#these are most likely pre est unless you want otherwise!
orangeshinigami · 9 months
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Mutuals only / Slow replies & low activity blog. Multiship / Multiverse / OC & Crossover friendly! Mun is 21+ so mature themes may be present, everything will be tagged accordingly though. Est. Nov. 2023.
Discord available upon request for plotting & rping purposes.
( Header credit: RIDLEEY / Icons credit: THE-CURSED-ICONS & LOCKEDTOWERS / icon border credit: TOSKASRPH & as of Jan. 2024 I started using a border made by POOHSOURCES )
Update March, 2024: Icon border / post divider / banners credit - CROWDITS
MAINS: @adversitybloomed (ship exclusive) / @lockedtowers & @cautionsissued / @glacialdeath / @toomanydamnmuses
Mobile friendly guidelines under the cut.
Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read these!!
You can call me Bibis, I’m 26 years old and roleplaying has been one of my hobbies for over ten years, I’ve been a part of the Bleach fandom for about that same amount of time too. However, I still haven’t finished reading the manga (I’m always working and when I finally have some free time I have no energy to do anything guys, help). But I’ll eventually finish it, I swear… Or I’ll at least watch the anime bc I’m super hyped about this revival. ANYWAYS, yes, this is just a heads up that I do know some things about the last arc of the manga but not everything. But don’t worry, depending on what we choose to write, I’ll do my reasearch!! <3
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ichigo or Bleach obviously, also no icons / headers and stuff used here were made by me unless otherwise stated.
I work 44 hours a week (sometimes more) and I’m still finishing my university course, so my activity will be low, especially from monday to friday. Please understand that I might take a long time to reply – this doesn’t mean I’m not interested in writing with you / don’t like your character or anything, I’m really just super busy most of the time.
No godmodding please. You control your character and I control mine, thank you very much.
Plotting!! I love plotting SO MUCH and can get super excited over it and come up with 5415114 AU’s, hahaha. Seriously, if you have an idea about how our characters could interact or want to build a whole new AU for them, PLEASE do not hesitate to hmu!! 
Feel free to turn memes / asks into threads, just make sure to make a new post for it rather than just reblogging the answered ask.
My discord is available to mutuals upon request, we can plot or even rp through there too!! Given my busy schedule, it’s easier for me to be active and reply to stuff there.
Shipping can be super fun, but only if there is chemistry. So there has to be a lot of plotting and our characters need to interact a few times for me to consider shipping them!! Instant shipping / pre-established romantic relationships are not really my cup of tea. I won’t write romantic ships with minors, btw, please don’t insist. 
My main verse is set when Ichigo is around 18 years old and finishing up high school!! But if you wanna interact with older Ichigo, or have a plotting idea that would work best with the older version of him, do let me know!! Like I said before, I truly love plotting, so don’t be afraid to throw your ideas at me, I’ll most likely be just as excited as you are to discuss them.
Since I’m well over the age of 18, you might see NSFW themes (such as violence, drugs, sex) on this blog from time to time. I have no triggers and I may be a little forgetful when tagging that sort of thing. Please if you see anything that’s triggering to you that you believe I didn’t properly tag, send me a message and I’ll fix it right away. I want this to be a safe and fun enviroment not only for me but for my writing partners as well!!
That’s about it!! I’m super friendly ooc, I promise. So send me memes and questions whenever!! I’ll be happy to answer all of them. :]
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— Decaf's Relationship Status —⚅
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{So, as mentioned in the previous post concerning muse updates, I'm going to push Decaf into the next leg of his character development, and that means there's going to be some major changes to the blog that you guys should know about.}
{I'm cutting this because it is a long one. Still, I urge you to read ahead as it's going to be important information to how the blog operates. If you want, you can just scan for bolded text.}
{TLDR: Decaf (main verse) Hanekoma is no longer available for canon romantic shipping. While non-canon romantic ships are still possible, I will not be working this into his main plot. Additionally, all crushes are considered resolved unless you come plan otherwise with me for non-canon plots. Any already established romantic buildup will be maintained, however, just also as non-canon for Decaf.}
{It's come to my attention that while I would like to write a canon ship for him and I feel like that could be good and make sense for him as a character, I just don't seem to have the level of writing skill required to do that. I noticed that often when I try to bring Decaf's story around to talking about potential romantic relationships or have him muse over the desire for one, this often reads to the audience as self-loathing for some reason. And I'm unable to pinpoint exactly what it is that causes that to happen. He seems to give off this impression that he doesn't have any sense of self-value/worth/love/confidence, that maybe he hates himself or he doesn't consider himself of any value, and that is not at all what I want to portray with him. He has regrets and there are things that he dislikes about himself here and there, but he far from hates himself and he absolutely puts a lot of value into himself. I don't want to portray him as not having any self-confidence or self-love, so I'm going to give up on this particular aspect for his canon story.}
{When it comes to making a choice between having the freedom to ship Hanekoma and writing him as a self-confident individual, I would much rather sacrifice the former instead of the latter, so from here on out, a canon ship with Decaf is no longer possible.}
{Now, this doesn't mean I won't ship with him entirely. I can still have non-canon ships with him, and if you want to work out a romantic relationship between him and your muse, I'm more than happy to write that out with you. I do this mostly based on chemistry and while I love planning ideas for future interactions, I'm not one to just jump into a pre-est. relationship unless I talk to you a lot about it and trust you as a person. There are difficulties when it comes to shipping with Decaf in the first place, so that's something to be aware of. Just understand now that even in the best of circumstances it will not be a canon ship, since it'll most likely lead to this pathetic sort of look that I really don't want to be associated with his canon personality.}
So here are some things to know about how Decaf is going to behave going forward:
⚀ Yes, he is dating himself (kinda): Hanekoma is going to start taking actions with himself to emulate the feeling he wants to get from a romantic relationship. He's going to do things for himself that is mostly modeled after the way Ean, Abe, and Hazelnut have treated him to artificially create that sense of being loved and cared for in a way that his family members can't do. I might write a drabble or two going forward but I mostly probably just won't bring it up too terribly much. Just know that he'll buy himself flowers or go out to a fancy dinner by himself. He'll buy himself presents and take himself on dates. And any other number of things a couple might do together, just on his own.
⚀ Hanekoma will no longer actively fall in love on his own: Unless I already established something with you, Decaf will no longer be the one to fall in love first. He's going to find complete satisfaction in this method of "dating himself", so he'll no longer fall for anyone else. If you want an unrequited love from him or you want him to fall in love first you're going to have to come talk to me about it so we can make plans for it. Otherwise he'll never react to anything your muse might do. This doesn't count for relationships I've already established him falling in love with. If he's already started having these reactions to your muse, I will not be retroactively changing that. Just understand that they are not canon.
⚀ He's going to get over his crushes from here on out: For example, the crush on Eanas. Any currently established unrequited love situations are reaching their conclusion with this development. If you want to maintain it with me, you will have to come talk to me and tell me as much. I don't mind maintaining that in a non-canon situation, but for the sake of his canon plot going forward, he'll never feel anything for anyone ever again, and all unrequited love has been resolved.
{And if you have any other questions that I haven't covered here, please please please come talk to me about it and I'll answer whatever it is you're curious about. I really hope that this development ends up working out for both Decaf and everyone involved with his story going forward.}
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lovingpromise · 8 months
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I do not own any of the canon characters on this blog, or their fandoms, but all headcanons not pertaining to canon belong to me as well as any ocs. I take a few liberties when developing muses, so keep that in mind as well. PSD CREDIT. HEADER CREDIT.
Most of the time I reply in the order of how I receive things, though there are times when I may feel like doing one type of reply over another.  Depending on the time I have, it’s likely that I’ll prioritize short responses and the stuff in my ask box and save longer responses for days when I have more time to write. This is a low-activity blog, please wait at least a week before reminding me of a reply I owe. Things slip through the cracks sometimes, but I'll never intentionally ignore anyone. Building on that, please don't constantly bug me for a reply, it's a good way to make me not want to do it.
Most of the people who follow me, I tend to follow back. I’m not very selective in that regard and honestly, I’m down to roleplay most things within reason. That said, on the off chance that I do unfollow or don’t follow at all please don’t take it personally. I don’t like a cluttered dash. I don’t follow personals. I don’t like drama. And usually, if I don’t know the fandom or am not well versed in it I may not follow for that reason either. If I haven’t followed back and you want to roleplay with any of my muses don’t hesitate to tell me. You could see an obvious way to do so, but that doesn’t mean I do. If I like the idea I’ll be more than willing to do it with you as long as it fits my characters!
I absolutely love shipping (romantic, platonic, antagonistic, all the above!!). When it comes to romantic ships unless otherwise stated all my muses are multiship. There needs to be chemistry, of course, but I'm easily convinced, lol. Some muses will be easier to woo than others, so please keep that in mind!! (Also should anyone want pre-established stuff, I’m always down to plot!! )
I’m not into smut. It’s likely you will never find smut on this blog or any blog or mine. If somehow I am convinced, it would be underneath a read more and tagged appropriately. If I were to ever do it, both the mun and muse cannot be underaged. There could be allusions to sex, but likely never the act itself. I’d have to know you pretty well and be comfortable with you to even consider it.
As far as triggers go… I don’t have any to speak of. As long as the obvious things like blood & gore (slasher film level stuff specifically), and sex are labeled it’ll be fine. Should you need a certain thing tagged and I don’t do it, please let me know. I read all the rules but my memory can be shoddy, so do not hesitate to remind me.
I don’t do exclusives. I don’t personally like it that much. I don’t mind if other people do it, but I’m not comfortable doing it myself. I don’t like to limit the people I roleplay with if that makes sense.
I go by Glory. I’m 28 (29 on July 3rd and I'm an idiot that never keeps track of her age lmao). She/Her. And my timezone is EST. I work full-time and take care of my younger siblings due to my mother passing away a few years ago. As such, my schedule can be a bit hectic and sometimes I disappear for a bit, but I love roleplaying too much to stay gone for long. When I’m not doing any of that, I’m either writing original stories, drawing, or catching up on shows lol.
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bronzebastion · 1 year
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“People in this city need somebody they can count on. We got plenty  of freaky ass bats running around chasing after the other colorful  nutjobs, but who’s lookin’ out for the people on the street? Not all  criminals have a themed costume, and not all victims are obvious.  There’s enough fear going around in this city; people could use a real  protector, someone that can be a... a bastion of hope. I can be that.”
- Independent Gotham Vigilante OC - Written by Koji/30+/15+yrs RP EXP - Canon/OC/AU/Non-selective - Multiship/Multiverse - Potential for NSFW themes like violence, death, blood, gore, etc.
Guidelines below cut for mobile
Most round here call me Koji. 32, EST. No triggers or anything, not big on smut, won’t do sexual content with minors, you know the drill. Discord/Skype available on request and totally feel free to drop me an IM here on Tumblr whenever.
Mutuals only, but I'm not really super selective or anything so odds are I'll start writing with you and follow you back. Don’t own anything but my writing unless otherwise stated.
I’m not the most active dude in the world, so expect sudden poofs and such. Life keeps me busy and I don’t always have the energy for tumblring. Up for one-liners, semi-para, multi-para, whatever. Most comfortable in the middle on the regular. I typically use icons, but feel free to use whatever else–gifs, special formatting, special font sizes, etc–you want, if anything at all. The writing is what matters most to be honest. I do love plotting stuff out, but I’m certainly not above just throwing our characters together and seeing what happens. I also love coming up with pre-existing relationships, because some really interesting dynamics and narrative opportunities can come from them. Besides that; dont god-mod, don’t be a dick, yadda yadda, and we should get along fine. Cool? Cool.
Not big on writing smut, so fade to blacks will likely be the go to after things get to a certain point. Also not gonna do it at all with those under 18. As for non-smut stuff like heavy violence, blood, gore, etc, I’m all for them. In all regards, read mores will be the main method of coverage. If you need anything in particular tagged, lemme know and I’ll be happy to accommodate.
As far as ships go, I prefer them to be developed over time. It just takes the right–and I know you’ve likely seen this word everywhere on this site but it is just so fitting–chemistry. If my muse and another muse manage to click in the right way, I’m all for exploring where it could go.
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beizhuo · 3 years
✔ :right_point: :left_point:
❥ ;  quick & easy plotting guide │ always accepting !
