#therefore I tried to mix the mane with the hair and clothes
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alicevampirinha · 2 months ago
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Since the song "Not one of us" from Lion KIng 2 got stuck in my head while thinkng about Jinx I just couldn't get the image of them as lions out of my head
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spaceskam · 4 years ago
when you come home to me
Summary: Alex comes home for a few days and spends them in Michael’s bed.
Tags: bittersweet fluff, lost decade, implied sexual content
for the @malexremix here's a remix of @tkstrrand ​ ‘s fic If the world was kind, he would stay. 
Alex took a deep breath, hands squeezing the armrests of the airplane seat.
They’d just landed and he was just waiting for the clearance to get off the plane. Then he’d catch a cab to his dad’s house to pick up his car and he’d get to go home. He was crawling out of his skin with anticipation and nerves. He knew, logically, that he’d be welcomed back. But he always held a sliver of doubt. Alex was always just preparing himself to walk up to Michael’s airstream and find someone else in his bed.
He didn’t have insecurity around Michael’s bisexuality or anything. He wasn’t intimidated by the idea that Michael might choose to be with a woman because it’d be a simpler time while in Roswell. Honestly, anyone would be easier for Michael to date in Roswell. At least they’d be there full time.
Yet, he couldn’t shake his nerves. He’d gone too long without contact this time, he thinks. Three years. So much could happen in three years. Michael could’ve met someone and gotten married and had a kid and it would’ve been a socially acceptable timeline.
God, he really hoped he didn’t have a kid or a spouse.
The entire process of leaving the airport, watching a few of his fellow soldiers have a grand reunion with their family while he walked towards the doors alone, and riding home in a stuffy cab that smelled faintly of weed seemed to pass all too quickly and drag on painfully at the same time. He was as sure it’d taken his entire day as he was sure it’d been 15 minutes and he was about to fall on Michael’s doorsteps without the time to think of what to say.
The first sign things were going to go in his favor, though, was the fact that his dad’s house was empty. Alex knew his father knew when he was coming back to Roswell. Not that he deliberately went out to keep track of that date, but his dad always seemed to know everything that Alex did. Which would make sense considering his current CO was buddy-buddy with Jesse Manes. The fact that he wasn’t there, waiting to make it difficult for him to get to Michael’s, was a godsend.
Alex took a record-breaking run to his room. He grabbed his phone, his charger, a couple more items of clothing, and his keys and he was gone before his dad could even return.
Michael moved between Foster’s Ranch and the junkyard. He didn’t think about what it would mean if he was somewhere else. How would he find him if he wasn’t there? 
Fortunately, he didn’t have to dwell on that disaster seeing as Michael’s truck was right where he left it in Sander’s junkyard. He took a breath and climbed out of his car at the same time Michael emerged from the door. He had to lean against the car as he got a good look at him.
He looked practically the same, maybe with a little more facial hair going on, but the shirt and the jeans were more of the same. Alex didn’t have to touch it to know how soft the fabric was from years of use. He didn’t have to feel Michael rub his stubbly cheek on parts of his body to know it’d leave a beard burn rash for a day or two after he left.
He wanted to feel it anyway.
“Alex,” Michael breathed, his eyes going a bit wide and his lips parting like he couldn’t quite believe it. That hurt more than Alex had the words for. 
Alex pushed himself off the car and shoved his hands in his pockets, hoping to give his hands something to do while also keeping them to himself until Michael gave him the green light to do otherwise.
Michael took each step down with his entire body weight, thud, thud, thud, like he didn’t know another way. It had Alex feeling nervous and excited and a billion other things.
“You’re back,” Michael said. Alex tried to smile, but it refused to find his face so he nodded and looked down.
Michael was quiet for a moment, but he never stopped walking closer. He stopped just an arms-length away and Alex’s eyes trailed up him, trying to spot any difference. He didn’t really see any, only a few holes in his jeans that Alex longed to put his fingers through.
“How long?” Michael asked.
“‘Till Thursday,” Alex said, making that arms-length distance more like hands-width. Michael nodded slowly, his eyes betraying his thoughts and feelings. How that wasn’t enough, but he would accept it anyway. A twisted part of Alex basked in the fact that he was wanted at all.
Instinctually, Alex looked around the junkyard for any signs of life. Not that he was foolish enough to think that Sanders didn’t know something. More than once, he’d whistled for Michael like a dog instead of coming close enough to knock which Michael thought was hilarious and only happened “when you’re in my bed, Private, I think he’s got Spidey senses”. It was a little nerve-wracking, but Alex was able to convince himself that that didn’t mean Sanders knew it was him or knew what they were doing. There was reasonable doubt to be had. But. Still.
“Sanders is away, I’m looking after the yard for a while, no one’s around,” Michael whispered. Alex’s eyes drifted back to him and a smile finally found his face at the idea that they were completely alone. That meant he could convince Michael to stay in bed a little later in the morning. That meant he could get him to be a little louder. They could be a bit more comfortable in their own skin.
Michael moved until they were practically chest to chest, nearly stepping on Alex’s toes in the process. He wouldn’t have minded if he did, honestly. Michael reached up to grab his collar, tugging him in until they were nose to nose. He laughed softly, that tense knot of nervousness in his stomach exploding into pure excitement. For all the times he told himself he’d never come back to Roswell, this made it blatantly clear why he kept doing just that.
“Wanna go inside?” Michael murmured, tilting his head just enough to nudge his nose into Alex’s. Alex nodded quickly, feeling young and dumb and giddy for just a moment, and Michael smiled. God, he was beautiful.
Michael’s hand drifted from his collar down to his hand and he led the way into the airstream with Alex hot on his heels.
When the door closed, Alex started to unbutton his jacket. He expected frantic, desperate movement from both of them like usual, but Michael stopped and looked at him up and down for a moment. Alex grinned and slowed just a bit, just to tease. Michael rolled his eyes and leaned forward, his lips brushing Alex’s cheek in an experimental fashion. Something bigger than butterflies‒birds, maybe pterodactyls‒burst in his stomach at the small affection.
“Say ‘honey, I’m home’,” Michael asked against his cheek, voice quiet and unsure. Alex turned his head until they were nose to nose again and shucked off his jacket. It hit the floor and he didn’t give a shit about picking it up to fold it neatly.
Alex hooked his thumb into the hem of Michael’s jeans and tugged him in until they were pressed together from head to toe. He very much wanted to be pressed head to toe without their clothes between them. So he grabbed the belt buckle.
“Honey,” he said, breathy and not as sing-song as he was planning. Michael grinned anyway.
Alex yanked the belt out of the belt loops and Michael started to untuck Alex’s shirt, calloused fingers gliding over his stomach. Alex slowly started backing him further into the airstream towards the little bed that they’d made more happy memories in than Alex would ever tell anyone about. They were theirs. No one was allowed to taint them.
“I’m home.”
“You’ve been gone a while.”
Alex tried not to flinch at the simple statement, instead of letting his fingers trail over Michael’s skin. He had his ear against his heart and the soft, repetitive thud was soothing in more ways than he had the words for. 
“I got a promotion, things have been kinda hectic,” Alex said, quiet and clinical in hopes Michael would drop the subject sooner rather than later, “We were traveling a lot.”
Alex managed a glance up at him and met his eyes, silently asking him to drop it if he could. That was an easier said request than done, but still. Michael rewarded him with a hand through his hair.
“Congrats,” Michael said dryly. Alex scooted a little closer, pressing up against his body in hopes that it’d subdue whatever was going on in his head. It was all he could do.
“Tell me about you,” Alex said, desperately changing the subject as he rested his head on Michael’s chest again. His heartbeat was a little louder, a little faster. Alex wanted to soothe that away somehow.
Michael’s arms wrapped around him.
“Isobel got married.”
“To Noah?” Alex asked, a smile tugging at his lips. He didn’t know the guy and he had mixed feelings about Isobel, but Michael loved her and he thought Noah was good for her and therefore Alex felt the same. “That’s great.”
“Mhm,” Michael agreed, craning his head down to search for a kiss. Alex moved to touch his face and deepened the kiss with ease.
This he could do. This he knew would make him relax. It always did. Maybe that was stupid and immature, but it felt good. It was an easy way to see Michael smile, to hear him laugh, to feel his skin turn red with adrenaline and excitement. And Alex knew he was the cause.
He liked being the cause of good things and so far making Michael feel nice was the only thing on that list.
Alex pulled him down into bed with him all over again, a silent promise to add a tally next to that one item on the list.
Alex slept in late for the first time in a long time, allowing himself to wallow in bed even after he knew there was no more going back to sleep.
He rolled and buried his face in the pillow before remembering that he wasn’t alone. A small smile found his face, still hidden away from the world in the comfort of the pillow and he reached out, feeling for Michael. However, the bed was empty and his smile was replaced with a pout. He lifted his head groggily and looked for Michael only to see him watching him from across the trailer.
