#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪
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Was feeling pretty crummy yesterday and then was just busy today, so no prompts, but! I did get this finished
I had a lot of the art for this sitting around for like. A month (very soon after the original meme was posted) and then just. Stalled forever on it until tonight because I only had a few more things to draw and I wanted to give y'all something
But anyway Ginger and C.athal!! The silly maned wolf and TV head! I lov them…,.,,.,,. Boyemployee and girlfailure (incredibly affectionate)
[Original meme here] [Feat. Sinclair and CC ( @suiseiiii ) and Doc ( @dimikissme )
(Please reblog! I like reading tags :])
#🐉🎮.txt#clare's art#clare's animatics#toon tag#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#oc: ginger honeyjinks#other's ocs
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Taggie usually: 😇
Taggie with Rupert: you’re disgusting 🤢 and I want nothing 🚫 to do with you ☝️ maybe im fed up 😒 with sitting around waiting 🕰️ for my life 😛 to happen 😠🙄 making sandwiches 🥪 for everybody else 😞 do you really think 🤔 you can trust her 👀🤨 what if 😢 no one 💔 ever loves me ⁉️ no one 🙃 ever buys me gifts 🎁 like this🥚🙂 it’s beautiful 🤭💕well then ⚠️ STOP 🚷 doing things you need to be sorry for 😤🚪💥😠 😡 i asked for your help 🆘 and you got him drunk 🥃🥴 and let him implode 🤯 on live television 📺 🤫 if THATS 🤬 what’s needed 😑🔪 he’s lovely 😊 only he’s not you 😈
#and he was like omfg. i need her to be my wife so bad#this is a pro Taggie scaring the shit out of Rupert account#rupert x taggie
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Una & Django
Una: 📰📢📺📢📻📢
Una: wake up! I’ve got news!
Django: What news could warrant getting me out of my bed
Una: not jumping on it, am I? what more could you want?
Django: Yeah, is it even preferable to the kid, like
Django: you’re a lot heavier 😵
Una: I’m about to be loads lighter if you’d listen
Django: me eyes are open, I’m listening
Django: tell me about your morning 💩 weirdo
Una: my fetishes are another convo
Django: stick to the one we’re on then 📢📢📢
Una: are you after good or bad to start?
Django: are you not after finding another bit of good first? 💩🥪
Django: We may as well skip to the bad bit
Una: I’ve had my breakfast, like
Una: but, here goes, now you’ve made your decision, fucking finally
Una: 👎 news is the 👍 won’t come true for ages yet
Django: ‘cos it’s all me being vague and baiting
Django: am I still 😴 or just thick?
Una: ask me the good news, thicko
Django: Tell me what you want to tell me, drama queen
Una: 🥁
Una: you’ll be rid of me soon
Django: Are you being serious? 🤡
Una: deadly, literally 💀👻
Django: You said you had your breakfast, never that you brought it straight back up
Una: cos I never did, feel free if you’d fancy your go, I’ll wait
Una: not like I’m short on time or anything ⏳
Django: I’m not the one that’s sick, I’m good
Django: when do you start the chemo and everything?
Una: you’re good?
Una: rub it in why don’t you, boy 😜
Django: you know what I mean, well as avoiding the question
Una: yeah, avoidance tactics 101
Django: for dummies is right
Django: Now you’ve dropped the news, you don’t wanna talk about it? Alright
Una: 💣 this is my biblical end times, it’s fucking nigh, alright? RIP me
Django: You got better last time, you’ll do it again
Una: nobody’s fannying about this time, they’ve said I’ll not
Django: yeah but, doctors, what do they know
Una: they know it’ll be months instead of years
Una: no 18th 🥳🎂
Django: 16th?
Una: yours or mine?
Django: Fuck
Django: have mine this year then
Una: you’ll have enough to cry about without me resorting to dirty tactics such as birthday theft
Django: It’s a swap and I’m surely doing the better for it, if you reckon you’ve got none left in you
Una: you’re only trying to be off school for it for once 👀
Django: ☀️🌊🤙
Django: D’ya want a sweet 16 or not, girl
Una: do I fuck? what sort of girl are you taking me for? 🤘
Una: punk rock princess already been a 🥳🎂 theme, remember? 👋 bye bye cancer numero uno
Django: There’s not time to be a cliche before you go?
Django: I like any excuse to dress up, remember
Una: the cliche’s dying cancer girl, dunno how we’re dressing that up, a 🤡 wig?
Una: nah, minnie mouse ears, it’s where they all go before they go 🏰
Django: We’ve all got to do it, suppose you can’t get more tired than that, true enough
Django: You get a plus one? Never getting there myself, lack of a wish
Una: probably ma or our Liam, but if you can’t push your luck when its run out, when else can you? might as well come with
Django: You can admit how badly you wanna get every princess’s signature, I won’t bring it up at the wake
Una: 🖕 I’m not the sort of terminal where I go about doing kindnesses for everyone I’ve ever met 💔 as your littlest sis will be to hear it, she can have my [whatever makeup idk] in my will, that’s her lot
Django: you wouldn’t be, as in life and all that 😘
Django: You’re perhaps a couple shades out but beggars can’t be choosers, not put her work in for the 🏰 trip
Una: her wannabe shade, but okay, okay, nothing in the foundation or concealer section of my makeup bag
Django: Does this mean you get to stop coming to school?
Una: least I’m owed
Django: so it’s one long summer
Django: an Irish one, can only give you so much
Una: keep an 🧅 close to hand and you can be my plus one for it too
Django: sure, you don’t wanna be every cunt’s sick note
Django: You’ve gotta fill your days somehow, you’ll need a hand
Una: you’ll spend it with me then? online school’s there for the bullied kids, you won’t need to redo the year or whatever once I’m off
Django: s’the last thing you need to concern yourself with, I’ll handle it
Una: steady on, big man, I’ll pass out from all that talk
Django: 😏 yeah, yeah
Django: that’s big talk from someone who reckons they’re 👻💀
Una: life in her yet
Una: so what’s going to happen tonight?
Django: well, isn’t a list the cliche, got to set aside the time to at least scribble that down so you don’t miss something important
Una: I’ll grab myself an old 💄 Gracie won’t be after having, if we’re behaving as a cliche, best be all in
Django: Not on your mirror, your mammy will have all your hopes and dreams off with a damp cloth
Una: love the metaphor, wiped away easy as that
Django: how is she
Una: beside herself
Django: yeah
Django: so keep your lipstick-smudged list of depravity private, we’ll let her see the bits that make her 🙂 not 😭
Una: I’d rather be dead than in this house bearing witness to more of her 😭
Una: get dressed
Django: Are you bringing Liam?
