#there's sth so funny about the sentences
felassan · 3 months
More on the Varric deaths stuff, two, as well as on DAII Exalted March and DA:I -
"This expansion was going to be called Exalted March, and here, Varric was going to finally step out from the interrogation room so we could play in the present day, so to speak. It was also here that Varric - in a climactic confrontation new villain Corypheus, introduced in Legacy - was going to die. "So what I wanted to do with the expansion was: there's a lot of stuff we cut and I really wanted to put a bowtie on the Dragon Age 2 story," former lead writer David Gaider told me earlier this year while chatting about the creation of the Dragon Age world for a piece about maps. "It had the confrontation with Corypheus and the whole thing. We'd introduced him in a DLC, which I didn't want to do, but we did it, so I wanted to sort of tie that off. And I wanted to kill Varric because he was the viewpoint character and I'm like, 'This is his story, it needs to end with his death.' "He was the unreliable narrator, right?" he added. "I felt like it had to end with him. So we had this great moment where Corypheus is using the Red Lyrium and it's growing out of control, but [Varric is] a dwarf so he's a little bit immune, so he's able to do the Wrath of Khan Spock thing and get in close and destroy it. And he gets Corypheus enough so the party can take him out, but then he's dying from Red Lyrium poisoning so there's this nice moment with him and Hawke as Hawke says goodbye. And with his death, the story ends. And I felt that's appropriate for Dragon Age 2's arc." Exalted March, however, was never released. BioWare cancelled Exalted March to refocus the studio on new game Dragon Age: Inquisition and the move to new engine Frostbite. The expansion was "cannibalised", as Gaider put it, talking to me, and expanded to become Inquisition. Which is how Corypheus suddenly became the main villain in Inquisition, and how Varric managed to stay alive. It didn't stop Gaider trying to kill him again, though. "I tried to kill him in Inquisition," he told me. "I think mainly because I didn't get to do it in [DA2]. And everyone was like, 'But the Inquisitor isn't Hawke! It lacks the same meaning.' And I was like, 'Yeah, I guess you're right.'" Still, it was a difficult thing to let go of. "I was a little bit upset," he said, "and I remember I went and said - because they wanted to start work on Dragon Age 3 immediately - 'Well, you can make me do that, yes, and I will just be the guy in the meetings doing this [he makes a standoffish posture]. Or you can let me go home for a month or so, get this out of my system and grieve, and I will come back. And I swear, when I come back, I will be ready to go.'" He was true to his word, but he still wasn't entirely done trying to kill Varric. In March last year, Gaider revealed there were once plans for Corypheus to attack the Inquisition's mountain castle base, Skyhold. "The threat of Corypheus after Haven was never truly realised," Gaider tweeted. "An attack on Skyhold would have upped the ante. Maybe I could have killed someone finally... but instead, Corypheus remained a remote villain you chased but were rarely chased by. "By the way," he then added, "if you're wondering who I would have killed in Skyhold, given the chance, the answer is obviously Varric. That dwarf was meant to die in the (cancelled) DA2 expansion and escaped his fate despite having been in my crosshairs ever since." Varric survived again. "After Dragon Age Inquisition came out I'd already left the Dragon Age team," he told me."
what I'm reading, if I understood it right, is that Varric has survived death at least 3 times thus far.. (;・∀・)
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schnaf · 3 months
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ladymarycrawley · 7 months
Goalscorer of my heart - John Stones
do you really think I could end this day without writing sth to celbrate the man of my dreams' goal?
Warning: fluff with a hint of smut (not proofread sorry, time's running and I have to up for work in like 6 hours)
Tag list: @masonxomount, @prideofpd, @johnstonesfc, @stonesyyyy + @footiehoemcfc & @cityzenchick who kindly asked for it 🫶🏻
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(gif credits to @doinggreat )
“Hello? Is the man of the match talking?”
“Well I’m not the man of the match” You could feel John’s embarrassment at your subtle compliment by the little giggle in his voice, surely followed by his hand scratching the back of his neck.
“Well you should have been…you played amazingly”
“Thanks but you’re a little biased”
“You’re the goalscorer of my heart” You cooed in his ear, hoping he would have heard that despite all his teammates cheering and screaming in the background.
The image of John blushing and making a little smile appeared before your eyes as if he was standing there in the room with you. You knew him like the back of your hand and could picture his every little move even at a distance.
“Thanks, I’m really happy with that goal”
“As you should, you know what that celebration reminded me of?”
“No idea, guess you should tell me about it later at dinner”
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“Yeah only if you’re willing to have dinner with your favourite goalscorer who played amazingly”
“Of course I am…” Now it was up to your boyfriend to picture your rosy cheeks getting closer to a darker tone of pink as he was playfully flirting with you, sighing happily when his mind went to that twinkle in your eyes that only appeared when you were with him. You somehow became each other’s mirror as you both ended biting on your lower lips simultaneously.
“Can’t wait to be your date tonight”
“Gotta go now” He had to scream as the boys were chanting his name, celebrating the hero he was “I’ll call you when I’m almost home, get ready okay?”
“I’m always ready for you”
John rolled his eyes, trying to push Ruben away from him so he could end the phone call with you properly. “Don’t be naughty nor a liar”
“I’m not! Go celebrate with the boys, I’ll see you later” You blew him a kiss and hung up.
You didn’t expect for him to take you out after a draining game like that, in fact you wouldn’t have minded a cozy night in but maybe he was in the mood for something bigger and how could you no to John Stones?
It was impossible to say no to him but you would have lied if you said you didn’t hate him a little when he didn’t tell you where he would have taken you: to that fancy little bistrot you loved? Or to the new one they opened last week he said he wanted to try? What should you have worn?
While those questions began to fill your brain, you let your body fall on the soft carpet at the centre of your walk-in closet and browse with a desperate look through your clothes.
Better a simple but cute dress or something more casual like a cool pair of jeans with a wool sweater? What if you would have been overdressed? Or, worse, underdressed??
You were too caught in your thoughts to realise your beloved boyfriend had already arrived home and you were still there in your home clothes!
“I can’t believe it” John mumbled when his eyes saw you still standing there in your sweatpants “That’s what I meant when I said not to be a liar”
“I’m not a liar I -”
“I’m always ready for you” He mimicked the sentence you said him over the phone earlier on and you tried to hold back a laugh.
“I don’t talk like that and that’s not my fault you weren’t clear enough” You fumbled while discarding your clothes on your way to the shower.
 “I said I’d have taken you out for dinner, not that we would’ve gone to fucking Buckingham palace”
“Oh my god you’re not only a good footballer but also a funny one!”
“See? You got lucky!”
“Yeah…the luckiest…”
“Hurry up I don’t think they would be happy with having us for breakfast” You stuck your tongue out at him and threw your bra in his face.
“What am I supposed to wear??”
“Your birthday suit”
“I’m serious, John”
“I’m serious too”
“Come on! Where are we going?”
“Have you ever heard of surprises? Well, consider this as one”
“You’re not helping me”
“Whatever you choose it’ll be perfect”
“A dress with a large train??”
“That’d be perfect for Buckingham palace”
You got out of the shower and glared at him.
“What are you wearing?”
“My training kit”
He giggled and cupped your face to kiss your adorable pout, the one you got when you got angry was irresistible to him, especially when he caused it.
