#theres no amount of google searches that could give me enough information to comfortably include that religion in Lykaia
ophernelia ยท 2 months
Got an ask and I don't really wanna post it, but Dodona is not a "Voodoo Queen". The Marie Laveau archetype is one people often use. It usually depicts an older black woman, who's blind or has her eyes covered, wears a headwrap and other beaded adornments. It's existed long before Dodona and is not at all her influence. That archetype is usually a mash of stereotypes about Vodun and Romani culture and never depicted accurately or respectfully. (AHS, The Princess and the Frog, etc. Also Marie wasn't blind LOL) I've studied African Spirituality for years during undergrad and have spoken about that before. So, I hold an immense amount of reverence for this spiritual practices and religions. Vodun is a closed practice ATR. There isn't a way to accurately or respectfully depict it since that ATR does not allow it's practices be shared openly. That only comes with initiation. (And even with initiation, practitioners cannot freely share that info.) It would be incredibly irresponsible for me to include that in Lykaia. "It's not that serious. It's just a show." Black religious and spiritual practices across the diaspora are often demonized and disrespected. Even in media, they deserve to be revered and not used to perpetuate sinister and/or negative tones. Cough, AHS.
Dodona's influence comes from Hoodoo. Which is never to be used interchangeably with Vodun because they are two different practices entirely. Hoodoo is a closed spiritual practice not a religion. As an African American with family in the deep south and the Carolinas, it is a practice I am familiar with and grew up with. It may share some similarities with other ATRs in regards to divination and how our ancestors are honored which you'll see present in Dodona, but it is not Vodun. Most of what's seen is a watered down version anyway, because Hoodoo's preservation relies on it staying within the community. (Certain groups of African Americans, not all.) So, I can't really talk about it. I have to keep it vague. Since Lykaia is inspired by Greek Mythology, Dodona's influence is also drawn from oracles and Hellenism. It's a good mix of the two. With that said, Dodona has no ties to Vodun at all and do not refer to her as such. So, people can't copy that 'cause that's not what's being presented lol.
Every blind older black women โ‰  Voodoo Queen. Like.. let's not start that lol.
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