#theres motor control issues and involuntary stims and sometimes we have tics
lunarflare64 · 9 months
A little while ago we made the decision to start trying to respond properly to social scripts (like saying "you too" when someone says "have a nice day"), and we knew it wouldn't be easy, it doesn't come naturally to us at all, of course we'd fuck it up a lot. But the fuck ups have turned out to be worse than what we used to do (cutting the script in half basically, having it only be one sided), we have been trying, but the issue is that when we pick up on someone using a script we only ever seem to do it after they've said it, so we only know that a script has been used, not which one, meaning we have no clue what was said or what to respond with, and we have to decide what to respond with IMMEDIATELY so with barely a second to work with we have NO chance of guessing it right. Its very upsetting, we don't want to do this, being seen as rude is better than this, we want to go back, its fucking humiliating to mess up that bad that often with no way of fixing the problem, we hate scripts so much, its socially enforced fake bullshit, we want to undo this attempt at progress, but the damage has been done and now we're automatically saying RANDOM SOCIAL SCRIPT RESPONSES and its so fucking upsetting, if we cant get this right can we please just get rid of it, we hate this so much
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