Una: he’d rather I was dead than dragging him ‘round behind me ‘til I am
Una: where’s Edie? I’ll chuck him at her
Django: More what I meant anyway, come here and leave him, we’ll be off
Una: won’t be having no driving lessons neither, you best call your first car my fucking ugly name
Django: first on the list, more like
Django: Lasses will just think I really love my dead nan, won’t get in the way
Una: I’ll haunt the back seat, have to do everything yourself if you want it done proper anyway
Django: You can’t be moaning about shit names when I’m lumbered with one no one can say
Una: yours suits you, and I like it, my opinion being the only which matters now
Django: now, is it 🤔
Una: true, it’s been that way since always, but especially now
Django: Fair enough, I reckon
Django: so change yours
Una: to what?
Django: what do you want to be called?
Una: there’s a list worth writing, bear with
Django: got clothes to put on, breakfast to have ⏳⏳ take it
Una: [start your list with the inevitable famous or fictional people you like but that I won’t commit to because you’re not gonna go for one of them, crossing them out like no]
Django: Not a Disney princess in sight, fake fan
Una: you don’t shh I’ll suggest we swap names as well as birthdays, see how much it gets in your way, Casanova
Django: I’ll make it work 😉
Una: [add to your list with girls names from songs you like, also a very teenage girl vibe]
Django: [say which songs you also like]
Una: [finally some place names, including some hilariously bad ones because it’s just places you wanna go like Memphis but you’re not gonna name yourself that lol, put a ✔️ next to your final one which you wanna pick which is Laurel for Laurel Canyon like my boo suggested because very her vibe and not somewhere you’re gonna get to visit or would wanna now probably given that none of the bad bitches live there still]
Django: You’re sold on Laurel, then, not [the most ridiculous one]?
Una: be serious for a sec, do you like it?
Django: S’perfect, you wouldn’t have picked it otherwise
Una: don’t go telling my mammy it’d put her in her grave
Django: I won’t go erasing your real one from my memory, I happen to like your mammy
Una: you can’t be erasing nothing, it’s the closest thing to living longer I’ve got, dying when you do 👴 in your bed
Django: those are my instructions, I suppose?
Una: unless I accidentally kill us during our illegal driving lessons
Django: always time for an accident
Una: tattoo me when I get there, we’ll call it an accident when ma sees
Una: [lyrics from one of the songs he said he liked obvs]
Django: I know how to do that safe as well as drive, you’re not dying yet, okay
Django: but, there’s plenty of places your mammy won’t see it
Una: my blood’s already more poisoned than you could manage with a little needle, just don’t swap it with me, case cancer’s catching how the conspiracy theorists would have us believe everything is
Django: I’m as scared as you are
Una: I know
Django: You deserve longer
Una: she’s got the desperate prayers covered, can take the woman out of Northern Ireland but not the previously lapsed catholic out of her, like
Django: least you’re not dying in [wherever exactly her mum is from], count your lucky stars
Una: there’s time, still
Una: should’ve renamed myself Lourdes
Django: by way of Paris, make it a tour
Una: you’d have to come, being single in Paris must be a hanging offence
Django: cool it off in time for the nuns, got it
Una: bucket list ✔️ seducing a nun’s gayer than I intended on going but as I’m off to hell already 🏳️🌈
Django: shut up
Django: lapsed is right, you’ll be off to purgatory which is much more boring and you’ll need all the memories you can grab
Una: fine, [some irrelevant boy she had a cringey crush on when she was younger, for the absolute pisstake cos she obvs doesn’t still fancy him] then
Django: Oh yeah, warm as the 🔥 of hell, he’ll have you
Una: sicker than chemo, more like it
Una: romance is dead too 💀👻
Django: nah, just set your sights higher
Una: [one of the celebs she listed as liking, whoever is the most hilarious off the list] ✔️
Django: how could they refuse 😇🙏
Una: and how could you when I set you as my backup option? 😇🙏
Django: good thing you don’t need to charm me
Una: I’ll bring flowers and chocolates if that’s what you want, sweetheart
Django: what do you want, the hospital not fancying either?
Una: I don’t get what I want, not dying ‘til I’m at least boring and middle aged, if not proper old and grey, isn’t on the cards
Django: Something I can at least steal
Django: I thought maybe my mam’s years were mine to give out but it don’t look like it
Una: I’ll pass whatever message you’ve got for her on when we meet, especially if it’s a fuck you, but it don’t need to be limited to one
Django: have that on me
Django: never knew her, she’s younger than you’ll be
Una: there’s nothing you feel up for telling her?
Una: or asking? I could ask about your da and send a message back to you
Django: How are you telling me any better than she hasn’t bothered to?
Una: I’d find a way, do I not always?
Django: True
Una: never met an eejit I couldn’t wrap ‘round my little finger, be the same in purgatory
Django: as one of those eejits
Una: you’ve dressed up for me, no doubt
Django: Depending on your definition
Una: I’m accepting no less than full disney princess, think on if that’s not what you’ve done
Django: I’ll dig out the tiara 🙄🤪
Una: yay!
Django: You and your kinks
Una: you’re not ready for that convo yet, babe
Django: Can’t have you fainting
Una: unless it’s a kink of yours, me passed out
Django: because I’m that much of a wrongen
Una: people like all sorts, don’t mean you’re about to be off on a crime spree 🚨
Django: Hmm
Django: in poor taste when you’re about to be permanently passed out though
Una: if you’ve a boner for dead bodies I don’t need to worry about you moving on quick when I am one, in poorer taste for you to when I’ve chucked you my virginity
Django: No one is going to forget you
Una: it’s inevitable, and basic maths ➕��➗✖️
Una: you’ll all have longer without me than you had with, a whole fucking life where I’m not there cos mine’s cut short
Django: people don’t forget, trust me
Django: you think about the people that are gone more than anyone thinks about the people still here
Una: swear on your long life you’ll keep thinking about me, years from right now
Django: swear on everything
Una: I’ll stay as long as I can, to do everything
Django: I know you will
Una: starting when I get to yours, which is more like if, cos you live too far away from fucking everything
Django: Have to stop girls like you banging down my door every second of somehow, don’t we 😜
Una: you dunno no other girls like me
Django: thank god…
Django: so when’s your man [the celeb she said she fancies] likely to be in town then?
