#theres nothing like the bond of 2 workers going through the worst shifts of their lives
sad-trash-hobo · 1 year
I actually hate feeling nostalgic. You want me to think about a time in my life when I was working with people who became my best friends and now we only see each other maybe 2 times a year? Or when I went to my next job and didn't know anyone there and then again a few of the people became my best friends and now we see each other once a year maybe? I'm supposed to just go to one of my best friends baby's first birthday party and not think about when me and his mom worked together while she was pregnant? I'm supposed to keep going to new jobs or my friends leaving to new jobs and we're all just supposed to make new memories and continue to look back at the most fun times and continue living like it's not breaking my heart to know that I'll never go through a shitty shift with my favorite coworker and get drinks after? I'm never gonna watch dried ice bubble up in the sink while me and my favorite coworker are hiding in the back so we can have a break? We're just supposed to go on seeing each other twice a year and share stories and then inevitably start saying "remember when?" And have the new time of our lives remembering the time of our lives?
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