You moved your face to avoid his kiss and your pout reflected onto his face.
“Baby please, tell me where are we going”
“It’s a surprise, whatever you choose will be okay but now let’s hurry: we should be there in half an hour” He said in a low voice as you let him kiss your wet forehead.
You sighed and tried to opt for something classy but not too over the top so you wore a black velvet mini skirt matched with a black and white striped cardigan. Black sheer tights with suede boots and a faux fur coat would have completed the look.
“Okay I’m ready” You said walking down the stairs where he was waiting for you in his gunmetal grey wool coat that you loved on him.
“You look stunning”
“You look quite good as well”
“May I kiss you or would you shout at me for messing up your makeup?”
“Kiss me, I have the lipstick in my purse to fix it”
After a sweet kiss that you had to stop before it would get too messy and too long, John drove you to the mysterious restaurant that, much to your surprise, was a new one but not the one that opened a few days ago.
“How did you know about this place?”
“Being a famous footballer has its own perks”
A smiling head waiter welcomed you and showed you inside that enchanting venue.
“This place is beautiful, I’m glad I didn’t come in my birthday suit”
“Well I wouldn’t have complained about it”
“Maybe the staff would”
“In that case no staff would have been present”
“So I should have eaten meals cooked by you? Please have mercy on me”
“You’ll have to ask for mercy later on, not now…”
You blushed and cleared your throat as a waitress got closer to take your order.
While waiting for your dishes to be served, you talked about the highlight of John’s day: his goal against Liverpool.
“It was a hell of a game and when you scored…god, it  was perfect”
“Thank you babe”
“It really was! And when you celebrated with the fans…” Your eyes got teary with emotion: it was only a few weeks ago when he said he wanted to show everyone he deserved to be at City, he worked so hard and that goal was something similar to crowning achievement.
He smiled, grateful to have someone like you in his life, always ready to support him no matter what, and held your hands across the table.
“You said that reminded you of something, what was that?”
You giggled and dried your tears with your hands before revealing to him what his goal made you think of.
“Do you remember that iconic Messi’s celebration against PSG in 2017? Like that amazing comeback in Champions League?”
“Yeah, that was huge”
“Yeah it reminded me of that”
“Well” He chuckled in an obvious state of embarrassment, clearly humbled by your reference as well as by your loving words “I’m not that iconic but thank you”
“You’re at a loss for words, huh?”
“Yeah, gotta admit I didn’t expect it…and you drive me crazy when you come up with those football references” He kissed your hand that he brought closer to his cheek and made you blush madly, as if your whole face caught on fire.
After you ate the delicious dishes you ordered, including a dark chocolate soufflé you threatened John to share with you because you couldn’t care less about his food regime that night, you suggested you should go home to rest after such a long and eventful day.
“There’s something I wanna ask you”
“Yeah? What’s that?”
“I think I’ll wait and do it in the car, we wouldn’t be comfortable in a public space…”
You raised your eyebrows and followed him outside the restaurant, after he paid the bill and thanked everyone for their perfect service.
“John babe what’s wrong?”
Your mind started racing as you couldn’t help but think about something tragic like him confessing to you a treason or something along that line. You started feeling dizzy and prayed to make it to the car so you could sit down and take some deep breaths.
He sighed and looked rather nervous too.
“Erm this day has been crazy to say the least and I’d like to end it the best way possible. I want to give you something more meaningful to remember, apart from my goal and the match itself…” He cleared his throat and a blue velvet box appeared in his hands. His shaky hands opened it revealing the brightest piece of jewellery you had ever seen.
“Y/N would you marry me?”
Hot tears of joy started rolling down your face and you didn’t know what to say, you only kept nodding as he had to gently take your hands away from your face to put that fine piece of jewellery that was your engagement ring on your finger.
“I take it as yes”
“Of course you silly man” You giggled before pulling him in for a passionate and messy kiss. You did expect a good night but a wedding proposal was totally inimaginable to you. The man of your dreams asking you to marry him? Mental, that couldn’t be real…
“Can we go home so I can finally see you wearing the best look from tonight?”
“That lacy underwear set you saw in the drawer the other day?”
“Was thinking more of your birthday suit but we can start with that”
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ceciliamcl · 5 months
Ok GUYS, I played episode 3 finally, and I want to share my opinions:
I went throught the routes of Amanda, Thomas and Jason, for the moment those 3 for me seem the most enjoyable.
Hot take, I hate the fact that in the VIP is included the access to the episodes faster than the rest. It's not just a question of money, but I really loved the experience and the hype we had when My Candy Love new episodes were dropping and everyone was trying so hard and discussing all together how to get the illustrations and commenting the scenes. Now if you do not get access to the VIP you get spoiled or if you have access to it, you play it but you still have to wait for the other half to play it and all the hype is gone. I wanted this experience to be shared at the unison.
I think I will stay off Tumblr for the next episodes, to avoid spoilerssss.
Anyways the episode was cute, nothing wow, but can't wait for sth to happen or to really start learning about the characters. I know the 1st episodes have the role to introduce you into the whole environment voila but I WANT THE DRAMA
For now my impressions are:
Amanda is super sweet, she is a cutiepie and I love how considerate she is for the people around her I will have her as a crush for one of the accounts. The scene in the park was....ok
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Thomas is still a mistery, he seems like an interesting character and I really love his interactions with Candy. He can be so blunt in some situations that he is funny without trying. I liked the icecream scene and how chill he was if you go to the mall and meet Jason while you are with him. It's funny how shocked he is by Yslaines initiatives🥹
The fact that he is planning all his meals...hope candy will help him loosen up a bit.
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AAAnd now Jason, I like his design but I don't think he is what I expected of him. He is a bit cringe and the kitten appelative is such an ick...And for 3 episodes their only discussion was "Omg Candy you are going DOWNNNN with your team...sorry "kitten"". And Candy is like NO, YOU ARE GOING DOWN. Ok we get it, you are in a competition. Now let's MOVE ON from that, plus the scenes are like 5 to 7 sentences and that's ab the interactions. I WANT MORE.
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Devon is cute, but for the moment I won't play his route, maybe next week. And then Roy...some of you mentioned that he is in a relationship. For me that's a turn off but we'll see. BUT PLEASE BEEMOV, stop mentioning push ups every episode, I'll go insane.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 month
Hi bestiee~
Ok I wanted to vent a Little abt summer night the series since none of my friends watch it. Boy do I dislike Lune, and its not even close. His character has zero (0) personality traits and I have no idea who he is and we are half way done with the series. Like my boy is the epitome of of the saying " if you were a flavour you would be flour".
I dont know anything about the Webtoon, and maybe he is not so bland there... but my GOD! A main character cannot be that broing istg!!!
Also on another note i love how much Dunk has improved with his acting, I feel like a proud mama hen watching him since 2022 , im genuily and nicely suprised.
hello bestie!!
yes please lmao I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about Lune bc my goodness watching this boy merely exist is pure torture sdjkfd like how can someone be so passive??? I can't.