“Come back to bed,” Alex whined, reaching out for him and forgetting himself for just a moment. He shouldn’t be whining and begging and using grabby hands towards anyone regardless of what they’ve done. Still. He did it. He quickly dropped his hand and evened his face once he remembered.
Michael seemed unphased by the slip-up, a big, warm smile on his face as he leaned against the counter. He was shirtless and had a pair of jeans on that were unbuttoned and hanging loose on his hips. Alex could follow the line of hair across his abdomen down to where it disappeared beneath his jeans. It made him feel warm all over again and he could feel himself forgetting his composure, wanting to just reach out and take.
“I will in a second,” Michael said softly.
Alex scrunched up his nose in distaste which got a huffed laugh out of Michael, but he quickly let it drop and he sat up. He reached across for where his bag was and pulled out a pair of clean boxers to put on and then threw on one of Michael’s shirts on top of it. It wasn’t as warm as the one he was wearing, probably, but it would simply have to do. And it really, really would do.
Michael came closer, finally, and sat beside him with two mix-matched mugs in his pretty hands. He handed one to Alex and adjusted himself to lean against the wall as Alex took a sip. He found himself staring into the cup almost too afraid to take another sip in case this was just something he made up in his head despite the warmth blooming in his gut at the taste.
“What?” Michael asked, taking a sip of what was most definitely coffee from the smell of it.
Alex turned his entire body to look at him, disbelief thrumming through his veins and a smile pulling at his lips.
“Since when do you drink herbal tea?” Alex asked, raising an eyebrow. He had at least one vivid memory of Michael choking and spitting it out when Alex had forced him to take just one sip.
And it turns out he didn’t and all of the disbelief in Alex’s system lit on fire into pure euphoria as Michael said he got it just for him. A small hope and faith that Alex wasn’t just fucking around with his feelings and dropping off the face of the Earth. Not just that, but spending his money on something for Alex. They didn’t really spend money on each other and this wasn’t necessarily expensive, and yet…
“Thank you,” Alex breathed, moving forward to kiss him again. Michael kissed him back and then took the mug from him to place on the counter beside his own. The taste of the coffee on Michael’s tongue definitely clashed with the tea, but Alex craved it. 
The shirt he’d put on ended up on the floor and Michael grabbed his knees to pull him into his lap enough to lay him down. Alex felt high on him, on the idea that he bought him tea, on the fact that he wanted him to come back, expected him to come back. He held onto Michael’s back, tugging him in close and almost clawing at his back just to make sure this was real. That he was really here and they were really together if only for a moment in time.
“Ah,” Alex breathed, gripping him tighter as Michael’s teeth dug into the skin of his neck.
They seemed to have the same idea.
One day, when Alex had a house of his own, he was going to have an at-home library.
He didn’t have time for books much anymore, but the idea was still appealing and one day he wanted to have time for books. He wanted his walls to be lined with them, to have a full selection, to have the permanence of them. Michael, however, was already beating him at starting a collection.There wasn’t many in the grand scheme of things, but more than one should have in a living space so small, a stack of textbooks and non-fictional works on the table and a hidden pile shoved beneath the bed. 
The whole thing had Alex feeling light and fluffy again despite the fact that Michael was working and Alex had to entertain himself this morning. It was just so cute. Alex took a shower and got dressed and when he got all ready for the day, he found himself staring at the stack. He carefully took the top one and started to thumb through it.
He objectively knew Michael was intelligent. He didn’t care what people said about mechanics, the shit was hard work and took more intelligence than he was sure anyone really knew. Even Alex really only knew how to change a tire. Michael, on the other hand, had built an entire engine.
Still, opening the old textbook to see it was flat-out mechanical engineering in the most clinical way was enough to make Alex feel warm with pride. All the highlights and notes in the margin felt so personal and the loose-leaf paper tucked into the practice problem pages screamed Michael Guerin. He was just so fucking smart. Alex liked him so much.
A few vocabulary words later‒and most notably a lot of notes on how to build a bigger, more powerful engine and an asterisk to remind him to compare to notes in his Rocket Propulsion textbook‒Alex found himself peeking behind the little curtain to see if he could spot Michael. And he did, seeing him wiping his hands as he spoke to a pretty woman who was probably a decade or so older than them. She was very clearly appreciative and Alex couldn’t help but snort a laugh.
Alex went back to the textbook, making himself comfortable in Michael’s bed. He had a secret, personal, debatably gross affinity for the way the blankets began to smell after they’d had sex a few times without washing them. It was gross, but they smelled a little musty and a little like Alex’s body wash and a little like Michael’s skin and a lot like they were a product of the two of them existing as one. He’d enjoyed the smell since the summer after high school when they were resigned to the bed of his truck with his sleeping bags. The idea of it pulsed in his veins.
He brought the blankets to his nose and kept reading.
“You’re dressed,” Michael noted when he came back inside. Alex managed to drop the blanket at the sound of the door opening in a casual motion, trying not to do anything distinctly weird. If Michael noticed he didn’t say anything, instead happily sitting on the bed in all of his sweaty, greasy glory and pulled Alex’s legs into his lap.
Alex glared at him and deeply buried the urge to see what his neck tasted like when he was this messy.
“It was getting cold,” he said simply as he put the book down.
“That’s what the blanket is for.”
“So, I was just meant to wait here for you, naked?” Alex teased, gravitating closer unintentionally. His eyes drifted to that spot on his tan neck, glistening with the heat of the day. A little bit of staring and he realized he left a mark.
Huh. That was a first.
“That was the plan, yeah,” Michael said. He grabbed Alex’s hand and held it tight.
Alex teased him and watched him closely, considering pulling him down and saying screw showers despite the fact that Michael desperately needed one before he put his hands anywhere sacred. Michael, however, noticed the book.
“Engineering,” Alex told him when he asked, “You’ve got lots of notes in here, you building something?”
Alex turned a few pages, that one reminding him to compare notes in his rocket science book unintentionally catching his eye again.
“Just cars,” Michael said, tone of voice a little more tense than it should be.
Alex met his eyes and stared at him. And for the first time in a long time when it came to Michael Guerin, Alex got that weird feeling in his gut that said he wasn’t telling the truth. Which would be ridiculous‒what the hell would there be to lie about?
Instead of letting himself sit with the idea, however, Alex tilted his head back and closed his eyes, shaking it out of his mind. They were having a good week. Alex was being paranoid for no goddamn reason. He rubbed his thumb over the back of Michael’s hand before shifting to lay his head on his shoulder. He didn’t smell like the sheets. He smelled like Michael. And Alex didn’t care that he was probably getting him dirty just by being near him.
“What’d you wanna do?”
“Can we just…” Alex said, breathing out as he considered the fact that Michael did actually have to bathe and that they did need to change the sheets after him sitting on them. He wasn’t quite ready to give up the potency yet. He could only have it for so long. “Can we just sit here for a bit?”
“Of course.”
Without meaning to, Alex dozed off. When he came to, the sheets were changed and smelled fresh, though still of Michael, and Michael was clean and tucked up against him. Alex was reminded by how much he liked clean Michael as well. He couldn’t tell if he liked him dirty or clean more.
It didn’t matter. Alex reached up to press his fingers against the mark that was much more visible when he wasn’t grimy and Michael, unconscious and endlessly sweet, moved closer.
He wondered how hard it would be to get Michael to cover him in marks, little reminders for just a few more days after he left. That was, however, extremely impractical and irresponsible given, well, everything about his job.
So instead he cuddled closer and held him and tried to memorize the way his body felt this close.
“Do you remember the movie Cars?”
Alex blinked a few times as he registered the words coming out of Michael’s mouth. He was struggling to stay awake considering they’d spent the entire morning testing out the true meaning of stamina and destroying the concept of a post-coital recuperation period, hours dedicated to whiting out Alex’s mind from the inevitable departure that was coming closer with each passing moment. They were running out of time and Alex was much more content to not think about it or address it.
And Michael apparently wanted to talk about Cars.
“What?” Alex asked, lifting his head. Michael was laying in the opposite direction, his lips swollen and red and his hair a frizzy mess where it laid against Alex’s shin. His feet were on the wall to avoid being on the pillow.
“Cars, like the animated Disney movie?” Michael said.
“I-I mean, yeah, I remember Cars. Just, like, where did that come from?” Alex asked, huffing a laugh. He grabbed one of Michael's ankles and brought it to his chest, just needing to touch him.
“Remember when we watched it in Spanish senior year?” Michael continued. Alex nodded, watching him. 
Michael seemed still a little dazed now that Alex’s eyes focused on him more. His fingers were playing with Alex’s leg hair and his eyes were half-lidded and the sun was shining even past the curtains, his tanned skin glowing. Alex had littered his skin in tiny red marks that he couldn’t ask for in return. He looked fucking godlike for a moment. Longer than a moment. 