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
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My muse(s): baizhu !  - ( also  this  may  be  common  knowledge  for  most  of  my  mutuals  here  ,  but  this  is  not  my  main  blog  .  what  isn’t  common  knowledge  is  that  i  do  ,  in  fact  ,  have  a  genshin  oc  located  on  my  main  blog  -  a  multi  .  i  may  bring  him  up  every  now  and  then  ,  but  i  will  always  be  happy  to  talk  about  him  to  others  and  will  always  be  happy  to  discuss  my  other  muses   as  well  ,  one  need  only  ask  ,  &  sometimes  i  may  offer  /  suggest  my  other  muses  .  i  only  bring  it  up  now  for  you  &  others  to  see  but  if  you  or  anybody  else  wants  me  to  ,  just  ask  if  you  want  me  to  list  what  other  muses  that  i  may  think  will  work  with  you  &  your  muse  ,  since  this  is  a  baizhu  blog  ,  i  won’t  answer  this  in  detail  again  unless  prompted )
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse - i  think  this  goes  without  saying  ,  but  i  do  interact  with  a  duplicate  childe  .  however  ,  much  like  how  i  believe  each  interpretation  of  dupes  are  different  ,  i  know  very  little  about  your  childe  &  childe  in general  .  i  am  only  lvl  33  in  genshin  ,  so  i  dont  have  him  unlocked  for  a  boss  (  though  i  have  him  as  a  playable  character  cause  my  rng  is  blessed  to  be  forever  good  )  .  so  i  really  &  genuinely  do  not  know  much  about  childe  in general  .  aside  from  my  friend  ,  who  as  cried  to  me  about  him  ,  i  don’t  know  him  as  a  character  ,  and  as  said  previously  ,  each  interpretation   is  different  .  from  what  i  have  noticed  ,  you  have  a  very  specific  take  on  childe  ,  it  interests  me  cause  it’s  a  different  take  than  from  what  i  have  seen  .  so  please  ,  feel  free  to  come  &  talk  to  me  about  your  muse  .  i  promise  i  do  not  mind  .  despite  my  warning  label  that  i  will  bite  people  ,  i  really  don’t  .  i  love  it  when  people  come  to  me  to  cry  about  their  muses  .  you  are  more  than  welcome  to  go  off  about  childe  or  anything  else  to  me  .
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other seeing  as  we  are  both  rping  canon  genshin  characters  ,  i  will  automaically  assume  the  genshin  universe  .  but  i  dont  mind  alt.  verses  or  other  verses  in  general  .  i  prefer  practice  in  the  genshin  verse  though  since  i  just  started  writing  him  .
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship - i  am  a  plot  driven  writer  .  i  like  to  discuss  my  pre - est  relations  before  writing  them  as  i  am  more  comfortable  with  that  .  that  being  said  ,  my  ‘ on  the  fly ‘  interactions  are  normally  set  to  be  quite  random  and  generally  assumed  that  people  do  not  know  baizhu  ( or  my  characters  in  general )  i  am  lenient  otherwise  with  obvious  interactions  at  times  .  but  it  just  helps  to  discuss  before  hand  so  i  can  have  a  better  grip  on  my  muse  you  know  ?  
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other - aside  from  the  generic  stuff  ,  i  really  don’t  know  much  about  your  muse  so  i  don’t  know  what  to  go  off  of  .  baizhu  is  a  really  finicky  muse  as  he  doesn’t  have  friends  to  begin  with  .  childe  is  a  bit  on  the  younger  side  too  so  he  wouldn’t  see  him  as  an  interest  ?  however  ,  i  do  see  that  they  could  have  a  more  unhealthy  relationship  with  each  other  .  baizhu  is  not  a  nice  guy  okay  ?  he  can  be  quite  manipulative  .  and  perhaps  i  feel  like  childe  can  be  as  well  ?  so  ah  . . .  2  manipulators  in  the  same  room  ig  ??  and  that  can  be  kinda  funny  .  jokes  aside  though  ,  i  really  would  want  to  learn  more  about  your  interpretation  of  childe  because  it  helps  me  have  a  better  gauge  on  what  kind  of  relationship  these  two  could  have  .  what  i  have  bolded  is  simply  stuff  that  i  see  could  possibly  work  on  a  more  generic  setting  .
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other - see  above  responses  .
Feel free to: message me ooc !! | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests! - i really need people to come and approach me because otherwise i will not know if you want to interact nor will i know what you want to do .  please  read  this  again  ,  because  i  know  everybody  says  this  but  i  really  mean  it  .  i  really  don’t  stick  my  head  out  unless  you  do  or  you  grab  my  attention  .  i  know  that  i  can  be  intimidating  at  times  ,  but  i  promise  you  that  if  i  follow  you  i  do  want  to  interact  with  you  !  you  seem  like  a  very  excitable  person  and  thats  really  great  !  i  love  your  excitement  .  please  don’t  ever  hesitate  to  come  speak  to  me  about  anything  okay  ?  i  really  do  not  get  annoyed  with  the  bombardment  of  messages  .  nobody  will  ever  annoy  me  with  a  message  &  i  normally  respond  with  the  same  amount  (  if  not  more  )  of  enthusiasm  .  i  promise  you  that  i  do  actually  communicate  &  voice  things  .
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sasorikigai · 4 years
G U I D E L I N E S || R U L E S
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CATHEXIS - the concentration of mental energy on one particular person, idea, or object (especially to an unhealthy degree). Click the link to find out my muses’ unhealthy, manic obsessions.
Hello, I’m Kathy, INFJ, in her thirties. Thank you for following HANZO HASASHI (SCORPION), KUAI LIANG (SUB-ZERO), and FUJIN (SHINJIRO ISHIKAWA)  Satoshi Hasashi (Hanzo’s son) is a request-only muse as of now. 
Muse and mun are OF AGE and my muse(s) are CANON DIVERGENT, heavily headcanon-based, HIGHLY SELECTIVE and EXTREMELY PRIVATE (meaning I am a mutuals-only blog). I am EXTREMELY SELECTIVE, due to my preference with MULTI-PARA AND NOVELLA THREADS that explore in-depth internal characterizations and thought processes.
✔ crossovers, alternate universes, multiship, OCs, characters from other fandoms, communicating (is an absolute-must and a pivotal part of roleplaying).
✘ godmodding, infomodding, not respecting my boundaries and otps, only approaching me for romantic/sexual relationships.
I will not rp smut with anyone under 21 in any circumstances. And do not expect my muse to have a pre-established romantic/sexual relationship before discussing the matter with mun. I don’t tend to write shippy things from the start.
My native language IS NOT English and I am a very self-conscious mun, I will try my absolute best to make less errors. Though, I regard myself to be a highly literate person with visceral style of writing with high standards. If I ever do, please don’t hesitate to correct or tell me. It always helps to develop my language skills.
More info about mun;
Scorpion and Sub-Zero are intense characters, so plotting and communicating is extremely important and pivotal. I really don’t like to plot everything out beforehand, because the story becomes predictable and boring and I like the element of surprise (freeform, or winging it, whatever you want to call it). So I much prefer IC being much casual and more forgiving when it comes to it.
Don’t assume and read my stuff between me and my long-term partners and expect to get into such intimate and knowing relationship without ever get to knowing my muses. many weeks, if not months of development and back-to-back writing helped us to get there and if we only began threading each other? They are most likely going to be hostile and indifferent at times of what others are thinking/doing.
People don’t honestly play their villain as a villain and I have zero intention to bend my muse (especially for Scorpion’s verse where he’s a specter bound by Quan Chi’s dark sorcery), despite them thinking otherwise in his subconscious. Scorpion has twisted and warped sense of conscience and conscious and they will surely reflect on their introspection and internalization..
I try my absolute best to play them like canon in my interactions; because my replies may seem quicker to most people, but that does not mean I half-ass them or it takes less time to type them out. I try to be VERY IC (I try my absolute hardest), so don’t expect my character to be softened unless situations requires them to be so.
I WILL UNFOLLOW INACTIVE BLOGS AFTER A MONTH. Don’t take this personally; for I will refollow if you do decide to come back. I like to keep things on my dash at a minimal.
This blog is heavily NSFW and has lots of NSFW-related contents. Untagged nsfw materials include VIOLENCE, MURDER, BLOOD, MUTILATION, GORE and such. I am multiship and multiverse, meaning all the monogamy (both m/m and m/f) exists all in different timeline and nothing will overlap.
I don’t mind doing threads that are non-shippy, as long as my muse has interest in them. You will find a lot of SMUT, GORE, ANGST, VIOLENCE. I don’t tend to tag all the time, although I try to do the most of the time.
Anon function is off for the time being. And a good reason at that.
My muses are biromantic / demisexual and multiship. I am also open to multiship with other canon/OC characters as well. Of course, it all depends on chemistry. And romantic/sexual relationship isn’t a prerequisite when it comes to exploring their character nor I find it a necessity, because they are not very promiscuous characters, although the mun likes to write smut more than occasionally.
If you are not sure about something, then there’s always the ask box and IM for lengthy discussions. I am fine with writing codependent relationships, violence, gore and rape. Abuse (both physical and mental) is a big no-no for mun. It’s triggering and I still suffer from traumatic experiences from the past.
Primary fandom is Mortal Kombat Franchise as of now. I welcome any male and female OCs and characters from other fandoms. And I am more than eager to explore crossovers and creating alternate universes.
I highly prefer my replies to be at least THREE SUBSTANTIAL PARAGRAPHS, most frequently multi-para if the plot requires it or is necessary, although there will be times I will settle for two-para or even single para replies. And be a courteous person and do try to match the reply length. I will not tolerate three or four paragraphs reply to one or two sentences.
I will immediately drop the thread if my length isn’t matched, godmod or force ship. Overpowering immortal characters do not strike me as particularly intriguing either.
Exceptions of length-matching; if the thread requires more action than psychological stuff, if you’re more comfortable with short-length, we can discuss it but I don’t find one-liners particularly worthwhile to pursue.
I don’t mind if you tag musings, quotes and pictures for me to look at and once we become mutuals, I will do the same thing. Feel free to send me any asks and memes. Also, I take suggestions or requests for me to write drabbles, headcanons and plot bunnies for my threads.
I am more than happy to Discord or IM to plot (my preference is Discord). My timezone is Eastern Standard Time (EST) and my Discord is hanzilla#5863. My Discord is for mutuals only, and please let me know who you are. 
Please do not reblog the threads unless you are a participating member and headcanons are pertaining to my blog only (unless you are mentioned in them), they’re not meant to be spread and used at anyone’s whim.
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apexapricity · 2 years
——  basics! ♡
(PEN)NAME: Vega, tho I’m debating going by something else /shrug emoji. Not that I have anything picked out.
———  three  facts! ♡
I studied spanish and mandarin.
most of my time is spent gaming or rping.
i like the color purple a lot.
———  experience ! ♡
i’ve been writing/rping since I was ike 13. i’m too dumb to do the math on that. nor do i want to think about how old i am. started on neopets and rping with my irl friends. so its weird not to have irl friends who don’t rp. now all my friends are online whee. moved on to doing forum rp then tumblr rp. which i come and go from.
———  muse preference !  ♡
Lumine, my oc’s, orrr any of my VII characters. They are easiest to write for me. PLEASE feel free to request my other characters as well just know turn around time might be longer because they require me to actually use some of my brain power~ and I only have (1) brain cell.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  I enjoy it. Depends on the character though as some are softer than others in regards to touching or allowing others to touch them. Val is a big softy and very clingy if you let her. She’ honestly prefers to be constantly touching someone. why? dunno but physical touch is her love language and it makes her feel human. Lumine takes awhile to grow used to someone. Rosaria and Eula are both like ):< Jean is very uh...prim and proper and is always on the job and always professional TM. Shadow will shy away unless you’re one of her people. Oriane will likely bolt or lash out unless you’re hers.
ANGST: Eh, I only prefer it or enjoy it when it makes sense. I don’t enjoy needlessly throwing a characters life upside down just for kicks and giggles. It can be fun and interesting and encourage a lot of character development.
SMUT:  I like it when there’s like...trust between us muns so shit won’t be weird or cross any boundaries. I also enjoy when there’s already something pre-plotted out before hand. Though once something is a ship i’m less picky but I prefer long-term threads and rping it if it comes up naturally or is plotted for a scene.
PLOT / MEMES:  Both. literally im me and I can send you my discord if you want that or even just send me an ask like ‘hey do you have ideas for a plot?’ and i will go read your profile or whatever and type out at least a paragraph per character from my multi. The paragraph thing is only asks though. if you ask me otherwise i’ll probably just shrug and throw random nonsense at you incoherently.
I was tagged by Kae probably! Steal this if you want.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Fort Triumph Review — A Pyrrhic Victory
May 6, 2020 12:00 PM EST
A functional blend of fantasy-themed XCOM battles with Heroes of Might and Magic strategy, Fort Triumph replicates their concepts but without the depth.
