lips together at the harsh friction between them as he pulled her into his lap, trying to situate herself comfortably, but he had other plans, the way he touched her fuelling her mind to conjure up images of less than an hour before, his fingers in her mouth while he was playing with her, torturing her, demonstrating his power.
The movements of his hand were not only hidden beneath the table, but by reaching behind her, her dress covered enough at the front for him to subtly start teasing her again, spreading her ass enough to reach, to feel the wetness she was surely going to soak her legs with and even without his fingers inside her, he could feel the throbbing need, the way her muscles were contracting. “Mmm, sheh's been workin' 'ard” he drawled, smiling at Miles, nonchalantly pushing his fingertips into her heat again, slipping inside with ease, the stretch welcome and he hummed, smoothed his other hand soothingly down her thigh when he felt her squirm, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
Miles cackled, taking a sip from his drink, then nodding approvingly when one of the girls he'd waved over placed two glasses of whisky in front of Alex and Jade. “I were in a few meetin's, sheh conducts 'erself joost as well as you, Al” Kane smirked. “Maybeh even better.”
Jade smiled proudly, but the slow motion of her reaching out for her glass seemed too unaffected for Alexander's taste, his fingers pushing all the way inside her and making her rock forward, his hand on her thigh the only thing holding her firmly in place and she gasped as she almost spilled her drink, taking a long sip while she cursed him in her mind for how casually he spoke, how unaffected he remained while he tortured her. But she wasn't ready to give in.
“'elped meh solve me problem wif the inappropriate guests as well” Miles continued. “Found ya match alreyht, Al.”
She felt Alex's forehead resting against her shoulder, felt the touch of his fingers softening, smoothing down her thigh again affectionately, her defiance swaying for a moment because she knew after all that he was just worried, that he was proud and had acknowledged all her hard work, that if the circumstances were different they wouldn't be in this situation but his extensive worry, the constant awareness that something could happen to her at any point, the additional danger that the past few days promised, it was all about her safety. He was not going to back down and it was that fact that almost had her caving, wondering if there was any point in putting up a fight but she had come so far and she would not throw it all away now. She wanted to see how far he would take it and if she could reach his breaking point.
“Also” Miles declared. “I were finkin' of maybeh redoin' upstairs of private rooms teh … well, sum of the girls said they'd beh down for escortin', eh? Would make me place even more popular, dun't ya fink?”
His gaze was directed at both Jade and Alexander and it had Alex proud to know that he valued their opinions equally, nodding slowly. “Yeh fink they'll beh able t'andle tha'?” He asked, curling his fingers slowly again.
She was well aware of what he was doing, silently cursing Kane for bringing up something Alex could easily use against her, attempting to lift her hips to escape his touch but once again, his grip was locked firmly on her thigh, making her gasp when his fingers filled her up, her walls closing around them, desperate for more, desperate for the friction she knew he was going to deny her.
“Might beh quite a lot teh take on” he drawled, shifting slightly and letting go of her thigh to reach for his own drink, his adam's apple bobbing in his throat visibly as he swallowed hard, then breathed out with his nerves eased. Again, he curled his fingers inside her.
“A-Alex...” she choked out, biting down instantly on her bottom lip, frustrated with herself.
“Yes, pupa?” He drawled.
Even with her back turned to him, she could hear the smug smile playing around his lips as he spoke, bounced her teasingly in his lap, his fingers slipping out of her just slightly before she sank down on them again, her fingers gripping on to the edge of the table. “N-Nothing” she said, batting her eyelashes, then looking back at Miles. “I think it's a great idea. They're all wonderful.” She let her gaze wander across the small stages. “I think they can handle it.” Before he could do anything to expose her again, she quickly finished the contents of her drink, unable to see an outcome of this situation that she would win, but she had not quite given up on the possibility yet.
Miles cackled, but turned when one of the girls tapped his shoulder, pointed something out to him and left him occupied, Alex taking an advantage of the situation instantly, drawing his fingers back slightly, only to push them into her again, the friction effortlessly building her pleasure again, her breath shaking.
“C'mon, doll” he coaxed, his lips pressed to a sensitive spot of skin right below her ear. “Y'kno' yeh need this...” He pressed a kiss to her neck. “Joost give in...”
She could hardly breathe as the movement of his fingers suddenly sped up, careless and so fast that she wondered if he was going to have mercy on her, her body tensing, her knuckles turning white on the table and she was so close, his thumb nudging into her clit, circling it with more and more pressure and Jade could practically taste it, her eyes threatening to tear and she knew that even if she was going to let go in the middle of the club, she had to conceal it as well as his actions before, bracing herself and biting her lip, forcing her eyes to stay open. He stroked harder at her walls, instilled that burning sensation between her legs that had her struggling not to rock back into his touch and fuck herself on his fingers. And then, from the corner of her eye she saw Kane refocusing his attention on them, her heart stopping momentarily when she felt the feeling of building bliss fading again, gasping silently when Alexander drew his fingers from her abruptly.
“Anehbodeh want anofer drink?”
And with those words he lifted her slowly from his lap, her ass burning when it suddenly met the material of the booth again, her body shaking and he had the nerve to look back at her, lock her gaze knowingly, satisfied that he'd gotten there again, had shown her how good he could make her feel with her falling for his false promises and she glared back at him, complete and utter disbelief as well as disappointment laced in her features. “Vaffanculo” she spat, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
He merely pursed his lips, did not graze her with even a turn of his head as he rose from his seat and headed slowly for the bar and she could have sworn he nodded to himself, the intense reaction she'd initially expected absent and it fuelled her anger further as she swore to herself to not fall for him again, to especially now not give in but the prominent throbbing in her legs bothered her now more than ever, his slow swagger purposeful and drawing attention to his backside, his hand pushed lazily into his pocket. But before she could continue going to the bathroom to ease her agony, Alexander had returned to the table with three glasses, the suggestive smirk still playing around his lips, begging to be wiped off.
“Wha' were tha' about?” Kane asked, looking slowly from Jade to Alexander as he looked up from his phone.
“Jade 'as not 'ad an orgasm for a few hours.”
Jade tensed. “I-...”
“D'ya want one of me rooms?” Miles asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Weh do not” Alexander said, sitting back down beside her, taking a sip from his drink before his fingers stroked slowly up the inside of her thigh again.
“Well” Miles cackled, downing his own drink with one large sip. “I'm gunna 'ave it then” he announced, clapping his hands together and making his way upstairs slowly, snapping his fingers for two of the girls to follow him.
For a moment, Jade was relieved she didn't have to pretend, but at the same time, Kane leaving fuelled Alexander to keep up his efforts, to now shamelessly and largely unnoticed pull her back into his lap. “Alexander, I'm not-...”
“Shhh...” he drawled, spreading her legs apart and shuffling closer to the table to conceal the movements of his hands, the material of her underwear soaked through completely and he drew it to the side with ease, his fingers once again teasing her entrance, making her jolt up in his arms when he flicked his thumb against her clit.
Her hand gripped on to his lower arm and she could feel the tension of his body, his arms straining as he held her, his chest firm against her back, radiating a heat that weakened her as much as the spicy cologne that tickled her nose, clouded her mind. His power had turned her on even before she'd met him, even more so his unshakable determination to get what he wanted and not back down until he got his way and now he was using it against her, now she was on the other side of it and she didn't know how much more she could take, her nails digging into his skin as he wiggled his fingers inside her again, stroked slowly at her walls but was demonstrating his control over her, holding her body in his arms as she shook in his embrace.
He wanted to make her feel good, was desperate to get her there but willed himself to be patient, to not allow her to make him weaker even though he'd turned the tables on her so easily. He knew that he wouldn't last much longer either, his mind a war between his promise to always protect her and the urge to never deny her what she wanted. He could feel she was struggling just as much, could hear the little whimpers she couldn't swallow and he despised the fact that he had to hold back, but knew it would be worth it, knew there was no way he could give in and live with himself if something happened to her, would not have stuck to something so defiantly had it not been for her safety in the face of something so dangerous. Now he had his plan and he was going to get her to give in.
“Alexander” she mewled, her legs beginning to shake as he spread his, hers hanging on either side, forced apart helpessly. “P-Please...”
He stroked his fingers delicately over the sensitive skin at her throat, humming with his lips pressed to the back of her neck, breathing in her hypnotising scent. He just wanted her to listen to him, to agree that she was going to be safe so he could be at peace without him having to admit just how afraid and worried he was about the impeccable job she'd planned. “'s easeh, pupa” he whispered, more soft-spoken than he would have liked. “Give in teh meh. I joost need yeh t'beh safe.”
Her eyes rolled back when he curled his fingers harshly inside her, simultaneously flicking her clit, over and over again, making her legs tingle as she gasped for air, his voice a deep drawl so close to her ear as he continued, husky, thick, his breath audibly shaking.
“Y'kno' yeh're gaggin' for it, darlin', I can feel yehr cunt shakin'...” he rasped, his fingers slowly closing around her throat, feeling her breath hitch in her throat as he curled his fingers and pushed his thumb into her clit with more pressure, a force she couldn't resist, repeating his motions but leaving enough time between them to not build her pleasure high enough, leaving her dangling on the edge. “If yeh joost call it off, I'll give yeh evrehfin' yeh want...” He pressed a wet kiss to her skin. “Yeh can cum on me fingers and I'll fook yeh until yeh're sore. All fookin' night, Jade...” He was desperate now, could no longer bear the thought of her not having what she wanted, nor of her putting herself in danger and he needed her, would have done anything so she would submit. “Yeh can 'ave anehfin' yeh want, me angel...”
She was struggling to maintain her composure, spread for him in his lap and hardly able to hold on, his touches never quick enough for her to get where she needed, but the intensity brought tears to her eyes, her body shaking in his arms and she was no longer capable of staying quiet. His words weakened her, leaving no doubt that he was genuine, that he respected her, was proud of her and merely wanted her to be safe and she knew she would have been equally as reckless, as stubborn and even though she didn't forgive him, she knew there was no way she could expect him to cave when it came to his desire to protect her, his determination and demonstration of power a reflection of the lengths he would go through to keep her from harm, not only defying others but even her.
“Ti adoro, principessa...” he growled, urging her to let go with his fingers, could tell that she was dancing dangerously close to orgasm.