“Yeah, I remember we had a sub and she couldn’t figure out how the subtitles worked so we watched it in Spanish with French subtitles,” Alex said.
“You put your head down and your shirt rode up a little ‘cause of it. I sat there for, like, thirty minutes trying to figure out how to tell you that your shirt rode up and I could see, like, a millimeter of your boxers and an inch of your skin. It was nothing, really, but I remember feeling like it was the most scandalous thing I’d ever seen. And I stared at you the whole class period trying to work up the nerve to say something to you, anything, even if it was just saying I liked your shirt,” Michael rambled, his voice a little muffled against Alex’s leg. That didn’t stop Alex from feeling like his heart was going to jump out of his chest. “Anyway, if you could be in that universe, would you wanna be a living car or a living plane?”
Alex breathed a soft laugh, trying and failing to move past the part where he had just admitted something insanely sweet from a time months before they even really spoke one-on-one for the first time. Clearly, they needed to go at it like that more often. They didn’t tell stories like that. They didn’t talk about things that mattered.
To Alex, that mattered.
“Plane,” Alex whispered, slowly pushing himself to a sitting position and trying not to jostle Michael too much even if it felt awkward. Alex kissed his knee as he slowly took one of his legs back. “I like to fly.”
“You like to fly,” Michael repeated, soft like he was keeping it for himself. Alex smiled and slowly shifted one of his other legs away. Michael pouted adorably about it and Alex slowly made his way up his body. 
“Yeah,” Alex said, fingers sliding over his thigh as he placed himself over Michael. The pout faded into something a lot more serene. “I did really well in flight school.”
“You have a pilot’s license?” Michael asked.
“Yeah. Air Force.”
“I’ve looked it up before, not everyone in the Air Force flies planes,” Michael said softly, reaching up to rake his fingers through his hair, “I didn’t know you did.”
“It’s a convenient thing to have and it was offered to us for free. So, you know, if we ever need to fly away, I can handle it,” Alex said. Michael stared at him for a moment. Maybe longer than a moment.
“Okay,” he said, pulling him down for a kiss.
It was languid and slow, the sun bearing down on them and making it hotter in the airstream than it already was from them alone. And Alex reveled in it. He wanted to soak in as much of this feeling in every way.
Because in twelve hours, he would be gone.
His flight was at five. He had to leave Michael by two so he could drop his car off at his dad’s and then he had to call a cab. And that would be it. He would be gone and he wouldn’t know when he would be back.
It was hard, leaving. Alex wanted so many things, all of them so out of reach, and his body ached for it. But he couldn’t have them. It wasn’t about what he wanted and, even though Michael seemed to want it too, Alex knew it was bad for them. It was messy and there were too many other players and it was best they stole this small time and didn’t make it harder than it had to be. They kept it physical and casual because it was what was best.
And yet.
Michael’s hand pressed to the base of his spine, a hot presence holding him close. He touched every inch of skin he could and he kissed him like it was important. Michael kept tea for him and put off work to be here. He hadn’t looked at his well-loved notebooks since Alex got here. His attention was on Alex. All of it. He was wanted here. Alex loved the way that felt.
He loved him.
It was almost torturous how something could be literally in his hands and simultaneously entirely out of reach. The silly game Alex played with himself, letting himself get all excited about going home because he wanted to see him while reminding himself that there was no guarantee that Michael was waiting. There was no promise made. Hell, they barely spoke about things unless they were trivial to make sure they didn’t make things worse.
And he loved him.
Alex didn’t have to ask if Michael was seeing other people when he was gone, he knew he was. He was handsome and smart and hardworking despite what he’d have others believe. He knew one day he’d come home and Michael wouldn’t be open to letting him in his bed. He’d find someone nice, someone cozy, someone safe. Someone who didn’t keep him waiting around. It was only a matter of time. It was stupid to care too much.
But Alex loved him.
They didn’t start another round this time, bodies too fraught and fried and tired to try. Instead, they kissed until the kissing stopped and they just held each other. The sun was shining on them, the clock was ticking, and Michael’s skin was sticking to his with sweat from how hot it was but neither of them was bold enough to move.
And Alex loves him.
Alex let out a shaky breath as he watched the clock tick to 1:45 AM.
He’d run out of time. Michael was laying on his back, sound asleep with his head leaning towards Alex. It hurt to look at him, but Alex mustered enough courage to touch his face carefully and push his hair back. He kissed his forehead and then his cheek, watching to make sure he didn’t stir, and then slowly got out of the bed that had been so nice to him these last few days.
Alex gathered his things quietly, putting on his shirt and his pants and his shoes. He grabbed his phone and his keys and held them tightly to muffle any excess noise. His heart felt like it was going to melt out of his chest as he looked at him. Apparently, all the touching didn’t help him feel ready to leave at all.
God, it hurt. It hurt so fucking bad.
Alex closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He didn’t tell Michael when his flight was or when he was leaving out of self-preservation. He didn’t trust himself to leave if Michael was awake. And yet it still felt like the hardest thing.
Beside Alex’s bag was a soft, worn black sweater. The sleeves and the neck were stretched out. It smelled like Michael. Alex found himself pulling it over his head despite it still feeling a little hot in the airstream. He wanted to keep something, just this one thing, just for a little while.
Quickly, to make himself feel less embarrassed about it, he opened one of Michael’s notebooks to leave a note. He had a million things to say. He settled on something simple.
Borrowed your sweater, it was cold hope that’s okay.
I’ll give it back next time I’m home
- AM
He started at it and swallowed, trying to make sure it was enough. Maybe he could smother it in tiny hearts or find something to make a kiss print with or something. Something that would let Michael know that he loved him even though that wasn’t an option. He couldn’t think of anything worthwhile, though, and instead just flipped it over.
I’ll be back, I promise
Alex took another deep breath and looked at Michael again, mentally saying fuck it as he leaned back down to kiss him on the cheek and breathe in the smell of his hair. It was intoxicating. He wanted to crawl back into bed with him. It was so much better than being out there, running special operations because he was talented. That’s what he was told. Talented. We need you, do you really need a vacation right now? You’re important. Your decryption is incredible and needed. Fine. Five days, but then you need to come back. Captain. 
Five days.
“I’m going to come home,” Alex murmured, standing up straight. He swallowed the lump in his throat and found a tack in a small cup of screws and other pointy things, sticking the note where Michael would see it.
This wasn’t it. He was going to come back. Maybe Michael would be with someone more permanent by then and maybe this was the last time he’d get to kiss him. And that would be fair and Alex wouldn’t complain.
But maybe not. And maybe he’d have more of him in his future. More talks. More anecdotes about liking Alex.
More. They could have more one day. This wasn’t over.
Alex got in his car and drove.
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Blue Eyes Part 24
Summary: After the Garrison is shot up, the youngest Shelby daughter finds a new home in London. She strips herself of her last name and tries to live a peaceful life far away from her brothers’ chaos in Birmingham. But fate leads her right back into it after she runs into Alfie Solomons.
Part 24: Alfie attends his first Shelby family meeting, Ella grows suspicious of a black cat. 
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          Ella had been to plenty of Shelby family meetings. However, she had yet to take her husband to any of them. Mostly because Tommy wouldn’t allow it and Ella wasn’t too sure it would go over well for anyone.
           “You’re going to behave, right?” Ella asked as Alfie opened the door for her.
           “Behave? Love, I’m gonna be a perfect angel.” He replied but there was a glint of mischief in his eyes.
           She sighed. “This is serious, Alfie.”
           “I know. I know. Just let me get one jab in at your brother.”
           “I suppose I can't stop you even if I tried.” Ella found Arthur speaking with Linda. “Has it started yet?” She interrupted their quiet but obviously tense conversation.
           Arthur smiled when he saw his sister but it immediately got smacked off his face when he saw her husband had come along. “No. No, El, he ain’t a part of this.” He pointed accusingly at Alfie.
           “Tommy invited him,” Ella replied firmly. If she had to go to bat for her husband, she always would.
           “Well Arthur’s the chairman, Ella, he’s running this meeting,” Linda informed her in a stern tone.
           She wasn't bothered. “That’s good news, Lin. But Tommy still insisted he be here.”
           “Arthur, mate, I’m family now, ain’t I?” Alfie placed a hand over his chest as if appealing to him. Not that the man would ever grovel to a Shelby.
           “Your lovely wife is able to sit in, right, so Ella’s lovely husband should have the chance to sit in as well.”
           Arthur’s hands balled up into fists and his face began to turn red. A common symptom of Alfie’s presence. “Ella, I said no.”
           “Arthur, he’s here to help, nothing more.” She responded and linked arms with Alfie, walking into the meeting room. Polly, Lizzie, and Ada were already sat at the large table with a man Ella wasn’t familiar with.