Fort Triumph is a tough one for me to review. It does everything it set out to do and has some rock-solid ideas conceptually. Imagine a strategy game like Heroes of Might and Magic, but replacing the massed army combat with fantasy XCOM. The combination works well, and Fort Triumph borrows strongly from both parts to make something reasonably complete. But when all was said and done, I just found myself completely unable to particularly care for it. It should’ve been something I adored, on paper, and I suspect that others will get more from it. I just found nothing to cling to, though.
“But when all was said and done, I just found myself completely unable to particularly care for [Fort Triumph].”
Tactical battles are the heart of Fort Triumph. You’re presented with a grid-based field to which your party of heroes are deployed, then take turns moving your armies. Each character gets three action points which can be used in any order and combination. Moving will cost one point up to your range, but you can spend more to move further. Most abilities and attacks will cost two to use, barring a few exceptions. So you’ll move, attack, etc. until all your characters have expended their action points, then your turn is over and the enemy moves. Fairly straightforward.
The physics are the most unique draw to Fort Triumph’s battles. Much like XCOM, standing next to objects of various heights can give either half or full cover from attacks in that direction, making you tougher to hit or damage. In Fort Triumph, every character has at least one “physics” ability that can directly interact with objects, whether they be units or cover. If an object or unit gets moved by these and strikes something else, it’ll do damage and stun them for the next turn, making them unable to use abilities. This quickly becomes the best way to manage enemies and keep them from overwhelming you.
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This definitely makes for a less defensive approach to battles than XCOM. Cover is now a weapon that can be turned against you, so hiding behind a pillar will usually see it falling on you for huge damage instead. As such, I tended to play fast and direct, setting up chain stuns by pinballing objects between each other and controlling the field of battle. It’s a pretty neat idea, and definitely a good way of differentiating Fort Triumph from the crowd. This also makes sense, given that it was one of the key features of the original Kickstarter.
“Cover is now a weapon that can be turned against you, so hiding behind a pillar will usually see it falling on you for huge damage instead.”
Throughout the course of a game, you’ll build a party from any combination of four character classes: Mage, Paladin, Archer, and Barbarian. They play largely to their archetypes, gaining skill points as you level up. These skill points can be spent either learning new abilities, or upgrading the existing ones. Choosing a new ability will give you a choice out of three, with the order in which skills appear being random (and occasionally cross-class skills being an option). In theory, this keeps your characters varied in between playthroughs or squads. In practice, I couldn’t help but feel like my characters were becoming a homogenous blob. There were other factors to that though, like the story; we’ll get to that.
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Between battles, you’ll be presented with a map that’s lifted almost directly from Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Parties have a set amount of movement per turn, which you can use to traverse across the map and interact with the objects you’ll find there. Some grant you items or resources, others are battles with treasure stashed behind them. Ultimately, it serves as a means of getting into more fights and accumulating experience before throwing your parties at the enemy team, who is doing exactly the same.
Bolstering this are the cities and “farms” you’ll find. Claiming a city lets you spend the resources you’ve accumulated on buildings, upgrades, and new heroes or parties. You can maintain up to three parties, but this is a risk, as the encounters on the world map won’t respawn. It can be hard to effectively level up all of them. As for buildings, you can construct up to one per turn, and space is limited so you can’t gain everything. These will generally grant your units some kind of bonus, increase your resource generation, produce more defenders if the city is attacked, and so on.
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The buildings you have available are determined by your faction. There are four available, but as each of them have the same hero classes, these building abilities (and aesthetics) are the only real difference. I didn’t encounter any faction-specific skills for the heroes, so this seems to be a fairly minor feature at best.
Unfortunately, I found the overworld map to be fairly lackluster. The encounters are numerous and are usually only there to grind levels on. Challenge is minimal for most, unless you’re trying to level up a secondary party. Some of the items that can be found can change up your party capabilities quite extensively, but those are few and far between. Without the variety of units, armies, or options that something like Heroes of Might and Magic provided, Fort Triumph’s maps feel like little more than a shallow homage.
This is made all the worse by the enemy AI seemingly not playing the same game as me. They seemed to have no problem spawning pre-leveled enemies without regard to the cost. Did I beat up one of their roaming bands? It’s fine, they’ll deploy another a turn later. Losing my main party could seriously slow me down or see all my progress grind to a halt. If I’d already cleared the easy battles on the map, good luck to me.
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Thankfully, that didn’t happen often because the AI also doesn’t seem to utilise the physics system well. There’d occasionally be minor attempts, but nothing like the coordinated map manipulation and stun locking I was doing. Maybe this would change on higher difficulties, but given that I was already disadvantaged in resources and party spawns, I didn’t care to find out.
Fort Triumph’s campaign will start you with a party of three adventurers — Mage, Paladin, Archer — and your first objective will be to meet the Barbarian. From there, you’ll travel the map as new objectives are placed on it, culminating in you defeating the opposing group in their city. Act completed, and on to the next. You can keep the leveled “story” units and a single artifact or boon to the next stage.
“Without the variety of units, armies, or options that something like Heroes of Might and Magic provided, Fort Triumph’s maps feel like little more than a shallow homage.”
Story in Fort Triumph is extremely lacking. Most cutscenes and moments are little more than a chance to apply some tongue-in-cheek humour that, for me, missed more than it landed. The notion of pointing out the fantasy stereotypes and then subverting them or laughing about them doesn’t make them less cliched. In fact, a lot of mid-budget fantasy games seem to use this instead of actually telling their own story; just try and evoke Dungeon Keeper’s humour but do little else, to the point where such attempts seem more common than the stereotypes.
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In fairness, Fort Triumph did start making an attempt in Act 2 and onward. It started interspersing the jokes with attempts at moral quandaries, cynical statements on the way the nobles mistreat their peasants, and so on. Still, it was delivered amidst all the humour that made it really hard to want to take anything seriously.
This was even further hampered by the realisation that cutscenes specifically require a representative of each class to be present. They don’t need the individual characters, mind you; any old class member will do. Say the primary Paladin in your group was split from the party (or killed) prior to starting a story mission. No problem: the game will throw a level 1 Paladin into your party to fill in their lines. At that point, it’s kind of impossible to feel for said Paladin’s crisis of faith at learning of their order’s corruption when they aren’t the same character who discovered it. There was no attachment from that point onward for me.
There’s not much to say about Fort Triumph on the presentation front, either. The graphics are colourful and crisp, but don’t really have anything to make them stand out. Sounds are generic but effective, while the music is very limited and started growing repetitive extremely quickly.
Aside from the campaign, you can set up skirmish matches against the AI, or set up hotseat local co-op against them. There’s no online functionality, though Steam’s remote local play is enabled for it.
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“Fort Triumph is a perfectly serviceable game built on an interesting blend of concepts.”
So to summarise, Fort Triumph is a perfectly serviceable game built on an interesting blend of concepts. It just ultimately feels too shallow and uninteresting for me to find anything worth attaching to. Battles are entertaining, but quickly become grindy. There’s a lack of variety in the hero classes, even with their skill customisation; there’s no real cosmetic customisation beyond colours and gender, either.
  I almost feel bad that I walked away from it with such a negative sentiment. This clearly meant something to the team, but I just found it dull before too long. Perhaps there’s someone out there who will absolutely adore this game and praise it as a hidden gem.
Still, when you’re based so heavily on a fusion of two very good games, you really need to iterate on those ideas. There has to be something about the combination that stands out; otherwise, people will just compare you to your inspiration and end up going right back to those games. On that note, I just want to play more XCOM now.
May 6, 2020 12:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/05/fort-triumph-review-a-pyrrhic-victory/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fort-triumph-review-a-pyrrhic-victory
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Pokemon Roleplay
hey all, i’m wren and i'm forever looking for some pokemon rps!
about me i’m 23 and in EST, and i’ve been rping for twelve years or so i think! i write in third person past tense and i gravitate towards novella-style rping, with about 4-5 paragraphs at minimum for a reply. i like playing multiple characters and have no issue juggling side characters that come in and out of the rp. generally i reply at least once a day, but i’m a graduate student and sometimes things come up. i love tossing around headcanons or plot ideas or playlists or aus, and would love a partner who likes chatting about our characters too!
i would like to rp with someone 20 or older (or at least 18 or older) who has no problem writing 3+ paragraph replies. content is more important to me than length, so don’t ever feel the need to plump up your replies! i just want to have something to reply to. (:
characters and plot so like i said in the title, i’m only looking for pokemon rps right now! i would like to play OCs only, unless a canon character is essential to the plot. i play both male and female characters and would prefer someone who doesn’t just play one gender. i love playing a variety of characters, though i really like individuals who grow and change over the course of the plot! if you have a certain personality you’ve been wanting to play your OC against, just let me know. on the subject of, i’m a big fan of shipping, romance, etc. as long as it isn’t immediate and isn’t the sole focus on the rp! i have a preference for m// and f//, but m/f is fine. smut is great as well, though i have no problem fading to black or avoiding smut if that’s your preference. i don’t have any limits when it comes to violence, gore, and language, though just let me know if you have any!
i’m looking for a rp with the game’s vibe: pokemon not being able to talk, not everyone has super powerful pokemon, wild pokemon can be dangerous, and pokemon are used in areas outside of battling, such as in therapy and medicine. i have a wad of plot ideas written up if you’d be interested in building off of that, though i would also love to hear any ideas of yours! i love world building and plotting so i’m sure we’ll be able to work something out. some general ideas include:
pokemon go i’m hooked and i think it’s a cool premise. i’m totally open to playing team members, playing OCs of the team leaders, introducing villains, making a plot about the three birds, or playing willow and instinct/mystic/valor as a new villainous team.
the bad guy wins alternate universe in which some villainous team or another has accomplished their goal in changing the world forever. team magma has converted most of the planet to land. team aqua has forced the population to live underwater. team plasma has seized control of the region and made it illegal to own pokemon. team flare has eradicated most life and erected a dys/utopia. team cipher has made pure pokemon a rarity and taken political control of orre. i’d be up for trying team galactic making their new universe but that might get pretty trippy.
historical/medieval i love all of the stuff in kalos about kings and castles, and a rp taking place in the past would be rad. exploring how people tame and train pokemon without pokeballs, the role of battling in society, raising and breeding pokemon, fighting battles atop rapidashes and rhyhorns. i gravitate towards a more generic medieval setting, but i’m really up for exploring any era.
tournament i love tournaments so long as they don’t get bogged down by people getting too into making sure their character wins — which i’m hoping wouldn’t happen in a 1x1 haha. no real specific ideas here, but maybe there’s some sort of twist, like the tournament is rigged or is otherwise being held by corrupt individuals, and the victor doesn’t have a happy reward awaiting them. or something dark, like being forced to compete a la the hunger games or that short story “the lottery.” or maybe the tournament is a cover, like the victors are going to be send on an important errand.
new region/villainous team starting from scratch is always fun! playing as elite four members or gym leaders would be great, either in a new region or set in the future of a current region so things have been swapped. there could be a new threat from a team, perhaps with a classic crime-related goal, something genetic with crossbreeds, a cult bumping heads with cities, fanatics who think they’re in the right. plz give me the “professor is the team leader” twist i’ve always wanted.
mystery dungeon with people i don’t really enjoy playing just pokemon, but i’d love to do a mystery dungeon-style rp where it’s trainers and their partner pokemon forming a team and rescuing people. i’ve never played pokemon ranger so i’m not sure if that’s what that is haha. i’d be up to giving it a witcher sort of vibe of traveling between cities doing odd jobs, or a static team located at a base and is contacted when people need help.
fairytales and daemons this is probably gonna be weird but i love the random fairytale references in the games, like the one in lumiose city about beauty and the beast, except the prince was turned into a pokemon. i think i’d be cute to take popular fairytales and rework them within the pokemon universe. i also like the idea of animal companions you’re born with, and i’d be into reworking that with pokemon as well.
i also have some three-person rp ideas if you'd be up for doing a small group rp! i have a friend (kit) interested in rping these ideas with us, so if you're interested we can all meet and talk!
three person alola rp our characters would basically be three youngsters around eighteen, all coming in to work for professor kukui at the same time and traveling together, doing island trials and recording pokedex entries on commission. this would take place during the games, so they’d be catching pokemon and growing, and would all get involved in the team skull and whatever else debacle. after that’s all sorted away, our characters end up taking different paths in life and grow apart (kit’s gets involved with contests, mine stays with professor kukui to do research, and yours would be doing something else!). however after four or five years of separation, things once again come to a head. alola is hosting a large contest and festival (each region takes a turn hosting, and it’s alola’s year), and either team skull or some other villainous team strikes then. our characters end up having to come back together after years apart, bonding again, and defeating this evil together. we were hoping is that this would be a polyamorous plot. our characters are both male and you’re free to play whoever you want — male, female, nb, whatever! — but we’d love it if you were interested in all of our characters ending up together.
