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Why is social media important for your business and what are the benefits of having a social media expert on your team? 🤔 Think about it like this. There are more than 4.2 billion social media users across the globe. 👀 If you’re not taking advantage of social media within your business strategy, you’re missing out on a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to reach almost half the world’s population. 😱 Here's what having me as a Social Media Expert on your team can do for your business: ✔️Promote your brand using relevant content & strategies that work ✔️Interact directly with customers and fans on your behalf ✔️Keep an eye on the competition ✔️Stay on top of industry news ✔️Use reporting and analytics to create traffic and generate leads ✔️Attract New Customers ✔️Increase brand awareness ✔️Much much more! Do you need help humanizing your brand, showcasing how your products work, and how you’re putting the interests of your employees and customers first? Send me a DM or schedule a call with me directly using the link in my bio. I have room for only 2 more clients so contact me today to get started! #thesbplug #socialmediamanagementservice #contentstrategist #businessstrategies #timemanagementtips #growyourbusinessonline #businessgrowthexpert #businesssolutions #smallbusinesssolutions #businesspartners #minorityownedbusiness #minoritybusinessowners #partnerships #smallbusinessgoals #businessgoals #socialmediastrategist #businessinsights #biztip #emailmarketingsolutions #entrepreneurofinstagram #smallbizowners #growyourbrand #socialmediaforbusiness #socialmediaforsmallbusiness #socialmediaforrealtors https://www.instagram.com/p/CguVvLgLW4J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello! I’m Tynisha, the owner and founder of The Small Business Plug. I started this company in 2020 while in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic to help entrepreneurs achieve success and financial freedom. I use digital marketing skills to help scale your business while keeping you connected through the the power of partnerships. I can repair your credit, grow your business and plan your all-inclusive luxury vacation to Cancun, Dubai and/or Dominican Republic. I am a certified Social Media expert who helps busy business owners put more time back into their day. My digital marketing skillsets include: Social Media Management Content Strategy Website Design Email Marketing And so much more! I pride myself on being a creative who is infatuated with finding the best solutions to any problem. Wanna partner with The Small Business Plug? Click the link in my bio to schedule a consultation at no cost to you or simply send me a DM. “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” #partnerships #socialmediatip #digitalbusinessowner #digitalbusiness #businesstips #startupadvice #biztip #contentstrategytips #digitalmarketers #digitalmarketerlife #businessstrategies #marketingstrategytips #learnandgrow #learntoearn #growthhack #businesslessons #businesssolutions #selfimprovementdaily #resultsdriven #strategies #marketingstrategies #personalgrowthandevelopment #thesbplug #entrepreneursuccess #ambitiousminds #chasingdreams #pluggedin #businesssuccesstips #businessgrowthstrategy
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Have you ever checked your credit score on Credit Karma and felt like you were winning 🤩 while your Experian score is telling a different story? 🥴 Here are a few reasons why this can happen: 💳 Credit Karma only gives you scores from Equifax and TransUnion and uses the Vantage 2.0 score while Experian uses the FICO score. 💳 Vantage 2.0 and FICO have different algorithms and weigh your information differently, thus presenting different credit scores. 💳 All of the bureaus don’t have the exact same information. Creditors don’t always report to all three and those that do may not do all three at the same time, resulting in different credit scores. 💳 For lending, there are over 40 different algorithms depending on the type of lending and each weighs the elements of your credit differently. You may have a mortgage score of 700 and go to buy a car the same day and have a score for an auto loan that is 730 (just an example), which reflects how they are different. 📌If you look at your credit reports side by side from the different bureaus you will be able to see this. Are you ready to get on the path to excellent credit? If so, contact me today to get started. There are no shortcuts on the road to becoming financially stable. We offer free credit analysis and credit advice throughout your process. See my previous posts for testimonials from some of our satisfied clients who we were able to get higher credit scores in as little as 30 days! "What you do next is more important than what you did last." #creditscores #creditscoreincrease #creditscoresmatter #personalfinances #approval #personalfinancetips #preapproval #personalfinance #wealthbuilders #moneysavingtips #budgettips #creditcarddebt #creditcards #creditscoreincrease #credittips #credittip #crediteducation #creditfix #getoutofdebt #thesbplug #thinkandgrow #goodcreditmatters #firecommunity #livelikenooneelse #pluggedin #crediteducation #businesscreditbuilding
