#there's some flooding near where I live now but not at all frequent and flooding alone doesn't freak me out like that idk
bokettochild · 12 days
Um... yeah. I have no idea where most of this came from but I hope you enjoy it? Happy belated birthday. Sky and Legend.
Everyone knew Sky as the sleepy, sweet quiet one; while Legend was sarcastic, angry, and wore a perpetually stormy expression. No one seemed to be included to dispute this characterization. 
But that was all lies. Lies, and masks and walls built of memories. 
Legend's sass and snark were a front. It was a way to shield the softest heart Sky had ever had the pleasure of meeting. It had been hinted at with the ‘bunny incident’, where Twilight's artifact apparently showed some magical form reminiscent of true nature. He saw it when the Veteran hero interacted with children, with animals, with the goodwives and humble folk of his era. 
He saw it when Legend’s walls would dramatically fall around one other hero, their Traveler. 
“Here...” Legend shoved a handful of items into Hyrule’s arms. Hyrule scrambled to hold the bottles of potion in skinny arms. 
“You don't need to give me so many potions. I have two...” 
“Yeah, neither of which you've touched even though your magic is nearly gone. I have more. Drink one.”  Hyrule obeyed, and in handing the empty bottle back, Legend slipped something into his palm and walked off, promptly picking a verbal fight with Warriors to be occupied and making returning the gift difficult.
Night watch, the task was officially staying awake and alert for danger while the others tried to rest exhausted bodies... but it was unofficially intervening when memories of the past turned dreams into nightmares. With nine of them all having the scars on young minds from their quests, it was rare that the entire party slept through the night. 
Tonight's afflicted was Four, who had shot up from a dead sleep, and stumbled from camp. Sky had been about to get up from his post to check on the Smithy when he heard the sound of retching coming from the direction of Four’s retreat. Oh, it was that bad. 
Honestly, just go help. Some part of him scolded. But while he was scolding himself for being squeamish, Legend tapped his arm, and without speaking stepped out of the camp circle towards the sound. 
Once he'd seen it in action, Sky saw it more and more often. Legend frequently left his own sleep to comfort other heroes. Most often it was silent, subtle and  often not even the watch-stander was aware of the change before a quiet murmur or hint of a melody soothed troubled dreams. 
“I don't know what his problem is, but you shouldn't let him push you around like that.” Twilight bit out early in their travels after hearing Legend’s acrid commentary about something or other, Sky didn't even remember now. 
“It's harmless...” Sky had responded at the time. It was nowhere near as bad as...others had been. No one who was as soft and gentle-hearted as the Veteran could ever truly be a bully. 
They had made lightheaded jabs at Time’s bitterness and cynicism. Time was frank, and open about his opinions. He was old enough to have given up a ‘mask of acceptability’ with most others. Sky envied that freedom. The chain thought Sky sweet, happy, and an airhead. He tried to live up to those expectations. Don't let them see the hurricane of rage that flooded so easily into him. Don't let them know that caring about... about most people was an active choice. Don't let them see the dark well of despair he constantly clawed his way out of to face the next day. If Legend hid his soft heart behind a wall of indifference, Sky hid his black pit of a heart behind an ignorant one. 
The one positive trait the Chosen Hero (and he still winced internally at thinking of himself like that) did have was a protective streak. He'd fight Demise again if it meant keeping his successors safe and happy. The called ‘knights’ in any other era were cowardly, pompous, bullies who neither deserved the title nor claim to the history it should have represented. This was particularly obvious in two eras. Warriors’s era and the Veteran's. Warriors dealt with attempts on his life near constantly in his own era. Legend's era was simultaneously more open in their dislike of him and more subtle in their actions. The chain had been set loose in a market square to buy supplies and keep busy. As the local hero, Legend had broken off from the group to visit with those he knew. Sky was pawing through a merchant's stall, marveling at the bright colors of embroidery thread, when a couple children ran screaming to their mother (the merchant Sky had just started to begin bargaining with). 
“Mama! Mama!”
“The knights are here in the market...”
“And you know how to stay out from underfoot, Dears...” Her smile was slightly strained as she surreptitiously glanced in Sky’s direction. Right... he was wearing chain mail and carrying a sword...he looked just like them. 
“But Mama...” 
“They cornered Link at Goodie Rosey's shop!” The shrill protest of the older of the children had Sky’s blood running suddenly cold. 
He dropped the thread and charged in the direction the kids had come from. 
Legend was not hard to spot. One of the so-called knights had him by an arm. Another was holding him by fistfuls of his tunic. There was blood running from the Veteran’s nose, and Sky saw red. 
“Unhand him!” He had enough presence to call before drawing his sword. The gang of idiots in armor looked startled.
“Knight’s business, be on your way.” The one in charge rebuffed him. He leveled the point of his blade at the knight’s chest.
“I said, unhand him.” 
“Sky... it’s not...” Legend tried, but then the knights dropped Legend in favor of drawing their swords and laughing at the prospect of a fight. 
“We’ll deal with you later...” one of them sneered as they shoved Legend to the ground. 
Even four against one, they were poor fighters. The smell of ozone filled his nostrils and thunder rolled overhead. 
“The hate for the gods that has boiled in my veins…You will taste all of it in the bite of my blade...”  The memory of the Demon King’s taunt echoed in his ears with a second peal of thunder. 
He heard Legend frantically trying to reason with him as a flash of light split the sky above his head.
“Sky, stop. They’re not worth it. Please.”
Two of the knights were on the ground. He held a sword to a third’s throat. 
“You don’t deserve the title you pretend to bear” He growled. To think these vile excuses of Hylians called themselves knights. “You’ll leave my descendant alone.”
The knight in front of him was stammering and crying half-hearted excuses. 
“Do you have something to say, Scum?” The knight’s blubbering fell silent. A set of arms slid around him from behind and locked around his chest. Arms encased in a black, shiny material. 
“Not today, Godslayer.” Wild pulled him backwards, making him drop his sword. The ridiculous dangling...things on the helmet the Champion wore drew his attention and diverted him just long enough from the knight he’d been about to put the Master Sword through. Thunder rolled once more above them. “Breathe, Legend’s ok...” He saw Twilight shepherding the Veteran away as Warriors carefully stepped up beside them.
“At ease, Knight of Skyloft.” He was trying, By Hylia he was trying. But the terror in Legend’s face when the knights held him captive made that hard. 
“You’ll feel bad if you actually kill ‘im.” The Champion reasoned once again. He’d feel bad, but not for the reason Wild was thinking. He’d feel bad mostly at shattering his brother’s illusions that he was a good person. He took a breath, and stuffed the raging tide of anger down. He looked down at the arms still locked around his torso, which squeaked as he rocked to move backwards. 
“Wild, what in the Sacred Realm are you wearing?”
When I say you hit the nail on the head for every point I adore, you did it, you did it so well. I was squealing and kicking my feet, absolutely giggling up a storm and gazing at my computer like I'd been sent the most delectably sweet love-letter, but it was far better than one of those could ever aspire to be!
Thank you ever so much for this birthday fic!
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gaia-bb · 1 year
werewolf!eren x black reader
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↺ warnings: none :) ↺ drabble. this is hella indulgent idc i NEEDED to see more werewolf eren content so i took matters into my own hands >:)
werewolf!eren who lives inside a cabin, smack in the forest thats right next to your little village, a small, close-knit community that prefers to live in harmony with nature than to conquer it to build concrete skyscrapers
werewolf!eren who is like a great myth to those who in live in your village. every child has heard his tale by the time they reach 5. no one has seem him in years, but the knowledge of his whereabouts looms like a word about to be spoken. he is both revered and feared.
werewolf!eren who doesn't like humans, like at all. he hates living anywhere in close proximity to them, but his home is all he has left of his mother. so he's made a pact with the village leaders: as long as no human crosses into his part of the forest, there won't be a problem
werewolf!eren who, while going out for a hunt one day, sees a human in his part of the forest. cream-colored frills, and lightweight fabric billow over the grass as you walk. smooth, dark arms glow in the sunlight as you bend down to pluck various flowers, placing them into a woven basket on the ground next to you. his ears perk up at the sounds of soft humming drifting in the breeze. he can't help but feel disgust flooding his chest.
werewolf!eren who appears suddenly in his human form - warns this entitled human with a growl. "get out of my forest and get out now". dirt smears on your dress as you scramble suddenly. warm, deep brown eyes flit around his frame hurriedly. you take him in, his rough, ragged appearance, wild brown hair and fierce eyes. werewolf!eren who, when greeted by a pleading, stumbling apology, starts to inspect the young girl more closely in turn. green eyes roam over hair that is neatly tucked away in fluffy rows on your scalp, nimble hands are gripping the woven basket deathly tight, and those eyes. those brown eyes of yours. they hold nothing but awe and regret.
werewolf!eren who is decreasingly miffed at this girl's presence, asks you what you're doing in his forest. a soft, shaky voice reaches his ears, and messy, unorganized explanations about "missing the scent markings" and "needing poppies for a hat i'm weaving" are given.
werewolf!eren, who is now hesitant to be appreciative of your earnest, is caught off guard at the request for his name. no one has asked him anything about himself or cared to see him other than a monster. it doesn't seem right. this encounter is taking too long.
werewolf!eren, who isn't fooled by your tricks, tells you to get out of his sight. if you think that you can sway him with a quiet demeanor and innocent act, then you're not very clever. he's lived a long life and knows all too well about the cunning ways of your kind.
werewolf!eren is once again responded to with an apology, and this time, a promise: that it will never happen again. you bid him goodbye, thank him for sparing you, and rush back along the dirt pathway, taking a quick glance back at him before disappearing between the bushes and branches.
werewolf!eren, can't seem to shake the encounter he had with that girl. days later, he is....looking for you. he still remembers the song he heard when he saw you. he frequents that spot, by the cluster of poppies, near the dirt pathway.
werewolf!eren who, while hunting one day, is engulfed by nostalgia as a new, fresh wave of your scent floods his nose. he runs to the spot where you two first met. he sees a patch of new, neatly planted poppy seeds in the spot you had plucked.
werewolf!eren can't help but smile at the quiet gesture. maybe you had some manners after all.
werewolf!eren who decides that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't mind if that odd stranger wandered back into his part of the forest again. perhaps he had some extra poppies he could give you for your hat.
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bxbu-chuu · 5 months
I have very specific headcanons for how Sean's personality would be after every ending:
I feel like after getting out of jail Sean is quiet, serious, almost shy in a very specific way. He starts traveling by himself after spending some time with Daniel, he has awkward interactions with waiters and clerks.
After so many years totally still, it feels like he can't quite catch up with the rest of the world- when a stranger stops him on the street to ask him a question he takes a second too long to answer, always slightly startled. He texts Daniel every day, his mom and Lyla frequently- short sentences, perfect grammar, dozens pictures of the places he's visiting but barely any of him.