It didn't bother me as much at first bc I thought he was just shy but we're halfway through the show and he has spoken about 5 sentences lmao like?? no idea if that will change at some point and also if it's a Phuwin acting choice or if he's just tired or sth but for now I'd like to send White and Star to an eye doctor to check wtf they see in him lmao.
but aside from that I'm also very pleasantly surprised by Dunk, it's nice to see him improve. He's doing great. and if we ignore Lune's emptiness I'm actually enjoying the show lol it's funny and all the triangle situations are kinda entertaining. also jeweltan are 🥹🤏🏻🫶🏻fingers crossed for Lune to get his shit together and maybe get back together with Sera so they can be boring together dlkgjd
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Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @squintclover - thank you so much!! Loved your response!!
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
By loving the story so much I wanted to be in it, lol. My first few attempts at writing ff were with self-insert OCs, but that was in my native language and mostly unpublished. Im trying to recycle some of those ideas, but Im not sure how will it go.
As for fics written in english and without OCs - like everyone else, by reading other fics.
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
If we count the first few attempts - I took a look at my docs and counted 7 fandoms. Some parts of those were published somewhere on the web but I genuinely forgot about their existence.
If we count fics published recently on tumblr/ao3 - only HP.
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Technically? A decade. But idk if that counts if it wasnt published and probably never will be and had self insert OCs.
I started writing my first fics in english after I got into that one fandom which was during the pandemic, so that would be around 3-4 years - but posting since… December 2023.
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely read.
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Im not making the characters as OOC as before? I hope
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
Trying to fit too many things into one project that do not fit bc they are too self indulgent or just bad writing bc require sacrificing either plot or characterization. Being too ambitious, having too much plot that needs too much effort to make it make sense, and will not pay off bc nobody will read it (bc idk if i will ever finish it. and if i do it will not be written in english).
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Just one? There are so many weird things Ive been researching or googling.
Did they have 3-in-1 shampoos in 1979. Language of flowers. What the ancient roman beds looked like. Names and their meanings. Ancient roman’s attitude towards (homo)sexuality. Phosphorus and phosphorescence (this was literally to check if this one sentence in canon is factually correct). Did ancient romans have pets. Different gems’ looks, usage and meanings. Ancient Roman dog names. Different astronomical events / discoveries in years 1975-1980 and in year 1957. Layout of certain types of houses.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any comment is a nice comment <3 tho I like to be let known the person felt something while reading bc its still so abstract and bizzare for me that it happens 😅
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
As you can see from the research question I have an ancient roman au wip. I was genuinely surprised there were only a few ancient roman aus in the marauders fandom.
This one published wip is about a surprise pregnancy that isnt immediately regarded as great news and celebrated (which i think isnt a common way of approaching the topic.) I also wanted to write sth about abortion and miscarriage but i dont know if I will get around to actually writing those.
And Im trying to recycle my old OC-focused long fic which also is deeply unpopular (i understand why but also i feel like im fighting in the trenches)
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Thats about something. Has a deeper meaning and everyone in the comments talk about how deeply they were moved by it. Or how clever the plot was. Or how the deeply and insightfully the characters are analysed. Or how beautiful the language is. Or. Like. Is written and finished and publishable.
🍏What is the easiest type?
All I know is funny dialogue, self indulgent fluff and this one type of hurt/comfort that is also super self indulgent. Also putting all the effort into fitting in as many references / easter eggs as you can that i know nobody will notice.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my laptop, usually sitting at my desk, or on the balcony if the weather permits, whenever I feel like ignoring the things im supposed to be doing instead, I guess.
So far I’ve been using google docs but I’ll be probably moving on from them in the nearest future. For organizing ideas/wips and short fics I use Notion - its good for organizing but not that good as a writing program.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Smut, lol. Also more taboo topics like abortion and miscarriage mentioned above.
🍇What made you choose your username?
I translated my first ever username to English. ok, no, my first ever username was Leila Moonlight and i still think its pretty but now i also think its cringe. Tho I was - what? - 11? 12? So maybe I can be forgiven that it looks like a HP character. Nocturnal Phantom - the username actually use now - is still a bit cringe, I picked it bc I was a night owl (lol) and tried to lean into this nighttime-spooky aesthetic, but also its tumblr so im embracing it. I recently picked a nickname Nyx for my mutuals' convenience - and that is the greek goddess of the night. I commit to the bit.
No pressure tagging: @polaroidcats, @hiddenmoonbeam, @soloorganaas
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3rddimension · 11 months
Comments to the UTM video
Anon sent in a writeup about UTM TNTL video. Here’s the ask:
I don’t know whether this has been posted before on the blog but I’m curious as to why it is not mentioned and discussed more often. What I mean is the video on your playlist from UTM (the TNTL part, link: https://youtu.be/cUKWxkZpeSc?si=UmkIq3ipvb8235Bf) In my opinion, it is the most substantial evidence in terms of their relationship so I wanted to bring this up along with my comments.
I love this video since it points to the fact that something big happened during the holidays in 2022 for S and C. I don’t know who is roasting Shayne (I think it’s Arasha, not sure though) but notice that when this person begins with: “Over the holidays I’ve learned that you are in groundbreaking …”, S is visibly nervous and shocked as if that person is about to reveal something big (probably about their relationship). In addition, Kimmy is pointing at both S and C which means this is directed at both of them and C’s body language changes as well (they basically look like a couple during a family gathering that is about to have a toast made about them to congratulate them on sth). S looks so terrified and relaxes only after Arasha or whoever it is finishes the sentence (immediate change right after she says “series”). Then everyone kind of relaxes and starts laughing. But when you look at S’s expressions during that moment it is clear that he is worried that this person might spill the beans about him and C. 
Now, what happened over the holidays? My theory is that they got engaged. In another video from the same event: https://youtu.be/qAOJ3R0PFvk?si=QqEijzKjuzLeXhLp, Courtney says her famous line to Kimmy about being “a little bit more engaged than” her. Once again, look at everyone’s reactions. First of all, that bit is not a punchline and in itself is not funny unless we assume that there is some truth to it. What is more, who laughs the hardest - Shayne 🤣 I am not super up-to-date with S and C’s relationship timeline. It could be that they just moved in with each other over the holidays but why would C mention the engagement part? I also think that this is right after C had spent holidays with S’s family in Colorado.
I don’t think that they got engaged tbh but maybe something like promise ring was what happened. 
Also it’s not moving in because they already moved in with each other since around Nov 2021 and moved to bigger room in the same apartment around Jul/Aug 2022. Also the holiday is happened after UTM is done btw. Court posted the airport picture around 23 Dec 2022. (https://www.tumblr.com/3rddimension/725966279873363968/i-didnt-know-that-c-spent-last-years-christmas?source=share)
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team-council-two · 2 years
I have a question For alphameter!
is there a word in french that is somewhat equal to calling a person you don‘t know well honey/darling/love. Maybe in a somewhat flirty way but not like being in a relationship or super close.