Una: [let’s say it’s a musician so she can drop gig dates at him so we can have them go in the future if we want to or we can be mean and say when it comes around she’s too sick to go]
Django: it’s a date, he just don’t know it yet
Una: eulogy’ll write itself, stand there and do a retell all of the night 📢
Django: Does he not write his own?
Django: that’s immortalised, ain’t it
Una: ooh probably, there’s your slot bumped and you out of a job, nice one
Django: slacking is what I do best
Una: 🌴🍹😎
Django: best stick to your end of the bargain and die or he’ll feel well awkward for noncing on you, like
Una: just needs reminding how many of the greats did it, if it’s good enough for Elvis and Bowie to name but 2
Django: sure, dream big, lad
Una: and dying needs more +s, he’s the only so far
Django: you’ve got a licence to take the piss, you just have to think how you wanna
Una: I already had, being a girl who don’t look like a creature from nobody’s nightmares, but point taken
Django: taking the mick out the little cancer girl wouldn’t have been a good look, even for [the nastiest gals you can think of in your year]
Una: that too, but I was avoiding saying it for the nerve it touches now I’m the cancer girl again ⚡️
Django: will your hair come out this time?
Una: ma’s trying to insist on another go through all that shite, but there’s nobody much except god on her side about it, let them 🥊 it out, her, the drs and my 2 dads, like
Django: Shame, I thought it was a good look
Una: you’re not being stopped from shaving yours, for cash or solidarity 🥚✨
Django: if I’m skint, I might
Una: I might do a bit, to buy us time, I dunno
Django: Not going to be another person telling you what to do
Una: cos you dunno either
Django: I don’t know what it’s like to be the one going through it
Una: take a guess, but it’s not to be a picnic with or without, unless it serves fuck all but 💩🥪 I’m still dying, least the symptoms of chemo are meant to have a ⏳ point
Django: If I was your ma, I’d want you to do it too
Una: which is a roundabout way of saying you want me to
Django: I don’t want you to die
Django: dunno if those are the same thing
Una: comes down to not wanting me to die yet or not ever, cos those are well different things, and only one of them is something I might be able to give you
Django: surely you want as long as you can get, for yourself?
Una: yeah, but I do know what it’s like
Una: and if I get twice as long but half of it’s taken up by feeling how I remember, or worse, then it’s not really twice as long
Django: okay, I see your point
Una: to go through it and die anyway takes the piss, but it’ll take the piss how soon they’ve said I’ll die if I don’t
Django: it’s all shit, basically
Una: you’re catching on
Django: 🥴🔨 eventually
Una: mercy killing like I’m some old 🐶
Django: was talking about my thick skull, honestly
Django: the shotgun emoji doesn’t exist anyway
Una: be a waste of a dying wish, but alright, see what I can do
Una: school shooters and eejits about to be forced into less than happy marriages can thank me in their prayers
Django: what a fan club to have 😭💔 for ya
Una: I bet you’ll have a lovely skull, by the way
Django: You’re such a nutter
Django: you couldn’t just have cancer in one place so I could heroically offer you a kidney or whatever, no
Una: sorry, no chance to be a hero here, I’ve shat that bed for you
Django: I’ll have to get over it
Una: you could move yourself closer to civilisation if you’re after doing something useful
Django: s’a big ask
Una: I’ve a licence for it, so says you
Django: true but I really, really like my freedom
Una: fine, don’t shave your head, take the money, and use it to buy a van you park in my ma’s drive 24/7
Django: big ✌️ hippie vibes or big 👀 stalker vibes?
Una: whichever dress up takes your fancy the most, bell bottoms or a balaclava
Django: why not both, eh
Una: more is more, that’s the spirit, matey boy
Django: maybe we’ll live above the shops again, always a possibility
Una: you loved it there
Django: yeah, that place is easier to rent out though, there’s always a family friend willing to housesit
Django: this place needs commitment, like
Una: I’ll ask my da to rent it for us
Django: That’d be top
Una: what’s it go per month? we’ll not have need for many unless the drs are gaslighting me
Django: I’d have to ask
Django: also who’s actually in there, Ali won’t want a rep as a landlord that chucks people out on the streets
Una: extenuating circumstances, give them the sob story and they’ll be off, same as my da’ll open his wallet when I remind him of the birthdays he won’t be forking out for, no wedding, graduation, or grandkids ever to pay for
Django: I’ll still get myself a van, just ‘cos
Django: can stalk other people
Una: should be on the lookout for an old 🚑 for the craic, steal one if there’s none for sale
Django: challenge accepted
Django: sure they must be knocking about somewhere… what do they do with them once they’re knackered 🤔
Una: might be a retirement scrapheap somewhere
Django: take out all the good bits
Una: better than killing all your happy memories living over the shops before when I die
Django: nah, you ain’t that special, don’t worry about it, like
Una: what a kind but barefaced lie to tell either of us
Django: not taking your ego any time soon, this cancer
Una: special is what it makes you, or so goes the lie they tell you on the children’s ward, despite how full of other kids in the same fucking boat it is
Django: adults hate having to tell the truth, most of them, especially to kids
Una: but friends don’t let friends die in 🌈 rooms when they’re not 4 no more, swear to me you won’t
Django: swear
Django: you’ll let some poor kid have it and be out the way with all the morphine they’ll give you
Una: I’ll show appreciation by sharing all my hard drugs
Django: 😂 tah, I’ll deffo stick around then
Una: you and [the rockstar from earlier]
Una: easy to ✔️ 3some off the list, like
Django: oh, easy, is it?
Una: get a bit of an ego too and don’t sell yourself short, he’d be lucky to have you
Django: Ha ha 😏
Una: when you’re dying you can pick the other person
Django: It’s not about him
Django: you’ve never heard of, idk, softening the blow
Django: 📰📢📺📢📻📢 after 📰📢📺📢📻📢 with you
Una: I don’t have time for softly, softly
Una: and I’m not in the mood for it neither
Django: alright
Django: what else is on your ✔️
Una: if in doubt, ask yourself, what would [the most shameless celeb of their era or any era she can think of] do?
