#therefore doesnt actually need to be done by a human? b) beauty is in the eye of the beholder‚ you put meaning into art you see‚ and c)
gibbearish · 18 days
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hey cool that literally isnt what that said in the slightest
#nowhere does it say 'disabled people and poor people cant write'#NOR does it imply it.#it explicitly states that it is referring to those whose abilities or resources are impeded to a degree that they would not be able to#create things without assistance#as in‚ disabled people that are disabled in such a way that means they cant create and poor people whose poverty keeps them from#accessing the same resources as other writers.#not all disabled people. not all poor people. it says literally nothing about either of those groups as a whole#nor about writers as a whole.#i swear the people freaking out abt this stuff literally just have to be insecure about the fact they can no longer tell ai stuff from#human stuff#'ai generated things can never have the same soul as human created things' a) so you agree that the part the ai generates is perfunctory and#therefore doesnt actually need to be done by a human? b) beauty is in the eye of the beholder‚ you put meaning into art you see‚ and c)#if that were true we wouldnt all be passing around stuff about which miniscule details to look for in ai art to tell it from 'real' art#like. is it literally just that‚ just insecurity over no longer being able to tell?#or maybe insecurity on your own abilities?#like. if youve been insisting that this stuff can never be as good as a human's work and then a robot makes something Better Than You#i can imagine that being a pretty rough blow#however that does not justify completely twisting words like that lmao#origibberish
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michaelreaderreblog · 7 years
My truemate pt5
Word Count: 2,497
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“How is she?” He asks once they step further down the hall.
“She slept better, didnt stir nothing” Dean says looking from his brother and to the steps as they go down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sam goes straight for the cupboard, pulls out the bag of grinded coffee to make a pot.
“What are your plans for today?” Sam asks from the fridge pulling out items for breakfast.
“I was thinking of checking out the hardware store for some supplies I will be needing for the shelves” Dean says as he takes the eggs and bacon from Sam.
“How about you?” Dean asks getting a bowl from the cupboard to scramble the eggs for you.
“Im going to stay behind with y/n and if she needs to go anywhere uh which vehicle you using anyways? The Impala or the pick up?” Sam asks looking to Dean while he pours the eggs into the pan thats on the stove.
“Im going to use the pick up, so you two can use the impala” Dean replies to Sam, right before Sam could say anything to Dean is when you come walking down the stairs and into the kitchen where your brothers are.
“Morning guys” You say while getting a cup from the cupboard to make yourself a cup of coffee as the alarm from the coffee maker goes off.
“Morning y/n. Feeling any better?” Sam asks getting out of the way for you to pour yourself a cup.
“Glad you asked and yeah I am feeling a lot better actually” You reply getting the cream from the fridge and taking a seat at the table.
“Thats good to hear, what are your plans today?” Sam asks following you to the table and seats himself across from you.
“Well I was hoping to go into town and get a few supplies to get myself busy” You answer back to him and looking to Dean who has a smile on his face.
“Well thats great to hear, I'll come with you plus I really want to explore the town anyway and see if they are hiring some where or something” Sam says after taking a sip from his coffee and thats when Dean serves the food to the both of you.
“Thanks De, yeah that sounds good wouldnt mind doing that to. Naomi said something about stopping by so that I could meet her son who is also Omega” You look to both of your brothers.
You and your brothers enjoy the breakfast Dean has made along with the delicious coffee Sam has made and he always made the better coffee not to strong and not to light just right in the middle. Dean always made the strong coffee but you didnt seem to mind since there were times when you needed his coffee to go along with the morning orders back in Sioux Falls that the customers has ordered.
Now moving here you hope that business will pick up and be as successful so that you could continue on saving and having a steady some what income for the time being since either of your brothers arent currently working but willing to live off of savings for now.
Dean is the one who leaves the house first to check out the hardware store in town, as he drives away in your late fathers pick up truck you turn to Sam who is still in the kitchen washing the dishes he has agreed to do after Dean cooked breakfast.