Blood Brothers
He's angrier, grumpy, also serious. Of course there's some guilt for what they had to do to get to Mexico, specially at first, but it eventually becomes clouded by the anger that they had to do it. He's incredibly angry with the world, for taking away his dad, his youth, his innocence, Daniel's chance at a normal life and good education in a country where he speaks the language.
He has to take care of Daniel, Puerto Lobos is a beautiful place but Diego was right, back at the police station near the border- things aren't easy there. It's dangerous, and Sean does what he has to ensure they're both safe. Crime, stealing, adding a few people to the list of deaths they've caused- it's only a few more items in the list of things to weigh down his conscience.
In the end, he grows bitter. Unable to accept the guilt that comes with the things he's done, he tries to find solace in knowing that they made him do it, that he wouldn't be this person if they hadn't forced his hand. Most of the time it just angers him more.
He grows quiet, not in the awkward, endearing way that post redemption Sean is quiet. The world doesn't deserve to hear his voice, he doesn't deserve to be heard. He's sweet to Daniel, when he can, he cringes when he sees how fast he had to grow up. There's a permanent grimace on his face.
Parting Ways
This is the one where I think he stays the most similar. When he first gets to Puerto Lobos he's a complete mess- He's certain his brother hates him, he's convinced he forced him to do things he didn't want to and now he will never forgive him.
The guilt eats away at him, he's basically a ghost during his first years in Puerto Lobos. He does enough to eat and then just stays in his ran down home, letting speculation flood his overcrowded head.
When enough time finally passes for him to be able to reach out to Daniel he finds out he doesn't hate him at all. Daniel is living a semi-normal life, he will be able to leave house arrest when he turns 18, he sounds happy.
Then Finn/Cassidy shows up, maybe he deserves comfort. Maybe his life didn't end that day in Seattle. Maybe he can rebuild like Daniel did. He allows himself to be comforted, he hears the words "it wasn't your fault" and actually listens to them- agrees. He travels with Finn/Cassidy, sees the country, makes some memories that aren't haunted. Slowly gets back to life.
Being with people that knew him before makes him stay pretty similar but the ones who love him still can tell. When they're making a stop on a random town and he sees a little kid and just goes silent. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, agitated and soaked in cold sweat. When he stays quiet the rest of day after talking to Daniel on the phone. When they have to run to catch the train and he's the first one out of breath- muttering something about being a track runner under his breath. He still remembers what was taken from him.
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miragestar · 1 year
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This was a quick little warm-up (or at least, it was supposed to be) featuring Silentchaser and Cinnamonswan, the medicine cat! Silentchaser had a fairly interesting life and I figured I would talk about him. 
Silentchaser was the first non-founder cat to join the clan when a patrol found an abandoned newborn kitten and brought him to camp. Other than that, his youth was pretty unremarkable. He was apprenticed to Freezerump and trained alongside Buttercuppaw, although she was a few moons older than him. At somepoint during his life he also had a litter of kits with Heronspot, the son of Comfreyfur and Pinetree, but he wasn't really involved with their lives and likewise wasn't into Heronspot. 
He always had aspirations to become leader, and that chance was given to him when the previous deputy Crookedpatch retired and he was appointed deputy. (Just for context, Basildapple died fairly young and Crookedpatch was appointed in his place) Silentchaser was fairly good at his job, until tragedy struck. 
He saw dark, ominous clouds gathered in the sky and bravely decided to go on border patrol, hoping he could make it back in time before the downpour. Unfortunately for him, the storm broke out quicker than expected. A flash flood happened and in the resounding chaos he broke his back. 
Many cats, the three medicine cats included, did not believe he would survive. Especially after his broken back became infected. Though, everyone still held out hope, and thought Comfreyfur taking over his duties would only be temporary. 
Then, Crowstar lost his last four lives saving his clanmates when a fire raged through camp. Now the clan was really faced with a dilemma, because while Silentchaser was technically still deputy, he was in no shape to lead. Either they hoped he would recover when he might not (and leave the clan leaderless for a bit before he got his nine lives) or let Comfreyfur take over leadership. You can guess what they chose!
Against all odds, Silentchaser made a full recovery; physically at least. Mentally? He was no where near ok. Logically he understand why the clan made Comfreystar leader. He might not have lived, and it certainly would have taken him months to make the journey for his nine lives. But, it had always been his dream to lead the clan and it had been cruelly taken away from him.
For a while, Silentchaser refused to do anything at all. He spent most of his days in camp going between stewing angrily, begging StarClan to fix his life, and lying around in a depressed heap. Things got even worse for him when the cat he was in love with, Rootstripe, turned up dead. Most cats gave him a wide berth, unable to comfort him in any meaningful way. Some of the younger cats were even afraid of him, with his short temper and habit of lashing out at StarClan. There were even rumors he was planning on killing Comfreystar and with how much jealousy and resentment he had it certainly wasn't impossible. But despite it all, Cinnamonswan refused to abandon him.
The daughter of Crookedpatch and Whirlfur and the youngest medicine cat, Cinnamonswan had gotten rather close with him over the months it took to heal Silentchaser's broken back. She felt terrible for him and wanted him to be able to start anew. 
Knowing he had to have gained some herb knowledge while he was in the medicine den for six months, she offered to train him to become a full medicine cat. At first he refused; as it had always been his dream to be a warrior and he never really had interest in "boring herbs". However, he also realized part of the job would be communing with StarClan-- something normal warriors didn't do. He was desperate to know why StarClan screwed him over so badly, and so eventually he agreed. 
He wasn't the best medicine cat, in all honesty. He frequently refused to treat cats who he felt wronged him, which over time became most cats in the clan. Not to mention he never really had a natural talent for herbs and often forgot what they looked like when out gathering. That being said, he did eventually get to commune with StarClan, and learned that they had nothing to do with the storm that caused his broken back. It was just a terrible tragedy that happened, nothing more. It took a long time for him to accept that. 
Cinnamonswan caught feelings for him a lot sooner than he did for her. It took him a long time to get over Rootstripe's death with everything that had happened. Eventually she confessed her feelings to him, and they became mates. Silentchaser actually retired shortly after that, as he had never really been a good medicine cat and his old back injury was starting to bother him, along with the usual aches and pains of old age. 
Cinnamonswan got pregnant, and the two were overjoyed to finally have a family of their own. Then yet again, tragedy struck in Silentchaser's life. Well, it was more like tragedy struck at his life, because he suddenly turned up dead on the border, with no visible cause of death. Cinnamonswan gave birth shortly after that, and she refused to have anything to do with the single kitten born. She busied herself with medicine cat duties and then, in similar fashion to her late mate, died at the border.
Overall, his life was kind of bad! He did learn to happy (or at least accept it) but he certainly didn't get what he wanted. I thought his resounding jealousy, anger, and eventual pairing with Cinnamonswan very interesting and I figured he deserved some backstory. 
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quinloki · 3 months
sending the 3 things ask game for distraction, if that's what you need rn!! What's your ideal weather to be outside in? If you had to choose, would you rather live in the mountains, near a river, or by the sea? What's one song that you feel has been particularly formative for you, or one that you find yourself coming back to frequently regardless of other shifting tastes?
Yes, distractions are certainly welcome ^_^
Ideal weather to be outside in... hm, I'm not terribly a fan of "outside" but I do prefer autumn. I like the kind of weather where I can wear a big fluffy turtle neck and some jeans. Not quite snow boot weather, with a nice open bright sky so the sun keeps you comfortable against the crisp air that turns the end of your nose pink ^_^
Hm... I'd be fine with any of the three (A river by the mountainside, within walking distance of the ocean >.> ) if I had to pick though I'd say river. Mountain driving can be scary, and seas come with hurricanes and such. Rivers may flood, but there's usually ample warning, and if you live somewhere were the city planners built with the flood plains in mind, it's less of a risk.
Hm, I can think of a couple different songs, but one stands out more than the others right now.
In 2001 a video game came out that I, admittedly, have a complicated relationship with. Not for the game itself, but for some real life things that got associated with it.
Despite that, there's a song within the game, in all it's different iterations, that resonates with me. I sing it when I'm sad, I sing it when I feel good.
It's just a song that brings me comfort.
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auduux · 7 months
Sick rn
Started feeling like shit yesterday and now it's worse but i've been reminiscing about pokemon so I decided to dig out my old region from the depths of my mind. It's been like three years since i've talked about this.
It's called Rubilaxia, I named it after where Evangelyne found Dally and Rubilax in that one episode. Props if you get the reference.
I'm not sure if this is still an au but it's an au where pokemon used to be used as the dogs of war. They were used, hunted, tamed, and bred specifically for war and combat. Rubilaxia used to be allied with Alola during that time, as they aren't that far apart, but the alliance fell once Alola stopped using Pokemon for brutal combat and tried getting them to switch as well. They threatened Alola after deciding they were asking too much and too often and Alola broke off the alliance. They've remained passive.
They are right in the middle of Alola and the Decalore archipelago but very far off from both. They are surrounded entirely by ocean and going from there to Alola would take a month by boat and up to nine weeks on a pokemon, and that's with no stops at all.
Rubilaxia is, technically, consisted of three different archipelagos that are not very far off from each other but they are one continent and considered a nation as a whole. Each archipelagos consist of eight to six smaller islands and one main island which is the largest and where their government stands. Each one has different rules and laws as well. On larger matters, the three leaders work as a whole.
They are all surrounded by some kind of odd condition that makes travelling to and from them by water and air extremely difficult and the equivalent of a death trap. All three have large spiked rocks that protrude from the depths as well as smaller ones that come just shy of the surface but will fuck up a boat or pokemon. The water isn't shallow at all, the rocks are just tall as fuck. If you capsize or fall of into the water, the tides will throw you around until you drown and/or get ripped to pieces. There's also multiple tidepools because of the constantly changing and fighting tides.
Grielur, the smallest of the archipelagos, is a desert. All of its islands. Despite being surrounded by water, they are constantly plagued by drought and lack of water. They are the most primitive and least diverse of the three but make up for it in brutality. They are, however, nowhere near the most brutal. There is no way to collect water from the sea as there is either dead drop cliffs or sharp rocks coming from the islands edges to form somewhat of a dome around the island. The heat of day is hot enough to melt off skin and there is no way to ward it off. The cold of night is extremely frigid but will only cause frostbite if you aren't protected properly, or venture out for too long. The people and Pokemon have, recently, resorted to drinking Pokemon and human blood. The types of pokemon that reside there are ground, light, rock, fighting, flying, electric, fire, poison, bug, and normal.
Dury is the second largest and surprisingly, nicest to outsiders. It is constantly storming and never stops, causing frequent floods and turning most of its woodlands to swamps and grasslands to marshes. Oddly enough, the smallest island there never rains, but it's also never night. No one lives there, but a very specific type of pokemon lives there and is regarded as the god of the sun. The types that reside there are water, ground, rock, electric, poison, bug, psychic, dark, normal, ghost, and grass.