He knew her body inside and out and she knew there was no way around his conditions, tears pearling down her cheeks, her entire body shaking, tense and exhausted from trying to resist him and she ached to just let go, to relax into him and allow him to make her feel good. She would not have given in to anybody else, but he knew her too well, pulled the strings effortlessly and she felt for him too deeply, knew she could no longer fight him, her thoughts so blurred by her desperate need to let go that nothing else mattered as she shook in his arms. “Y-You win” she sobbed out reluctantly. “I won't go.”
The moment he heard her words, he breathed out with relief, released the breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding and he squeezed her neck lightly, the movement of his fingers speeding up rapidly, his other hand moving upward to push two fingers past her plushy lips and feeling her suck on them instantly.
His voice was rough, a demand as well as a plea. “Let go for meh.”
She was light-headed, thankful for his fingers in her mouth, not only to hold onto something, somehow, but also to silence her as he got her there within seconds, pushed her over the edge as the knot in her stomach finally loosened and the waves of pleasure washed over her, her body shaking violently in his arms, her eyes falling shut. After all the built up tension, all the times he'd brought her close to the edge, she was finally able to relax, her entire body rigid with ecstasy, her skin tingling, the friction his fingers evoked between her legs burning, little shocks of pleasure cursing through her as she calmed, his fingers squeezing her neck, his lips still pressed to her shoulder as he held her.
“Theeeere yeh go” he hummed, his fingertips stroking gently over her chin. “Tha's me good girl, fook, darlin', I luv yeh so mooch.”
The pleasure was still jolting through her, her breath shallow, a soft whimper escaping her when he drew his fingers from her. “Alexander...” she whispered, clinging to him weakly.
“D'yeh want meh teh take yeh 'ome, me love?” He coaxed, his hands tugging down her dress once he'd adjusted her underwear, stroking her thigh gently to soothe her. An immense relief had overtaken him and he could not wait to make it up to her, to give her everything he'd promised her and more, to show her that he did not take her surrender for granted, that it soothed him immensely and he was eager to apologize for the measures he'd taken at her expense to ensure her safety. “I'll make all me promises come true.”
No matter how frustrated she was that he'd taken advantage of her weakness for him, she had given up now and the only good thing that had come of it for her at that moment was that she would get to enjoy what she hadn't been able to be deprived of so she nodded, her lips pressed together. She'd surrendered for a reason, and she was going to take full advantage of it, was not even close to satisfied and the moment they were sat in the car, she climbed into his lap, her hands coming down on his shoulders to steady herself, Alex's hands coming down beneath her thighs to stop her from sinking down on him.
“'old yehrself up for meh, pupa” he drawled, looking back at her with a darkness, a promise in his eyes, could see in the way she returned his gaze that she was impatient, that she refused to be played with any further and he had every intention of treating her the way she deserved now, instantly unbuckling his belt and zipping down his suit trousers, giving himself a few tugs before shifting his hips so she could sink down on him at the perfect angle, hissing with pleasure when he felt the obscene wetness between her legs engulf him, her walls accommodating to his size with ease now that she was was soaked and had been denied for too long. “Fookin'ell, Jade...”
Her eyelids fluttered, her eyes threatening to roll back into her head at the mere feeling of him finally filling her, thick, pulsing and making her walls burn as they contracted around him, the sensation of being neglected for so long, of even his fingers not satisfying her properly, it was pure bliss.
Alex's eyes were wide, as wild as they were intense, taking in the way her knees shook and he pressed his hand to her lower back, making her arch into him so he could sink deeper inside her, watched the tears pearl down her smooth skin as her eyes fell shut and he didn't find it in himself to tell her to look at him, knew he'd tortured her too much to demand anything now and he groaned when she lifted her hips, pushing herself up, then sinking down on him again, started rolling her hips into his at a pace that caught even him by surprise and he brought both his hands instantly down on her waist, gripping on to her firmly, slowing her pace. “Yeh dun't 'ave teh rush, darlin', I've got yeh...” he said, his heart skipping a beat from the way she looked back at him the moment she opened her eyes, gave him a look of disbelief as he held her hips down so she felt him deep inside her, pulsing, filling her all the way up.
“Alexander...” she moaned, breathing out shakily as she tried to keep up her pace, but couldn't push against his strength when he insisted on keeping her locked in place. “I-I swear if you don't-...” She tried to compose herself, knew she'd already given him the satisfaction of getting away with his stubbornness, knew he was well-aware of how weak she was for him, but she could not believe he was still insisting on teasing her, had not quite forgiven him. She was willing to forget for the time being though, needed nothing more than what he'd denied her for hours.
“Use yehr words, pupa” he drawled, cocking an eyebrow at her cockily, a sense of mockery in his tone.
“Shut up and stop teasing me” she whimpered, her voice less firm than she would've liked as he bounced her slowly on his cock, but the movement stilling instantly once he heard her, his grip tightening on her hip with one hand, the other moving up to wrap around her throat, a light squeeze as he raised an eyebrow, chuckling darkly.
“Wha's tha', darlin'?” He growled, his jaw tense, the muscles visibly straining in his arm.
She kept her gaze locked on his, swallowing hard, her voice even weaker as she spoke, her breath hitching in her throat. “You said I'd get anything I w-want” she cried through gritted teeth as he bucked his hip upwards demonstratively. “D-Don't play with me...”
He pursed his lips knowingly, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards into a smile and before she could ask him again, he'd flipped them over, his fingers remaining locked tightly around her throat and she gasped, her cheek pressed against the headrest of the backseat and with no time to adjust her position, to catch her balance, he started driving his hips into her mercilessly, one of his knees up next to hers on the seat to maintain the angle, to be able to fuck her as hard and as fast as she clearly needed, fuelled by the way she submitted instantly, her body relaxing to take what he was finally giving her.
“Y-Yes...” she whined, reveling in the bliss she'd been desperate for for so long, moaning needily as he held her down, properly took care of her in a way she could relax and take him without having to move with him, his cock stroking her walls over and over again punishingly, the friction blissful, the intensity overwhelming, promising a state of euphoria she was desperately longing for, every stroke of his cock burning, weakening her, his skin rubbing against the redness of her ass making her wetter at merely the though of him spanking her. “Ohhh, yes-...” she cried, her voice trailed off into a high-pitched moan, her whole body shaking as she felt herself impossibly close to the edge and then he buried himself deep inside her, groaning against her skin, biting down on her neck, his heart pounding so hard in his chest that she could feel it pressed against her back.
The waves of pleasure washed over her, her orgasm surging through her, finally giving her what she needed but also leaving her instantly to crave more, her hips bucking back into him to get him to sink deeper inside her as she felt him pulsing inside her, two more contractions of her walls and he twitched, released inside her with a low grunt, bucking his hips up once again, his grip tightening around her throat as well as her hip to keep her right where she was, panting, gasping for air.
It took the car stopping for him to draw back slowly, pulling out with a low moan but making sure she was steady, tugging down her dress so she could turn around and sit down and he quickly tucked himself in before the doors opened on either side.
Despite his hand pressed to the small of her back as they made their way into the building, despite the closeness of their bodies, she was barely looking at him, kept her eyes either on her heels or allowing them to wander to Helders and Cook standing on either side of them in the lift. Alexander missed her laughter, could not remember when he'd last heard or seen it in the past few hours and the way she looked at him when his gaze did meet hers, he doubted he would get to anytime soon and there was a growing concern building inside him that he really had pushed it too far, that despite her giving in to him, despite him giving her the orgasms he'd promised, she had not quite forgiven him.
“Jade” he rasped, his hand wandering slowly to her side as they walked to the door, squeezing her hip lightly as he pressed his lips to her ear. “Wha' is it you want?” He was prepared to give her anything she asked, merely needed the words for her to tell him and he would make it happen unconditionally.
She turned to him, her gaze burning into his, leaving him breathless for a moment. “I want you to fuck me as hard as you can” she whispered, licking her lips. “I want you to make me cum until I'm crying.”
Her voice was like velvet, a promise, an invitation and he was eager to prove to her that he could make all her wishes come true, fuelled to take her so hard and so good that she would forget he'd ever forced her to give in to get his will and the moment the door closed and they left Cook and Helders on the other side, Alex without a word had her backed her up against the door in no time, pulling her dress up and spreading her legs with his knee pushed between her thighs, his fingers finding her clit instantly and she winced, overwhelmed with how close he was, how his scent trapped her as well as the force of his hips and chest, her body jolting back into his, squirming but the moment he started rolling her clit between his fingers, trapping her between the door and his body, she relaxed, her arousal as well as his own running down her legs, the simple touch of his calloused fingertips coaxing more from her.
“This wha' yeh want?” He drawled, backing further into her, his crotch pressed against her ass, the friction of the material of his suit rough enough to reignite the memory of his palm colliding with her red skin.
He was drawing her towards the edge effortlessly, took mere moments until she fell apart under his touch again, his arm wrapping around her tightly. “Tha's me girl...” he hummed, losing no time to turn her around in his arms, the moment he gripped the underside of her thighs, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, had him humming appreciatively.
Her head fell down on his shoulder, holding onto him tightly until he set her down on the edge of the bed, a simple gaze enough for her to shuffle backwards, her eyes wide, almost drooling as she watched him roll up his sleeves, revealing all his scars and tattoos slowly before he came closer, lowering himself down onto the bed and before she could close her legs, his hands were sprawled out to force them apart, now tearing her thong for good and discarding it to get access to her, knew that he could not possibly tease her right now and he was prepared to give her as many orgasms as she craved, her entire body shuddering at the intensity of his tongue coming in contact with her clit.
“F-Fuck...” she cried, her hips lifting off the bed instantly. “Yes...”
He spread her wetness with his tongue, dipping the tip inside her for a moment, his nails digging into her skin as he held her down, then pulled her closer so she could wrap her thighs around his neck, her heels digging into his back and he started lapping up the juices eagerly from her overflowing entrance, spreading it between her folds.
The way his nose nudged into her clit, the way his tongue worked so blissfully, adding more and more pressure by the second, she could hardly contain herself, moaning loudly as she gripped on to his hair, already feeling another orgasm approaching. She was drunk on him, drunk on the lust he inflicted within her and the ecstasy he offered and she couldn't get enough. Her fingers were wound tightly in his locks, the slicked back look coming undone as she pulled on them, her body shivering as he moaned, the vibrations making her legs tighten around his neck. “A-Al-...”
He groaned, licking his tongue flat through her folds before sucking her clit between his lips, alternating between pushing the tip of his tongue into it forcefully and sucking on it in a way that had her squirming away and lifting her hips towards his mouth all at the same time, her head thrown back and her eyes shut tightly.