Like how a hairdresser would say what can i do for you today, love? so between two people that don’t know each other that well but share a sympathy or at least want to appear nice.
this is... a tricky question with a tricky answer, at the very least.
you see, this entire thing basically assumes that its ok to nickname strangers, and in france we opt for respectful distance usually instead. ironically, THIS is how we act to seem friendly, with a lot of excusez-moi (excuse me ? except it is. its hard to explain but the way americans say it translates better to excuse-moi, which is a completely different and more accusatory connotation than the "hey sorry (polite)" of this one), pardon de vous déranger (sorry for disturbing you), je vous en prie (you're welcome but fancy) and so on. polite formulas. we also have a thing called polite you, which basically when instead of using singular you to talk about a singular person you use plural- using vous instead of tu. you use this for Pretty Much Everyone that you arent friends or family with, except kids.
so thats basically a way to say the context youre talking about here. i mean. it exists. but it doesnt translate 1:1. bc we act w in mind the fact that we basically are talking to someone who didnt expect it and is minding their own business and whose boundaries, life and so on we do not know. its also like. the politeness is one big "its ok if you cant answer" and showing that continuing the conversation is opt-in rather than opt-out. using singular you for example comes accross as a disregard for boundaries and almost agressive/insulting. in other words we default to sheepish around strangers, rather than. buddy buddy/sassy motherly. for the special case of business owners who we see pretty often, hmmmm..........
(i am thinking very hard)
ma p'tite dame is sth that butchers and cheese sellers and things like that will say to a lady in a local shop, especially by men to older ladies with a smaller stature. its literally little lady and very cute. m'sieur/mon bon m'sieur, sir/my good sir, is the to go for a guy. also, they LOVE to go monsieur/madame (family name), esp since knowing peoples names and using them is a mark of familiarity. mon p'tit/ma p'tite is for children- but also, ironically, mon grand/ma grande. its literally small one VS big guy/big girl, depending of whether you want to seem kind and insist on liking the kid and finding them cute, or if you want to make them feel valued and taken seriously and as strong independent people. really tbh everything is in the tone and the sentence structure as well as choosing words that are neither slang nor fancy, rather than in having friendly vocabulary itself. that said, sassy aunt energy hairdressers are, i am afraid, an american specie, and not quite a thing in france. they will be cheerful but will not attribute nicknames. theyll still comment on how thick and amazing your hair is tho. or at least they always did for me. also, unlike friends and the like, business owners will NOT drop the vous bc this is a very open "valuable customer, hi !", a bit like a funny little low bow. anyways...
you also can openly pity people. if someones talking to you bc they need directions or sth, it is socially acceptable to say things like "mon pauvre/ma pauvre" (sth akin to poor dear ig). if youre *really* relieved and someone got you out of HUGE trouble, you can exclaim stuff like "vous êtes un amour !", literally youre an angel. (amour usually means love, but theyre also a subtype of angel. cupids ? you get the idea), dont forget merci beaucoup either ! thank you so much.
anyways... assuming you are asking about this for spy. this is one of these things that, due to cultural differences, we simply would use the english versions instead, a bit like what i explained with this post and some expressions being very hard to translate. also while women may get away with things like mon chou, trésor and so on (read : i cant think of any others) in pitying contexts, men... not so much ? one, they simply just dont use these (chérie, ma jolie, cocotte, etc...) words in this context, only when catcalling, two, when men call women this shit its usually. err. to put it simply. yeah its usually a sign theyre a misogynist/a "beauf" (someone lacking class/respect, often with lifestyles that are all around consuming trash TV, soccer, facebook and rumors stuff). if youre talking about scouts ma tho, who many people like to HC as french as well, yeah shed use (mon) trésor/mon chou
anyways spy would call heavy bisounet
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menalez · 2 years
Do think it's funny how these anti feminist orbiters specifically talk about how dumb radfems and their clique are while forming their own demented little clique lol as if there aren't tons of women on here who disagree with eachother and debate which is actually wildly more normal than having a small group of people that you have to make sure agree with you on everything or else if they have a more nuanced take they get booted. Sorry for the run on sentence
i think its rly funny fhdhfsdhsf my fave part is theyre like IF YOU FOLLOW MENALEZ UNFOLLOW ME!!! IF U THINK MENALEZ IS A LESBIAN UNFOLLOW ME!!! its so funny ... like theyre acting like its this major important thing but in reality theyre mad over some stranger on tumblr being a lesbian or sth while in their weird circle of women who must 100% agree with them on everything ever
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summergirl2408 · 4 months
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lmao this reminds me 😂
one time in school I answered a question in a test with 3 sentences. One of them was 13 lines long and, technically, grammatically correct + the subject was not philological so the teacher could do nothing about it, just look at me with disappointment 😂😂
It's so funny when you can tell a teacher is simultaneously kind of impressed and mad/disappointed because of sth you did 😂
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slothydaydreamer · 2 years
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I tagged 589 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#borderlands - 146 posts
#izombie - 88 posts
#handsome jack - 81 posts
#rhys the company man - 37 posts
#nisha the lawbringer - 21 posts
#ace attorney - 20 posts
#mystic messenger - 19 posts
#fire emblem fates - 16 posts
#timothy lawrence - 15 posts
#encanto - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#there can be sth so personal & aesthetically pleasing about writing long sentences that describe things in a really roundabout way y'know?
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Sup, kiddos?
35 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Helluva Boss Season 2 Ep 1 spoilers
Just some musings about Stella, Octavia and the family dynamics.
See the full post
36 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
I wish I had the energy to write a comedic piece from the pov of Chase Graves where he details how Liv and Blaine are the thorn in his side with all their rule breaking and anti authority behaviour, while he's just soooo concerned for all of zombiekind and trying to ensure everyone's survival. And the whole time there is this really obvious sexual frustration seeping through from his inner narrative, he's in denial but you can tell. It's not hidden. And it's a bit ridiculous how the narrative will describe Liv and Blaine as these great temptations, making him question his own approach and actions, and convinction. The narrative will make you think those two are great seducers.
Meanwhile the actual dialogue will go like
Blaine: "Oh. It's you. Sup. Please tell me you'll leave again asap."
Liv: "You can't just kill these people. :/"
And then the narrative will go "and there it was again, the personification of the voice from the darkest depths of his most hidden desires."
53 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
It's funny how in the beginning it seemed like it would be Liv vs Blaine in the show, at least from the protagonist-antagonist set-up as we're used to in media, but their paths rarely cross directly, even though they're constantly connected in other ways. And more often the confrontations are Major vs Blaine, Ravi vs Blaine and so on, he and Liv rarely clash directly. And Blaine has his whole own life going on, while Liv does her thing.
They feel like they're each the protagonist of their own show whose lives are interweaving every now and then.
One plotline for how to be the worst zombie, one plotline for how to be a good zombie.
59 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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More angel AU! :D
Mild backstory of why the angels let a dude with their enemy’s face live and work with them. Lilith is not thrilled, but Angel has a point. If ya trust your nemesis’ baby daughter with a leader position you can’t really argue about the poor boy who just happens to look similar.
87 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nazuri · 2 years
So i am currently losing my mind over a book
No it's not a good book or anything it's just this one sentence that destroyed my faith in the author but that after a bit of context
So there is this polish author Katarzyna Michalak (i will call her Kasia) who is an absolute scribbler meaning that this woman can put out like five books a year
So Kasia is an absolute disaster of an author with not so big but not small audience and we can assume most of them are bored middle age women
There are two of her series that I'm familiar with and just to tell you they are an absolute gem in terms of destroying expectations
That is the Sunny trilogy and Year in Raspberry series (keep in mind I did my best to translate that but it may as well be wrong)
For the Raspberry one i know about the first book of the series from a video on YT and it's just so funny when you think of it
So Ewa the main character is just this woman who has like three months to get a book out because of a deal she made with her friend (and that is whole other thing we don't talk about because I think he later becomes love interest or sth idk) and that is basically the plot I might be wrong but well...