Smuong is the largest, always snowing. It has glaciers everywhere, most commonly lining the edges of islands, large mountains, and dead drop cliffs off the islands. It is the most military and brutal of Rubilaxia. It is also home to the Szmynov family, the family with the most authority over Rubilaxia. They rule in a monarchy and whatever they say goes. The current head of family is on her deathbed and her firstborn son and daughter are currently fighting over authority. They're twins, though technically the son is older. By five minutes. The types that inhabit these islands are ice, dragon, flying, ghost, dark, steel, ground, poison, water, electric, fire, fighting, psychic, fairy, and rock. It is also home to the Pokemon regarded as the god of the moon, which has been in possession of the Szmynov family for centuries.
Each of the leaders are a "gym leader" as well. Gyms there fight to the death and none of them, except for the Smuong gym, allow outsiders to fight because they know the connection they have with their Pokemon and would rather not deal with a sobbing outsider. Viktor(the son) finds amusement in it.
The mc is from Alola and is a 20 year old man who had always wanted to visit Rubilaxia. Why? Who the hell knows. He's a professor, and was finally allowed to go there for a field trip after begging the chairman enough. Why? Who the hell knows. (Spoiler alert he and Viktor start dating by the end)
If anyone wants to make anything based off this, like art or a written work, be my guest. I'm probably not going to turn this into a fanfic but you're free to try and create fakemons for the islands if you want.
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eaglesnick · 11 months
"If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money" - Guy McPherson
The inept, Liz Truss supporting, free marketeer, Therese Coffey, Secretary of State for the Environment, is at it again. Trying to absolve herself from blame for the loss of life and flood damage caused by Storm Babet, she claimed her department wasn’t prepared for the murderous deluge because the storm came from the east and not the west.
 “…most of our rain tends to come in from the west….This was rain coming from the other way and we don’t have quite as much experience on that. Therefore, our accuracy of predicting where such heavy rain would fall was not to the same degree as if it had been.”
Really Ms Coffey! When I last looked the rain fell from the sky regardless of the wind direction. The sad truth is, her department is not spending anywhere near enough on flood defences  despite the whole world knowing rainfall is becoming heavier and more frequent because of global warming.
Successive Tory governments have cut public services and infrastructure funding to the bone and we are all now beginning to pay the price - some of us with our lives.
When pressed by the Commons environment committee Ms Coffey was forced to admit that her department “may not be hitting” its target of protecting 336,000 properties by 2027. So we can expect  further flooding and possible deaths in the future due to Coffey’s incompetencies. 
Coffey has given us raw sewage in our rivers and seas, she has advised people to eat turnips during the fresh vegetable and salad shortage, and for those who cannot even afford the price of the humble turnip she said:
“If you can’t afford food, work harder."  (Mail: 23/02/23)
That was rich coming from Coffey as she personally claimed over £200,000 in Parliamentary expenses between 2019 and 2020.
With people like Therese Coffey in charge of British food production and the environment is it any wonder that much of Britain’s biodiversity is in terminal decline and that food inflation was running at 19.1% in March of this year?
If unelected Sunak continues to promote people like Coffey to positions of power no one should be surprised we are now known as "Broken Britain".
We really do deserve a lot better.
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theyoshimister · 11 months
Hey, it's me.
I'm the anon who's being bullied in school.
I was on anon, since I was at school and couldn't access my account on the chromebooks, so I went for the next best route.
I guess it also explains why I sent asks which frequently antagonized Dark Taranza, as he reminds me of my bullies at school, who always seem to make it look like they have everything better than me.
Currently, I am in my freshman year, and I sometimes wonder if I'll even make it past the semester. The stress from the schoolwork, grades, and peers I have are always piling up more and more, and often my only real outlet is to lash out at characters that I already dislike, for example constantly talking about how my fursona could easily destroy Dark Taranza's castle in Mirror Floralia, or even more private interactions with friends of mine, where I'd talk about wanting to torture Dark Taranza until he fully submitted. (Which yeah, is VERY worrying.)
And also the fact that Shadow Marx is now one of my comfort characters since I can only really see him as a protecting form of support for myself, almost like a guardian angel of sorts, which depending on the type of person you are, could range from only slightly confusing, to being rather concerning.
Even the story of Sectonia and Maudite, with them being able to escape from Dark Taranza and leave Mirror Floralia to return home to regular Floralia, never stops to bring me a sense of comfort, as I often at times feel seen from just the idea alone, as I often wonder if this very world I live in was truly meant to be my home, or if there was secretly another, where I was truly meant to be.
In-fact, if there could ever be one thing I'd like to do once in my life, it'd be getting to meet you in person just so I could give you a hug and thank you for saving my life. I owe you one.
Ah, I see. So that's why you often antagonized Dark Taranza... I suppose that makes sense, especially when wanting to vent out your frustrations (and honestly a healthier option compared to just bottling it up). Freshman year is scary, let me tell you. You're in a new place, you have to adjust to life in this strange environment, and things can become hectic in a near instant. But you can make, I know you can. It may seem scary the further into high school you get, but it'll pass by in a flash. I do agree that it is rather worrying when going into detail about such things, and I hope you can find a more positive outlet to let these feelings flood out. It doesn't hurt to do it once in a while, but having it be a constant is worrisome. I can see why you chose Shadow Marx as a comfort character, I mean, we all have that comfort character we cling onto. I certainly have my characters that bring me comfort, and I can say that, without a doubt, Shadow Marx is more than he seems. He has a softer side to him that remains hidden, protected by his tough outer shell. I'm not sure how much that brings, but hopefully it adds something to him for you. Despite the horrors Sectonia and Maudite had to endure, I wanted to make sure that they both received a happier ending, it was something I had planned since the beginning. Though, their happiness came from them returning (or leaving in Maudite's case) to a place that loves them for who they are. The world is a tough place with people who are nasty and cruel, but there are those who are kind that I'm sure would love to meet you. You just have to search for it. That's how I came to know the friends I have. Hopefully what I've said helps you out in some way. Like I said, I'm not the best with words, I'm honestly more helpful in physical reassurance in my opinion. But you don't need to owe me anything. I'm happy knowing that what I've done has helped you.
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ledenews · 6 months
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jjgacutno · 6 months
Cries of Climate Justice
But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! Amos 5:24 (NIV) [1]
During my primary school days, I remember the anticipation of class suspensions when strong typhoons were coming. This disruption in the school calendar is something we got used to. Sometimes, because classes were suspended late, we will have to go home knowing that the streets are flooded, and we must accept the fact that we don’t have a choice but to go through it. Aside from the annual school events, class suspensions and flooded streets are norms. This is why in the early 2010s, the question of whether the move of the start of classes from June to September would lessen the impact of typhoons in school calendar. As a student journalist, I won a silver medal for the editorial I wrote on the same topic in one of the journalism press conferences that I joined. Yet, this article isn’t about class suspensions. This article is about the underlying climate justice that needs our attention and deliberate actions now. Class suspensions are just one of the many bleak consequences of the climate crisis.
My batchmates would agree that Typhoon Ondoy in 2009 was an immense event that welcomed us in high school. I cannot overlook the memory of not having electricity for days and unable to go to school simply because the school was also flooded and our facilities weren’t ready for conducting classes. And because we are Filipinos, we recovered from this. Four years after, we have Typhoon Yolanda. The devastation in the Visayas particularly in the eastern region has awaken the global community on the lost of lives, livelihoods, and to some, even dreams. Some of my relatives died of the storm surge, yet some were able to survive by going up the hill where the church is or taking refuge in a nearby cave where most women in the community weave their banigs. And again, because we are Filipinos, our resilience brought us back stronger. One cannot deny that while we value and admire the resilience of us as a people, it isn’t just enough for us to continuously face recurring, intensifying, and more frequent extreme weather events like Ondoy and Yolanda. The Philippines needs and calls for climate justice, just like the many developing nations and marginalized communities hit by the obstructions of climate change.
The United Nations Development Programme describes climate justice as a matter of attaining equity and human rights; It suggests that developed nations, businesses, individuals that have contributed mostly to greenhouse gas emissions are given the responsibility of providing aid to those developing countries and communities that are impacted most of the climate disasters yet have the least emission contribution; UNDP identified areas when tackling climate justice; these include structural inequalities, socioeconomic inequalities, and intergenerational inequities; Health, educational systems, and sustainability transitions are all affected by these inequalities [2]. From a socioeconomic standpoint, an IPCC synthesis report mentions that up to 45 per cent of the global household greenhouse gas emissions are coming from the households with the highest per capita emissions (10 per cent) while only about 15 per cent from the lower 50 per cent of the same population [3]. Hence in COP28 or the UN Climate Summit, the ‘Lost and Damage Fund’ was established [4]. This is good news for the most vulnerable, yet it isn’t enough. Obstacles pointed out by UNDP such as the underrepresentation and tokenism in climate negotiations, policies, and plans, inadequate access to information, language barriers for the Indigenous Peoples, and violence and threat to climate defenders among others, needed to be addressed too [5].
My parents moved this year to our province in Eastern Visayas. We built a home for them there near the seaside. This is a place that experienced the tragedy of Typhoon Yolanda, and I had the chance to visit in 2016, three years after the climate disaster. When I was there, many of the testimonies that I heard said that the typhoon was nothing like what they experienced many decades before. I saw it in their eyes and felt it in their voices that it was a memory they would not want to experience again. In some ways, I am worried for my parents given the climate realities we face and yet I can only do so much. This calls for all of us to rise up and held people, businesses and governments, that brought us in this situation, accountable so we may meet a future where climate justice is the rule and not the exception.
[1] New International Version Bible. (1978). Bible Gateway. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Amos%205%3A24&version=NIV
[2] Climate change is a matter of justice – here’s why. (2023, June 30). United Nations Development Programme. https://climatepromise.undp.org/news-and-stories/climate-change-matter-justice-heres-why
[3] Climate change is a matter of justice – here’s why. (2023, June 30). United Nations Development Programme. https://climatepromise.undp.org/news-and-stories/climate-change-matter-justice-heres-why
[4] Thomson, E. (2023, December 8). Explainer: What is climate justice? World Economic Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/12/climate-justice-loss-damage-fund-cop28/
[5] Climate change is a matter of justice – here’s why. (2023, June 30). United Nations Development Programme. https://climatepromise.undp.org/news-and-stories/climate-change-matter-justice-heres-why
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keuraecray · 1 year
Everything is too much today.
My cat hasn’t been eating which means she doesn’t hydrate well being she won’t drink from a bowl. She’s lethargic and nauseous. Vet ran blood work and other tests and $300 later, said she’s perfectly fine. She still looks just as awful. I feel like she is suffering and in pain but everyone tells me to wait it out and she’ll be fine. A fat cat who’s only pleasure is gorging on literally anything that will barely eat anything is clearly not okay. I feel deep remorse thinking about how little I could do for my last cat who I may have prematurely put down. I’m miserable every day over it. And now I can’t afford to do anything but the bare minimum. I know something is deeply wrong and that she has some type of heart issues but I can’t afford anything and it makes me miserable.