The pleasure was agonizing, the sensation as tortuous as it was blissful and he had to hold on to her legs to hold them in place, his fingers gripping her ass, rubbing against her sensitive skin and with one last push of his tongue, a hard flick against her clit, her body shook violently again, her lips parting in a silent cry. He eagerly drank down everything she gave as he coaxed her through her orgasm with his tongue, held her as she panted and gasped for breath and he waited for her to stop shaking before he set her down and lifted his head to look at her, licking his lips.
Her head was spinning, her mind clouded with lust as she watched him carefully, taking in his every move, couldn't think straight as he hastily unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it down his arms, revealing the tight muscles of his chest, his arms, his abdomen, his skin slightly sheeny with sweat and she gasped when he slowly crawled over her.
“Take off yehr dress, darlin'” he groaned, holding himself up with his hands flat on the mattress on either side of her, his gaze locked on hers. “Need t'see yeh.”
She nodded eagerly, lifting her hips pull up the dress, with one swift move drawing it over her head and dropping to the floor, squealing when she felt Alex lowering himself down over her, his fingers lazily parting her thighs for him again, angling his arm to brush his calloused fingertips teasingly to her folds, lower to circle around her entrance until they slipped inside easily, her chest shaking and she held her breath as his fingers filled her, his thumb instantly pushing into her clit, making her mewl at the sensitivity his tongue had already evoked, but the moment she tried to squirm away, he pressed down harder to hold her in place, the pressure bringing tears to her eyes.
“O-Oh, A-Alexander...”
“I'm givin' yeh wha' yeh wanted, babeh girl...” he hummed, pecking her lips before his kisses trailed down her chin and to her jaw, sucking lightly on her neck before attaching his lips to her collarbone, had her lifting her body off the mattress and into his touches, desperately trying to get closer while attempting to fuck herself on his fingers but he kept them buried deep inside her, starting to stroke his thumb into her clit before he began massaging her walls, curling his fingers repeatedly inside her to get her used to the feeling again, to not overwhelm her.
She whimpered, the feeling of his teeth grazing her skin, the intensity of the snug fit of his fingers too much and she knew he was going to mark her on the outside as well as the inside, a choked moan falling from her lips when his lips descended further down her body and he sucked on her nipple, his tongue swirling around it, his other hand coming up to massage her breast, pinching her nipple until she cried out his name again.
“'ow mooch more can yeh take, Jade?” He drawled before moving on to suck on her other nipple, the touch of both of his hands rough, the way he handled her body making her writhe beneath his touch. “Yeh can take more than this...”
She nodded eagerly, biting back a sob, her fingers fisting the sheets as well as clutching on to his hair, scratching at the skin of his back, mewling needily. She'd lost all control of her movements, her thoughts, was being taken care of in the way she knew she deserved after what he'd put her through and before she knew, he was building her orgasm again, coaxed her closer and closer to the edge, starting to fuck her lazily on his fingers while sucking on her skin, slowly and strategically seeking to ruin her, her entire body tensing once again when he curled his fingers right into the spongy spot that made her legs shake.
Her lips parted but there was no sound, the pleasure that ripped through her leaving her almost motionless and struggling to breathe, Alex's fingers stroking blissfully at her walls, an effortless demonstration of how easily he could make her come undone, only drawing them out when she winced and flinched away.
“Jade” he whispered, stroking his fingertips slowly down her inner thigh. “D'yeh want me cock? Does yehr cunt need t'beh fooked sore?”
She could hardly nod, her eyes fluttering open to beg him. “Please.” All her resistance, all her dominance had faded now and she was desperate for more.
“Come 'n turn 'round for meh” he demanded.
Jade pushed herself up weakly, propped up on her elbows to turn around, thankful when his arm wrapped around her to help her up, lifting her ass in the air until she was on her hands and knees for him at the edge of the bed, tensing in anticipation when she heard his belt buckle and zipper.
Alex hummed with satisfaction when the moment he brushed his tip against her folds, nudging her clit, she whimpered, squirming away before he lined himself up with her entrance, making her entire body shake, his hand coming down on her lower back to hold her in place, the other stroking lovingly over where he'd stained her skin red.
The mere thought of his cock filling her had her drooling, had her growing wetter and she tried to push back her hips, mewling when he held her in place, her arms almost giving in as she held herself up and then without a warning, he pushed his hips forward, had her jerking forward, her arms giving in, her breathing erratic.
“Angel” he drawled at the slow arch of her body, smoothing his hand down her back. “'s it too mooch?”
She shook her head, didn't find the strength to lift her body, her breasts squished down against the mattress, the satin sheets damp against her cheek. “P-Please” she whispered, her voice nothing but a hint. “P-Please, I need it-...” He felt so big, her walls hardly able to clench around him with how snugly he fit inside her, the stretch burning, stinging.
“Lil' bit swollen, eh, principessa?”
He accentuated his words with a push of his hips, drawing back and dragging his hard length back against her walls before pushing inside her again, knocking the air from her lungs momentarily. “F-Fuckfuckfuuuck...”
He chuckled, starting to pick up a slow pace, could feel how tight she was, how her walls were desperately clenching around him to get used to the feeling and he groaned when he reached deep inside her, her heat pulsing, wet around him and he moved faster, started fucking her harder, each time he filled her up, the softest moan fell from her lips, her entire body rigid with tension, her knees shaking, threatening to cave as he fucked her mercilessly into the mattress, fuelled each time she sobbed for more.
She could hardly move, her throat dry, barely a sound leaving her lips. Her body was aching but she craved more, the way his cock brushed against her walls roughly, made her feel taken care of in a way that had her never wanting to stop despite her sensitivity, despite the weakness he'd reduced her to and she was unsure how many more orgasms she could take, but far from admitting it as his cock reached deep inside her over and over again, the more she moaned the harder he fucked her, hitting that spot that sent her spiraling and just as she was about to let go, he slowed, reached forward and wrapped one arm around her body, his fingers around her throat to pull her up and she fell back against him, her back arched and pressed against his chest as he stroked her throat, starting to pick up the pace again, the skin of her ass burning as their bodies collided and he built her orgasm again effortlessly, his hand clamped down on her breast, the other moving upwards, letting his fingers slip into her mouth.
Just when she was convinced that her orgasm was just going to build and build but she felt too weak to actually trip over the edge, it hit her, left her unable to breathe once again as he rocked inside her, his movements slowing as she clenched around him, stroking her throat in the same rhythm to ease her through the pleasure, holding her as tight as he could, well-aware she was unable to hold herself up at this point, sucking greedily on his fingers as if it was the only thing she could hold on to.
“Jade...” he drawled, his lips pressed to her ear, his breath shaky, eyes fluttering shut. “I've got yeh, me love … I've fookin' got yeh...” He assured her, setting her down gently, a tear on his heart when she collapsed on the bed and he drew back to pull out of her, felt her clenching around him as if to keep him right there, buried in her heat.
“N-No” she cried weakly, her voice shaking. “No, you can't stop now...”
“Darlin'...” he whispered worriedly. “Yeh're gunna pass out...”
“No, no, Alexander, I need you...” she whispered, attempting to turn her head to look back at him over her shoulder, trying to push herself up again but he shook his head, brushing the sweaty strands of hair that fallen into his face back, his skin shiny with sweat and flushed pink at his chest.
“Yeh stay down, pupa...” he said quickly, dropping his suit trousers and already pushing himself on the bed, his knees propped up on either side of her thighs, stroking the redness of her ass. “If I take yeh again, I want yeh teh fookin' relax...”
“You promised me” she sobbed, her head spinning and she laid it down again the moment he stroked his fingers through her hair. “Y-You said...”
“I know...” he drawled, his voice laced with lust, as deep as it was soft. “Yeh're gunna cum wif meh, alreyht?”
She nodded, shifting to feel him, her breath hitching in her throat when she felt the tip of his cock at her entrance, the feeling even tighter with her legs pushed together, her eyes rolling back when he pushed inside, a sound more obscene than anything he'd ever heard falling from her lips. “Are you gonna cum inside me, baby?” She begged. “Please...”
“Anehfin for you, angel...” He groaned, unable to control himself and with his hands on either side of her body, his knees propped up to steady himself, he started to pick up the pace again, his movements increasing in difficulty as she clenched around him with every thrust of his hips, felt more swollen and tight each time he brushed his cock against her walls, the friction making him moan loudly and he knew he couldn't hold on much longer himself, the choking sounds falling from her lips too much to handle.
She was certain she had taken it to far, clutching to the sheets as pain and pleasure blurred into a wonderful bliss, her eyes wide open but rolling into her head each time his cock reached deep inside her, her walls pulsing, melting around him, the friction burning as he stretched her open. The waves of her last orgasm had hardly subsided when she could already feel the flames of another approaching, the firmness of his grip, the tight feeling of him pushing inside her, the way he was grunting above her, his muscles so tight – she squeezed her eyes shut and the tears rolled down her cheeks helplessly, cooling her hot skin and without a sound, without a single movement, her walls contracted around him again, melting weakly.
Alex gasped, felt the tightness with which she enveloped him, overwhelmed with an adoration for her, endlessly appreciative of much she gave, how determined she was to always push herself and be good for him and she cried out softly when he pushed deep inside her, twitching and releasing with a loud groan, his grip on her tightening as he panted for breath, his eyes wide open as he stared at her, the way her hair sparkled and her skin was glowing, her ass spanked red after she'd once again allowed him to handle her the way he pleased.
Her heart was pounding as she felt him still pulsing inside her, knew he'd filled her up once again, the heat of his release soothing her sore walls as she lay in a state of pure bliss, her lids heavy and her eyes shut tightly, her body tingling with pleasure and she whimpered when he pulled out of her and she heard him push himself off the bed, felt the mattress shifting.
She lifted her head slightly, blinking and looking back at him. “Alexander...”
“Tha's worn yeh out, eh?” He drawled, watching her lovingly, instantly stepping forward to help her when he realised she wanted to turn around, her arms shaking when she sat up, her eyes growing wide.
“I need more...” Her voice was small, raspy.
Alex swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing visibly and he shook his head. “Jade, I can't...”
Silent tears were streaming down her face, her lips parted. “You promised” she whispered. “You said anything I wanted...”
“I dun't wanna 'urt yeh, pupa...”
“You won't” she whispered, her breath shaking. “I'm begging you, Alexander, please...”
“One more?” He couldn't deny her anything, couldn't turn down the challenge, too dedicated to making her feel good, to doing whatever she wanted him to.
