#theres not that many boardgames that you can play with two people
sydhina · 2 months
i cant stop thinking about charles and edwin and their closet full of boardgames
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theresattrpgforthat · 10 months
hello! i was wondering if theres any ttrpgs set in/inspired by Terry Pratchett's Discworld? thanks :)
THEME: Discworld
I love the Discworld books and I'm very glad you asked this question. I have three resources for you!
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A One In A Million Chance At Adventure, by Jocher Symbolic Systems.
This is a game where you play the roles of, often unwilling, sometimes zealous, pawns in the cosmic octarine coloured narrative. Your character is not necessarily a "hero" per se, instead one could possibly see it as being important to the story. Characters like yourself do have a knack for not dying as often as a common mortal (or undead if that has been your unfortune).
With this follows that you'll naturally have a higher chance of actually, possibly, doing some heroic deeds, just by sheer mathematical logic. Unless, of course, you are the type of adventurer who'd prefer a cup of hot tea and soft slippers and a reliable day job.
That does severely reduce the odds of let's say beheading a mythical beast of ill repute or befriending the immodest wood nymphs of Howondaland*.
*if your day job happens to be for example a tax collector this is not true, this and similar careers have shown to increase the risk of leaving the disc rather early.  ** only rumoured, no one who has gone looking for them has ever returned.
This is a free, fan-made d10-based game written in the style of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels, footnotes and all. The characters you build are expected to be flawed in some way - they have vices that can cause problems for them and plenty of skills (or spells) to help them get out of trouble.
A One in A Million Chance At Adventure has plenty of supplements to support the game, including an introductory adventure: The Murder of Dominick Kolchak, and a character supplement: The A-M Professions Character Build Guides.
Discworld Roleplaying Game, by Steve Jackson Games.
There's a lot of unusual stuff on the Disc, but don't worry about getting lost – game author Phil Masters has crafted a roadmap to Pratchett-inspired storytelling.
Visit settings like the most dubious city in the multiverse, Ankh-Morpork. Intervene in the cultural interactions of trolls and dwarves (but watch out for flying axes). Campaign for goblin rights. Flee from an angry Swamp Dragon (two feet of mindless fury and high-explosive digestion). Even find out why the second-greatest lover on the Disc needs a stepladder.
And remember, the world is round. And also flat.
This is the official roleplaying game published by Steve Jackson Games, the creators of Munchkin and GURPS - which means that this game also uses the GURPS system. Characters are pretty in-depth and require some time to put together - and that means the the core rulebook is a pretty hefty read. If you like big games with heavy modularity and a lot to chew on, maybe this game is for you!
If you want to try the game out and need a little help, there’s a GURPS Character sheet app available to help you put characters together, and Chris Normand is an avid enthusiast with many videos providing advice on how to get a grip on the system.
The Kleptomancer’s Crypt, by Max Kāmmerer.
The Kleptomancer’s Crypt is an adventure for Troika!, but is easily adapted to other systems. It mostly consists of tables to help you generate a variable adventure. Improvisation and interpretation by the GM required. 
A client hired you to break into the Kleptomancer’s Crypt and so you did. Now you need to get out of the place. The Kleptomancer is a government official tasked with redistributing the wealth by stealing from the rich and keeping what they stole for themselves. Okay, that last part isn’t in the official job description. The Crypt is filled with all kinds of strange things and rooms and people, really. You might for example encounter pipe smoking sloths, boardgame playing plants, ever expanding spheres or the Kleptomancer’s apprentice. The place is dangerous, so you prepared by cutting a deal with death, preventing you from dying while you are in the Crypt.
To be clear, this is not a full game. It is simply an adventure for one.
The eclectic tone of Troika fits Discworld so well that I’m not at all surprised that there is an adventure made for it. If you have experience with Troika, or even with other OSR games, you might want to check this one out.