Django: I figured that much
Una: as much as we can ‘til you go on without me and make me proud to watch as well as never bored, no pressure 👀☁️🔭☁️
Django: You make a far more convincing stalker
Una: it’s no to an itchy balaclava though, wig’s bad enough
Django: be all ⛓⛓⛓⛓ for your sins, you’ll love it
Una: we’re finally talking fetishes, are we?
Django: You complaining how long the journey over is
Una: it is, I’ll probably drop dead mid
Django: nah, you’ve always been lazy
Una: the hero you wanna be would offer to meet us halfway
Django: so you have to walk?
Una: here’s an opportunity for my first driving lesson
Django: no time like the present… hang on then, halfway
Una: I took a literal approach to storming out of home, with no thought to how knackering it’d be
Django: And who’s the eejit?
Django: bloody hell
Una: I had a point to prove!
Django: yeah I’m well aware you’d drop down dead to do it
Una: making our Liam carry me defeats it, and he’d rather die
Django: he’s lanky enough
Una: yeah, but so am I, unfair to him ‘til I’m proper skin and bone
Django: I’m on my way
Una: don’t get yourself pulled over, no use to nobody
Django: not an amateur, girl
Una: you can have that one as yours to prove
Django: like I ain’t all these years?
Django: psh, okay
Una: there’s an ego there, knew it
Django: never claimed to be 🥺😳🤓
Una: can’t decide if it’s 👍 or 👎 news
Django: you clearly like egos, [this rockstar because they always do lol]
Una: but I can’t knock 🥺😳 before I’ve tried it, might like that too
Django: [list boys in your year who are clearly the shyest of sweet nerds]?
Una: really ready to palm me off 💔
Django: I just told you I’m not, am I faking it for you now?
Una: just tell me roleplay isn’t your thing
Django: Pisstake
Una: years of practice
Django: 💐💐
Una: stealing them from scenes of accidents on your way’d be extreme poor taste and could be bad luck, I dunno 🥀
Django: you’ll have to pick your own 🥺😳 girl, there’s enough at ours
Una: there’ll be enough at my funeral, I’m banning them before
Django: in that case, please leave them alone and don’t go mental with some shears, like
Una: how much I can bruise and bleed I’m 100% banned from picking up fuck all unless it’s harmless and fit for the children’s ward 🧸
Django: 💉 still on the cards though, happy days
Una: technically you’re holding the tattoo gun and what ma don’t know won’t hurt her
Django: if you try to bleed to death, I’ll have to kill you just for being a dick
Una: I’ll stick to my nose and gums how it’s been up to now 🤞
Django: swear?
Una: I can’t, like, I’ll be a dick if I break it seconds and letters into [whatever the first word of this tattoo is]
Django: at least you’re not bullshitting
Django: I’ll do it faint, some poetic nonsense, right
Una: I don’t want it to be faint
Django: I know
Una: compromises have already fucking started
Django: okay, okay just tell me what to do if you turn my room into the shining
Una: 🚨🚑🚨
Django: That serious
Django: 👍 no pressure
Una: it’s all that serious now
Una: could be after getting an infection if somebody so much as 👀 at me wrong 🙄🥳
Django: So your mammy really will murder me if she sees this
Django: going to have to keep your clothes on at all times
Una: I’ll keep it to myself if you give me chlamydia, be for the best
Django: Don’t sound like you plan on keeping anything to yourself
Una: I said, there’s no time and it’s not the mood I’m in
Django: [the scandalous celeb inspo] I remember
Una: most of my clothes can stay on if you want
Django: what sort of person would I be if I exploited your rush for myself
Una: you’re trying so hard to make this sound like it’s against my will
Django: I’m just trying to separate what you actually want from what you think you have to fit in before you go
Una: racing the clock, I’d be doing it instead of having this convo, wouldn’t I? if nothing else bothered me and my singular motivation was ✔️
Django: It hasn’t come up before, that’s all
Una: I wasn’t taking the risk of fucking up us as friends before
Django: It wouldn’t
Django: it won’t
Una: you dunno it wouldn’t, when there wasn’t this 💣 doing it instead, nor did I
Django: I know, ‘cos it’s us and we’re the ones who’d get to decide
Una: yeah, okay, but I couldn’t just turn ‘round one day and ask if you wanted to sleep with me, out the blue
Django: If anyone would, it’s you
Una: my ego isn’t the size of your house
Django: I’d call you cute if I didn’t think you’d need a lie down after trying to fight me
Una: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I hate you at the minute, boy
Django: Wanting to sleep with us lasting all of five minutes then
Una: if only, I’d swing for you and be over it, but it’s been ages, is what I’m saying to you
Django: You’re still wanting 🥺😳 I get it
Una: I wanna be honest, messing’s for people who get to live to be old and go on about their regrets in the pub, the one who got away or whatever
Django: I’m not messing and you can say whatever you like, I’ll not make you feel bad for it
Una: say something back
Django: you know I’m bad with words
Una: I feel I’ve backed you into a corner with all of mine
Django: I could say no, it’s not impossible
Una: you could say yes for the wrong reasons and I’d have to kill myself before cancer gets chance
Django: no, I won’t, I promise
Una: okay then
Django: it feels fucked for me to be thinking about, you know, considering
Una: I’m still here, alive, and the same person
Django: yeah, okay, well, I want to too
Una: cos we’re us, no pity, no ticking ⏱💣⏲
Django: That would be more fucked than just doing it for my own selfish gain, Jesus, no
Una: I’d have to kill you, which would be proper selfish, stealing my thunder
Django: Now you’ve got a monopoly on death
Una: can’t I have that much?
Django: 🏠💶🎩🐕🚗🚢🥾💶🏨
Una: get out of jail free ✔️ second prize in a beauty contest ✔️ it’s my birthday ✔️
Una: drs and hospital fees ❌ speeding fine ❌
Django: Where is your dad living now?
Una: [drop the location because I feel like he’s not in Dublin but he’s close enough you can still see him on weekends and shit when you want, but he’s also probably the kind of bitch who moves around more than your average bear, especially if that’s where you got your cool girl vibe from]
Django: the flat is a better location, like
Una: I’ll get in his ear about it 📢
Django: If there’s 1 thing you’re good at 🔊
Una: you flirt
Django: 😏 shut up
Una: time’s running out to start a screamo band, best sleep with me as I’ve no other talents, like
Django: Well, have you thought about where, if we’re being serious about it, like
Una: our Liam’ll be in the car with us so that’s out
Una: there’s no privacy at yours and ma’s playing warden at mine
Una: ask to view the flat? show Ali we’re serious about it too, she might leave us alone there for a bit?