           Polly stood to greet her niece, kissing her cheek. “How was Paris?” She asked gently.
           “Wonderful before we were so rudely interrupted by the stock market.” Ella attempted to smile but it felt forced in such an uncertain time.
           Alfie pulled out a chair for Ella before he sat next to the unfamiliar man. “Lizzie, how are ya? How’re the little ankle-biters?”
           The woman looked a little surprised that he was being so cordial. She’d never had a run in with Alfie before, but she was well aware of his reputation. During her days as Tommy’s assistant, she’d facilitated calls and meetings between the two and they often became heated. “Oh, uh, they’re fine, thanks for asking, Alfie.” She responded.
           “How ‘bout you, Ada? How’s Karl?”
           Ada looked mildly impressed and glanced subtly at Arthur. “He’ll be turning eleven next month.”
           “Eleven? Fucking hell they grow quick don’t they?”
           Ella smiled a little smugly. She knew that her family was just waiting for Alfie to kick off but she took pride in being able to shove that prejudice back in their faces. She reached for her husband’s hand and squeezed it gently.
           “While we wait for Tommy,” Mr. Greene began with a smile. “Could I just lighten the gloom and express as a new member of this company, what a pleasure it is to be in a boardroom that has so many females. And females who are both sharp-witted and decorative.”
           Lizzie, Polly, Ada, and Ella all made faces at the man’s comment. Alfie just chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, mate, you don’t know Shelby women very well do you?”
           Arthur didn’t like Alfie speaking so he tried to gain control. “Yeah, we’re a very modern company, Mr. Greene.”
           “Oh boy…” Ella mumbled and shook her head.
           Finally, Tommy entered the room in a bit of a flurry. It looked like he hadn't slept at all. “How far have we got?”
           Polly didn’t look up from the paper in her hand. “We’ve established that ladies are decorative.” Ella and Ada snorted in agreement of the absurdity of Mr. Greene's comment.
           “We’ve just sat down, Tom.” His older brother answered from the head of the table. “I’ve got some documents.” He began to hand out papers down the table for everyone.
           “What documents?” Tommy asked, not taking a seat, instead just standing. Ella reached over to hand him one of the papers outlining the outreaches of the market crash.
           “Well, we’re fucked.”
           “Tommy, mate, how fucked is the company?” Alfie asked.
           “Excuse me, but if you’ve got a question, you can ask the chairman of the board.” Linda snapped before Tommy could even answer.
           Alfie looked exasperated. “Pardon me, love, but your husband doesn’t take too kindly to me, now does he? Tommy, at least, answers my questions.”
           “Because you beat him up and had him arrested.” She retorted, rising to the challenge of Alfie’s argument.
           “Hang on, hang on.” He held out a hand before Ella could jump down Linda’s throat. “First of all, that were years ago weren't it? Second of all, I apologized for that, now didn’t I, Arthur? Tom?”
           Tommy nodded silently and Arthur made a grunt neither confirming nor denying.
           “I apologized, right, ‘cause that’s what me religion says I should do. Contrition, right? In fact, Linda, you and I’ve got the same God, now don’t we? You were the one who so kindly introduced Arthur to Jesus. Therefore, we can put our differences aside.”
           “Arthur, Alfie is a part of this family now whether we like it or not,” Tommy spoke steadily, ignoring the death glares Linda was sending Alfie. “We’re going to use as much help as we can get.” Arthur still looked grumpy but sat down almost in surrender. “As for your question, Alfie, a large portion of our funds were invested in American stocks and shares.”
           Ella’s husband scratched his beard. “Right, so you’ve dug your own grave and those of your family as well.”
           “What is the return they’re offering now?” Ella touched Alfie’s shoulder to get him to drop it. It would do them no good to keep pointing fingers. They were far beyond that point anymore.
           Tommy grimaced and removed his glasses to rub his eyes. “Five cents to the dollar.” The room buzzed with disbelief and worry. “There is hope.” He interrupted before they all got worked up over the news.
           Alfie scoffed. “You gonna use some gypsy magic, Tom? Aye? How are you meant to fix the fate of America’s stock market all on your own, aye?”
           “As nonexecutive director of the company, I need permission of the chairman.” Tommy pointedly ignored his brother-in-law.
           “Let me guess.” Alfie continued, despite being snubbed. “You’re gonna go back to your roots, aye, Tom? That’s why you’ve asked me here. ‘Cause you know there’s nothing that makes me itch more than legitimate business. You want to get back to the good ‘ol days, that it? The man that fixed races then killed Billy Kimber.” He grinned. “Now that, is something I can get on board with. Tell us your plan then.”
           Tommy hated that Alfie was right. He sighed. “We need to rely on cash. And there are very reliable ways to get large sums of cash.”
           Ella pinched the bridge of her nose. “And we’re back to square one.” She muttered.
           “Ella Laura, as I live and breathe.”
           Ella smiled. “Hi, Uncle Charlie.” She skipped a few steps to hug him tightly.
           “Thought you’d forgotten ‘bout Curly and me.” He teased.
           “I’m sorry. I’ve meant to visit but I’ve been busy.” She sighed, inhaling the familiar scent of the Yard. Burning coal and hay. “What’ve you got for me, then?”
           Charlie chuckled and led her over to the stables. “Wild filly going to the tracks soon. One of Curly’s favorites, a draft mix. Only seven.”
           Ella’s fears and worries melted away when she found herself enveloped in the warmth of the horses. The familiar scent and sound of their snorts and hoofs against the shavings. “You know I’m impartial to wild but I think I need something steadier. I need to clear my head.” She gravitated towards the large gelding with massive hooves and a stocky frame.
           “I’ll grab his tack then.” Charlie agreed.
           “Hello, love.” Ella cooed and stroked the horse’s soft muzzle. “You are handsome, aren’t you?” She chuckled as his lips mouthed over her hair and clothing, looking for a treat. “How’s about I give you sugar cubes after our ride, aye?”
           It was freeing to be out on a horse, riding past the city limits of Birmingham. The large horse, that Charlie said Curly had nicknamed Kennedy, plodded along the damp grass. His long and steady gait allowed Ella to process the company meeting. She blankly gazed at the trail ahead, her hands loose on the reins.
           How could Tommy return his family to 1919? The days where nothing they did was legal and the threat of enemies and police were always looming over their heads? The days where trouble was always lurking around the corner. The days where their pub was shot up.
           They’d come so far and Tommy promised that they’d be fully legitimate in the nearby year. No longer would they have to be concerned with legal issues or threats on their lives. They could just live as they were meant to.
           It didn’t matter whose fault it was anymore. What matters was they were all at the mercy of money. And there was no telling what deeds Tommy would drag her husband into. It angered Ella that only in times of crisis did her brother invite Alfie into the family. Not when they were married years prior? But wasn’t that just how Tommy was? People’s worth was based on their helpfulness to him.
           Deep in her thoughts, Ella was hardly paying attention to the road ahead. So, when a black cat jumped onto the path, she didn’t have enough time to gather the reins. Kennedy neighed shrilly in alarm and reared.
           Ella desperately tried to grab ahold of the horse’s mane or the saddle, but it was too late. She was thrown off into the grass. Kennedy leapt over her, his large hooves only barely missing her as he took off back towards the Yard.
           She groaned in pain and rolled onto her back. “Fuck…” Her arm had gone completely numb and she was familiar with the feeling. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She forced herself to sit up and found herself face to face with the black cat. It stood in the center of the path, staring at her with green eyes.
           “You fucking…” She spat at the animal, making it hiss and run off into the long grass. “Fucking cat.” She staggered to her feet, clutching her arm. Kennedy had already gained a big head start and Ella could only hope that he was returning to Charlie’s or she’d never hear the end of it.
           Alfie was down at the Yard by the time Ella finally made it back. Kennedy had, in fact, brought himself back to his stall sans rider. Charlie panicked a little and called up Tommy who told Alfie who rushed down to find his wife.
           “El!” He hurried over to her. “What happened? You alright?”
           “Think I broke my arm.” She mumbled. “I need to lay down.”
           “Yeah, yeah, c’mon, love.” He wrapped an arm around her waist to lead her back to Watery Lane.
           Polly helped get her niece into a makeshift sling. “Never too old to break your arm, isn’t that right, chavi?” She teased to lighten the mood.
           Ella smiled weakly and sat at the edge of the bed. “Is Tommy around?” She asked.
           “He was at the Garrison,” Alfie answered. “Do you need him?”
           She nodded. “Yeah, I need to tell him something. You can stay, I don’t mind.” There were no secrets between her and her husband.
           Tommy arrived at Polly’s after Alfie had called the pub to tell him what happened. “Did you ride that filly?” He asked. “I told Charlie she was too green, May needs to work with him a little longer.”
           “No, I was out with the draft.” She shook her head.
           Tommy frowned and sat down. “That thing’s never spooked at anything.”