She breathed out heavily, nodding. “One more.”
“Lay back, principessa...”
She squealed, slowly lowering herself back down, humming when he parted her legs again, his hands hardly having to do anything as her thighs just spread for him, situating comfortably on the bed. “Yes...”
He chuckled darkly, slowly lowering himself down on the bed again, his fingertips teasing her entrance but the moment he attempted to push them inside, a noise fell from her lips that had him drawing back instantly, the way her hips twitched softening his gaze. “Reyht...” he said, his voice gentle. “Joost me tongue then, yeh?”
She sobbed, nodding before her eyes fluttered shut, humming needily when he blew cold air at her wet skin, licking up her folds slowly, nudging her clit with the tip of his tongue, her body tensing.
“Darlin'...” he mumbled. “Are yeh sure?”
“Please...” she whimpered. “B-But be gentle with me.”
His heart nearly broke, his grip loosening on her thighs and he covered her core slowly with his lips, licking up and down her folds teasingly, getting her used to the sensation, every small touch he landed even close to her clit making her jolt up and whimpering weakly. He wanted to make her feel good, to make her melt on his tongue and satisfy her like he never had before, give her everything she deserved.
His warm tongue stroking at her folds, spreading around her wetness was as soothing as it was electric, only gradually easing her into the pressure he started to apply to her clit, this time not attempting to fill her, merely focused on her throbbing nerves, waiting for the way her body responded before he continued, the affection in his eyes overwhelming each time she managed to open hers and meet his gaze.
While all the other orgasms had been quick, rushed, angry and eager, this one he built slowly, was determined to make it last for her, allow the pleasure to slowly build again to make sure he wouldn't hurt her, wouldn't overwhelm her and by the time it finally rushed over her, rather than a sudden burst of ecstasy, it was a drawn out sensation of relaxation, all the tension falling from her body as she melted on his tongue, her breath shaking but calm, his fingers stroking her thighs to ease her through it, watching her with a deep sense of love and dedication.
The room was silent, but she was certain he could hear her heart thudding in her chest, and she could hardly believe how desperate she'd been only hours before, how much he'd tortured her to only then give her more than she ever could have asked for, but just as she realised that under different circumstances she would have been on her knees to thank him, it dawned on her as her mind cleared that as much as she admired his power when he demonstrated it on other people, it frustrated her now how he'd used the most powerful thing he had against her targeted to weaken her and overpower her, had made her give up something she'd truly felt strongly about and had now brushed it off as if nothing had happened, as if he could make up for it with something he'd initially only meant to distract her with and before she realised, she flinched back instinctively when he touched her thigh, too lost in thought to understand what she'd done.
“Jade...” he whispered, his voice gentle, soft-spoken.
She waited for the apology, for his self-awareness to take over so he would take responsibility for his actions as he'd promised, but it never came and she stayed silent, biting down on her lip and keeping her eyes closed, but she could feel him shifting on the bed, turning to the side so he would face her back as he lied down beside her.
Alex's heart dropped when he realised she didn't want him to touch her, that after all, she was still not entirely at peace with what had happened. “Are yeh not gunna look at meh?” He asked softly. “Fookin'ell, darlin...” He breathed out shakily. “Are yeh still angreh at meh?”
He swallowed hard, reaching out to stroke his hand up and down her side, felt the tension that he'd meant to ease in her muscles and pressed his lips together. With a slight shift forward, he pressed a featherlight kiss to her neck, felt her shivering beneath his touch, desperate for an answer, even if she told him that she did still hold a grudge, he wouldn't blame her, but at least he could attempt to make it better.
She was frustrated with herself more than with him, she'd let it happen and she'd enjoyed it, but she wanted him to respect her the way he expected to be respected and the moment he shifted closer she shuffled forward, off the bed once she'd kicked off her heels, holding on shakily to the wall with her fingers sprawled out against it to steady herself, grabbing her gown from the chair beside the bed wordlessly and throwing it on, tying it around her waist to make her way to the balcony, her knees shaky, pushing the doors open with her arm still shaking and she stepped outside carefully, the cool midnight breeze a pleasant contrast on her warm skin, clearing her head further and even though she was aware that he would follow her, that deep down he was aware that it were his shortcomings that had brought them to this moment.
Alex watched her leave with his heart heavy, as much concern in his gaze as there was adoration and without a second thought, he shifted off the bed, grabbing his own robe as he followed her out, his throat dry as he craved a drink as much as a cigarette, but then he watched her stood there, her hair shining magically in the moonlight as it fell down her back, her fingers gripping the railing, her legs still slightly shaky but as long and as tempting as ever and he caught a glimpse of her shoulder, her skin glowing and he ached to press a kiss there, to breathe in her scent that he already missed, to feel her warmth when she curved back into him.
He took another step forward and he was out in the cold air, his skin cooled instantly and he saw her hair blow slightly in the wind, knew that she heard him, that she'd expected him to follow her and had been certain he would. He swallowed, biting his lip. Even with her back turned and her forgiveness yet to be won, it couldn't shake the feeling of how much she had impacted him tonight out of all nights, how after the least forgivable thing he had done to her was something she had allowed to be put aside to get lost in oblivion with him, how he knew that he was never going to find anyone else that was going to accept him the way he was. No one would ever compare to her, no one would ever stay with him, love him for the way he acted even on his worst days only to then do everything it took to better him when necessary.
As much as it pained him that she was turned away, was yet to turn around and smile at him, however far that was away, he knew it would have concerned him had she allowed him to get away with his obsessive behaviour, his obnoxious need to get his way and it were her integrity as much as her passion, the unapologetic brilliance and beauty that made up who she was that he had so hopelessly fallen for and could still not quite comprehend that had him weak, had him certain that she was unlike any other. As complex as the situation was, it was easy because despite it all, she was still there and she still understood him somehow, was prepared to put up with him even in his worst moments.
Now without hesitation he closed the space between them, his back against her chest and his hands cupping hers on the railing, feeling her shiver, but the tension in his body was eased when she stayed relaxed and he breathed in the overwhelming scent of her hair, felt her heart pounding still, his thumbs drawing gentle circles into the palms of her hand.
As frustrated as she was, it brought her an immense amount of satisfaction that he had followed her, was thankful that he was holding her up as well as close and she was once again overtaken by the strong spiced scent, a faint hint of smoke. Despite everything, he was acknowledging that he'd made a mistake and not carrying on as if nothing had happened now. She had missed his scent, had missed the strength of his arms and the warmth his body radiated, how his heart was pounding in sync with hers, how his lips felt when he pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
She breathed out shakily at the depth of his voice, the low tone that never failed to affect her.
“I've been meanin' t'ask yeh summat.”
She stayed silent for a moment, but there was something in his voice she couldn't quite put her finger on, something she even in her defiant state could not ignore. “Mmm?”
He took a deep breath, pressing his lips together before he spoke. “I fink weh should get married.”
It was like once again, the world was spinning around her and she was relieved that with her back turned to him, she didn't have to pretend his words had not shocked her deep to her core. There was a brief moment in which she was unsure if she'd heard him right, or if he was teasing her. Even though her heart leaped, nothing that had ever left his lips had fazed her quite like those few words and her lips were already parting to respond, refusing to give him the satisfaction of her silence no matter his motives, she allowed herself a moment for the shock to set in, shaken with a sense of complete disbelief.
“Is that a question or a command?”
While he was sure she'd been able to feel his palms sweating and his heart pounding, the edge to her voice made the corners of his mouth twitch upwards, an incredible rush of relief cursing through him that she was still there, that she was playful, that she was everything he knew her to be, unsure what would have made him expect something else. “Tha' depends.”
She pressed her lips together, her thoughts running as she attempted to put them in order. “On what?”
He cleared his throat, one of his arms slowly daring to wrap around her, to pull her closer. As much as he wanted to see the expression on her beautiful features, he was unsure if he could handle her seeing his right now, was despite his certainty of his decision caught off guard by the sudden prompt of action, had come up with several plans to make the moment grand, expressive and as extravagant as he thought she would desire. But now it'd come over him, and there was no taking it back now and he tried desperately to ignore the irregular pounding of his heart. “On wha' yeh fink, me love.”
Despite her first thought having been that his sole motivation was to win her forgiveness, she was aware that this was something he had thought over and over, that he was too self-aware to not be certain about his decision, that he was already convinced what her answer would be or he would not have placed the question. “What's in it for me?”
He couldn't hold back his chuckle, his arm tightening around her affectionately. “Il mio amore...” he whispered. “Yeh'll 'ave evrehfin' yeh could ever want” he coaxed. “I'm gunna give yeh wha'ever yehr 'eart desires.”
She breathed out shakily, unable to stop herself from leaning back against him, his voice making her shiver.
“The entire fookin' world.”
Jade swallowed, her voice no more than a hint. “You're serious about this then?” She asked. “Not winding me up?”
He hummed, pressing another kiss to her shoulder, moving to brush his fingers through her hair. “Fink 's pretteh obvious I'm tryin' t'convince yeh...” he said softly. “'s it not sumfin' yeh'd beh interested in?”
The moment she turned around to face him and the brightest green of her eyes met his, his heart skipped a beat, then thudding faster than before as she could no longer keep a straight face, could no longer tease him, the hint of a smile playing around her plush lips. “Do you even have a ring, Alexander?” She asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked up at him, the absence of her heels responsible for the way he could tower over her now. “Or are you just trying to make up for earlier?”
His eyes widened, his voice confident. “'ad it for fookin' weeks.”
She tried to maintain a fairly neutral expression, nodding, but failing miserably at keeping her mouth straight. “Mmm...”
He chuckled. “Yeh need t'see it first, dun't yeh?”
Jade pursed her lips, looking at him impatiently. It was all happening faster than she could possibly comprehend, and before she could fathom what she was really waiting for, he'd already pushed away, smirking.
“Tha's me girl” he drawled, winking and brushing back his hair, a twinkle in his eye that she'd adored the moment she'd first seen it and knew would never fail to excite her. “Yeh stay reyht 'ere.”
Even as he rushed inside and she watched him go, it was beyond her how they'd gotten here, how she'd ended up stood here and waiting for him to return with a ring, had never even allowed herself to think that far, unaware not only of what he wanted, but also what she did, her eyes growing wide when he returned and popped open a small matte black box containing the most exquisite gold ring she'd ever laid eyes upon, better than anything she ever could have dreamed of. In the centre there was a large green-coloured asscher cut stone, framed by a band of diamonds that were sparkling with brilliant clarity. It reminded her instantly of the necklace sparkling between her collarbones and before she could ask, she could see shimmer in his eyes, aching to tell her everything he could to pull her in even deeper than she already was.