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st4rgzer · 1 year
Can you write a about the reader loving Matt sm but knowing he doesn’t like her back. Liek don’t have a super happy ending but also don’t have a super sad one. Do it inspired by me and …
UNREQUITED (matt sturniolo)
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summary: the reader experiences some unresponsive feelings from a special someone
genre: angst
cw: taylor swift references maybe…? Is that a warning? Other than that I really don’t think theres much
a/n: as always, @iha8you ‘s request, ly, also dw you’ll get him🙏
This winter had been hell for me, it was always my favorite holiday, the cool air, snow, when it rained and I got to stay home playing boardgames with my mum, or I finally got to read that book that had been collecting dust on my shelf for ages now that it was dark and rainy. No, none of it this year. Every time I hung out with him I held my breath, in fear I’ll do something wrong, take too much space, become too much of a liability. Its stupid, just stupid, I’m his best friend, known him since i was 16 years old, but he seemed so much more older, and wiser.I belittle myself next to him, instead of just letting go, I take a mental note of every little gesture he does that correlates in any way to me, every choice of words, I save them to then divulge them later. It’s draining, not knowing if its just all in your head. If you’ve got it wrong…
“y/n? Hellooo, are you there” i snapped out of my meditative state.I was cross legged on my bedroom floor with two of my closest friends, I didnt even remember what we were talking about anymore.
“yeah sorry i was just distracted” I sighed tying my hair back into a low ponytail and resting my hands on my knees
“we were talking about Matt? Y’know you actually have a chance with him, did you see the way he talked to you earlier?” My friends were only feeding into my delusions, the other nodded in agreement. Even if he did actually see me like that, i dont know what i would do, we’ve been friends since highschool, everything would just be too weird and messy, it wouldn’t be right, no, not with me, not with him.
“No, guys, stop, you’re all just talking nonsense and it just makes everything worse” I groaned, placing my head between my hands.
“C’mon, who could ever leave you?” She says giggling, looking over at my other friend, it wasn’t funny, not in that moment at least. I felt despaired, I know it’s obvious I like him, maybe no one actually takes it seriously when i throw in some extra compliments once in a while of some flirty remarks, but I never try to hide it, except the real thing of course. I know my love should be celebrated, I shouldn’t settle for someone who just tolerates it, but I keep going back to the same thing, always, no matter how many people I see, no matter how many excuses I make to not hang out, its like a moth to a flame, I know im bound to get burnt, trust me. My friends keep convincing me, I feel petty having to listen to them try and make me feel better. Sometimes I come close to actually getting serious then I just think its a waste of time, he just always assumes im fine when my eye contact becomes non existent and my words get mixed up, I dont think he notices it at least, I dont think he ever notices. I guess this means im just doomed, It doesn’t matter how many times my friends reassure me, how many “glances” i pick up from him, Im never going to be one of his main concerns, unrequited. Im always just dimly lit, just enough. I should start trying to accept, settle, “always the bridesmaid, never the bride”.
a/n: this is kind of sht i wrote this at 1:00am, I’ll write more with requests🙏😊😊
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destroyyaa · 7 years
when you play one (1) mission in dmc4 and then remember why you never replayed it all the way through again. 
this is gonna turn into a lengthy rant so like dont mind me yelling into the void:
the gameplay is like so bad in this game especially in the ps4 edition. like you cant chain the moves/combos together at all to get a decent combat ranking and if you want to work out moves you have anyway then you have to go through a thousand menu screens just to see it and then by the time you get back to the game youve already forgotten.
and like ok so the first time my friend and i played the game we got lost for literally an hour in mission 6. now you might be thinking how the hell did you manage that?
well bad level design thats how
in at least the reboot (and i also believe dmc3? maybe? i havent been able to play more than the first two ish levels in that game) each level is self contained and moves from environment to environment; theres no back tracking or reusing the same environment.
in dmc4 however you can go all the way back to just after you leave the city of fortuna and you can reach there for pretty much the entire game. so like in mission 6 i managed to make it all the way back to that place. the game gives you barely any idea of how to get to the bridge to get to the forest place and i dont know about many people but i dont have the attention span to remember the floorplan of fortuna castle. 
and just the levels are kinda shitty too like ooh look a boardgame how fun. also like in the ps4 version they didnt change the enemies so you can actually kill them with vergil and lady/trish. like how the fuck am i supposed to fight agnus with the swords if i dont have neros devil bringer????? its so infuriating how little effort they put into the remaster i thought they would take more pride in trying to fix the game? maybe its just me complaining.
dont get me wrong tho i love the characters so much? nero is so sweet and i feel like his character is a good companion to dante (and it would be super cool if they made a dmc5 and based it around like nero working alongside dante or something??) and dmc4 dante is just like so chill and cool. lady and trish are just.... perfect... (except ladys costume with the titty suit its kinda :/ considering that her outfit in dmc3 isnt as sexualised? like her boobs are almost able to hang out from the shirt but she has all those ammo belts and stuff.)
but yeah dmc4 was really.... not good
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