three person revolution-based this one leans on the his dark materials series in that all people are born with a partner pokemon called a guardian — it begins as a ditto than can shift into any pokemon, and then as the person matures it takes the form of a pokemon that matches that person's personality, and the guardian evolves as the person grows emotionally. an empire known as the vinzenz have been conquering territories in the land and subjecting the people to stripping — killing their guardian pokemon, and killing the guardian pokemon of all children born. our characters are people who are somehow thrown into this turmoil. maybe they're getting involved in a revolutionary movement, or forced to flee together, or otherwise experience some kind of call to action.
three person medieval johto the rp takes place in historical johto during medieval times, and the region is divided up into three theocracies, each one following the guidance of a different legendary dog. the rulers of these kingdoms believe themselves to be chosen by their legendary, and speak as a mouthpiece for what that legendary desires. relations between the three nations has been tumultuous and their wars have affected humans and pokemon both. the three dogs have decided to intervene and remedy this by selecting three actual chosen ones: one individual from each nation, to help set things right. these chosen ones find themselves together alone with their pokemon, their memories wiped, experiencing dreams about their legendary, and will slowly develop abilities connected to their legendary. my character has been chosen by entei, and kit's has been chosen by raikou, so you’d be playing the character chosen by suicune! your character can be any sort of individual, preferably in their 20s, from suicune’s nation. you’d be part of the plotting and world building, so no worries about trying to force yourself into a pre-created world.
other a lot of these ideas are only loosely based on pokemon, so if you'd want to do any of them with animal companions or mythical creatures or some kind of vaguely fantasy spin on it instead, just let me know! otherwise i think that’s pretty much it! i’d prefer to rp over email or google docs, and talk on hangouts for ooc stuff and general chatting! however i’m up to getting other messengers if that’s your preference.
if any of this interests you, drop me a line at [email protected]! looking forward to hearing from you! (:
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gabriellakirtonblog · 5 years
Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Personal Training Certifications in the United States
A certification doesn’t make you a good trainer. But it is the baseline qualification that allows you to work.
Many gyms won’t hire you unless you’re certified. And if you plan to train actual clients, you should be able to pass an entry-level training exam.
But passing the exam can seem easy compared with deciding which one to take in the first place.
That’s why we’ve assembled this master list of the top 16 personal trainer certifications in the U.S., weighing the pros and cons of each, to bring you the most comprehensive roundup of certifications you can find.
All are accredited by reputable organizations, suitable for beginners, and recognized by major commercial gyms. But that’s where the similarities end. You’ll find a wide range of price tags, study materials, exam requirements, and recertification needs.
We’ll take a deep dive into these criteria, highlighting some of the standouts from our list as we go. Finally, we’ll compare all the certifications in a handy chart at the end of this article.
What qualifications do you need to get a personal trainer certification?
How much does a personal trainer certification cost?
How long does it take to get a personal trainer certification?
What are the personal trainer certification study programs like?
What are the personal trainer certification exam requirements?
How long are personal trainer certifications good for?
Does it matter if the personal trainer certification is accredited?
What’s the best personal trainer certification?
Top Personal Trainer Certification Comparison Chart
 What qualifications do you need to get a personal trainer certification?
While many of these certifying bodies offer advanced and specialized certifications, our focus here is entry-level certifications. They’re best for those just starting their personal training careers. None require any degree or experience beyond high school.
If you do have a college degree, you could consider a more advanced option. For example, we list the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s personal trainer certification—the NSCA-CPT—which requires a high school diploma. But if you do have a bachelor’s degree (even if it’s not in an exercise-related field), you can go straight to the better-known and more prestigious CSCS.
Eligibility requirements vary from one program to the next, as you’ll see in our chart below. But in most cases, you’ll need to meet some or all of these prerequisites:
At least 18 years old
This makes sense, since most insurance companies won’t cover trainers who aren’t yet old enough to vote.
High school education
Nearly all want you to have your high school diploma or a GED.
CPR/AED certification
These are commonly combined into one program and easily attainable in one day.
Valid photo ID
You’ll need it to get into the testing center to take your exam. But if you’re 18 and don’t already have one, you probably shouldn’t consider a career in personal training.
How much does a personal trainer certification cost?
Getting certified can cost anywhere from $200 to $2,000, if you include study materials and other bells and whistles. And if you intend to stay certified, you’ll also want to factor in those costs. (More on that in a moment.)
The National Academy of Sports Medicine offers the most expensive study package on our list; its $1,999 all-inclusive package includes a 90-day job guarantee, 80 hours of hands-on experience with clients, and a step-by-step program to help you get started in the industry. But while the NASM is one of the most credible certifying bodies, paying more doesn’t guarantee prestige. You can get the priciest study packages from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) or NSCA—arguably the two most recognized organizations—for much less.
And with many of the certifications, you don’t have to pay for any study materials beyond the textbook.
A lot of the certifications offer payment plans, and many run regular promotions. For example, the National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) has sales with as much as 40 percent off its $500 sticker price.
If price matters to you, check online for special offers. Many offer discounts for college students, health club members, and military members and veterans.
How long does it take to get a personal trainer certification?
Certification programs can take weeks, months, or even years to complete, depending on the program and your personal pace.
ACSM and NSCA let you study as long as you like. Academy of Applied Personal Training Education (AAPTE) and National Personal Training Institute (NPTI) courses have pre-established schedules, so you go at the program’s pace. Others give you a time limit before your exam voucher expires (typically three months to a year), and you can take as long as you want within that window.
A tip for procrastinators: Commit to a date
“Knowing myself, I would have procrastinated and made excuses to avoid studying,” says Francis Neric, the ACSM’s national director of certification. “So I registered for an exam on a specific date, and that helped me prioritize my time and efforts.”
What are the personal trainer certification study programs like?
Do you prefer to study at home or in a classroom? Are you a bookworm or a hands-on learner? Do you like the convenience of digital or the tangibility of print? Answering these questions honestly can help inform your choice.
For example, the ACSM’s PrepU identifies your weak areas and adapts the study guide to focus on them. The American Council on Exercise offers a one-of-a-kind program called ACE Answers in which you get real-time help from study coaches through multiple channels, including live events and a Facebook group.
For a full-blown college experience, the AAPTE offers a six-week course culminating in a certification exam on an actual campus in New York. Students split their time between the lecture hall at Hofstra University and a nearby state-of-the-art fitness center, where they implement what they’ve learned.
Another unique option is the NPTI’s six-month course combining classroom instruction with hands-on practical experience at various locations around the country. CPR and AED certifications are included, so you don’t need them going in. And unlike every other organization on our list, NPTI graduates earn a diploma, not a certification. If you really hate exams, this is the pick for you.
What are the personal trainer certification exam requirements?
Most exams are done on a computer and proctored by a third party. However, some can be done online from home. Typically, you’re looking at 100 to 150 questions and about a two-hour time limit (give or take).
One test, however, is very different. To get certified by the American Fitness Professionals & Associates (AFPA), you must first complete 25 “assignment questions” with scenarios you might face as a trainer (such as program design), before moving on to some 250 to 300 questions. Luckily, you have 28 days to complete the online exam.
How long are personal trainer certifications good for?
For all but the NPTI, certifications must be renewed every one to four years. Recertification requires a specified number of CECs (continuing education credits) or CEUs (continuing education units), which are the same thing. Each organization has a different formula for figuring out how many you need, and how to calculate them.
You can fulfill them in multiple ways—attending seminars and events, taking quizzes, writing books or journal articles, or getting additional certifications.
Does it matter if the personal trainer certification is accredited?
Almost all the certifications on our list are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies, which is considered the most credible. But even if a credential doesn’t have the NCCA stamp of approval, it should be accredited by a reputable third-party organization. If it isn’t, it probably doesn’t meet objective standards for an educational program.
What’s the best personal trainer certification?
Wrong question.
What matters is which one is best for you. If, for example, you want to work for a particular facility or company, find out which credential they require or prefer. If you know you want to get into a specialized type of training, or work with a specific population, find out which certifications you need to get started.
Otherwise, think of certifications as stepping-stones. Each helps you gain knowledge, and proof that you acquired it. But ultimately, it doesn’t really matter which one you have. Clients certainly don’t care. What matters is what you do with it.
Top Personal Trainer Certification Comparison Chart
 Cert. bodyAAPTEACEACSMACTIONFull nameAcademy of Applied Personal Training EducationAmerican Council on ExerciseAmerican College of Sports MedicineACTION Personal Trainer CertificationEst.1996198519542014Best forThe science nerd. Combines scientific theory with hands-on training at Hofstra University in NYC.The one-on-one learner. Question? Just ask a study coach on Facebook or in a live virtual study session.The customizer. Lots of study options, including a quizzing program that gets harder as you improve.The bargain buyer. The most affordable certification that’s accredited by the NCCA.Exam-only cost$295$399Members: $279 Nonmembers: $349$99 plus $75 proctor feeStudy materials$995 (includes exam), plus $305 for prerequisite anatomy courseFrom $699 to $999 (all include exam)Textbooks: $49 to $78. PrepU study program: $65 to $95. Webinars and workshops also available.Packages for $99 to $249 (excludes proctor fee; platinum plan includes lifetime certification)Pre- requisites17 years old, valid ID, CPR/AED, anatomy course for those with no prior anatomy training18 years old, valid ID, HS/GED, CPR/AED18 years old, HS/GED, CPR/AEDCPR/AEDLength of program6 weeks; live course includes 58 classroom hours, 18 hours hands-on trainingUp to 6 monthsNo time limit, but PrepU levels are available for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or 2 yearsNo time limitTest procedure2.5 hours, 130 questions3 hours, 150 questions2.5 hours, 150 questions150 questions, 2.5 hoursRetest cost$110$199$175$75Recert. termsEvery 2 years, 15 CECs (at least 5 must be from AAPTE)Every 2 years, 2 CECs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Every 3 years, 45 CECs (equal to 45 hours of continuing education)Every 2 years, 2 CECs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Recert. cost$85$129$45$65, or free for platinum plan members
 Cert. bodyAFAAAFPAIFPAFull nameAthletics & Fitness Association of AmericaAmerican Fitness Professionals & AssociatesInternational Fitness Professionals AssociationEst.198319941994Best forThe virtual virtuoso. Online course with video lectures, downloadable study guide, and online exam.The military vet. Offers reimbursement for military members (and spouses) on all 200 certifications.The self-starter. Primarily self-study, and you work with the testing dept. to set up your exam location.Exam-only costNo separate price listed$250$349Study materials$499 (includes exam), plus $79 for official textbookFrom $499 (includes exam)Packages from $449 to $1,049 (all include exam)Pre- requisitesValid ID, HS/GED, CPR/AED18 years old, HS/GED18 years old, HS/GED, CPRLength of programUp to 1 yearUp to 6 monthsUp to 6 monthsTest procedure120 questions plus practical portion; internet, webcam, and microphone required25 assignments (e.g., program design) plus 250 to 300 questions; 28-day time limit; test done online1 hour, 40 minutes; 105 questionsRetest costUnclear$75$75Recert. termsEvery 2 years, 15 CEUs (equal to 15 hours of continuing education; 2 CEUs must be from AFAA courses)Every 2 years, 16 CECs (equal to 16 hours of continuing ed)Every year, 12 CEUs (equal to 12 hours of learning); up to 6 can come from outside IFPARecert. cost$99 for 2 years, or $329 for life$85$25
 Cert. bodyISSANASMNCCPTFull nameInternational Sports Sciences AssociationNational Academy of Sports MedicineNational Council for Certified Personal TrainersEst.198819871995Best forThe rookie. Includes free professional website, job search assistance, and money-back job promise.The post-rehab trainer. Stresses muscle imbalance and corrective exercise to suit a diverse clientele.The commercial trainer. Emphasizes gym-specific skills like how to approach people on the gym floor.Exam-only costNo separate price listed$599$240, plus $79 proctor fee (or $25 for online)Study materials$799 (includes exam)Packages from $699 to $1,999 (all include exam)Packages from $480 to $640 (all include exam but not proctor fee; 2-day live workshop available)Pre- requisitesHS/GED, CPR/AEDValid ID, HS/GED, CPR/AED18 years old, valid ID, CPRLength of programUp to 6 months (2-month extension free on request)Up to 180 daysUp to 6 monthsTest procedureInfo unavailable; reps say the exam is undergoing changes and they will update us when ready2 hours, 120 questions2 hours, 140 questionsRetest cost1st retake free, $50 after that$199$99Recert. termsEvery 2 years, 20 CEUs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Every 2 years, 2 CEUs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Every 2 years, 2 CEUs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Recert. costFree if credits earned via ISSA. Otherwise, $99$99 for 2 years, or $329 for life$75
Cert. bodyNCSFNESTANETAFull nameNational Council on Strength & FitnessNational Exercise & Sports Trainers AssociationNational Exercise Trainers AssociationEst.199519921977Best forThe academic. College-level theory meets critical thinking in a course taught at more than 200 schools.The techie. Maybe the only program that teaches you to use tech, like heart-rate monitors, for peak results.The niche coach. Hone expertise with specialty certifications like barre, kettlebell, or senior fitness.Exam-only cost$299$349$349Study materialsPackages from $499 to $585 (all include exam; some include 2-day workshop)Packages from $399 to $997 (all include exam)Packages for $79 or $199 (exam excluded), or from $399 to $499 (exam included).Pre- requisites18 years old, HS/GED18 years old, valid ID, HS/GED, CPR/BLS18 years old or HS/GED, CPR/AEDLength of programUp to 6 monthsUp to 90 daysUp to 1 yearTest procedure3 hours, 150 questions2 hours, 125 questions2 hours, 120 questionsRetest cost$99$199$99Recert. termsEvery 2 years, 10 CEUs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Every 4 years, 4 CEUs (equal to 40 hours of continuing education)Every 2 years, 20 CECsRecert. cost$75$149$55
Cert. bodyNFPTNPTINSCAFull nameNational Federation of Professional TrainersNational Personal Training InstituteNational Strength and Conditioning AssociationEst.198819971978Best forThe lifelong student. User-friendly recertification program includes some free CECs.The hands-on learner. Features practical experience in a fitness facility.The coach who aspires to work with athletes (“strength and conditioning” is in the name).Exam-only cost$199Not applicableMembers: $300 Nonmembers: $435Study materialsPackages for $349 or $449 (both include exam)Varies by locationPackages from $287 to $507 (all exclude exam)Pre- requisites18 years old, HS/GED18 years old, HS/GED, application plus $75 fee, clean bill of health from physician18 years old, valid ID, HS/GED, CPR/AEDLength of programUp to 1 year6 months full-time, or 1 year part-time (weekends only)Self-paced, though 6 to 9 months recommended for total beginnersTest procedure2 hours, 120 questionsNo test. Grads earn a diploma and may choose to take an exam from a separate certifying body3 hours, 155 questionsRetest cost$119Not applicableMembers: $300 Nonmembers: $435Recert. termsEvery year, 2 CECs (equal to 10 hours of continuing education)Not applicableEvery 3 years, 6 CEUs (equal to 60 hours of continuing education)Recert. cost$85Not applicableMembers: $65 Nonmembers: $90
  If You’re an Online Trainer or Want to Be, This Course Is for You
Most trainers know that they can make more in less time with better schedules by working part- or full-time online. But they need help figuring out how to start, and grow, an online training business.