“Need help Sammy?” You ask before taking a clean dish cloth from the drawer.
“No, thats fine. I will just set them on the dish rack for them to dry and put them away later” He answers looking away from you to rinse out the suds from the plate and places it on the rack.
“Ok well Im going to shower and get ready so that we can head out to town as well” You say walking away from the kitchen and stop just before going up the stairs.
“Yeah sounds good and after your shower I will take one next” He says while continuing on with the dishes.
When Dean parks the truck into the parking lot, he turns off the engine to get out and head on inside the store. He walks in and starts to look for the aisle where the lumber is being kept, he sees Michael helping another customer and as soon as he turns to Dean's direction he walks towards him.
“Hi, its Dean right?” He asks stopping beside him.
“Yeah, Michael?” He takes out his hand for him to shake and with no hesitation Michael returns the gesture.
“What can I help you with today?” He asks looking away from him and at the lumber thats in front of them.
“Well I wanted to get a few supplies for some shelves I will be making for the house well for the living room anyways. My sister loves it when I make something for the house but doesnt like it when I sell em near the end” He says looking from the oak lumber to the cedar lumber.
“Well you know what you want and therefore I dont need to suggest anything”
Michael says with a smile spread across his face.
He helps Dean with the material he would be needing for the shelves he would be making along with other materials such as sand paper, screws, electric screwdriver, and the finishing coat in cherry oak to go along with the house. When Michael serves Dean himself at the cash register he gives him a pretty generous amount of the discount and he looks to him
“You didnt need to do that, I would have been fine paying for full price” He says while getting his debt card from his wallet.
“No please, its not a big deal. Maybe for next time I will charge you full price for the next purchase” He says smiling to Dean getting a slight chuckle from him.
“Dean before you go um how is your sister doing?” After Michael asks that is when he sees Anna enter into the store and this is not a really good time for her to be walking in while Dean is standing right in front of him.
Anna stands beside Michael and gives him a chaste peck to his lips, Dean looks to the scene in front of him and he couldnt believe it.
“Hi my name is Anna, his girlfriend and you are?” Anna asks pulling herself away from Michael slowly to properly introduce herself.
“Hi um Im Dean, just moved here” He says politely shaking her hand and pulls away to look at Michael again who is nervously adjusting himself away from Anna.
“Dean is the brother of the Omega I was telling you about, you know the one who got harassed by Dick” Michael tells Anna basically growling the whole time he tells her, she looks to him with a questioning look on her face at his sudden retort.
“Y/n, her name is y/n” Dean says to the both of them and doesnt like it when someone calls you by your biology because you are a human being to and deserve to be treated like one.
“Y/n wow thats a beautiful name” Anna says with a genuine smile.
“Thanks my mom named her uh sorry late mom” He says as his voice gets lower talking about your mother in the past tense.
“Sorry to hear that but she still has a beautiful name” She says taking her eyes off Dean and looking to Michael who hasnt said anything.
“Well I better get going, I have things to get started on. Its nice meeting you Anna and good to see you again Michael” Dean says while pushing the gurney out the door containing his items.
“I will help you with that, Anna I will be right back. You can go wait in my office while I help Dean with his stuff” Michael says walking out with Dean, not giving her time to say anything.
When they both reach the pick up truck and get the plywood into the extended cab.
“Girlfriend huh?” Dean says to break the silence.
“Yeah we have been together since college” He answers him honestly.
“Wow” Is all Dean can muster up.
“Look Dean after that night with the whole thing that happened to y/n I caught her scent and um” He trails away and doesnt know if he should go on and tell Dean about the whole mate thing thinking he is crazy for thinking that way.
“I know, she caught it to and she says the same thing but you have a girlfriend” Dean says looking away from him and placing more items into the extended cab.
“I know, I have always believed in true mates were brought together by scent but when I got older and nothing ever appealed to me is when I settled for Anna. I know that sounds horrible believe me I know but that night I caught her scent, felt her fear and I just wanted to throw Sam out of the way and hold her” Michael says as he places the last of the plywood into the back of the truck and takes the gurney from Dean's hands.