I’ve been sick for years with no known cause and my sister I live with has had her own pile of issues that aren’t as straightforward and mess with her mental state. To my family its a strange mystery. To me it’s an insufferable thought always on my mind. I feel like I know the exact root cause.
I firmly believe we have a hidden mold issue causing all our health problems but everyone tells us off saying it’s not possible. My health issues started years ago and we’ve moved multiple times. But people never consider that they could be living in it themselves.
All of my health issues started when I was living in my aunts basement while I was figuring out housing (which is frequently flooded when there’s heavy rain). I was waking up at night gaping for air and went to my original family doctor who said I had anxiety and slapped some meds on me. That was my first apnea. I don’t have them severe enough to be diagnosed with sleep apnea but it is unmistakable.
I’ve always had some level of gut issues but I had always associated it with stress and nerves being things were oh so peachy as a kid. As you get older and the gut issues worsen with or without that original cause, you realize something else is up.
Fast forward to nearing the end of the pandemic. I started having severe brain fog. After countless specialist visits and meeting multiple deductibles, since getting in to specialists takes forever, I was left with no answers. We all chalked it up to long covid since I had at least one confirmed case.
The brain fog had gotten so bad while I was at work I literally felt like I had dementia. Couldn’t remember conversations I’d had with coworkers. They were starting to talk to me about it being an issue with my quality of work but they already had unreasonable expectations to begin with so I just found ways to get around it. I was miserable there and they knew it so I lost my job last month.
My coworker was studying Eastern Medicine and invited me to a student clinic where I had acupuncture at an affordable rate. I felt like I was getting better but as soon as we stopped it would all creep back up. My acupuncturist had asked me if I’d been exposed to mold. She lived through it and thought she saw the symptoms in me. I brushed it off like my family did, in part because I didn’t think it was possible and in part it was just purely denial.
I’ve looked into how to remediate on your own but can’t even afford the basic protective equipment necessary to avoid landing myself in a hospital for it. Don’t have health insurance and have been too depressed to try and apply for low/no cost insurance.
Then there’s the wildfires wrecking havoc on my lungs. There’s a gap the size of my pinky nail in my window of my bedroom so smoke gets in to the house on the bad air quality days. I stuffed a cloth and plastic bags in it with no relief. Ran our air exchange to try to filter what I could out. Filters were black with ash. I found scraps of plastic for sealing the windows in the winter months and have since taped off the window in the hopes that it will help but still feel awful on the bad days.
We have insurance that supposedly covers mold (whether its to replace belongings or to remediate I have no clue) but I’m paralyzed to do anything because we have no money or income even if insurance will help. I feel sicker and sicker each day. The only sleep I seem to get is when I pass out from exhaustion. Even before the health issues started causing me insomnia my cat wouldn’t let me sleep because she would get hangry between 4-8 am. We wound up saving an injured kitten since we didn’t want them euthanized being all the shelters are full. While my big fat cat has been sick he’s taken over in waking me on the few days I actually sleep decently.
Mold is naturally occurring and is present in every home at lower levels but I firmly believe everyone in my family has been living in stuff that’s beyond the point of “healthy”. Friends have their own families and no space so I really feel like I have nowhere else safe to live. I just can’t keep it together. I thought things were going so well when I started my last job despite the foggy brain but it seems like everything is going to hell rapidly in the last couple of months.
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lovelessdagger · 2 years
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Pairing: Hunter (Bad Batch)  x OFC
Rating: Mature
Summary: There are rumors, whisperings within the Temple, echos heard in the halls outside of the Council’s chambers. Rumors that the war, all of its deaths and destruction, had been the result of a grand conspiracy from Sith. Hope is fading, and it’s remnants become more scattered in the depths of wild space with each passing day.
While twilight draws near on the Jedi, so too does the waking of the sun follow.
Slow Burn, Canon Divergence
WARNINGS: Explicit Language
Words: 785
A/N: This story is so heavily inspired by the writing of Matthew Stover who wrote the Revenge of the Sith Novelization. Many things are direct nods to him. I owe him so many thanks to my growth as a writer.
Daybreak Masterlist | Read on AO3 | Next
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…
The Clone Wars is coming to an end. The Republic is falling. In its place will rise the tragedies of humanity.
This is inevitable.
The sun will set on the Republic, an Empire will rise and overtake all that is good, the Jedi will die. Love will be raised and love will be lost.
There is a reason attachments are forbidden.
This story can be read again and again and nothing will change. Nothing will ever change because it is the will of the Force, and the Force has become cruel and malicious.
There is only darkness now and so it will be for long after this story concludes.
But in the dark there is still starlight, shining down until the rebirth of the sun.
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Coruscant is the heart of the Republic, and the breath of the Jedi. Towering spires of the Jedi Temple are landmark of Coruscant’s famed skyline. From the millions of visitors who flock to the ecumenopolis like migrating birds a day, to the millions more living within it’s cityscape. All can recognize it.
For some time, before the birth of the slow reaching darkness which will some day, no doubt, overtake; The Jedi, and so the beacon of hope and prosperity they represent, were a collective flood of relief to the galaxy. If only in mythos.
This is a sentiment which has proven untrue for some time now. Not since the shadows of war have darkened not just Coruscant, but the worlds as far reaching as the Outer Rim. Where children have exchanged their toys of speeders and dolls for sticks in the vain of lightsabers. Where schools hold lockdown drills for preparation of an inevitable attack from the treacherous Separatist droid army.
The Grand Army of the Republic, an entity of only three years of age, are the heated topic of conversational exchange. Men, who’s sentience is in and of itself a famed question of debate, are born to die for the sole purpose of the Republic. Their effectiveness is oft contested with bitter resentment for existence.
The war should not exist. The war should have concluded long before it started. In the halls of the Senate and the amongst the Council of the Jedi. The war should have been conducted through diplomacy and meetings between tea. Not on the property of innocents whose homes have unwillingly become battlefields.
There are rumors, whisperings within the Temple. Echoes heard in the halls outside of the Council’s chambers. That the war, all of its death and destruction, had been that of a grand conspiracy from the Sith.
Hope is fading, and it’s remnants become more scattered in the depths of wild space with each passing day.
While twilight draws near on the Jedi, so too does the waking of the sun follow.
In due time, all will be well.
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Among the remarkable skylines of Coruscant, where Odella Thoren frequently spends much of her younger days, peace becomes the air. Away from the Temple, she can forget the war atop of the many skyscrapers, counting the speeders with sunlight in her eye. It is a welcomed break by both her and the esteemed Jedi Council. 
Not to say that the young Jedi Knight is the greatest menace that the Temple holds. That title is proudly acclaimed by one Anakin Skywalker, the bothersome terror to her life he is. In second, Master Quinlan Vos. Eighteen years her senior, he behaved more as an eccentric uncle or overgrown brother than a father.
Odella happily holds the third place title, imaginary bronze medal hanging outside her quarters. Comparably she’s a saint placed beside the other two. Her rebellion from the Council is less so in direct disobedience, she is a pleaser above anything else. Instead, as Master Yoda so delicately phrased it: Questions, she holds. Wanders, her mind does, away from the Jedi.
Vos is, well he is Vos, the manic persona he is, and Anakin…
Anakin is something else entirely. He’d seen the chart she and Vos were on and built his own in a different sector. A happy home of one causing terror in the heart of Obi-Wan Kenobi and migraines in Mace Windu.
Or he was.
He’s been off since the leaving of his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. He’s grown more serious, no longer the annoying little boy who entered the Temple so many years ago. Until that event, she’d forgotten he’s technically her senior. He’d been placed in her classes upon his entry. A blond little boy in frumpy rags and a bowl cut she still gave him shit for.
The other children had been wary to him, confused. Not her. The proud thing she’s always been, she marched right up to the boy, sticking her little hand out.
“I’m Odella, you have funny hair.”
“I’m Anakin, and you have a big nose.”
They’d been friends ever since.
He sneaks behind her in the Temple Archives, slapping her back with his stupidly cold metal hand. “Still got that nose stuck in a book Del?”
She looks over her shoulder, brown eyes rolling. “It’s called an education Skywalker.”
“It’s called being boring.”
“If you’re illiterate you can just say that,” she teases. “What do you want?”
He mocks offense, living hand slapped over his chest. “That’s how you greet your favorite Jedi? I have to say Del, you’re breaking my heart.”
Her brow raises, black hair fallen over her eyes. “Who said you’re my favorite Jedi?”
“You’re my favorite Jedi,” he offers.
“Since when?”
“Since now,” he sits next to her, “Listen—“
“Of course.”
“Shut up, listen. If you were… say, hiding from Master Windu, where would you go?”
Her face becomes a cocktail of exasperation and panic. “What did you do?” She sneers.
“Skywalker!” The familiar heavy voice of said Jedi Master booms in the Archives.
“Uh, no time,” he says, ducking to the floor. Crawling under the table he sits in the gap between her feet. “Cover me.”
“Cover you?” She whispers, peering down. “What the fuck do you mean cover you? What—“
His hand waves, shaking his head. “Shh! I don’t know be personable!”
“Be personable?”
“He likes you, I don’t—“
She kicks him as the robed man approaches, a groan from under the table. “Good afternoon Master Windu,” she greets with a wide grin.
The Jedi pauses over her, sighing. “Good afternoon, Odella,” he says. “You haven’t seen Anakin around have you?”
Odella clicks her tongue, foot tapping. “Now that you men—“ she squeaks, a pinch to her calf “Uh no. Haven’t seen him. May I ask why?”
“It seems that Skywalker thought it appropriate to take my ship for a little ride with Artoo.”
Maker above.
“Did he not bring it back?”
“Oh he did. In twenty different pieces.”
She snorts, covering the sound with the back of her hand. “That’s horrible.”
“If you see Anakin, comm me and don’t tell him.”
She salutes, biting her lip. “Yes Sir.”
Windu huffs, arms crossed over his chest. He observes her table setting: data-book in it’s stand, a cup of tea and plate of biscuits. “You were always my favorite,” he sighs, hand on her shoulder. “Come by my room later, it’s been too long since we talked.”
The girl smiles, more genuine now, nodding. “I’d like that.”
He turns back to her notes, head tilted. “What are you studying?”
“Oh it’s nothing, just—“
“Hey!” Another voice calls. The glorious, irritating maverick that is Quinlan Vos enters the library, dreadlocks swinging with step. “Saw Skywalker out by the gardens, he’s in a tree.”
Master Windu groans, offering Odella a nod before running off.
Vos bends when he’s out of the room, waving at Anakin who crawls out. “I knew you two were close but this is pushing it, don’t you think?”
They gag.
“I’d honestly rather become a Separatist,” Odella says, shaking her head. “Ugh ew, ew. No, no, no.”
Anakin hits her head again. “We get it.”
She mocks him and turns to Vos. “Welcome home by the way, how was the mission?”
“Another beautiful success.” He smirks. “Almost got a droid to tell me every synonym for blue.”