Over the past six years, the Online Trainer Academy has helped over 10,000 trainers earn their freedom by intelligently growing an online training business.
Today, I invite you to join our FREE 4-DAY MINI COURSE on taking the first steps toward becoming a successful online trainer. We guarantee it will provide the blueprint for the next stage in your career, and you’ll learn how to:
✅ GAIN CLARITY with two core truths you must follow (includes an action plan)
✅ Avoid the biggest mistake that virtually every naive online trainer makes
✅ Gain the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE you deserve by finding your 1% Uniqueness Factor (and make InstaTrainers irrelevant)
Access it here: https://onlinetraineracademy.theptdc.com/free-intro/
The post Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Personal Training Certifications in the United States appeared first on The PTDC.
Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Personal Training Certifications in the United States published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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fitono · 5 years
Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Personal Training Certifications in the United States
A certification doesn’t make you a good trainer. But it is the baseline qualification that allows you to work.
Many gyms won’t hire you unless you’re certified. And if you plan to train actual clients, you should be able to pass an entry-level training exam.
But passing the exam can seem easy compared with deciding which one to take in the first place.
That’s why we’ve assembled this master list of the top 16 personal trainer certifications in the U.S., weighing the pros and cons of each, to bring you the most comprehensive roundup of certifications you can find.
All are accredited by reputable organizations, suitable for beginners, and recognized by major commercial gyms. But that’s where the similarities end. You’ll find a wide range of price tags, study materials, exam requirements, and recertification needs.
We’ll take a deep dive into these criteria, highlighting some of the standouts from our list as we go. Finally, we’ll compare all the certifications in a handy chart at the end of this article.
What qualifications do you need to get a personal trainer certification?
How much does a personal trainer certification cost?
How long does it take to get a personal trainer certification?
What are the personal trainer certification study programs like?
What are the personal trainer certification exam requirements?
How long are personal trainer certifications good for?
Does it matter if the personal trainer certification is accredited?
What’s the best personal trainer certification?
Top Personal Trainer Certification Comparison Chart
 What qualifications do you need to get a personal trainer certification?
While many of these certifying bodies offer advanced and specialized certifications, our focus here is entry-level certifications. They’re best for those just starting their personal training careers. None require any degree or experience beyond high school.
If you do have a college degree, you could consider a more advanced option. For example, we list the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s personal trainer certification—the NSCA-CPT—which requires a high school diploma. But if you do have a bachelor’s degree (even if it’s not in an exercise-related field), you can go straight to the better-known and more prestigious CSCS.
Eligibility requirements vary from one program to the next, as you’ll see in our chart below. But in most cases, you’ll need to meet some or all of these prerequisites:
At least 18 years old
This makes sense, since most insurance companies won’t cover trainers who aren’t yet old enough to vote.
High school education
Nearly all want you to have your high school diploma or a GED.
CPR/AED certification
These are commonly combined into one program and easily attainable in one day.
Valid photo ID
You’ll need it to get into the testing center to take your exam. But if you’re 18 and don’t already have one, you probably shouldn’t consider a career in personal training.
How much does a personal trainer certification cost?
Getting certified can cost anywhere from $200 to $2,000, if you include study materials and other bells and whistles. And if you intend to stay certified, you’ll also want to factor in those costs. (More on that in a moment.)
The National Academy of Sports Medicine offers the most expensive study package on our list; its $1,999 all-inclusive package includes a 90-day job guarantee, 80 hours of hands-on experience with clients, and a step-by-step program to help you get started in the industry. But while the NASM is one of the most credible certifying bodies, paying more doesn’t guarantee prestige. You can get the priciest study packages from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) or NSCA—arguably the two most recognized organizations—for much less.
And with many of the certifications, you don’t have to pay for any study materials beyond the textbook.
A lot of the certifications offer payment plans, and many run regular promotions. For example, the National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) has sales with as much as 40 percent off its $500 sticker price.
If price matters to you, check online for special offers. Many offer discounts for college students, health club members, and military members and veterans.
How long does it take to get a personal trainer certification?
Certification programs can take weeks, months, or even years to complete, depending on the program and your personal pace.
ACSM and NSCA let you study as long as you like. Academy of Applied Personal Training Education (AAPTE) and National Personal Training Institute (NPTI) courses have pre-established schedules, so you go at the program’s pace. Others give you a time limit before your exam voucher expires (typically three months to a year), and you can take as long as you want within that window.
A tip for procrastinators: Commit to a date
“Knowing myself, I would have procrastinated and made excuses to avoid studying,” says Francis Neric, the ACSM’s national director of certification. “So I registered for an exam on a specific date, and that helped me prioritize my time and efforts.”
What are the personal trainer certification study programs like?
Do you prefer to study at home or in a classroom? Are you a bookworm or a hands-on learner? Do you like the convenience of digital or the tangibility of print? Answering these questions honestly can help inform your choice.
For example, the ACSM’s PrepU identifies your weak areas and adapts the study guide to focus on them. The American Council on Exercise offers a one-of-a-kind program called ACE Answers in which you get real-time help from study coaches through multiple channels, including live events and a Facebook group.
For a full-blown college experience, the AAPTE offers a six-week course culminating in a certification exam on an actual campus in New York. Students split their time between the lecture hall at Hofstra University and a nearby state-of-the-art fitness center, where they implement what they’ve learned.
Another unique option is the NPTI’s six-month course combining classroom instruction with hands-on practical experience at various locations around the country. CPR and AED certifications are included, so you don’t need them going in. And unlike every other organization on our list, NPTI graduates earn a diploma, not a certification. If you really hate exams, this is the pick for you.
What are the personal trainer certification exam requirements?
Most exams are done on a computer and proctored by a third party. However, some can be done online from home. Typically, you’re looking at 100 to 150 questions and about a two-hour time limit (give or take).
One test, however, is very different. To get certified by the American Fitness Professionals & Associates (AFPA), you must first complete 25 “assignment questions” with scenarios you might face as a trainer (such as program design), before moving on to some 250 to 300 questions. Luckily, you have 28 days to complete the online exam.
How long are personal trainer certifications good for?
For all but the NPTI, certifications must be renewed every one to four years. Recertification requires a specified number of CECs (continuing education credits) or CEUs (continuing education units), which are the same thing. Each organization has a different formula for figuring out how many you need, and how to calculate them.
You can fulfill them in multiple ways—attending seminars and events, taking quizzes, writing books or journal articles, or getting additional certifications.
Does it matter if the personal trainer certification is accredited?
Almost all the certifications on our list are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies, which is considered the most credible. But even if a credential doesn’t have the NCCA stamp of approval, it should be accredited by a reputable third-party organization. If it isn’t, it probably doesn’t meet objective standards for an educational program.
What’s the best personal trainer certification?
Wrong question.
What matters is which one is best for you. If, for example, you want to work for a particular facility or company, find out which credential they require or prefer. If you know you want to get into a specialized type of training, or work with a specific population, find out which certifications you need to get started.
Otherwise, think of certifications as stepping-stones. Each helps you gain knowledge, and proof that you acquired it. But ultimately, it doesn’t really matter which one you have. Clients certainly don’t care. What matters is what you do with it.
