#theres tanks on the streets in some states so yeah im kinda scared
pechenlaf · 1 year
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Lately I've been trying to find like. ANY book about frev in my native language or ones that were translated to it (since my english and french are not good enough to read in these languages) sooo...
We have:
• Place of a greater safety (already read, thats a nice fic about Desmoulins, but you must be a fool if you take almost anything in this book seriously lmao. I prefer to think what that's just a really big rpf from Ao3 published)
• A bunch of books written by a same author in the 80s (read one about SJ and thats not even a nice fic, this crap is unreadable😭) (and all of the books are from the 80s too— The one I was reading was literally falling apart in my hands)
• "FrEnCh ReVoLuTiOn In FiVe MiNuTeS"
• Translation of a french plays about Max and Danton (thats. At least sounds like _something_ but I haven't read it yet so idk.) (Also this book was pubished in the 80s too?????)
And thats it.
I'm broken and devastated💔
But at least i'm graduated now and can freely draw Camille untill uni. Horaaay
Nevermind, I writed this post like two days ago (cause i'm lasy fuck and can't finish a picture in time) and now there's civil war in my country. I hope I won't be shot untill I found good fucking book about frev💔💔💔
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