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I love working to help people improve their financial situations. If you’re ready to receive more approvals and less denials, DM me today to get started. “There are no shortcuts on the road to excellent credit.” 👉🏽Follow @thesbplug for tips and resources on finance, business and travel. #personalfinances #approval #personalfinancetips #preapproval #personalfinance #moneymatters #moneytalk #moneytree #wealthbuilder #wealthbuilders #moneysavingtips #budgettips #creditcarddebt #creditcards #creditscoreincrease #credittips #credittip #crediteducation #creditfix #getoutofdebt #thinkandgrow #goodcreditmatters #firecommunity #livelikenooneelse
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Simply put, success is an equation and if we follow the steps we stand to gain predictable results. 👌🏽 Does your business have goals and objectives? Do you have a solid marketing strategy for your company's growth and expansion? Creating an effective strategy can prove to be quite overwhelming and time consuming for many business owners. That's where I come in. 😎 If you are ready for business organization and growth, if you would like to add more time back into your day and if you need to amplify your brand's social presence, click the link in my bio to schedule a consultation. 🗓 #learnandgrow #learntoearn #growthhack #lifelessonslearned #businesslessons #sacrificeforsuccess #selfimprovementdaily #resultsdriven #personalgrowthandevelopment #thesbplug #entrepreneursuccess #ambitiousminds #chasingdreams #pluggedin #execution #businesssuccesstips #strivingforgreatness #ambitiousentrepreneurs #hardworkpays #tipsforsuccess #dontgiveuponyourdreams #pluggedin #businesssolutions #predictable #resultsdriven #successdiary
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Get ready for the Baecation of a lifetime this Valentine's Day and visit beautiful Dominican Republic! 🇩🇴 We offer luxury, all-inclusive accommodations for couples and provide our guests with a playful tropical getaway featuring endless excitement. 🏝 2 PEOPLE - 4 DAYS/3 NIGHTS: TOTAL COST ONLY $1,791!! Click here for details and contact me directly for booking. https://express.adobe.com/page/cuqx8PqepHfd7/ "Nothing compares to the excitement of exploring every corner of the earth with the person you love most." #baecations #familytravels #travelfam #islandhopper #firsttimetravel #solotraveling #bestvacation #passportlife #passportexpress #travelpassport #passporttravel #passportpassion #allinclusiveresorts #visitdominicanrepublic #visitcancun #traveldubai #ilovetraveling #ilovetravels #passportable #passportexpress #exploretocreate #starttheadventure #jetsettersdelight #passportcollective #besttravel #meettheworld #thesbplug #smallbusinessplug #allinclusivevacation #honeymoontravel
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When is the best time to add your kid as an authorized user to your credit card? The age requirement varies depending on the credit card you choose. 💳American Express: 13 years old Bank of America: No minimum age requirement 💳Capital One: No minimum age requirement 💳Chase: No minimum age requirement 💳Citi: No minimum age requirement 💳Discover: 15 years old 💳U.S. Bank: 16 years old 💳Wells Fargo: No minimum age requirement Here are some other things to consider when adding your child as an authorized user to your credit card: 📌Adding an authorized user may come with additional fees 📌You are responsible for all purchases and for paying the bill on time every month 📌Your child can benefit from your good history and start to establish their own credit 📌Refer to my previous posts to teach your child how credit cards work 📌Spend responsibly! Are you ready to get on the path to excellent credit? As your preferred credit repair specialist, I can help you get the credit score you deserve. Visit my website 🔗 or DM me ✉️ to get started. ------------------ For more credit tips follow 👉🏽 @thesbplug ------------------ 🔶 @thesbplug 🔶 @thesbplug 🔶 @thesbplug ------------------ #credittips #debtfreegoals #livelikenooneelse #cashenvelopes #financialfreedom #financiallyfree #financialpeace #financialindependence #firecommunity #financialempowerment #buildingwealth #wealthbuilder #wealthbuilding #financialeducation #creditrepairservices #financialplanning #financetips #moneymotivated #moneyflow #debtfreeliving #authorizeduser #authorized #debtfreecommunity #growyourmoney #budgeting #moneymanagement #creditcards #creditcarddebt #creditrepairtips #goodcreditmatters
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How many times have you tried something new and failed? I've tried many different business ventures, tried to play the guitar, I even tried to live in a major city like NYC. Fail, fail, fail. 🥴😫 Failure can leave us feeling inadequate or filled with negative thoughts! It can cause us to choose a permanent state of complacency over adventure and can even cause you to give up on your dreams. Failing can at worst, push some into a state of depression. I'm here to remind you that #failure is not final. 