And the funniest part of the whole book is a character of a famous author in the book's universe who occasionally shows up from nowhere and helps the MC and drops some prophecies and I am not joking on this one and if you tried to guess that author happens to be no one else but our Kasia
Yes that woman basically did a self-insert into her own book as this omnipotent all-knowing person that sometimes helps the MC and it's hilarious and that is while ignoring how hilariously badly the book is written
So for the Sunny series actually it was my friend who read it but she was basically sending us every other page because it was so funny
In the Sunny series we explore the story of Patrycja (Pati) who has a dream and wants to make it happen and stuff (the MC "dream" in pretty much every book of this author is a little white house somewhere in the forest or a field or some place like that and a guy and that's about it) (this particular MC is also fun fact a witch particularly a dreamer who's dreams come true and stuff and it's all just Kasia's view in this so its pretty much all wrong but still)
So we see her story and stuff and at one point our dear Pati decides to write a book...
I don't think you can guess what the book was about
So the book that you are reading is called Poczekajka (no idea how to translate that) and our main character decides to write Poczekajka as her story just change the names
So the character in the book is basically writing the book you are reading...
Interesting right?
Well it gets better
You see if you do some looking you will find an actual music video from Kasia made specifically for Poczekajka that she herself is starring in
So what does our MC do?
She makes a music video and uses the exact same song that is in the irl video because Kasia put the words in the book
So you see just how weird it all is right?
Like this woman does so much self-insert in her book I don't know what is real anymore
But that was just the context for my pressing issue that doesn't let me sleep at night
You see i am currently reading one of her book on my own because we made it a thing in our friend group and I chose one titled Leśna Polana which translates into Forest Clearing or some shit idk
So in this we actually have three main female characters and three brothers that I assume will become love interest and so around chapter 6 one of the younger twin brothers (Patryk) comes across a women jumping out if a window to escape her abusive partner so he calls up his twin (Marcin who btw was at the moment meeting the other female character) to help him get her to the house of the third female character (who was once engaged to their older brother but they don't know it was her yet I told you her books are wierd) and through the whole chapter the jump out the window girl never once mentions her name to the men helping her (name's Julia btw)
And after they get her to her friend's house Marcin talks about the girl he met at the club and that he didn't ask her for a name and Patryk says somethin and Marcin is like "and you asked your Julia?"
And that one sentence destroyed my week
Because what fucking prophet is he that he fucking got that name especially since literally two chapter later they say that they don't know her name and I'm like bitch what
So you may think what if it's Romeo and Juliet reference
Well my friends came to similar conclusion but I don't have any faith in this author so I took matters in my own hands
I went and wrote sugar coated message in Instagram which she doesn't apparently read and if I say sugar-coated I mean it because I didn't believe in any of the words I wrote but I know if you criticize her even a little bit you can get banned or some shit and it just needed to be done for me to get noticed
So I know she won't read the Instagram message so I went through her website and there was that guest book corner where people wrote to her and she usually responded in like a day or so
And so I took my chances and asked about that one line that wrecked my mind
And what does she say
Yes Marcin meant the Julia he just met that hasn't introduced herself that he met for the first time in his life and I just
I am not even disappointed or anything because frankly I couldn't expect anything else but I wanted to believe that she knows what she writes but no
She just randomly plays Apollo shooting people with the gift of prophecy and it's just so bizarre it actually makes it a fun experience and I can't get over that fact
So yeah sometimes even a bad author can bring you fun no matter how awful they are at what they're doing
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rosierin · 3 years
safe place | suna rintarou
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pairing; suna x gn!reader
genre; fluff
warnings; none
a/n; happy valentine's day to both couples and singletons <3 to celebrate the occasion, i thought id return from the dead and write a lil sth sth about a character i barely write for on this blog jk its suna again but writing with him is genuinely so cathartic m'sorry anyways hope you like it <3
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"Did you know it's Valentine's day today?" You ask out of the blue. You're both laying in bed, with Suna resting on his back, one arm flung around your waist as you lay peacefully atop his chest. The other he uses to scroll through TikTok, but the sound of fleeting videos stops when you speak up, and you see Suna's thumb stop moving like he's frozen in time.
"Seriously," You huff out a laugh as you lift your head from his chest, noting the genuine bewilderment on his face. He's not usually one to forget things so you understand his reaction. Not that you mind— it would've slipped your mind too if it weren't for the annual Valentine's Day video Snapchat sent you earlier that day. Unfortunately, you had only opened that message once the day was pretty much over, and only now did you think of bringing it up. "Don't worry, I only found out today, too."
"You should have told me sooner," he says, abandoning his phone on the bedsheets and using his now free hand to brush a few strands of hair from your face. "We could've done something."
His gaze meets yours and you smile. It's somewhere around eleven o' clock, and the moon has reached its peak. Its glow pours through the sheer curtains of your shared bedroom and casts a soft blanket of silver across your bed. Coincidentally, it catches Suna's eyes, revealing all three colours of his irises— slithers of amber and sapphire swimming in pools of the palest jade.
They're even prettier like this, you think. But your figurative thought bubble bursts when Suna gently taps your nose, reeling you back to reality.
"True, but there's always next time," you offer. "But forget again next year and I might think you don't love me anymore."
"Forget what?" He feigns. You roll your eyes  and he smirks.
"Very funny. But speaking of love— when did you start loving me? I don't think I've asked you this before."
"Oh no, we are not doing this," he deadpans. He tries subtly drifting away from the topic by reaching out for his phone, but you're quick to block it with your hand in hopes of reeling him back in.
"Oh c'mon, it's Valentine's Day!" You say, hoping the notion of said holiday would tide him over. "Consider this your gift to me and in exchange I'll tell you when I started liking you— which FYI, was probably earlier than you'd expect."
The latter part of your sentence rouses a small reaction from Suna, body reacting similarly to the way a cat's ear would twitch when they hear something that sparks their interests. He tries playing it off nonetheless and upkeeps his nonchalant behaviour.
"What makes you think I even have an answer to that? I don't have a date in mind or anything."
"But you have something in mind, I bet. Plus, you can't tell me you're not the least bit interested in what I have to say."
Suna shifts his gaze to the corner of the ceiling at that, which non-verbally answers your question.
"I mean, if it was for as long as you say..."
Little does he know, you have loved him for as long as you say. At the time you hadn't fully realised it yourself. Your feelings had remained hidden for a good amount of time, burried deep beneath a concrete of denial, fear, and reluctance, until eventually all your inhibitions had been swept away in a crashing tidal wave that was Suna Rintarou. It swept you off your feet, away from shore and engulfed you in the uncharted waters of a newfound romance.
As for when this particular realisation occured, there were a few moments that came to mind, as did a list of reasons that strengthened your infatuation with him.
You've loved Suna ever since you associated the notion of comfort to his name, in the tranquil moments spent in each others company, watching the television with your legs tangled beneath a fluffy blanket. Studying for an exam in the library, knees brushing against each other though nobody ever brought it up. Driving home after a long day with the music turned down low, neither of you speaking, neither of you needing to utter a word in order to feel completely at ease.