“Congratulations?” Anakin says.
“In every language,” Vos tacks, earning a laugh and high five from the pair. He eyes Odella, arms over his chest. “I’m gone for a week and you’re boring?”
‘Thank you,” Anakin says. “That’s what I said.”
Her eyes roll. “Believe it or not boys, but there is more to life than jumping out of ships and or blowing them up.”
“I get that,” Vos says. “But it’s boring. We’re losing her Skywalker, she’s going straight on us.”
“I am not!”
“No, I think Vos has a point. When was the last time you had a mission?”
“Whenever the last one I went on with you was,” she says pointing to Vos. “I’ve been waiting for you to come back so we can get our next assignment.”
“Why do you never ask to get assigned with me?” Anakin asks.
“Cause Vos and I are dream team, and you’re annoying.”
And the last time they’d been assigned together they got put on probation for a week. Apparently riding on the top of Starfighters ‘because it looks cool’ is against Jedi Code or something.
“Okay, just because I don’t do that little hand thing you do—“
“Psychometry,” they correct in unison.
Odella and Vos are of the rare few in the temple with the power, if the elder hadn’t already taken Aalya as his Padawan, Odella would have been an obvious choice. Then again, she could do without living the horror stories Aalya’s shared with her. Vos is a better friend than he is teacher. 
Some people aren’t meant to take care of children.
“But, speaking of assignments,” Vos says. “Might as well get your own, I’m once again, unavailable.”
“They told you?” Anakin asks.
“You knew?”
Odella looks between them. “Hi, hello. What’s going on?”
Anakin does the same, the comm on his wrist beeping. “Duty calls,” he says, grabbing one of her biscuits, ignoring her protest. “Still on for tonight?”
“Sure if you want me to kick your ass again,” Odella says.
“You dual wield that’s not fair.”
“Fine, I’ll use one lightsaber and still kick your ass.”
His eyes roll, ruffing the back of her hair. “When I win I get your ship!” He calls, jogging away.
“You two are cute,” Vos muses.
Odella gags again, flipping him off. “Don’t be gross. What’s this new mission everyone but me knows about?”
He sighs, sitting next to her, soiled boots propped on the table. “You won’t like it.”
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“You have to what with who?” Odella presses, jaw dropped.
They sit in the group dining hall. Master Jacosta Nu’s last straw being Vos’s feet in danger of soiling her precious archives. Never mind the fact that it’s all digital so dirt isn’t really an issue. 
“I know.”
“I know.” 
“Stars,” Odella sighs. “It was nice knowing you I guess.”
“Thanks for the support,” Vos scoffs, popping fruit into his mouth.
“It’s Ventress. You’re dying, hate to break it to you.”
He doesn’t argue.
“So what was it that you were reading?” he asks.
She forces a smile and sheepish shrug. “Nothing.”
He stares in disbelief. “Mandalore? Again?”
“Not again, just more. There’s a lot of articles about it, the planet, the people, the culture,” she tries to defend.
“Your obsession is concerning.”
“It’s not an obsession! I have a perfectly healthy… fascination. Did you know they historically hate Jedi?”
“Yes,” Vos states bluntly, mouth full of food. “You don’t stop talking about it. Ever since Kenobi’s report came out of what happened with Maul it’s been all you talk about.”
“I can’t help it! A whole planet of used to be warriors turned to pacifism turned to all out war. I think it was inevitable.”
“You think war is inevitable?”
“To an extent, yes. Imagine taking a group of people who all they know how to do is this one thing, and then saying you can’t do that thing anymore. It’s like taking the Force away from Jedi, shunning them for even trying. I’d get pissed too. Everything that I’ve read about their past sounds beautiful. Ah, killing and fighting aside. The songs, the dance, the traditions. I can’t believe they gave it all up. I mean, what do you do when the only thing you know is taken away?”
Vos is silent, a rare sight to see. “I don’t know,” he answers.
“Exactly. Doesn’t that remind you of someone?”
His brows pinch, looking around the mess hall. “No?”
“The Clones, Vos. All they’ve ever known is how to do is be soldiers, fight, and die. What’s gonna happen to all the million plus of them when the war ends? Kaminoans don’t care about them, we learned that with Fives,” she says hushed. “And if they did, Clones are still in production. They can’t possibly house all that exist. They’ll need to get homes, jobs, everything. I remember a time before war, and so do you. It’s all they’ve ever known.”
“You’ve really thought about this.”
She shrugs. “I’m going to suggest to the Council that we enact a rehabilitation program for the them. It’s the least we can do for them while they risk their lives for us. Besides, Master Yoda says the war might be ending soon, and if your thing works out and Dooku is killed, it’s a guarantee.”
Vos chuckles, throwing more fruit in his mouth.
“You are the better of us all,” he says. “Why don’t you have a Padawan again?”
Ah, the P word.
“Not you too, Master Yoda already wants me assigned. I’ll take one when the war ends,” she dismisses.
“I’m only saying, you would’ve done well with that Kestis boy they offered you.”
“And Master Tapal is doing better than I could imagine with him.”
“I’ve agreed to help train his psychometry when they return to the Temple. Just as you did with me. Until that time comes I am more than content to be without it all. I like my solo work, and I don’t need a child complicating that.”
Aside from the occasional work done with her fellow Jedi, Odella’s main tasks are undercover. In the same vain as Vos, the Council isn’t comfortable sending her out into the battle field unless necessary. An issue with their psychometry and fear of weapon history turning them to the dark side.
An ironic sentiment considering she and Vos are the most optimistic Jedi in the Temple.
“You know who you should talk to?” Vos asks to the end of their meal, wiping his mouth. “Kenobi. All that Maul shit isn’t the only thing he knows about Mandalore.”
Odella’s brow raises, emptying her glass. “What do you know?”
“Let’s just say, he’s had close personal relationships with certain pacifists.”
Her jaw drops, a bright cackle entering the room. “You’re joking.”
“I wish. From what I hear they were as obvious as Skywalker and the Naboo Senator.”
“That bad?”
“Maybe worse.”
“Stars. You don’t think he’d be offended to my asking? All things considered.”
“Considering she died in his arms? I don’t think so. No attachments, remember Jedi?”
“That settles it, I’ll talk to Kenobi after I destroy Anakin.” Odella jumps from her seat, brushing breadcrumbs off her robes. “If I don’t see you before you depart, I wish you the best on your mission. May the Force be with you.”
Vos laughs, nodding. “Thank you my friend. Next time you see me I’ll be the hero of the Republic, I guarantee it. May the Force be with you.”
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“Master Kenobi! Funny running into you here,” Odella says, leaned against doors in a corridor of the Temple’s West wing.
“Odella,” the man greets, ladened in caution. “Funny running into me outside of my bedchamber?”
Her lips purse together with a blink. “That’s not the point,” she dismisses.
“Ah huh… I take it your spar with Anakin went well?”
“Obviously. Although, he’s gotten more ah… frustrated I suppose, with his loses.”
Kenobi raises a brow. “Has he?”
“He worries about hurting me, so he doesn’t use his full potential. I’ve seen him fight, I know what he’s capable of. But when he loses, he’s still… I believe it’s because of my use of Vaapad. You know how much he’d like to learn it.”
An aggressive fighting style developed by Master Mace Windu, Vaapad had only been taught to three other Jedi. Windu’s Padawan former Padawans, Master Billaba and Master Sora Bulq, and her. Other members of the High Council disapproved of her learning in the early days of her training as it required a brush with the Dark Side. Odella had been far from aggressive in any of her lessons, a little rowdy sure but never dark.
Windu advocated for her regardless. After her Master had been killed in the Battle of Geonosis, Odella was tossed from Jedi to Jedi until one would accept to take her on. Joining the Service Corps became her future until Windu argued for her training. Rather reluctantly, the Council accepted. Being said, Windu saw it no place for the Council to dictate his teaching. After all, rules were broken to take her in. The decisions of her training was his and his alone.
She only learned from him for some months before being granted knighthood, it was of no consequence at the end of the day.
“I see,” Kenobi says, stroking his beard. “Perhaps you can start to use a different form during your spars?”
“Then Anakin would know I’m going easy on him. Master Windu trained me in Vaapad, I should be able to use it.”
“I’ll have the matter addressed tomorrow with the Council, until there’s a decision I do suggest your combat training with Anakin come to an end.”
Odella sighs. “Yes Master. I didn’t mean to come here to get him in trouble, he’s had a hard few weeks I—“
Kenobi raises his hand. “I understand Odella, and I do thank you for your honesty regardless. It’s very admirable you’re looking out for a friend.”
“Thank you Master.”
“Now, what was it you wanted to talk about?”
Her self disappointment exchanges for a grin, rocking on her feet. “I heard a rumor.”
“You even don’t know what it is!”
Kenobi’s door opens, and he motions, inviting her in. “Coming from the crew you associate with, I don’t think I want to.”
Her eyes roll. “I was talking to your best friend during dinner and he told me the most interesting piece of information.”
“I wasn’t aware Cody was in the Temple today.”
“What? No, I mean—wait, Cody? Like Commander Cody? He’s your best friend?” Besides Anakin, goes unsaid. She breaks in a laugh. “Can you say that one more time? I’d like to have it recorded, Aalya owes me chore duty.”
“Not you too,” Kenobi groans, sitting. “You children think of the most absurd stories.”
“Master Kenobi, I’m nineteen years old.”
“And yet you gossip like a Padawan. Did you have a legitimate question for me?”
“Yes, I did. I wanted to know what you know about Mandalore. I’ve been conducting my own research on the planet and I’d love your input. Or if you happen to have anything I could study, that would be even better.”
Kenobi pauses. “Mandalore?”
“Yes Master, Mandalore. It’s simply an area of interest I’ve developed. Nothing more.”
“And how did this come about?”
“I’m not sure, I feel drawn to it I suppose. I know long ago we were enemies, and now, it’s complicated. But I do see far greater similarities between us. It comes from nothing but respect on my end.”
“You truly feel this way?”
“I do. I believe that there can come a day after the war where our people can coexist. We could take in another Mandalorian to train as a Jedi, or our people could go to Mandalore and do cultural studies. It’s another mission I’d like to pursue during relief journeys. If permitted of course.”
He smiles at her. A rare one not trapped in formalities or forced pleasantries. “That, may be the best idea I’ve heard in a long time. What would you like to know?”
Odella sits beside him, cross legged like a child, stars in her eyes. “Everything.”
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Next: Faith in Good
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elainemorisi · 2 years
for someone who has never and probably will never lived anywhere near them, wildfires freak me out to an irrational degree
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starryhyuck · 4 years
danger. (m)
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pairing: alpha!johnny x omega!reader x alpha!jaehyun
words: 2.5k+
summary: your mother has always warned you about the dangers of an alpha. she never realized how lethal two of them were.
genre: smut
warnings: dom!johnny, dom!jaehyun, double penetration, knotting, creampies, multiple orgasms, manhandling, the reader is basically johnjae’s personal whore
For over ten years, the existence of omegas have become nearly extinct.