“'s a blend of jade 'n emerald, darlin'...” he explained instantly. “Biggest one I could fookin' find. I said nofin' but the best for me girl-...” It was the smile that spread across her entire face that cut him off, had his heart leaping and the moment he saw a tear rolling slowly from the corner of her eye, he knew he'd done everything right, could not recall a moment in which she'd looked happier, in which she'd given him the same look of love and hopeless devotion.
Despite the lonely tear that she wiped instantly from her cheek with the back of her hand, it was her voice that gave away the intensity of emotion that had overcome her. “A-Are you going to get on your knees and ask me then?” She whispered, giggling through her tears.
He smirked, trying his hardest to conceal his own emotion to do this properly, to show her that there was nothing he wouldn't do for her. “'s joost the one knee, innit?” He chuckled, scrunching up his nose. “Wha' else d'yeh need, Jade? Tell meh.”
She pressed her lips together, shaking her head. “I think I'd like you down on one knee for me.”
Alex hummed, the soft smile never leaving his face as his gaze was locked on hers and he sank down slowly on one knee, the ring held out for her to admire and he cleared his throat.
“Jade Valentina Rivera...” He licked his lips. “Will yeh do meh the fookin' honours-...”
She bit back a sob, shaking her head in disbelief at his incapability of keeping his words clean even then.
“-of becoming me wife?”
“Well, Alexander...” she hummed. “I think I'll say yes, if that's okay with you...”
He bit his lip, tilting his head to the side. “Dun't play games wif meh, pupa...” he chuckled shakily. “'m a fookin' nervous wreck...”
“Yes, Alexander” she whispered, cupping his face and slowly pulling him up. “I will do you the fucking honours.”
He laughed quietly, drawing out the ring with his fingers shaking slightly and he put the box to the side, taking her hand into both of his to place the diamond on her long, delicate finger, a soft smile pulling at the corners of his mouth when he looked back up at her, saw the shine in her wide eyes and even the stones couldn't compare. “Yeh like it?” He teased, nudging her nose with his.
Her heart was leaping and the moment she shifted closer, she brought her hand to the back of his neck to pull him in, to close the space between their faces to press her lips to his, realised then it'd been too long and the moment she felt his warm lips on hers, felt the eagerness of them, she kissed him back, the urgency desperate, feverish as he intertwined his fingers with hers against his chest, his other hand pressed possessively to the small of her back to pull her closer.
“'s twenteh-five carat, me love...” he mumbled into the kiss, sighing shakily when she forced his lips apart with her own, her fingers winding into his hair, her nails scratching soothingly through his hair, tugging on it gently. “'m sorreh for evrehfin', darlin'...”
She drew back, tilting her head slightly, her gaze softened and she brushed her knuckles gently over the side of his face, admiring the softness in his gaze, the ridiculous attractiveness of his features, the curve of his nose, the sharpness of his jaw, pressing her lips together. “Ti amo, Alexander.”
He exhaled shakily, swallowing visibly. “Jade-...” His voice broke and he pressed his lips together, his arm snaking around her and pulling her in, his other hand coming to cup her face into his hand, sprawled out and holding her right there, kissing her once again, pouring everything into the kiss that he knew he couldn't say just now, everything he knew she wouldn't listen to because she'd already forgiven him, the way she returned the kiss making him moan needily into her mouth, his grip tightening on her, his thumb stroking over her cheek, feeling her heartbeat, breathing in her scent.
There was barely any space between them when she drew back, his forehead pressed to hers and refusing to let her go, his chest radiating a warmth she only wanted to be closer to and the way he blinked, stretched his jaw as he looked back at her had her aching for him, had her wanting him even more so than before.
“Jade...” he chuckled, clearing his throat as she pressed her body close to him and he stepped forward, trapping her between his body and the railing behind her. “D'yeh need meh?”
Her chest was flushed slightly, her cheeks pink and she smiled knowingly. “I just-...”
He hummed, nodding and pursing his lips, his tongue pressed into his cheek. “Can't resist, can yeh?” He teased her gently. “Finkin' 'bout all the power, eh? Bein' by me side?” He chuckled. “Tha' gets yeh, dunnit?”
“It's the ring, Alexander...” she giggled, leaning up to peck his lips again.
“Fookin' knew it” he smirked, his eyes sparkling. “Know me babeh girl...”
His heart skipped a beat and he cupped the back of her head to make sure her eyes stayed on him. “D'yeh need yehr fiancéh teh take good care of yeh?”
Her head was spinning, despite the abundance of pleasure he'd given her, she was desperate for him, could not resist his promises, the word, the diamond no her finger, she could not wrap her head around it.
“Mmmm, fookin' luckiest man alive, meh...” He hummed, his lips on hers again, kissing her with a passion even she'd seldom felt from him, the movements eager.
She was drunk on the way he held her, appreciated her, loved her unconditionally, sighing when he drew back but merely took her hand to lead her back inside the moment he felt her shiver in his arms.
“Me love, can yeh wait for meh for one moment? Recover a lil' bit?” He asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed, licking her lips. “Joost need t'call Mi 'n tell 'im...”
Her eyes widened, lifting from her ring to look up at him as he picked up his phone. “Mmm, can I tell him?” She asked, desperate to hear a reaction, to tell someone how incredibly lucky she felt.
Alex chuckled, wordlessly handing her the phone, the excitement on her face undeniable and it had him proud beyond his own comprehension how she smiled when she waited for Miles to pick up, hearing the drawl of his voice on the other line even with the phone pressed to her ear.
“It's me, Kane” Jade giggled. As much as she'd reveled in the privacy of the moment, the fact that she was going to share the news overwhelmed her with the reality of it and she looked up at Alexander, unable to stop smiling.
“Wha's wrong, bella? 's Al alreyht?”
“He just asked me to marry him.”
There was a moment of silence, then Miles cackled, emitting a shout of excitement. “Woo! Fook, finalleh.”
She laughed. “Of course you were in on it.”
“Bloodeh 'elped 'im pick out tha' rock, didn't I?” He cackled. “'e's 'ad it for weeks, been plannin' all them romantic fings 'n now...”
“Now he did it at home...” she whispered, looking back at Alexander lovingly. She could only imagine the lengths he would have gone through had he not made the decision on such short notice, knew it would have exceeded her expectations, but the way she felt now, nothing could compare. “And it was perfect...”
“'course t'was, bella...” He hummed. “Ya like tha' ring then, eh?”
Jade sighed. “It's so beautiful...” she whispered, her eyes widening when Alex slowly came closer to her, the look in his eyes intense, as wild as it was when he was up to no good.
“Jade...” he drawled, a nod to the phone when he sank slowly to his knees in front of her.
Her breath hitched in her throat and she could hardly pay attention to Kane's words, her legs already spreading for Alexander before his hands had come down on her thighs.
“Are ya comin' out again t'celebrate then?”
“W-We … uh...” Jade bit her lip, breathing shakily, watching Alex shake his head. “We'll see you tomorrow” she promised. “We're … um … preoccupied now...”
Alex chuckled, pressing his nose against the inside of her thigh, pressing soft kisses to her skin, waiting until she'd hung up the phone for good before he crawled up over her on the bed, untying her gown quickly, covering her body with kisses, trailing upwards until his lips met hers again, both of them breaking away with a smile and the moment he opened his eyes to look into hers, he knew that there was nothing that would have justified post- or preponing this moment, that he'd done everything right then.
She smiled, licking her lips and looking back at him expectantly.
“Yeh're certain, yeh?” He drawled. “Y'kno' 'bout-...”
“Alexander.” She reached up to cut the side of his face, to smooth her thumb over his bottom lip. “Sono tuo” she whispered. “Per sempre.”
Even though he had heard the words countless times, had hardly been able to fathom their meaning as they left her lips, it was overwhelming now, left him breathless. “Tu ed io, pupa.” He smiled back at her softly. “In eterno.”
#alex turner#alex turner fic#alex turner fanfic#alex turner fanfiction#napule nights#in eterno#alex/jade#alex turner/oc#mafia!al#mafia au#The Last Shadow Puppets#arctic monkeys#il diamante#wedding series#nn#adt#writing#chaptered fic
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How do you put an entire plot line together? And like, what’s your drafting and writing process like? I’m always curious about how writers work, just wanted to pick your brain a bit:) 💕💕💕
OKAY, get ready for a very lengthy reply because I do a hellof a lot of planning for stories and I’m gunna answer this as properly as Ican.
· IDEAS– I usually have a few plot points or certain characters that I’m interested inwriting. So I’ll just have certain scenes that are in my head with no context.I’ll also be interested in writing a character who goes to therapy / is veryclosed off / was adopted / is a virgin, etc. Before I’ve even started a storyor figured out a cohesive storyline, I’ve usually got full scenes and scenariosin my head, and I just try to make sense of them, link them, and build a storyaround these ideas I have.
For example, before I started writing TFA Iknew I wanted to write characters in therapy: so that already gives me a greatbase. Why are they in therapy? How long have they been there? What point arethey at in their lives etc. Having one layer actually introduces all theseother layers. I had wanted to write a story where my lead male was a virgin,and that then introduced questions of why he was a virgin. I linked the twotogether and came up with this really huge part of his character, his story,and a plot-twist. From two pretty simple ideas.
I build and build and build around thesefew little ideas I have to create the skeleton of a full story.
· CHARACTERS– This pretty much links with the story building. Nothing helps more with meknowing my characters than knowing the plot of the story, because that so oftenanswers who they are and how they deal with situations. If you have a big sceneyou’re excited about, an argument or a love declaration, how one characterdeals with that huge thing can also answer how that character deals with thesmaller things that happen throughout a story. Get to know your charactersthrough their bigger actions and realise that they’re impulsive, bossy,weak-willed, nervy, whatever it is. Suddenly you’ve got this character who youknow is a little irate or whatever they are, and it helps you write them wellthroughout the story.
I also make a conscious effort to make mycharacters real, from the dialogue to how they handle situations. I think itcan be really appealing to write a perfect character hoping your readers willlove and support them, but don’t. Make sure they fuck up, handle somethingpoorly. Make them human. I think itoften ends up being the most likeable thing about them, when someone can lookat a character and relate, whether it’s a positive thing or not.