💎 The devastation of what may appear to be a failed attempt at something actually has a way of strengthening us and in many cases it is preparing us for something better. #keepgoingforward Here are 4 life lessons you can learn from failure: 🔶Failure Teaches You to Embrace Change 🔶Failure Can Be a Great Source of Motivation 🔶Failure Teaches You to Stay Humble 🔶Failure Is Not Final 📌Failure is a temporary state where the most valuable lessons are learned. In business and in life, there are no such thing as mistakes, only lessons. If you try something and fail - it's okay! Failing before succeeding is essentially how you learn and grow. "One cannot reach his full potential if he's afraid to fail." Tell me in the comments, what is something you failed at what lessons did you learn from it? ------------------ Double tap if you enjoyed this content & follow @thesbplug ------------------ 🔶 @thesbplug 🔶 @thesbplug 🔶 @thesbplug ------------------ #learnandgrow #perfectionism #perfectionist #learntoearn #growthhack #lifelessonslearned #lessonslearned #failurequotes #failureisnotfinal #failuretosuccess #businesslessons #selfimprovementdaily #strivingforgreatness #personalgrowthandevelopment #egotrippin #thesbplug #createyourreality #entrepreneursuccess #successdiary #failurequotes #quittingisnotanoption #ambitiousminds #chasingdreams #progressoverperfection #keepgoingstrong #businesssuccesstips #ambitiousentrepreneurs #nevergiveuponyourdreams
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If you have a credit card chances are you’re paying interest. Interest on a credit card is called the annual percentage rate or APR and this includes purchases, balance transfers and cash advances. In some cases a credit card may offer an introductory APR which is often 0% for a limited time. The best way to avoid paying interest is to pay your credit card balance in full, on time, each month. As long as you pay in full on or before the statement due date, you won’t have a balance rolling over and therefore you won’t get charged any interest. To find out how much you’re paying in interest, look on your monthly billing statement or the original credit card agreement. You may also be able to find this information online by logging into your account. What are your future plans? Is it home ownership? 🏡 A new car? 🚗 Financial freedom? 💵 It’s nearly impossible to do any of these if you have bad credit. 👎🏽 As a credit repair expert, I can help you get on the path to excellent credit. ✨💳 If you’re ready to receive more approvals and less denials, DM me today to get started. “There are no shortcuts on the path to excellent credit.” ------------------ If you enjoyed this content follow @thesbplug ------------------ 🔷 @thesbplug 🔷 @thesbplug 🔷 @thesbplug ------------------ #credittips #debtfreegoals #livelikenooneelse #budgeting #cashenvelopes #financialfreedom #financiallyfree #financialpeace #financialindependence #firecommunity #financialempowerment #buildingwealth #wealthbuilder #wealthbuilding #financialeducation #financenews #creditrepairservices #financialplanning #financetips #moneymotivated #moneyflow #debtfreeliving #debtfreecommunity #growyourmoney #budgeting #moneymanagement #creditcards #creditcarddebt #creditrepairtips #goodcreditmatters
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As entrepreneurs it is imperative to add reading - particularly books on business, finance and personal growth and development - to your list of things to do. I'm at the tail end of this book and I listened to it using the Audible app. In this book Dr. Joe Dispenza bridges the gap between science and spirituality. He combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show the reader what is truly possible once you understand that you are the creator of your own reality. This book is a great reminder that the mind is a powerhouse and truly a terrible thing to waste. What business books are you currently reading? Share your favorites in the comments. #businessbookstagram #readingisfundamental #bookstagramming #readersareleaders #moneyexpert #millionairemindsets #leadershipskills #leadershipgoals #audiblebooks #firecommunity #financialindependenceretireearly #businessgoal #thoughtleader #valuesmatter #businessmanagement #thoughtleadership #solutionfocused #entrepreneurbooks #feedyourmind #lawofattractionbooks #lawsofsuccess #lawsofattraction #readtolearn #redefineyourself #recreateyourself #thesbplug #6amsuccess #drjoedispenza #manifestyourdesires #breakingthehabit
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Are you waking up everyday and loving life? If not, then it's time for a vacation! You could travel to the tourist capital of the world in Dubai, take a dive in the beautiful cenotes of Mexico or pamper yourself on a luxurious retreat in DR. ✈️🏝 The Small Business Plug coordinates luxury, all inclusive travel to all three locations. Enjoy gourmet restaurants, exciting entertainment, upscale services and much more when you vacation with us! Click the link in my bio to see our beautiful picture gallery and to request a travel quote. Or simply send a DM. "A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it." #traveltip #travelresponsibly #pandemictravel #familytravels #travelfam #islandhopper #firsttimetravel #solotraveling #bestvacation #passportlife #passportexpress #travelpassport #visitdominicanrepublic #visitcancun #traveldubai #ilovetraveling #ilovetravels #exploretocreate #starttheadventure #passportcollective #besttravel #meettheworld #thesbplug #travelagentsrock #blackgirlstraveltoo #smallbusinessplug #pluggedin