Alphas have been forced to settle with betas who have not yet presented themselves, causing massive displeasure across many households worldwide. The decline of omegas was due to the careless possessiveness of an alpha, driving most of these creatures to murder their omega out of pure rage. Since the body counts of omegas began increasing, very few betas have stepped out to present themselves as omegas. In fact, many betas have gone missing.
Your parents were an alpha-omega pairing, up until your father attempted to murder your mother after spotting her chatting with a male co-worker. Luckily, your mother was able to escape with you before she lost her life.
You’ve both lived in seclusion since then, rarely going out in fear that another alpha would mark his claim. The only person you’ve ever been spoken with was your mother, and most of her stories of the haunting alphas who would kill you at first sight were honestly boring you to death already. Once you had reached the age where your sexual desires were beginning to take over any competent part of your mind, you began taking more and more risks.
It was quite easy for alphas to sense when an omega was near — the mere scent alone could send a frenzy in a crowded area. Your mother drew up maps to avoid any alpha infested areas, and the both of you frequented beta hangouts with no issue.
One evening, you were desiring a drink at one of the beta owned clubs down the street. You were celebrating a surge of customers that flooded into your self-owned business, feeling the heavy weight of cash in your pockets. Working from home meant celebrating victories alone, and tonight, you wanted a different change of scenery. The club was packed with betas who danced happily with one another, which you assume was because of the lack of alphas. Too many alphas in a crowded place presented a huge issue in terms of dominance. Their instincts drove them to physical fights if they felt other alphas were trying to claim territory.
You’re lucky that there aren’t any alphas present tonight, knowing your fate if there was. You slide onto one of the barstools, grinning happily at the bartender.
Taeil laughs. “Good day at work?”
“The best,” you smile. “Can you whip up something to take my mind off of things?”
He nods before grabbing a concoction of different alcoholic beverages and mixing them together. You sip happily at his creation when you feel a warm body spin towards you.
You’re taken aback by the handsome man in front of you, eyes sparkling and dimples appearing. If you weren’t so certain that everyone in this club was a beta, you would immediately assume the man in front of you was an alpha. His smile puts your mind at ease.
“Haven’t seen you here before. Celebrating something?”
You grin flirtatiously at him. Your mother never warned you about handsome betas, after all.
“A good day at work. Treating myself to a nice night out.”
He hums lowly, and the sound shoots straight to your core. His fingers tap his glass full of whiskey, chuckling to himself.
“Sounds nice. Just enjoying the evening by yourself?”
You could hear the implication in his tone and if anything, it just made you more wet. You gulp down another taste of Taeil’s unknown mixed drink, rubbing your thighs together to try and gain some friction.
“It’s how I usually spend my evenings. Although, I’m not opposed to spending it with a partner.”
He grins. There’s something about his smile — something so minuscule that you feel as if you’re missing some part of this equation. The man swallows the rest of his drink before slamming his glass back down on the counter.
“My place is only a few blocks away, if you’re up for it.”
You were definitely up for it. You both stumble to Jaehyun’s apartment, learning his name along the way as you enjoy the way yours sounds rolling off of his tongue. Everything seems perfectly fine until he locks his front door.
Then, your omega can sense it. Danger.
Jaehyun chuckles, but this time, it doesn’t send the feeling of warmth through your heart.
“Silly omegas. So gullible.”
There’s a ringing sound in your ears. All you can think about is your mother, and how impossibly right she was about alphas.
“Y-You c-c-can’t be-“
“I can’t be an alpha?” He smiles mischievously, circling your body in the middle of his hallway. “I’ve gotten good at hiding my identity ever since I discovered omegas were only comfortable around betas. I spent months visiting that bar, hoping to catch a vulnerable omega in need of her alpha.”
“I-I don’t need an alpha.”
Then, there’s another laugh that echoes the room, and it’s not Jaehyun’s. A taller man steps out from the shadows, smirking at the sight of you.
“It’s not nice to play with food, Jaehyun. They get too talkative.”
Jaehyun laughs dangerously close to your ear. “But she’s so sweet, Johnny. Haven’t seen one this pliant in a while.”
Jaehyun’s hand slides up your arm as his body presses against your back. You jump at the sudden contact. His touch ignites something within you, a deep feeling of lust building in your stomach.
“Can you feel that, baby? That’s what it’s like to be touched by an alpha.”
Suddenly, the nerves that were engulfing your mind before were gone, only filled with the urge to submit to your alpha. Your eyes roam to Johnny’s figure, who’s been observing the both of you this entire time, eyes swimming with lust.
It was rare for two alphas to get along, especially when it came to omegas. Their quest for dominance and protection usually overrides anything else, and similar goals shared with other alphas caused them to clash. Johnny, however, did not seem the least bit perturbed when Jaehyun’s hands began roaming the expanse of your body.
“Never been touched before, have you?” Johnny smirks.
You shudder when Jaehyun begins pressing kisses onto your neck. “N-No, alpha.”
He smiles. “Looks like she’s learned her place.”
“Deserves a reward, don’t you think?” Jaehyun questions, gazing at Johnny with the ask for permission.
He nods once, and before you know it, you’re being pulled into a bedroom and shoved face down on the mattress. You whimper, feeling your underwear dampen when Jaehyun’s hands roughly grip your hips. Your fingers tighten around his sheets, breathing in his scent. You don’t even know where Johnny has gone but Jaehyun makes sure he has all of your attention.
“Look at you,” he chuckles darkly. “Just in the right position to breed your little hole.”
You’ve lost all dignity at this point — your mother’s warnings becoming a distant whisper. Jaehyun pushes you farther down until your back aches from the arch, ass high up in the air for everyone to see.
“Want to go first?”
You know Jaehyun’s no longer speaking to you, and you assume Johnny’s decided to join. His presence causes you to grow wetter, which you didn’t think was possible at this point.
“Depends. Are we letting this one live?”
Then, the fear strikes through your heart once again. You’re suddenly reminded of your mother’s words as you struggle to breathe. You’ve heard stories before of omegas being found on the streets, necks sliced open with blood surrounding their bodies.
Jaehyun and Johnny continue to converse as if you’re not even there. You wonder if you can escape in one piece before they get a chance to maul you.
“Doesn’t seem so bad this time. Looks like she’s never taken one before.”
“You know that for sure?”
You feel someone grip a handful of your hair and pull you up so you can make eye contact with him. Jaehyun grins at the terror swarming your eyes.
“Tell me, little omega. Have you taken another alpha’s knot before?”
You’re not even sure what that is. Your mother left you clueless on all basics of sex, especially when it came to alphas.
“A-A what?”
Johnny laughs. “You can go first, Jaehyun.”
Jaehyun shoves your face back into the mattress and situates himself behind you. Your fear is once again taken over by arousal, and Jaehyun snickers at your predicament. You jump when he runs his finger over your clothed core, practically dripping down your thighs. You cry out when two fingers dip inside of your sopping hole, the squelch of your wetness echoing throughout the room.
“I think our little omega hasn’t taken a cock inside of her yet, not even from a beta,” Jaehyun comments. You’re blinded, not knowing what’s coming next as tears blur your vision.
“Why don’t you show her what it’s like, Jae?”
“My pleasure.”
A loud tearing sound echoes throughout the room and you realize that Jaehyun’s just torn your underwear in half, tossing it across the room while he flips up your skirt. You whine when his hand slams down on your right cheek before he soothes the sensation with his fingers.
“Let me hear you, omega. I want to know how much you need this.”
And as much as your head is screaming that you are in imminent danger, the words come tumbling out of your mouth before you can stop them.
“P-Please alpha, I n-need you.”
“Do you now? How much?”
You grit your teeth at his endless teasing. You just want to be fucked already, but your instincts are telling you that you shouldn’t disobey your alpha.
“So m-much. I’m so wet for you, alpha, please.”
Johnny chuckles. “She can be good when she wants to be, huh?”
“Looks like it.”
He sinks into you and it’s the biggest stretch of your life. You release a flurry of garbled noises as Jaehyun impales you with his cock, the sheer size of him tearing you in half. You gasp when an unknown feeling of pleasure overtakes your body — so strong and violent that you nearly collapse.
“Wow. She came already, such a pliant little doll. Why don’t you shut her up, Johnny?”
“Sounds like a good idea.”
Another fist tangles in your hair and your jerked up again, locking eyes with Johnny’s dark orbs. He smirks at your fucked out state, hand jerking his cock as he watches you. He nudges the tip against your mouth and you obey, parting your lips to take his cock.
“See? Such a good little whore for us already,” Johnny remarks, hands still tangled in your hair when he begins thrusting into your mouth. You choke, trying to loosen your jaw.
All coherent thoughts are thrown out the window when Jaehyun starts fucking you into the mattress. You gasp, Johnny’s cock falling from your mouth as you try to catch your breath. He isn’t pleased, nails digging into your scalp.
“Suck my cock. You need to learn how to take the both of us.”
He pushes himself back into your mouth, ignoring your whimpers as Jaehyun pistons in and out of you. “Fuck,” he grunts. “She’s so fucking wet.”
You shudder when another orgasm passes through you, clenching down on Jaehyun’s cock and moaning when he continues to fuck you ruthlessly. Drool begins to pool at the sides of your mouth as Johnny rams his cock down your throat.
“You like this, don’t you?” Johnny teases, observing as you struggle to swallow him. “Never been fucked before and yet, you’re taking two cocks at once because you’re so desperate.”
“Fuck, Johnny, you need to get under her. I’m gonna cum soon.”
Johnny finally lets you breathe, retracting from you while you pant, trying to catch your breath. You barely get a chance before Jaehyun is slipping out of you with Johnny manhandling you into a new position. Your muscles are pleading for you to stop, but your mind is fuzzy when Johnny slides underneath you, your back to his chest. Jaehyun positions himself above you once again, his cock slick with your combined juices. You feel Johnny prod against your other hole and you gasp.
He laughs darkly against your ear, the sound vibrating to your core. “Didn’t I say you had to learn how to take both of us?”
Jaehyun pushes a finger inside of you again, collecting your juices from your two orgasms before inserting it into your other hole. You cry at the intrusion. Even though you’ve never been taken like this before, it feels exhilarating.
“She’s ready for you.”
You want to protest that you clearly are not, only being stretched out by one of Jaehyun’s fingers. They both ignore you, lining up to your entrances and pushing in slowly.
You think that the searing pain will fill your senses shortly, but you take them surprisingly well.
Johnny whispers lowly. “Why are you so shocked? A little omega like you was born to take her alphas.”
You learn quickly that Johnny is filthier than Jaehyun, hissing profanities into your ear as his cock thrusts up into your tiny hole.
“Look at how much Jaehyun’s enjoying your tight little pussy,” he says, your eyes following his line of vision. Jaehyun’s eyes are closed, fingers digging into your hips as he indulges himself in you. “Has no idea how good your ass feels. You’re in for a treat, baby. Two knots in one day? It’s an omega’s sweetest dream.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, the pleasure of their thrusts taking a toll on your train of thought. You think you have another orgasm but you’re not sure, the nonstop pleasure clouding your judgment.