You've loved Suna ever since you realised it's his voice you seek whenever you're at your lowest. His voice, slow and steady, calming in ways that seem almost medicinal. You've heard it loud and clear on the volleyball court more times than you can remember. You've heard it small and lazy when asked to read something aloud to the class back in your highschool days. But most importantly, it was his voice that soothed you any time your life has felt astray, whenever things weren't working out the way you wanted, in times where you felt exhausted, disappointed, angry, scared or lost. It's Suna's voice that would utter out words of encouragement, of praise or advice, even when yours struggled to enounciate the source of your woes.
You've loved Suna and the way he smiles at you. It's mostly smug, mostly reserved to when he's teasing you. But your favourite has to be when he's most unguarded, completely at ease when a grin lights up his face, prying his lips open enough to reveal a row of front teeth, neatly aligned between two pointed canines. These times are rare, as is the bright and cheerful laugh that erupts from his chest when he finds something particularly funny. It's never failed to catch you off guard, fondness swelling in your chest and making it ache, lovingly so.
You've loved Suna and the silly game he and his little sister had invented. A game in which he would hold his sisters hands and spin around in one spot like a human beyblade, fast enough so that her feet would lift off the ground, grinning wickedly as he then let go and watched her fumble around on her feet, now totally unable to walk in a straight line.
You've loved Suna ever since you found out about that noise he makes after finishing the last of his chuupet on a hot day. That satisfied "ahh" he does before licking his fingers clean.
You've loved Suna and the way his gaze occasionally lingers on his lock screen when he thinks nobody's looking. It's a picture of you and him; it's old and a little blurry but it never fails to make Suna smirk whenever he sees your surprised face lit up on his phone screen— flushed pink from the kiss he had planted on your cheek.
You've loved Suna and how generous he is when it comes to you. How he'll always (secretly) buy you that pastry you were eyeing up in the bakery, only to surprise you with it later that day. How he isn't too proud to return home with a random trinket that reminded him of you, or bringing you back an accessory or clothing item that thought would look nice on you.
You've loved Suna and the fact that he remembers. He remembers the small things, such as the name of your favourite song, the places you went on each of your dates. And, he remembers the bigger things. Like that even you have your bad days, that there're days on which you want to be alone; knows which words you like to hear, need to hear and when you need to hear them. He remembers that like everyone, you have boundaries, and never has he overstepped them or made you feel small about wanting some time to yourself. He remembers to nurture you, to gather you up in his arms when need be, to treat you with utmost respect and love you unconditionally.
You've loved Suna when you finally pierced through the cloud of mystery that once shrouded the boy you met in high school. That the Suna you know is nothing like the rumours painted him to be. It was so easy to label him the prickly, quiet guy. The snarky second year who— outside of his small friend group— seemed almost impossible to approach. It's a shame though, because if only they had given him the chance, they would've found that underneath his aloof demeanor lies someone playful, someone who's a little dorky, who enjoys terrible puns and cheesy pick up lines, and shamelessly cackles at petty internet fights. He's attentive, always listening to what you have to say, whether you're rambling about a cute puppy you saw in the street, ranting about the bad hair day you're having— even if you go on an in-depth discourse about that one character he's probably heard of countless times before, he listens— without interrupting, forever invested in what stories you have to offer.
He'll never understand just how much you've come to care for him, how much you've thrived on discovering these small intricacies that make the man you've come to love so deeply. The same man who used to tease you for your blatant crush on him, who'd scoff and poke fun at you whenever he caught you daydreaming. If only he knew the millions of thoughts that crossed through your mind, the whirlwind of emotions that swirled inside your chest each time you laid eyes on him.
"If only you knew," you murmur dreamily, gazing at him in a way so lovingly it prompts a small, disbelieving chuckle to slip past his lips, eyebrows raised in earnest curiosity.
"Yeah? Don't be shy, spill."
This time it's your turn to giggle and you feel your heart swell at the look on Suna's face. You can tell there's anticipation glinting behind his eyes, maybe even a hint of child-like excitement as he awaits your answer.
"I think..." You trail off, drawing out your sentence for dramatic effect. You reach up to brush your fingers across his jaw, keeping a feather-light touch as you run the pads of your fingers along the soft of his cheek, up to the curve of his cheekbone, burning the image of him in your mind. "I started loving you mostly for..."
"My... Irresistible good looks?"
You splutter as Suna flashes you— what is indeed— an irresistibly handsome grin. You crack a smile of your own and shake your head. "That's a plus— but no."
In that moment, Suna tilts his head, his expression softening momentarily. You can tell he isn't in a teasing mood this time. He seems genuinely curious, invested in what you have to say. "Then what?"
"I think I started loving you when I began associating you with home," you hum, gazing up at him with that same fluttering feeling in your chest as the day you realised: "That being with you felt like home."
Suna turns speechless then, eyes still focused on you, and you're surprised to see that his face has begun to flush pink. It starts colouring the high points of his cheeks and spreads to his ears, tinting them the most adorable shade of red. "Are you blushing?" You laugh out loud, asking the obvious. Your teasing doesn't help Suna's case, but he tries to maintain a shred of dignity by holding eye contact and responding to your question with a curt "no shit."
"Why?" You laugh, prodding his cheek with your index. He's quick to swat your hand away, and this time he does look elsewhere, unable to face your giddy little grin and relentless giggling.
"Jus' didn't expect such an honest answer is all.."
You coo at him which makes him click his tongue. There's no real malice behind his reaction, though. He's just so used to being the one who teases, so to have the tables turned always makes him react this way, all furrowed brows and clenched jaw. He's also not used to you being so openly affectionate with him— at least not with your words. To hear you openly confess your feelings to him make his brain fog and heart stutter— like he's once again reminded why you're here, why he's lucky enough to hear you say those words in the first place.
"Still with me?" You tease as you poke his chin to get his attention. He looks at you then, traces of rose still apparent on his pale features though it's clear he's trying to remain collected.
"Hush, you." He rolls his eyes at your cheeky smile and decidedly pulls you closer to him. You find yourself caged in his arms, head slotted in the space between his chin and shoulder but you don't protest. Instead, you wriggle closer to him, basking in his warmth, melting in his embrace. The feeling of him is so familiar. His voice, the way his heartbeat beats softly against the palm of your hand. Even his scent, that faint whiff of peppermint and his off-brand body wash feels like a comforting memory, like something that's been here your whole life.
Feels like home.
"And you?" You inquire softly. For a moment you wonder if you had spoken loud enough because Suna doesn't reply.
Until he eventually does.
"Same reason. Ever since I felt like I didn't need to hide myself anymore. Guess you could call yourself my safe place."
"I could call myself your safe place?" You nag, hinting at the odd wording Suna was all too aware of. He can hear the smile in your voice, and luckily for him you're unable to detect the new wave of heat that blooms across his face.
"You know what I mean."
You laugh, then crane your neck so you can softly peck the underside of his jaw. "I know. Just wanted to hear you say it."
"Maybe next year," he says, patting your head. You scoff and lightly jab him in the gut.
"Late happy Valentine's Day," he chuckles, and you find yourself smiling despite yourself.
"Late happy Valentine's Day, Rin."