Top Personal Trainer Certification Comparison Chart
 Cert. bodyAAPTEACEACSMACTIONFull nameAcademy of Applied Personal Training EducationAmerican Council on ExerciseAmerican College of Sports MedicineACTION Personal Trainer CertificationEst.1996198519542014Best forThe science nerd. Combines scientific theory with hands-on training at Hofstra University in NYC.The one-on-one learner. Question? Just ask a study coach on Facebook or in a live virtual study session.The customizer. Lots of study options, including a quizzing program that gets harder as you improve.The bargain buyer. The most affordable certification that’s accredited by the NCCA.Exam-only cost$295$399Members: $279 Nonmembers: $349$99 plus $75 proctor feeStudy materials$995 (includes exam), plus $305 for prerequisite anatomy courseFrom $699 to $999 (all include exam)Textbooks: $49 to $78. PrepU study program: $65 to $95. Webinars and workshops also available.Packages for $99 to $249 (excludes proctor fee; platinum plan includes lifetime certification)Pre- requisites17 years old, valid ID, CPR/AED, anatomy course for those with no prior anatomy training18 years old, valid ID, HS/GED, CPR/AED18 years old, HS/GED, CPR/AEDCPR/AEDLength of program6 weeks; live course includes 58 classroom hours, 18 hours hands-on trainingUp to 6 monthsNo time limit, but PrepU levels are available for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or 2 yearsNo time limitTest procedure2.5 hours, 130 questions3 hours, 150 questions2.5 hours, 150 questions150 questions, 2.5 hoursRetest cost$110$199$175$75Recert. termsEvery 2 years, 15 CECs (at least 5 must be from AAPTE)Every 2 years, 2 CECs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Every 3 years, 45 CECs (equal to 45 hours of continuing education)Every 2 years, 2 CECs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Recert. cost$85$129$45$65, or free for platinum plan members
 Cert. bodyAFAAAFPAIFPAFull nameAthletics & Fitness Association of AmericaAmerican Fitness Professionals & AssociatesInternational Fitness Professionals AssociationEst.198319941994Best forThe virtual virtuoso. Online course with video lectures, downloadable study guide, and online exam.The military vet. Offers reimbursement for military members (and spouses) on all 200 certifications.The self-starter. Primarily self-study, and you work with the testing dept. to set up your exam location.Exam-only costNo separate price listed$250$349Study materials$499 (includes exam), plus $79 for official textbookFrom $499 (includes exam)Packages from $449 to $1,049 (all include exam)Pre- requisitesValid ID, HS/GED, CPR/AED18 years old, HS/GED18 years old, HS/GED, CPRLength of programUp to 1 yearUp to 6 monthsUp to 6 monthsTest procedure120 questions plus practical portion; internet, webcam, and microphone required25 assignments (e.g., program design) plus 250 to 300 questions; 28-day time limit; test done online1 hour, 40 minutes; 105 questionsRetest costUnclear$75$75Recert. termsEvery 2 years, 15 CEUs (equal to 15 hours of continuing education; 2 CEUs must be from AFAA courses)Every 2 years, 16 CECs (equal to 16 hours of continuing ed)Every year, 12 CEUs (equal to 12 hours of learning); up to 6 can come from outside IFPARecert. cost$99 for 2 years, or $329 for life$85$25
 Cert. bodyISSANASMNCCPTFull nameInternational Sports Sciences AssociationNational Academy of Sports MedicineNational Council for Certified Personal TrainersEst.198819871995Best forThe rookie. Includes free professional website, job search assistance, and money-back job promise.The post-rehab trainer. Stresses muscle imbalance and corrective exercise to suit a diverse clientele.The commercial trainer. Emphasizes gym-specific skills like how to approach people on the gym floor.Exam-only costNo separate price listed$599$240, plus $79 proctor fee (or $25 for online)Study materials$799 (includes exam)Packages from $699 to $1,999 (all include exam)Packages from $480 to $640 (all include exam but not proctor fee; 2-day live workshop available)Pre- requisitesHS/GED, CPR/AEDValid ID, HS/GED, CPR/AED18 years old, valid ID, CPRLength of programUp to 6 months (2-month extension free on request)Up to 180 daysUp to 6 monthsTest procedureInfo unavailable; reps say the exam is undergoing changes and they will update us when ready2 hours, 120 questions2 hours, 140 questionsRetest cost1st retake free, $50 after that$199$99Recert. termsEvery 2 years, 20 CEUs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Every 2 years, 2 CEUs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Every 2 years, 2 CEUs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Recert. costFree if credits earned via ISSA. Otherwise, $99$99 for 2 years, or $329 for life$75
Cert. bodyNCSFNESTANETAFull nameNational Council on Strength & FitnessNational Exercise & Sports Trainers AssociationNational Exercise Trainers AssociationEst.199519921977Best forThe academic. College-level theory meets critical thinking in a course taught at more than 200 schools.The techie. Maybe the only program that teaches you to use tech, like heart-rate monitors, for peak results.The niche coach. Hone expertise with specialty certifications like barre, kettlebell, or senior fitness.Exam-only cost$299$349$349Study materialsPackages from $499 to $585 (all include exam; some include 2-day workshop)Packages from $399 to $997 (all include exam)Packages for $79 or $199 (exam excluded), or from $399 to $499 (exam included).Pre- requisites18 years old, HS/GED18 years old, valid ID, HS/GED, CPR/BLS18 years old or HS/GED, CPR/AEDLength of programUp to 6 monthsUp to 90 daysUp to 1 yearTest procedure3 hours, 150 questions2 hours, 125 questions2 hours, 120 questionsRetest cost$99$199$99Recert. termsEvery 2 years, 10 CEUs (equal to 20 hours of continuing education)Every 4 years, 4 CEUs (equal to 40 hours of continuing education)Every 2 years, 20 CECsRecert. cost$75$149$55
Cert. bodyNFPTNPTINSCAFull nameNational Federation of Professional TrainersNational Personal Training InstituteNational Strength and Conditioning AssociationEst.198819971978Best forThe lifelong student. User-friendly recertification program includes some free CECs.The hands-on learner. Features practical experience in a fitness facility.The coach who aspires to work with athletes (“strength and conditioning” is in the name).Exam-only cost$199Not applicableMembers: $300 Nonmembers: $435Study materialsPackages for $349 or $449 (both include exam)Varies by locationPackages from $287 to $507 (all exclude exam)Pre- requisites18 years old, HS/GED18 years old, HS/GED, application plus $75 fee, clean bill of health from physician18 years old, valid ID, HS/GED, CPR/AEDLength of programUp to 1 year6 months full-time, or 1 year part-time (weekends only)Self-paced, though 6 to 9 months recommended for total beginnersTest procedure2 hours, 120 questionsNo test. Grads earn a diploma and may choose to take an exam from a separate certifying body3 hours, 155 questionsRetest cost$119Not applicableMembers: $300 Nonmembers: $435Recert. termsEvery year, 2 CECs (equal to 10 hours of continuing education)Not applicableEvery 3 years, 6 CEUs (equal to 60 hours of continuing education)Recert. cost$85Not applicableMembers: $65 Nonmembers: $90
  If You’re an Online Trainer or Want to Be, This Course Is for You
Most trainers know that they can make more in less time with better schedules by working part- or full-time online. But they need help figuring out how to start, and grow, an online training business.
Over the past six years, the Online Trainer Academy has helped over 10,000 trainers earn their freedom by intelligently growing an online training business.
Today, I invite you to join our FREE 4-DAY MINI COURSE on taking the first steps toward becoming a successful online trainer. We guarantee it will provide the blueprint for the next stage in your career, and you’ll learn how to:
✅ GAIN CLARITY with two core truths you must follow (includes an action plan)
✅ Avoid the biggest mistake that virtually every naive online trainer makes
✅ Gain the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE you deserve by finding your 1% Uniqueness Factor (and make InstaTrainers irrelevant)
Access it here: https://onlinetraineracademy.theptdc.com/free-intro/
The post Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Personal Training Certifications in the United States appeared first on The PTDC.
Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Personal Training Certifications in the United States published first on https://medium.com/@MyDietArea
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lorrainecparker · 7 years
Review: RØDE AI–1 interface—preamp and A-to-D/D-to-A converter
As promised after teasing it in my recent RØDE NT1 microphone review, here is the RØDE AI–1 interface—preamp and bidirectional A-to-D/D-to-A converter. For the newcomers, A-to-D means analog-to-digital… and D-to-A means digital-to-analog. Since you already heard how it sounds with little stress in my recent NT1 microphone review, in this article I’ll share a test recording done with a dynamic microphone to stress the AI–1 to its worse case scenario, together with a video from RØDE. I’ll also share a comparison chart with the iRig Pre HD from IK Multimedia I reviewed recently and with the Tascam US–1X2, so you can see how the compare spec-by-spec and feature-by-feature.
Features and published specs of the AI–1
Computer Connectivity—USB Form Factor—Desktop Simultaneous I/O—1 x 2 Number of Preamps—1 Phantom Power—Yes Bit Depth—24-bit Sample Rates—44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz Analog Inputs—1 x  Neutrik XLR–1/4” combo Analog outputs: 2 x 1/4” (impedance balanced) 1 x 1/4” (headphones) Direct Monitor—Yes USB—1 x USB Type C Bus Powered—Yes OS Requirements—macOS 10.10 or later/Windows 7 or later Power—USB bus-powered Depth—100mm total (with knobs), chassis: 88mm Width—124mm Height—38mm Weight—560g (1 pound 3.7 ounces)
Dynamic Range—104dBA Equivalent Input Noise @ Maximum Gain (Source Impedance 150 ohms, 20Hz–20kHz, A-weighted) –128dBA Frequency Response (Measured after ADC)—20Hz – 20kHz better than ±1dB Gain Range—0dB – >45dB Input impedance—1.3k Ohms INSTRUMENT INPUT Dynamic Range—99dBA Frequency response (Measured after ADC)—20Hz – 20kHz better than ±1dB Gain range—0dB – >45dB Input impedance—900k Ohms
OUTPUTS MONITOR OUTPUTS Maximum Output Level— –6dBu Frequency response—20Hz – 20kHz better than ±1dB HEADPHONE Max output power at 1% THD—32Ohms – >210mW 300Ohms – >390mW
Comparison chart
iRig Pre HD IK AI–1 RØDE US–1X2 Tascam Max gain 60dB est. 45dB 57dB Supports 48 kHz & more sampling frequencies Yes Yes Yes Supports 24-bit resolution Yes Yes Yes 48-volt phantom power Yes Yes Yes Android/iOS compatible Yes No, per RØDE’s promotion Yes Latency-free monitoring* Yes Yes Yes Headphone output Yes Yes Yes Separate output for powered speakers No Yes Yes Price ±US$100 ±US$129 or ±US$80 in kit ±US$100
*See the next section to understand what I mean about latency-free monitoring.
  What I mean by “latency free” monitoring from a digital USB microphone, interface or mixer
To be extremely conservative, the only situation that is really “latency free” is when the signal remains analog. However, that’s not then way we use the term “latency free” when discussing digital USB microphones, interfaces or USB mixers on a practical level. When I refer to “latency free” monitoring in the devices I review (or in workflow articles like Monitoring challenges when using multiple digital USB mics simultaneously), I mean latency that is so low that it isn’t noticeable, as opposed to devices that are host-dependent and software dependent for monitoring.
Test recording
If you read and heard my recent Review: RØDE NT1 studio microphone, shockmount and pop filter, you already know how clean the AI–1 sounds with an electret condenser microphone with a high output level. However, the best way to test the quality of a preamplifier is to do so with a dynamic microphone, so the preamp will have to work much harder. Here is the test recording I made with the Pyle PDMIC78 dynamic microphone (see Build your dynamic microphone modularly: Pyle PDMIC78 with Shure accessories):
The above recording was made at the video standard of 48 kHz and with 24-bit resolution (See my Understanding 24-bit vs 16-bit audio production & distribution. It is an uncompressed WAV, so listen via Ethernet or WiFi, unless you have an unmetered data plan on your mobile device. The original recording was made at –12dB and it was later normalized to –16 LUFS, at 16-bit.
As indicated in the recording, I had to crank the AI–1’s gain potentiometer to 100% to get a –12dB recording level, because the maximum gain available from the AI–1 is only 45dB. In Erik Vlietinck’s review in Red Shark, he made a similar test with the RØDE AI–1 and a sE Electronics V7 dynamic mic and found that even after cranking the AI–1’s potentiometer gain to 100% (as I did with the Pyle PDMIC78), Erik unfortunately got an even lower level than the desired –12dB. Fortunately, even though I had to bring the AI-1 to 100% to achieve -12dB in the raw recording, the signal is extremely clean.
The RØDE AI–1 (Amazon — B&H) makes most sense with a microphone that have a very high output level, like the RØDE NT1 (Amazon — B&H) I recently reviewed. That is especially true since RØDE offers the AI–1 as a kit with the NT1 (B&H), where the AI–1 effectively ends up costing ±US$80, rather than ±US$129 if purchased by itself. If you already own a microphone you would like to connect via an interface (preamp with A-to-D converter) with a single XLR input, there are other highly-rated options, including the ones compared above, which offer more gain for much less than US$129. Those include the ±US$100 iRig Pre HD from IK Multimedia (reviewed here, Amazon — B&H) and the ±US$100 US–1X2 from Tascam (B&H). Of course, if you want to get an interface or mixer with two —or more than two— XLR inputs, you can consider one of the many I have reviewed or am about to review. Be sure to be on my mailing list to be notified of new review and workflow articles I publish.
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Stand by for upcoming articles, reviews, and books. Sign up to my free mailing list by clicking here. Most of my current books are at books.AllanTepper.com, and my personal website is AllanTepper.com.
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FTC disclosure
No manufacturer is specifically paying Allan Tépper or TecnoTur LLC to write this article or the mentioned books. Some of the other manufacturers listed above have contracted Tépper and/or TecnoTur LLC to carry out consulting and/or translations/localizations/transcreations. Many of the manufacturers listed above have sent Allan Tépper review units. So far, none of the manufacturers listed above is/are sponsors of the TecnoTur programs, although they are welcome to do so, and some are, may be (or may have been) sponsors of ProVideo Coalition magazine. Some links to third parties listed in this article and/or on this web page may indirectly benefit TecnoTur LLC via affiliate programs. Allan Tépper’s opinions are his own.
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The articles contained in the TecnoTur channel in ProVideo Coalition magazine are copyright Allan Tépper/TecnoTur LLC, except where otherwise attributed. Unauthorized use is prohibited without prior approval, except for short quotes which link back to this page, which are encouraged!
The post Review: RØDE AI–1 interface—preamp and A-to-D/D-to-A converter appeared first on ProVideo Coalition.