Una: all else’s ❌ we go for my da’s place 🚊
Django: Oh, so you have thought about it then, loads
Django: she’d let us view it, that should work
Una: I thought of it then, when you asked me
Django: Uhuh 😚
Una: process of elimination, is all
Django: I’m not going to do it just anywhere, tah
Una: nor am I, as the one who’s at risk of ☣️🤒⚠️😷☢️
Django: Are there like
Django: extra precautions to take
Una: no balaclavas for this either, I’m putting my foot down
Django: Not going to be practical if you overheat and end up 🤒 that way
Una: and unless you’re gonna pay me, I’m not planning on a no kissing rule, have to take our chances 🦠🧫
Django: I don’t think I’ve got any germs, more than you
Una: romance really is dead if I anti-bac you from head to foot before
Una: I trust you not to actively try and kill me 👩❤️💋👨
Django: I don’t mind
Django: I mean, is it a weird request, sure but at least you’ve a valid reason I’m not left wondering over
Una: I mind, it’s not what I had in my head when thinking freak in the sheets
Django: I’d sort of mind if I killed you
Django: but okay, I’ll be thorough in the shower, think about it all you want
Una: I don’t want it memorable for that sort of reason
Una: but you’re on a better track with 🚿💭
Django: You’re not dropping down dead today
Django: if you want some time to plan it, so it can be all you want it to 💭
Una: we don’t need to plan, chemo’s the greatest contraceptive going
Django: is that how they sell it to people who are on the fence, like
Una: should be
Django: your ma would be thrilled
Una: I’m not about to tell her for the praise, you’ll have to give it me instead
Django: might take me a minute to not automatically take the piss but
Una: it’s okay, I’ve the identical urge whenever you open your mouth
Django: shame, that one works better the other way around
Una: are you after some time?
Django: 😏 I’ll be grand, tah
Una: alright, well, are you ever gonna get yourself here to me?
Django: as I can’t take full credit for your impatience, I’ll step on it
Una: you can take most of it, rest’s our Liam whinging on
Django: bit rude he’s not after hanging out
Una: does make us wonder what it’d take 😏
Django: if anyone knows what shite company you are, it’s me but you know, time and a place for face ache
Una: oh, nice, being ganged up on now as well as
Django: I’ll be nice to you when we’ve dropped him off at home
Una: believe it when I feel it
Django: you will
Una: I’ve it in writing, you best not let me down
Django: how many other lads do you plan on doing this with
Django: ‘cos I might have a few pointers on not piling on the pressure, lead to better results
Una: I wasn’t planning to write that ✔️❌ list
Una: let it go straight to your ego ➕ or the pressure get to you ➖
Django: oh
Django: 😁 proper special, like
Una: no comment
Django: I’ll start acting more worth that plan
Una: don’t start acting different, for the love of god
Django: don’t you want you know
Django: 💐🍫 romance
Una: the cancer isn’t in my brain, or caused a personality changing stroke like my nana had
Django: your Liam wishes
Una: by the sounds so do you
Django: only as a joke
Django: you know how it really is
Una: 🤡
Django: being serious about this would be a heavy place to start, wouldn’t it
Una: I know, but I’m not having the biggest laugh with this being how it came out I fancy you, it wasn’t how I wanted to do it
Django: what were your plan, out of interest
Una: it don’t matter, I can’t have another go, it’s out there now
Django: fine, I’ll tell you when I first noticed you like that, then you won’t be moody about it no more, deal?
Una: fine
Django: a little more enthusiasm, thank you
Una: FINE!!!
Django: You know in [whatever year you would feasibly have your first big growth spurt, idk] and [some dickhead lad] started everyone calling you [a lanky related nickname]?
Una: yeah, the memory comes back whenever I can’t sleep
Django: it’s mutual
Una: it all happened ages ago, why didn’t you say something?
Django: Probably because you were busy raging at [this boy]
Una: when I eventually calmed down then?
Django: Why is that what you’re taking away from it?
Una: why do you reckon? we could’ve had time together before it was running out
Django: we did still have that time together
Una: you know what I mean
Django: like you said, there’s nothing to fuck up now, that was ages ago
Django: it could’ve just been a fleeting thing
Una: I’m under pressure too, I’m gonna look and feel disgusting soon
Una: might give you new nightmares and reasons why you can’t sleep
Django: it’s hardly the only reason, if it was then maybe I’d get to be that shallow twat
Una: can you not give me a lad response and try and understand what I’m saying?
Django: right, sorry, try again
Una: if I wasn’t dying we’d both get to be shallow about it, it wouldn’t be a banned word
Django: okay, so, if you start looking disgusting, I’ll stop sleeping with you
Django: no bullshit
Una: I’m after no special treatment, stop anytime you want to, it don’t matter the reason, you’re not my hostage I’ve chained to the radiator
Django: I just promised I would
Una: double promise, it’s fucking important
Django: I promise I promise, alright
Django: but you have to believe me and not be a psycho thinking you know what I think when it’s really you
Una: okay, I promise not to overthink what you’re thinking
Django: Deal done then
Una: 💧🤝🩸
Una: but be warned if you ever call me a psycho again, I’ll show you one
Django: I’m familiar
Una: I’ve come a long way since [that dickhead boy at school]
Django: 😱😱😱 girl
Django: not surrounded by psycho girls or nothing
Una: says more about you than it does me
Django: oi, I can’t help being outnumbered in my own home
Django: not everyone gets it right with their first 2 go’s like your mam did
Una: I’ll pass it along when we’re back on speaking terms
Django: Soon as you’re dropped back then
Una: you’re not dropping me nowhere I’ve not okayed first
Django: not a cabbie
Una: and I’m not [the kind of parcel your mum would receive, I don’t know her life lol] you can’t be leaving me on her doorstep, I won’t get out your 🚕!
Django: Come on, you’ve gotta be nice to her
Una: I set foot in there I’ll never come out, she’d have me chained to a radiator on sight
Django: I doubt that’s doctor recommended
Una: I’ve got too much else to do to wrap myself in blankets and pray like she wants
Django: I didn’t say we were immediately headed in that direction
Una: what you said is you weren’t gonna tell me what to do
Django: I can’t feel sorry for her as well, no?