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pirunika · 2 years
My Problems with Astraeus & MC
when i look past all the fanon n worldbuilding n the storyline i think for my MC,,, the route w/o anything added leaves a bitter taste sometimes... provided its shorter then others but its still... and im bored
For example... when complete w how the MC acts in his route i dont like how Astraeus calls her his 'greatest muse' and at one point likens her to the main art piece in a gallery. Normally itd b cute but here its :///
bc she does act as distant as a piece in a museum.
She never tries to understand him or be there for him... 'get down to his level' in a way, take care of him... idk give a little massage something... even he's bleeding out he's the one taking care of her... not only that she's constantly annoyed by how he speaks, by his greatest passion (poetry) i never feel like she knows things abt him or tries to get to know him (or like what she knows) and naturally he puts her up on a pedestal to admire.
They kind of just...have sex. And Astraeus has this mysterious connection to her heart for some reason other than that do they even have anything in common... She's the subject of his intense love but now that i read carefully i don't think its returned. Girl at least throw a 'I'll never leave you' or sth... Which is why i think he brings up the idea of a seperation a couple times bc he doesnt feel secure... Or thinks he s holding her back & and is afraid of her comparing him to Hades' in possessiveness (which was also unpleasent fyi... there can b a mid ground)
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Who says... 'Yeah if you wish we can get seperated' when remembering a beloved union... im not all hard on MC tho dw now its Astraeus' turn xD 'would mine really be more binding' my dear boy MC was about to be sacrificed when you found her SHE DIDNT SIMPLY JUMP INTO YOUR ARMS
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Yeah it looks like your husband does think that despite being in the middle of the events. I was offended for her here and wished she'd turn his proposal down as it looks like it doesnt mean much to him and he will leave as soon as he finds the next shiny thing. He seems fickle.
Another thing... Id have liked a serious apology from Astraeus abt how he acted in Hades' route... This -
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aint it chief. Like i give sm excuses to him n actually find him a lot more charming then Hades there despite it being his route but that does not change the fact he did try to forcibly kiss her, threatened her, forcibly kissed her this time and grabbed her.... A couple times. Yuck. The problem isnt that he did those id have expected worst from a man who spent centuries in that hellhole but that the story takes this too lightly. No i never found it funny how he treated her partly bc the canon mc was terrified. Wtf
Speaking of that Hellhole...
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You literally didnt. You were waiting in Tartarus for forever if not for the MC. Um how dare you??? You could say he's trying to get Herakles' attention here by making MC seem like a bystander but i dont think so tbh. It feels like he does believe this. And its such a weird ooc moment... Hades literally kicked his ass w 1 arm... Twice. Later he's like ohhhh MC youre so powerful and it sounds so hollow
Another > when they mention her heart 'calling him' like a phone call. You really didnt have to make it sound like that lmao. It feels like she rang him -_-; 'heard your heart what do you want' like... this very sentence haunts me. İdk Astraeus get milk on the way home
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
hi liv!!! 🤸🏻‍♀️
those drabbles!!!!! THOSE DRABBLES!!!!!! i'm so soft for all of them, it's not even funny anymore 😭😭😭 they're all so cute 😭😭😭
i'm truly fascinated and beyond amazed with the way you manage to come up with such unique scenarios just from a single sentence! it's not an easy thing to do (god knows it took me about 5 hours to come up with sth after finding a similar 100 ways list lol) but you do it so marvellously, bubs. you should be extremely proud of yourself for that!! 💕
and here's my tiny little request if you're still accepting them: anything from the list with joonie and daisy, perhaps one that you think "that's so joonie&daisy why's no one picking it??"? 🥺
-ely🌼🍑 (i know i already exposed myself before but just to be safe lol)
“I was in the neighborhood.”
namjoon x reader (oc) genre: fluff word count: 600+
a/n: Hi ely!! Awww I'm so glad you're enjoying the little drabbles love! Thanks so much, you're so sweet <3 I really hope you like this! It's just Joon's first time visiting Daisy's/reader's apartment.
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The knock on your front door was unexpected, the sound tearing you from the book you had become invested in throughout the afternoon. Glancing from the page to the door, you sighed, setting the novel against the couch cushion. You made your way to the door quickly, peeking through the viewer only to find your beautiful boyfriend standing outside, his attention turned toward the neighboring unit. What the fuck?
As soon as you swung the door open, confused but excited, Namjoon’s eyes shot to yours, a bright smile curving on his lips. The sight of his dimples had your heart fluttering as the sound of his voice graced your ears. The greeting was simple. “Hi babe.” But it resonated like the sweetest melody.
Reciprocating his grin, you cocked your head at him. “Hi,” you replied, the single word coming out as a question.
“Why does your neighbor look like she hates me?” He asked, looking back to the woman who stared at you both from her front steps with a grimace stuck to her face.
Giggling, you reached for his hand, quickly nodding to the woman before dragging him inside your home, causing the clumsy man to stumble slightly. “I don’t think she likes anyone,” you commented as you placed your hands on your boyfriend’s shoulders to help steady him. Your fingers dragged over the strap of the messenger bag that was secured across his body as he watched you carefully.
“Here, let me,” you started as you lifted the strap over his head for him. Pulling the bag from the man, you turned away from his frame, stepping a few feet to the side to hang it up on a hook next to the door. “What-” you began as you pivoted back to face him, your words being cut off by his hands holding the sides of your face and pulling your lips to his. He kissed you sweetly, your body relaxing as you melted into the meeting, your hands reaching for his waist.
When he pulled away, a bit too soon for your liking, his gaze lingered on your face for a moment before looking up and perusing the surroundings, all while your orbs stayed glued to him.
“This is really nice,” he noted as he slowly looked around the room for the very first time.
“Well I’m glad you could drop by,” you teased, watching as his orbs scanned your home appreciatively. “I really am happy you’re here, but, what are you doing here?” You laughed lightly, the man’s wide eyes locking with yours once again.
“I was in the neighborhood,” he beamed, you giggling immediately.
Nodding exaggeratedly at him, you hummed in thought. “Just out for a drive?” You teased, knowing full well the man did not have a license much less a car.
Smiling knowingly at you, he squeezed his eyes shut as he sighed. “I missed you,” he admitted bashfully. “You said you were hanging here, just reading today, and I thought, I’ve never been over here before and, well, I brought a book,” he over explained cutely. Staring at him with a big dumb grin planted on your face, you observed his nervous features. “Is it ok that I stopped by?”
Nodding immediately, you squeezed his side affectionately. “You’re always welcome here,” you assured him. “It’s about time you stopped by.”
Smiling softly at you, he leaned in to leave a peck to your mouth. “I don’t know if your neighbor is quite as welcoming,” he feigned a wince. “I don’t think I made a very good first impression.”
“You’ll just have to come over lots and lots to win her over,” you smiled, the man chuckling as he kissed you gently once more. “Joonie?” You mumbled, the man humming against your lips in response. “How did you get here?” You asked, a light chuckle lacing the words.
“I took a car,” he laughed, resting his forehead against your own as you joined him in the amusement. “I told you, I missed you.” So cute.
“I missed you too,” you assured him through your laughter. “You dork.”
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meltwonu · 4 years
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11. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
35. “Bite me.”