           Alfie crossed his arms over his chest. “Well it did and now she’s got a broken arm.” He retorted grumpily. “So, what’re you gonna do about it?”
           “Easy. It’s fine, I’ve fallen off before.” Ella soothed. “But it was a black cat that spooked him.”
           Tommy’s face paled a little. It had only been moments earlier that he was recounting his black cat dreams to his family.
           Alfie looked confused as the siblings shared worried looks. “Black cat? Like it’s bad luck or something? That old wives tale?”
           “Sort of.” After her miscarriage, she’d taken to paying more attention to omens and nightmares. It might've been from her time spent with the Lees, awakening the part of her that used to believe in such things. Whether it was just a coincidence or not, she wasn’t going to risk it. “It means there’s a traitor nearby.”
           “I’ve had the dreams,” Tommy admitted and ran a hand through his hair. “I think you’re right.”
           Alfie’s brow furrowed. “Hang on, it’s a fucking animal. I think you lot are looking for signs that aren't there.”
           “Always a good idea to be wary of omens, Alfie,” Tommy replied calmly. “Otherwise you’re caught off guard when you could've been on alert.”
           “And you’ve got no one else to blame but yourself for ignoring the signs,” Ella said quietly agreeing with her brother. An eerie feeling overcame her when she remembered who was missing at the family meeting. “When’s Michael coming back?”
           He nodded as if they were thinking the exact same thing. “Soon. He’ll be here soon.”
           “And you’re going to keep an eye on him?”
           “Alfie?” The frustrated sigh came from upstairs. Ella and Alfie had returned back to London and she was finding it difficult to function with her broken arm.
           “Yeah, love?” Alfie was downstairs in his study reading about the market crash. It made his blood boil how just a few greedy businessmen could screw over the entire world, leaving destruction in their wake.
           “Can you help me?”
           He got up, glad to abandon the newspaper on his desk and go upstairs to his wife. Cyril followed him, alerted by Ella’s call. “You need something?” He asked as he entered the room.
           “I can’t bloody get anything done.” She protested. It was natural to assume that after breaking her arm several times before as a child, she would be able to navigate. But she’d forgotten how strenuous it was to have only one working arm.
           “Got a broken wing, little dove?” He smiled and stepped behind her.
           “Lucky I have you then.”
           “Mhm, I think I’m luckier to have you.” He kissed the nape of her neck and slowly undid the buttons.
           They stood in silence for a second before Ella glanced behind her. “Alfie, things are going to be okay, right?” She whispered.
           He couldn’t help the hesitation in his voice. “Of course, love. The stock market doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with our relationship. We’re gonna be perfectly okay.”
           “But my brother…”
           “He wants to get his hands dirty again, then he can. But I tell ya what, think he’s going to get in more trouble in Parliament than on the streets of Small Heath.” Alfie turned her around so she was facing him again. “He’s already claimed royalty in Birmingham. But he wants more, don’t he? There are fucking dangerous men in Parliament. You ought to warn him now, ‘fore he gets into something he can’t get himself out of.”
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some-mad-lunge · 5 years ago
When Alex Manes Loves You
This is a Isobel x Alex friendship fic with a whole bunch of Malex for good measure. For @bisexualalienblast who always deserves a smile and who dragged me into this fandom.
He takes care of you.
Alex leaned over the building plans spread out on the table. They were almost certain this was another facility, one that might just have some of the answers they were desperate for.
Well most of them were, Michael still wasn’t sure what Alex’s motivation was. At least not anymore. How many sins of your father were you supposed to atone for before you were square?
Max was sitting in a chair, he still had trouble standing for too long. Coming back from death was a bitch. Still he seemed to be taking in everything Alex was saying. At least someone was.
Michael couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from Isobel and he wasn’t paying attention to anything else.
She’d walked in 10 minutes earlier, flounced in really, and tossed her bag in the corner like she’d done it a million times. Michael had only been to Alex’s bunker once before. He could swear there were ghosts in the walls, it made him feel watched. Isobel, however, seemed comfortable as could be.
It irked him.
She was in yoga clothes, an old habit she’d picked back up since she found out her husband was a serial killer. He didn’t think she believed in all that zen bullshit but he wasn’t about to say anything about her new exercise kick. With Isobel you picked your battles.
She’d barely been there two minutes when Alex reached into his own duffel bag and tossed something in Isobel’s direction without even looking at her. She caught it with ease, wrinkled her nose. It looked like homemade trail mix, how very military.
“I can't deal with your hanger today. Yes, there’s M&M’s in there somewhere. Anyway, as I was saying…” Alex kept talking but Michael doesn’t hear it.
It’s a simple thing, so tiny and insignificant but all Michael can do is stare at the bag in Isobel’s hands. She flicked her fingers around inside, digging until she finds what she’s looking for. She held the chocolate between her thumb and forefinger, smirked at Alex before she popped it in her mouth.
The smile Alex gives her in response can only be described as fond, lips Michael once knew intimately pursed in amusement.
He doesn’t want to name the feeling that rolled around in his stomach, refused to acknowledge it. When Isobel held the bag out and Alex took a handful without looking up from the table Michael felt his whole body clench.
He humours you.
He was getting used to being in Alex’s space, not just his bunker, their unofficial place to discuss all things alien conspiracy, but near him. Close enough to feel the heat of his dark skin, breathe the same air. It doesn’t hurt anymore, at least not as much.
Maybe they would be friends after all.
That is until he walks in, sees Kyle laughing, Alex with a bemused expression on his face and Isobel hanging something on the wall.
When Michael read what it said he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in disbelief.
“There. Now it’s more homey.” Isobel stood with her hands on her hips, glanced over at Michael with a small smile on her lips. It’s the first genuine one he’s seen in months.
Later when Alex and Michael are sitting at the screens, he leaned over, kept his voice low.
“Are you really going to leave that up?”
He shrugged, but Michael doesn’t miss the way the skin on Alex’s arm beside his prickled in goosebumps. It gave him a rush of warmth, a feeling of satisfaction he missed too much to admit.
“It makes her happy.”
And that seemed good enough for Alex.
When Michael walked out later he reads the words. He knows it’s a joke, but he can’t seem to laugh.
Bunker Sweet Bunker
He makes you smile.
Max was keeping a very close eye on his sister and Michael was along for the ride. Today was her wedding anniversary. No one mentions it, no one dared to, but they knew it would be a hard day for her. She wouldn’t admit it, because weakness was not a word in Isobel’s vocabulary. So instead Max was brooding, pouring Isobel wine in the middle of the day like this was some joyful alien family gathering and not them trying to make sure she doesn’t crack.
Michael knew that Isobel probably would have preferred to have Alex here. They were so chummy now it made his skin crawl. Another thing he hated to admit, he was jealous of her. It was something he was used to in a way. At least before all her walls came down, and he learned life for her wasn’t as easy as he liked to imagine.
Alex had been the one to ask Max, and therefore by association Michael, to look after Isobel today. The soldier and Kyle (who he would never admit to being envious of, even if you put a syringe of the cure in his arm) were gone on some secret fact finding mission. Michael didn’t know the details. Which was fine.
Let Isobel and Alex have their wine nights. Let Kyle be Alex’s right hand man. It didn’t bother Michael in the slightest.
You’re a miserable liar.
But Max was still hovering, and Isobel just kept sighing and rolling her eyes like she was the one doing them a favour.
The doorbell rang and Michael watched her jump to her feet, no doubt happy for a brief reprieve from their lame attempts at comfort. There had been a time when it was always just the three of them, even when they hated it. God, even when they resented it, at least they had each other. But as more people were let in, as more people were trusted, it blurred what they were to each other.
Michael hated the feeling.
Isobel came back into her living room practically skipping, a package in her hands. Max was instantly on edge, like it would contain a bomb or something. She liked to shop, Michael could only imagine what she’d purchased herself this time.
It wasn’t until he saw her chuckle as she read a card that he realized it was a gift. She placed it on the coffee table and hummed to herself as she used her thumbnail to break through the taped up box. He swiped the card and felt his stomach clench as he read the words inside, the handwriting a little too familiar.
If you’re going to be a widow, best do it right.
Sentiments, et cetera, don’t drink all the wine without me.
Alex hadn’t even signed his full name, just the first letter. Because she would know who it was. Of course she would. It made Michael seethe.
He heard Isobel’s gasp of delight and watched as she unwrapped a black hat, satiny and classic, a small black veil in the front. To anyone else it would be in poor taste, but as she put it on her head and drew the wisp of a veil over her eyes she was positively beaming.
She looked like a vamp in a noir movie, the widow in fake mourning. It suited her, Michael could admit that. The radiant smile on her face filled him up, made him forget his earlier anger. Alex had given Isobel something, made the day easier. He couldn’t be anything but thankful, even it it was begrudgingly.