· PLANNING –I makes notes. So many fucking notes.I have physical notes, notes on my laptop and notes on my phone all mapping outthis story, scenes, dialogue, a timeline, almost everything. I have a worddocument for HBS that goes over everything that’s going to happen in each chapter.I plan for months. I often start by writing notes about my characters, whatthey’re like. I found some notes the other day for HBS, the first I ever wroteabout my characters and what they’re generally like, and I’d really stuck toit, I was really chuffed.
Also, mapping out a story in its entiretyis so fucking helpful. A lot of the time, I can think I’ve really nailed astory, and then when I map out what’s going to happen in each chapter, I’llnotice really blank stages where nothing happens, or stages where too much ishappening and I realise I need to break it up or add in another layer to thestory so it doesn’t get boring. It makes me really be able to see when somemoments need pushing back or pulling forward. I summarise each chapter in abouta paragraph, so it’s really good to just be able to easily look through thestory and see what’s great and what needs some work.
· WRITING– I write as I post. I would hate to have a full story sitting waiting to beread, so I write as I go. Sometimes I’m ahead, sometimes I’m a little behind,but that’s what suits me best. I think it’s important that I’m actuallyinvested in what I’m writing, which is usually helped by how much planning Ido, because by the time I get to writing the first chapter and posting it, I’mfucking excited about it. The storiesI’ve enjoyed the most have been the ones I wanted to write rather than the onesI’ve thought people would like to read, which I did a lot with my earliestfics. I write most days when I finish work. I’d say every Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, I will write something. I like to finish work,make some food, and settle for the evening in front of my laptop. Knowingeverything that will happen often makes it easier, so does me actually lookingforward to writing it. I’ll have the tele on or I’ll listen to music andsettle. I find it pretty therapeutic.
Then I get to share with all you beautifulpeople and hear from you and it gets me even more excited about the story I’mwriting.
AndI guess that’s it!!! Sorry for chewing your ear off a bit hehehehe ❤
#jeez chill out me#friends#writing#wow shock horror the app has fucked up the layout#I’m so sick of it
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Friday Part 2
Thank you to everyone who reached out to me and gave me feedback on the first part of Friday!! Having been my first write, I had no idea if anyone would like it. But you guys have shown me love and I appreciate that more than you know! This second part is a bit slower I think, but I wanted to include it to develop the characters more! I'm planning on writing a part 3 as well when I get the chance 😁
*none of the gifs in here are mine, all credit goes to the owners*
This is still a fairly long chapter (I think?). Not as long as part 1 but still lengthy
Warnings: excess amounts of FLUFF, partial nudity, language, body insecurities
Alex and Marco's apartment was a very homey and comfortable yet luxurious place-not that you really noticed right now. You and Alex were too busy fighting for dominance over a kiss for you to notice Alex's breathtaking photography up on the walls. In fact, one of them nearly fell just now as Alex pushed you up against the wall
You were both panting, hands trying to memorize every square inch of flesh they could without just stripping naked right there. Thankfully, Jordan and Taylor had already made their way to a bedroom for the night
"Fuck Alex" you groaned, hips pushing against his as you tugged on his hair
"You. Are. So. Beautiful" Alex whispers in between kisses. For a moment, you just look up at him in awe. He is one of the most attractive men you had ever seen, yet here he was calling YOU beautiful. Your mind was a little foggy, the booze definitely not helping. And then that dreaded feeling happened
Your stomach churned, making a loud unpleasant noise. Your throat started to swell up and the all too familiar feeling of pre-throw up hit you. Taking a deep breath, you looked up at Alex again
"Where's your bathroom? I just need to pee", you lied
Alex looked at you with concern, noticing how pale you looked. "Down the hall to the right, but I'm coming with you to make sure you're alright"
Immediately, you started to protest when you felt the feeling return. "No, Alex I'm fi-" you covered your mouth and ran to the bathroom, just barely making it into the toilet
Humiliated, you coughed and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe your mouth. When you went to close the door, Alex was already there, kneeling next to you. He softly pushed the hair out of your face as you looked miserably up at him
"No please Alex.. you do not need to see this....I'm so embarrassed, this is disgusting. You can go I'm fine" you protested, as another heave came. Alex just grabbed your hair with one hand, holding it out of the way, while his other hand rubbed up and down your back softly
He sat with you the whole time, despite your constant objections. Rubbing your back, kissing your shoulder, trying to make you laugh when you started feeling better. Eventually, you were finally done puking and slowly got up off the floor. Alex had left to go to the kitchen to grab you some water and tylenol
You looked in the bathroom mirror and winced. You looked like hell. Your makeup was smeared from the watery eyes, compliments of throwing up. Your hair was tangled, and your outfit was half off. You sighed and rubbed your face
"Here love, you need these" Alex said, handing you the glass and the pills. You took them with a smile
"Thank you" you sighed. "I look like a fucking wreck, huh?" You laughed
Alex chuckled. "I wouldn't say a wreck, no. Just in need of some sleep and perhaps some greasy food". He pulled you into a gentle hug, rubbing circles on your back
You sighed again and wrapped your arms around him. "Those both sound good. I was in the mood for something else before, but I kind of ruined that moment" you said sadly
Alex looked down at you and kissed your forehead. "A little bit, yes" he laughed. "But we're both drunk anyways, so as much as I would've loved to continue that, I wouldn't have been able to go through with it. Not like that" he said quietly
"You're such a gentleman" you smiled, squeezing him. "I guess you're right though, it wouldn't have been the best idea"
Alex looked right at you with a sexy smile. "If I ever have the pleasure of making love to you, I want to be able to remember every..single...moment." He whispered against your ear. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you tried to control yourself
Alex pulled away, grabbing your hand and leading you to the kitchen. You plopped down on one of the bar stools as Alex warmed up some pizza in the microwave. You giggled at the way Alex hummed a little song to himself, bopping his head up and down cheerfully
"I dont know how you can be in such a good mood after you just had to sit next to a drunk puking woman in the bathroom for half an hour" you chuckled
The microwave beeped and Alex grabbed two plates for the pizza and headed over by you, handing you a plate with a smile. "Because that drunk puking woman was you" he said simply. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat, because that would mean more time with you" he smiled, booping your nose
You blushed deeply, shaking your head in amazement. "You're crazy, you know that?"
"Nah, I just really like you" he said with a smirk, knowing it would make you blush again
You both munched on the pizza happily, talking about the night. You must have apologized a thousand times for the "bathroom incident" as you lovingly called it. Eventually, you both had enough to eat and were getting tired
"Come on Y/N, let's go get some sleep" he said, taking your hand
"Can we cuddle?" You asked innocently
In response, Alex spun around and picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and kissing you. "Of course, I'm not letting you get away that easy"
You both collapsed on his bed, sighing pleasantly after the long night. You lazily took most of your clothes off until you were left in your panties and a tank top. Alex stripped down to his boxers. You shamelessly looked down his body. Gods he was a sexy man. His physique was incredible. Alex smirked down at you, laughing a little
"Eyes up here darlin" he says, crawling into bed with you and pulling you close
"I can't help it, it's not my fault you're so sexy" you mumbled up against his neck. You felt him smiling at you, rubbing your back
"Don't even get me started on who's the sexy one right now. I'm having a hard time not letting my mind wander" he admitted
You smiled against his skin, squeezing him tighter. His hand was tracing lines up and down your back, your arm draped over his side, caressing his side lovingly. You both talked for a little while longer, Alex occasionally pressing soft kisses to your temple until you both drifted into a peaceful sleep
When you woke up the next morning, you were thoroughly wrapped up in Alex's arms. From what you could tell, he wasn't awake yet. He was softly snoring against your hair which made you laugh. Neither one of you had hardly moved from the position you fell asleep in. You still couldn't believe how you had gotten lucky enough to be in this position right now. You were wrapped warmly in Alex Høgh Anderson's arms, who was in fact one of the biggest sweethearts you had ever met
Your daydreams were cut short when you noticed that he wasn't snoring anymore. Carefully you looked up and saw him smiling down at you
"I wasn't sure if you were awake, did I wake you up?" he asked sleepily
"No, I woke up just before you" you yawned. You soon realized you had morning breath and were suddenly hyper-aware of every flaw you saw in yourself. You shuffled uncomfortably in Alex's arms, thinking of how your makeup was probably smeared all over your face. Alex yawned and shuffled around, getting out of bed
"I'm gunna hop in the shower quick, you'll still be here right?" He asked. You nodded back. He flashed you a smile and headed off towards the bathroom. Quickly, you looked in the mirror above his dresser to wipe away the rubbed makeup and put your clothes back on
Wondering how Taylor was, you wandered down the hall to check on her. The door to Jordan's room was cracked open, so you peeked inside
"Taylor?" You whispered. No answer. "Taylor?" You called a bit louder
"In here Y/N!" You heard her call from the kitchen
Taylor and Jordan were sitting on the couch together eating some cereal. They looked very happy together, still cuddled up against each other. The sight made you smile
"Mornin guys" you said cheerfully
"Well good morning sleepy head, where's Alex?" Jordan asked
"Just in the shower" you replied, fidgeting with the hem of your dress. "Which reminds me that we haven't showered in a day. Or brushed our teeth. We should probably do that soon, right Taylor?" You said shyly
Jordan smirked and nudged Taylor in the ribs. She giggled. "Well I for one DID take a shower this morning....with Jordan...ya know...to save some water" she laughed. But she noticed the way you were fidgeting and knew right away that you were getting in your own head. "But I have not brushed my teeth, you're right. So we should definitely get home to take care of that" she added, giving you a small knowing smile
"Take care of what?" Alex asked, casually walking into the living room wearing nothing but a towel. Little beads of water were trailing down his skin. You had to tear your eyes away from his V-line to look him in the eyes
"Uhh..um...we were talking about how we should get home to freshen up. Brush our teeth. Shower. Change out of last night's clothes" you muttered. You swore you saw Alex's face droop, although he gave you a smile and sat down next to you. It took everything in your power not to run your hand over his body just then
"I guess that's probably a good idea. You have some puke on your dress love" Alex pointed out with a smile. Your cheeks immediately reddened, looking down to see he was right
"Oh god you're right. That is disgusting. See, I need to change. You don't wanna spend more time with me looking like this" you said, trying not to sound too weak
"I'd spend time with you no matter what you were wearing. You could wear a paper bag if you felt like it" Alex stated simply, playing with the knot in his towel. You blushed harder, nudging him in the side as he leaned into you
"Well....shall we Y/N?" Taylor asked loudly, pulling you out of your little daze Alex's touch put you in
"Yeah, probably should." You said sadly
Both Alex and Jordan got up with you guys, you and Alex walking towards the door, Taylor and Jordan meeting in the middle of the living room to embrace each other and whisper in each other's ears
Alex reached behind him, rubbing his head. You tried not looking at his bulging muscles. To no avail. You were staring again and he knew it. When your eyes went back to his, you were met with a teasing smile and mischief in his eyes
"Trouble concentrating there?" He teased, reaching out for you and pulling you into him
"Shut up", you mumbled against him with a smile. You held onto him tightly, really not wanting to leave him but on the other hand, you knew if you didn't get cleaned up, you'd only get more self conscious. His hands were running up and down your back as he held you
"Are you okay?" He asked softly
Your heart melted. Somehow, he knew you were in your own head. You nuzzled into him closer and sighed
"Yes. I really am. I don't want to go, I really don't. It's got nothing to do with you. You didn't do anything wrong. I just really want to get cleaned up. I feel nasty and not at all confident" you admitted shyly
He moved one hand to your cheek and cupped it, prompting you to look up at him. "It's alright, I never want you to feel uncomfortable. But just know that I still think you look beautiful. Even with a puke stained dress and your hair all messy and half your makeup rubbed off" he laughed, thumb trailing along your cheekbone
You blushed deeply, a giant smile spreading across your face as you found a bit of confidence and moved on your tiptoes for a kiss. He gladly leaned down and kissed you gently, his hand still cupping your cheek while the other held you close to him. You hummed against his lips and smiled, breaking the kiss to give him two or three more small little pecks
Jordan appeared suddenly behind Alex and slapped him on the shoulder. "Alright lover boy, let's let our lovely ladies go" he said with a laugh
Everyone laughed as you headed out the door, giving Alex one last smile over your shoulder. He had a big smile on his face as he held his hand up to his ear like a phone
"Call me baby!!" He yelled with a huge laugh. That damn towel nearly falling off before he slowly closed the door
I'm tagging those of you who showed interest in this series-thank you all!!
