#theres this weird plot thread with mirajane that rougie refuses to even drop a crumb of a hint thats killing me
So if you beta for flames desire whats the part you like most or something youre looking forward to in it? Thinking of reading it but was worried about the first chapter rating
Ah yes my favourite job, advertising Flame's Desire :]
That's totally understandable where you're coming from though chapter 1 as it stands is a lil dark with the events that take place in it but i promise! It's not graphic or gratuitous!
Rougie's description of the events don't go overboard or take it too far so if what you're fearing is super graphic descriptions of the bad stuff then you're all good! And so far chapter 1 is the darkest of the uploaded chapters so it starts off heavy but the tone lightens up in the following chapters.
As for what I like most about FD there is the general of me liking Rougie's writing a lot. And this is not just cause rougie's my good comrade, i think they got a really good handle of writing character interactions and setting up plot points. Plus i deeply enjoy how Natsu's written in FD.
But if we are talking specifics that i love then we might be here the whole night😅 because there is something in each chapter that i enjoy no joke. I really could talk on and on about each of em. But i am particularly attached to chapters 4&5 respectively with the long journey of the story kicking off and i am such a sucker for travel sequences plus lore drop and a development in Natsu and Lucy's friendship. And chapter 8 has a fight scene that i am really dying to draw.
And for what im looking forward to, i technically got one in the chapter im beta-ing now being a fire dance scene at the spring festival that Rougie teased me with from last year so im over the moon about finally getting it now.
The other is actually an upcoming scene in the chapter rougie's writing right now! A fight scene that i really can't spoil bcus its too important (im serious. They held this scene to their chest and almost didnt wanna tell me when i figured it out. If i spoil i lose beta privileges) but it's something that really has me on the edge of my seat due to the build up towards it (@kiliinstinct rougie if ur out there blease drop a crumb of spoilers in my DMs)
And aaaaaaaa man, i would drop in some screenshots of my fave bits but they don't hit as hard without the context yknow? You just, gotta trust me on this one here.
Trust this Phoenix.
There are heavy themes and stuff in the story but it's not overbearing or too in your face. It's a really fuckin good fic.
Go read FD, wont disappoint you. Pinky swear
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