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If you are not outraged, you are NOT paying attention. #BlackLivesMatter #ThereIsOnlyOneSide #NaziOrNotNazi #Impeach45 #EqualityForEveryone #DontBeRacist 🤦🏾‍♂️
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mayascurls · 7 years
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#lovewins #stopracism #silenceisviolence #thereisonlyoneside
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#Pediatrician for #blacklivesmatter at yesterday's wonderful #FightSupremacy march in #Boston. As with many marches I've been to, it was awe-inspiring to see the vast variety of people who turned out to protest the "alt-right", hate speech, hate groups and the Tr*mp administration in general. The only conflict I saw, aside from a couple feeble right-wingers trying to antagonize counter-protesters, was police arresting a bunch of counter protesters for reasons I'm still unclear on. #fightwhitesupremacy #fuckwhitesupremacy #hatespeech #freespeechrally #counterprotest #doctors #noplaceforhate #thereisonlyoneside #protest #charlottesville #fighthate #nonazisnokkknofascistusa #notrump #notrumpnokkknofascistusa #antitrump
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multicoloredgrey · 7 years
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#itsnotwrong #trumpsucks #thereisonlyoneside #blacklivesmatter #whitesupremacyisterrorism
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sewnerdygifts · 7 years
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Facts #thereisonlyoneside #resist #blacklivesmatter #lovetrumpshate #impeachtrump #antifascist
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jesterrificness · 7 years
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Well stated. Clever. Even in tragedy let's find levity to keep us even and energized for the fight ahead. #charlottesville #resist #thereisonlyoneside
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carringtonmk · 7 years
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Brentwood, NY 7.28.17
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lesbianalovinglife · 7 years
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2017 news...they will stop at nothing to hurt us
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lexamann · 7 years
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My heart has been very heavy, so I guess I'm back to drawing angry harpies. My harpies were inspired over a decade ago by the riot grrls of the 90's and though they've grown their hair out long now, they are still here to fight. White supremacy as a system must be disrupted, and white people are the ones who have the power as a group to do this, regardless of what maniac terrorists are running through our streets. This means much more than punching or persuading a few hateful terrorists, and is about creating true equality in our various systems of government, society, culture, and values using money, power, language, and sustained effort. If you are looking for a place to start, I'd suggest a recent great article that Ijeoma Oluo just published (linked in my profile). Think about ways to do what you can and go farther than you have before -- speak out more, read more, listen more, act more. I wish I had an army of harpies I could send in to fix things (please do not EVER forget how great they were at puking on hordes of rampaging men) but we need to be the harpy army ourselves. Puke on the hordes with your dollars, your words, your actions, your protest, your commitment to use your privilege and power to tear this shit apart. Use your talons. #hatehasnohomehere #noplaceforhate #charlottesville #fuckwhitesupremacy #blacklivesmatter #blm #resist #fucknazis #whitesupremacy #whitesupremacyisterrorism #whiteprivilege #racism #oppression #silenceisviolence #thereisonlyoneside #tikitorch
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