Dean stands there letting out a slight chuckle but he didnt know what to think about all of this and didnt know what to say after he tells him all of this.
“Look we never believed in true mates either but some how it was itched into our brains because our late parents were brought together by scent. My mom was an Omega and my dad was an Alpha they were high school sweet hearts for crying out loud. You need to figure something out before you even get close to my sister. Reason why I am saying this is because I dont want anyone getting hurt especially y/n if anything goes wrong” He says looking to Michael with a stern expression but when talking about your parents is when his expression is soft but instantly changes when going off topic.
“I am sorry about your parents if I havent said it yet. I understand where you are coming from, I am the same way with my brother Castiel he is also an Omega. I protect him and fight for him tooth and nail. I will figure something out but in the mean time I got to talk to Anna about this” Michael says as he stands there with Dean and thats when they say their good days and into separate directions.
“Y/n you ready yet, Im all dressed and ready. I thought you would be done by the time I got out of the shower” Sam yells from the bottom of the stairs.
You walk out of your room after taking one glance at yourself in the mirror and satisfied even with the sweat pants you decided to wear with a simple green long sleeve and go down the stairs to see Sam in the kitchen drinking the last of his coffee.
“You sure you want to head out today?” He asks walking towards you.
“Yeah, I need to start on the plushies and open shop” You answer walking to the door, placing your shoes on along with your jacket and you take the house keys that is placed in the bowl and walk out to lock the door.
Sam opens the driver side to enter into the car and you follow seconds later into the passenger side. He starts the engine, backs out of the garage and drives away from the house.
“So where are we going first?” Sam asks once we hit the road and going into town.
“Well we are going to a sewing shop called Stitching to Heaven” You answer your brother with a puzzled expression across your face, you look to Sam who also has the same expression.
“Ok, I think I remember seeing something like that on our way in yesterday” He says keeping both eyes on the road.
When the both of you got in front of the store is when Sam parked the car, turned off the engine and got out of the car to enter into the store. You went straight for the coloured yearn and selected the colours you didnt have, you went to the section where they had the polyester filling and grabbed a few bags and last but not least selected a few fabrics.
“Well that was rather quick, I thought we would be spending the whole entire afternoon here” Sam says as he pushes the cart to the register.
“Well we could since you want to stay here all day” You smile back to your brother.
“Wow, you have got the collection there. What are you making?” The lady at the register says, she is a brunette, intense hazel eyes and you scent Omega from her.
“I am making plushies, I didnt realize I was out of certain supplies so I looked online where I can get them and it pointed me here” You answer her and you look behind but no Sam.
“Sam?” you say looking around the store.
“Hhmm?” He says appearing from the sewing machine section.
“Plushies are adorable, Im Sarah by the way. Whenever you are done you should stop by again and show me your toys” She introduces herself.
“Im y/n and this is my brother Sam. That would be good and I have Naomi who wanted to do the same for me. I will once I have extras made” You introduce her to Sam who stands a distant away from the both of you and waves with a slight smile to his face while handing the stuff to Sam after she has bagged them.
“Hi Sam.” She says looking away from the register to make eye contact with Sam while telling you the amount that you owe and back at Sam.
“Really? I thought it would be more then that” You ask while pulling cash out of your wallet.
“Initially yeah but I gave you the business owners discount since you technically have one. My dad owns the store and has added the business owners discount, after a certain amount we add in whatever amount of a percentage off” She answers you and smiles the whole time she is explaining.
“That is amazing, hhmm wonder if Dean got the same over at the hardware store” You say out loud and having a chuckle from Sarah.
“Yeah I am pretty sure he did” She answers and the both of you share a chuckle together.
Before walking out of the store, you give Sarah your number to meet up to have coffee some where or simply invite her over to have a glimpse of the finished products. Sam stumbles out of the store almost tripping over the fabric you have selected.
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