@thevikingsheaux @dangerousvikings @tephi101 @ravens-of-kattegat @stardustandbucky @the-only-villain-here-is-me @elska-of-skrifa @honestsycrets @bluearcher20 @nutinanutshell @supernaturalvikingwhore @ivarthebonelessvk @ivaraddict @ivarandersen
#friday#friday part 2#alex høgh reader fluff#alex høgh andersen x reader#alex høgh#alex hogh andersen#vikings
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Rewritten, Chapter 4: The Gerudo Champion

Read this on Fanfiction.net ➜
When Link woke in the morning, he was surprised how long he’d slept, but figured it was due to his lack of sleep the night before in Rito Village. He sat up slowly, muscles aching at having slept on a hot stone slab all night, and wondered if he’d have time for a dip in a hot spring before Zelda headed out.
“Oh, afternoon’, Link,” Daruk greeted him as he came in from outside. The light that shone through the door was brighter than Link anticipated, and he blinked in surprise.
“After- what?!” Link exclaimed, struggling to his feet, quickly sheathing the Master Sword, and throwing it over his back. “Is Zelda here?”
“The Princess? She left pretty early this morning. Heading for Gerudo,” Daruk said, looking at Link somewhat bewildered. “She said you - knew… was gunna meet you… oh.”
The realisation hit the Goron a bit late and he laughed in spite of himself. “Hah! She’s a clever one. Sorry, little guy… guess you better run after her, huh?”
He had hardly got the words out of his mouth before Link was running out the door.
“Thanks for the couch,” he called back as quickly as possible before sprinting through Goron City, down the rocky path and past the mines of Death Mountain at breakneck speed. How could she do that? He knew she wanted time alone, but this was the deal - orders from the King - and if anything happened, he’d be executed by archery by Revali, which was bound to be messy, let alone the trouble he’d get into with the King and his… his own father…
By the time he got to his horse at the bottom of the mountain, Link was downright angry, and began pushing his stallion a bit too hard as they headed back towards the castle and onwards. He was clenching his teeth. Who knew what could happen to her? Why was she so insistent on going out alone? As long as he had to watch over her, neither of them had proper privacy, so wasn’t it - well - almost fair? He shook his head to himself, guilt ridden at the thought of what he’d done. Knights didn’t sleep in. Worse, the Chosen Hero should be the last person to sleep in - he couldn’t let it happen again. But Knights also didn’t let their emotions get the better of them, so when he finally spotted Zelda’s white stallion on a cliffside on the way to Gerudo, he tried his best to calm himself.
She was examining a shrine. And she was fine, thank Hylia, but Link was still upset at the situation. Hopping off his horse, he walked towards her, and she turned quite sharply to face him.
“I thought I made it clear that I’m not in need of an escort,” she snapped, walking towards him but stopping a few feet away. His mouth dropped open in surprise. She was… visibly angry.
“It seems I’m the only one with a mind of my own! I, the person in question, am fine, regardless of the King’s orders.” She stared at him once more, and Link steeled himself for what more was to come.
“Return to the castle. ...and tell that to my Father, please.”
The Princess stormed past him, towards her horse. Link took a moment to calm his thoughts - he couldn’t argue with her, and she had given him an order, but… well, the King took priority, and leaving her here to go to the Castle to tell him “Zelda is fine” just wouldn’t go over well at all. He turned after her, strong in his resolve, and got ready to get back on his horse, when she turned around again.
“And stop following me!” she snapped now, clearly angry but also looking quite sad. He did nothing but look back at her helplessly, and when she noticed the expression on his face, she seemed to regret what she’d done, but hopped on her horse nonetheless and took off down the path towards Gerudo. Link watched her go for a few moments, letting some distance between them build, before swinging his legs over his own stallion. He tried to ignore his stomach rumbling.
Letting out a sigh, he directed his horse back down the cliffside, and followed from a safer distance as to not let her notice. If it had to be like this for the duration of his time as her Appointed Knight - which could be a lifetime - he wasn’t sure how long he could take it, but surely he’d at least get good at sneaking around on horseback.
The trip to Gerudo was somewhat lengthy, but Link was relieved they didn’t arrive in the desert until nighttime, since it was cooler than during the day. Still, even from a distance, Link could tell that Zelda was chilly. Now and again she would look over his shoulder for him, and he’d have to duck or hide; if she had noticed him, she wasn’t doing anything about it.
He watched her venture into the desert then, and paused at the ranch to board his horse alongside hers. He offered the steed some well-earned apples, and ran a hand softly down its face.
“Thanks for putting up with me today, Flint. I should only be gone a couple days,” he reassured him. Though he knew the horse couldn't completely understand, the affection was clearly received and the stallion gave Link’s hand a friendly nibble before the Knight left into the desert.
Zelda had one major saving grace coming up; Gerudo Town only allowed vai, or women, into their walls. Link waited until she had gone inside, then set up camp nearby one of the shrines sitting outside. The Guards were sympathetic to him, but a law was a law. He couldn’t follow her there. Thankfully, he also knew she was incredibly safe.
With a fire set up in front of him, Link let sleep come easy, and the dream he had that night was more real than any he had had so far. The blue figure came better into focus; it looked like a woman in a cloak, and spoke to him in clearer words.
“Master Link, I am the Spirit of the Sword, chosen by the Goddess Hylia. My name is Fi.”
That was all he received. The introduction, and the name, felt heavy and important to Link, but he knew somewhere deep down that they had met before. He would use the blade with far more purpose from now on, to know it was imbued with a spirit chosen by the Goddess.
When he first woke in the morning, Link kept himself awake, despite the sun only beginning to rise. It was a good thing he did, because only a few minutes later did Zelda and Urbosa herself walk out from the town gates. Link stood quickly, brushing sand off his clothes. He must have done a good job sneaking around the day prior, because she looked genuinely surprised to see him.
“Are you serious?” Zelda asked, folding her arms and looking at Link with her head tilted.
“Please get used to it, Princess,” he replied in as polite a tone as he could muster, dipping his head to her, one hand on his chest. He could nearly hear the surprised note of her mouth dropping open, but what followed was the familiar sound of Urbosa bursting into laughter.
“Now that’s an Appointed Knight for you,” the Gerudo Champion laughed, approaching Link and slapping a hand on his shoulder. He glanced up at her, casting her the smallest of relieved smiles.
“We’re going on survey today for shrines and any sign of Calamity Ganon within the desert. She’ll be in my hands and perfectly safe, don’t you worry,” Urbosa said, and Link let his shoulders relax. He knew he could take her word for it.
“And Vah Naboris, right?” Urbosa asked Zelda, who was avoiding Link’s apologetic stare, and nodded absently. It was clear she didn’t want Link to know where she would be at any point in the day, but at least her and Urbosa could spend some time alone without Link having to follow.
The day passed slowly. Link laid in the shade behind the shrine for a good majority of it, his head resting sideways, staring at the Master Sword. Maybe it was as stifled by the heat as he was. When he heard the roar of Vah Naboris in the distance, Link knew it was time to get up and join them on the Divine Beast - whether Zelda liked it or not. The sun was setting by then, at least, so the trip wasn’t completely unbearable.
When he departed his sand seal and climbed up the beast, he found Urbosa and Zelda sitting among some pillows and blankets, with a small lantern, and view of the desert beyond. Urbosa tilted her head back to look at him, but didn’t move otherwise. Zelda was clearly asleep, her head resting on the Gerudo’s shoulder. Link felt a quick but familiar tinge of jealousy. He wasn’t sure of his feelings for her yet, but he already felt overwhelmingly responsible for not just her safety, but her emotions as well. While he was glad Urbosa had relieved him of this for one day, he wanted to be able to provide for Zelda the way she did… but perhaps her protective and motherly ways were something Link would never be able to offer. After all, the Princess had lost her own mother at far too young an age.
“Ah, well, you certainly got her fast. I should have expected as much, from the Princess’ own appointed knight. She was working hard all day today… still as the sands, now.” Urbosa explained quietly, her gaze leaving Link momentarily to look down at Zelda. Link’s eyes followed as Urbosa continued, “So? Spill it boy, have the two of you been getting along all right?”
Link looked back up at Urbosa quickly, and neglected to respond, dropping his eyes instead to the stone floor.
“It’s okay. I know. Your silence speaks volumes. You know, she gets frustrated every time she looks up and sees you carrying that sword on your back…”
Link was about to respond then - Urbosa seemed to understand - but she cut him off.