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When making monthly payments, experts suggest paying more than the minimum amount due. (Paying even $1.00 more can make a difference). Not only does this save you money on interest in the long run but it also helps you pay off your loans faster. Remember, payment history makes up a large part of your score (35%) so it's very important to pay all of your bills on time every month. There are no shortcuts on the road to excellent credit. If you’re ready to receive more approvals and less denials, DM me today to get started today. ------------------ If you enjoyed this content follow @thesbplug ------------------ 🔷 @thesbplug 🔷 @thesbplug 🔷 @thesbplug ------------------ #credittips #debtfreegoals #livelikenooneelse #budgeting #cashenvelopes #financialfreedom #financiallyfree #financialpeace #financialindependence #firecommunity #financialempowerment #buildingwealth #wealthbuilder #wealthbuilding #financialeducation #financenews #creditrepairservices #financialplanning #financetips #moneymotivated #moneyflow #debtfreeliving #debtfreecommunity #growyourmoney #budgeting #moneymanagement #creditcards #creditcarddebt #creditrepairtips #goodcreditmatters
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In order to prepare for the international vacation of your dreams you’ll need to make sure your current passport isn’t expired. Currently the way to renew a passport is by mailing the application directly to the State Department but according to Forbes, this will change soon! In the near future Americans will have the ability to renew passports securely online, saving time from having to wait in lines and bypassing the United States Postal Service. You can renew your passports by mail if you answer yes to the following 5 statements: You have your passport in your possession to submit with the application It’s undamaged other than normal wear and tear It was issued when you were age 16 or older It was issued in your current name or you can document your name change If you don't meet all the renewal requirements, you'll need to go inside the Post Office in person and do a new application. Right now, the turnaround time for a standard passport renewal can take up to 11 weeks, according to the State Department website. For $60 more, an expedited renewal application can take up to seven weeks. First Time Passports - In order to travel abroad you’ll need to get your passport but it’s not as overwhelming as one may think. First timers can schedule an appointment at your local post office via the USPS website. Some post offices will take take the picture for you but not all so check for that information beforehand. Places such as CVS will take passport pictures in case your post office doesn’t offer that service. The Small Business Plug coordinates luxury, all inclusive travel to Dominican Republic, Cancun and Dubai. Click the link in my bio to see our beautiful picture gallery and to get a quote. #familytravels #travelfam #islandhopper #firsttimetravel #solotraveling #bestvacation #passportlife #passportexpress #travelpassport #passporttravel #passportpassion #visitdominicanrepublic #visitcancun #traveldubai #ilovetraveling #ilovetravels #passportable #passportexpress #exploretocreate #starttheadventure #passportcollective #besttravel #meettheworld #thesbplug #smallbusinessplug #pluggedin #keepingyouconnected
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Do you know why people quit? Because their egos won't allow them to make mistakes. They try something one time ☝🏽 it isn't perfect so they move on to something else. #theygiveup I'm grateful to live in a world where there are #nomistakes - only lessons. See, I've come to realize that we can all be good at anything, all you have to do is practice. 💎The chances of you being the best at something after doing it just one time are highly unlikely. But if you are persistent and keep at it, you could be the greatest at anything you set out to achieve. Failure is a prerequisite to success ✨ therefore, you should expect to fail before winning because that is essentially how you learn and grow. The most valuable thing you can make in life and in business is a mistake - you can't learn anything from being perfect. "One cannot reach his full potential if he's afraid to fail." Drop a ✨ in the comments if you agree. ------------------ If you enjoyed this content follow @thesbplug ------------------ 🔷 @thesbplug 🔷 @thesbplug 🔷 @thesbplug ------------------ #learnandgrow #perfectionism #perfectionist #learntoearn #growthhack #lifelessonslearned #lessonslearned #businesslessons #selfimprovementdaily #personalgrowthandevelopment #egotrippin #createyourreality #entrepreneursuccess #strongminded #strongmindset #ambitiousminds #chasingdreams #progressoverperfection #pluggedin #strivingforgreatness https://www.instagram.com/p/CW8bxfuMw18/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Did you know you can type emojis on your MacBook Pro? It took me a minute to figure this out as I was using the menu bar for emojis but since they are in categories, oftentimes it would take longer. So here's a shortcut. If you place the cursor where you want to insert the emoji then press Command + Control + Spacebar all the emojis will show up on your screen. You can also use the menu bar but I find that it takes longer. If you don't know how to add the emoji picker to the Menu Bar stay tuned and I will show you. In the meantime swipe left for screenshots. If you found this post to be helpful, drop an emoji in the comments! #smallbizlife #smallbiztips #smallbizowners #smallbusinesstip #smallbusiness #smallbusinessgoals #entrepreneurofinstagram #successdriven #businesssuccesstips #smallbusinessmarketingtips #macbookpro13 #digitalmarketerlife #thesbplug #smallbusinessplug #biztips #ambitiousentrepreneurs #keepingyouconnected
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