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
One Week With: 2018 Polaris Slingshot SLR LE
And now for something completely different. You’re gazing at a three-wheeled, open-cockpit two-seater that’s fully street-legal. But it’s not a car. It’s not a new, industrial-sized Veg-O-Matic, either. Nor is it an airplane or a spaceship or, despite all that “Lime Squeeze” paint, the flavor of Chuckles candy nobody wants. Nope, the Polaris Slingshot is technically an “auto-cycle.” In ten states, you need a motorcycle license to drive the Slingshot (in California, where I live, and most other states, a standard driver’s license is fine). And, not surprisingly, the Slingshot shares many motorcycle-like traits: You’re out there in the open, exposed to the wind, the bugs, and passing Escalades, the exhaust note riding along with you, so low to the ground you could reach out and paint lane stripes if you wanted. The difference is, on a motorcycle, people don’t usually gawk at you like you’re naked, Hollywood Star Tour buses don’t pull alongside so everyone can lean out the window and bag today’s Instagram, and passersby at stoplights don’t usually run over, tap you on the helmet, and yell, “What the hell is this thing?!”
I experienced all of that—and a lot more—driving the Slingshot around L.A. Maybe if I’d worn a mask and a cape people would’ve left me alone (“Oh, look. There goes Batman. He looks busy.”).
Minnesota-based Polaris may be best known for its snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles, but with the Slingshot it’s built something unlike almost anything else. I mean, the Campagna Motors T-Rex 16S has three wheels, but it starts at $58,000. The Ariel Atom is also low and wild and open, but it has four wheels—and costs a ton more. The Slingshot, in contrast, starts at just $19,999. And even my fully loaded SLR LE tester—including alloy wheels, 200-watt Rockford-Fosgate audio, 10-way adjustable Bilsteins, even touchscreen navigation—checks in at only $31K. That’s not a lot of bread to dazzle Hollywood tour buses or play superhero any time you want.
But the Slingshot is a lot more than just a striking piece of eye candy. It’s also a flat-out blast to drive. Inside the space-frame steel chassis sits a GM Ecotec 2.4-liter four-cylinder (which saw duty in the Pontiac Solstice) mated to a five-speed manual transmission. The numbers won’t take your breath away—173 horsepower, 166 pound-feet of torque—but the Slingshot weighs just 1,750 pounds, giving it a power-to-weight ratio not far off the BMW M2’s. Besides, it’s only got one drive wheel. Turn off traction control and the Ecotec will easily light up that poor, solo rear tire in first and second gears. The thing does donuts better than Krispy Kreme.
When I picked up my 17-year-old daughter from school, at first she wouldn’t even get in. “Is that thing really a car?” she asked. “I mean, there’s a wheel missing back here and … where are the doors?” Five minutes later, though, after she had taken few pictures, put on her helmet, and posted to social media while we motored home, my daughter’s smartphone lit up with replies from friends begging for a ride. Driving a Slingshot for a week is like borrowing a pet tiger cub. Everybody wants to come over and play.
Can you use the Slingshot as a car? Uh, sort of. The interior is fully waterproof, so don’t worry about the lack of a top when it rains, assuming you and your passenger are prepared to get soaked. Inboard seatbelts and big roll hoops provide welcome security. There’s a small, lockable cubby behind the seats, but storage space is pretty minimal.
That said, if you’re just looking to get somewhere, have at it. I actually braved L.A.’s fearsome 405 freeway in the Slingshot. The Polaris itself did just fine: The rear wheel—on a huge swing arm with a coil-over shock and fed by a carbon fiber-reinforced drive belt—skips a tad over really big bumps, but otherwise the vehicle tracks well, it’s impressively vibration-free, and it easily lopes along with traffic flowing well above the speed limit. But you feel so exposed. An errant Miata could crush the Slingshot—to say nothing of big sedan or an SUV. You’re on red alert all the time, scanning the mirrors, pre-selecting evasive routes, keeping a steely eye on the guy texting at the wheel in the next lane. I do all this in any vehicle, of course, but the stakes are higher when you’re sitting inches off the ground in little more than a big paper airplane. It doesn’t help that nearby motorists all swoop in for a closer look.
But the Slingshot doesn’t exist for commuting. It’s exists for generating g forces and grins—and on that score it delivers in spades. Up in Malibu, on some of SoCal’s best wriggly stuff, the SLR delivered a rush akin to piloting a single-seat formula car on a track. It turns-in fast (steering is power-assisted), and it’s remarkably stable through quick corners. That single 305/30ZR20 Kenda SS-799 rear tire hangs on mightily, way better than I expected (switch off traction control, though, and the rear end gets really playful). The wind blasts at your helmet, the engine roars, the five-speed shifter snicks neatly through up or downshifts, the ABS-equipped, vented disc brakes are robust and without fade. And that view! This is motoring in full IMAX—with Dolby Atmos sound. You couldn’t be more “one” with the road unless you were riding a 173-horsepower skateboard.
Frankly, the Slingshot puts a lot of conventional sports cars to shame. In comparison, they feel big, clumsy, remote. The Slingshot is anything but: Driving it is as immediate as grabbing a live electric wire. There’s something undeniably wonderful about a motoring machine with so few pretenses, such pure dedication to driving joy. Just enough wheels to keep it level, an ultra-light frame dressed in flamboyant body panels, two seats, and horsepower aplenty to keep you feeling that afternoon mountain-roads blast even when you’re lying in bed at night. And all at a sticker price that screams, “You can afford me!”
But remember: Buy a cape, too. When people see the Slingshot, they kind of expect it.
2018 Polaris Slingshot SLR LE Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $30,999/$30,999 (base/as-tested) ENGINE 2.4 DOHC 16-valve I-4/173 hp @ 6,200 rpm, 166 lb-ft @ 4,700 rpm TRANSMISSION 5-speed manual LAYOUT 0-door, 2-passenger, front-engine, RWD motorcycle EPA MILEAGE N/A mpg (city/hwy) L x W x H 149.6 x 77.9 x 51.9 in WHEELBASE 105.0 in WEIGHT 1,750 lb 0-60 MPH 4.8 sec (est) TOP SPEED 130 mph (est)
 The post One Week With: 2018 Polaris Slingshot SLR LE appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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ravereviewbiz · 7 years
Social Traffic Jacker
What is Social Traffic Jacker?
Social Traffic Jacker is cloud-based software that enables you to automatically share high authority content with your offers or optin with every shared link.
Click Here to Register for the Pre-launch Webinar
Launch Date: June 6, 2017
Launch Time: 11am EST (pre-launch webinar is at 10am EST)
Launch Price: $27 – $47
Upgrades: Social & Optin Lockers and Double Campaigns, Post to Additional Sites, Pro Marketer Power Feature Package, Agency Level
Product Creators: Anthony Hayes and Andrew Darius
Unlike other site hijacking software, Social Traffic Jacker adds automation via RSS feeds of high authority content to the mix so that you can easily create automated, non-stop posting of high quality content with your links, offers and optins on top.
Anthony created an in-depth demo. Watch this…
Social Traffic Jacker Product Funnel:
Front End – The base product enables you to post to Facebook (timeline, groups and pages), Twitter and Instagram. The base product gives you 3 purchase options. The only difference between the 3 options is the number of campaigns. You can choose between 5 campaigns, 10 campaigns or 25 campaigns.
Upgrade 1 – This upgrade doubles the number of campaigns and adds social and optin locker capabilities. The locker feature enables you to lock the content being shared unless the user either shares it or opts in.
Upgrade 2 – This upgrade enables you to post to additional social networks, including Pinterest, Reddit and LinkedIn.
Upgrade 3 – This upgrade adds a second call-to-action option, exit redirect, Amazon affiliate capability, additional campaigns and ongoing feature upgrades.
Upgrade 4 – This upgrade gives you unlimited social accounts and 100 more campaigns.
What I like about Social Traffic Jacker:
Ever since I started using site jacking software I have always wanted to automate it with RSS feeds. I just never had the time or resources to make it happen.
So, the main thing I like about Social Traffic Jacker is that it is an automated system. Once you set up your actions and create your campaign you are done…besides making tweaks.
Setting up Social Traffic Jacker is pretty straight forward…
Add your social accounts – For Facebook I recommend creating your own Facebook App – they provide instructions.
Add your domain(s) – I recommend purchasing an $0.88 domain from Namecheap that relates to your target niche. For example, I bought seonews.today and will promote SEO content and SEO products.
Add an action(s) – Choose between an Optin Form, Video with CTA link, Image, Social Locker, Breaking News or Join the Revolution. Breaking News is a video or image with a CTA overlay (pretty cool). Join the Revolution is an image with a CTA overlay.
Create your campaign – Here’s where you add your high authority RSS feed, add text to the post, add your action(s) (this is where you can split test your offers), define the social accounts you would like to post to, set which domain to post from and add a tracking pixel.
That’s it!
Now every time that high quality content source posts a new article it will automatically be tweeted or posted with your offer.
With the built-in split testing you can monitor which offers (actions) convert the best and then tweak your campaign accordingly to get the most from it.
This is a powerful system that if setup with the right content, the right offer and put in front of the right audience could create truly passive income.
What I don’t like about Social Traffic Jacker:
Some websites have coding in place that prevent site jacking from working correctly.
The primary thing that I could not find a way to do in Social Traffic Jacker was preview the “jacked” link. This means I have to setup a campaign and let it publish a link before I know if it works correctly.
For some people that might be OK but for others it won’t be.
As a workaround my suggestion is to create a dummy Twitter account and add it to the system. Any time you add a new RSS source run the campaign to the dummy Twitter account first to make sure the jacked link works. If it does you can simply edit the target social accounts to your primary accounts.
Hopefully, some type of preview will be added to verify that the site jacking works before publishing a campaign.
A second thing that is a little wonky is adding text to your post. There is a field in the Campaign setup portion that is entitled “Custom introduction”. This is where you would put the content of your tweet or Facebook post, otherwise only a link gets shared.
Again, a preview option would be nice to see what the post looks like before publishing the campaign.
Hey Jay are there any bonuses?
Yes, Anthony is throwing in a number of bonuses…
Social Media Marketing Boost
Hashtag Traffic Secrets
Viral List Autopilot
Conversion Explosion
Affiliate PDF Brander
Foolproof Plugin Design
In addition, I’m throwing the PLR version of my Shiny Object Savings lead magnet. This gives you something to give away to other people to help them save on their Internet Marketing purchases.
If you have been frustrated by previous site hijacking software because they required too much time…Social Traffic Jacker solves that problem by enabling you to create campaigns that automatically fed by high authority RSS feeds.
0 notes
Tsukigairei 5 | Kado 5 | Grimoire of Zero 5 | Boku no Hero Academia 19 | Royal Tutor 6
Tsukigakirei 5
Ep 6’s title is “Run, Melos!” (走れ、メロス!), a Dazai work.
Bad CGI strikes again.
Oh, I forgot to mention this last time when I explained this ep’s title, but Kokoro means “heart” for those of you that don’t know. That’s its literal meaning, though. It can mean a lot more than that.
That taiko near Kotaro (when he drinks his Pepsi) seems to be CGI.
Glasses guy is basically an older Kotaro…I know I’ll have problems telling the difference between them…
Did they pay Yahoo! for this product placement?
One of Kotaro’s posters seems to be about Muhammad Ali.
Having the screen intentionally the wrong orientation really is one small detail I appreciate from this show, like what I said with Boku no Hero Academia a bit back.
I can feel Kotaro’s heart sinking as student council pres calls him “Curly-kun”. I do admit I have done this sort of thing in the past to someone though (what Akane’s doing), so maybe I shouldn’t be feeling it.
There’s a book called “Delicious Curry” on one shelf, but it has a small green box near the “delicious”. I heard today that mango jam tastes good in curry, as a side note.
I guess it’s well established by now that both members of the couple will have romantic rivals, but only now is their potential to disrupt the couple actually coming in…just goes to show you how much I prefer Ore Monogatari! to this stuff, eh?
That cram school Kotaro goes to reminds me of one I used to go to on Friday nights. Again, the atmosphere’s really been captured by Tsukigakirei and that’s why I’m watching.
More money = more dates and vice versa. That’s kinda obvious if you think about it.
I LOLled at how Akane says she used Maps. Kids these days can’t get around with an ol’ paper map, it seems.
When Kotaro looks at Akane’s face, I remember some words from Arata (ReLIFE) – “You want to hold hands. You want to kiss her…” etc. etc.
I know how Japan is with these things (hugging, kissing etc.) – more so than the West – but still, get a move on, kiddos!
Kado 5
Wow, if Kado appeared on the 27th and it’s the 30th, it’s 3 days in 4 episodes.
The camera guy falling over was a laugh, at least.
Why is there fanservice of an army guy in Kado? (That’s something I never thought I’d say…) Please get some clothes on, (army) man.
Whatever you do, Kanata, please don’t touch Shun-she ate Shunina’s hand?