“But not in the way you think,” the Gerudo cut him off. “It makes her feel like a failure when it comes to her own destiny.”
Link’s eyes widened. So she didn’t hate him just because he had to watch her, she… resented him, for her own shortcomings. Was that better or worse than being a simple annoyance?
“Don’t worry, it’s not like you carry blame in any of this,” Urbosa continued, looking back at him over Zelda’s blonde hair, flickering in the firelight, “It’s unfortunate. She’s put in more than enough time… ever since she was a young girl, she’s gone through rigorous daily routines to show her dedication. She once passed out in freezing waters trying to access this sealing power… and she has nothing to show for it.”
Link let out a frustrated breath at hearing this. So there was good reason for him to watch her. She was reckless as well. But what Urbosa was telling him was breaking his heart; of course then, she would resent him. He was presented the sword out of thin air, and everyone knew the sword didn’t know his Knight class grades or family lineage. It was just something in him that made him the Hero, whereas Zelda… she had been fighting all her life for her legacy, and had received nothing in return.
“She really is quite… special,” Urbosa finished with a sigh, pushing aside a stray strand of hair from Zelda’s sleeping face, and Link wished he could better see her, but he stayed his distance from the two women. Now, he felt guilt about the ceremony Daruk had requested; the way he’d spoken to her. How could he tell her that he understood? He could have been a hardass, and followed her closer and said he was simply following orders, but there had always been part of him that wanted to at least be her friend, if they were to be working so close. He just had to make these efforts within the stipulations of also being her Appointed Knight.
“You be sure to protect her with your life,” Urbosa reminded him. “It’s quite the honor.”
Link nodded in response. His heart ached from the emotional information Urbosa had given him, but he was grateful for it.
“The night brings a chill. We should take her in. Or…” a mischievous grin spread across Urbosa’s lips, and Link had an inkling as to what was about to happen, but the snap! of her fingers and the resulting CRRASH of lightning that followed not far away still shocked him. Zelda awoke with a start.
“Urbosa! What was that? Did you feel that?” she gasped, then slowly turned and did a double take at Link, standing a few feet away.
“Wait, what? How did you - what are you doing here?” she asked Link, sounding somewhat accusatory, but in her confusion Urbosa merely began laughing again. “What’s so funny?”
“Come on, Princess. Time to get inside before we freeze in the desert night. Link here is just doing his job,” Urbosa added, with a wink in Link’s direction. He couldn’t look at Zelda now, much as he wanted to. He felt guilty for knowing the reason behind her resentment, and her motivation. As she walked past with Urbosa, she muttered a small “thank-you, Link, that’s all.” He savored the sound of his name on her lips, shut his eyes for a moment, then turned to follow them back to Gerudo Town.
#botw fanfiction#breath of the wild fanfiction#zelink fanfiction#zelink#breath of the wild#botw#loz fanfiction#zelda#urbosa#god i love urbosa#this is where the story starts to pick up#ish
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I KNOW you must have answered this before but I've been searching and I can't find it, but I was wondering what your favorite chapter or scene is from each of your stories- in terms of writing? You're such an amazing writer and I'm curious to know what you think are your best written moments. LOVE YOU❤❤❤
OOOOOOOOOH THANK YOU SO MUCH, I LOVE QUESTIONS LIKE THIS! I think I may have answered for individual fics, but not all my fics so LETS FUCKING GO!I’m gunna do this under the cut because I have a lot of fics, so this is bound to get lengthy.
SO, my personal favourite parts from each of my stories!
Butterfly BoySo I do have a few personal stand out moments in BB. From when he helps her throw up, to their first kiss, to when she tells him she loves him, when they listen to Songbird together, every second of Mike Jokes, but I think when he finally admited he loves her… kills me. It genuinely feels like we wait so long for it and then to hear that he’s felt that way for so much longer than she has, and how he thinks she deserves better. It hurts.
“I am in love with you, Pippa. I have been in love with you for longer thanI’ve even liked you. I… I remember the exactmoment I fell in love with you.” “No you’re not.” I gasped, no idea what else to say.“Last November. I hadn’t even lived with you a month. Me and Zayn… We wentdrinking, and then we got back and you started drinking with us. You-you dranktoo much and you threw up. I walked into your room and… and I found you likethat and… I helped you. I sat on your bathroom floor with you, and helped youthrow up. You were barely dressed, slumped between my legs… sitting against melike you belonged there. You wereabsolutely fucked, but you were still so witty. You were so funny and so sharp…How could I not fall in love with you?”
This is why I love the scene where she first tells him so much, because he reacts so badly because he’d tried so fucking hard to get over her, and he was finally getting somewhere. It’s fine. I’m fine.
The Faux AffairAs you all know… this fic is the one I’m most proud of by miles. I don’t know if there are as many like… stand out moments in the story as there are in like BB, but I think as a piece it’s much better, and the imagery is stronger and the was I planned it and the hints dropped, it was all very precise. So I personally like scenes like the break up scenes, the nightmares, any mention of sunflowers and just generally the journey that Ren goes, y’know?HOWEVER, when they have sex. I’d never written anything quite like it before and it scared the shit out of me and when I posted it I went offline for hours just avoiding what people were saying because I was so nervous, but I still feel very proud of it.
In every possible timeframe, in every universe and every past-life, every dreamand every possible continuum, he had fallen in love with Florence DaisyValentine. Time and time again.
And I think as well… it’s just what that moment means for both of those characters. How substantial it is for both of them just being in that moment and feeling what they’re feeling. My ultimate couple.
The Lamb and The LionI love those little bastards so much. The chemistry and the history they have became this like thing that was almost out of my control. That’s why it went from being a one-shot to being this full fic like I had to keep writing them. I like that they’re far from perfect. They never have a stage where everything is sweet, it’s always messy and it’s always up in the air but they just can’t turn away from each other. That was fun to write!SO AGAIN, A FEW MOMENTS I LIKE! I like in the last chapter when he see’s George and you can just feel him being gutted and confused and kinda hurt and just… urgh. I also love the NYE when they’re not together anymore, but still very soft and painful. I love when he turns up after they’ve kinda ended things and says he’s falling in love with her.BUT, I actually really love when he turns up late to her part and she goes mad at him.
“I don’t need to beany more conscious of your schedule than I already am, Harry, and the fact thatyou can’t see that kills me.”“I see it now, I’m sorry!”“It’s toolate now! You shouldn’t needme yelling at you to realise what’s beengoing on with us for the past year! You should have known anyway! I am not justa fucking side character in your life, Harry. I’m toobusy being the lead of my own.”
I love Lulu. She loves him but she’s not gunna sacrifice herself for him, and he kinda does want her to, and I just love how she handles him and airs her feelings. I remember I’d been really looking forward to writing that scene! (I love a break up / argument hehehe)
AM GirlTwo moments for me here that really stand out. The first letter is always the one for me. It’s years old now but I’m still very very proud of it. The way it reads and stuff. I was dead chuffed with that.And then of course, the moment you realise that the letters are not from Harry the story is going to take this complete new turn and it happens in just a few words and the whole story feels and read completely differently after that. I love that twist. Die for a twist.
To WarThis story was written and alive in my head before I’d even really thought about actually writing a fic, and I very nearly didn’t, I just thought it was something that would stick in my head (there are a million stories in my head) but I’m glad I did decide to write it. I think the little bond between the two of them, and writing in that era was fun and different.And throughout, I was so excited to write the end. Everyone was ready for Alex to be hurt, or not come back, and I think it was good to write the other side of war, one that’s brushed over or forgotten a lot of the time, and that’s the people (women especially) who do the work at home. I loved writing that, and the way it’s not even a question to Alex that they’ll be together regardless.
“I don’t wantyou to feel guilty, for not wanting me anymore, Alex. I do understand. And I didn’t want you to feel… obligedto-”“Eve, stop.” He hushed her words to a halt, placing his hand steadilyon her leg. “You think… Do you really think this bothers me?Do you really think this would keep me from you?”“I don’t-”“I am in love with you, Evelyn. That hasn’t changed!” The more he spoke, the more comfortable she became gazingback to him. “This doesn’t change anything for me! It doesn’t change my feelings for you! I stilllove you, I… I still want a life withyou!”
Vitae & MortemI knew this story wouldn’t land with the majority of my readers. I stopped and started writing it numerous times because, as much as I knew it was going to happen, but it was a story I wanted to tell and I was writing it for me, it’s still hard receiving a small amount of feedback, which I did throughout this story. But I just had this idea that I needed to share. So I’m chuffed I finished it.And I think my personal favourite moment for me as the author, is this moment, when Harry loses his shit and almost attacks the Krows when he hears them talking about Jax.
“You let go of me!” Hescowled, pushing forward, but I only pushed back harder.“I can’t letyou do that! They will kill you!”“I’llfucking scream if you don’t move!”“Harry, I can’t watch you die!” Ihissed back at him, worrying over our tones but needing to be clear with him. “If you go over there, he will shootyou before you’ve even got near to them.”“Letme go!”“I am with you, Harry. I will fightwith you and I will help you, but I am not letting you do this. We have to runaway from this. Now.”“I want to fucking kill them.”“Think about what ya doing.” I instructed, feeling that he was nolonger pushing back against me, easing a little. “Juststop for a second, and think. Please.”His nostrils flared as he forced himself to calm down, tears bubbling in hiseyes but I knew he wouldn’t letthem fall. I knew they’d beenspurred by anger more than anything else, and they blurred his vision as heconcentrated on my face in order to calm down.
That for me is a genuine moment from a character we don’t see too many genuine moments from. I think that was his real, initial reaction, and he truly wanted to protect her then. He forgot what he was there to do, and he acted on instinct, and his instinct was to keep her safe. It hurts me because V&M Harry is the worst and the best all at once and IT ALL HURTS!THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS I’M SORRY IT’S SO LONG!
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Another new story?! Do you ever take a break girl?! In all seriousness though, will you be sharing HBS and IYS concurrently once AMG is finished up?
I’ll be sharing IYS alongside AMG, and then HBS afterwards, because that one is going to be lengthy as fuck. I think IYS could be a similar length to TLATL.Sharing AMG is all well and good but it doesn’t feed my creativity at all, so I need something else to write whilst it happens.Sooooo… the first chapter is gunna be with you very soon.
#HBS is gunna be like TFA / BB length#sooooo that'll take all my attention#but right now I need a project#and that's IYS#I CAN'T HELP MYSELF#IYS#friends
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