“Fuck. Gonna knot your sweet pussy,” Jaehyun grunts, cock pushing harder and deeper inside of you.
“I’m close too,” Johnny smiles against the shell of your ear. “Ready, baby?”
You don’t have time to respond before Jaehyun spills inside of you, ribbons of white coating your insides. Johnny hisses and follows after, emptying out inside your ass. Minutes pass and they’re both still cumming, most of it dripping out of your holes and coating the sheets. You think it’s over but you nearly scream when you feel their cocks grow bigger, the girth stretching your holes farther and farther.
“Please, please,” you whimper, trying to reach for Jaehyun. You don’t even realize you’re convulsing again, cumming around Jaehyun while his knot continues to grow.
He laughs. “She likes being filled to the brim, Johnny.”
“I can tell. Her cute little ass is squeezing my cock so hard.”
It feels like hours pass until they finally deflate, their cocks returning to their normal sizes. They stay buried inside of you, Jaehyun groaning as he collapses next to you. Johnny moves you to your side so that you’re stuck between them.
You’re still struggling to catch your breath when Johnny sighs.
“We should keep this one. A lot tighter than the other ones.”
Jaehyun nods, eyes fluttering closed. His fingers slither around your waist to pull you closer to his frame.
“Sounds good. I like her cute noises.”
Johnny huffs before leaning closer to you. “What do you say, little omega? Want to run home?”
You ponder over your answer for a few minutes before Johnny grows impatient, taking an experimental thrust. You whimper when you realize he’s already hard again.
“Answer me,” he growls.
“N-No, alpha. I’ll stay.”
“Good girl.”
And you lay there, gasping for breath as your alphas fuck you until the sun rises.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Yandere ex w/ Midoriya and Bakugou
Request: Can I request some headcanons about Deku, Bakugou annnddd whoever else you'd like with reader and they are currently dating
Reaction to reaching you from your crazy ex boyfriend who is...very powerful and has managed to corner you, alone. You're scared, you're a civilian.
" oh shh. Don't cry baby, i'm here. Now that I'm here, you're all mine, now that you're done being silly. You and me forever"
( thought that'd get the creepy factor)
I'm just a sucker for rescue missions. I'm just so interested in how they'd approach that situation, how they'd comfort reader afterwards
Thank you. For reading this if you don't do this
Which is totally fine! - anonymous
Bruh rescue missions are just *chef’s kiss*. I’ve been having a mini Deku and Bakugou infatuation and I just wanna see more fics with these cuties and their civilian s/os. Like legit there aren’t enough fics with quirkless/civilian readers out there and I’m sad. Love ya.💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: stalking, attempted kidnapping, mentions of toxic past relationships, being chased, eventual fluff in the form of comfort, TW BEWARE. 
Midoriya Izuku/ Pro hero! Deku
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-Izuku believed you were an angel walking on earth. 
-He met you in the brink of death *literally* when you stitched him up and stabbed an IV into his arm. 
-It was love at first sight for him tbh and he is proud to admit it too. 
-Soon enough -and after many many more visits to the hospital so he can be treated by dr. L/N- he asked you out and now you’re living together. 
-He knows about your ex and he hates him for what he did to you. 
-He has coaxed you into relaxing many nights after you’ve had terrible nightmares about your ex finding you again and this time not only putting your freedom on the line but also Izuku’s safety. 
-You know he is a pro hero and all but you can’t stop seeing him on your apartment floor, unmoving with your ex looming over him. 
-He is always there to chase that horrible darkness away and replace it with the warmth of his love. 
-So as time passed, thoughts of your ex became less and less frequent until they stopped popping up throughout the day all together and you were happy with that. 
-Then the universe decided that it should serve you with a good old traumatizing experience to spice things up. 
-You were walking home after your shift at the hospital was over, exhausted out of your mind when you felt the hairs at the back of your neck rise.
-It was like a sixth sense, knowing that something was up. 
- “Y/n-chan~”
-Your blood ran cold at the familiar voice, your mind going blank as you quickly fished out your phone dialing Izuku’s number while speeding up. 
- “Hey angel w-”
- “Izu he is here. H-he is f-following me.” 
-You heard his feet hitting the pavement on the other line as he ran down the busy street, completely forgetting about the patrol he was on. 
- “Where are you angel?”
-Sharing your location with him you took a sharp turn and into a convenience store, walking to the very back and hiding behind a few shelves, your eyes glazing over as you heard the sliding doors ding as your ex stepped inside not even a minute after you. 
-When did he get so close?
- “Izu please.” 
- “I’m almost there Y/N, I’ll protect you I promise.” 
-You held your breath as footsteps got closer, Izuku’s breathing keeping you grounded as they echoed through the other line. 
-Dipping behind another shelf you zigzagged through the aisles hoping to lose him as you slowly and quietly made your way to the entrance, your plan being to run outside and find Izuku. 
-Your plan though was cute short when an arm wrapped tightly around your waist bringing you flush with a sturdy chest, your ex’s head dipping into your hair and breathing in your scent in an exaggerated sniff. 
- “You like the chase Y/N-chan~? I’ve got you now.” 
-Izuku’s panicked voice could be heard coming from your phone as he listened to your ex talking to you. 
-A whimper of your actual boyfriend’s name left your lips in an attempt to get away from him but his grip on you tightened making a sob escape you as tears cascaded down your cheeks, too many awful memories of your past relationship flooding your mind. 
-You wanted your Izuku. 
- “Aww baby don’t cry. And my name isn’t Izuku so don’t make that silly little mistake again because it doesn’t make me happy when you call out other men’s names. I got you now and everything will be back to normal in no time. Just you and me my sweet Y/N.” 
-You thrashed around, your hands clawing at the arm wrapped around your waist and the other one that was holding your chin. 
-In your panic you didn’t even hear the ding of the store’s doors as your boyfriend stepped in, eyes immediately locking on your crying features and the outer fear in your eyes as you ex tried kissing your neck.  
-It took him mere seconds to untangle you from your ex’s grasp and pull you safely into his chest, a punch flying right into your attackers jaw as he fell to the floor with a loud thud. 
-His hands went immediately to cradle your head near his chest, rubbing soothing circles on your back as you sobs wracked through your body. 
- “Shh angel, it’s me I’m right here shh. He can’t hurt you Y/N.” 
-Police sirens echoed outside as a few officers poured through the double doors, Izuku scooping you up and taking you outside trudging the familiar road to your shared apartment. 
-You wouldn’t let go of his hero costume as he calmly set you on your shared bed, whispering to you that he was only going to the closet to help you both change. 
-It took him a lot of time to actually calm you down and when he managed it he called his agency to inform them that he would be taking the day off. 
-The only thing he could do after that was hold you as close to his chest as he possibly could, reassuring you that he wouldn’t be coming anywhere close to you from now on that he was officially gone. 
Bakugou Katsuki/ Pro Hero! Dynamight
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-It was a stupid argument that escalated and now he found himself crashing at Kirishima’s. 
-You two hadn’t talked for about a week now and Bakugou feared that you had had enough of him and you would break up if he called. 
-He felt awful.
-He just wanted to go back home to you, kiss you, hug you, be back in his normal routine with the love of his life but no he had to be stubborn and push you to your limits with a silly argument that he doesn’t even remember what the fuck it was about. 
-It was the third sleepless night for him and he couldn’t stop his brain from drifting to you and what you might be doing. 
-You on the other hand were terrified out of your mind. 
-Not long after Katsuki stormed out of your apartment you had started getting texts from an unknown number saying things like “He is finally gone” and “Now we can be together again dolly.” 
-The nickname had sent shivers down your spine, memories of your toxic/yandere ex flooding your mind. 
-Katsuki had helped you run away from him and heal after those dark days. 
-Walking to the kindergarten you worked at became a constant threat.
-You were always looking behind your shoulder for anyone who might be following you, coming very close to calling Katsuki more than once when you thought that you had caught a whiff of your ex. 
-You began asking your coworkers to walk home with you using the excuse that it felt kinda lonely walking alone.
-Things reached a tipping point when the photos started coming in. 
-Photos of you in your class helping the kids, on your way to the station to catch your train every morning and even from inside your own house. 
-Photos of you putting on one of Katsuki’s hoodies was filled with manic scribbles of the word stop as a big red circle was drawn around your boyfriend’s sweatshirt. 
-It terrified you and you wanted nothing else than to call Katsuki and beg him to come back. 
-But despite it all your worthless pride and ego got in the way convincing you that you would fight your ex with your own two hands. 
-All those thoughts were tossed out the window when you heard your ex’s voice outside your apartment’s door on a late Friday night. 
- “Dolly open the door~” 
-In less than a second you had pushed the kitchen table in front of the door, your fingers hastily dialing Katsuki’s number, tears already streaming down your cheeks as your ex pounded at the front door, his voice and pleas becoming more and more aggressive as the seconds ticked by. 
-Two agonizing minutes passed before Bakugou answered, his gruff voice reaching your ears from the other line as he answered with a short “What”
- “Katsu please h-he is trying to get in. H-he is at the d-door. I-I don’t know what to do.” 
- “Baby lock yourself in our room and try to barricade the door. After that hide I’ll be there before you know it.”
-You could hear a door slamming shut and his hasty steps coming through the other line. 
-Doing as you were told you locked your bedroom door, pushing your dresser in front of it as more bangs came from the front door the legs of the kitchen table scraping the floor as the door almost rattled off its hinges. 
-Ducking underneath your bed you let out a few whines to which Katsuki answered with reassuring words. 
- “I’m almost there baby, I’ll save you. Fuck, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby. I should be home with you right now keeping you safe from that lunatic. I’m sorry I love you so much.” 
- “Katsu please hurry please. I-I’m so scared. Please.” 
- “I can see our building don’t worry-” 
-A loud thud came from the kitchen and only a few seconds later something rammed into the bedroom door ripping another whimper from your throat. 
- “Oh my god Katsu he’s in our house!!” 
- “Y/N, dolly, why are you making this so difficult my love? I just want” *thud* “to love you” *thud* “the way you” *thud* “DESERVE!”
-In one finally push your dresser was finally knocked over as the door creaked slightly open, your ex squeezing through the crack a laugh and a breathy moan of your name escaping his lips as he stepped inside.  
- “Katsuki I lo-” 
-The only thing that Katsuki could hear was your scream as he barreled up the stairs to your apartment. 
-He was gonna skin that bastard alive for hurting you and then he would skin himself alive for allowing this to happen. 
-He will never forget the look of pure terror in your eyes as you ex was pining you on the floor, your eyes darting through the room desperately searching for a way to escape this. 
-Katsuki tackled your assailant, straddling his waist as he let punch after punch connect with the bastard's face as you cowered to the far corner of the room. 