She ran to look in the mirror, preened at herself and then started rambling about something or other. Max gave Michael a confused look, he just shrugged in response.
He tried to not remember the times when Alex gave Michael exactly what he had needed, exactly when he had needed it.
He leans on you.
As soon as he read the text from Maria he’d gotten into his truck without thinking. When he’d seen her name he’d frozen for a second. They’d ended things a few weeks prior. No drama, no tears. They just weren’t it for each other. He loved her. He always would. Just not the way he was supposed to.
Then her words had him in motion, he had to get to Alex. He couldn’t be alone, not right now, even though Michael was sure he’d demand it and then tear himself up in the process.
It was still light out when he pulled his truck up Alex’s drive. He was stunned for a moment to see not just Kyle’s car but Isobel’s as well. He debated turning around, pretend he’d never come until he saw the front door open and Isobel stepped out onto the porch.
No going back now, so he climbed out, boots kicking up dust. Isobel offered him a small smile.
“Is he…” Michael didn’t know what to ask. Of course he wasn’t okay. Jesse Manes was dead and even if he was the devil incarnate he was still Alex’s dad.
“No, but he will be. Kyle and him are on the back deck grilling steaks.” She was still blocking his path, and Michael knew how to read a room. “We’re going to get him wasted and put him to bed.”
He nodded at her, he’d never felt like he didn’t belong before, not with Isobel. Never with Alex. It felt like being a ship adrift on the water, nowhere to go.
“I just thought he could use a friend.”
“He can, that’s why we’re here.” She wrapped her arms around herself, the way she always did when she’s about to hurt him. Especially when she doesn’t mean to. “I don’t think it’s a good idea…”
He doesn’t let her finish the sentence, it’s already too much. “Yeah, I get it.”
Instead he turned away, felt ridiculous for coming there in the first place.
“Michael.” It’s soft but he hears it. So he stopped, took a deep breath and looked over his shoulder. “You’re more than that to him. So much more and he shouldn’t have to deal with that too. Not right now.”
He gave her a quick nod, because she has appointed herself Alex’s protector and he wants to thank her. Even if it meant keeping him away, Michael knows Alex is kept safe and loved. Even if it can’t be by him.
And whose decision was that?
The thought pounded in his head on repeat for the next three days.
He never stops.
It’s in the bunker, because of course it is. Just the two of them, Isobel’s stupid sign on the wall and a lab coat that no doubt belongs to Kyle thrown over a chair. They had been looking at something on the computer again, Michael leaned in too close as he tried to memorize everything he could.
He never gets to touch, not anymore, so his eyes are always hungry. It’s not sexual, at least not always, tonight he’s fascinated by the way Alex’s hair is in disarray. Frustrated hands running through it with every other click of the keyboard. Michael wants to replace them with his own, soothe the dark cloud Alex is giving off. Put fingers to tense shoulders and dig in.
He fights it, because that’s all he does around Alex anymore. Torture himself by looking and beat down the part of him that wants to do something about it.
Finally they gave up, Michael tried to make some stupid joke that failed miserably at being funny. Alex just lifts a corner of his mouth, like he appreciated Michael for even trying.
They both reach to grab Michael’s jacket at the same time, hands brushing for a moment, eyes locking in surprise.
With them, that’s all it takes. Match to gasoline and everything burns around them. Alex biting into his mouth, pushing him against the table, stealing his breath and his heart. He whimpered, because it’s them and he never thought he’d get this again. Wouldn’t let himself ask for it.
But the sound snapped Alex back to reality, made him lean away and fingers slipped from their grip in Michael’s hair. The sudden cold that slipped over him made his bones hurt.
“Michael, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”
“I love you.”
Alex stilled, hands squeezing hard where they rested on Michael’s arms. Alex doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t have to. His face is awe struck, his eyes bright. They both know, they’ve always known, they’ve just never said it.
Why had they never just said it?
But this time maybe it isn’t enough, maybe it’s too late and they didn’t figure it out in time. Maybe he’d let Alex push him far enough away that Michael hadn’t found his way back in time. Maybe they’d…
Then Alex is on him again, just as intense, just as needy but gentle, almost reverent. He’s unbuttoning Michael’s shirt, brushing their noses together..
“I love you.” Michael can taste it on his tongue.
“I love you.” It hums through his blood.
“I love you.” It’s whispered into his mouth.
“We’re going to talk, okay. After.” Michael can only nod in agreement as his shirt is pushed off his shoulders, as teeth drag at his lip and he’s welcomed home.
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forkanna · 8 years ago
See also: @pankite
That evening, Elsa noticed Anna was even flightier than usual when the two of them were getting ready for bed. Every time they brushed past each other or otherwise came into contact resulted in a blush and a stuttering apology; she returned them, but still wasn't quite certain why they both seemed so twitchy and weird.
Weren't they both glad to be back together again after so many years? It almost seemed ungrateful somehow to take their reunion and turn it into something awkward. Yet there they were.
After spending several hours tossing and turning, trying not to think too deeply about all manner of subjects, Elsa finally fell into a fitful slumber. Riddled with dreams about their few-but-still-too-many kisses as it was, she felt lucky to get any sleep at all.
Still, she felt oddly refreshed and optimistic upon waking up Sunday morning. So much so that the first thing she did was turn with a big smile the moment her sister was awake.
"So," she began hesitantly.
Anna blinked at her sleepily. Her hair stuck up in all directions and resembled a lion's mane after it was struck with lightning. "So?" she mumbled, yawning and stretching out her lean limbs with a grunt as her back let out a satisfying pop!
"Um…" Again, just as with their picnic, she had to suppress nervous jitters. Why did this matter so much? Of course, she knew it was because the two of them had missed out on so much together, but she didn't want to acknowledge that. They could be exactly as they were again; it would simply take a little effort. "S-so…"
"Do you have a statement to back that so up or are we going to be stuck in a cycle for awhile?" Anna sleepily giggled and gave Elsa one of her megawatt grins.
"Sorry." She had to stop being so awkward; not first thing in the morning. She was stalling for too long! The purpose for their trip into the nearby town was too important; so Anna wouldn't get reprimanded again. Therefore, she blurted out in a rush, "You have to get out of those clothes for me."
Anna's brow furrowed slightly and it was clear that she was really thinking about what Elsa had just blurted. Slowly a pink blush overcame her cheeks and her teal eyes cleared from any tiredness. "You… need me to get naked?" she asked slowly.
"What? Get- OH! Oh, no, that wasn't- I was thinking about…" Suddenly, Elsa was almost as red as Anna, but she managed to correct her colossal fumbling. "Y-your other clothes, the ones that aren't camp regulation! I meant we should get you new ones today!"
"O-Oh," Anna's cheeks turned an even darker shade and she hid her face in her arms at such a blatant mistake. "Oh my god! That makes so much more sense! I am so sorry!?"
Shaking her head, Elsa tried for a laugh that more sounded like she was choking. "N-no, it's my fault, I… WOW, did I phrase that as wrong as I possibly could have!" Pressing her fingertips into her face to cover the shame radiating from her face, she went on, "Sorry, Anna… b-but yes, I meant, um, we're going shopping today, right? For longer shorts, and a one-piece bathing suit?"
"O-Oh yes," Anna laughed nervously and started fiddling with one of her braids. "I still don't get what's wrong with my own clothes...it's really not as bad as you and the others make them out to be. I mean, I have a skirt at home that's just past my butt that I use for dates! I brought my most conservative ones."
"Just past your butt?" The vision swam into her mind, eager to outline what that would look like, but she shook it off as quickly as she could. "W-well, I don't mind the clothes you brought, personally, but… I don't want them to make trouble for you. That's all."
"Fine," Anna pouted briefly but it was gone quickly, replaced by a dazzling grin. "Besides, shopping with you sounds like an amazing way to spend the day, anyway."
Sighing in relief, Elsa smiled over at her as she caught up her clothes and her toiletries. "Good. I'll go shower first so you can wake up a little, if that's alright."
"Mmkay," Anna yawned again, shamelessly stretching out like a lazy cat on her bed and heedless that her shirt rode upwards, showing off a strip of her freckled back and sides. As she was passing by the bed, Elsa stopped to gaze down at it for a moment.
"Maybe… it's bad that I have to ask this, but were you always so freckley?"
"You would know better than I would," Anna retorted with a playful scoff. "I mean, you used to help Mama bathe me when I was a baby, or so Papa told me, so you should be able to tell me if I always had these devil spots everywhere."
"That's right!" Elsa laughed suddenly, clapping a hand against her leg because the other was full of shower commodities. "Maybe I should do that again sometime. Double-check."
Only after she made the joke, which shouldn't have been a problem, did she feel a slight flutter of bashfulness. Grown women didn't bathe each other. Why did she say that? Anna's face, which had just turned back to it's original shade, flared right back into the red zone — however, her teal eyes regarded Elsa with a mix of nervousness and mischief eagerness.