Kanata’s eating Shunina’s hand, and yet he deems her “appropriate”? *eyebrow raised*
Mifune uses a Windows OS. Well, it looks mostly like a Windows 7/8/8.1.
The slow pan really showed how they cut corners…
Notice Shunina has his disembodied hand on the handrest. It could be a sign he’s getting used to humanity.
If Kanata’s investigating placement of the Wam, I have the feeling this has to do with quantum physics.
Spinodal decomposition.
The mini-Kado explosion was so pretty! Like real fireworks!
Saraka’s eyes are really off model in this ep, eh?
Knowing how many people have died as a result of nuclear fallout and nuclear wars, Wam fighting would involve more than just one death, Shunina. Just a note.
It’s not 5 days ago, it’s 3. Didn’t I just calculate that? (Assuming it’s still the 30th of July, that is.)
I have a bad feeling about this…
I’m actually laughing right here. Everyone’s going “ohmigawd!!!”, even the UN. I did see a tweet saying you could make a Wam prior to watching this ep, but I never knew they meant it this literally. As for deciphering Kanata’s words (if they still need deciphering), I think Wam are like mini black holes in reverse...
Grimoire of Zero 5
I think they’re trying to be mournful, but when you have a guy suffocated by a cube of soil? That’s actually pretty funny. *cue Dumb Ways to Die*
They’ve never answered this, but why does Zero not have a band around her neck?
The still shots are probably the most striking. Certainly, there’s only been a ebelboar and a Mercenary one, but man, they look great.
The final spread has never been on a double page before…clearly this is ramping itself up. It looks like an ending…in the middle of what appears to be a 12 episode series. Unless the staff have something even better up their sleeves for the actual climax, I’m not sure this show is going to be a worthwhile investment from now on.
Boku no Hero Academia 19
It’s quite clear even though he’s being trained to surpass All Might, Shouto still admires the top hero, eh?
Notice Kaminari is eating a battery pack of some sort.
I’ve never seen meta go against someone like Todoroki…(re: Midoriya’s comment about how he’s normally the main character of a manga).
Chanbara. It’s the kind of thing you get with Rurouni Kenshin, apparently.
Aoyama (is that sparkly bellybutton guy’s name?) got his face squashed when Ashido came into the screen…
Todoroki looks a tonne like Yato (Noragami) if viewed from certain angles and not taking colour into account…
Kyouka isn’t even particpating in the cheerleading. That’s so her.
Basically, All Might is saying, “Fake it until you make it.”
Seiji Mizushima’s on econte (sorry, I don’t know what econte translates to)? Oh my glob! I’m not good with directors, but I know that name (from ConRevo)!
Royal Tutor 6
Einspanner. Apparently, it’s a kind of Viennese coffee.
Kapuziner? Hmm…lessee. Google-sensei’ results say it’s “a small black coffee with a bit of whipped cream…so that the coffee takes on the color of a monks hood” (sic).
Dobos torte. Apparently it’s topped with caramel…*drools* *retracts drool* But I ate not too long ago, so…on with the show!
Viktor is so hot when he’s disappointed! Agh! *almost dies from fangirling*
Richard…wait, I get it, actually. Licht is “ri-hi-to”, therefore Richard is “ri-chaa-do” (or something like that, or Richie (similar to what he wanted the professor to call him when he was introduced) for short.
Ooh. That pool shot took my heart away too. Licht really does take after his dad, to the point where I like him with a ponytail, but without the glasses. (His annoying comments from episodes past are still unforgivable, though.)
The “dramatic hair drop” thing really works on Licht. I can actually feel suspense from it.
Dangit, yaoi hands! You ruined my perfect image of the king!
I never saw that coming. What a turn of events, to see the king working in a café. Come to think of it, I once tried to write a story where a fallen angel and a constellation spirit work in a café (it was called Zodiac Conspiracy) but I’ve never worked in a café, so it fell through rather quickly.
The off model in this episode really snaps you out of the cosy, fun mood of this episode. It’s simultaneously the best (because it doesn’t debase women) and the worst (because I think this is the worst effort they’ve made with being on model so far in this show).
Gotta love a good man in a good suit.
I’m LOLling so hard. It’s like Viktor’s a host, not a waiter! Then again, I feel (somewhat) like they’re trying to capitalise on the Black Butler movie (Atlantic) that’s coming out soon and because that’s meant to be a (SPOILERS for non-manga readers! -> )big zombies-on-a-ship spectacle, they’re filling up that now vacant space with actual butlering from the closest subsitute...this show.
A franziskaner appears to be a type of beer, while a linzertorte is a latticed pie-thingy.
That “puis-je vous aider?” line appears to be French for “how can I help you?” (says Google Translate). By the same token, “ou est la gare?” is “where is the station?” and “je vais vous dessiner un plan” is “I will draw you a map”. (You can tell I don’t speak French…)
That Licht pose reminds me of one taken in Atarimae Taisou (it’s at the end of every exercise in that video, so you won’t miss it!), which I saw a few days ago but suddenly it got stuck in my head today…argh.
So…it’s yet another misunderstanding? I can see why people fall out of love with this show, but I’m still a firm enough fan of it that I’m sticking around with it…until the anime’s end, at the very least.
Shouldn’t Licht put his glasses back on and his hair back to a ponytail????
Oh yes, while I was reading this, I remembered something I forgot to mention earlier. Why was Viktor, a person who Heine may or may not have only had contact through mail, the first person Heine could trust? Is Heine from a criminal background, a loner who lived in a cave (like Grimoire of Zero’s title character) or something? (…Okay, I joke about the cave, but otherwise I’m serious.)
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fyrapartnersearch · 8 years
Pokemon Rps
hey all, i’m wren and i’m forever looking for some pokemon rps!
about me i’m 23 and in EST, and i’ve been rping for twelve years or so i think! i write in third person past tense and i gravitate towards novella-style rping, with about 4-5 paragraphs at minimum for a reply. i like playing multiple characters and have no issue juggling side characters that come in and out of the rp. generally i reply at least once a day, but i’m a graduate student and sometimes things come up. i love tossing around headcanons or plot ideas or playlists or aus, and would love a partner who likes chatting about our characters too!
i would like to rp with someone 20 or older (or at least 18 or older) who has no problem writing 3+ paragraph replies. content is more important to me than length, so don’t ever feel the need to plump up your replies! i just want to have something to reply to. (:
characters and plot so like i said in the title, i’m only looking for pokemon rps right now! i would like to play OCs only, unless a canon character is essential to the plot. i play both male and female characters and would prefer someone who doesn’t just play one gender. i love playing a variety of characters, though i really like individuals who grow and change over the course of the plot! if you have a certain personality you’ve been wanting to play your OC against, just let me know. on the subject of, i’m a big fan of shipping, romance, etc. as long as it isn’t immediate and isn’t the sole focus on the rp! i have a preference for m// and f//, but m/f is fine. smut is great as well, though i have no problem fading to black or avoiding smut if that’s your preference. i don’t have any limits when it comes to violence, gore, and language, though just let me know if you have any!
i’m looking for a rp with the game’s vibe: pokemon not being able to talk, not everyone has super powerful pokemon, wild pokemon can be dangerous, and pokemon are used in areas outside of battling, such as in therapy and medicine. i have a wad of plot ideas written up if you’d be interested in building off of that, though i would also love to hear any ideas of yours! i love world building and plotting so i’m sure we’ll be able to work something out. some general ideas include:
pokemon go i’m hooked and i think it’s a cool premise. i’m totally open to playing team members, playing OCs of the team leaders, introducing villains, making a plot about the three birds, or playing willow and instinct/mystic/valor as a new villainous team.
the bad guy wins alternate universe in which some villainous team or another has accomplished their goal in changing the world forever. team magma has converted most of the planet to land. team aqua has forced the population to live underwater. team plasma has seized control of the region and made it illegal to own pokemon. team flare has eradicated most life and erected a dys/utopia. team cipher has made pure pokemon a rarity and taken political control of orre. i’d be up for trying team galactic making their new universe but that might get pretty trippy.
historical/medieval i love all of the stuff in kalos about kings and castles, and a rp taking place in the past would be rad. exploring how people tame and train pokemon without pokeballs, the role of battling in society, raising and breeding pokemon, fighting battles atop rapidashes and rhyhorns. i gravitate towards a more generic medieval setting, but i’m really up for exploring any era.
tournament i love tournaments so long as they don’t get bogged down by people getting too into making sure their character wins — which i’m hoping wouldn’t happen in a 1x1 haha. no real specific ideas here, but maybe there’s some sort of twist, like the tournament is rigged or is otherwise being held by corrupt individuals, and the victor doesn’t have a happy reward awaiting them. or something dark, like being forced to compete a la the hunger games or that short story “the lottery.” or maybe the tournament is a cover, like the victors are going to be send on an important errand.
new region/villainous team starting from scratch is always fun! playing as elite four members or gym leaders would be great, either in a new region or set in the future of a current region so things have been swapped. there could be a new threat from a team, perhaps with a classic crime-related goal, something genetic with crossbreeds, a cult bumping heads with cities, fanatics who think they’re in the right. plz give me the “professor is the team leader” twist i’ve always wanted.
mystery dungeon with people i don’t really enjoy playing just pokemon, but i’d love to do a mystery dungeon-style rp where it’s trainers and their partner pokemon forming a team and rescuing people. i’ve never played pokemon ranger so i’m not sure if that’s what that is haha. i’d be up to giving it a witcher sort of vibe of traveling between cities doing odd jobs, or a static team located at a base and is contacted when people need help.
fairytales and daemons this is probably gonna be weird but i love the random fairytale references in the games, like the one in lumiose city about beauty and the beast, except the prince was turned into a pokemon. i think i’d be cute to take popular fairytales and rework them within the pokemon universe. i also like the idea of animal companions you’re born with, and i’d be into reworking that with pokemon as well.
i also have some three-person rp ideas if you’d be up for doing a small group rp! i have a friend (kit) interested in rping these ideas with us, so if you’re interested we can all meet and talk!
three person alola rp our characters would basically be three youngsters around eighteen, all coming in to work for professor kukui at the same time and traveling together, doing island trials and recording pokedex entries on commission. this would take place during the games, so they’d be catching pokemon and growing, and would all get involved in the team skull and whatever else debacle. after that’s all sorted away, our characters end up taking different paths in life and grow apart (kit’s gets involved with contests, mine stays with professor kukui to do research, and yours would be doing something else!). however after four or five years of separation, things once again come to a head. alola is hosting a large contest and festival (each region takes a turn hosting, and it’s alola’s year), and either team skull or some other villainous team strikes then. our characters end up having to come back together after years apart, bonding again, and defeating this evil together. we were hoping is that this would be a polyamorous plot. our characters are both male and you’re free to play whoever you want — male, female, nb, whatever! — but we’d love it if you were interested in all of our characters ending up together.
three person revolution-based this one leans on the his dark materials series in that all people are born with a partner pokemon called a guardian — it begins as a ditto than can shift into any pokemon, and then as the person matures it takes the form of a pokemon that matches that person’s personality, and the guardian evolves as the person grows emotionally. an empire known as the vinzenz have been conquering territories in the land and subjecting the people to stripping — killing their guardian pokemon, and killing the guardian pokemon of all children born. our characters are people who are somehow thrown into this turmoil. maybe they’re getting involved in a revolutionary movement, or forced to flee together, or otherwise experience some kind of call to action.
three person medieval johto the rp takes place in historical johto during medieval times, and the region is divided up into three theocracies, each one following the guidance of a different legendary dog. the rulers of these kingdoms believe themselves to be chosen by their legendary, and speak as a mouthpiece for what that legendary desires. relations between the three nations has been tumultuous and their wars have affected humans and pokemon both. the three dogs have decided to intervene and remedy this by selecting three actual chosen ones: one individual from each nation, to help set things right. these chosen ones find themselves together alone with their pokemon, their memories wiped, experiencing dreams about their legendary, and will slowly develop abilities connected to their legendary. my character has been chosen by entei, and kit’s has been chosen by raikou, so you’d be playing the character chosen by suicune! your character can be any sort of individual, preferably in their 20s, from suicune’s nation. you’d be part of the plotting and world building, so no worries about trying to force yourself into a pre-created world.
other a lot of these ideas are only loosely based on pokemon, so if you’d want to do any of them with animal companions or mythical creatures or some kind of vaguely fantasy spin on it instead, just let me know! otherwise i think that’s pretty much it! i’d prefer to rp over email or google docs, and talk on hangouts for ooc stuff and general chatting! however i’m up to getting other messengers if that’s your preference.
if any of this interests you, drop me a line at [email protected]! looking forward to hearing from you! (:
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