-After a few minutes of relentless punching your ex was knocked out cold while Katsuki was cradling you to his chest, rubbing circles onto your scalp as you sobbed in his chest. 
-You don’t remember much of what happened later, too exhausted to process anything and too comfortable in Katsuki’s arms as he led you to Kirishima’s house to spend the night. 
-He refused to take you to a hotel, he thought you would feel safer in a familiar environment. 
-Kiri left you two alone as Katsuki prepared a bath and a change of clothes. 
- “Katsu…” 
-His name left your lips as a mere whisper and it broke his heart. 
- “I can’t go back to our house...He had been in there….he had taken pictures I-I” 
- “Shh it’s alright. It was getting kinda small for us anyways. Shh Don’t worry about it.” 
- “I’m sorry Katsu, I’m so sorry.” 
-It would take a lot of hard work to build up your sense of safety and he knew it but he was ready to give it his all for you. 
- “No need to apologize baby. You know I would do anything for you and your safety and I’ll be here next to you now matter what. I love you and I will never stop. You kinda have my wrapped around your finger, woman.” 
-You let out a weak giggle followed by an “I love you” of your own and a little peck on the lips, as you snuggled close to him, his arms bringing you safely to his chest in a way to calm your nerves. 
-You really did have wrapped around your finger.
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @wolfkid22​ @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @luluwiie​ @threeamwriting​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses
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kenmei · 4 years
♡ gn!reader x kozume kenma
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cw: pinch of angst (to fluff !!!), romance, slice of life, crying, established relationship!au, timeskip!au
synopsis: in which he’s actually more traditional than he leads on
wc: 2000+
notes from mei!
ive had this idea rattling around my skull for the longest time
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sixteen and a handshake. a standard, normal handshake, but still awkward.
you remember how his hand perfectly fit with yours—how his palms were searing hot as they met with your much colder ones.
you remember him, as a second-year, as the setter for the team you cheered for from the stands. you remember his flushed cheeks when you kissed him on the cheek for a first time, watching as his brain malfunctioned as the rosy hues on his face spread to his neck and the tips of his ears.
you remember him, as the captain, worn out and exhausted at your doorstep.
you recall how he slumped onto you, making you somewhat drag him to your room. half because he really was that tired, and half for his own amusement.
you know him. you know him a bit too well and it’s both a blessing and curse.
because you wonder if he’s finally grown out of it—of this.
looking at the empty spot beside you, you think that, perhaps, he really has—the signs are staring right at you. lately, you’ve been sleeping in a cold bed, waking up to yet again another empty penthouse as you figure he’s at the office again.
(you hope he’s at the office, at least).
texts replies are always hours apart. it seems like he’s been doubling up on streams. friday’s that have always been reserved for two since forever, have only had one person attending these past few weeks.
this is sad, your chest clenches dejectedly at yet another morning where it’s only you. looking around, a part of you wishes that kenma’s actually here, that any second now, he’s going to emerge from his game room, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he scratches his tummy.
because even if you both don’t talk as much as you used to, it’s enough for you simply when he’s present. it’s enough for you when he mutters a good morning, waddling past you to go make his coffee before sitting on the couch.
it’s enough for you when he’s here.
the absolute bare minimum can make you the happiest, but you wonder if even that is too much.
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twenty-four and you’re still overthinking.
“just talk to him!” your friends say, but truly it isn’t that easy. even if you’ve both promised to be better at communicating, something about this whole situation makes communication feel so much more difficult.
“you’ve been together for so long, you both still aren’t married?” if you’re being honest, it does bother you sometimes and you wonder if maybe, you should just get on one knee instead.
but you don’t. you don’t because you and kenma already both live(d) like you’re married. you both still share(d) that dynamic of being a laid-back couple who deals with problems as they come.
you don’t think about marriage with him because it already feels right. you don’t mind not getting married and honestly, you’re pretty sure kenma isn’t that kind of guy.
you’re startled by someone poking the side of your head.
your head turns to see kenma, brows slightly furrowed as he analyzes you.
you shake your head, sitting up straight on the couch. “’what’s u—wait, aren’t you supposed to be streaming right now?”
kenma nods his head, plopping into the spot next to you. “ended early. chat was being rude today.”
your head bobs in understanding as you try to find words to piece together. he must be frustrated, you know a little bit about how difficult it can get as a streamer and you also know him, that if he doesn’t want to be near you or hear you, he simply wouldn’t be.
you smile slightly, “t—”
“why are you so tense?” he questions, leaning back. his eyes study you and you feel like hiding.
“’m not.” you defend, shrinking.
“you are.” he replies, “what’s wrong?”
you hum, grabbing a throw pillow and falling onto your side, opposite from him. “class was hard today. your paparazzi found me at the grocery store—”
“that happened last week.”
you groan, because fuck, you really can’t lie to him. he’s too good at getting you to open up, no matter how hard you resist it.
“it’s stupid.” you pout, covering your face with the pillow, already feeling your wound up emotions spiraling back up to the surface.
kenma’s hand lands on your legs, situating them over his lap. he pats the side your calves, humming. “talk to me.”
“what about you?” genuinely, you feel like right now isn’t the best time to talk about this. “you were just telling me about how your chat was being rude!”
“that can wait.” he replies, patient, like he’s always been. “something’s been bothering you, no?”
yes. you think. but i don’t wanna talk to you about it ‘cuz i’m scared.
“are you tired...” fuck, you think, because once again, he’s getting you to talk. “of—of me?”
he’s always been good at this. somehow always getting you to say whatever’s clogging up your mind. he reads you like an open book and you hate it, because even after all these years, it’s still scary.
it’s daunting, because he knows so much about you. if he wanted to, he could pick you apart all too easily, knowing exactly what buttons to push to make you break and that’s scary. it’s terrifying, even.
you feel his hand, as warm as they’ve always been, slide under the bottom of your loose pajama pants, warming up your ice cold skin.
and the feeling is weird, because you feel like you’re on fire, yet his hand is still so much warmer than you.
it’s comforting. you’ve both always been touch-starved and kenma knows this, he knows this as he traces small shapes on your calves, the hem of your pants riding up a bit.
“why would i be tired of you?” he mumbles, eyes moving to see your face is still very much covered with the pillow.
you shrug, leg twitching under his feathery touch. “you’ve been distant and stuff... i dunno.”
and it feels like he’s back at square one with you. kenma feels like an idiot for not realizing sooner, cursing himself for being so caught up with work (and something else) that he’s been neglecting you.
you’ve always been a bit of a crybaby, only him and your close friends know this.
he notes that you tend to cry even when you both have the smallest fights, and it’s something he’s used to.
so to know that you’re holding everything in, it makes his chest tighten.
“i’m sorry, angel.” he says, quiet. “work’s been busy.”
yes, work is busy. even if he finds it enjoyable, it can get taxing sometimes. but he’s also been looking around for something, something that he needs perfect.
“‘s okay.” you mumble and he knows he’s fucking up even more. “i just miss you.”
he tugs on the bottom of your shirt, “c’mere.”
you shake your head and he ponders on what to do.
because even now, even though you’ve both been together for so long that existing with the other is literally needed, there are times when you both get stuck—where existing together feels more complex than it should ever be.
“please,” he pleads softly, “i miss you.”
and if you’re not gonna come to him, he’ll come to you.
so he leans down, forcing you to hold a bit of his weight as he lays atop you. he pulls the pillow away, wiping the few tears away with his thumb.
he kisses your cheek.
twenty-four, you let yourself cry because you’ve missed him so much. seeing other in the evenings or exchanging a few short words doesn’t do it for you anymore, it never will.
another kiss, but on the other cheek. i’m sorry.
another for your forehead, then one more on your nose. i love you.
your hands cling to him and he smiles, caressing your hair. his head lays in the juncture of your neck, frequently wiping your tears with his thumb.
he makes you sit up, only because he wants to hold you.
with your back to his chest, his warm hand envelopes yours. he doesn’t make you face him, because he knows that wouldn’t make you feel comfortable. 
it’s only when he hears your crying subside, that he holds your chin, making you look him in the eyes.
“are we okay?” he mumbles, his lips so close to yours you can feel his breath.
it still gets to you. he still gets to you like you’re both still teenagers; your heart thumps in your ears, body burning because fuck, he’s really close to kissing your lips.
you nod, “’m sorry. didn’t wanna talk to you ‘cuz i was scared.”
his lips slot against yours and it’s gentle, your mind becomes fuzzy with a warmth only kenma can provide you. he chuckles when he pulls away, your lips chasing his.
“don’t worry about that,” he says softly, “i might’ve accidentally made it harder to approach me.”
you shake your head. “thought it was just my overthinking.” you fiddle with your fingers, “i didn’t wanna make a big deal out of it.”
“next time,” he says, “make a big deal out of it. you gotta talk to me, angel.”
you whine, feeling embarrassed because you’ve gotten this lecture from him so many times.
kenma sighs against your skin, wondering if now is the right time. it feels like a good time, but he doesn’t want to waste a special moment because of a good feeling.
“what’s wrong, ken?” you ask, tilting your head back onto his shoulder.
your eyes are red, you’re still sniffling every now and then.
he smiles, hand travelling to his pocket as he pulls out the ring, holding it in front of you. “this is why i was so busy. t—the box is in my gaming room, though, fuck—”
“is that—”
“w—wanna get married, y/n?” his whole face is red. you giggle at his shaking hand as you hold out your own (shaking) hand.
“yeah. i really wanna.”
and you’re crying again as he slips the ring on your finger. the diamonds sparkles at you and you can’t help but fawn over the ring as you sob.
“crybaby.” he mumbles, kissing your cheek. he nuzzles into your neck, arms wrapped tightly around your midsection. “i love you.”
and it’s here you realize that kenma is a lot more traditional than you thought. memories flood in of him always getting you to watch the first snow with him through his window, forcing you under the kotatsu with him as he shows you a new game he started playing.
eighteen. for your two year anniversary, he took you to a place with love locks. signing one off with you before throwing the key god knows where. and you remember thinking it’s weird, because the month before that, he was telling you stuff like that is kinda phony. 
nineteen. you recall him grumbling about getting into a yukata for the festival, but grumbling even more when you gave in and said you’d both attend in normal clothing, because he’s already halfway in the yukata, why would he change? (he just wanted to wear one with you).
twenty-two. his persistence to keep you awake to watch the sun rise on new years.
you realize kenma follows traditions more than you do and you chuckle.
giggling, you hold your hand out where the diamonds on your left ring finger shine happily, tilting your head to kiss him yet another time.
“i love you.”
change. you know your daily lives aren’t going to be much different, but you both like how your last name will be the same as his.
twenty-four. he proposes to you so casually that some might find it weird. but you both aren’t ones for big gestures. you know kenma loves you, it’s in the way he moves your hair out of your face as he asks you if he can still make it up to you.
and he knows you love him, when you laugh and tell him he already has—when you intertwine your fingers with his and kiss the top of his hand, kenma knows and you know, too.
forever it is.
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