#these are just the ones ive drawn
ryssbelle · 3 months
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Drew a bunch of Marinettes in a bunch of different artists styles it was a lot of fun!!
Artists who's styles I mimicked: @buggachat @hamsternamedmarinette @ladybeug @sabertoothwalrus and @anna-scribbles all epic artists 🤟😎
#my art#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart#style mimic#sorry for the @s btw#yall should go follow those artists if you dont already also#this was sort of inspired by a post the three artists on the top row made#i think they all got together and drew with one another#which is really cool#but i was genuinely confused because i mimic styles a lot#and ive seen others do it too so i was just like#wow they really know each others styles really well#until i thought about it and read their posts some more#style mimicking is really freaking fun and i think its really good practice#and a good way to explore other ways of doing things#like you really have to learn new techniques and get out of your comfort zone#also anna scribbles i could not find a recent pic of marinette in her main outfit#so thats the only marinette i drew in different clothes cuz i couldnt find a more recent ref of you drawing it#anna scribble marinette has privileges thats the others dont#but ye#i also threw my own style in there as a frame of reference to what me draw like#ive drawn marinette before just not in a loooong while#sabertooth walrus was the hardest for me to mimic cuz they have a broad range in their style#so its like which sabertooth do i wanna be in this pic#Buggachat has such a distinct style thats very clean and consistent which is amazing so they were easy#being easy or hard arent bad things either it also has to do with like styles meeting up with one another#buggachats and mine arent too too different in some shapes and aspects#so yeah itd be easier plus they drew marinette like 3 sec ago so i have more recent of a ref#as opposed to sabertooth who i have a recent ref of ladybug but not marinette so we got two diff styles in one
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bionicboxes · 3 months
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this is the dynamic they have going on in my head.
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araneapeixes · 6 months
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fuck it. sketch poast
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necronyancy · 9 months
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lunajack anthros
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imma-triple-a-battery · 10 months
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maybe i should've saved this one for halloween or something
oh well, anyway
yeah it's based off of @mha-quotes-and-such again, i hope it's not too annoying cuz there will be more
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stil-lindigo · 11 months
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a match made in hell
snow's story
ash's story
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How much securitywaiter/dreamtheory stuff have you seen?
And what do you think of the ship
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Tbh I’m shocked I got to see Matpat Yaoi in my lifetime
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lokh · 10 months
guess who got into dungeon meshi a literal week before it ended
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sualne · 6 months
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posting some op art i hadn't posted, there's a Lot more.
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mee1414 · 2 months
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Solar farmer
Day 11 - Pearlescentmoon
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skipar00 · 1 month
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i was gunna throw some fun colors on this but honestly i cant get the composition to work for me so ig it's fine as is
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lionbearfox · 3 months
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the silly.... shes everything to me
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applestruda · 1 year
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Collateral Damage
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cozylittleartblog · 9 months
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had a(nother) nightmare
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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N2 Floyd in the first movie
Sad little man got himself captured :(
He also gets punched in the face, but that's neither here nor there lmao
Also sorry for not posting for a fat minute I've been busy XD
Bonus: What John and Branch be doing
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RIP in pieces John Dory, you were a brave troll and will be missed
I've got some more doodles of them going through it in the first movie, maybe we will see them soon teehee .
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cherrirui-official · 4 months
@ohposhers I blame you for this
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J*hn D*ry do NOT interact 😤✋
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