Una: by all means feel sorry for her instead of me, cos I’d rather die right here and right now than have you even imply you are
Django: I meant as well as not telling you what to do anyway
Django: her kid is dying
Una: yeah, I am
Django: you’ll be gone, you’ll not mind, she’s the one living with it, of course I feel bad for her
Una: I’m not gone yet, and I fucking mind she’s trying to control how the rest of my life’s spent
Django: I know
Una: you’re being too calm and rational, I need you to be furious with me
Django: I’m trying to be the person who keeps it together
Django: I’m not your mammy, your da, I don’t get to lose it
Una: it’s the time you get to lose it, you’re losing me
Django: you’ve not given me a second to fucking breathe never mind anything else
Una: take it, you’ve got the luxury, wasn’t you getting ambushed by drs this morning
Django: Jesus
Una: [not replying because giving him a second and being petty because teenage girl but that after a beat because teenage girl and can’t shut up]
Una: I haven’t energy to hold ma’s hand through this, same goes for yours, or any fucker else’s, call it callous or whatever
Una: I did the 😁 little miss sunshine craic last time I was sick, and where did it get us?
Django: I’m not asking you to
Una: you and her and everybody else will have time to get your head ‘round it when I’m dead, all I’ve got’s now and I’m already trying to pack years into months, knowing there’s still loads I won’t be able to do
Django: You know what you have to do, I’m not stopping you
Una: you’re guilt tripping me, as if I’m unaware how shite this is for my mammy off my own back
Django: I’m saying I’m not going to be a cunt to your mother about this, I’ve no right, you’ve every right to be entirely selfish about it, it’s the least you’re owed
Una: I’m not letting her stop me, that’s all there is to it
Django: Okay, I’ve heard you
Una: permission granted to turn your car ‘round and piss off if you fancy that more than coming this way
Django: Why?
Una: you’ve every reason
Django: I’m sorry I said that about your mum, I didn’t mean to guilt trip you
Una: believe me, there’s nothing I’d love more than to be wrapped up in her fantasy like it’s the warmest blanket going and get to be nice to her
Django: I’m sorry you’re dying
Django: I don’t know how else to say that
Una: there’s probably not loads of different ways to say it, in fairness
Django: It’s not fair, to anyone but most to you
Una: nah, it’s not, I dunno how else to say that either
Django: Ali knows a lot more about protests than me
Django: and dying, you should ask her
Una: she’s not my type, I’m sorry
Django: 😒 great craic
Una: I want you, and you said I’ve the green light on being selfish
Django: yeah, dunno why that means you’ve gotta have a shite sense of humour all of a sudden but
Una: I’m sorry, I’m having a day of it here, like
Django: better, that one was topical, like
Una: don’t turn your car ‘round or I’ll have to be all 🥺 about it and neither of us wants that, right?
Django: under the circumstances, I shan’t waste your time having you beg for it
Una: you can have me grateful for that
Django: I weren’t turning ‘round, by the way
Una: if I’ve any hope left I’m keeping it for that you don’t, even as a metaphor when it gets worse than this
Django: Oons
Una: forgetting my name isn’t doing much for the hope
Django: Laurel, sorry
Una: I know I’m not supposed to say anything close to don’t leave me before we’re even together but fucking do not, please
Django: I won’t, never
Una: there’s a million scenes from what feels like a million shite dying girl films playing over and over in my head and that’s nothing like how bad it’ll be, is it?
Django: okay I’ll tell you what to do by banning any rewatches of them, just this one thing
Una: our Liam’ll be after making his own, wait and see 📹
Una: can ✔️ fame off the list at least
Django: sound less 😁 at the prospect
Una: leading man’ll have you 😁 too
Django: see, knew you wanted Mr Darcy really
Una: I told you who I want
Django: I do wish I’d known sooner too
Una: I was gonna say something on your birthday, to avoid the not knowing what to get you pisstake which happens every year, since you asked what my original plan was
Django: Such a lass move
Django: I’d never get away with that, however many compliments I showered you in
Una: how would you have done better? go on, impress me with your what if scenario
Django: than wrapping myself in a bow? Easy
Django: I’d take you to [whoever are her faves]’s gig and then you’d be so 😍 I’d be well in
Una: I didn’t say I’d 🎀 you flirt
Una: a lad move, but it would’ve worked
Django: You better, keep telling you I’m not easy, like
Una: there’s still time for me to buy up all the ribbon in town
Django: s’not my birthday now
Una: I don’t care, every day can be your birthday now
Django: it’s not going to be bad, even sick girl movie cliche bad
Django: you’ll be 😁 whether you like it or not
Una: 😁🩸
Django: That’s what you get if you want me to stay, alright
Una: what do I get if I’m after 1 cliche and it’s you bringing 🍦?
Django: well, a longer wait whilst I figure out where between me and you has 🍦 but consider it done
Una: play the 🎶 as you drive up or I’ll send you off to try again
Django: I should get an ice cream van, you’re right
Una: everybody will reckon you’re selling gear
Django: I can just tell the disappointed smackheads you’re taking it all
Una: oh, nice, set the angry smackheads on me
Django: they’re hardly a threat, half comatose
Una: I’m not really fighting fit myself, boy
Django: the morphine will have you feeling it
Una: well, sure, but maybe we’ll aim for slightly more romance than me fighting off smackheads while you watch?
Django: I think I can manage that
Una: 🤞🤞 no pressure though
Django: I’m not totally incapable, I’d have to be actively disgusted by you to do that badly
Una: this is where I’d throw you a compliment if it was something I was used to
Django: yeah
Django: I can go without but if that’s what you wanna hear, I’ll 🔊
Una: fuck that, you’re not going without anything
Django: we’ll get used to it together then, I guess
Una: yeah
Django: you don’t have to speedrun the shit you don’t really feel or want to say though
Una: you think I’m selfish, and probably, but not enough to lie straight to your face
Django: not that you’d lie, don’t think you have to give me that though, just to play little miss sunshine one more time, okay?
Una: okay
Django: not going to start crying and you have to leave another room you can’t stand to be in
Una: she’s surely an uglier crier than you, how’s that for a compliment?
Django: I’m blushing
Una: believe it when I see it
Django: get ready then
Una: but you said you’d be ages!