        “If you insist.”
notes; panther-hybrid!minghao, bunny!reader, the slightest whisper of jealous!minghao, heat fuckin, breeding!kink, oral(fem receiving), dirty talk, mentions of breath play, spitplay! Also this is so random but ive noticed this trend where sometimes when im posting sth for the day, THAT member will also be posting on like twt or doing a vlive or sth and i know its like theres only so many members! And im like YEA but its funny to me bc its like theyre saying ‘hey u stop that sinful content rn and enjoy this wholesome one instead’ and im just like hahah nope 😈💕 all I do is sin babyyyyyy 🤣 anyway thank you for requesting! enjoy! 💕
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“Fuck, this can’t b-be happening…! Ugh!”
You try redialing Chan’s number, only for it to go straight to his voicemail after only a few rings again. A soft cry spills from your lips as you pace around your living room; palms clammy around the small device.
Your heat had come early and your usual heat partner, Chan, seemed to be either ignoring your calls or way too busy to notice you’d already phoned him five times. “F-fuck, please…” You attempt to dial him one more time, biting your lip and rubbing your already slick thighs together as you listen to the phone ringing.
‘I’m sorry, the number you have dialed--’
“Damn it!”
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Minghao lives in the apartment next to you.
The quiet panther hybrid kept to himself most of the time and the only real times you’d seen him, he’d briefly smiled at you in passing whenever you’d both be in the hallways or elevator. You didn’t really know much about him in all honesty, but in the moment, you didn’t really care.
You storm out of your apartment, nervousness wracking your body as you stop right in front of his door. Raising a hand to knock, you momentarily think about your options.
A. Go back to your apartment and hope Chan picks up eventually
B. Ask Minghao this one time for the biggest favour of your life.
“Fuck it.”
Before you can change your mind, you quickly knock on his door, yelling a small ‘it’s me!’ as if Minghao would know. The door opens after a few tense seconds; Minghao’s tall form coming into view when he opens it wide enough.
A look of realization washes over him and he’s quick to smell you in the few moments that the two of you just seem to stare at each other. “What exactly are you doing in front of my door like this?” He drawls.
Minghao doesn’t really anticipate the effect it has on you, but you quietly whimper in return, thighs clamped tight and body shivering at the dominating aura that the panther hybrid already exudes.
“Please… I--my h-heat partner is--isn’t responding and I… Please b-breed me… I can’t--can’t wait any l-long and it--it h-hurts...”
Minghao raises an eyebrow as he leans against the door; sharp eyes fixating on your body that won’t stand still. 
“Get inside, right now.”
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Your fingertips tangle into Minghao’s hair as he eats you out; careful of his sleek yet fluffy black ears that protrude from his mess of hair.
Loud cries spill from you when he dips his tongue into your wet entrance before dragging it back up to your clit, teasing you as he takes his time.
“Fu--fuck, Minghao! More, more!”
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” He teases; lips easing into a smirk before he sucks your clit into his mouth. You let out a loud garbled moan as your entire body trembles with his touch. “I’m, ah, m-my heat…” You trail off, unsure of where you were even going with your sentence when Minghao flattens his tongue and drags it through your soaking folds. “Oh god, I--I can’t--!”
Before you can even stop yourself, you’re cumming on his tongue; fingers tightening in his messy locks and hips raising off of the bed as you grind against his flattened tongue. “Minghao, Minghao, Minghao!” The pleasure continues to wash over you even when he shakes your fingers loose from his hair and he sits up.
“You’re cute, y’know.” He smirks, lips coated in your wetness. “Just a cute ��lil bunny getting her pussy eaten out in a panther’s bed. Aren’t you scared? I could eat you up right now, sweetheart.” His tone is teasing; eyes glimmering with mischief when your teary eyes meet his.
“Bite me. S-since, you’re so, ah, big ‘n b-bad…” You gulp as you watch him lean over you, suddenly feeling small underneath him.
“If you insist.”
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Minghao has never really helped anyone through their heat.
But he’s surely heard you go through yours plenty of times.
“Oh--oh, Minghao! H--harder! Please, f-fuck me harder!” Your nails dig into his bed sheets, drool dripping from your lips as he fucks you from behind.
“Fuck, you’re so loud.” He chuckles, “Do you know how loud you are, bun? When you’re getting fucked.”
Your cheeks burn hot at his question, “H-huh…?” Minghao stops his thrusts for a second, grinding against you as you moan loudly in response. His chest meets your back as he leans over you; peppering gentle kisses along your shoulder blades before nipping at your skin. The small action has goosebumps rising on your skin almost immediately as you bite your lips to hold in your noises.
“The walls aren’t soundproof, y’know. I can hear all your cute ‘lil moans and cries whenever you’re going through your heat. I can hear how rough you like to take it and how you beg and beg and beg for more.” Minghao pauses, smirking against your skin when you clench around his cock. “The way I’m fucking you is nothing compared to how you really like it, right, bun? I hear the things you’ve said to that heat partner of yours. The walls are just so thin~” Gulping, you wait for him to continue, unable to deny the way you seem to get wetter and wetter the more he talks.
“You beg whoever it is to fill you up with cum, over and over, and all night too. And I hear the way you always tell them to be rougher with you, to choke you and spit in your cute ‘lil mouth, but do they ever give it to you?”
Minghao grins, kissing your skin one last time before he straightens his back and starts fucking you at a much quicker pace. He wraps his fingers around your small fluffy tail at the small of your back, tugging on it lightly as you cry out his name. “That’s right, bun~ You just need someone like me who’ll put you in your place, right? Like the good ‘lil bunny you are.”
Garbled noises spill from your lips as he talks and you can already feel yourself on the brink of another orgasm once he starts to angle his thrusts to hit your g-spot. “Ngh, M--Minghao, fuck, ah, r-right there! More, p-please!” You move your hips in tandem with his; frenzied movements letting the panther hybrid that you were close to cumming again.
“Your cute ‘lil cunt is so fuckin’ tight and warm around my cock. Fuck, I could get used to you, bun. You should come see me more often~” Minghao licks his lips as his fingers continue to play with your tail; eyes trained on the way your body shivers underneath him. “You’re scared of me but you want me to fuck you all day, don’t you? Breed your hot ‘lil pussy until you’re full of my cum. But even then you’d still be begging me for more.”
He lets go of your tail, instead reaching around your body until his fingertips are on your clit.
“Cum for me bun, let me feel how tight you get around my cock.”
A high pitched whine is all you can manage when you cum on his command; eyes clamped shut as the pleasure washes over you. You let out a choked sob in the midst of your high, already itching to get to another orgasm.
Minghao opts to grind against you as you ride out your pleasure and he can’t help but grin at the way you keep trying to fuck yourself on his cock.
Your stuttered breaths and whines are the only noise in the room when Minghao draws his hips back; eyes fixated on his cock that’s covered in your wetness when he pulls out. He gently maneuvers you onto your back as you groan.
“Don’t tell me you’re tired already, bun? I still haven’t bred your cute ‘lil cunt. Don’t you want me to fill you up with cum? Get you nice ‘n full like you want?”
Your bleary eyes blink up at him, shaky fingertips reaching down to your soaking folds. Licking your lips, you spread yourself for him, letting him see how much wetter you were getting with each passing second. He raises a brow at you, noting the lust that pools in your eyes. 
“Hurry and b-breed me then, M--Minghao… I wanna, ah, feel you c-cumming too..”
The panther hybrid grins; eyes twinkling with playfulness as he positions himself at your entrance.
“Don’t mind if I do, bun~”
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