"I wouldn't complain," Anna said, her voice teasing but still slightly tense. "I mean, we're sisters and we used to bathe together as kids."
"Yeah. Sisters. Right, it's no big deal if we… take a bath together. Or change in front of each other." Frowning, she glanced at the clothes in her hands and whispered, "Sorry about how I was when you first got here. I feel like that was… probably very cold to you."
Anna gave Elsa a sad smile, getting up from her bed to walk towards her older sister. "You were hurt and angry," she said gently. "It's not your fault." She rested a gentle hand on her shoulder and rubbed the pale skin soothingly.
"I know." Then she shook herself, smiled over at Anna reassuringly, and swept from the room without another word.
In the shower, all Elsa could do was mull over their conversations. Why did she always seem to be saying the wrong thing? Thinking the wrong thing? While she had been trying not to examine the implications of their kissing, the way they behaved around each other, that was getting harder and harder to do. She knew exactly what she would be saying if she noticed some boy and girl at her school acting this way around each other. That at least one of them had a crush on the other.
But that was impossible. Ridiculous! Even if Anna was bisexual, it didn't mean she had a thing for her own sister. That was just about the only sin that would be worse than being gay in the first place! So why should there be any problem? Why did she feel so excited every time Anna laughed, or blushed and fidgeted, or looked up at her with a shy, secret smile? Those weren't normal actions, and her heart speeding up was not a normal reaction to those actions.
"Anna…" Just speaking the name aloud made the blood rush in her ears, her heart thump more wildly in her chest. She really did love her sister, more than she remembered. It was so good to see her again! Why was she being so insane about this? Why couldn't she just embrace her long-lost sibling, soothe her and tell her they would never have to lose touch like that again, and leave it at that? The thought of what her feelings might mean was maddening. And she was supposed to be the straight one!
Finally, Elsa stepped back into their cabin, clad in underwear with the towel around the rest of her. "All yours," she told Anna cheerily.
Anna looked up from where she was playing on her phone. She was lying on her stomach and her shirt had been shed at some point while Elsa was showering, so her bare back and simple red sports bra were exposed to the cool air. "Thanks," she chirped. She gestured to herself and added, "Sorry about the state of undress, it's a little too hot this morning."
"No big deal," Elsa lied. She felt guilty, but more guilty for not being okay with Anna exposing so much skin. Purposefully ignoring it, she walked back over to her bunk and dropped her towel on the bed, not facing her sister as she began to select her clothes for their day out.
She just barely noticed the way Anna's cheeks turned pink at seeing almost her full body on display. However the teal eyes trailed slowly, drinking in the image almost unwillingly before she saw Anna do a minute shake of her head and hurriedly gathered up her stuff. Then the redhead coughed out a "be right back" and went to shower.
The blush made Elsa wonder, but she couldn't be sure. Just like with everything else, it was all guesswork. Dressing hurriedly, she tried not to think about the slight fluttering in her stomach, or the way her palms began to perspire, or the sound of her own heart thundering behind her ears. It was too distracting.
It took almost twenty minutes for Anna to return, dressed in a green tank top with a neckline that dipped down just enough to expose the swelling of her breasts, and jean shorts that clung to her shapely butt and stopped just a tantalizing few inches above her knees. She was vigorously rubbing her head with a towel, her skin still slightly slick.
Elsa tried not to think about the clothing choices, and instead just laughed and said, "You know that's bad for your hair, right? You're supposed to blot."
Anna let out a playful huff and shook out her hair, several of the damp strands sticking out in all directions while the rest hung heavily down her back and face. "Quicker this way," she laughed, "and it makes my hair feel lighter."
"If you say so." Putting the finishing touches on her own braid, she walked over and asked, "Do you want me to braid yours? It's… been a while."
Anna beamed and nodded enthusiastically. "It has! I always loved it when you and Mama braided my hair… you were always so much better at it. Punzie's even better at it than me."
She sat down on the floor in front of the bed and fluffed out her hair a bit so that it fell along her back in easy access. Soon enough, Elsa was running a brush through the damp locks, feeling them dry as she went. By the time she was beginning to put them in Anna's usual twin braids, the mundane action had soothed her anxieties, and she felt at peace again.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be there to do this for you the past few years," she told her as her fingers worked quickly.
"That's okay," Anna answered, her voice sounding pleasantly content as Elsa worked expertly with her hair. "It's not your fault… and I guess I had to learn how to do it myself sooner or later."
Nodding as she tied one of the braids off, she said, "Still wish I could have taught you." Then she smiled a little wistfully as she started in on the other. "I really do a better job than Mama?"
"Mama always made my braids too tight," Anna confessed. "It hurt a lot but I just never really said anything. You always knew how to do it perfectly."
Elsa couldn't help the pleased smile that blossomed across her lips. "Well, then… I'm glad I can at least do that correctly." In short order, she was finished, and she tied off the other braid and patted Anna's shoulders. "There. Are they still perfect, or am I losing my touch?"
Anna carefully maneuvered the braid so that it was draped over her shoulder for her to inspect. There was several moments of silence before Anna cheerfully exclaimed, "This is probably the best one you've done for me!"
"Good!" she giggled, kissing the top of Anna's head automatically. It felt a little silly a moment later, when she thought about it, but she couldn't seem to stop the action. Deciding she didn't care one way or the other, she embraced her from behind. "Then that's all that matters."
Anna smiled at the familiar action, her eyes filled with love and fondness for her big sister. "You're amazing," she hummed and gently took Elsa's hand in hers. "Want to get going?"
The blonde's cheeks bunched with the force of her smile, and she found it hard to suppress her excitement. "I really do. Let's go!"
~ o ~
A few shopping bags were piled in the booth next to Elsa and Anna as they sat waiting in the restaurant, waiting for their dessert. They already split a hamburger and an order of poutine, so neither of them was starving enough to need their final course right away. It was a nice, lazy atmosphere between them, and it was just exactly what Elsa needed.
Especially after all those close calls in the changing rooms. Every time she turned around, Anna was asking to be zipped up, or wearing a too-small shirt and asking if it looked okay. Or worse: a too-small swimsuit. None of those things should have mattered to her in the slightest, and yet she kept getting flustered, stumbling over her words, knocking over mannequins. Anna had to stop and ask her several times if she was feeling alright, and she honestly wasn't sure if "Yes, I'm fine" was a lie or not.
Anna was humming as she tapped away at her phone, looking as happy and content as a spoiled housecat. While Anna had insisted on buying a majority of the clothes they got, including several cute pieces for Elsa, there was one thing Elsa had ended up purchasing for Anna that warranted the look on the redhead's face. A necklace that her free hand hadn't stopped playing with since it was placed around her neck.
"You really like it?" Elsa asked in a shy voice, nodding at the silver crescent moon pendant being spun between her sister's fingers.
Anna gave Elsa a bright smile and nodded enthusiastically. "I love it!" she gushed, "It's so pretty, but it was a little pricy, wasn't it? Are you sure you want me to have it?" She toyed with the pendent some more, looking awed at the cool feel of real silver against her skin.
"Don't worry about that," she assured her very quickly, reaching across the table to rest her fingers on Anna's wrist. Anna turned her hand so that she could entwine their fingers. The feeling of her skin was electric to her, but what she had to say was more important than weird discomforts she couldn't quite name. "I… I wanted to somehow give you some proof that we were here, together. That it wasn't just you missing me. Maybe that's stupid, but I hope the necklace can do that, Moondrop."
"Thank you, Elsa." She lifted the hand and lay a soft kiss on Elsa's knuckle. "I'm so happy to have you back."
"Me, too." Just as her cheeks were reddening the tiniest bit, the waitress arrived with their small dishes of ice cream. Once they were set down, she glanced up and said, "Thank you."
"No problem," the large woman told them pleasantly. Though she did notice a slight disapproving look as she retreated.
Anna watched her leave with a raised eyebrow. "It's like she's never seen a pair of sisters before." She shrugged her shoulders and picked up the spoon, looking eager to dig into the sweet chocolate.
"That does look good," Elsa laughed. When Anna looked up, she nodded at her dish. "Now I'm almost sorry I ordered this pistachio monstrosity." In her own dish was a banana with two scoops of pistachio ice cream on top, drizzled in raspberry and hot fudge, and with whipped cream and a cherry on top.
"I can't believe you actually like pistachio," she teased, eying the treat. "I mean, it doesn't look bad but I've never heard of anyone who actually likes that stuff, I haven't even tried it before." She paused for a moment, looking contemplative, before she scooped a generous helping of her ice cream and held it out for Elsa. "Here, you can have my first bite," she chirped.
"Okay, if you're sure." Elsa opened her mouth, and allowed the spoon to glide in past her lips. Closing around it, she let out a long, wistful sigh. "Mmm… I do like a good chocolate, and theirs is very good."