Django: gotta have some chances to surprise you
Una: gonna melt my 🍦 being that hot about it, I’m not ready
Django: let your kid brother out the car before you lose it, yeah
Una: long as you mean randomly by the side of the road, then yeah
Django: so harsh 🤣
Una: did you bring him 🍦 as well?
Django: don’t take the piss, it’d be well rude if I didn’t
Una: am I not special to you? who’s taking the piss?
Django: I’ll show you that you are when you’re done with your 🍦 and we’re alone
Una: fucking hell, you can’t say that and not expect me to force our Liam to walk
Django: yes I can, a little anticipation won’t kill you
Una: it might, but I really hope it don’t
Django: Trust me
Una: fine, I’ll let him stay in the car under protest
Django: It won’t take long to drop him back, it’ll only feel it
Una: already feels it
Django: how does it feel?
Una: the lack of 🍦 is killing me
Una: where are you?
Django: [pull up]
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commentary tags.
while watching a show I like making comments, so i post 'em on here. cuz this is my blog 😽🫶 most of my comments are just reactions but I might start getting more into it though I don’t want to give out spoilers for a show so if I were to go more into detail, I’ll say its for this show or whatever before putting readmore.
but I have one big tag that I keep all the show comments under so I don’t have to make a lot of tags, and if you don’t want to see my comments then you can block ‘garfield watches 📺’
it is also tagged below if you want to look at it but you must be warned that it is unorganized and there is a lot.
commentary watchlist.
going from first to recent.
hp rewatch 🪄 — for all Harry Potter movies.
hp:gof rewatch — i’ve only rewatched gof.
glee rewatch — that show is wow.
boze vs the world 🌍 — on yt, she’s makes crime videos.
jelly of pb 😾 — i’m very jealous of Peaky Blinders.
it 🤡 —  nothing really. but I haven’t watch the second one yet.
tua 🐙 — my reactions to s3. it was great!!!
scream 🎭 — some friendly interactions with moots but I want to rewatch scream the show.
dylan is in trouble 😈 — ugh i love himmm!! some reactions to his youtube videos ig. I don’t really know what I’m gonna do with this.
Ooga Booga <3
phineas and ferb 🫶🙊 — for like the past three years i’ve been rewatching the show, either at the beginning/end of the year or close to summer :))) mostly just songs tho
st s4 🛝 — stranger things s4 reactionss!! ://
fav&comfort show. psych 🔮 — it is my favorite and it is my comfort show soo yeahh!! I love the show psych :DD
s8 flash ⚡️ — not a lot. I don’t really think I’m going to be watching it. I might have grown out of it and also they’ve been running out of ideas and I don’t understand any of it now.
the witcher 🖤 — i love this show man! it’s amazing.
pretty little liars 🤫 — started it for my lovely seadog and I will continue onwards with that.
boy meets world 🧐 — i lovee!! :)))
fairytales of ouat 🧚♀️ — once upon a time show. i’ve watched it before but I don’t really remember so yeah.
cut 🔪 — the YouTube channel called Cut.
strange magic 🧚♀️ — strange magic :D.
marvel 🐉 —  Marvel shows <33 (i didn’t watch these in order)
ca:tfa 🤘
dr.mom ❤️🤍💙 — Dr. Strange: Multiverse of madness reactions :)))
she-hulk 🍏
thor 💗&⛈
age of ultron — lullaby 💟
Peter 2 🕸️
grand army 👑
netflix — sex education 😺
hbo max — euphoria 🌬
disney — cars 🚗
911 🚒 & 🚓
911: lone star 🚑 & 🚒
netflix — School of good and evil ☺️😒
i loved it! — call me by your name 🤙
Taylor Swift songs — ts.midnights <3 — it’s under the tag of garfields songs🎙️
netflix — crashing.
youtube — onyebabyyy 💟
disney — wizards of waverly place 🥪
childhood movie but I didn’t watch it — the spiderwick chronicles 🧌
disney — Wednesday Addams 💪
netflix — alice in borderland 🙃
will love forever! prime — hawaii five 0 🌊
heal me! netflix — ginny and georgia ❤️🩹
i didnt expect the plot when i first watched it! netflix — the good place 🤯
forever my boys! prime — teen wolf 🐺
loved it! netflix — entergalactic 🎤
Charlie and the — chocolate factory 🏭
my heart and soul — twilight watch! 🌧️
the rookie 🍣
scary show — from 🐦⬛
stan lee 👑
disney — Avatar 2 🌊
netflix — never have i ever 🌽
cut one off the head grows back: shield 🦎
netflix tv show — how to sell drugs online (fast) 💊
dc flash ⚡️
live action little mermaid = mermaid 🧜♀️
Outer Banks — p4l ☦️
seaboy 🌊 — Percy Jackson.
© 𝗀𝖺𝗋𝖿𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖽𝗌𝗅𝖺𝖽y𝖻𝗂𝗋𝖽.
#garfield watches 📺#garfields songs 🎙#not putting any of the tags here because I don’t want#garfieldsladybird#age of ultron: lullaby 💟#my shows tags 🎟️
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"I'm gonna post these on April Fool's" *(posts them the next day, cementing myself as the April Fool)*
Anyway some silly lil' toons on your dash today. Ginger Honeyjinks(mine), Colorful Cat “CC” (@suiseiiii), and Dr. “Doc” Bluffendorf (@yaboivann): our main toons! I love them dearly
Putting relationships (and taglist) under the cut



Taglist: @crickiss @caracello @librarian-lover @halsdaisy @pvssinboots @gloomy-selfships [If you want to be added, click here!]
#🐉🎮.txt#clare's art#oc: ginger honeyjinks#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#other's ocs#toon tag#toonblr#multislacker#chainsaw consultant#pacesetter#we're still very early in the game but that won't stop us from holding hands with robots
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“……Oh. I didn't know this was open. Weird. Ginger usually closes this by now.”

“Well, um. Hi. I'm Cathal. I'm a Sellbot manager over at the HQ. My dad's the VP. He's the big deal around here, not me. Heh.”
“I guess if you wanna ask me something, you can. I dunno how long I can stick around, but the less time I can spend looking at these cameras, the better.”