Without the slightest hesitation, Anna took another spoonful and popped it into her mouth, completely ignoring the fact that Elsa had used it before her. The moan that passed her lips was soft and practically sinful. "Best chocolate ice cream ever," she agreed blissfully before looking at Elsa's bowl again. "You going to eat that?"
But Elsa was still preoccupied with having watched what Anna had done. The sound wouldn't have bothered her if she wasn't watching Anna use the spoon without even wiping it off first! Still, she had to answer. "O-oh. Yes, of course; I ordered it, didn't I?" Plunging the spoon into her own dish, she got a bite that was a bit too big for her and wolfed it down, barely able to keep from gagging on it.
The giggle that passed Anna's mouth was filled with amusement. "Careful there, I know you're eager to eat your ice cream but there's no need to choke yourself." With a playful smirk, she reached out and took Elsa's spoon from her. "Maybe I should feed it to you.. .so you won't do that again."
"What? Anna, I… I'm not a child!" However, she couldn't summon any real annoyance at her sister. In fact, that sounded oddly nice. She followed up asking, "Do… you really want to?"
Anna's smirk softened into a simple grin and she casually pulled Elsa's bowl closer towards herself. She got a spoonful of the delicious sundae and offered the serving, hovering it a few inches from Elsa's mouth. "Say 'ahhhh'..."
The blonde's cheeks were pink by the time she opened for her, allowing the spoon to glide inside and closing her mouth around it. And she couldn't explain why… but that bite was the slightest bit sweeter than her first had been. Intellectually, she knew that it was probably because the first had been right after chocolate, and the pistachio was more savoury. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that it was because Anna was feeding it to her.
The look of delight that Anna gave her as she accepted the feeding was most definitely a factor. The redhead hummed happily and gently tugged the spoon out of Elsa's mouth. "You enjoying yourself?"
"Y-yeah," she gasped softly, eyelashes fluttering. Why did she feel the slightest bit lightheaded? Shaking it off as best she could, she took the dish and spoon back from Anna and muttered, "Th-thank you." Anna nodded and grabbed her own spoon, cheeks tinged a deep pink as she started eating her own ice cream again. "Um… d-do… you want to…" What on earth was wrong with her? Clearing her throat, she collected another spoonful and asked, "Want some of mine? I know you haven't tried pistachios before, but if… you're curious…"
The redhead looked up from her bowl and, suddenly looking shy, she nodded and opened her mouth for the offering. Elsa pushed the spoon inside as gently as she could, wondering what would happen; it was her spoon, after all. Didn't Anna care?
Just like with her own spoon, Anna didn't hesitate to close her mouth around the metal. Her eyes closed as though savouring the taste of the cream, a pleased sound escaping from her throat. "It's good," she murmured as she pulled away. She licked her lips. "Better than I expected anyway."
"Yeah?" Elsa breathed, a little pleased. "Th-that's good! Um… one of my friends from the dorms got me to try it. And I was like you, kinda worried that it would be weird, but… maybe…" As the words spilled out, she realised they had a double-meaning, but could no longer stop them. "Maybe I'm up for more 'weird' than I used to think I was."
A half-curious, half-contemplative expression crossed her sister's face as she fiddled with her necklace. "So you're up for being a little… adventurous, then?"
Lifting the spoon to her mouth again, she said, "Guess I am." She hesitated an instant before taking it in; Anna had just used that spoon. Maybe it was stupid to care so much, especially after they had kissed a few times now. This wasn't that different from kissing; still swapping spit.
But she ate it anyway. She ate it, trying to ignore the tingles in her stomach that had nothing to do with the flavours bouncing along her palate.
"Hey Elsa," Anna spoke up, her eyes glinting with mischief. "I just realized...I never did get to pay you back for that little dare a few days ago… and I thought of something to test this adventurous side of yours."
Eyes fluttering open, Elsa barely had the wherewithal to ask, "And what's that?"
Anna made a come hither motion with her hand, gesturing to the seat beside her. Her eyes went slightly half lidded in what could almost be taken for a seductive expression. "I need you to come here first."
"Well…" Her instincts told her this might be a bad plan, but she half-stood anyway, rounding the table to edge in beside her sister. "Alright. What's this 'payback' of yours?"
It took a few seconds for Anna's eyes to dart between the two flavours, looking at each intently before finally she selected the chocolate ice cream, taking a generous spoonful. "You can have another bite of mine." She grinned mischievously. "But there is a catch."
"What kind of catch?" Elsa said, eyes narrowing to slits as she waited for the other shoe to drop.
"This is the catch." Anna put the spoon in her mouth, holding it there for a minute before pulling it out and grinning at her sister before her mouth opened slightly, showing a glimpse of chocolate ice cream on her tongue. There was a challenging gleam in her eyes, daring Elsa to try to steal the semi-frozen treat.
"Are you crazy?!" Elsa hissed immediately, swinging her head around to glance at the rest of the restaurant. "We can't do things like that in here! What if somebody sees?!"
An instant later, what she had just said caught up to her; that was her concern. Not that Anna was asking her to steal ice cream from inside her mouth. She only cared if anyone else saw it happen. But she couldn't admit that. Even though, in a way, she just had.
Anna looked briefly nervous, her teal eyes darting about to see if anyone was watching. However, seeing most of the parlour empty and the other patrons going about their business without acknowledging the two, she gave Elsa a smug look. One that clearly said, 'No one is looking so if you don't do it, you forfeit.'
"Seriously?" She scooted closer, lips moving downward. "You're a lunatic. This is really the revenge you want?"
The flash of hesitation and Anna shifting slightly spoke volumes but Anna put on a brave face and nodded anyway, peering up at Elsa daringly. Elsa could practically hear the redhead's racing heartbeat with every closing inch.
"Fine!" she hissed, an instant before she abandoned her self-control and leaned in, burrowing her tongue into Anna's mouth. Anna squeaked into the shared space they had created, eyes going as wide as saucers. Elsa felt her grip onto the back of her shirt in surprise. She quickly found the ice cream, crimped her tongue and passed it up into her own mouth…
And still she did not withdraw. Part of her was thinking that she wanted there to be no question from Anna that she rose to the challenge, that she had gone the extra mile. But part of her knew it was more than that. She was enjoying herself. Too much. More than she ever had dreamed.
Anna was starting to quiver slightly in her arms, still looking shell shocked at the bold move. The seconds ticked past at an agonizing pace and it was as if time ground to a halt. Then, Anna relaxed and kissed back in a move that surprised both of them, if Anna's hitched gasp before she grabbed Elsa's lips with her own tongue was any indication.
That move broke the spell that had been settling over Elsa. Though she didn't pull away immediately, it all seemed to crash down around her ears. Kissing a woman. Kissing her sister. With tongue! Anna's tongue was in her mouth, and it was enthusiastic. She wasn't that kind of girl, no matter who was up against her lips, and for it to be Anna, of all people…
And it felt so wonderful.
Finally, she managed to bring up her hands and push Anna's shoulders back weakly. Not with any real force, because she didn't seem to have the energy. But she tried it a couple of times. At feeling the soft push against her shoulders, Anna retreated as if she had been burned. Both sisters sat in awkward, tense silence with the only real audible noise being their soft breaths as they regained the air lost. Anna looked terrified as she sat there, beet red and looking downright ashamed of herself as she avoided Elsa's gaze.
Finally, Anna broke it with a soft, "I'm so sorry."
"N-no," Elsa told her quickly. Then she cleared her throat and managed to whisper, "No, don't… I… I don't know…"
"That was stupid of me," Anna continued as if Elsa hadn't spoken. "I-I shouldn't have… I shouldn't have done that. I mean, I should've left well enough alone." She reached up to play with the necklace again only to stop just inches from the metal and place her hands back on the table. "I- I understand if you… if you want to leave now… I can pay for the ice cream and find my way back later…"
That sounded so appealing to Elsa for a number of reasons. There was so much spinning through her head! Some of it merely bizarre, some of it dangerous. But one look at Anna's face and she knew she couldn't do it.
"We'll… go back together." At Anna's curious look, she moved her hand just enough to cover one of her sister's on the tabletop. "I'm… well, I don't know what I am. But I said I wouldn't leave you again, and I meant it. S-so, um, let's finish our ice cream. Okay?"
Anna nodded hesitantly and quietly continued eating her ice cream. Her shoulders were tense and she continued to avoid Elsa's gaze but it was in no time at all that they finished their food and Anna slapped down a twenty. No one spared them a glance when they got up and left.
But Elsa still felt them all watching. The waitress hadn't said a thing, had even smiled as she waved to them when they left, but it seemed like she knew somehow. Splitting the bags between them, they began to make their way towards Elsa's car, never speaking.
All in all, Elsa was glad of the silence; she had a lot to think about.
To Be Continued...
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