#🐉🎮.txt#f/o takeover#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#*(blasts you all with the t.oont.own autism)*#i dunno how long people are doing this for; i'll just say this'll carry over to tomorrow as. a very rough guess
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Hmg da cags
#🐉🎮.txt#toon tag#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#my beats per minute never been the same 🎼😎#that's what i thought you crook 🚦🤠#good morning#toontown has me in a grip again because i'm now in cathal's domain. kinda
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I cannot remember who your toontown f/os were but I think they were cogs? And I heard they are quite tall so imagine them carrying you. Sweeping you off your feet :3
I was gonna draw my Toon/Cog couples getting held/holding (respectively) but uhhhhh I never ended up doing that! I'll try and do that another time
But uhhh fun fact: they're more than just quite tall! Some of them are like 10 feet tall :]
#i answered the question#toon tag#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#my beats per minute never been the same 🎼😎#that's what i thought you crook 🚦🤠#saving…#but. ough yeah dave and alton would definitely pick me up#cathal's big enough to but i imagine he wouldn't do it very often. but that's alright :]#thank you for this merlin this is really cute :] forgive for answering this months late :[#merlin🧙♂️💞!
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Hm ... 🌹 + 🌟 for whichever fellow feels like taking the floor!
~ librarian-lover 📖

“Ah. Another question? Ok, let's see—“

“Now hey there Cathal! What'chu been up to lately?”

“!!! M-Mr. Crow!”

“. What are you doing in my office—“
“Aw, I just had to talk with yer old man a bit 'bout somethin' er other. Wanted to stop by 'n' say hey! Yer gettin' so big now!”

“…Mr. Crow, aren't you, um… isn't there a Toon who keeps coming by your building?”
“Ah. You mean that reindeer who just won't get out of my hat!?”
“Yes. Ms. Darla, right?”
“Right as rain.”
“Well, um… how did you two first meet?”
🌟 - Describe how you met.
“Just how every one of those critters meets me: storms my building and throws pies at my head! But Ms. Petaltail… ooo, she was a crafty one. She had come a few times before, but then she did something I would've never expected.”
“I made a joke to those Toons that I would only be friends with them if they gave me the deed to their estate. 'Well, I got the deed right here, Mr. Architect,' said Ms. Petaltail. 'You can sign right here if you'd like.'”
“Hoooo-whee, was I jumpin' off the walls with that! So much so that… I didn't read the fine print. Stupid of me, I know.”
“But now you own Ms. Darla's property?”
“Not quite. I own her land… 2 square inches of it. She can't do anything to it without my permission. Seems Ms. Petaltail knows her land laws better than I thought.”
(Second question below because this ask is getting long)
🌹 - What’s your love language? What is theirs?
“Now you know me Cathal: I believe in Southern hospitality above all else. I'm a right proper gentleman!”
“You do send a lot of food over from your district.”
“So if you ever see that Ms. Darla come into your office, don't believe anything she says, y'hear?! That reindeer's the sweetest talker I've ever met!”
#i answered the question#sarah 📖💞!#f/o takeover#oc: darla petaltail#that's what i thought you crook 🚦🤠#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#alton jumpscare. sorry i like him#do NOT be fooled by how he talks about her: alton is whipped for darla NENDJFKCNDN#he just can't say it in the workplace. even though it's a tiny bit of an open secret#also there are. no good pictures of alton that aren't fanart. and even the fanart is pretty limited. boy i die
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“Y'know. It's pretty funny in hindsight. I thought Ginger and her friends were just more Toons coming to beat me up because their resistance told them to. But as it turns out, they're outcasts. Most other Toons don't like 'em. They only did it because the resistance wouldn't stop getting on their tails.”
“And now their little group has more Cogs in it than Toons. And I'm dating one of them. Really goes to show how pointless this whole Cog Toon feud is. We can coexist.”
“…Not that anyone would believe me. I'm not even sure my dad would…”
#🐉🎮.txt#f/o takeover#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#oc: ginger honeyjinks#me? dropping oc lore? it's more likely than you think#i'm gonna go reblog a takeover meme rq
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omg haiiiii :3c haiiii cathal, how are you????? :3c

“Oh, hi. I'm doing fine. Just having a sandwich.”
“…Needs more kerosene on it.”
#i answered the question#bambs!#f/o takeover#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#yeah he just. straight up eats sandwiches with kerosene and gasoline in them according to his dialouge NENFNFMFMDM#but it's ok; he's a robot he eats them just fine :]
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My day be so fine and then BOOM. Friend gives me a pet name that one of My Boys would use and djrkrmfmfmd
#🐉🎮.txt#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#<- it was about him#i'll draw it but. gonna take a lil' rest first#pet names drive me up a wall (positive)
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That post about revealing your new F/O like a S.mash B.ros. pop-up screen is so fucking funny NSNDMFMFKDK
I've always been partial to Melee's myself. Then again, Melee's menu designs slap in general.
Anyway uhhh new funny guy alert
#🐉🎮.txt#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#t.oont.own brainrot hit me so fucking strong y'all. half the bosses make me insane
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#13- assign them a classical element: air, water, earth, or fire? - self-isinsert
Ask game here! (Still accepting)
Number 13 is M.ultislacker!

And hmm. Picking out an element for Cathal is tricky… out of all of them, I think earth fits best though.
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hiii cathal :] 🎵, 💘 & 📙?
🎵 - A song or lyric that reminds you of [Ginger]?

“Hmm… Probably this song. Ginger would be the type to ask me to fall in love with her. Not that she would need to, really.”
💘 - At what point did you realize you fell in love? What was your initial reaction? What was theirs?

“But speaking of falling in love… From what I've heard from CC and Doc, Ginger realized she was in love way faster than I did. It wasn't that I didn't like her or anything. I just… was slow in that regard. Guess I didn't learn anything from Sinclair's gushings.”
“It took a lot of facts and time to realize I did love her, and it was… weird. And kinda scary? Like, I've never liked anyone like this before. What do you do? Are you supposed to do anything?But Sinclair had my back, and Misty did too. So at least I wasn't alone. Ginger was… similarly a mess.”
📙 - If you had to use one trope to describe your relationship, what would it be?

“…Forbidden. As much as I don't want it to be.”
#i answered the question#f/o takeover#there's nothing like doing nothing with you 📺🥪#oc: ginger honeyjinks#other's ocs#thank you for the falling in love one in particular; i love the process of these two realizing their feelings for each other#because they're both. dense about love NEMDMFMMF not that they're not smart mind you! they're both smart. just not about love#also i know i've talked about cc and doc a lil' on here; but sinclair is marble's cog oc! they're friends :]
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